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hereint:!.fter ca:lled "CONTRACTOl111, \HTNESSETH:
Thc3.t in consideration of the mutual covenants and agt-ee-
ment~ herein contained, and in further consideration of the permits
and privileges granted hereunder, and the bond giv~ for the faith-
Iul performance hereof, the parties hereto mutually agree as follovJ"S
1. The City hereby grants to Contractor the permit,
right and privilege to install and construct the for
~i'lorida Pu\?er Corporation:
d ~ J-' 1
Construct all under::.;roun ' e_Lec vrlca
lllanhole 2j]d cc:)our"een2.l1ces in~;'c,rden
., ...
-;~t ,C-~_'~-,~~' "!_,:... .l. '-.J-,':"'"" .. ....,~_ ~::,__':.J c]_ ~;' ~:,"~ {=.::1 C!_ ~
of kart S"ereet nortClerly
C;y i-jO
,south line
to Eldridge
2. Contractor agrees to submit the plans for the afore~
sEdd irJ'Ork to the office of theCity Engineer and receive approval
from said City Engineer before proceeding vrith the aforesaid work.
3. Contractor agrees to accomplish the work in an or-
der i.AJhich shall be satisfactory to the City Engineer.
4. Contractor agrees that the earth excavat,ion inci-
dental to the above described work shall be done by hand, and no
machinery or power-driven tools will be used in the accomplishment
of the said excavation, except such portions as may be designated
by the City Engineer. Contractor further agrees to water-compact
all trenches during back-filling.,
\ -.-
I ".
~ . '" ")
A 1.._.'
5. O)ntractorshall be wholly responsible for the re-
pair and 1'",:~)lacement of utilities and other damage caused by the
accomplishment of the v-rork as aforesaid and Contractor further
hereby covenants and agrees to replace paving removed or damaged
by or because of the accomplishment of the aforesaid work, said
paving to be of a type and quality equal to the paving so removed
or damaged, and performed in a manner satisfactory to the City En-
gineer, of the City of Cleary-rater.
6. Contractor hereunto binds himself, his successors
and assigns to the faithful performance of this Agreement; and
further binds himself, his successors and assigns to the forfeit-
ure of the sum of Five TllOusaLd aXid 00/100 (,/5,0,)0.00)
to City in the event of ContractorYs breach or default of any of
Contractoris covenants, agreements or o~ligations of Contractor
hereunder. If all of the covenants, agreements or obljgations
of Contractor hereunder be faithfully performed by said Contract-
or, then this bond shall be null and void and of no effect,
7_ The Bforesaid work shall be accomplished within
thirty (30) days; provided, however, that this time for completion
shall be extended by a period of time equal to any delays caused by
strike, riot, civil commotion, Acts of God, Governmental restrict-
ions, or natural calamity.
~ITNESS the hands and seals of the parties hereto, this
_l.6:tlL day of
R. G. Whitehead, City Clerk
By~,__._K~ ~~~.~
Acting City CIerI;:
Approyed as to. form and correct-
ne ss : ,/2.... /)~
i'-'i -1-,,.. '\++ . - -
V.,,,Uj hv~,orney
in the
Counter signed ~
~~ii~.~~~:CE L'~ h0J '~IAfB8
veJl. ;:t7,. , . . f /J,
-.:., - -
,-.. .>', ....
/1'. ,
FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called iiCITY11, and
LAURANCE AND ASSOCIATES, a Florida corporation,
hereinafter called "CONTRACTOitil, \'lITNESSETH:
That in consideration of the mutual covenants and agree-
ments herein contained, and in further consideration of the permits
and privileges granted hereunder, and thf~ bond given for the faith-
ful performance hereof, the parties hereto mutually agree as follovls
1. The Oity hereby grants to Cont~actor the permit,
right and privilege to install and construct the following
Construct an underground vault, conduit facilities
and appurtenances, at the Northwest ~WN) corner of
Poinsettia and Causeway Boulevard, Plnellas County,
2. Contractor agrees to submit the plan~ for the afore-
said vTOrk to the office of theCity Engineer and receive approval
from said City Engineer before proceeding with the aforesaid work.
3. Contractor agrees to accomplish the work in an or-
der which shall be satisfactory to the City Engineer.
4. Contractor agrees that the earth excavation inci-
dental to the above described work shall be done by hand, and no
machinery or power-driven tools vlill be used in the accomplishment
of the said excavation, except such portions as may be designated
by the City Engineer. Contractor further agrees to water-compact
all trenches during back-filling.
- ..
5. 0Jntractor shall be wholly responsible for the re-
pair and r--;placement of utilities and other damage caused by the
accompl ishmentof the ",rork as aforesaid and Contractor further
hereby 80venants and agrees to replace paving removed or damaged
by or because of the accomplishment of the aforesaid work, said
paving to be of a type and quality equal to the paving so removed
or damaged, and performed in a manner satisfactory to the City En~
gineer, of the City of Clearwater.
6., Contractor hereunto binds himself, his successors
and assigns to the faithful performance of this Agreement; and
further binds himself, his successors and assigns to the forfeit-
ure of the sum of
One Thousand Dollars. . . .
. . .
. . . . .
to City in the event of ContractorYs breach or default of any of
Contractoris covenants, agreements or o~ligations of Contractor
hereunder. If all of the covenants, agreements or obligations
of Contractor hereunder be faithfully performed by said Contract-
or, then this bond shall be null and void and of no effect.
7. The aforesaid work shall be accomplished within
thirty (30) day s; provided, however, that this time for completion
shall be extended by a period of time equal to any delays caused by
strike, riot; civil commotion, Acts of God, Governmental restrict-
ions, or natural calamity.
WITNESS the hands and seals of the parties hereto, this
_-l6tlL day of ___ JllT\~ _.__.___, 19/5]JL.
At test :"
R. G. ~rhitehead, City Clerk
D ~ .
Approved a stoform and correct-
~l '/
May r-Commissioner
FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called. "ClTYH, and
hereinafter called ilCONTRACTOftlY. WITNESSETH:
That in co~sideration of the mutual covenants and agree-
ments herein coritained, and in further consideration of the permit s
and privileges granted hereunder, and. the bond given for the faith.~
ful performance hereof, the parties hereto mutually agree as fol1ows~
1. The City hereby grants to Contractor the permit9
right and privilege to install and construct the following for
ft'lorida Power Corporati on:
Construct aa underground electrical conduit,
manholes, and appurtenances in North Ft.
Harrison from the first alley nortn or Drew,
which is approximately 135 ft. north. of the
Nortnerly line of Drew, southerly to Drew and
in Drew .from the East curb line, westerly to
a point approximately 100 ft. west of the west
line of North Ft. Harrison.
2. Contractor agrees to submit the plan~ for the afore-
said work to the office of theCity Engineer and receive approval
from said City Engineer before proceeding with the aforesaid workn
3. Contractor agrees to accomplish the work in an or-
der which shall be satisfactory to the City Engineer.
4. Contractor agrees that the earth excavation inci-
dental to the above described work shall be done by hand, aDd no
machinery or power-driven tools will be used in the accompli-=::hrrsnt
of the said excavation, except such portions as may be designated
by the City Engineer. Contractor further agrees to water-compact
all trenches during back-filling.
.:I ......___;-"
I 'it'
.... -
5 .a~ntractor shall be wholly responsib:Le for the re-
pair and ~piacemeht of utilities and other damage caused by the
acclmpliahment of the work as aforesaid and Contractor further
hereby C"'\1'enants and agrees to replace paving removed or damaged
by or because of the acdomplishrhent Of the aforesaid work, said
paving to be ~f a type and quality equal to the paving s~ removed
or damaged, and perf~rmed in a manner satisfactory to the City En-
gineer, of the City ~f Clearwater.
6. C6ntraot~r hereunto binds himself, his successors
a~d a~signs t~ the faithful performance of this Agreement; and
further binds himself, his successors and assigns to the forfeit-
ure ~f the sum of Five Thousand and 00/100 Dollars (~5JOOO.OO).
t~ City in the event nf ContractorYs breach or default of any of
Contractor'~ covenants, agreements or ooligations of Contractor
hereunder. If all of the covenants, agreements or obligations
of Ccmtractor hereunder be faithfully performed by said Contract-
~r, then this bond shall be null and void and of no effect.
7. The af~r~said wnrk shall be accomplished within
thirty (30) days; provided, however, that this time for completion
shall be extended by a period of time equal to any delays caused by
strike, riot, civil commotion, Acts of God, Governmental restrict-
i~ns, or natural calamity.
as t", f~rm and c"'rrect-
./3 ~e!~
... --.J
Co actor ',. _ _,7!If;;
-- ::---
.'-: ....
- ........._-~,-
..~-.- -
'.......--. ~
THIS AGREEMENT , by and between the CITY OF CLEAavtATER 1
FLORIDA, a tnunicipal corporation, hereihafter called "CITY", and
hereinafter called ilCONTRACTOB.U, WITNESSETH:
That in consideration of the mutual covenants and agree-
ments herein don~ained. and in further consideration of the permits
and privileges granted hereunder, and the bond given for the faith."
fill performance hereofj the parties hereto mutually agree as follows~
1. The City hereby grants to Contractor the permit~
right and privilege to install and construct the following for
Florida Power Corporation:
Construct an underground electric al conduit, man-
holes, and appurtenances, in the first alley north
of Drew Street from the existing manhole on the
East side of Garden, wester.1.y to North Jc'ort Harrison.
2. Contractor agrees to submit the plans for the afore-
said work to the office of theCity Engineer and receive approval
from said City Engineer before proceeding with the aforesaid wo=~k~
3. Contractor agrees to accomplish the work in an or-
der which shall be satisfactory to the City Engineer.
4. Contractor agrees that the earth excavation inci.-
dental to the above described work shall be done by hand, and no
machinery or power-driven tools will be used in the accomplic<l:E:J?n.t
of the said excavation, except such portions as may be designa~8d
by the City Engineer. Contractor further agrees to vrater-compact
all trenches during back-filling.
, '
5. Oontractor shall be wholly responsible for the re-
pair and replacement of utilities and other damage caused by the
accomplishment of the work as aforesaid and Contractor further
hereby coVenants and agrees to replace paving removed or damaged
by or because of the accomplishment of the aforesaid vfOrk, said
paving to be of a type and quality equal to the paving so removed
or damaged, and performed in a manner satisfactory to the City En-
gineer, of the City of Clearwater.
6. Contractor hereunto binds himself, his successors
and assigns to the faithful performance of this Agreement; and
further binds himself, his successors and assigns to the forfeit-
ure of the sum of li'ive Thousand and 00/100 dollars(t5,OOO.00).
to City in the event of ContractorYs breach or default of any of
Contractor~s covenants, agreements or o~ligations of Contractor
hereunder. If all of the covenants, agreements or obljgations
of Contractor hereunder be faithfully performed by said Contract-
or, then this bond shall be null and void and of no effect"
7. The aforesaid work shall be accomplished within
thirty (30) d~ys; provided, however, that this time for completion
shall be extended by a period of time equal to any delays caused by
strike, riot, civil commotion, Act s of God, Governmental restrict~
ions, or natural calamity.
Attest.: /- f'
..Agtir~ City C .. rk
Approved as to form and correct- L/
Ci ty Attorney V
// ty Manager
C~. signed~
-'- ~~
May r-Commissioner
In (:pr~~
-_.. ~--
~~~ ~. z,Ch.t-;rL/
~A~RANC~ ~~~~~~
Co actor _. '-.--~~ :.'~'. .'. _/~
'.' /"':
--,/ . ~/ -
~\"'." ................ \0..
FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called lICITYIY, and
herein~fter called aCONTRACTOft"l WITNESSETH:
That in cortsideration of the mutual covenants and agree-
m~nts herein contained, and in further consideration of the permits
and privileges granted hereunder, ahd the bond given for the faith-
ful performance hereof, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows~
1. The City hereby grants to Contractor the permit;
right and privilege to install and construct the following for
Construct an. underground conduit, ;manholes and
appurtenances within the right-of-way of State
Road #599 (Drew Street), between Fort Harrison
Avenue and Watterson Avenue.
2. Contractor agree s to submit the plan:3: for the aforE.';>
said work to the office of theCity Engineer and receive approval
from said City Engineer before proceeding with the aforesaid ",Tork~
3. Contractor agrees to accompliSh the work in an o~-
der which shall be satisfactory to the City Engineer,
4. Contractor agrees that the earth excavation inci.-
dental to the above described work shall be done by hand, and no
machinery or power-driven tools will be used in the accomplishmsnt
of the said excavation, except such portions as may be designated
by the City Engineer. Contractor further agrees to water-compact
all trenches during back-filling.
" -
5. O~ntractor shall be wholly responsible for the re-
pair and replacement of utilities and other damage caused by the
acc4mplishment of the w~rk as aforesaid and Contractor further
hereby cevenants and agrees to replace paving removed or damaged
by or because of the acoomplishment of the aforesaid work, said
paving to be of a type and quality equal to the paving s~ removed
or damaged, and perf~rmed in a manner satisfactory to the City En-
gineer, of the City 6f Clearwater.
6. C~ntraot~r hereunto binds himself, his successors
aKd a~signs t~ the faithful performance of this Agreement; and
furthep binds himself, his successors and assigns to the forfeit-
ure ~f the sum of Five Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($5,000.00).
t~ City in the event nf ContractorYs breach or default of any of
Contractort~ covenants, agreements or ooligations of Contractor
hereunder 1
If all of the covenants, agreements or obljgations
of C6ntractor hereunder be faithfully performed by said Contract-
~r, then this b.nd shall be null and void and of no effect.
7. The af~resaid w~rk shall be accomplished within
thirty (30) days; provided, however, that this time for completion
5hall be extended by a period of time equal to any delays caused by
strike, riot, civil commotion, Acts of God, Governmental restrict-
i~ns, or natural calamity.
WITNESS the hands and seals of the parties hereto, this
14 day ~.f ~ . 1913 60 .
At?p ~~..t:
City prk
Approved as t~ f~rm and c~rrect-
ness: .
J~~ ~,
City Attor~ey 0
In (rrF
~ ~(tI.~ /
- '_..._~.~-- '''''.---'- .--,. -. .
- .
THIS AGREltMENT, by and between the CITY OF CLEAitV1ATER,
FLORIDA, a muhicipal corporation, hereinafter called "OITyn, and
hereinafter called nCONTRACTOftn, WITNESSETH:
That in consideration of the mutual covenants and agree-
ments herein contained, and in further consideration of the permits
and privileges granted hereunder, and the bond given for the faith-
ful performance hereof, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows~
1. The City hereby grants to Contractor the permit~
right and privilege to install and construct the following for
Florida Power Corporation:
Construct underground electrical conduit and
appurtenances in the alley east of Mandalay
from the existing conduit at Papaya northerly
to a point approximately 200 feet north of the
North line of Papaya.
2. Contractor agrees to submit the plan~ for the afore-
said work to the office of theCity Engineer and receive approval
from said City Engineer before proceeding with the aforesaid work&
3. Contractor agrees to accomplish the work in an or-
der which shall be satisfactory to the City Engineer.
4. Contractor agrees that the earth excavation inci-
dental to the above described work shall be done by hand, and no
machinery or power-driven tools will be used in the accomplishment
of the said excavation, except such portions as may be designated
by the City Engineer. Contractor further agrees to water-compact
all trenches during back-filling.
<( '......... ~
, ""'.-.
- ...
5. Contractor shall be wholly responsible for the re-
pair and replacement of utilities and other damage caused by the
acc4mpliShment ~f the w~rk as aforesaid and Contractor further
hereby cevenants and agrees to replace paving removed or damaged
by or because of the acoomplishment of the aforesaid work, said
paving to be of a type and quality equal to the paving sa removed
or damaged, and perf~rmed in a manner satisfactory to the City En-
gineer, of the City of Clearwater.
6. C~ntraotor hereunto binds himself, his successors
aKd a~sign~ to the faithful performance of this Agreement; and
further binds himself, his successors and assigns to the forfeit-
ure ef the sum of
t~ City in the event ~f ContractorYs breach or default of any of
Contractorl~ covenants, agreements or ooligations of Contractor
hereunder. If all of the covenants, agreements or obligations
~f Contractor hereunder be faithfully performed by said Contract-
.r, then this b.nd shall be null and void and of no effect.
7. The af~resaid w~rk shall be accomplished within
thirty (30) days; provided, however, that this time for completion
shall be extended by a period of time equal to any delays caused by
strike, riot, civil commotion, Acts of God, Governmental restrict-
i~ns, or natural calamity.
WITNESS the hands and seals of the parties hereto, this
1J!4daY.f_F ,19(, 60.
as t~ flllrm and c"'rrect-
In the pre~ence of:
'j A ~~, fI~
vAOd- f.~~
- ....._--~-- "'---'~-----'-
. '--':'::;;..--'--- ~~- - ..----
FLORIDA. a municipal cdrporatiori~ hereinafter called "CITYvv, and
hereinafter called ilCONTRACTOft" , WITNESSETH:
That in consideration of the mutual covenants and agree-
ments herein contained, and in further consideration of the permits
and privileges granted hereunder, and the bond given for the faith-
ful performance hereof, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows~
1. The City hereby grants to Contractor the permit,
right and privilege to install and construct the following for
Florida Power Corporation:
Construction underground electrical conduit, man-
hole and appurtenances in Pierce Street from the
existing conduit at Myrtle Avenue, westerly a dis-
tance of approximately 2200 feet to the west line
of East Avenue.
2. Contractor agrees to submit the plans for the afore--
said work to the office of theCity Engineer and receive approval
from said City Engineer before proceeding with the aforesaid work.
3. Contractor agrees to accompliSh the work in an or-
der which shall be satisfactory to the City Engineer.
4. C.ontractor agrees that the earth excavation inci-
dental to the above described work shall be done by hand, and no
machinery or power-driven tools will be used in the accomplishment
of the said excavation, except such portions as may be designated
by the City Engineer. Contractor further agrees to water-compact
all trenches during back-filling.
5. O~ntractor shall be wholly responsible for the re-
pair and replacement of utilities and other damage caused by the
acc4mplishment ~f the work as aforesaid and Contractor further
hereby Ctltvenants and agrees t~ replace .paving removed or damaged
by or because of the acoomplishment of the aforesaid work, said
paving to be ~f a type and quality equal t~ the paving so removed
er damaged, and perf~rmed in a manner satisfactory to the City En-
gineer, of the City of Clearwater.
6. Contra~t~r hereunto binds himself, his successors
a~d a~sign~ to the faithful performance of this Agreement; and
furthe~ binds himself, his successors and assigns to the forfeit-
ure ef the sum of ----Five Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($5,000.00)
t~ City in the event nf Contractor's breach or default of any of
Contract~rl~ covenants, agreements or ooligations of Contractor
hereunder. If all of the covenants, agreements or obligations
~f Contractor hereunder be faithfully performed by said Contract-
~r, then this bend shall be null and void and of no effect.
7. The af4~said w~rk shall be accomplished within
thirty (30) days; provided, however, that this time for completion
~hall be extended: by a period of time equal to any delays caused by
strike, riot, civil commotion, Acts of God, Governmental restrict-
i("')ns, or natural calamity.
WITNESS the hands and seals of the parties hereto, this
;:;1 ~ day et Se>p1-.e>mhAT' , 19J1JQ....
Approved as t~ f~rm and clltrrect-
(.',/ '
In t~r~~ei:~:)
./3, .%1 ((~;
....: -,.
'- -- ...,
''''f r
FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called "CITY", and
hereinafter called ilCONTRACTOft", WITNESSETH:
That in consideration of the mutual covenants and agree-
ments herein contained, and in further consideration of the permits
and privileges granted hereunder, and the bond given for the faith-
ful performance hereof, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows~
1. The City hereby grants to Contractor the permit,
right and privilege to install and construct the following for
Construct underground electric conduit, manholes
and appurtenances in Coronado Drive from a point
approximately 110 feet south of the south line of
Third Street, southerly to a point approximately
150 feet south of the south line of Third Street.
2. Contractor agrees to submit the plan~ for the afore-
said work to the office of theCity Engineer and receive approval
from said City Engineer before proceeding with the aforesaid 'I'fork.
3. Contractor agrees to accomplish the work in an or-
der which shall be satisfactory to the City Engineer.
4. Contractor agrees that the earth excavation inci-
dental to the above described work shall be done by hand, and no
machinery or power-driven tools will be used in the accomplishment
of the said excavation, except such portions as may be designated
by the City Engineer. Contractor further agrees to water-compact
all trenches during back-filling.
.:"'1':.........~' ~ I
'f': ~ - --
5 .~ntl'actor shall be wholly re sponsibl,e for the re-
pair and replacement of utilities and other damage caused by the
acc.mpli:shment of the work as af6resaid and Contractor further
hereby cevenants and agrees to replace paving removed or damaged
by or because of the aCOomplishment of the aforesaid work, said
paving to be of a type and quality equal to the paving ~ removed
or damaged, and performed in a manner satisfactory to the City En-
gineer, of the City ~f Clearwater~
6~ C6ntraot~r hereunto binds himself, his successors
a~d a~sign~ t~ the faithful performance of this Agreement; and
further binds himself, his successors and assigns to the forfeit-
ure ~f the sum of Five Thousand and 00/100 Dollars (~5,OOO.OOl.
t~ City in the event nf Contractor's breach or default of any of
Contract~rl~ covenants, agreements or ooligations of Contractor
hereunder. If all of the covenants, agreements or obligations
of Contractor her,eunder be faithfully performed by said Contract-
.r, then this b.nd shall be null and void and of no effect.
7. The af~resaid w~rk shall be accomplished within
thirty (30) days; provided, however, that this time for completion
~hall be extended. by a period of time equal to any delays caused by
strike, riot, civil commotion, Acts of God, Governmental restrict-
ions, or natural calamity.
WITNESS the hands and seals of the parties hereto,this
j,.# day.f September , 197 60.
Git ", Clerk
Approved as t~ f~rm and c~rrect-
ne s~ ~
Cit? ltt~r~y' - -, V'
In t,he pre~~en ~ of:
~ ~~
J3 ~~r.C'
62 ~~j~
~;;/City anager '
C01~igned: /
By: ! (] , :..--
ontra ctor ,/,fJ.., J...::J:;.
.' ~
- ------
..... 1
, ,
FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called "CITYH, and
hereinafter called ilCONTRACTOft", WITNESSETH:
That in consideration of the mutual covenants and agree-
ments herein contained, and in further consideration of the permits
and privileges granted hereunder, and the bond given for the faith-
ful performance hereof, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows~
1. The City hereby grants to Contractor the permit,
right and privilege to install and construct the following for
F16rida Power Corporation:
Construct underground electrical conduit and appur-
tenances in the alley east of Garden .Avenue from
Chestnut, northerly a distance of approximately
200 feet.
2. Contractor agrees to submit the plan~ for the afore...
said work to the office of theCity Engineer and receive approval
from said City Engineer before proceeding with the aforesaid worku
3. Contractor agrees to accomplish the work in an or-
der which shall be satisfactory to the City Engineer.
4. Contractor agrees that the earth excavation inci-
dental to the above described work shall be done by hand, and no
machinery or power-driven tools will be used in the accomplishment
of the said excavation, except such portions as may be designated
by the City Engineer., Contractor further agrees to water-compact
all trenches during back-filling.
>-. -.,~.. -
5. D~ntractor shall be wholly responsible for the re-
pair and~piaoement of utilities and other damage caused by the
acc..mpli&lment of thewerk as aforesaid and Contractor further
hereby C8~enants and agrees to replace paving removed or damaged
by or because of the acoomplishment of the aforesaid work, said
paving t6 be ~f a type and quality equal to the paving',Sl' removed
er damaged, and perf~rmed in a manner satisfactory to the City En-
gineer, ef the City ~f Clearwater.
61 C~ntraot~r hereurtt6 binds himself, his successors
a1\d a~sign5 t~ the faithful performance of this Agreement; and
further binds himself, his successors and assigns to the forfeit-
ure ~f the sum of Five thousand and no cents' ($5,000.00)
,t~ City in the event ~f Contractor's breach or default of any of
Contract~rl~ covenants, agreements or ooligations of Contractor
hereunder. If all of the covenants, agreements or obligations
~f Contractor hereunder be faithfully performed by said Contract-
.4r, then this<b.nd shall be null and void and of no effect.
7. The af~resaid w~rk shall be accomplished within
thirty (30) days; provided, however, that this time for completion
~hall be extended by a period of time equal to any delays caused by
strike, riot, civil commotion, Acts of God, Governmental restrict-
ions, or natural calamity.
WITNESS the hands and seals of the parties hereto~ this
~/~aY-~f October , 197/ 60.
Approved as t~f,lIlrm and c~rrect-
Countersigned: r
I (!,C
--=~ -J.
,/ fcslu
,,- ....... --
-- - "" - -
- .----..-
,..~ I I
c-/' > ~
FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called "CITY", and
hereinafter called ilCONTRACTOft", WITNESSETH:
That in consideration of the mutual covenants and agree-
ments herein contained, and in further consideration of the permits
and privileges granted hereunder, and the bond given for the faith-
ful performance hereof, the parties hereto mutually agree as follo'\lJS ~
1. The City hereby grants to Contractor the permit,
right and privilege to install and construct the following for
Florida Power Corporation:
Construct an underground electrical conduit
from the existing manhole at the northeast
corner of Park Street and the ACL Railroad,
southerly a distance of approximately 50 feet.
2. Contractor agrees to submit the plans for the afore-
said work to the office of theCity Engineer and receive approval
from said City Engineer before proceeding with the aforesaid work.
3. Contractor agrees to accomplish the work in an or-
der which shall be satisfactory to the City Engineer.
4. Contractor agrees that the earth excavation inci-
dental to the above described work shall be done by hand, and no
machinery or power-driven tools will be used in the accomplishment
of the said excavation, except such portions as may be designated
by the City Engineer. Contractor further agrees to water-compact
all trenches during back-filling.
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5. C~tractor shall be wholly responsible fo~ the re-
pair and replacement of utilities and other damage caused by the
acc.mpliShment of the werk as aforesaid and Cont~actor further
hereby c..venants and agrees t~ replace paving removed or damaged
by or because of the acoomplishment of the aforesaid work, said
paving t~ be ~f a type and quality equal to the paving Sft removed
er damaged. and perf~rmed in a manner satisfactory to the City En-
gineer, of the City ~f Clearwater.
6. Centraot~r hereunto binds himself, his successors
aKd a~sign~ t~ ~he faithful performance of this Agreement; and
furthe~ binds himself, his successors and assigns to the forfeit-
ure ~f the sum of One Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($1,000.00)
t~ City in the event ~f Contractor's breach or default of any of
Contract~~I~ covenants, agreements or ooligations of Contractor
hereunder. If all of the covenants, agreements or obligations
~f Contractor hereunder be faithfully performed by said Contract-
~.r, then this b.nd shall be null and void and of no effect.
7. The a~resaid w~rk shall be accomplished within
thirty (30) days; provided, however, that this time for completion
~hall be extended by a period of time equal to any delays caused by
strike, riot, civil commotion, Acts of God, Governmental restrict-
ions, or natural calamity.
iN'ITNESS the hands and seals of the parties hereto, thi s
:2?Hday".f December , 19~.lliL.
pproved as t~ P~rm and e~rrect-
:::YtJ~ ~ .
In the pre~efce of:
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