SIDEWALK WAIVER DENIAL (8) .. ~ ., ~'l. ',- "-- """ ,. ... '" It:, _ -_ ';"~y' ._,--c-~---." ...., \';:;:. __t~ fI,l._-:.. ,',) .'; "~!:!"- ~e--'~ f -:.... _..:.-:__/ ..' <; ...r--' ,_ - __ '-.. ~ \ 'C"1"~. ...... --, ..., - --- -~\ ~~ .... ~\\ ":.. '?/.-..4~;,\ ~fi/,1T":'\ ('''I'' --__i""'f, .::, r\..",t' ...~ '-.';I~'./" I I C I T Y o F CLEARWATER POST OFFICE BOX 4748 CITY MANAGER CLEARWATER FLORIDA 33518 RECEIVED November 18, 1985 NOV 28 1.985 Cltx CLERK Mr. Maurice F. Wilder 3000 Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard Clearwater, Florida 33519 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Reference: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6, Block 8, Bayview City Subdivision Carolina Avenue and Meadowlark Lane Dear Mr. Wilder: In accordance with Section 133.09 of the City of Clearwater Code of Ordinances, I have reviewed your request for a temporary sidewalk installation waiver. Side- walks will need to be installed on Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard and Bayview Avenue. You have not questioned this installation out it is necessary to mention these sidewalks because, when they are installed, there will De no legal remedy within the Code of Ordinances to waive the sidewalks on Carolina Avenue and Meadowlark Lane. Accordingly, the above-cited property does not meet the requirements as set fort~ in the aforementioned Code, paragraph (e) because an existi'ng sidewalk is, or will be, located within 200 feet of the property. Therefore, I cannot grant a temporaD- waiver of the sidewalk installation requirement on the above-cited property and your request is denied. cc: Elizabeth S. Haeseker, Assistant City ~mnager Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineering Director 9dward V. llithel, Director of Building Inspections ~ynthia Goudeau, City Clerk Dept. "E cuol Employmen! crd Affirmative Action Employer" 01 Q3Co OJ (9) .. . / t1'> I CITY OF CLEARWATER I Fee - $ 0;5.00 Date Paid 91 riD /g F; Receipt No. 5?~-a-"3 3q APPLICATION FOR SIDEWALK WAIVER ADDRESS (Sidewalk Location) CAROLDA AVENUE & MEADGlLARK LANE LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Sidewalk Location) (Lot, Block, Subdivision) LOTS 1,2,3,4,5, .. 6, lI.OCX 8 OF BAYV;Ini CITY SUBDIVISION, PLAT 0001 9, PAGE 43 OF PUBLIC REX:ORm OF PINF.r.T.43 COUNTY. FLORIDA'. OWNER'S NAME MR. HAURICE F. wn.nm PHONE 813-799-2111 ADDRESS 3000 Gul:f-to-Bav Blvd. Clearwater. F1 33519 \ Ai, REPRESENTATIVE (If any) MR. ROY E. BERGLUND l1l-\tiMA'S Mep~ \'~.ADDRESS S448 Hormer Ave. Suite 103. Orlando, Fl. 32812 Telel 305-859-8987 REASON FOR REQUEST DUE TO THE LACK OF ANY ADJOINING SIDE}{ALK DlPROVEMENTS AT PRESENT UlD TIlAT m~~ WTU JW. NO Ar.~~ 'J'() THR PROPOSED PROJFX:r FROM CAROLINA AVEllUE OR HiA,DOWLARK LANE. THERE WILL BE A 4'-0" HIGH CONCRETE BLOCK WALL wI STUCCO. WE WOULD v". PREFER NOT TO GENERATE ANY PEDESmIAN 'IRAFFIC ALONG THE PROPmED WALL AT THE PROPERTY LINES AT THIS TIME. Section 133.09 of the Code of Ordinances of the City requires that all land that abuts a public right-of-way, which is to have new construction on it, either for residential, commercial, industrial or other purposes, shall have sidewalks constructed by the OWner on, across or adjacent thereto. The OWner understands and agrees that if the waiver is granted, the City may install sidewalks at a future date and assess the owner for the full cost of said sidewal~ ~ ~ or OWner's Representative SEPTEMBER 20, 1985 Date Subscribed and sworn to before me tbisftPaay O~j:,N.J .. ... .19~ ~~l~ My Conuni~A.b,~fi~ddf My Commission Expires May 13, 198!J Bonded by Western Surety CompallJ' I~ ~ n ..., 'q' ~ \J.~ .... - t! 'l'y ,... .; _..J ~ ~J, i ;f/I aY 1910-62 ~:} = ;.; :~ J . ", :"" ) Rev.6/S3 TR' rFI'" E"~' ',' -"""",' "If' I Ai -Iv I'j:...;: ItU:'iill\'.J 1______," I CIT) OF CLEARWATER Interdepartment Correspondence Sheet TO: Elizabeth Haeseker, Asst. City Manager FROM: Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineering Director COPIES: E. Bethel, Building Dept. Director SUBJECT: Sidewalk Waiver: 3000 Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard ~ r " ....;. ,. 'j ",l...l r, ,- - t) ,-, "I '.: '....- I', _ DATE: ~ovember 7, 1985 I have checked the above location and found that a situation exists very similar to the Dimmitt Chevrolet situation on u.S. 19. There are sidewalks on Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard east and west of this site which dictates the need to install a sidewalk on Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard. We believe that a sidewalk on Bayview is needed because of the pedestrian activity in that area. The request is to waive the sidewalks on Carolina Avenue and Meadowlark Lane. The Carolina Avenue sidewalk would connect to the Bayview Avenue sidewalk and the Meadowlark Lane sidewalk would connect to Carolina Avenue sidewalk. It appears that there is not a basis Tor granting the waiver of this sidewalk. t<0 KC/sn Attachment (Copy)