AGREEMENT FOR STRUCTURAL WORK CITY HALL ROOF fA ... ... 1 ' L-:<--..~.) , (>,. I /.: ~,~' .> I I CI.W~ .1/7 10/10/89 CITY CF CLEJ\fW ATER, FrDRIO\ CITY HAIL ROOF AGREEMENT (Stru:::tural Vbrk) For the Clearwater City Hall Roof: THIS AGREEMENT has been made and entered into day of DECEMBER , 1989, between the City First Part, hereinafter called KONING CORPORATION Party hereinafter called the Gbntractor. this 12TH of Clearwater, Party the OWner, of the Secorrl of the and Part , In consideration of . the mutual stipulations, agreanents, and covenants herein contained, the parties hereto have a;Jreed as fo~lows: 1. The \<Ork includes constru:::tion/replacanent of the Clearwater d ty fbll Roof and all associatErl w:Jrk as related to the stru:::tural w:Jrk, as shown on the plans and described in the G3neral Jequirements and Thchnical Specifications, which Plans, ~neral Jequiranents and Thchnical ~ecifications are hereby made a part of this aJreanent. 2. That the Cbntractor shall furnish all labor, materials, and equipnent and perform all w:Jrk necessary for construe ting and repl acinq the Clearwater City Hall IbJf as relatErl to the stru:::tural w:Jrk and as shown on the attached PI ans and described in the attached G3neral . 'Requirements and Thchnical Specificatioo for the unit price stated in the attacherl ffiOroSAL dated OCTOBER 23 , 1989, \\hich IROroSAL is also hereby made part of this Agreement. 3. That the <bntractor shall execute a perfomance and payment bond equal to 100 percent of the contract price, su:::h bond to be executed by a surety company acceptable to the OWner. 4. '!hat the O:::lntractor shall procure and pay for insurance cOlJerin] the ~rk, R.1blic liability and ~operty lBmaJe msurance inclu:Hrg Comprehensive Gmeral. Liability Insurance, Cbntractual Liability Insurance, <bntirgent li abil i ty and Cbntirgent R:'operty IlmIa;Je Insurance, Wbrkmens Compensation Insurance, Automobile Insurance ann other required insurance in anounts not less than the fo11awirg: THE CITY OF CLEARWATER AS ADDITIONAL INSURED. A. Canprehens ive ~neral Liabil ity Insurance Ibdily injury liability: annual a)'Jregate. $I, 000, 000 each occur rence , $1, 000, 000 Pr:'~rty danCk;)e liabil ity: $1,000,000 each QCcurrence, $1,000,000 annual aggre:]at.e. ": Cr- 1/ 1\"-1 . to' ..I ',' (A.,':,"';' ';.'.~"..'.'.'.:.r-'CYL- 1'/7 "', >.., Ln~. ;>, 10/10/89 I I B. COntractual r..i ~bn ity In!=;urancer !brIUy injury liability: $1,000,000 each occurrence, $1,000,000 annual 199raJate. Prcperty dl'lTl~e li8bilityr $1,000,000 each occurrence, $1,000,000 annual agqregate. c. o.mer'e 8n(1 Chntractor's R:'otective liability Insurance: lbdily i n;ury li ahil ity: annual 8gqreqate. $1,000,000 each occurrence, $1,000,000 Prcperty dm\a,e liabil it yr $1, 000, 000 each occurrence, $1, 000, 000 annual a:Jgregate.. D. WJrkmen's OJmpensation and Bnplo~r's Uability msurance: WJrktren's Canpeneatim: Statutory minimun. Employer's I1 abil fty: lbdily injlJ["Y '$1,000,000 each penon. AUTOMOBILE: E. tbdily In1ury liahility: $1,000,000 each pereoo, $1,000,000 each occurrence. Prq>erty dClT\CQe Habil ity: $1,000,000 each occurrence. ;. That dudflJ pprfr'M.,nC'~ rim up tn tlY> date nf final aCC'E'ptf',"<Y nf the '<<:lrl<, the O:mtrrlctnr sh~ll protect all wljacent stroctures frDn any d8t\~, 1099 or in;ury and shall be liable for any danc:ge or loss. 6. . :thAt. the (bntr~('t0r sh...ll CO"npl y wi th all local state am federal law.:;, rules, onHnanceq, am nryulations applicable to this '#Jrk, aoo the Contractor shall obtain all pennits required. 7. Th~t construct ion/replacement of the Clearwater City Hall R--nf as relater1 to the stru:::tl.n-a1 W)rk shall be Stt>stantially canplete, inclu~ing testill1 within 60 calemar days frO'n the date of the notice to proceed, and final conpletion shall be 90 days fran the date of the notice to proceOO. 8. 'thAt the \IOrk shall be. stbject to inspection ooth duriTl'J constn.cH0n and after canplettm by 'the duly appJinted representatives of the ~r 8m ty the erYJ t ~rs c1~q ignateo1 by then to ooserve the 'fOrk. fi nr\l acceptance of t~ wnrkao1 pa~nt therefor, shall be marle after it h~~ been entirely completed to the satisfaction of ~h retresentatives and engineers. 9. Inof!T\T\ification. Tn C1'lQe any action at law or suit in pquity may 0r S11,-,lTbebr')I.Qht 3':1" inst Ci ty of Clearwater, or any of i ts irlent~, or gnpl~es, for or 01 acCOtJ1t of the failtre, anission, or 11e11ect of the Contractor or his sttlcontracbxs, Employees, or aJents, to m or perform any of t.h~ COI!f"nanlCJ, act!'!, matters, or thlfY}s hy thiq Chntrrlct \Jf)(Jert tt ken to hf! c1rone or ~r former1 by t~ ())ntr~ctor or hi q T\r::...') ,.. 11\.;,. ,..f\ . 4.. ... ) I ~.1/7 10/10/89 '.... - . , J , undertaken to be dona or perform4ld by the Q:mtractor or his subcontractors, enploY"!' , or a,ents, or trO\'\ anY inj uries done to property or parllOn. and caused by the nE91fgence or a11e;ed ~1i9enee of the Contractor or his a\.boontraetc:r:s, tmployws, or ~ent:A, thfm the Contractor .t\all bftmer.5iate1y MSUll. tInd taM ~. of the defense of such actions or suits in like 1ftaNWr am to all intents aOO' purp'M 89 if Mid actions or ~it. had been bro\Qht directly eqainst the Contractor lard tha <Dntraetor shall al.o indnnify and S8VG har:m1us the City of Cleareter, ita officers, er;ents, and C\olo~e9 incluHrg the etY'Jineers, CIIT'9 D:Hser , f1::" me., frcm any and all loss, oost, or &meoe ~.te'1er arislrYJ out of ~h Etions or suits, in like manner and to aU intentJI and put";'I)sn as if laid ~tion8 or suit:.w had beftn bral.9ht directly eQaiMt the Cbnt.raetor, anc! the O:mtractor shall 818:> inde-nnify and Ine harmless the City of Clearwater, its officer!'}, ~ent., and emp1~e. lneluHrg the erqlneers, OImp D:'e.gar , M::~e Ine., frOl'!1 any and all 101., coat, or dan~e _hatever broU1ht as afonsaid. 10. 1h. omer ~11 pay the value of the w:)rk 45 days after finAl inspection and acceptance of the ~k by t.hI 'C)Nr. IRSIGNEDI oner CITY a C~AT!R, FIDRID\ ;~ (!;~7t~'~anaqe; '~ -- Attest..J .c' - _ . ."' \;.- , - - -- (\,"~~:.Jj~=Q . cyn-tlf~'~" GQu~ea~~_":"~ty Clerk '. Approved a. to '-~ .......,." ~: r~PA'I'E SEAL) _. ,~ '~ XONING CORPORATION BY ~4kt- / Titlel MCCe ;;;ij;5'JPe;H/ r '- Amml "'Jkl, igf (1'1 tie,) /7 (J.j (),LbL ~ I~ AA-) THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS, AND CONDI- TIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE DATE (MM/OOIYY) POLICY EXPIRATION DATE (MM/OOIYY) ALL LIMITS IN THOUSANDS GENERAL LIABILITY COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY [8J OCCURRENCE OWNER'S & CONTRACTORS PROTECTIVE GENERAL AGGREGATE PROOUCTS-COMPIOPS AGGREGATE PERSONAL & ADVERTISING INJURY EACH OCCURRENCE FIRE DAMAGE (ANY ONE FIRE) MEDICAL EXPENSE (ANY ONE PERSON) A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY X ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS GARAGE LIABILITY 1 MP12I781343531211 04/23/89 4/23/9121 CSL $ 1 ,12100 BODILY INJURY (PER PERSON) $ BODILY INJURY !PER $ ACCIDENT) EACH OCCURRENCE OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM 612104438 1213/01/89 f213/01/9121 WORKERS' COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY AUTIOMOB I LE: PHYSICAL DAMAGE 1M 81. 1 MP0781343531211 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONSIVEHICLESI RESTRICTIONS I SPECIAL ITEMS re: City Hall - structural The certificate holder is named as additional insLlred as respects General Liability coverage for the above referenced project. c V' SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EX. PIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL1121 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE GITY OF CLEARWATER ATTN: CITY MANAGER P. O. BOX 4748 CLEARWATER, FL 34618 A.~..Hlt. 25-5 11/85 PRODUCER Suncoast Insurance Associates, Inc. P. O. Box 22668 Tampa, FL 33622-2668 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. ~J COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY A LETTER United States Fidelity & Guaranty Co. INSURED COMPANY B LETTER The City of Clearwater Attn: City Manager's Office P. O. Box 4748 Clearwater, FL 34618 COMPANY C LETTER COMPANY D LETTER COMPANY E LETTER THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS, AND CONDI- TIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. . CO LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE DATE (MM/DDiYY) POl'CY EXPIRATION DATE (MMIDDiYY) ALL LIMITS IN THOUSANDS GENERAL LIABILITY A COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY Binder 2857 CLAIMS MADE DOCCURRENCE X OWNER'S & CONTRACTORS PROTECTIVE 12/11/89 12/11/90 GENERAL AGGREGATE PRODUCTS-COMPIOPS AGGREGATE PERSONAL & ADVERTISING INJURY EACH OCCURRENCE FIRE DAMAGE (ANY ONE FIRE) MEDICAL EXPENSE (ANY ONE PERSON) $ 1 ,000, $ $ $ 1 000 $ $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS GARAGE LIABILITY CSL $ BODilY INJURY iPER PERSON) $ BODilY INJURY (PER $ ACCIDENT) PROPERTY DAMAGE $ OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM EACH OCCURRENCE $ STATUTORY WORKERS' COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY $ $ $ (DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT) (DISEASE-EACH EMPLOYEE) OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS/VEHICLES / RESTRICTIONS / SPECIAL ITEMS City Hall Building Roof project Contractor: Koning Corporation, 8301 Joliet Street, r": ' At:..I..... 12/14/89 THIS BINDER IS A TEMPORARY INSURANCE CONTRACT, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS SHOWN ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS FORM , ."" ............. """-'''-'''-~-''--']-'----- ..-..,,-.... ....... .... INSURANCE INDER ..'..."...f"."...........-..'... ISSUE DATE (MM/DDIYY) DATE TIME I I Guaranty 2857! EXPIRATION I DATE TIME; X 12:01 AM! NOON' BINDER NO. PRODUCER COMPANY Suncoast Insurance Associates, Inc. P. O. Box 22668 Tampa, FL 33622-2668 United States Fidelity & EFFECTIVE X AM PM 01/ 11/90 12/11/89 12:01 I CODE SUB-CODE THIS BINDER IS ISSUED TO EXTEND COVERAGE IN THE ABOVE NAMED COMPANY PER EXPIRING POLICY NO: DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSNEHICLES/PROPERTY (Including Location) The City of Clearwater Attn: City Manager's Office P. O. Box 4748 Clearwater, FL 34618 City Hall Roof project City Hall Building, Clearwater, FL Contractor: Koning Corporation 8301 Joliet Street Hudson, FL 34667 ! INSURED ~.,< i COVERAGES I TYPE OF INSURANCE l PROPERTY CAUSES OF LOSS BASIC BROAD SPEC. ALL LIABILITY LIMITS IN THOUSANDS COVERAGElFORMS AMOUNT DEDUCTIBLE COINSUR. , i 1 I IGENERAI..LIABII..ITy...._...._........... ............__..... I I X OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROTo AUTOMOBiLE' ALL VEHICLES SCHEDULED VEHICLES GENERAL AGGREGATE $ PROD. - COMP/OPS AGGREGATE $ PERSONAL & ADVTSNG. INJURY $ EACH OCCURRENCE $ FIRE DAMAGE (Anyone fire) $ MED. EXPENSE (Anyone person) $ CSL $ BI PERS/ACCID $ PD $ MED. PAY $ PIP $ UM $ 1,000, COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY ** CLAIMS MADE OCCUR 1,000, RETRO DATE FOR CLAIMS MADE: LIABILITY NON/OWNED HIRED GARAGE i . AUTO PHYSiCAL DAMAGE"....... 1 I COLLISION DED. ALL VEHICLES SCHEDULED VEHICLES ACV STATED AMOUNT $ OTHER EACH AGGREGATE SEI..F-iNSURED OCCURRENCE RETENTION OTC DED: [-EXCESS LIABILITY -----....--...-....-------.....-.-...... ," I 1 UMBRELLA FORM i 1 i OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM RETRO DATE FOR CLAIMS MADE: WORKER'S COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYER'S LIABILITY STATUTORY $ $ $ (EACH ACCIDENT) (DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT) (DISEASE-EACH EMPLOYEE) SPECIALcONOiTIONS;RESTRICTIONSIOTHER COVERAGES **Pursuant to application on file with the company. 'HO". NAME & ADDRESS Koning Corporation 8301 Joliet Street Hudson, FL 34667 MORTGAGEE LOSS PAYEE LOAN # X ADDITIONAL INSURED Contractor I'ZED REPRESENTATlVO.. (!) ~ eph O'C~11 JJO/tsf @ ACORD CORPORA nON 1988 . ACO~~..!.~.-~J~/~!L....... ,..."...,...."_.~,'_.~.,' ,,_ ,..,,".,,"_' ,~.. _..____"'__.... ,_..._.......'~"..._...._~_..._....~_u,....,"". ,-.. -,~'..."... ,