02/20/1991 - Stevenson Creek Workshop CITY COMMISSION SPECIAL WORK SESSION Stevenson Creek Workshop February 20, 1991 The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met at the City Hall Annex with the following members present: Rita Garvey Mayor/Commissioner Sue Berfield Vice-Mayor/Commissioner Lee Regulski Commissioner William Nunamaker Commissioner Richard Fitzgerald Commissioner Also present were: Ron H. Rabun City Manager M. A. Galbraith, Jr. City Attorney Charlie Hunsicker Assistant City Manager William C. Baker Public Works Director Cynthia E. Goudeau City Clerk The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m. Welcome and Introduction The City Manager opened the meeting stating the purpose is to find consensus to allow staff to proceed with the permitting process for the Stevenson Creek Improvements. Presentation of Mission Statement Charlie Hunsicker, Assistant City Manager, stated the objectives of the improvements are to provide flood protection, protect the environment, control water quality in the creek and Clearwater Harbor and to maintain the creek as a community asset. Currently, the creek is too small, leading to flooding during rain events. Options are to remove obstacles to allow water to get out more smoothly or to hold the water and release it more slowly. Each option has costs. Because of the expense of purchasing properties, staff is recommending a less expensive option to streamline the creek, while protecting the environment and providing for wetlands mitigation. Presentation of Phase II Recommended – Stevenson Creek Improvements Bill Baker, Public Works Director, stated that after a major flooding event citizens came to the Commission and requested something be done. The Commission agree a study needed to be done to determine the alternatives. What is being proposed will address the entire length of the creek from just south of Belleair Road to Clearwater harbor. The proposal includes taking out 10,000 tons of sediment, stabilizing the creek bank and providing wetlands mitigation. The project Minwssp02.91 2/20/91 1 will save as many trees as possible and have as little impact on the Chi Chi Rodriquez Golf Course as possible. He stated the hard lining of the creek in certain areas is needed in order to handle the increased velocity of the water. In response to questions, Charles King of Daughtery and Associates, stated once the project is completed there will be 1.5 acres more of wetlands than currently exists and 2,500 cubic yards of sediment that will no longer be going into the Harbor on an annual basis. Concerns were raised regarding the need to hard line part of the channel. In response to questions, Public works Director Baker indicated using more of the golf course for mitigation would not alleviate the need for hard lining up stream. It was also stated that maintenance and cleaning of Stevenson Creek, as well as other waterways in the City, will now be done on a routine basis. Concerns were expressed that the project is being designed to accommodate a once-in-a-lifetime storm event and could be scaled back. Public Input and Discussion Forty individuals spoke. Concerns were raised regarding what would be done to the Creek between Betty Lane and the Harbor; the amount of hard lining; the impact on the environment and wildlife; the amount of time it is taking to do the project not providing flood protection in the short term and the impact on the golf course. Gratitude was expressed for doing something to address the flooding. Responses were that dredging would be needed beyond Betty Lane, which will be a separate project; hard lining will protect from erosion; providing more natural banks will require the purchase of homes, which will be expensive; Phase I of the project is proceeding; Phase II will need approximately a year for design and permitting and that efforts have been made to minimize the impact on the environment, wildlife and the golf course. Commission Discussion and Direction Discussion ensued. Concerns were expressed that the project is being designed to address events that will not occur that often, but there is a need to do something to address the flooding that has been occurring. It was stated that staff has considered a number of alternatives and there is a need to balance the need to protect property and the needs of the environment. The cost of the various alternatives also needs to be taken into consideration. Phase I will proceed. Staff will continue to take public input and look at alternatives for Phase II. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m. Minwssp02.91 2/20/91 2