SIDEWALK WAIVER (6) ,. -.~ .,.;.. ~ > ,#'1"',,,-,,- l'~\"l"""C---:.. 'I~M0'\ ~~ I -.. \(..i ,1.1, . s: \!. ~ " .. ~ ~~ ._~c~ ~ ~ \~'=~~ ~J ~~.- ~~ ~-~~ -- <v.~/ , ---, J4 TEl. 11,,1 ."",,111 I I C I T Y OF CLEARWATER POST OFFiCE BOX 4748 C LEA R W ATE R, F LOR IDA 33518 City Manager RECEIVED August 24, 1987 Aut; 27 1981 CITY CLERK Mr. John C. Beauchamp 1903 Drew Street Clearwater, FL 34615 Reference: Lot 5, Block A, Skycrest Subdivision 410 South Comet Avenue CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Dear Mr. Beauchamp: In accordance with Section 138.09 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Clearwater, I have reviewed your request for a temporary sidewalk installation waiver. Since there are no sidewalks along Comet Avenue and since this property is not part of a school route and the waiving of the sidewalk requirement will not create a pedestrian hazard, this location meets the requirements set forth in Section 138.09. Therefore, I am pleased to inform you that a temporary waiver of the sidewalk requirement is granted on the above-referenced property. Should it be determined that a sidewalk is required at this location in the future, it will be installed by the assessment process. Very truly IJhO;Y' Shoemaker City Manager cc: Elizabeth S. Haeseker, Assistant City Manager Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineering Director rynth;n Goudeau. City Clerk Andrew Onufer, Building Director "Equal Employment and Affirmative Action Employer" {J~) i 010\ 9.00 < ",1" i I CITY OF CL::::~l\\G.:::::R ]'..PPLIC~.TION FOR SIDLV\J..LK \'~;'.::VER I :'(;,-2 - $ 7 ~ n ........./.(1 Da~e ?~d / ( ILC I 81 Recei?~ :'%:l. -g 1-1- 3 -z. 9 ADDRESS (Sidewalk Loca~ion) -9 / () , r t7 . I?LJ ~ /.::; '/ LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Sidewalk Location) (Lo~ , Block, Subdivision)'/" tJ r s IH~_ ~ t/A1/T -? 0;: - U;Vt:I2O 7' <f06 ,h.../?--T !JtJ~"t'3 0 ~r- c.2 f'A;/~ Ji (<- ~~c.P.(,b'J IJ~ A#~L LPfLJ O'iillER'S 1;;2-:E CflJ/f-d c.... LJEA-dj~' PHOlff".J /f'fl.t -~R S () ;.DDRESS /tJ(JJ {JhJ."cW .J I //,.., -992 ~~ e> REPRESLNTATIVE (If any) ;'.DDRESS ?-EASON FOR REQUEST /!/O.. ~YJ/.I;r;~/c-. r-JI/?c--vJ,<J~d /M /J/lr:-/P ~(J'2tJ)~!~{~~- 7012: "/Mr!&AA;:;.;J r'l/!/7i<- 677-//:4- ~fL,QE. 'Il/!lJ.(Q. E:M.E.. 1J2 &~ /9~;;>-~ //1/ /Jd~/9 . Section~B.09 of the Code of Ordinances of the City requires that all land that abuts a public right-oi-way, which is to have new construction on it, either for residential, commercial" incustrial or" other purposes, shall have sicewalks constructed by the Owner on, across cr adjacent thereto. The ~wner understands and agrees ~hat if t~e ~a~ver is granted, the City may i~sta:l s~dewalks at a future date and asse~s ~~e o~ner for the full cost of S~':'G sicet,."c.lks. .. Od<-d/~~~ ~wner ~ner's Representat~ve 1~/4 - cr? Date Subscribed and sworn to before me this Iw cay cf , - ~ OAd>>-' .(;1 ~ () Notary ?uby" , . , 1981 ; ,.-. --~....i s ~:.cn ~:.:~:..= S5: '. ~~k ~-.:" ::. ~:ca '.' ."":...,--:,<:cn E-r:;::,. ~~\. '?, i98S k.~~c lhu. Tr::rr h.:,. "'''.1:1'1 ..". ~ ?.ev.6/83 ~ I I C I T Y 0 F C LEA R WAT E R Interdepartment Correspondence SheetU TO: Elizabeth Haeseker; Assistant City Manager FROM: Kei th Crawford, Traffi c Engi neeri ng Di rector COPIES: Andy Onufer, Bui 1 di ng Department Di rector SUBJECT:Sidewalk Waiver Request - 410 S. Comet Avenue~ DATE: August 19, 1987 We have received the subject sidewalk waiver request and found that there are no sidewalks along Comet Avenue, it is not part of ~ school walk route, and the absence of a sidewalk does not create a pedestrian hazard. Since the requirements for a waiver are met, it is my recommendation that it be granted. ~ KC/MG/nc Attachment (copy)