SIDEWALK WAIVER APPROVED .' t/,1I1111Q,.. ~" ~\"l"rrr,~-_ l~~W~' ~C:i"~I,, e\ !~:c, , ~~ \~~:;, ~I ~~;'O=~_, ~l ";.-~A TE9.~/t/ ~""",II I I C I T Y o F CLEARWATER POST OFFICE BOX 4748 C LEA R W ATE R. F LOR IDA 3 35 1 8 City Manager July 20, 1988 Morton Plant Hospital 323 Jeffords Street Clearwater, FL 34616 Reference: 430 Pinellas Street CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Gentlemen: On June 23. 1988, I sent a letter to you by certified mail in response to your request for a temporary sidewalk installation waiver for the above-referenced property. The recommendation for denial was based on information submitted which led me to believe that the request was for a sidewalk on Pinellas Street abutting an existing sidewalk and for one on Reynolds Avenue from Pinellas Street to a point north. Such a waiver would not have met the requirements of the City Code of Ordinances. Since that time, a representative of Morton Plant Hospital met with the City Traffic Engineer and clarified that the request for a waiver was for a small portion of right-of-way abutting the property upon which the therapeutic pool is being constructed. This particular site is eligible for a waiver since it does not connect to any existing sidewalk and is not within 200 feet of an existing sidewalk. Please accept my apology for any inconvenience which denial letter of June 23. At this time I am pleased request for a temporary sidewalk installation waiver property has been approved. Should it be determined at this location in the future, it will be installed may have been caused by the to inform you that your on the above-referenced that a sidewalk is required by the assessment process. ;a~u~ Ron H. Rabun City Manager RECEIVED JUt 22 1988 cc: Elizabeth S. Haeseker, Assistant City Manager Victor Chodora, Interim Building Director Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineering Director Cynthia Goudeau. City Clerk CITX CLERK "Equal Employment and Affirmative Action Employer" t ~]_D/~ 00[3) ----...;;..---- - --- - .-~.'-~_. .'~J-' ,,(Ie,:\. k ~ 0' It,;";.." ,\1~,~.... : -,,';.:-.~.<>(~\~ '~, / ,0::'- .~-" .~,:/" :?\~T-'\ ~ t,. ~.- I-----.~" <~ ~~;=0~' """"..."~,,,,/.! i : 'I I C I T Y OF CLEARWATER POST OFFICE BOX 4748 C LEA R W ATE R, F LOR I D A 3 3 5 1 8 . 4 7 4 8 CITY MANAGER June 23, 1988 CERTIFI ED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Morton Plant Hospital 323 Jeffords Street Clearwater, FL 34616 Reference: 430 Pinellas Street Gentlemen: In accordance with Secti.on 138.09 or the Code of Ordinances of the City of Clearwater, I have reviewed your request for a temporary sidewalk installation waiver for the above-referenced property. The above-referenced property does not meet the requirements as set forth in the aforementioned Code, paragraph (e). Since there are existing and proposed sidewalks within 200 feet of the subject property, regretfully, I cannot grant a temporary waiver of the sidewalk installation requirement on the above-referenced property. Therefore, I cannot approve your request as submitted. Very truly yours, a~ Ron H. Rabun Ci ty r~anager cc: Smith, Lorach, Hayet, Haynie Partnership 8934 4th Street North St. Petersburg, FL 33702 Elizabeth S. Haeseker, Assistant City ~1anager Vic Chodora, Interim Building Director Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineering Director Cynthia Goudeau, City Cler~ "Equal Employment and Affirmative Action Employer" , c:. ~' I C I T Y 10 F C LEA R W ATE R Interdepartment Correspondence Sheet Manager TO: FROM: COPIES: Elizabeth Haeseker, Asst. City DATE: Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineering Director Vic Chodora, Acting Building Director Sidewalk Waiver Request: 430 Pinellas Street June 14, 1988 SUBJECT: The attached sidewalk waiver request is for the therapeutic swimming pool addition of the Barrett Building which is located on the northeast corner of Pinellas Street and Reynolds Avenue and part of the Morton Plant Hospital Complex. There is presently sidewalk located on the north side of Pinellas Street from South Ft. Harrison to the Barrett Building and a proposed sidewalk on the south side of Pinellas Street along the new parking area from the Rehabilitation Building to Bay Avenue. It is our recommendation that the sidewalk waiver not be granted for the following reasons: 1. There are existing and proposed sidewalks within 200 feet of the subject property 2. There has been concern in recent months by Morton Plant staff to increase pedestrian safety in the Hospital Complex 3. It is the ultimate goal to provide continuous sidewalk networks so that pedestrians can move safety from origin to destination. DM/~ 0~~jLz Ju~ Sit q c;/O d I CT"'Y C,,;:,, ....T-:::''''Rr.171'T'-='R ___ .. ~J..J,...~ v\r......-.. I ?ee - S~S-~;~() Da::e Paid 0 - 5/ - 80 Receip:: No. 't 8 0 (.. I 'Z C" J..PPLICJ.::'ION FOR SIDEv:Jl.LK \\1AIVER ].~DRESS (Sidewalk Location) tf~o 430 Pinellas Street -::. <gSO::> 0 g 3 LEGJl.L DESCRIPTION (Sidewalk Location) (Lot, Block, Subdivision)' See Campus Short Legal (Attached) OWNER I S NJl_"1E Morton Plant Hospital PHONE 462-7003 J..DDRESS 323 Jeffords Street, Clearwater, Florida 34616 REPRESENTJ..TIVE (If any) Smith, Korach, Hayet, Haynie Partnership Jl.DDRESS 8934 - 4th Street North, St. Petersburg, Florida 33702 ?-EASON FOR REQUEST Therapeutic Swimming Poool Addiitonal is an extension of the pxi~ting Physical Therapy Building, addressed on Pinellas Street. Also, please note the addition of new sidewalks as shown in the final certification plan for the Pinplln, St. Parkinq Lot. The new sidewalk extends from Sheridan West to Bay AvenlJP. on the South side of Pinellas Street. There will be no entrance from Reynolds Street for patient use and in addition, this sidewalk would stand alone, as there are no other sidewalks along the East side of Revnolds presently. Section ~8.09 of the Code of Ordinances of the City requires that all land that abuts a public right-of-way, which is to have new construction on it, either for residential, co~~ercial" industrial or other purposes, shall have sidewalks constructed by the Owner on, across or adjacent thereto. The Owner understands and agrees that if the waiver is granted, the Ci::y may install sidewalks at a future date and assess the .&; .... O\\Tner -Lor ....ne full cost of (/ /ftr Rep::-esenta::ive Date My Commission E):pires: Nolarr r'tJJli" St~te of Florida f,l,:, r, ,,,~:..:.- c,,;-:..:, ',~:l:, 22, 199i Lor.cil!:~ Thrl.: T,oy Fa;n. In~:..:r':'r.':~ Inc. _\\ r 'f\S ' \\~ttr D' ~- ~ .~f' J 'V"o-cary ,.ublic \ ,~p 19 t:::::X-'J. Subscribed and sworn to before me this \~ dav of Rev.f/B3 1910-62 ---------- ---------- .1 ----~-- w => :z ...... ;> <I: l.f) Cl -J =:> :z >- w a:: '-- '-- -;/ / ~/l~ /y~' / / . / , - -. - - - -.~- - ,- -- ,- -..- __ - 0'- _ _ ___ _ _ _ I '-- .. -- on 'I -', - ---, --'-II I -'r- f I i ~ => :z L.U :> <I: > <r: co 'I f---J :1 '" ----- l~ , I 't~ 1', I *-~---..1__J I I J - , ..,~4~-~.~. '~1~~~ ,+1\:, -----~- I LW => ------ Z LW ::> <I: <.I) o .....J :::> Z >- ..u cr: /~ // ----;-- ------- SADlER STqEET ;/ / /. ~~" / / -, L ,- -- ,- --- -- - -- - - -- - - - - " I I L- '" -'- - ___, u___ ~ =j~~~~~S S:?EET 'r- > 1 jl :_ - - - - ,) i ~~ -:. - -J ~' - - - - - ~;;:! 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