LETTER OF ORGANIZATION AGREEMENT RENEWAL f'.""i;; .'~f "' 01Nt. ....4- ~~~I~~~~~ t~...d'/dlif{\ ~ ~ e~--. ... "<:C" :~. ~~ , \..~~.. ~: 'C.~";._--_. .,~~.. .. --_. ,II' \ ~~~)w:..... ~\}t.\ ....~ rJ' ER, ,.~ "~-I",,' CITY OF CLEARWATER POST Ol-rlCE Box 4748, C'.EAR\\:'ATER, FI.OIUOA 33758-4748 CIlY HAJJ., 112 SOl.J1lf OSCEOlA AVENUE, C1.I~~R\\:'ATF.R, FWRlDA 3.3756 TELEPHONE (127) 562-4040 FAX (727) 562-4052 Cm MANAGER September 29, 2003 Mr. Maurice Mickens, CEO Mt. Cannel Community Development Corporation 1014 Pennsylvania Avenue Clearwater, Florida 337555 Dear Mr. Mickens: Recently, our housing division informed me that you requested an extension to your subrecipient agreement origin a lly dated December 1, 2002. The tenD. of that agreement was from December 1, 2002 through November 30, 2003. The agreement provided $522,100 to the agency to purchase and develop real property for an elderly multi-family housing complex. While the project provides needed housing for the elderly, I am concemed that projects are completed within the proposed timetable. I am aware that you experienced delays in obmining vacant parcels. I encourage you to work closely with the housing division and keep them. infonned of the status of this project. They will therefore keep me infonned. I feel that the services and housing your agency provide for the elderly are very important to the city. Therefore, I welcome the opportunity to assist you in your request for an extension. Your contract will be extended until the end of September 2004. Section III of your subrecipient conttact with the City of Oearwater is hereby amended to further extend the agreement originally dated in December 1,2002 to a new tean that extends from December 1, 2003 to September 30,2004. It is very important that these projects are completed by this date. The City's Housing Division Staff is here to help you. Please feel free to contact them. or me to assist you in completing these projects. Your Community Housing Development OIganization is also hereby renewed for an addition year through December 31,2004. Sincerely, .Uo.-~ illiam B. Home, II CityManager BRIAN J. AUNGST, MAYOR-Cor.IMISSIONF.R HuYl' HAMII.TON, VICF. MAYOR-COMML'iSlONliR WII'ThF.Y GRAY, CmIMISSIOl'\I:.R