ATTACHMENT AGREEMENT WITH FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION - ,""'--"~ J t. I ATTACHMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION AND CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA ,Section O. 1 THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this r/l~ day of +:uut1. , 19' t, by and between Florida Power Corporation, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, party of the first part, hereinafter called "Company, " and the City of Clearwater, Florida, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, party of the second part, hereinafter called "Municipality. " WITNESSETH Section 0.2 WHEREAS, the Municipality is desirous of (1) constructing and maintaining traffic light control circuits, messengers, guys, and necessary appurtenances to support traffic lights and attaching the same to certain poles of the Company in an underbuilt position, and/ or (2) constructing and maintaining Christmas decorative lighting, necessary conductors and appurtenances, including supporting brackets and pole clamps and attaching the same to certain poles of the Company in an underbuilt position, and/ or (3) constructing and maintaining fire alarm circuits and necessary appurtenances and attaching the same to certain poles of the Company, and/ or (4) constructing and maintaining water control circuits and necessary appurtenances and attaching the 5ame to certain poles of the Company. Said Municipality may operate from time to time under anyone or more of the above operating -.....,.,~,--... , I coac11tiOlla. Seetl_ o. 3 NOW, tUr.......ia eoultleraU_et tM ,\11I1 of Cae 1)011&1' ($1. 00. paid by tile Ji4uldc1,a.Uty. I'M_pt of wWch I. heaoe1:ty ackaow1eci,ecI, tile Compaay he..e.,. ...&Id. tile apt aM peaomi.... to dut Wualdpal1ty to """l'lyaDd MI.l, c_tl'\18t.... ..t..ia tIlon a.clam... .et fol1h ill Seetl_ O. 1 ia .. ......Wlt ....Ilea OR the eom",,,"po1.. bereinafter d...cnMcl, upoa the 'oUewiaa .t..-.. ccwen..., alll1 c:eadki...: AI\'ftCLE I :Icon OF AGll.D:Watt See"'_ 1. 1 TIae WwcdpaUty k ...i..ou of ope..aUaa ..... oa.e or more of the c8DCl1ti_ &II Nt f..-tahctioa o. 2; tAe...fo..., attaduaente may be mact. to the eam,..,'. polea .. "'GriNd below. POL. NO. POLE LOCA11OMS ene.enN Fv.Uy) PURPOSE (1. e. traffic coat:rol, "coradve llibda., smll. APPDfDIXI fl.r. alarm.. ~lOQ 1. Z Aclditi.. -I' ..led.... "attac:llm... ......r the term. of tId. A,r.erneat .ball be ~..l1It" tU..p tile c:.....Uca &Del ~OD by ... parti.. of EDlWt A.....AppIlcaU_... Permit.-.. Exhibit B--NotilleadOll of Removal by W-dpallt,. l:uc.... copt.. 01. the Aid .xbUllt. will. v.pon the cout......... bel'.... .I'on.... .upple~... beCOlM pan of tId. Agr..- ment au win Ia De ...y ~".~.e tile "..me aM; c:OIldltloaa of dU. A.ra.mat. AIlTlCJ&tt CONSTa.UCTION AND MAINTKNANCJ: OJ' ATTACHMENTS r.::---' Sec:U. Z. 1 Attadameat. by tIleW_dpaUty. a. .et foJ'tb ill Sect1o,' ~;~,L ..""',\ .hall be luta11ed OD dua C..,.,..yl. pol.. at a polnt at leut lour (4' f.'t~,o' 'c, ;~~ .) \ r;~\ '~,:" ... ;Y_. ,. :'., f, \ (J. I ,'.' ...L_.._ (.)'/ '- "'. C I "01 ,.', ,,/ " ,,. '-r\'.""f '~.--,,-~,~~~~~~y a. -,. :~:Jlj,w...-::..J">; ..J-~.'. _ _ ..~,. .....-.-..-'"' I I Delow the CompaaY'a -\IUa1 COIltl...... 01' *we (2) f.et below the Com,..y'. lowe.t .eeenclary cOll4I1CteI'. Coaduc&or. 0WDe4la.a maitiAh... by the MUDlcipaJity a1aa11laa.. . ftllt.imum eleal'aaceoi at Ie..t flfteen (15) feet .lMty. walkwa" &D4 at 1..., -Pte. (I'. feetaltov. I'oac:tway.. Equipmeat .... .ppul'teaaaCe. ., tile WuDiclpaUty aIIa11 ba.. a D1i1lbn.. cleal'a.ac:. of at 1M. tell (10) t... aboY. ..u-a7.... a natft1ra1lm. c1eal'&DCe of at l...t aa..n (15) teet aJ,oy. I'.....y.. SecUon Z. Z Tile iaatalJaU.. c_tl11O$l_. aucll'nAt.eaaace of attachrnouta by the. Wuald,.u.ay.. ... le&tth ia S.ctica o. Z .h&11 be accGlllpl1.hed in acc...claace witlt U\e 'NaU~ J:leovie&1 Safety Cod. la it. ....eat fonn 01' .. .ul>..q\UNlt1y ..ft.... amell4lecl. 01' .upel'......aad .ha11 at aU tbn.. comply with I-rany acceJlUcl Mtety practic.. el die electric utility ....try in r..pect to .1ICh iaetalJeU".lt I. Nrther ....1'..004 &Dd all'e.d by the W.tclpality tAat th...... iutaUau-. c-.tncU-. and ~tat.D&ace of Al\TICU: m UA.LlTY AHD DAWAOa t th... Mtachmeota ... lonJala SecU. o. z .aau alway. De ..abJect to the appl'wal of the Cem..-., willWa it. .. &ad abao1Ue 4t.creUon. s.ctt.. J. 1 The W.....,..., 1......1' c~... Met .....,..tMt I&Gthiq herein coatained or .......... i. 1_teDd... to or eha11 inc........ tile Col'Dpaay'. riak or liabilit, lor ".'-.llaJvy 01' .cleath 01' 101' pr.,.J'ty daWUlle beycm4 that whicJa the Com,..ymtPi -w had e..pt for tId. A'I'HDleat, &ad it 1. hereby expl'e..ly \IIlfIe..Rao4I that tJae.~"IlY doe. DOt ".\UIle any auh adcliUo.a1 ri... aud the W1IDicipaJity. .,,.-' ... -""~ho....~ IN U..u -it. .lICe....... &lid. a......... jP'~~~:.....'\ ; ,-"IS , ", " )' ~ pO - . ~,,..... ,"I. ".. U , ~\,(~;:.'i"~';~ '_i'~l' v~> ", <~~~,~i:S)'/ 3. -, -.--.,............ I I that it doe. hel"eby l"elleve the eo..,..y of aDd ab.olve it 'WOlD all .u.ch ri.k &ad liabUity' ad..... 01' Il"owia. out of the u. of. OJ' eatry \lpoa. 01" occupaa.cy of th. Compaay'. pol.. aad fadlitl.. a. pl"oriclH herein by tbe Mualcf.pa1ity. it. lie......, a'.... .mploy.... 01' repz'..ataUve.. Tu MVoDic1paUty 4oe. h'l".by iDUlDDUy aDd all'.' to ..ve the Company bal'mM" bom aac1 a......t aa, aod aU cl*,l'\.8. daft'laae.. 10..... 01' l1&bllity to &DY pe'", per.... 01' to ..popeny of aay per_OIl 01' per.on. occ&.loaecl by. arowlDa out of. 01' al"Wty aacl r..1&ltlna In ImY mt-er by r....on of (1) t1ae inatalladoa, c...~-. aacl ~\"'..U\ce of aalcl attachment. a. ..t forth ia Secdoa. O. 2 abcNt &lid .pea the fa.lIitle. aa4 premi... of th. Company. 01' (I) tM ... _ occupa.C!Y afol'.aalcl lty the Municipality of the pole. u4 laclli"'.. of tile Compaay. AR. TIeL!: IV ASSIGNMENT OF lUGHTS S.cUOIl 4.1 NeUul' tId. Air...... DO" ,...mit. 01' &DY part or d,bt. th....Ull4eI'. .ball.... ...~ by Mi. W....dp&1lty without th. written ...... of th. ao~.Y _yllll flr.t be_ obtailae4. S.ed_ 4.2 It 1. &11"" Uaa& aU .....u..a a'I'......'.. wri"_ 01' 01'&1. be.... tile pal11.. hereto I.fw tIw ........ .et forth hel'_c ar.. by mutual cODa_t. beJ'.~ caacaUed. uul '.rmi....d. ARTICLE V TEUdNATlON 01' AORJ:D4BNT SecUOD 5.1 It 1. ...............a'l'eecl tlIat eltUl' ,arty hereto may ,.,. .- for r.........bl. aDd ...... caue ..e.l aacl te1'lnlDat. thi. Alr...ut_ .....,"'" / l:~'''' ,,- ..' \ 4. I 11"bf,lv,r~p, 'J \~)>_,i;;i .c:,' ('t~ "".:,:'" , r " '\:. "'/ '_e.~~:,.;;;/J . . ~ . ... ___ 1 _ I I by maiUnS tl> t.b4l ""'U a........ _... I>lito ~ to 40 00. Upon.neb te.minaUoa t.b4l W.....cipllJtty.-u ..move....4 lacUiU.. 01 tII. Wunlc:ipa.llty b_ tile pr....fty 0( t.b4l ~y wl.tbin a reaa_We U_ wl.tII01It any labllity lor ....-.. 100., 0" "'-S.. tl> t.b4l WunlcipaUty 01' &Ay per."" 1>1' per.... ..0_1'1 - t.b4l...a.r, batb JIllJIti.. ohal1 be r.U.ved of - Ircnn aU oIIUpti_ 1ooI1'~. _.pt .neb .. _y have aCCrne4 prior to .uch tenntll&tlon.a. IN WITNll:SS WHI:II.lDoi', t.b4l Com_y bu _.4 W. ASI'.._nt to be -Cut04 by it. t{c E' P,r..idat, aU.ot04 to by i"4< ~ Secretary, - the WWlidpality ha. _ We Asl'e_ to be __ by It. - atteotd to by ita CJeJrll. t.b4l clay. _, _ year llr.t abon written. 8jJlled~ .ea1ed aIId a.Jt....ec1 .c~: 0(, _a~JU//~ 4> FLa " ~~~-~'L... ~ By ~;q>,;,"~ ~ "'''''''', ,~~; . /ya - / ~. ~OV\,ai ~.to 10d . '.,' ~-- 7~ # . ttOI'JleY -- ----- - '"Clark . .>~- - {SEAL) 5. r :Ji." '. -- h. -- .,~..,-," PO~, NO. , I APPJ:NDIX I - flOLE LOCAnoNS PUR.POsE ~ -...~'",~,~....... , .. . - ~ , EXHIJIITA ATTAClQQHJ' AQll~1:MENr BETWEEN 'LOJllDA POWEll COllPOaATlON AND CITY 07 CLJ:A.R.WATEIl. FLOIUDA ,APPLlCAnON AND PZlUaT day., Ia acc~. .. tile tol'DUJ ., the A,r..meat elated 1'__ betw... tJaa JIQti.. loa...... aJIPU........ ta -.Ie 1M! ,.l'mteatOll.o maloe attacJun... to the toUowiaa polo.: POLE NO. , ~J.,. .t.q~TIONaJ-.o..CriM J\111Yl PUllPOsE i-Haa1e) Ii..., aea1od.... deltve"H ba tJa. pre..ace 01: CITY OJ" CLEARWATER. FLORIDA By ~..r2~~ .,/ (Title) ~tteat: By r~/ C.rk (S.B:AL) ..,. ..L .." Adaaow1eQM aIld .'''-eel to tilt. day 01_ . 19 . - ...... aealed &ad cIeJi.."M F1.OJUDA POWER COllPOllArIOH By_ - '-..t: Vic. Pr..Weat ... ~'~ By T S.cretary (SEAL) - ""...j;~;;:f.i;'r'" :;;, ~ -- ,I, - -~, .-.,.~ ..... ..... , tI ...} .. ~...- I EXHIBIT B ATTACJDIDrr AO..Q(BNT .ETWUN J'LO.IUDA POW'" COllPOaA TION AND CITY OF CL&\.B.WATEIl. J'LOlU.D.A NOTIJ'lCATIOH Qr R..D.40VAL lIY MUNICIPALITY day of In accorA,,,.. ... tIl. terma 01 tile As...... elated be.._.. tae pa.rtt.. Ul'.... the below H.ted attadun... "'ere ..emoyed _ 19 ,&Ilcl .... to be ..Iet.... floem the Air..meat. - P01"E NO. , POLa.LOCAnoNl (~.cribe hUrt PUllPOSE .Name! Si...., ..aled &Del. _11...." iA tlut ......DC. 01: - Ac:Jaaewleq4Hl aDd a,..... ,.. tilt. Slpe4, .-.led &ad dell".,.. ia the pre'..ce ol: ;ras.t~\ao i!lllo.." .-- :: ,.~,!".....-, ._''''~,:, CITY OF CL&AB.WATO. FLORIDA By ~'4Q~ ~/ (Title) :-.~~ Clerk (SEAL) .yet , 19 - 7LOJU.D.A POWEll COaPOAATION By A.tt.at: Vice Pr.at4eat By Secretal'Y (SEAL) , 19 - ,19 t -