ORD 8157-10; Amendments to Beach By DesignV CDB Meeting April 20, 2010 Case Number: Amendments to Beach by Design Ordinance Number: 8157-10 Agenda Item: E.1. Priyanka Thatte, Urban Designer CDB Meeting Date: Apri120, 2010 Case Number: Amendments to Beach by Design Ordinance No.: 8157-10 Agenda Item: E.l . CITY OF CLEARWATER PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT REQUEST: Amendments to Beach by Design: A Preliminary Design for Clearwater Beach and Design Guidelines INITIATED BY: City of Clearwater Planning & Development Department BACKGROUND: In 2001, the City adopted Beach by Design: A Preliminary Design for Clearwater Beach and Design Guidelines. This special area plan sets forth a series of revitalization strategies for Clearwater Beach and established character districts to regulate land use, location of uses and, generally, the scale of development. In 2008, the City of Clearwater established the Hotel Density Reserve in Beach by Design to incentivize hotel development on Clearwater Beach. Later in October 2009, the City Council expressed concerns about the probable use of the Hotel Density Reserve by properties along Coronado Drive and the potential to create a canyon effect. Council requested the Planning and Deveiopment Department staff to study the potentiai hotei deveiopment aiong Coronado Drive to determine if design standards should be revised to create view corridors and minimize building bulk and massing. Staff prepared the study, which included a design exercise for four sites of various size, configuration and location along Coronado Drive. The study recommendations called for building stepbacks for future development along Coronado Drive to reduce building massing. It also showed that meaningful view corridors could not be created along Coronado Drive since few parcels are laid out in a rectangular pattern. Rather, parcels tend to be L-shaped such that buildings would not likely be sited in a parallel manner so as to allow view corridors between buildings. Based on the study conclusions, Council directed staff to develop design standards for building stepbacks along Coronado Drive. ANALYSIS: The proposal amends Beach by Design Section VII, Design Guidelines; Subsection D. Setbacks to provide building stepbacks along Coronado Drive. Unlike the other streets running parallel to Coronado Drive, development occurs along both sides of this street. Amongst the previous developments along Coronado Drive the criteria of stepbacks was not considered. This has Community Development Board -April 20, 2010 Amendments to Beach by Design -Page 1 resulted in buildings with a larger mass having been constructed close to the street. These proposed stepbacks will help reduce the building mass along this street and will make for a pedestrian friendly scale. The proposed amendment establishes a required building stepback with a minimum depth of fifteen feet at a height of not more than twenty-five feet, when the maximum front setback is provided as required by the Community Development Code. Flexibility in this setback is discouraged but if flexibility is requested, it will result in changing the measurements for these stepbacks. As the building gets closer to the street, the maximum height at which the stepback is provided is reduced and the stepback is increased. To avoid the monotonous streetscape, additional stepbacks may be required. The configuration of these stepbacks is required to be different from its neighboring buildings, including those across aright-of--way. Also to add variety in the streetscape, the stepbacks shall span in a range of 75% to 100% of the facade width. Attached with this staff report is the proposed Ordinance No. 8157-10, which amends Beach by Design as per the above. Within the ordinance, text that is underlined indicates proposed language and text containing strilc~~s indicate deletions. CRITERIA FOR TEXT AMENDMENTS: Community Development Code (CDC) Section 4-601 sets forth the procedures and criteria for reviewing text amendments. All text amendments must comply with the following: 1. The proposed amendment is consistent with and furthers the goals, policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. Below is a selected list of goals, objectives and policies from the Clearwater Comprehensive Plan that are furthered by the proposed amendments to Beach by Design: Goal A.6 The City of Clearwater shall utilize innovative and flexible planning and engineering practices, and urban design standards in order to protect historic resources, ensure neighborhood preservation, redevelop blighted areas, and encourage infill development. Objective A.6.1 The redevelopment of blighted, substandard, inefficient and/or obsolete areas shall be a high priority and promoted through the implementation of redevelopment and special area plans, the construction of catalytic private projects, city investment, and continued emphasis on property maintenance standards. Objective A.6.6 Tourism is a substantial element of the City's economic base and as such the City shall continue to support the maintenance and enhancement of this important economic sector. Policy A.6.6.1 The City supports and encourages the continued development and redevelopment of overnight accommodation uses. Community Development Board -April 20, 2010 Amendments to Beach by Design -Page 2 Establishing stepback criteria would improve the streetscape along Coronado Drive by reducing the building mass and creating architectural variety and facade articulation. This is an implementation of a good urban design practice. This will ensure an attractive environment and visual appeal to citizens and tourists and make the corridor pedestrian friendly. 2. The proposed amendment furthers the purposes of the Community Development Code and other City ordinances and actions designed to implement the Plan. The proposed amendment to Beach by Design will further the purposes of the Community Development Code in that it will be consistent with the following purposes set forth in CDC Section 1-103: ^ Allowing property owners to enhance the value of their property through innovative and creative redevelopment (CDC Section 1-103.B.1). ^ Ensuring that development and redevelopment will not have a negative impact on the value of surrounding properties and wherever practicable promoting development and redevelopment which will enhance the value of surrounding properties (CDC Section 1- 103.B.2). ^ Provide for adequate light, air and privacy; secure safety from fire, flood and other damage; prevent overcrowding of the land and undue congestion of population; and improve the quality of life for the citizens of the city (CDC Section 1-103.E1). ^ Provide for open spaces through efficient project design and layout that addresses appropriate relationships between buildings on the project site and adjoining properties, including public rights-of-way and other public places (C'DC" Section 1-103.E6). The stepback criteria will be a part of innovative and creative architecture of the buildings along Coronado Drive. The stepbacks will provide open spaces at different levels in the buildings and will avoid the street from being cloister phobic from the street environment point of view. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION: The proposed amendment to Beach by Design: A Preliminary Design for Clearwater Beach and Design Guidelines is consistent with and furthers the goals of the Clearwater Comprehensive Plan and the purposes of the Community Development Code. Further, the proposed amendment will assist in improving the streetscape and reducing the massing along Coronado Drive. The Planning & Development Department recommends APPROVAL of Ordinance No. 8157-10 that amends Beach by Design: A Preliminary Design for Clearwater Beach and Design Guidelines. Prepared by Planning & Development Department Staff: P ` ~ `~ =~ Priyanka Thatte, Urban Designer ATTACHMENT: ^ Ordinance No. 8157-10 Community Development Board -April 20, 2010 Amendments to Beach by Design -Page 3 PRIYANKA DILIP THATTE 601 Rosery Rd. NE., #4851, Largo, Florida 33770 Tel: (303) 668 0387 (Cell) Email: piyu1811 a(~gmail.com Education Master in Urban Design Bachelor of Architecture Relevant Coursework and Skills University of Colorado, Denver 2005-2006 University of Pune, INDIA 1999 - 2005 Basic Design and Fundamentals of production Building Services Production methods for working drawing (Construction Drawings) Professional Practice Building Economics Applied Mechanics Architectural & Urban Design Studio Management and Organizations Computer proficiency -Macintosh and IBM PC Wa Microsoft Office Painting AutoCAD Coral Draw Adobe Photoshop Sketch-up City of Clearwater, Florida Urban Designer January 2007 to present Worked on a mixed-use development and redevelopment projects in downtown Clearwater and along the beach and 2-D (preparing maps and other diagrams) and 3-D graphics (hand drawn sketches and Sketch-up) for the same. Worked on the Comprehensive Plan Amendments (can be found on httg~//www myclearwater com/qov/depts/planning/divisionslLRplan/plans/Comprehensive Plan asp) Made public presentations at Citizen's Advisory Committee (CAC) meetings and City Council. Attended LEED seminars. Prepared alternatives for sign designs and also prepared PowerPoint Presentations, Urban Design Guidelines for Corridors and hotel density calculations for the beach. Johnson Fain Partners Jr. Urban Designer July 2006 to January 2007 Los Angeles, California Worked on a mixed-use development project, an international project for the country of China and city of Chengdu that includes research and analysis, preparing maps and other diagrams. Opus One Architects Architectural internship June 2003 -November 2003 Pune, Maharashtra, INDIA Although employing 12 employees, this is a leading firm in Pune. Clients for the firm range from organizations in the private and public sectors. The firm engages in providing its clients a range of services. My main responsibilities during this internship were in the areas of design development & construction documentation. I also provided assistance with project management and design for the Mercedes Benz International School project that ended up winning an award for an innovative design of 2003. Ar. Ratikant Mahajan and Ass. Architectural internship December 2001 -March 2002 Pune, Maharashtra, INDIA Resident architect on commercial and residential projects in India. Responsibility ranged from design development to project & construction management. Adobe Illustrator Publisher G.I.S Free Hand Drawing Scholastic awards and achievements Winner of Intercollegiate Model Making for 2002-2003, Pune, INDIA • Recipient of a Graduate Tuition Award during the first semester of graduation Participated in several Architectural Design Competitions Professional affiliations GPA 3.22 First Class Transportation and Planning History of Landscape Architecture Urban Economics G.I.S Colour Theory Principals of Structural Design Project Management (Civil Engineering, Architectural) Member of APA-Florida Chapter Member and Design Team leader, 2001 - 2004 of National Association for Students of Architecture, India Extra curricular activities Passed the Elementary and Intermediate (Indian Government) drawing exams Coach for swimming at Choice Health Resort for a period of three years References • Available on request. ORDINANCE NO. 8157-10 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA MAKING AMENDMENTS TO BEACH BY DESIGN: A PRELIMINARY DESIGN FOR CLEARWATER BEACH AND DESIGN GUIDELINES; BY AMENDING SECTION VII. DESIGN GUIDELINES: BEACH BY DESIGN: DESIGN OBJECTIVES AND SUBSECTION D. SETBACKS, ESTABLISHING BUILDING STEPAACKS FOR OVERNIGHT ACCOMMODATION USES BEING ALLOCATED ADDITIONAL DENSITY VIA THE HOTEL DENSITY RESERVE ALONG CORONADO DRIVE; AND MAKING MINOR EDITORIAL CHANGES; PROVIDING THAT SAID PROVISIONS SUPPLEMENT THE CLEARWATER COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CODE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the economic vitality of Clearwater Beach is a major contributor to the economic health of the City overall and the City desires to support the tourism industry; and WHEREAS, the City of Clearwater established the hotel density reserve in Beach by Design to incentivize hotel development on Clearwater Beach; and WHEREAS, site conditions on Coronado Drive call for special regulations for properties using the hotel density reserve in order to minimize building mass along the Coronado Drive frontage and make development compatible with human scale; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendments to Beach by Design have been submitted to the Community Development Board acting as the Local Planning Authority (LPA) for the City of Clearwater; and WHEREAS, the Local Planning Agency (LPA) for the City of Clearwater held a duly noticed public hearing and found that amendments to Beach by Design are consistent with the Clearwater Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, Beach by Design was originally adopted on February 15, 2001, and subsequently amended, now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA: Section 1. Beach by Design: A Preliminary Design for Clearwater Beach and Design Guidelines, Section VII. Design Guidelines, Beach by Design: Design Objectives, is amended as follows: 1 Ordinance No. 8157-10 The design guidelines are intended to address and promote the following principles and are intended to be administered in a flexible manner to achieve the highest quality built environment for Clearwater Beach. They are not intended to serve as regulations requiring specific relief except with regard to building height and spacing between buildings exceeding 100 feet in height and stepbacks for buildings located along Coronado Drive. Section 2. Beach by Design: A Preliminary Design for Clearwater Beach and Design Guidelines, Section VII Design Guidelines, Subsection D. Setbacks, is amended as follows: D. Setbacks and stepbacks Rights-of-way. The area between the building and the edge of the pavement as existing and planned should be sufficiently wide to create apedestrian-friendly environment. The distances from structures to the edge of the right-of-way should be: a. Fifteen feet (15') along arterials, and b. Twelve feet (12') along local streets, A ten foot (10') pedestrian path is key to establishing apedestrian-friendly place in the nonresidential environment. Accordingly, arcades may be constructed in the public space, but may not narrow the pedestrian path to less than ten feet (10'). Decorative awnings and arcades and public balconies may extend into the public space, and even into the right-of-way (provided they do not obstruct vehicular traffic). outdoor cafe tables are also permitted in the public space, subject to the requirements in Section H, Sidewalksa_ 2. Side and Rear Setbacks. Except for the setbacks set forth above, no side or rear setback lines are recommended, except as may be required to comply with the City's Fire Code_ 3. Coronado Drive Setbacks and stepbacks. To reduce upper story massing along the street and ensure a human scale street environment, buildings with frontage along Coronado Drive shall be constructed in accordance with the following: a. Buildings constructed with a front setback of fifteen feet (15') or more shall stepback with a minimum depth of fifteen feet (15') from the setback line at a height not more than twenty-five feet (25'). b. Buildinas constructed with a front setback Greater than or eaual to ten feet (10') and less than fifteen feet (15') shall stepback at a height not more than twenty feet (20'). The required stepback/ setback ratio is one and one-half feet (1.5') for every one foot (1') reduction in setback in addition to the minimum stepback of fifteen feet (15'~ 2 Ordinance No. 8157-10 c Buildings constructed with a front setback of less than ten feet (10') shall provide a building stepback at a height not more than fifteen feet (15'). The required stepback/ setback ratio is two and one-half feet (2.5') for every one foot (1') reduction in setback in addition to the minimum stepback of fifteen feet (15'). d To achieve upper story facade variety and articulation, additional stepbacks may be required. To avoid a monotonous streetscape, a building shall not replicate the stepback configuration of the neighboring buildings including those across rights-of-way. Application of stepback standard Examples of fagade design ~ ~ ~~ ten/ t tl_ _ 1_..'1 _~[._ _ 1. e Kequired stepbacKS snap span a minimum of 7o ro of the punarnq rror~tage width. r ~_ --- _ - .__~ --- --- --r-~ -- i j ,+; ~~ - _ 1,:~ ' ~ ~ __ __ _ I ice: - `~~ ilk- - ~ , ~. __. _ - -~. ~ _. _ -~... .. _ r --~, -~ __ --~..- Street r ._, - - r ; ~_ - :__~~ ~,Street ~ - = r~ _~~ ~,~ The entire fagade stepped back horizontally 75% of the fagade stepped back horizontally Section 3. This ordinance shall become effective when the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) issues a final order determining the adopted amendment to be in compliance, or the Administration Commission issues a final order determining the adopted amendments to be in compliance, in accordance with Section 163.3184, 163.3187, or 163.3189, F.S., as amended. Ordinance No. 8157-10 ENCOURAGED #1 ENCOURAGED #2 PROHIBITED REQUIRED Section 4. The City Manager or designee shall forward said plan to any agency required by law or rule to review or approve same; and Section 5. It is the intention of the City Council that this ordinance and plan and every provision thereof, shall be considered severable; and the invalidity of any section or provision of this ordinance shall not affect the validity of any other provision of this ordinance and plan; and Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED ON FIRST READING PASSED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING AND ADOPTED Frank Hibbard Mayor-Councilmember Approved as to form: Attest: Leslie Dougall-Sides Cynthia E. Goudeau Assistant City Attorney City Clerk 4 Ordinance No. 8157-10