SIDEWALK WAIVER - PLANS - GRANT LETTER ! .',.. of' ,... AGREEMENT 4" rot. .?~voJ , ;<< " . I /o-~_~ THIS AGREEMElIT, mad~ and entered into tilll 21 st _day of October A. D. 19 80 ' by and between the CITY OF CLEAR WATER, FLORIDA, a n:}unicipa: corporation, hereinafter referred to as IICity"; and L He Savi-Rgs & Loan Association ' , hereinafter 'referred to as "Owner"; WITNESSETH: .80188226 O,R. 511,1 PhGE 11 7 7 ,., ..... ~e ~ 5~~ ~ 301 U. S. #19 North, Clearwater, Fla. 33515' E-5~~ <..'> r' II ~ ~ ><, . 0 " bJ '.t. - (;I') QgP; , v t o~d' metes and bounds - description attached ~uo.;8; ~ WJIElfEAS, Section 7-6 of the Code of Orn;,,;:mces of the City ::cequires that all ~d that abuts a public right-of-way, which is to have neW' construction on it, either mr residential, commercial, industrial or other purposes, shall have sidewaL1.cs constructed by the <Jwner on, acros s or adjacent thereto; and WBERE:"~, the Owner owns the follOwing described real property ~litu2ted in City of Clearwater, Pineilas County, Florida, to wit: . .. ~~ "_" 4~ ~~ !r ': , ,,'.lj,ct.,~.:,,,,,... ;; ~ Uu. ". dl,(: '.Ii ; Na~ 24 4 10 PH 'BD WHEREAS, the affected propert-f ov..-ner has appealed request::b.g a temporary -;val ver of the side-...;a.L~ installation requirement; and W-tl~REAS, the City Manager pursuant to Section 7 -6 (4) (a) h2s found tbe following conditions exist, as set out in his findi::1g s a.ttacned her do as r;-:-rhibit A, such as w-arrant the granti=:g of a temporary wai ver; and WBEREAS, the owner of the property described herem tmderstands that tbe w-a~ver granted herein is only temporary in character and'that this agreement :T:',1st provide a reasonable period of time for the waiver to be effective; NOW, T~REFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and oUler good and valuable consideration between the parties, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto cove:nant and agree as follows: 1. The City in light of the facts found as set forth in Exhibit A aP...ached herdo and made a part herein as if fully rewritten, grants to the Owner a temporary ~iver of the sidew-aJJc instillation requirement iInposed by Section 7 -6 of the Code o~ Ordinances of the City of Clearwater. ~ . _ d c5 ~ i!-.:3" ~ " ' - ~ {-o ~ -:!' t:. 2. The te~porary waiver granted',shall commence on }t-e--lr 10) 17 ~~ ~ ~ ~W n:.n until the condition or reason for granting the waiver as set out i:1 Exhibit A ~,.. ~~removed or otherwise cb2nged. \.W~O~ ~O c.: ~ 3. ":'he O=ner understands and agrees that the Walver granted herein is te~porary in ch.aracter 2...:::ld that it does not exCuse tbe Q-w-ner or successors in i:I:=:t}rest from the s::dowaDc requirements rrnposed by Section 7-6 of the Codo of Orr1;r:;<TlCeB of Clearwater. The Owner,flL-ther agrees e:at should the cC:Jeiition ~et out in :S.:r:bibit A "<;:7hich presently exists on the property and v;-hich =-as s11ffici~nt to 'W'arr~t granting the ~iver be corrected c.uring the perioo of tSs ~i.er, then the 0-:.-ne r ,;;:;ill irr~c:diately com?ly writh tbe ::- esuir e.mer:.ts 01 Section 7 - 6 a s it relates to ~ide=<tlk ~5talla.tion.. 4. U the O=ner or his heirs, per:Sc::lal repre~en'[ative:s, :suCCessors or :l..3.5ig-IH lShall fail to have ~ide-c:;-alk:5 inst.alJed for the de~cribed real prope:r-'ty in ~ccorda.zlce ~tb City specific-.t:oD15 ~d ~ta.:J.c..ard:5 w-ithb ~ety (90) dAy:s from t~e ::wtifiC1boD by the City, tDen the City may have 6e 5ice-;;;,aDcs ~~talled ;;o_lJd a~ ~e~ IS and i.n1poee a lie:::l 'a~~:!t the de,scribed real property [or the cost of the ",ork. 5. "TilllS agreement is to be regarded :l..~ ~ coV'c:::.alJt l\'~'"l~""g =-itb the la:Jc. rcg:l..:rdJe':515of wbet~er it ill "'pt::ciiically T:'1cntio;'ed in a;:::.y ceedlS or CC:;:lveya::cc !Sub- s e que ntl y exe cuted. 2.Ild thi s a gr e emcnt s h?-ll b~ binc3i:J g on ill p.a rti e lS, the b c ir lS . per80nal representatives. succcssors or a:5:5ip~: ell.:'. . .: ,,,,,~ . . l "~" ....:1--....., ,1..\"'-';-' " "";~', ~ ~ (~) <, Go: -,,' ~ c' ,q.-' - 1 - ol'D3~ 00(5) ',. , ,(. . - I I Q,R. 5111 PAGE 11 7 8 6. All noti~es pursuant to this agreement shall be furnished to the respective parties at the following addres sea, ,until receipt of written instructions notifying the other parly of a diife~ent address: CITY: City Manager PO Box 4748 Clearwater, Florida 33518 OWNER: Life Savings & Loan Association 301 u. S. #19 North Clearwater, Fla. 33515 'IN WITNESS WliERSOF, the parties herdo h2.ve caused these pres ents to be exeCuted the day and year last above w-ritten. :1iZ~. :t~ Mayor-Cor:nrruss1oner ' Attest: . . ci~~ c~. LJJ~~ City\Clerk WITNESSES: L'/~ , ~:~ NY;:: ~ <<;fie Ub~ d/J!JRA: f!~€/ As to 'Owner (SE.AL) OVlNER STATE OF FLORIDA ) COu"NTY OF PINELLAS ) I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this 10th day of November , 1980_ before me personally appeared Anthony L. Shoemaker, Thomas A. Bustin,. Lucill( . Williams and CharlesF. LeCher ' respectively City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk ?-Dd Mayor-Comr:llssioner of the City of Clear-;:;-ater, a municipal cOI'pOratiOl existing under the la'Ws of the State of Florida, to me known to be the i::lc.iv1du;:us a::1d officers described in and who executed ~e foregoing Agreement and :5everally acbowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed a:5 such officers there\lnto duly a-.:t~orizcd; and that the official seal of said mu::ilcipal corpo:r-aticn i duly affixed thereto, and the said Agreement i:5 tbe act 2.TId deed of said co::?o:r-atlo: the Cuc...."'1ty of }..{y CoIT'.mi~ sian Expires: Notary Public. State of Florida at Large My Commission Expires Aug. 28. 1982 Bondan Ry A_ .'ii~A f're"& CaJtult, (_If.IU.AJ .,<", ". If; - -' -2- ~.;.. ~ I I Q,R" 5111 PAGE ;11 7 9 " J .c II' ) ..... \ ... p' STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS ) 'Before roe personally appeared "0: William 'Overton to me well known ~d known to' me to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing agreement and acknowledged before me that they executed the same for the purposes the rein expressed. WITNESS D?-Y hand and official seal this 2ist da Y of October 19 80 · ~41l4-;J (M iJ N mary Public M yG orru:nis-~ion}~A:,~ires : NOTA~,( pI.IRIJr: qAE OF rLOi~I:).'-I AT Lt.RGE, fkY COI\/'~.V\~S~dOl.J l:~:-";~:ES St/f 26 19.::4 Eo~mr.D;"RII ,~':;:'I'I li,I<;.II:!(j::;W_RIT.E~ \' '. -' I,' , ~- '".. .~-l . 'I'. . (.. ",' , >I"~ . .- . i., I . ~ [. V 1- 0 0' 0 0' f\J N IfJ/ j 0 .,) '('''(1) , ( V-I ~;Iif;:~>fr 0 ,,' '. , " ,co , (" /.' ~, A ""1 V '. '/ ."I../V'~. I ).c.-, ""'. /'.~( - .... 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Z - /TI .t= % <0 0 -l :% -l C> rn :% ""::z: rn -l en :a.- -0 o ::IE C> N ::z: -l o " 0 o ::IE " :a.- -< :E >- r- -< % o -l ::lO m 0 :E " ,en -l % ::lO -l fTI rn %OfTI"" fTI ...., -l CI) rn C') -l % , fTI o c:: " . CI) o ::z <::> >- m ~ :1 ("") ex> m IT! r- o o J> " CI) CI> r- " >- o :z r- 0 r- o :E :z CI> " "" J> :z C> rn 0> fTI :a.- CI> -l -0 % /TI r- r- >- en C') o e:: % -l -< " r- o ::lO ,~ \". ...., c:: ::lO -l :% rn ::lO -t :% rn CI) o e:: -t ::z: :E IT! CI> -t - .t= o " en rn (") -t o % 011 -l (;) :E % CI) ::z: -0 N (Q CI> o e:: -l :% U> C :0 < fTl -< o " , -,:J - en ,." ~ ..... 00 ,0 ~ = c:.n ..... ..... ..... '.:iiA'::.' .~ - I O.H. 5111 P~E ;1181 October 31, 1980 HEMO TO FJ;LE FROM: COPIES TO: Life Savings & Loan Association Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineer Roy Ayres, Build;lng D;lrector Lucille Will;lams, City Clerk SUBJECT: MEMO ORDER - Waiver of Sidewalk Installation Life Savings & Loan Association Metes & Bounds - description attached 301 u.S. R;lghway 19 North In response to a request from Life and Savings and Loan Association for a waiver of requirement for installation of a sidewalk at the subject prop- erty in conjunction with new construction as required by City Ord;lnance, I have examined this property and the following are my findings: 1) There are no sidewalks within 200 feet of this property; 2) A sidewalk on this property, at this time, would not form a part of a route leading to a school; and 3) The absence of such a sidewalk would not present a pedestrian hazard. In my judgment, the above findings meet the conditions prescribed in Section 7-6 of the City of Clearwater Code of Ordinances and therefore, a waiver of installation of a sidewalk at this timQ..~~~d. "Exhibit A" ~. 01 C"o~ 11~ \. .,~ ~ "~fO f I:~~~~.,~-,,---- ,~l \ ~).3 ~.,,,._--~-----.- 43 I n1 1t-~1IIMIIfII 1. ~,,~- - ~/r