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A G H y.; 1-: M l'; N T
TIllS AGREEMENT, made and t:l\ttired into this
~ , A. D. 19 8~ by a;ld L4wecn
day of
NEIGHBORLY SENIOR SERVICES, INC., a Florida non-profit corporation,
hereinafter referred to as IIAI.: cncy" , and the CITY OF CLEARWATER,
!-'LORIDA, a municipal corporation, hcreipaflcr referred to as "City";
The parties hereto, fOf and in considcration of the n'lutual covenants
herein Jnade and the benefit::; fJuwing frOJn cach party to the other, do hercby
agree as folluws:
1. The Agency agl'eC::l as folluw:;:
A. Area to be served. To provide in the City of Clearwater
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the servic~s hereinafter uC$criLcd.
B. Services to bej~E,ovided.
(1) To provide the service$ at the fpllowing location(s):
The existing congregate dining fa~ilities within Clearwater
and elsewhere within the City.
(2) To provide the following servic~s:
A nutritional program for the elderly to include congregate
dining facilities and a meals-an-wheels program.
C. Audit and rec(Jrds.
(1) To maintain financial records and reports and to sublTut
operating $ta tements lo the City as rcque sted.
(2.) To nlaintain books, records, doculnents and other evidence
and aCCO\lIlting procCUUl'CI> .1Hd practices which l;lwficit:nlly
anu properly reflect all dircct dnd indirect CO!its of
any nature.
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Ih~~ e records shall be subject It all times to inspection,
review or audit by personnel duly authorized by the City.
(4) To collect statistical data of a fiscal nature on a regular
basis and to make fiscal statistical reports at all times
prescribed by, and on forms furnished by, the City.
D. Retention of records. To retain all books, records and other
documents relative to this agreement for five (5) year s after
final payment. Any persons duly authorizedby the City shall
have full acces s to and the right to examine any of said materials
during said period.
E. Evaluation reports. To furnish the City with a monthly evaluation.
report on the effectiveness of the program and to furnish such
other reports and information that the City may require. A final
report shall be made within thirty (30,) days after funding of
the program ends.
F. Monitering. To permit the City to moniter the program by
designating its official representative to the Agency's Board
of Directors.
G. Return of funds. That any City f~ds not expended for the
aforementioned services shall be returned to the City.
H. Civil Rights Act of 1964.
(1) That there will be no discrimination against any employee
or recipient on account of race, color, sex, religious sect,
national origin or ance stry in the performance of this contract.
(2.). That the Agency will comply with Title VI of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964 in regard to persons served.
(3) That the Agen<;:y will comply with Title VII of the Civil Rights
Act of 1964 in regard to employees or applicants for
(4) It is expressly understood that upon receipt of evidence of
such discrimination, the City shall have the right to terrninatf7
this contract. I
That the Agency shall include thi~ Civil Rights Act
requirements in all approved subcontracts.
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]llclclnnificatiol1 and TnS\lJ';1llce.
The Agency shall <let (lfJ al\
indep~llucnt contractor in opcrating the afOrCll1Cntioncd services
The Agcncy shall be liable for, and shall indclnnify, defcnd and
hold thc Ci'Y hannlcss, for all c1ailns, suits, judgments or
damagesatsing from the opel'ut!ion of the aforcmcntioncu
serVlces u\tdng the ten'll uf this Icontract, and shall provide
I .
adecluatc li<lluility insurance cove1rage at its expense.
2. The City (~f Clearwater agrees that, subject to the a....ailability of
funds, paynlcnt fnJlJ) tilC City to the Accncy for the period of
30, 1983
October l, 1982 through September / G ball Le a 6 fall ow s :
Four quarterly payments of $2,700.00 (($lO,800.00 annually)
subject to review by the City Commission.
3, 'The <;ity ~f {':learwater p.nd ~he AgellC;:Y mutually agree ~5 follow:;:
A , ~ f f_~5 !i_y_~ _.P Ii t~.
()) The effcctive date of this contract as cle6cribe~ herein
~ha~l be the _ _~~rs~_.__di'lY -:J{
, A, D, 1982,
(l) Thi6 contract ~hall ~ovcr ~ period of time f,:om the
~f{ectivc di.1te through September 30, 1983
;8. lnc}usi~~!~!J!_l:>_~_~,_~'.:.'_9_itiolls, This ~oJ1tract contains all
tDe terrns pnd conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other
agreernents,' oral or otherwise, regal'ding the subject matter
of this conLract, shall be dccrncdto exist or to bind any of the
p_ntie S )Ici-et o.
C. Nplicl'S. 1\11 noticeG p~ovioed herein ~hall be mailed to the
Agency at the following aoore9s:
440 - 2nd Avenue, North
St. Petersburg, FL 3370l;
'r 3-
." .
D. Administrative Requirements. The AKency shall comply with the
following administrative requirements:
(1) Furnish external iaudtt, certified. to the city at the end
of the Contract perf,od.
(2) Records of the Agencies to be accesdble to City staff and
the pub,lic, according to florida Public Documents Law.
(3) Information to bJ made available to the City upon request.
(4) All Board meetings to be held in "the Sunshine".
(5) An Affirmative Action Plan to be prepared and steps outline
for implementation, sub.1ect to monitoring and approval by
City stnff .
(6) FuntlinR to he on a quarterly baals, ilnd except at the
begtnnfnK of the pruKram yeRr. all reports must be received
before the next quarter's funds w11l be authorized.
All notices provided herein shall be m~iled to the City at the following
City Manager, City of Clearwater
P.O. Box 474K
Clearwater, Florida, 33518
IN WITNESS WH~REOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement the
day and year first above ~rltten.
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Witnesses as to Agency:
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.~ City Manager
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---------~--.. -- ----C{iyClerk----
as to fom and
City Attorney
Witnesses as to City:
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