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I Q,R, 3494 PAGL 986
TillS AGJ~EEl'IENT, m,1de <:loci entered into thi:; 4 day o[
by and bctlll'cn L1ll' CITY OF CLEI\I\hWrEI\, FLORIDA, a I\ltlnicip.11
n!fcrred to as "City"; .1nd l'Jontcl::'ir LakE:) Est., Inc.
hereinafter referred to as "O,,,ncl.ll;
cor p 0 rat i_ 0 11 ,
, 1971
IlC'U~ i n,11 ter-'
\~HERE^S, the Oi..'ncr o~vns the follO\\'in(; described real property situated in the
City of Cll'anvater, Pincllas County, Florida:
2~68 D3itJn Dr., C~,ea rwa teT', Fla.
Lot 74, Montclair Lake Estates
\-lHEREAS, Ordinance No. 1219 of the City requires t11.:1t all Lmd that abutfJ a public
right of "'3Y, \-711ich is to have 11""7 construction on it, either [or rcsidcnti:ll,
comrnereial, industrial or otl1Cr purposes, shall hnve. sidcH<:Illci constructed by the
owner on, across 6r adjacenc thereto; and
WHEREAS, the ~lner is cfeeting certain new construction on said property and
has requc!;!:ecl t1112 City 3t this time. not to require the i1ffil1cdiatc installntio11 and
construe tion of sideHalks in conncc tion therc\vi th; and
;:, E~' WHEREAS, thc~ O,-m(~r h35 agreed t11at if in the future the City, in its sol(~ elis..,'
~ B!; cretio11, determines that it is advis3b1e and necC'ssnry to have such :delcHalks
~.<j 8 ~nstalled, that t1IC O;'ll1er Hill, upon notification by the City, have sicle\valks
,,' ^~ l.Q
o._F'?i- coinmlccliately installed at his expense, find if he should fail to do so, then t11e City
~ 0 ci :J11ay 1H1vc~ said installaU_on nwde and inipose a lien against the described ren1 property
Vi ;"';- r.; ~for the cost thereof;
~t; ~o
;; '., ~..-.
4-0 ;~~ -,'0; ~ NOH, TlJEl\EFO}U:, in consideration of the- fOl:egoing premises and other Gooel and
~ ',,".~ ;7$ ~.... .' .. ....
~j.J~ .;': $va1uable con~.aclcrat:l.on bctHcen tJ1e pm: tH:'s, receIpt of uhich is hereby acl,no\dcc1ged,
>::; ..1 (\S h .
;::1 ~~ ;] ~t e parties hereto covenant "r,d ",gree as folJm.)s:
;0...; r~""" i->'
1;; E-'" C) ~
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.;:.; iXl ~ · of
E-4 ~ G on
f. The
the c1bove
City will not at this time
as part of the erection of
described real property.
require the installation !mcl c'onstruction
tIw building and improvements by the O;.mCl:
2. The City nwy <:It any time in th.c future notify t11C O;.mer, his heirs, personal
represeL1t<:ltivC's, SUCCc.sSOJ:s or ,1ssir,ns that the City in i.ts sol(~ discretion 11.1s
,determined thClt it is advisable and necesso.ry to hci~7e sidewalks instctllecl in
connection with said ~cs~ribed reo1 property.
3. The O~mer or his heirs, personal rcpresC'ntCltivC's, successors or assigns
shall' at 11is expense within ninety (90) days from the notification by the City have
side\.;'<:I11,s installed for said described real property in acc6nlance \'lith City
. s~ccifications and,standards as established.
4. If the O.-711er or his heirs, ])erson0.1 representatives, sueceSSOJ:s or nssi/jns
shall fail to .ho.\'e- sidc\'l.Jlks installed for the describc,d real property in acconlancC'
,.,ith City specifications and st.1nclnnls Hit11in ninety (90) days from the notification
by the City, then the CitYJ-:1ay have the side'iJDlks installed <:IIld_asse~~ and impose D
- --lten--crtrLltnsttl~c-&csctT\)-euic-al propc!ty for the cost-of tl'ie'~ork.
5. 'I11is agreement is to' be regarded os a COVe11.1nt runninG \'7ith the land,
regardless of \-.'hether it is specific<1l1y mentioned in any ,deeds' or convcy,mccs
suT)sequently executed, ()nd t11i~; i1(jrcc)1lent shall be binc1jn~ on all parties, their
, \.-"
heirs) personal representatives, succcss6rs or assigns.
6. All notices pursu<lnt to this ngrcuT.cnt slwll be furniDlwd to the respective
parties <:It the follo','lin& ,1ddresses, until receipt of \-7rittcn instructions notifying
the other party of a different <Iddrc:ss:
Cj, ty:' '.
Hr. }1crrctt R. Sticrhcim ., 4 1\.1 ~~ '1\:'
City l'lall;lf,l'r ~d L
II. O. Box 47LlB
Cle :lJ:\~.1t(~ r) Fl od d <l
~;ontcl; ir I.Bkc Est.,
1322 l<ontclcir Ed.
Cle2rw~tcr, Fla.
))r.18 ., '
J \ ~ :.1,' ..~'; ~R\Ot.
r\~E'Ll }".::' ;:'~\G;..litt~. CI.ERf.
t\t.ROLD ~U...I..~
07-DOJ:J) .
Q.R. 3494 PAGE 987
IN h'1TI~ESS \'!IJEI~EOF) the p.'ll:U.e:; lH'reto kl\'l~ caused these prc:;cllts to be
executed tlw dny ..nd year last .1"OVl~ \Vrittcn.
r .
Montclair Lake Est., Inc.
/(~ L~ ~
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As to, O;mcr
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lHTNESS my signature <lnc1 official seal nt Clcan:wtcr in t11c County of Pinel1as
and State of Florida) Ole day and year last above written.
. ~.'" :Y3dL
. Notary Public
By Commission [):l?i1:et:
, Notary Public, Stlt~ of Ronda at IfOt
u ro';''-';';''\ E;:~i:e5 Od, 22. 1974
...y '" h;.,).~_I.... .
tund~d b, I. IIri'..... I=irll!l fJ.' Co.
Before me personally appeared
c eSH
to me \'7Cll l~no\-ln and knO\m to l:lC to be the incliviclu~!l:.; clC':;cd.becl in ~JI1cl \-1110 cxect1tcd
the ,[ol-cgoing :l~l~(>cml'nt and ac:knO\.!l('clgl~c1 l)(!fore me tlw t they exccu (:ed the SDlIl~ fOl:
the purpo;~_cs therein C):P)~csf;cd.
. . .,,:~~;,~<J",~_.<,
,/ ,./:to:,lM',_~,)'-:i<Y lwncJ ~lI1cl offic,L.ll scnl this
~~: (..~,<~, I~;: "~ c_~ ~:
tiny of ~ A'. D.
No UlI"Y J'ub lie
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By COlllIlll:;:doll
dOr;\.'{ FJ:".:L S~I'd~ 1"'1 r-u~'::;~ Dt:. ";f::f;E i
Ex!, i r (' s: ' MY G'i:;!\:;!HS;:.'J L .::.:,::~, lu, 1974
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