SANITARY SEWER AND CERTIFICATE OF INDEBTEDNESS complete the installation of a sanitary sewer line and facility to serve the real 01 Cash llw;;, 40 Rec ( .~ .w 41 St 42 Sur 43 In t __tr.. Tot \ 3. m ~/-' ~ :>, (!) :;'p~ .Dot- '~~ :j.j ~ ex) ~:,) -t: ~ rl ,'>j 0 10 ,J,;>fj:l ~ '~: 6 0 'Il ,:" . '"d U) ~~' ~~ .C c~; I'~~ .... 0 ~:c f., 8 ~ +'w..., ;~:~ ? ;~ ~~ '..' ,-CI .- <l) C f... ~ >-i . "d .." e~,.se: ~ r, ~ rIi r.1] v ro ::1 .,1~~ .,,,, "'" 0 ' Uj ~~ U .~~:~ ! .-:---1 ~ ...,0"" H~O ~ J .. ifj. o~.-t: ~ ~~ ,;:;; ~ t:;;. c',' r~ h.... "~",,.-~., >>-I >-J t-l., ;-.., J;.,.,.~,.. .. r::-l w~; o-.r: ~Uo..:~ ~ < ::s o -1 #~ I OR. 4880 PAGE 1 C 66 I 79113455 AGREEMENT ~ TffiS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this -.1. day of June 197~, by and between Mary Allen of l530 Rollen Road, Clearwater, Florida, 33515 ~ hereinafter referred to as "Owner, II and the CITY OF CLEAR WATER, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City"; WI T N E SSE T H : WHEREAS, the Owner presently owns the following described real prop- erty located outside the municipal boundaries but within the City of Clearwater Service Area, to wit: LOT ONE (1), BLOCK "A", PINE RIDGE SUBDIVISION, according to map or plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 28, Page 98, Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida. , , .1 -~... .......... (~, C'~4~A~~ (l:iC'i)j j' :_~;.) and JUL 10 4 28 PH '79 :.1J ..... I1J M M WHEREAS, the Owner is des irous of and has requested the City to install a sanitary sewer line and facility to make sanitary sewer service available to serve their said property and that they be permitted to tap into said sanitary sewer line upon installation; and WHEREAS, the Owner is agreeable to have the City of Clearwater com- plete said special improvement and upon completion thereof to have the City immediately file a lien against their said property in the amount of their pro- rata share of the cost of the installation of said sanitary sewer line and facility; and WHEREAS, the City is willing to install said sanitary sewer line and facility to serve said property under certain conditions; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and other good and valuable considerations, the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows: 1. The Owner agrees that the City may immediately commence and -1- ( l ~.,,_r,..,\ . ~'!' ;~I o (; ~C?. 0/) C_~ ~}! i ; ) ..... ", t- :. I I O.R.1188 0 P~GE 106 'i property owned by them. legally des cribed as follows:; Lot one (1), Block "A", Pine Ridge Subdivision, according to map or plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 28, Page 98, Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida. and that upon completion of said work that the City may immediately file a lien against the said real property in the amount of 670.00 which is the Owner IS pro,..rata share for the installation of said sanitary sewer line and facility. Said lien shall provide that it may be paid in ten equal annual payments in the office of the City Clerk with interest at the rate of 8% per annum from the date of the lien until paid and in case of default in the payment of said minimum annual pay'" ments, together with the interest thereon, that the City may take immediate steps to enforce said lien by foreclosure or other proceedings. Said lien shall also provide that if the City is required to enforce the collection thereof by foreclosure or other legal proceedings. that the Owner s hall be respons ible for the payment of legal fees and all costs of said proceedings. 2. The Owner by this Agreement hereby specifically grants unto the City of Clearwater a lien in the amount of 670.00 which is the Owner's pro"'rata share for the installation of said sanitary sewer line and facility against the above described real property owned by them and waives all requirements and entitlement to the conduct of and notice of any public hearing or hearings by the City of Clear'" water for a special improvement assessment against their said property for the installation of said sanitary sewer line and facility. The Owner further agrees upon the request of the City to execute all additional instrUL'nents. if any, which may be required to formally grant unto the City a lien agains t their des cribed real property. 3. The City agrees to permit the Owner upon the completion of said In- s tallation to connect to said sanitary s ewer line under the same conditions as other owners are permitted to do so. 4. This Agreement shall be binding upon the heirs. administrators, per sonal representatives, succes sors and as signs of the partie s hereto and -2- 1. , I I O.R. ~ 880 PAGE 106 8 a copy thereof may be immediately filed in the Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida, by the City so as to serve as notice thereof to all other persons. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed on the date first above written. 4~ o. ~ t(~7/}~ YlZ(1~ () ~ (SEAL) Witnes s es : (SEAL) J~ ~"-7 /1h/'flA.ill ~ X, ~Jdll(~~ As'to City ( > . "', , F I..f>RlDA .~ ~~ ty Manager Attest: 0,:..;, " .. 0( :::.....- ~7t~~ City Clerk' STATE OF FLORIDA ) } COUNTY OF PINELLAS ) I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowl- edgments, personally appeared Mary Allen , to me known to be the persons des cribed in and who executed the foregoing Agreement and acknowledged before me that they executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last afore- said this cl.~ day of 0---t/JU' r:t , 197 9 My Commission Expires: , p l.ilt State 01 Florida at liIrl,llS Notarv U.', . . 25 1981 My COlllii,ission Exi)\~es ~^aY ..' .w, ." f' a. <;.,"ollY <;cIJlP......... e,9w;;ieJ 8f Am8n~o lit,. ' : ----- c-! / (~ ~ ~~~~i~ 7..... ~, _ . . " .-', ;.,.. "i, .. -. .... -3- ..' c : -" 1 I I O.R. 4 880 PAGE 106 9 STA TE OF FLORIDA ) ) CC1JNTY OF PINELLAS ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this~? day of (l~~/ 19 79_, before me personally appeared Anthony L. Sr{oemaker, Thomas A, Bustin, Lucille Williams, and Charle s F. LeCher, respectively City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk and Mayor-Commissioner of the City of Clearwater, Florida, a municipal corporation, to me knoV,,'U to be the individuals and officers described in and who executed the foregoing Agreement and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officer s thereunto duly authorized; and that the official seal of said municipal corporation is duly affixed thereto, and the said Agreement is the act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS my signature and official seal at Clearwater in the County of Pinellas and State of Florida, the day and year last above writt~:., .' c.' t"~ Notary Public / ,I, / '~ . c . ~ .' . . .,'J" My Commission Expires: Notary Public, State of Florida at La.;;.: 'Mv Commission Expires Aug. 28, 1982 Bonded bV American Fire &. Casualty Company ----------- No. 22631'-V" CERTIFI~\TS OF L~D=BTEDNESS $670.00 IssJ~ Under Authority of llorida. statutes ~"nd the Charter of the Ci\:y of Clearwater D.H. 4 882 PAGE 1020 STATE OF FLORIDA ) COl3NTY OF PINELV...S ) 79116055 :CNOH ALL ~.lEN BYT:rzSE PRESENTS tilat the City or GlearNater, a :lunicipal Corporation created and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, has caused this Certificat3 of Indebtedness to be issued under and by virtue of Flori~a Statutes, and the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Clearwater, ~'7hich certificate is hereby decLncd a lien superseding all other liens, save and except taxes a~ainst the ~ollowing described real estate, located outside the municipal boundaries Dut ivithin the City of Cleanvater service area, Pinellas County, Florida, to wit: LOT ONE (1), 3LOCK "A", PL.'i"E RIDGE SUBDIVISIOl-1 accordin~ to map or plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 28, Page 98, Public Records of Pinellas County, llorida. >, <!) "1 E :~ o t- ..: .= ~t1 co ;,..; ~; ~.~: r-f ~ 1:':l ....... ....-"'\ in the sum of $670.00 being the amount assessed against sa~~ property for the cost or the following improv~~ent, to wit: The mvner's pro-rated share sewer line located adjacent ~ - 57 E:- G n t fee I: ,- ") -:: t:1 ~ G ,-f. ,l~ to th2 a~o~!e Jes~~i~:2d nraD~{ \) ~:, .- :'...j '. ....-.. Roll~n ~o~J, Pinellaa G0Ullt)., :~v~~_u. .'," .. - ~ ,";" -, Thr; name and address of the record title holder to the abov8 described real. prop~rty in accorda.nce with the latest Pinellas County real property :ax ::011 i3 as.:o1101;-15: -'~ --- -~~ ;....~ "" . ::; ~H !..; : ' r.J ,:.; o~, ::~ ~ '-' .~ ~ ,-.:; E-- ,_!~ ,>~. ,..J, ~'lary Allen 1530 Rollen Clearwater, i(OQd '.\~ ;~~ ,..~, Florida 33515 ,:,.j (.:'1 v Said assessment having been duly m~de against said property for said improvement by tEe City Co~~ission of the City of Cleanvater, Florida, on July ~-, 1979, per attached Agreement; said sum of $670.00 may be paid in ten equal annual payments at the office of the City Clerk at 8% interest per annum from date of certificate ~ntil paid. In case of default in the payment or said min:'::1~:::! ~n:1u."ll p-1?'!~ents ~l'.Js i~t:~:'':!s':, th2 '~~.~:' may enforce said lien by foreclosure or other ~rcc22~~~;S. The owner 3hal1 b2 liab12 for costs and attorney's fees should the :~~; b~ r~~~ired to ~a~e the above actions. IN WITNESS WHEREOF said City of Cleanvate~, llorida, in its corporate capacity, has issued this certificate bearing date of Jcly ~~, 1979, and has caused the same to be executed in its behalf by its Vice }~yor-Co~nissioner, City ~~nager, City Clerk and City Attorney and the seal of the said City to be affixed here~o. ~."""'''1 -.....J._... o::~ ~--.. .- .:.;u:....\.~~.!/~TER, i7LORIilA.'ot. ~~. /. ;' ......--":t... ) .., - -:ouut..T.r"'''''"'''..,r.''''' , ~ ,-.." I,.. . ' ~/ . s#d _:::l~~fi14"f'j"/ ~ .I <<. -,"'.... f .' y"".- . '.~ ,l;~~{.h!~;:.... , ........:..._."-....;......c:......,- ~C:'7"~V ','" "0 - ""'~",," , '"' .', ~ ,:,- ~_:\_~^.:.l........y ...-.....\..,;._,~:....c...;~.._ ___ _.)J..,~2'j .~iS' ~o -;~~~ ;,/' 7--- - -; I ~.:.--_,~ L/ .___--..~- . - ..r..l,,' '_/ ,t./ J--J.-L.,,-I>.o:._'c,,:-\.-o--"".___ an:l c.o:arec '::1'~~S~: :"1 ~ /,1.~ . / ' / .' '.' .'7'1' / . // /:>.- ----..L..-~ _.,;...... ," \...i-- ,'-,'~ ..... 't<.__ / ('ity ;-'.t:torney-- / . ~ DepuJ-Y Citj' :-JL~rK .:> I.:i.T: JF ~?LO..UD..~ .; 1 r ~.,...~~", . ....._.~-;.....,. ~L~~' .-.n-' ,.. - / ~~,' ) COUNTY OF PINEL~\S) JUL 13411PH'73 Mary Sue Lamkln Charles F. LeCher, Befo~e the unde:-s ~.;ned, persor!ally appeared ^r~ I:li3t~'l:X~, Anthon\' L. Shoem~ker;~ -1uxxx:I~XIDU:Xle{) 2nd 1'ho:1:8.s A. 3ust':'n, the XX:lliOiayor-CoIT"J!lissioner, City Manag~~,P'Ctl'y Clerk and eit:, Attorney, respectively, of the City of Clearwater, Florida, to me well known to ~e the persons ~ho e~2c~ted the Eore;oin; certificate, [hey severally acknowled;ed the exec~tion thereof to ~e their free act and deed for use and purposes herein set forth. a.na the WITNESS my hand and official seal this I / J ...~, ,J..--, . ~,. " . I ~ ii, : day of' July, ,~ T" ... ......... , 1979. ;, Hy commission expires: Not~ry Public, Stole of Florida at large My Commission bpires Aug. 23, 1982 6.;.r;;Jad 0)' Ame,i.:~n Fir. & Cdiuilily (cmp3ny 61 CJSh~ 40 R~c l./; 0 (j 41 <'; - 42 Sur 43 Int . Tot \ ;::- '-... _'; ",,'0':------" ,/ - . ~') ..,!;~. /L-'~. / -----,;--/~, - / .J--.. ~ '.:-.'~~-"--~:-:.. --:- . ;;o::/~::-v ?l:blic - "---.- .,- ~.-,-"" )- ~ ,. .-,...f / ~~_:"\ZJ'lC"~~ 'I. O()~