MEARS LEASE PURCHASE SCHEDULE 10-C? r M .r E ! 4L ? T" Mai i TO: Mears Motor [,,,easing 3905 El Rey Road Orlando, lwlu 32808 407-298-2982 A`l"TN: Joanne Cornier FROM: City of Clearwater RE: Lease. Purchase Draw Request 1. Request No..- 1(l-C September 8, 010 . Please Pay: `909,095.57 dollars (See lease terr-n schedules) We hereby request this dIshursement liorn the live of credit under the Master Lease Agreement and, in conncction therewith, certify and agree as follows: A. The undersigned has not previously drawn down any amount of the lime of credit 1-br the current: expenditures; B. The items covc,-c:d by this request have been or are hcin,, purchasccl in accordance with the terms () F the Master Lease Agreement, PAYMENT INSTRUCTfO S Banking Infuriation Bank Name Bank of America Bank AB Number 026009593 Account Number 0012600,3075 Account Name. City o f' C"learwater Consolidated Cash Dated: Signed hy. Murgarct t 1rTaE rls, Finance Di. °ctcar ,rw DISBURSEMENT DETAILS 5-Year Lease Tv?-ni Invoice No. Vendor 40351536 Wesco Turf Inc 25284 Southern Sewer Equipment 8091754 Altec Industries Inc 16450 Navistar Inc 27024 Garber Auto Mall 26992 Southern Sewer Equipment 62295 Container Systems & Equip 27094 Garber Auto Mall 27095 Garber Auto Mal I BG116000 Duval Ford 14396 Garber Auto Mall XDTN16X79 Dell Marketing XDTN11127 Dell kiarketi ng XDTXNMT57 Deil Nlarketmq 800071659 Shi Internation Corp 800071662 Shi lntem.ation Corp Description Amount 2010 Groundmaster 3505-D Nlo,,rer 26,598.51 Tymco Street Sweeper 163,983.25 2011 Ford E350 Van 55,012.00 2011 International Chasis 113,347,00 2011 Ford F250 Pick Up 19,367.00 Tyrnco Street Sweeper 200,512,75 2010 Crane Carrier 214,109.00 2011 Ford F250 Pick Up 19 097.00 2011 Ford F250 Pick Up 19, 367 00 2011 Ford Taurus 21,277.00 2010 Dodge Charger 24,727.013 Servers 13, 944, 92 Servers 4,176.72 Servers 6,022.00 Network Equipment 4,058.51 Network Equipment 3,495.91 Total 5-Year Term $ 909,095-57 3-Year Lease Term Invoice No. Vendor Description Amount Total 3-Year Tenn $ MUJNICIPA[_ PAYMFNT SCHEDULE City of Cienfwater Princ.6Pal G° $ 9109 Residual Value $ - Yearly Interest Rate ? 8r y: Number of Years Payment Terms Quw tee [y Payment Type Arrears Compound Type Equal P ay m :nt Principal Start Date 92- First Payment M'2011 Payment # Date - Payment. Interest Principal Reduction Principal Totals 20 977,399 68,294 909,096 `. r.F e'?sle 1 ti1121111 $ 46,0-6 t 4ti $ 6,363.67 $ 42,505.81 $ 866,589.76 2 4/112'011 $ 48,869 48 $ 6,066.13 $ 42,803.35 $ 823,786.41 3 7!1/21111 $ 48;869.48 5,766.50 $ 43;102.98 $ 780,683.43 4 10/1/2011 $ 48,869.48 $ 5,464.78 $ 43,404.70 $ 737,278,74 5 1/1/2012 $ 44,869,48 : 5,160.95 $ 43,708.53 $ 693,57021 6' 41112012 48,869,48 S 4,854.99 $ 44,014,49 $ 649,555,72 7 71112012 $ 481869.48 S 4,546.89 $ 44,322.59 $ 605,233,13 8 10/112012 $ 48,869,45 $ 4,236.63 $ 4416532,85 $ 560,600.28 9 1/1/21113 $ 48,869.48 $ 3,924.20 $ 44,945.28 $ 515,655.0{1 10 4/1!2013 48 e9A8 $ 3,609.59 $ 45,259.69 $ 41(1,395.13 11 7/112013 $ 48..866.48 $ 3,292.77 45,576.71 $ 424,818.39 12 10/1/2013 $ 48 859.48 2,973.73 $ 45,895.75 $ 378,922-64 13 111/2014 $ 48,869.48 $ 2,652,46 $ 46,217.02 $ 332,705.612 14 4112014 $ 48,869.48 $ 2,328.94 $ 46,540.54 $ 286,165-08 15 7/112014 $ 48,869,48 5 2,003.16 $ 46,866.32 $ 239,298.76 16 10/112014 $ 48,869.48 $ 1,675.09 $ 47,194.39 $ 192,104.37 17 1/112015 $ 48,869,48 $ 1,34473 $ 47,524.75 $ 144,575.62 18 471/2015 $ 48,869.48 $ 1,012.06 $ 47,857.42 96,722.20 19 71112015 48,869.48 $ 677.06 $ 48,192.42 $ 48,529,77 20 10/1/2015 $ 48,869.48 $ 339.71 $ 48,529 77 $ (0-00) :. r 8038- information Return for Tax-Exempt Governmental Obligations ¦ Under Internal Revenue Code section 149(e) OMH No, '3545.0'720 (ncv.3ov rtlxt}) ¦ see separate Instructions. m, rr,.l Caution: If the je pr, e ; t;rrd,,r $100,000, use arm 8038-GC- ?k porting A,uthori If Amended Return check here r ? 1 ur.`s name 2 Issuer's employer identification number City of Clearwater r, ; 0000289 3 Number and str r:t (c- P.0, box if marl is nr.l (sailvered to stre€`t add. ss) E3e .,nl,Jitr: 4 Report number PC lac,, 471,,-' 3 10-06. 5 City, t r ;,r:, ear Irrr ; r.ftir e, t t., :r,t ?'.IP code s Date of issue Clc,,rwat?r ;7? J,7'i;' 913012010 7 Nam, 5 CUSIP number Mar I,°r Lc,?'-.e A reerm it No. 10-C IA S game and trrsr f offic_P oN ?l rc -sentatN,-.L whom the IRS ma?r .:,D r.,-r ? vire infcrmatirin ? 10 T II ,ne n,,rher of oft ,--or t=_ i.e Clem, nr :`r r1 is r, 13& dized Accounting Mansictcr Type of Issue ((?heuk. applicable box(es) and enter the issue price) Sec instructions and 3 .ach s+l r+®917 11 0 Edut.ation 11 1 L( Health and hospital 12 13 EJ Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 14 Public safety. . . . . 14 15 Environment (including sewage bonds) . 15' ._,._. - 16 El Housing 16 17 ? Utilities 17 18 ILl Other, Describe ! 18 v,n 19 If obligations are TAs or I3AIVs, check box ¦ ? If obligations are IaAlvu, check t,ox I! ? f -? , 20 If obligations are in the form of a leisc or installment s sit,, r,.«ck tJox ? Q X Description of Obligations. Complete for- the el tiro issue for which this form is been lrred. (a) I- nal --at,nr(cJ 1 t red r ?ti3n d} 4 qtr 1 lute to) Issue pr (aI Y'ield I n .u` ti,rity r?,.r r + 'r rtunty 21 161f11? 6t}`.3.t176 C79,p 3 5 years 2.8 "/ ". Uses, of Proceeds of Bond Issue (including underwriters' discount) 22 Proceeds used for au:;rtled interest . X22 23 Issue price of entire issue ionter amount from line 21, column (b)} 23 24 Proceeds used for bond issuance costs (in6uc1n(1 I, derwriters' discount) 22a4 j? 25 Proceeds used for credit enhancement 26 Proceeds allocated to reasonably required rpser. - or replacement fund - 26 _.. j 27 Proceeds used to currently refund prior is-sues . . . 27 26 Proceeds used to advance refund prior issues . . . . . . 28 29 Total (add lines 24 through 28) , . . . . . . . 29 30 Nonrefundin roceeds of the issue (subtract line 29 frorrr line 23 and enter amount hr.re.k . 30 Description of Refunded Bonds (Complete this part only for refundincq bonds.) 31 Enter the remaining weighted average rriaturit; of the bond-, to t)o currently refundA . . . ? NIA 32 Enter the remaining weighted average maturity of the bonds to be advance refunded . . . 1? ILIA et3r 33 Enter the last date can which the refunded bc°ads will be called ¦ 34 Enter the rlat?f thr= refunded btnnds we m ;e-l ¦ • . Misceiianeous 35 Enter the . ra,o,unt of the state volume cap allocated to the issue under section 141(b)(5) 35 36a Enter the amount of gross proceeds invested or to be Invested in a guaranteed investment c r a-i is n ,t :, t rs 3sa b Enter the final maturity date of the guaranteed investment contract ¦ ... ,, ; 37 fooled financings: a proceeds of this issue that are to be used to make loans t4 ,-,dl ur 113 -rr Irnerltal urits 372 _.. b if this issue is a loan made from the proceeds of another tax-exempt issu ., cir uk box M? ?' and enter the name of the issuer li and the date of the issue 10- 38 If the issuer has designated the issue under section 265(b)(3)(8)(i}(Ill) (,aura:, i , uer exception), check box ¦ F] 39 If the issuer has elected to pay a peralt, in heu of arbitrage reiiate, check box . . . . . . , , . ? LJ 40 If the Issuer has Identifio•d a hedge„ chock hax ¦ ? Under penalties v p -miry, I declare that I h, :- uxurrined this retur: a,10 i"ornparlying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and beliet tl,,y a,: '-rl-le, correct, and c©m te. Sign Here M arg€3ret L. ' Irnmcrrts, Finance rl "'r ',I, .t1 n _ u . ,1 ur. -d rep,a latllve f Cat-;r T, Pr ! r ,',r ti ,. For Paperwork Reductlon Act Notice, see page 2 of the Instructions, ?,at_ acv., . yS 1 $03$-{g, (R(cv rt tua:a)