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TillS ^GI~EEt-lENT, made <loci entered into lid:; 10\ day of r--fb~0<1'f,-\ ,197(
by and bctu('en tIll' ClTY OF CLE/\IU'!I\TER, 1'1.01\])),\, a \1llll\icip;'1l C()rpOl~<lli.OI1, 11C'l"('ina[lL'r-'
r (! fen e d to iJ:; II C i t Y II; .:1 n d ft1 /f (!. X tJ \/ 00 IV....<;;- T/i tI C!-Tld 11/ & (J fl7 f' J9 IV Y
hcrcina[ tc'r rc ferred to as lI(},-'l\crll; f .
\~HERE^S, the ();mer mms the [oHm\ling described real property situated. in the
City of Clearwater, Pincllils County, Florida:
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HHERE^S, Ordinance No. 1219 of the City requires th<1t all lanel that abuts a. public
right of \,'a)', \-lhich is to have ne\'] construction on it, either for residential,
commcrciC1l, indus trial or ot11er purposes, shClll have siclcualkr. cons truc ted by the
owner on, C1cross 6r adjacent thereto; and
HHERE^S, the ();.mer is ei-cctin8 certain ne\'1 constl-uction on said property and
has reCjuC':;tc'cl the City at this time not to require the i1l1mediate i.nstallation and
construction of sideH.:1lks in connection therc\vit:h; and.
Wl1EREAS) the Oi-mer has agreed t11at if in the future the City) in its sol(~ elis..,'
cretion) clotermincs that it is aclvis3ble and necessary to have sllch sielc\-ralks
.. h700 installed) that tl1C Oi.mer \']ill, upon notific3tion by the City, llavc sideHa1.ks
~p~ 1 I
,D. (5 t- iuu11C?dL:l1:cly installed at his expense, and if he should fail to do so, t len t le City
"lj ~ -: 00111ay h<lvC said installaUon made and impose a lien a~ainst the described real propcrty
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~ ~~ p.,_'~.:valtlable consideration bct:\-7cen the parties, rcc(~ipt of \lhich is hereby acknO\!lcclged,
~ :-~ ~. ~the parties hereto covenant and agree as [0110\-]5:'
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f. The
tlle above
City \-li.ll not .1t this time
as part of the erection of
described real property.
require t11C installation ::md constTllct.ion
tbe building LInd improvements by the O;'mcl~
2. 'l'be City may at any time in tl)e future notify the O~mer, his heirs, personal
. .
representDtives, successon; or ass:i.r,n~; thattbe City in its sole discr-etion has
.determined t11Clt it is .1c1visable and necessory to hnve side"laJ.1cs installed in
connection with said ~cs~riLed real property.
3. The O,,}J1e)~ or his heirs) personal representiltivcs, successors or assigns
shall'at his expense within ninety (90) days from the notification by the City have
sidewalks installed for said described re<11 property in accOrdance \-lith City
sp.eci.fications and, standards as es tablishecl.
If. If the o.-mer or his heirs, personal represent.'1tives, successors or assi[,ns
shall fail to _h.'1vc' side\'.'<llks installed for the clescribc,d real property in accon1<mcc
\-1itl) City specifications C1nd stnnclnrcls \-1it11in ninety (90) days from the notifieD-tion
by the City, then the City may have the sidci'lnlks instnllcd ,)I)d assess and impose a prope.r ty..for .tlH~~c.Q.~t ofctllt;'\'Qrls~ ____ --
5. 'l11is <lgrcement is to. be regarded as a coven,mt runninG \'lith the land)
regardless of ,...hether it is specifically mentioned in any ,deedi;' or conveyances
suhscquently c}:eculed) C1nd this <1greeiolent sh:ll1 be binding on all parties, thcir
heirs, pcr~;on31 rcpr.c~;cnt:atives, :;ucC(~ss6r~~ or as:;ign:..
6. All notices pursunnt to thi::; n[!;recmcnt sh<lll be furnislwd to the r('~;pccti\'c;
partie!> at the follO\vinb ,1dc1rcsscs, until receipt of written instructions notifying
the other party of a different <lc1drc~ss:
Mr. Merrett R. Stierhcim
Ci ty 1.1.:1Il;1f,er.
I'. O. Box {1748
Clcilnv<ller, Florid.:t 33513 MAft { 4 l~?~ '1\
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Q,R, 3494 PAGE 981
executed the cl3Y nncl ye.1r
Hayor-CoJ1l1nj,ss ioner
the p:lrtics hereto h;lvc caused these presents to be
Inst above written.
.~~. ~-d!/
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City Attorney (
Q~ : It ~ "L.0a. '1~ ~ l./'
As . to, Oi,'Iler
. .
l €)~_ day of __1ulr-
before me personolly appe8J:'cd Hcrrett R. S1:ier1wim, Herbert: H. Bro'vn,
and H. .Everett Hougen, respectively City Man~ger, City Attorney, City Clerk and Mayor-
COim11issioner of the City of Clcanvater, a munid,pal corporation existing under the
l[/\vs of the State of Florida, to me knOlo7l1 to be the individuals and officel:s described
in and \,'110 C');ccuted the foregoing Agreement and severally aclmOi,l1,cc1ged the execution
thereof to be their free act and deed as SUC11 officer's lllC'J:,eunto c1uly.()uthorizcd; and
that tIH~ official seal of said Jllunicipal corporation is duly ,affixed thereto, and the
said agreement is tbe act 'and deed of said corporntion.
I HEREBY CEl\. TIFY, th at on t11 i s
) A. D.
.' ,.', ~ L<i JI;
Couli;f~'-;;f. :f:li1~11 as
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WITNESS my signature <md official seal at Clean:.'Cltcr in t11C
and State of Florida, tIle day and yenr 1ast above m~itten.
~~ ~~p~ !lh7<P.:~.!lQ:i;t~
My Commi~si.:il h:;:;.t:'); S';,;" ii, i: /:
IondcKJ IS)' j>.I,:~r:I.~''H", r;,.. ? ~-....
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to mc \,IC 11 l~nCl\.,n and knO\m to l!lC to be th c i ncl i vi cl u 2.1 s de~; CJ: i be cl in and \'lhO~C'xc ell ted
thc foregoing a~rccl1lcnt nnd ilc:kno\-lledged before me that they executed "J:IMH:'~~itJ'~;f'or
, ........ \ ,I i" ,:
the })urposes therein expressed. ,," "".\\1 ' ..... V'"
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Before me personally appeared
WITNESS my hand and offic,ial seal this
10 (vt.
d()y of
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