LETTER MODIFYING SERVICES TRAFFIC CONTROL SOFTWARE SYSTEM ~~c I i I I S Y~1~I~a~n'ac~!]~e~07601 . (201) 342-4804 )'1~7J3 <:' June 10, 1980 ML Keith A. Crawford, T~affic Engineer city of Clearwater P.o. Box 4748 C~earwater, FL 33518 P.E. Dear Mr. Crawford: This will serve to confirm our telephone discussion and previous correspondence concerning add-on software capabilities for the Cl~arwater Sysatem. If it is agreeable with you, we sugqest that this letter serve as an agreement between our firm and the City of Clearwater, Plorida regar~ing work we are to perform for the City in order to enhance ~he UTCS'software system currently in operation in your Interdatq somputer. The speSific work items are as follows: . ' " The (::Ql1sUl tantwill cone and install an on-line scheduier w:hichwill permit full unattended scheduled operation. ,This E\cheduler, wi 11 provide time-ot-day, day~of-week scheduling (i.e., . TOD/now) and includes within it the ability to schedule responsive operatiop, manual patterns, signal system pick~up and clropcomm<:lnds, sect,i.on.andcontroller pick-up and drop commands, ~nd other scnedulab;I..e functions. . , I ! : l The Ccmsultant;wil1 develop and install a shortforrn of the menu'list I/O in order to 'permit consolidated data entry by the operator. The shor~form will permit the, operator to respond to all questions in the menu list selection process at one time in ~ single character stream entry without waiting for each menu to be displayei1. !S.'C'.:- -(.1 '<' "..;;-'Y ('; I' ~~>",\J:,)! ~',;':',~) '-',"X',' ,\r,:c,( RALEIGH. HACKENSAGK. WEST PALM BEACH, TAMPA FORT MYERS, KNOXVillE, lEXINGTON . c~ V.:, !J. ,- h l . ~..c Systemsl ~nc. I \ i Mr. Keith A. Crawford, 2 SCHEDULE ~he work described in ,this Agreement will be completed by Computran during the two-month period ending August I, 1980. ~his work will be und~rtaken and completed in conjunction with pther enhancements currently being implemented by the Consultant ~n order to ~inimize the cost and time requ~rements for the process. It is understood and agreed that the scheduler and menu ~ist shortening technique will be derived from similar work being bndertaken for Knoxville in order to reduce costs experienced by the City of Clearwater. FEE - The f~efor providing ,the services described above will be the lump sum amount .of $4900. This sum shall include $4500 for the ,scheduler enhancements,a:nd $,400 for the 'menu list changes. I PAYMENT The, City shall pay to the Consultant the sum of $4900 upon sUbmf$sion of an invoice at the completion of the work I.', . requ1rements. This invoice shall be due and payable in full within thirty days of submission. The Consultant shall warranty the software and logic to be fr~ I ofdefe.cts , and, errors for a period of six months from the dat~.!of . ~insta~lat~o~" andshail make any corrections and adjustments I' necessary to rerl}edy bugs which may surface. during the interval. I If this Agreement is acceptable to the City of Clearwater, please havel.onecopyexecjlted by an appropriate official and retun1edto pur off~ce, along ",ith any supplemental purchase order or . documentatipn whicp the City:may normally use for this purpose. :Thereturned Agreement should ,include along with it stipulations as to.howinvoicin~ is to be submitted in order to fulfiLl the 'I "", 't, ' ' " , " !ICit~).s r~~Uirementr. , I We apprebiate the bpportunity of being of service to the City of Clearwat~r, and we' look forward to working with you on this and I .~ ~MC Sys1ems~ .nc. Mr. Keith A. Crawford I other projects. HNY:ge 'cc: F.L. Orclltt Date: ~~ I rlt.. Approved as to form and correctness: o;(~ ~ Chief AS,sistant City 1l\.tto1"ney i [' I 3 S incen" 1 y yours, KHC SYS1'f'~Mf It>JC, 1/ kJu lkF'----- H. Nathan y~, Ph.D., P.F. Agreed to: B Attest: to ~JU.~ ~ ~U. City Clerk