SIDEWALK WAIVER GRANTED (205) 1- 71022950 ^ G It E E 11 J: N T I ..O.R. 3495 PA7G~ 1 :ft/~'} f1J- ~ I~ /7 I "J .. _.'. I 'l1lIS M~J~EnlENT, m;tde nud cntcrL'd inLo thi~; 15 clny of PebruRry __' 197L, by and bct\.Jccn LIll' ClTY OF CL1:,\IZh'i\TER, FLCIUDA, ;1 Illllllicip.l1 corpoJ-':lli.on, he'rcinaftcr n!fened Lo ;J~, "ei ly";' and Joseph Koch and Josephine R., lfncb {wife) here i n.:1f: tc~ l' rc fc 1'rc d to as" O,vlle r" ; WITNESSETH: \~HEREl\S, the Oi'.'J1er O\JI1S the fo110\,'inG describecl ren1 property situated in the Ci ty of C1e anva tcr, P inc ll<.lS Coun ty, Flori d3: Lot :7, Block S, Bay Terrace Addition 1125Uhion st., Clearwater, Florida and HHERE^S, Ordinance No. 1219 of the City requires that all land that abuts a public right of \,'ny, \-111ich is to have neu construction on it, either [or 1~esidcnti;11, commercial, industrial or other purposes, shi111 have sideualk" constructed by the O\-ll1er on, across or adjacenc thereto; and HHERE^S, the O,'l1ler is ci'ectin8 certain ne\'7 constl'uction on snid pt'opcrty cmcl has requc>~;tcd the City .:J.t this time not to require the i1mJ1ec1iatc installation and construction of sidcH.11ks in connection thcrc\vitl1; and. ':) WllERE^S, the O.mer hns aGreed that if in the future the City, in its sol(~ dis~' , ;) ~etion, dctcrr.incs thi1t it is advis3ble ;Jnd necess<1ry to have such :;ic1cvalks 'g jj r%tallt>_d, tnat t11C O.-mc:r \'7ill, upon notification by the City, bave sidewalks ~j -< ~~cdidtely inst<:'.l1ed at his expense, and if he S110Uld fail to do so, then t110 City !i;<, m~ lHlve said installotj,on nwde and impose a lien against the described reil1 property H ( ) D.: p. -:~~ the cost thereof; ~) (.L,'~ ~ ",',52 "'01.1 'r111~flJc';'O,)lc' ,C'. In -" -; .r: "1 f.,' -. . , t1 l' ) ~ !\.., ..._,,' _..J_ '\'.J, ~n C01.~lC.~1 c.tJ_on O.L t 1e OJ.('-f~Olnb prennses ano 0 '1er 800e ano ~ g;;:~-;v~luable consie1erali,on bel:l.7cen the parti(:s, receipt of uhich is hereby aclmo\'llcdged, S ..: ;':~e parties ]1ereto covenant and Clgree as follo\'7s:' e F~ ~ ~ F., ~ .::J (', ,,_ gJ U) r~ ;.J Q;f '., f-J., . ...r:: r<; .r.~~ on 8 es G ,,.., 1-. The s:Lc1cHCllks the above City Hill not at this time require the installation and construction as part of the erection of the building nnd improvements by the Q'7ner described real property. 2. The City nwy at Dny timc in t1)e future notify the O;,mer, his heirs, personal represeL1tativcs, successors or <1ssir,n~; that the City in its sole discr-ation 11.:1s .determined th(1t it is aclvis.1blc and ncccssJry to have side\"ClJ.ks instCllled in connection with said ~es~ribcd reCll property. 3. The Oi'lI1er or his heirs, personal represcntntivcs, successors at" assi811s shall' at his expense ,,,ithin ninety (90) days from the notification by the City have sidewalks installed for said described real property in accordance with City . s~ecifications ancl,standards as established. It. If the ();-mer or his heirs, personal representotivcs, stlccessors or Clssi8ns shall fail to _]1.:1\'e- sidc\".:llk:s installed for the describc,c1' real property in acconlnl1ce with City specifications nnd standards uit11in ninety (90) days from the notification by the City, then the City I:1ay have the side,.]alk5 installed nnd assess and impose a lien Clgainstt1~edcsCT_ibc(L reaLpropc.rty_ for t]le cOst of__.t:he_,wrk. 5. This ngreement is to' be regarded as a covenant nmnin~ "7ith the land, regardless of \.'hether it is specifically Jilcntionecl in any ,deeds' or conveyanccs subsequently e;.:ecuted, ilnd thi~; agreement :;11<111 be bindinG on all parties, their heirs, personal representatives, succcss6rs or.assigns. 6. All noticc~; pursuant to this ngreC'l1;ent shall be furnislwd to the respective parties at the follO\o/in/j ,1ddressc~;, until receipt of Hrittcn instructions notifying the other party of a different [lddrc:~s: Ci.ty: Hr. J'lcrrctt n. Sticr1wim Ci ty H;1Il;1f,C'r. P.O. Box 4748 C 1 C :I nv:l t C' r) F 1 0 ri cia J 3 518 '. O\o/11cr: Joseph Koch, Sr. 1121 Union st. Clearl.oJater, Fla.33515 MAR Z 4 ). ~l P ~ '1 \.., ; I"" -~, ", r - ,~': 1.( t , - - .- \, \Jp~ Ii: ~-f.~~ _ \j - :: L'} ;;'J U t, , 't\A'ROLO lo\ULlEttl,uRt:.. ..I.ER'" ..1- 0'1- 004-0:,() .......! I I O,R, 3495 ':'''(V~ j KiJ'tJ 2 " IN HIT1~ESS HIIE1~EOr, the p:lrties here to have caused these presen ts to be executed the (by and year last nhovc \.,1ritten. . FLOR~DA 'J /11/ Approved as to form & correctness: ~~ City Attorney 1971 Hitnesses: _~. 6~~,~+- -] " EJ~ '.. ;~((.,p, . .' / ner ' (/ STNfE OF PLan. IDA ) COUNTY OF PU\ELLAS) ~~ . /M~ _, ,/l _ . - I HEREBY CEln'IFY, that on this ;V __day of _:L~~--' A.D. 197-L, before me persoll<Jlly appearccll-lerrett R. Stierhcjrn, Herbert I.!. Broi.Jn, R.G.1vhitelwad and D. .Everett Hougen, respectively City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk and Mayor- Commissioner of the City of Clc3r\,Jater, a municj,pal corporation existing under the 1[l\\'s of the State of florida, to me kn0\7n to be the individuals and officers described in and who executed the foregoing Agreement ancl sc_verally acknOi.l1,eclgccl the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers theo::unto duly.authorized; and that the official seal of said municipal corporation is duly ,affixed thereto,' and the said ngrccment is the act 'and deed of said corpor[jti.on. WITNESS my signature and official se[jJ. at Clcan:.'Cltcr in the County of Pinellas and State of Florida, the day [tnd )'cnr last above Hritlcn. 1'1y Commission Expires: N.,'ll"\' f'"l'> (',J~. 01 fl",:,lij d large · "...':,":.:::,:", .>;.- ')2 19~4 My (o;"""...,..,..,,.......d"" d.__ _" I DVII<J.d b, ,.....4.:.:au fillil il r~ nlll' r... .~~.~~ Notary Public/:;\,':..('i......' ;,::'l.~dif(.~:.;:;?....'.';:,;:.~:;: '<' ,:'. ~ " '''':,','1 ' .. .,. ;"/ )\{~~ ' ;>~;:-'> :" '~';~<>;,' ';,', ~ ..'. :(;,~<: STATE OF FLOrl.lDA ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS) Before me personally appeared -H{ ~" "J.. ~.e..:.... f k~ to me Hell l~n(Jwn and J<nO\m to 1:1C to 13c the indivirlu<lls d('~;cd_hcd in :mcl\-lho cxcctlted the foregoing agreement and acknO\"ledbl~d before me that they executed the sOllle for the purposes therein c):prcssed. WITNESS my hand ':l11d offic,ial sealt:td("":h~ , . "Y" ~'"-,', ~ ';", p- . . ~ _ '......' ~ ,oJ , ".. :~. S'. ,:00 a';:::':, . dnyof ~- A.D. 197 I -, '..-" u ..:::;, ~ ,y; Not""y l'ub ic / J~'~ By COllllnJ:;r;ioll Expires: