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October l4, 1977
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City Manage{~CQ,L"-,,,..d..rtt/~/
COPIES TO: Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Loughridge, 320l San Bernardino St., Clwtr.
Building Director
Traffic Engineer
Anthony L. Shoemaker,
SUBJECT: Memo Order - Request for Waiver of Sidewa k Installation
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Loughridge, lots
44l through 444, Del Oro Groves Subdivision
3201 San Bernardino St.
In response to a request from Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Loughridge for a
waiver of City Code requirement for installation of a sidewalk at the above
described property in conjunction with new construction, as required by City
Ordinance, I have examined this property and the following are my findings:
1. The sidewalk in question would front on San Bernadino Street & Monterey
Avenue. There are no topographical conditions peculiar to the premises
which would prevent construction of the sidewalk.
2. There are no sidewalks within 200 feet of the subject property, but this
is because waivers were granted in prior years.
3. There is a bus stop directly across the street from the subject property
(SW corner of Monterey Avenue and San Bernadino Street). The subject
property is located on the south east corner. Students must walk from the
south and the east of the subject property to get to this bus stop. About two
years ago, in this same subdivision, a first-grade child was killed by the
school from which she departed.
4. In my judgment, the absence of sidewalks in this area creates a pedestrian
hazard. The above findings do not meet the conditions prescribed in Ordinance
#1624, Section l, paragraph (4) (a), and therefore a waiver on installation of
the sidewalk is denied.
... - -, '-
Octobel' 14, 1911
Mr. Ie Mr.. TJao.... Ii. ~W..
3201 Saa Ber.".. 5thet
Clearwater, i'lodele 33519
Dear Mr. . Mr.. w.prldle:
Tb.1a letter 1. ia refereace to '_I' r.....t for a waiver of CIt, req1l1rem...
lor co..tract!o. of a .Wewa1k. a. Ity City Ordlaaace, i8 cOIljaactiOD
wltb all .ew coutr1lCtloa.
I.... "11"1." w.. aaatter ad it 1. .,. .....__t tllat tIae OrtiaaDCe p1"e-
.crlW.1 the coacUU... uader wbleb tall IraDt a ...1"er, clearl, do aot apply
to tbl. ca.e. Attachecl18. copy of m, i1acllDg..
Ia refereace to yogI' letter of Octobe1>6, 1977 in which you I'eq... rellaad of
tJae $1, '60. wb.1ca.... placed 1. with the C1ty aotllat a eertUlcat. of
Occ.paacy c..ld be l....d pead1ag ci1....1UO. of your reqaeat, .. pro-
.14ed It,. Seelioa 7-6 (3)01 th. City e... of Ordh...c... ta..e faDd. ..ut b.
r_1aM 1a ..CI'OW aalU a .......1k. i. laaaU.d. It 18 ..t my bat..t to require
iutaUati.. of. .ld...Jk at tIai. Um.. ........ an _"'_1. ia Mlal made of
eU wal".. .v. ..... l...ed to property owner. 18 the Del Oro aabdl.!..
.ioa. 1 uncterataacl t"'t .1I1te a .8mber of ..aivel'. Jaa... bee.l..1Md over tile. It wotid b. mo. actya;.ta.eoua t. UJdertake a .ldewaIk lutallattoa
pro.ra. 1a tJle ..Wivl..... .ea CaB be placed ia 10". coatl___
..ctio... Co......atl,.. 1 a. awalt1at c...letlo.. of till. aaal,..1a aad. .e.
it i. complete. c...ld....tlotl will 1M p.. to recalllD. waiver. la tho.e ar...
..lwre it 1. '.alW. to~talte a .ut.... In.tallatiOll prolram of .lllllflca_
You. of c...... Iaa..e tbe rltJ11t of .,pMl .. tile City eo.D:1lDl..i... If tbl. 1.
}'OU' cte.ire, pi.... let me kDOW ao tllat I c_ place the matter 08 tlw City
CCN:Jlml..loll A..... lor their c....W.l'at1oa.
Aatlloay L. .......1'
elly ~."Ier
cc · a.IWle. Dlr......
Trame C......
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october 6,1977
dear j'.r. 5choemaker,
This letter is a request to have the money in the
amount of Sl,06o.00 returned to us that we put up when
we move~ into our newly built home at 3201 San Bernadino:
:\e: 5 ide,,,a H~s.
~e were told at the time that somethine would be done
about our situation within six weeks. That was last
May 2, 1977. Many phone calls later we still have not
received any definite decision and feel that something
needs to be done.
've have contacted the Dc) ,,-:--:> Groves AssociatL::n l'resi(_
,~r:3. Lole, who tells us that many of our Dl:"ighbors have
received waivers concerning sidewalks because no one
in this subdivision has sidewalks or wants them. ~hen
the subject of sidewalks was brought before the association
it was overwhelmingly defeated.
Our position on the subject is that we will be very happy
to pay for sidewalks on our property as soon as our neighbors
on this block agree to do the same. ~e just can not
see any need for a sidewalk that goes from nowhere to
nowhere. If it is necessary, we ar~ ~illing to put up
a bond to assure that whEW sidewalks do go in out here
that we w\ll fulfill our part. Meanwhile, we feel it
is only rtght that our $1,060.00 be returned to us.
Thank you for your attention in this matter.
S~relY' 1 '
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M s. Thomas E. L6ughridge
3201 San 3ernadino st.
Clearwater, Fl. 33519