SIDEWALK WAIVER GRANTED (88) Rp:o"U~V un fllItRV'.l CO. l"LORIDII , .~ . ~. ..$...'~ /U..'-.. , ClUIIK CIRCUIT COURY WilW'JIW""-W-' lC"'-'~...;_-__~_~.;;.;:,_... AI' ~~J . '---'_-'-~,-==m ~ ~\t~-----_ I ~,20D8~32 . 'IiG.~ 3708 r~.GE 419 fVj ! '\ ~ ' 0 D I - Il)~ lcl !;, . .. JAI Z I 4 2' I)K t 1 Z . A G l\E Ern]) T THIS ^G}~[E1-jENT, made and. entered into. this _.J:~ day of lTrlnllrll:'.;?-__' 1972, by and bcth'cen the CITY or CLEAI\\'Jl\TER, FLOIGDA, a P\unlcipa.l corpora tJ.OIl h~l'einaf.tel' referred to as "City"; and :Hss Charlene SimDson llcl-'cinilftcl:' rcfQrred to as 1l0\vnepll; \HTNESSETll-: HHEREAS ~ t~he O\.mer ouns ,the follO\<1il1l:': described real propcl"ty situated 1:-: the City of Cleal"\'Jatel" ,Pinellas County, Flo:cida: 126D Bell~yue Blvd Lot 65 Sall's Subdivision Replat 3rd Add. and \-lHEREAS, Ordinance No. 1219 of .the City-requires that all land that abut~ a public right of way, wl)ich is to have new construction on it~ either fol" residential, commerci~l, industrial or other purposes, shall have sidewalks constructed by the owncir on~ across or adjacqnt thereto; and WHEREAS, tlle Owner is erecting' certain new construction on said property and has requested the City at this time not to require the-immediate installa- tion and construction of sidewalks in connection therewith; and HHEREAS ~ the O\,mer has agre0.d that if in th(~ futur.e the City, J.n its sole .discretion, determ~lle~ that it is advisable and n~cccssary to have such sidewalks installed, that the Owner will,. upon not~fication by the City) have side\'Jalks immediately installed at his expense, and if he should fail to db ~3C' -then the City may have s,.l.id installa.tion mack'.and impc;se a lien again$.:t~'t-ne described real propel""ty for- the 'cost thereof.; NOH, THEJ~ErORE, in consideration of t1lC foregoing premises and' other- goc~ and v~luabl0. conSideration between the p~rtieS5 riceipt of which is hereby .. acknoHledged ~ the par-ties hereto covenan't and agree' as. follO\'18: .1~ The City will not at this time iequire the installation and construction of sidewalks as part of the erection of the building and impl"loyements by 1:he Ovmer ~ri the, above d-es-cribed real property. 2_~ The City nay at any time in _ the future noti.fy the O\.mer', his hE~irs 5 persQnal representatives, successol"S or assir,ns that the City in i1:s sole discretion has determined that it is advisable and neccessary to have sid0.wal}: installed in connection with said described real property. 3. The Owne~ or his heirs, personal represenative~, successors or assi~~ shall at his expense within ninety (90) days from the notification by the Ci~:: have sidewalks installed for said described ,real property in accordance with City specifications and standards as established. . ... '. .. . q. If the Owner or h1S helrs, personal representatlves, successors or. assiens shall -fail to have side\'Jalks installed for the described real m"OD(;Y'.C'. in accordance with City snecifications and standards within ninety (90) d~vs - from the notification by ihe City, then the City may have the sid~walks . installed and ~ssess and impose a lien against the described real p~operty fo~ the cost of the work. - 5. This agreement lS to be re~arded as a covenant running with t110. lan~. regardless of whether it is specifi~aliy mentioned in any deed; or conveyancc~ subsequently executed) and this ar,reerrient shall ,he binding on all parties, l::;' )lcirs, personal representati0es, successors or assigns. G. All notices pursuant to this a~reement shall he furnished to the rc~pective parties at tIle followin~ addresses, until receipt of written instructions notifyinp, the other party of cJ.' different addrer;s: City: Owner: ~iss Ch~rleBe Simpso~ Hr. Herrett R. S'ticd)Cim 1260 Rellevue Blvc:l . Ci ty HClnar,cr Clear~vater, Florida P.O. Box '17/10 Clearwater, Florida 33510 This inr.trumcnt wasprcpal'ed by:.. HEHBEICl' M. BRO~;:';T:, C:ty Attorney City of Cleal"\vatcl', P. O. Box 4748 ,Cleai'wat~r, .F'lor:ida ~~518 ~7) o () -7 ,.0) (,-00 @ . ~I ~M_~.W"C.'__'_____~_- LG.R.~;~~(4Z0. .~ hc~ct.o hr1vC c11~;Cd these Pl"'C{;fHl.\i.1.ir tf) ],,-, \vl"':Lt t (' n. - 11 -, I' .'.11\') 1-' 1'~1' C 1.T/;..1> ~r@..1>Jf' . ./\1 L 1. , ,LO.. J. BX:' /1(.//(5 L~,. ;/, Ci ty t1an<1~:cl' .. . IN "n.TJ!J:~-;~: UI][JU:Ol', I)l(: T)<Jl.,ti~s cxccutcdlC day and ycar- l~~t above , - Attest: Approved as to fOl"ln & eOl."reetness:, -/AIJh~ ' . City Attor-ncy , ~:1~~ Deputy ,C:L ty C ,8r'K c .~-r:Z;~ ~~. ^Je~ ~~ ~k~ As to Clty ; ~~ ,iD, 40 , .~/??rIa/ ~? As to Owner ..., , O\'mel" STATE Of FLORIDA ) COUNTY Of PINELLAS) ~:Lucille Bell l'd:Deputy '.' . , I HERI:B~Y CERTIFY) that ~n this .2rJday. Of.~~"',/-th ~ A. D. 197:~ ~ ~: before me personally appeal"ec1 l':errett l~. StlerM~lr:1, l-icr-bert 1'1. }31"ol-1n, R.~ W:hti. ~~. and H. Everett Hougen, respecti vc.ly City Hanager , City Attorney,RCity Clerk and Mayor-Commissioner_~f the C~ty of Clearwater, a municipal corporation existing under the '}ct','JS of the State of Florida;-to me lenD''']I1 to be the individuals and officers'dcscpibed in_ and \\'ho executed tn,=: . foregoing Agreement and severally ackno\-Jledged the execution thereof to be their ,free act and deed as such officers thereunto duly authorized; and that . the official seal of said municipal corpol"~tion is_duly affixed thereto, and the said agreement is the act and deed. of said corporcttion. . WITNESS my signature and official seal at Clearwater in the County ,of Pinellas and State of florida, the day and year' ~as~ above written. ~ ' -"--. ~ ~,.-;? :/ , /\.~d: '>.~"t.!.t~i~':di'.' ." ;.s-.,'.~~:C~,.-./..,.'/../1./7 "--,,."/'1' / ~...........v ~... - ~~ ~ "l~'t"y" ;_Pu{;E:C ' ~ >, :: _il- _' - . ',-.-' , ) ~ ~ ~ ,. ~: :1 C.'l ,~,.. =' ~..:.:;,J 't'Ol ..,.;f '~. ,'" , ."'"'. <..< ':.~.';) ~Ol" ~ ~ y .1- <.A '-. .' \~~,~:::.:.~." . ::--~,. ~- My Commission Expires: Notary Public, State of Florida et large , My CommiSSIon ExpIres S;;pt. 1'J. I~ J j . ......" lO,~.dlc!. ~, Ameri~Jl fi'.~ a, C.,uoIIY Co, .. " .~ STATE Of FLORIDA )' COUNTY OF PINELLAS) -.. :: ,~ _Before m~'personally appeared to me well known and known to me to be the"individuals desc in and who executed the foregoin~ agreement and acknowlcdred ))efore me they cxecU:::H::: ::m:a::r a::C 0:;::::: s s:::r:;,:s ::;:::c:~.....~,.......),.~:'~;~~,.19"I. L' /A4':". :"~..-,''-I.-'';'-''''~'~. ~;.:~ - ..-,'.- - ,.. ~ ""..,~.)~ -\_~9:,,:apy. }).i",)}},.-e ,My Commir.sion Lxpires: i,. ----..,-" .- N. otary p.ubiic, !;tde cf Fhr:rJa at Large My Commis,ion Expire3 0(;;, 30, 1973 DVIIJcJ by rl(..lII~~lIlerlLt: IIl:::.tJrdrH.;~ GfdlI,