SIDEWALK AGREEMENT (71) ". I 71022949 ^ G R E E 1,1 J: N Q,R. 3494, PAGE988 tf/J35' .fJ-! 1.!o/1 r v~ - ~;,;."- TillS M:I~EE!'lENT, m.lde and by nnd be t\IL'cn the Cl1'1' OF referred to as liCit)'''; and hereinafter referred to as WITNESSETIl: \~HERE^S, the ();'.'l1er o\"ns the [0110\\'in[; described real property situated in the City of Ch~an...atC'l.', Pinc1las County, Florida: ~ .' I%h ~ o!~ IS) /:h-~~6/ and HllEREAS, Ordinance No. 1219 of the City requires tllat all l<md that abuts a public right of \\'a)', \-lhich is to have nCH construction on it, either for residential, commercin1, industrial or ot11er purposes, shall hnve sideHa11c" constructed by the owner on, across 61' adjacent thereto; and \mEREAS, the Oimer is ci-ec ting certain n(,\'7 const)"uction on snid property and has requC'!;tc'c1 the City at this time not to require the immediate installation and construe tion of side\'lLllks in connec tion there\vi tl1; and .. ..i;'~ WllEREAS, the Oaner has aGreed tl1<lt if in the futut'e the City, in its sole clis",' E E t!c1'etion, determines that it is advisable and necessary to have such sidcvalks o '0 ~ "'~stalll'_d, that t]1e O.,mcr Hill, upon notification by the City) have side\va1.ks ~ <<; ?~medidtely installed at: his expense, and if he should fail to do so, then the City g.~&~~y ]HlVC said installatj.on made and impose a 1i<:.n against tbe described real property Z. \..) O:k>1' the cos t: thereof; U] ;2';- 0; .::! ctj "'- ~ ~ :;.;: . 0 "'0'1 'flll'flE""o')r' . 1. . f 1 f . . d] l' .,.. oH &;' --l;, 1, ...) ...:.., :.J_' J\,,~, In conSlC cratlon 0' t 1C -oregolng prennscs an ot 1er 800C ano t: iJ} .~~ ;yalu"hble consiclcralion bcl:\.}ccn the parties, rc:cidpt of uhich is hereby ackno\.'lcc1ged, OJ IX.) "" (U 1 . 1 i' . E .' ::~: 1e partH~s lcreto covenant Clnd agree as :ollm.}s:' t~~,2 ~j ujl>~U4 r::; A.< C<31 ..... r.,.~ '8 ~:pf .~ f.l~ 0 ..q ~l~ -0 on E-< ~ '.... ~.o 1'. The sic1eualks tbe above City will not Llt this time as part of the erection of described real property. reCJuire the installation iJnd const.nlct.ion the building ,:md improvements by the O:-mcr 2. The City DWY at any time in th'e future notify t]1(' O;.mer, his heirs) personal represcntntives, succeSSOJ:s or <1ssigns that the Ci.ty i.n its sole diso:etion lws .determined t1181: it is nc1vis:1ble and neccss::lry to hnve side\vallcs in:;tallcd in connection with said ~es~riLed real property. 3. 'l'he Olmer or his heirs, personal rcprescntativC's, successors or assigns shall' at his expense Hitl1in ninety (90) delYs from the notification by the City have sidc\.;'nll(s ins tal led for said dcsCL ibcd real proper ty in accordance Hi th City . s~ccifications and,standards as established. 4. If the ();-mer or his heirs, 1'(,1'sonn1 represent.Jtivcs, succeSSOJ:s or <1ssigns shall fnil to .hLlve sidc\-l3l]~s installed for the dcscrihe,d real property in Llcconlancc "1ith City specifications ,lOcI stanclnrcls within ninety (90) days from the notifico.tion by the City, then the City nay have the side'i.'.:J1ks ins tnlled ,lOd <1ssess and impose a lien-againsLtJ?C _d_csJ~x.JbcJLrcal_RrOIJeF~Yf9r the cost of tbe \,'ork. 5. This .:J[;rcement is to'Le regnrded as a covenLlnt running uitb the land) regardlcs!; of l-.'hcther it is spccific.:Jlly mentioned in .1ny ,deeds' or convcy,mces suT)sequentl)' c):ecuted, and thi~; agreement shnll be bindinG on all parties, their heirs, personal t'eprescntativcs, succcss6rs or assigns. 6. All notices pursunnt to this <Jgrec'll;cnt 5h.111 be furnished to the rc'~;pecti\'e parties at tIle following addresses, until receipt of written instructions notifying the other pLlrty of a different .1ddrc:ss: City:'. O.mer: ' Hr. J-lcrrctt R. StierhcltAa'Z 4 It. p~ '1\: .'~!1e/---PvT~. Ci ty 1.1.111;1f,er ~ 1'. O. Box 47lj8 /IG? Clc:OIn"ater, Flori.da 33518 ;,:~.'. ','~.~ ,,;' . ~:;; /_ PI~EL~ t..~ ," ~L9RliJA cI;{.,( HtlROLD MUI.L~H.LJnE. CloER.. ---' ~ 1- 01-~03(;t '. I , (~!l) Q,R, 3494 PAGt 989 . ~ IN HITNJ':SS HIIl:J~EOF) the parties hereto h<1ve caused these presents to be executed the (by nnt! yc.:ll" lnst nbovc \vritten. . L . Approved as to form & correctness: ~~ Hitnesses: X~~~ AS;;~C.~ rCu~~ .?1~ WITNESS my signntllrc and official seal at Clean:ulter in the County of Pincllas and State of Floritln, the day rmd year 1ast above \..ritu:~n. H~ Conmlission Exp.ires: ;-..~. !:1..'J:.~ ,c~~"., ....f ~,_ ~;~t .... 0''''7 . '"" ........- '-" 113""il ..1 large Mv (0151. " : ,r; .,,:;'CS {h, 22, 1974 Bonded by Am~ljcan Firo &. CasuiI!ty Co. -)('~~,,':~~"" Notary Publ:!ie::;..T"'\ ":~~~<1l.,' , ~tt. \~~ .~, ~,. STATE OF FLOrUDA ) COUNTY OF pn~ELI_^S) Before me personally to the the ,,<"'.,.k ~c~~.w'c~!/?;' . me He 11 knO\"rn and knmm to 1:1e t be the i nd i vi clu <:: L; c1 (':; c r i be c1 .:1tt:;"<)I't$l "Ibo"'(~tc; Ct' te d foregoing agreement .:md nc:kno\,]ledgcd be [ore me th<1 t they cxei'uitf'dthc' s;;rtli~.".f:rr.l:" purpose s there in cxpre s sed. ~ ff..,"-c.. . c:).~ I ~ ---/ :., -'r".,.I " <> ;,,"," 1;.' . WITNESS illY hand <lnd offic,ial seal this /szA d<1Y of 197 J -, "';;y! ~'.r b~.'!l'li-I.'.gIJ-'" o;,)"'~ ,1,'" ,~'?' .., ~. ;i)i,.;~; .....'.'....IJ..? : ~e' Notary Public By COlIlJnh;fiion Expires: Notary PUblic, Sta!e of Florkl"l ilt ''''YlUl My ((C)-'e;','". '.... .-.,', ~"