09/23/2010 - Council Impasse CITY COUNCIL HEARING FOR RESOLUTION OF IMPASSE MINUTES CITY OF CLEARWATER September 23, 2010 Present: Frank Hibbard Mayor John Doran Vice-Mayor Paul Gibson Councilmember George N. Cretekos Councilmember Bill Jonson Councilmember Also present: Pamela K. Akin City Attorney Rosemarie Call City Clerk Patricia O. Sullivan Board Reporter The Mayor called the hearing to order at 1:30 p.m. at City Hall. To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not necessarily discussed in that order. 1 - Introduction by Mayor 1.1. Rules of Decorum AND 1.2. Issue at Impasse – Wage increase for Fiscal Year 2009/2010 AND 1.3. Procedure Mayor Frank Hibbard reviewed the rules of decorum and hearing procedure. The issue at impasse related to a wage increase for FY (Fiscal Year) 2009/2010 for CWA (Communication Workers of America) Local 3179 represented employees. 2 - CWA Presentation (up to 1 hour limit; may reserve up to 10 minutes of allotted time for rebuttal). CWA representative Steve Sarnoff said this is the first impasse since the union organized in Clearwater. He appreciated efforts to reassign staff members with eliminated positions and Council’s support for opening the Employee Health Clinic to assist lowering employee health care costs. Mr. Sarnoff reviewed the bargaining process. The union had supported a 2% increase, equal to one week’s salary. The City had withdrawn its offer for a $250 one-time payment. Mr. Sarnoff said union members rejected ratification of a contract that included no additional money but memorialized city policy to find alternative placements for staff in eliminated positions. He said the City declared an impasse. Mr. Sarnoff requested that the City Council consider a one-time lump sum payment of $250, per CWA represented employee for a total cost of $218,000, which Council Impasse 2010-09-23 1 was the City’s last offer before it called an impasse. He suggested using reserve funds to pay for the bonus. It was stated that City Council rules limit use of reserve funds to one-time costs. 3 – City Presentation (up to 1 hour limit; may reserve up to 10 minutes of allotted time for rebuttal). Human Resources Director Joe Roseto requested that the City Council resolve the impasse between the City of Clearwater and CWA Local 3179 represented employees. The FY 2008- 2011 CWA agreement had a 2.5% increase for year one and allowed wage negotiations to be reopened for years two and three. Mr. Roseto reviewed negotiations related to the wage reopener that began in August 2009. While the union did reduce its demands, the City was consistent in offering no base pay increase for the contract year. On April 5, 2010, the City proposed a $150 one-time payment for each bargaining unit member and no adjustment to pay ranges. On April 20, 2010, the City increased its offer to a $250 one- time payment as its “best and final” offer. The union counter-proposed a payment equal to 2% of annual base pay. In July, following in-depth Council discussion regarding the budget and with no expectation for an agreement, the City felt its proposal was unrealistic and withdrew it. The union accepted this with a condition that the City try to find alternate job placements for those subject to layoff. In spite of union efforts, this tentative agreement was not ratified. With no expectation of reaching an agreement, the City declared impasse on July 27, 2010. Mr. Roseto said the City no longer has recruiting problems related to competitive wages and retention. Increasing union pay range minimums would cost $64,000 annually and a 1% general wage increase would cost $288,000 annually. Mr. Roseto complimented CWA employee efforts but said the new economic reality changes how the City considers employee wage and benefit enhancements. Revenue declines require reducing costs while maintaining essential services. Mr. Roseto said the City has made extraordinary efforts to provide for employee welfare: 1) opened Employee Health Center; 2) encouraged eligible employees to retire; and 3) significantly increased its contribution to the pension fund. While more than 200 FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) positions (175 in General Fund) were eliminated in the last three years, only four part-time and two full-time CWA employees were laid off after refusing alternate positions. Mr. Roseto requested the City Council support the City’s impasse position of no wage increase, cash remuneration, or pay range adjustments for CWA represented employees. 4 - CWA Rebuttal (if time reserved). Mr. Sarnoff said while the CWA voted out STEP raises in 1998, the City continued providing other city unions this economic benefit. The CWA only was allowed to bargain wages. He said reserve funds are maintained for a rainy day and it is raining. He said the bonus would have an economic return to the community; the loss of 200 FTEs has had a compelling impact on the City. Council Impasse 2010-09-23 2 Employees to be Heard Five CWA represented employees spoke in support of pay increases. 5 - City Surrebuttal (if time reserved): None. The City Council recessed from 2:38 p.m. to 2:55 p.m. 6 - Council Discussion Discussion ensued regarding city employee benefits, which include City contributions to health insurance and Pension Plan. It was stated that the Council would support pay increases if the City could afford them. It was commented that STEP programs will be bargained with other unions. Support was expressed for negotiating through the bargaining process, not via impasse. It was hoped that next year the union will come to the table with realistic expectations and proposals. Appreciation was expressed for staff efforts, dedication, and hard work 7 - Council Decision on Issue at Impasse Councilmember Gibson moved that there be no change to the CWA contract. Motion failed for lack of second. Councilmember Cretekos moved to provide a 0% wage increase and to provide a $100 one- time remuneration for CWA represented employees for FY 2009/2010. The motion was duly seconded. Upon the vote being taken: Vice Mayor John Doran, Councilmembers George N. Cretekos and Bill Jonson voted "Aye"; Mayor Frank Hibbard and Councilmember Paul Gibson voted "Nay." Motion carried. 8 - Adjourn The hearing adjourned at 3:28 p.m. Mayor ,City of Clearwater Council Impasse 2010-09-23 3