SIDEWALK WAIVER GRANTED (44) " frJ-.~j -11" I z,., (/ 79116.' 5 7 . A G R E E MEN T ,. ~ THIS AGREEl-..{ENT, made and entered into this -....J day of ;IJ1lly A.D. 19 1 OJ , by and between the CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, a municipal oorporation, hereinafter referred to as "City"; and .JAftlES ,.. t.J. j:"urz.v I '12 urj/ C. Fo(LD . (jfIS' lJIFe.) , hereinafter 'referred to as ItOwnerlti w rl'NESSETH: O.R. ~ 882 PAGE 1024 WHEREAS,;tIle' ~d5:~e follOwing'described real property situated in the City of Clearwate,r. Pinep.asCounty, Florida, to wit: . '. 01 Cas~ ;;;':,' , J / AJ. LA It..t '_"--':P\4'~'~~~s!~~~(}' ~ I lt~j:~r(.'0:,"~~:~", LO,tl 13(.f)C'c.C=- ,'\41 \" I If J. j ~ .~c . ilOl13CUITC(}URi ;it,~.~ftK OIRCUIT CC:Ji\7 )( cf S T();VC /'1-4QOIZ _ jtb~:t~ .h 13 4 11 PH ~1! 11"i1- ,;;- , WHEREAS, Section 7-6 of the Code of OrrH.,.,::l.nces of the City reqtrl.resthat all . land that abuts a public right-oi-way, which is to have new construction on it, either for residential. cOIDIIlercial. industrial or other purposes, shall have sidewalks ~cmstructed'bythe Owner on. across or adjacent ,thereto; and j ~ . . .. ~ ~ ~ WHEREAS, the weded property owner has appealed requesting a temporary ~ fj ~ ~i ver of the side-...ralk installation requirem.ent; and Z ~ ~ . ~OO~ . :> P>-i tQ ~ WHEREAS, the City Manager pursuant to Section 7 -6 (4) (a) has found the ~.C 0 ~ollowing conditions exist, as set out in his findings attached hereto as Exhibit A, ~ u a.: S:;uch as warrant the granting of a temporary waiver; and ~ < ~ WHEREAS, the owner of the property described herein understands that the owaiver granted herein, is only temporary in character and that this agreement must provide a reasonable period of time for the waiver to be effective; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and other good and valuable consideration between the parties. receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows: . >., '. ~ 00 1. The City in light of the facts found as set forth in Exhibit A attached E ..8 ~ hereto and made a part herein as ~ fully rewritten. grants to the Owner a temporary 'g ~ ~ ~waiver of the sidewalk installation requirement iInposed by Section 7 -6 of the Code ~ .c ~ ~ of Or ciinanc e s of the City of Clearwater. (1).,....., .0':) ....uo O'j ~ Z~ p.; :g 2. The temporary ~ftr granted shall commence on ro~~ _0 ~ E'-' ~ ~ and rcnuntil the condition or rea.son for granting the waiver as w+" ~;::J ~ ~ is removed or otherwise changed. SiYl",+" , O'j O'j .b ~ G ~ 3. The Owner understands and agrees that the waiver granted herein is wW S ~ '8 [5 temporary in character and that it does not excuse the Owner or successors in ~. ~ E interest frcnn the sidewalk requirements Unposed by Section 7 -6 of the Code of -1 P::: u Or,H.,.,:a-nces of Clearwater. The Owner.further agrees that should theconditioD E-i set out in Exhibit A which presently exists on the property and which was sufficient to warra::J.t granting the ~iver be corrected during the perioa of this waiver. then the C>wD.er will i.mmediately comply with the requirements of Section 7-6 as it relates to sidewalk installation. ~/7,~7? et 0 . in. "blt A 4. II the Owner or his beirs, personal representatives. successors or .udgus aha.1l fail to have sidewalks insblled for tbe described real property iD accordance with City .pecifica~ons and standards within ninety (90) days from the notification by the City, tilen the City may have ~e sidewalks installed .a.nd as ses s and i2:npoae a lien .aga.inst the d~scribed real property for the cost of the work. 5. This agreement is to be regarded as a covenant T',nn;-ng with the land regardless of whether it is specUically mentioned in any deeds or conveyance sub- sequently executed, and this agreement sh~ll be biJ:lding on all parties, the heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns: - 1 - 0(013 o~~ ~ w' .. ,-, 00 ~:~ ,.Qot- '1::::::3"<1'00 .~~ ~:ci ~ r-' f:Q t:f:J ~.~ .t:f:J H 00 <:C p< . "C Ul z- Il; 'a CIj ,_.., _ 0 '" ~i H S "'r/J~ ~~~~ Q.) f:Q ::= ~ s '"' 10'$ ~ < ~ ~i t)r/Jo~ ~"""'H~ ......... oOJ .;!l ~ >. ..t::O~ 8 ~ 0 I HEREBY CERTIFY. 19 79 9 J! .before ,;,e perso Y . are e~l:::: 0U4J~d A'_ ~ T (; Clerk and Mayor- ommissioner of th City of Clearwater, a municipal corporatic existing under the laws of the State of Florida., to me known to be the individuals and officers described in and who executed the foregoing Agreement and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed aa such officers thereunto duly authorized; and that the official seal of said municipal corporation i duly a!fixed thereto, and the said Agreement is the act and de.~Q.,o!<~1!-id corporatio . . 7~ ::::'.~" :' ';:\ ~. '- ~ - ' ""';"::'""-' WITNESS my signa.ture and official seal at Clearw.~f,.~.~"'~;~~~C~t:yo{ Finellas and State of Florida. tae day and year 1a,.st abov~ /') .:.rl.tten.... .,~ -,;E ~ .X) .-4 It;) 0':) 0':) .. ~ ~ < O~r--...:l f-ril~~ Z...:l X . ==uO~ :J>tt:Q~ ta~O< "og,;~ ~ < ~ o - I I O.R. ~ 882 PAGE 102 5 6. All notices pursuant to this agreexnent shall be furnished to the respective parties at the following addresses. .until receipt of written instructions notifying the other pa.rty of a different address: ". CITY: City Manager PO Box 4748 Clearwater. Florida 33518 OWNER: JAM ~J' tJ. /:::-dlZ () fCu7/"1 E - Fotl,) II A/' t..AI<e- reA. rL. cJP;4IC 1./11 I:? .?.,j/,j--- -IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed the day and year last above written. cm~ Mayor -Commis sioner B Attest: CITY ~~/~, tt:d c- ;f~. a~~, 'fF en{ Cl ( SEAL) (SEA L) 'As to City #~~ 9 ALJ ;3~.~ As to Owner OWNER STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS ) My Commission Expires: Notary Public, St~te of Florida at Large Mv Commission Expires Aug. 28, 1982 Bond.d By American firli & CasuaJtv ComoanY " 7"" -2- 00 ~ l.{~ Ct:l Ct:l ..~~< O~""'....:l f-IrJ:1~~ 2;...:lX ~ O::OO~ ::J>-cQ~ f-I~ .E-l L1J_O<!'1 ~Oc.::::: ~ <: ~ ....:l o >. .. (\l 00 >.E'<:It ..oot- '"d :j3 '<:It ocr cu<!'1 ~~ ,... 0 to c:3.vt:QC"O ~..... . co ::..00 ~: 0. , '0, rfJ z~ P-I 'J:: :<l- ~~. ::;: E-l ~ r:.. if1 ~ . ~;:J1;lj .. 8t:Q ~.$ s "" C'3 ::s.....i I;lj ~: ~ ~~ 1 ...., O. ~~'HCI) ............ 001 'f!::S >. .;o~ Hp::O E-l - ." I' I OK ~ 882 p~GE 102 B STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS ) Before Ille pers cmally appeared 0 A '/JtC [' . tU. . Fd i2.. D f/ flv T /I c-' to Ille well known ~d known to' m.e to be the individuals described in and who ;::bIZO executed the foregoing agreem.ent and ac:k:a.owledged before Ille that they executed the sam.e for the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS IllY hand and official seal this .3 /YJ ~.qy day of 19 79 . My Commission E2:;pires: ,,, "..... ('t._'; .~ r-~ . <},'" "l t:'r'~~9 f;~-:,;,trll':.:~ ~:-", ,>;:,',',J~ 0,:' ,.",,',.. 0,1 ". I.~''J . ." ::.....:,' ""'". '7 ~,y;~ ,.,,1~:7 f~,t'"i,~"("....,,n I '.:..,J~!; 1\.''''.' '..' ~#.....IJ . 'll"" ....._;~I,"'."<..,,"'~-~. "'''''l'' . ti.....J . r A ;.,~~ 1=:,., ";. c".,..",l:v fOlii;.an., '_._'J3&1A~ Notary Public -?,- ~ I I Ju1 y 5, 1979 ::~: T:~:~n: L. Shoemaker, City Manage()~S; 2 PAGE 1 02 7 COPIES TO: Mr. and Mrs. James W. Ford, ~'~r~:Lake Avenue 33515 Max Battle, Direct or of Public Works Roy Ayres, Building Director Luci lle Williams, City Clerk SUBJECT: MEMO ORDER: Waiver of Sidewalk Installation Mr. and Mrs. James W. Ford Lot l, Block Ea Keyst one Manor 11 North Lake Avenue In response to a request from Mr. and Mrs. James W. Ford for a wai ver of requi rement for inst allat ion of a si dewal k at the subj ect propert y in conj unct ion with new const ruct ion as requi red by City Ordinance, I have examined thi s property and the following are my findi ngs: 1. There are no sidewalks within 200 feet of the property. 2. A sidewalk on this property, at this time, would not form a part of a rout e leading to a school. 3. The absence of such a si dewa1k wou1 d not present a pedes- tri an hazard. In my judgement the above finds meet the conditions presc ri bed in Ordi nance 1624, Sect ion 1, Paragraph (4)(a) and theref ore a ~iver of installation of a sidewalk, at this time, is granted. "Exhi bi tAl' ~tJ. JRcL