CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (16) u~,~~,~u~~ ~~;~L (L ({'d (':J'j~':J LA~RY AUSTIN AGENCY PAGE El2/El2 CERT~ ICATE OF INSURANCE The company indicated below certlfies that: he insurance afforded by the policy or policies numbered and described below is in force as of the effec: ive date of this certificate. This Certificate of Insurance does not amend, extend. or otherW1se alter, he Terms and Conditions of Insurance coverage contained in ~ny pOlicy numbered and described below, CERTIFICATE ~OLDER: CITY OF CLEARWATER PO BOX 4748 CLEARWATER. FL 33758 INSURED: NORTHWOOD ESTATES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION INC POBOX 14732 CLEARWATER, FL 33766-4732 I I I r I , I I I I I I I [ ] Other Liability I I AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY I [ J BUSINESS AUTO r I j I I I I I I ( ] Umbrella Form , I I e , I I [ I I Should any of the above described policies be expiration date. the insurance company will e written notice to the above named certificate mail such not1ce shall impose no obligation 0 company. its agents. or representat1ves. I TYPE OF INSURANCE I LIABILITY I eX] Liability and r Medical Expense I Personal and I Advertising Injury/ [X] Medical Expenses I [X) Fire Legal , L1ability I I I I POLICY NUMBER & ISSUING CD. 77-BP-178050-3001 NATIONWIDE MUTUAL FI RE INSURANCE CO, I POLICY I POLICY I /EFF, DATE IEXP. DATE I I 06-01-05 I 06-01-06 I I I I Any One Occurrence.... .... $ 1.000.000 , I I I I I I Included in Above - Any One Person or I I / Organization I I , ANY ONE PERSON ,.'...,.,.. $ I I I Any One Fire or Explosion $ I , I I I I Genera 1 Aggregate* ",..,. $ 2.000.000 I I , Prod/Cemp Ops Aggregate* . $ 1.000.000 I I I LIMITS OF LIABILITY (*lIMITS AT INC~PTION) I I I / I I I 5,000 I 50.000 I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS VEHICLES/RESTRICTIONS/SPECIAL ITEMS ( ] OWned [ ] Hi red [ ] Non-Owned Bodlly Injury (Each Person) ..."...., $ (Each Accident) .,'..." $ Property Damage (Each Accident) ....".. $ Combined Single Limit.." $ EXCESS LIABILITY Each Occurrence ....,.. ... $ Prod/Camp Ops/Disease Aggregate* ., ......., .,. $ ] Workers' Compensation and ] Emp1 oyers ' L i abil1 ty STATUTORY LIMITS BODILY INJURY/ACCIDENT .,. $ Bodily Injury by Disease EACH EMPLOYEE ......".. $ Bodily Injury by Disease POLICY LIMIT ..,...,.", $ ancelled before the eavor to mail older, but fa1lure to liability Upon the Effective Date of Certificate; 06-01-2005 Date Cert1ficate Issued: 09-14-2005 Author1zed Representat1ve: Co~ntersigned at: ~.