SIDEWALK WAIVER GRANTED (45) I I C I T Y OF CLEARWATER POST OFFICE BOX 4748 C LEA R W ATE R, F LOR IDA 33518 City Manager CERTI FI ED MAl L RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED February 2, 1990 1'"' .l~l .,.: ::t I:, !".. ',:'~ D ';I-~' Mr. John Crist Ciist Development Corporation 701 Enterprise Road, Suite 302 Safety Harbor, Florida 34695 FEB 1990 Reference: Property at 6 S. Duncan Avenue Dear Mr. Crist: ,; -, '~~.. -]--~-.'\/ . 'J ~~.T:~ 'K \.........1 ,j. \_.... L_.._...... .. In accordance with Section 138.09 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Clearwater, I have reviewed your request for a temporary sidewalk installation waiver. Si nce the above-referenced property is not part of a schoo I wal k route, there are no sidewalks along Duncan Avenue in this area, and the absence of a sidewalk does not create a pedestrian hazard, this location meets the requirements set forth in Section 138.09. Therefore, a temporary waiver of the sidewalk requirement is granted on the above-reference property. Should it be determined that a sidewalk is required at this location in the future, it will be installed by the assessment process. Very truly yours, ~ ~-z2i--. Ron H. Rabun City Manager cc: Victor Chodora, Building Official Keith Crawford, Assistant Public Works Director/Transportation Cynthia Goudeau. City Clerk "Equal Employment and Affirmative Action Employer" D7, C) /3-0J(?Z} <- '- I C I T Y cjF C LEA R W ATE R Interdepartment Correspondence Sheet TO: Charles Hunsicker, Assistant City Manager/Operations FROM: COPIES: SUBJECT: Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineer Vic Chodora, Building Official Sidewalk Waiver Request: 6 S. Duncan Avenue 'l"Fr)~ 'l'~'(~ r;::J o\\n@ r~l '! f _J ',-? 1 ~ \'!.J ' = ,I ',II : I "'_"h;__;;;';_'~'_'"_" '''':~' , i f ". / ' iI\~\: F tl) - 5 1990 'u': L _ --iL~ cnv MAf\iA,Gf:=Fi DATE: February 2, 1990 ---~._.,.,........---," We have,reviewed the subject sidewalk waiver request and found that there are no sidewalks along Duncan Avenue in this area, it is not part of a school walk route, and the absence of a sidewalk does not create a pedestrian hazard. Since the requirements for a waiver are met, it is my recommendation that it be granted. 'K~ KC/MG/sn Attachment (Copy) f. ~, J Y, ~. ~ !':'!:'1:;\:~ D:T.!.~"""':- . ......~. ~..- .....- C:~: OF C:E^~WA~~R . 'P:":C;.':'ION FO?l. SIDEv;';'.LK i,';'.:VER I Ja ~e F' a..:. c. .' :;) &/ .... ,- ~-. ....;' . :;:.eceip:. 10. U! J~') f (.-/ :J I C1 ~.. _ ;lr " "6c) I oc) 5L{2. JJfWRJtS u.JS.~dewalk Loca t.ion) ~J r " s,.. 0 (q/~""O'___ {\ v~ S,j,j- DESCRIPTION (5 I c1 LeT'S ) (Sidewalk Loca tic:;) (Lot, Block , Subdivision) IL I (j T ;;.: ?J (c,c-/:... H i< E'~: -:..'1-:: 1/" i~ C vI. "'f I LEGAL OhTNER I S N;.!€ ('( ( :~ r -1)...." L. (C'. T" ',' ,\ (/~'V-;-> l ' PH01\E '7 2.-'j--~f5 '2 .) ADDRESS 'lei --:::: -J 7, - 1-, ,.'. k"'\' -n ,~.,,: 1,....\, (:..., . S .....:~\ ~~_ -:;r 2- r" ( ..:;...._.,{..,,~ 1'--1 {jet.'- \,,,,,- ~\ , '-:' \ (... '1S- REP?~SENTATIVE (If any) ;.DDP~SS REASON ?OR REQUEST -,{)(-,,-c. "'-.-< C-t (,./, '-1 ~,C~'(--=- ~ ~, --rh ("') ~",J0'",- . I ( ~:"'::.( .'C-:. ,1 h(' ,'~\ ~J, F I a Q. ,- '-k.... ,.', . .j ... I 1/ . .J .c.J...........,J..;.(........~~ ... ~'"" --.. J,J ", H ( (., <'_ t7 J 't .r \ ,\ ,), i ' IC' f ~T ,t.;' r) ...' {( c~.,. :J lc:.'~ ,'". "...."- C l Sect.ion~S.09 0: t.he Code of O=dinances of t.he Cit.y =ecui=es t.~at. all land '.. 1.'1...: I t.hat abu:.s a pubYic right-of-way, which is t.o have new cons~=uct.ion on , . h - el.'Co e= ::0= residential, cmnrne=cial,. indust.::-ia1 or othe= pu=?oses, shall have sicewal}:s c:::mst=uct.ed by the Owner on, ac=oss or adjace:1t thereto. ~he Owne= understands and as=ees t.ha~ if the waiver is gran~ed, t.he Cit.y may inst.all sidewalks at. a :utu=e dat.e and assess t.he owner for t.he full cost. of said side-..;aL:s. :/ "-7 (: ; ~ r/ "'/)--;::'<--r / ~ Li (~ o':/'q'E:::- 0:: C'.~~ne:: I s 7\'2?= e 5 e ~ -:'2. ~l. .,::e C.Vd, '3 - t.f1o'-(-35~5~ ' s'..Jo::-n to before me t.h.:.s;)(o day of / /:C-/y= Dc..~e St.:bsc=ibed and ?'\OM/"-. U (\1 ' 19 - \ fU !'-~V CC:7...-:-a:.ssiC:1 ::::-:;:':'::--25: o ~ ""'- ?"e-\l . 5 / S 3 ::'~lO-62