MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENT TO DEVELOP SIGNAL SYSTEM SOFTWARE r v_I . . I I .... . I', SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT #1 FOR SERVICES BETWEEN KIMLEY-HORN AND COMPUTRAN, INCORPORATED AND THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA .vC This SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT, entered into this ,!b day of ~ 1971, by and between KIMLEY-HORN and COMPUTRAN, INCORPORATED (herein called the "CONSULTANT") and the City of Clearwater, Florida (herein called the "CITY") WITNESSETH THAT: WHEREAS, the CITY and the firm of Kahl, Kimley-Horn and Associates, Incorporated entered into an AGREEMENT on August 9, 1976, concerning technical and professional services in connection with the implementation of a computerized traffic signal system, and; WHEREAS, the rights, title and interests of Kahl, Kimley- Horn and Associates, Incorporated in said AGREEMENT were assigned, with the knowledge and consent of the CITY, to the CONSULTANT, and; WHEREAS, a more useful version (known as the extended or Charlotte version) of the UTCS software has been made avail- able by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and; WHEREAS, tr..e CITY desires the CONSULTANT to develop the signal system software based upon the Charlotte version of UTCS and the CONSULTANT desires to develop the software on this basis; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties do mutually agree to the following modification in the above cited AGREEMENT: I. MODIFICATIONS TO THE SCOPE OF SERVICES 1. The software shall be based on the Charlotte 'version of the Urban Traffic Control System (UTCS) software as described in Volumes 1 through 5 of the "Urban Traffic Control System First Generation FORTRAN -1- (I'A';"", ' ~ ').' :....:f./c... ,e f1 -~'''~. "1~ h,/}.. if --' ~~/ " ,_~~ r,,' : ..,', , --, 1 .... ,.. j I ': i, !J3'-!! 4-. - Lf- . " I I IV Overlay Software" (Extended Version) Final Report, July 1978 and modified to be operated with the com- puter and communications system which the CITY has already purchased and modified to incorporate the railroad and drawbridge related functions set forth in the AGREEMENT. 2. The system capabilities will provide .expansibility to a total of 15 independent subareas (subsystems) of control. 3. The CONSULTANT will review and revise as necessary the Installation Instructions and the Installation Instruction Drawings, which he has prepared for use by CITY personnel, to incorporate the wiring re- visions necessary to enable the features of the Charlotte version of UTCS. 4. All references to the FORTRAN version of the UTCS software package in the above cited AGREEMENT shall be construed to mean the Charlotte version. 5. Develop Software - This section replaces the section delineated as Develop Software in the AGREEMENT. Under this task, the CONSULTANT will interface the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA's) Charlotte version of the Urban Traffic Control System (UTCS) software package. The CONSULTANT will interface the UTCS Fortran package into the Clearwater computer by writing, debugging and making operational the assembly language programs delineated in the software documentation package as stipulated above. In addition, the CONSULTANT will append a communications handler so as to allow for the UTCS Charlotte software to inter- face to the communication equipment which the City has already purchased. To accomplish the interfacing of the Fortran program, the CONSULTANT will design, code, debug and make operational the twenty (20) -2- . " I I .' utility subroutines, the system abort routine, the three (3) supervisors, and the communications task which are delineated in Attachment S-lA and explained in Volume 2 of the documentation manual stipulated in Article 1 of this supplemental agreement. No modifications of the UTCS Fortran programs are in- cluded in this work effort and no modifications of the operation characteristics of UTCS will be pro- vided. However, the CONSULTANT will design, code, debug and make operational the Fortran routines necessary to add the drawbridge back-up clearance and railroad back-up clearance to the UTCS software. Furthermore, the CONSULTANT will make operational the console panel and the display map, which the CITY has already purchased, with the UTCS Charlotte software to the extent that the hardware capa- bilities of the map and panel will allow. 6. Progress Reports - The CONSULTANT will provide the CITY with the necessary information regarding the CONSULTANT's activities to permit the CITY to pre- pare monthly progress reports to the Federal Highway Administration. 7. The services to be provided by the CONSULTANT do not include: A. Meetings with representatives of the Federal Highway Administration or the Florida Depart- ment of Transportation. B. Demonstrations of the signal system to personnel of the Federal Highway Administration or the Florida Department of Transportation except those for system acceptance. Such personnel may be present, at no cost to the CONSULTANT, at any demonstration or training sessionre- quired herein for the benefit of the CITY. -3- I I , . , . C. Filling out of any Federal Highway Administration or Florida Department of Transportation forms. 8. Referring to the Federal Highway Administration ADP (Automatic Data Processing) Requirements: A. No additional equipment will be required. There- fore no specifications will be provided. B. All computer programs will be written in either ANSI FORTRAN IV or Interdata Assembly Language. Programs written or modified by the CONSULTANT will be delivered in Source Form. These programs utilize routines in the Run Time Library of the Interdata computer. Source code of the Run Time Library will not be provided by the CONSULTANT. C. Computer programs will not be documented by the CONSULTANT according to FIPS PUB 38 entitled "Guidelines for Documentation of Computer Pro,- d " grams and Automate Data Systems since much of the documentation already exists. D. The data and those programs not written in Fortran will not be compatible with FHWA's computer system, IBM 360/65. E. Only that documentation specifically enumerated in the AGREEMENT and this SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT will be provided by the CONSULTANT. 9. Referring to the Reporting Requirements in the CITY's offer to the FHWA, the CONSULTANT will not provide a source tape. The CONSULTANT will provide a source disk. The source will be listed by the CONSULTANT on disks which are compatible with the Clearwater signal system computer system and which are provided to the CONSULTANT by the CITY. -4- I I II. TIME OF PERFORMANCE Assuming no delays beyond the control of the CONSULTANT, all work required by the AGREEMENT and this SUPPLEMENTAL AGREE- MENT will be completed within 365 calendar days after receipt by the CONSULTANT of an executed copy of this SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT. This period allows for 55 calendar days for the signal system contractor to disassemble the equipment presently installed temporarily at the CONSULTANT's Hackensack, New Jersey facility, ship it to Clearwater, set it up and complete the field tests. This period also allows for the 90-day observa- tion period required of the signal system contractor. This period assumes that the signal system contractor provides all of the communications equipment to the CITY by December 31, 1978, and that the CITY completes all installation activities by March 31, 1979. Reasonable time extensions will be given to the CONSULTANT for delays which are beyond his control. All references to time in Article VI of the AGREEMENT are hereby replaced by the above. III. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES The liquidated damages required by the AGREEMENT shall be counted from the 365 days noted above. IV. PERFORMANCE BOND The requirement for a Performance Bond set forth in the AGREEMENT is hereby deleted. V. COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT The CITY shall pay the CONSULTANT the revised total amount of two hundred seven thousand twenty dollars ($207,020.00) for the work required in the AGREEMENT and in this SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT. Attachment C to the AGREEMENT is hereby replaced by Attachment S-IA to this SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT. -5- I I Payment shall be made as set forth in the AGREEMENT with the following additions and revisions. Payment for Subtask F-I, Develop Subsystem Timing Plans, shall be made at the rate of $l,102.35 per subsystem timing plan. The total lump sum compensation for this system shall be $22,047.00. Payment for Task I, Provide Monthly Progress Report Information to CITY, shall be made at the rate of $250.00 per month beginning with the month in which this SUPPLEMENTAL AGREE- MENT is executed'and continuing for ten (lO) calendar months. The total lump sum compensation for this item shall be $2500.00 and the CONSULTANT shall be entitled to all of this amount even if the project is finished early and all ten (lO) reports are not needed. In the event that the work requires more than ten (10) monthly reports, the CONSULTANT shall continue to pro- vide the necessary information without additional charge. Payment for Task K, Additional Oversight of Field Installa- tion, shall be made at the rate of $653.25 per month beginning with the month of the CONSULTANT's first inspection of an in- stalled communications/interface unit and continuing for four months. The total lump sum compensation for this task shall be $2,613.00. The CONSULTANT will not be required to be audited for the benefit of the Federal Highway Administration or the Florida Department of Transportation. VI. EFFECT ON AGREEMENT All provisions of the AGREEMENT which are not specifically amended by this SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT shall remain in effeci:. VII. CLOSURE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the CITY and the CONSULTANT have executed this SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT as of the date first above written. -6- I . . . .' ATTEST: ~~L~ City Clerk form and AT'rFrST : -'. - /-- -./ -~ "- ..- t! /;~:n[lti, p~ Assistant Secretary -7- I By KIMLEY-HORN AND COMPUTRAN, INC., CONSULTANT ~ Harold D. Vick, P.E. Vice President " . . - "'" 4-l o M +-l Q) Q) .c: 00 ~ M I 00 E-i ~ E-i ...:: ::> 00 :z: o u Q) .c: +-l 4-l o +-l ~ Q) I:: :>1 rO ~ H o 4-l U'l I:: Q) +-l H Q) ~ -r-! H 8 :z: ~ ::E: tIl U ~ E-i E-i ~ E-i ~ E-i H ::> 00 :z: o u Q) .c: +-l :>1 ..Q "d ClJ ~ o 4-l H ClJ p.. Q) ..Q o +-l ~ H o ~ 4-l o U'l ~ U'l rO +-l ..Q ::l U'l I:: ClJ +-l .r-! Q) ~ 'r-! M Q) M ..0 rO ~ .r-! 4-l ClJ "d Q) H rO tJI ~ 'r-! ~ M M o PLI ~ o 0... ::l :>i E-i H U Q) .c: +-l :>1 ..0 E-i ~ E-l H ::> 00 :z: o u ClJ .c: +-l o +-l "d .r-! rO P, ClJ ..0 o +-l U'l +-l ~ ::l o I:: rO I:: ::l U'l 0... I:: ::l M tJ1 ~ .r-! "d ~ o 0... U'l Q) H H o o Q) .c: +-l .c: +-l 'r-! ~ H ClJ .c: +-l ClJ tJ1 o +-l U'l ~ U'l rO +-l .Q ::l U'l Q) tIl Q) .c: +-l 4-l o .c: o rO Q) 4-l o ~ o .r-! +-l Q) M p.. I:: o t) I ~ 10 0 0 0 OOQ)OMLOO Q)O'IMLOM P..P4 ~ ~ ~ ... I:: LOMMM ::l H LO M V>- 0000 OMLOO MOON NMMM U .r-! tJI o M .. M Q) rO O+-l ~ 0 rO+-l H.Q rO ::l ClJOO M U ~ tIl rO +-l .Q ::l 00 tIl H o +-l o ClJ +-l ClJ D "d Q) tIl ~ Q)~ ~ rO HO 0 .c: .r-! .r-! tIl +-l +-l +-l U +-l ClJ ~ ~ rO tIl-r-!-r-! H <t:+-lOM~tJ1~ ::l I:: .r-! +-l MOO tJ1 "d 0... M rO -r-! M 0 ClJ -r-!.r-! H +-l +-l 0 U ::l.QQ)tIlrOQ)Q) o tJ'rOQ)~OUH H ~ 0... ~.r-! 0 ~ ~ rO .r-! M rO +-l MUtJ11:: HP.. +-l 0 ~ClJHrOl:: ~Q)HU'l~+-lOQ)Q) Q) r-l +-l ~ tIl +-l M r 1::::l~00:>100Q) ClJ~ O.r-!.r-! tIl Q) H tJI Q) U +-l 4-l +-l Q) 0... rO .c: rO 4-l M Q) tJI ~UtJ1urOrO"d"d"d rO U) ~.r-! H ~ .r-! 0 ~ -r-! ~ E-i tJI I:: H rO +-l +-l::l 'r-! Q) ..0 H 1::0U'lI:::>itll+-l~r-l ClJ ClJ'r-! 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