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'f; '. _.-~... T1W~ ^(;lU::E~\iJ';j~TlIl1;\<1{~ and l:llll'1'l'(l into thi:; ~I day of June
)974 by and lJdwcell 01(' CJ.TY OF CLE1\H.WATEH, F.LOIUDA, il municip:ll corpor;:til';:,
hereina {~er rderred to as "City": and John S. & Jane R. McIntire
hcreinaj~cr referred to as ''Ovmer";
WH;EREAS, the Ovner owns the following described real property situated in the
City of Clearwater, P~Jl"."d~as County, Florida, to wit:
Lots 595, 596, 597 Del Oro Groves Estat80 (3225 San Mateo St.)
WHEREAS, Section 7 -6 of the Code of Ordinances of the City requires that all lane:
that abuts a public right-of-way, which is to have new construction on it, either for resi-
dential, comnlercial, industrial or other purposes, shall have sidewalks constructed by
the owner on, across or adjacent tl;;creto; and
WHEREAS,. -cthc Owner is erecting certain new construction on said prope rty and 1:::':0
reC?~lCsted the City :.i!t this time not tD require the irrm.lcdiate installation and co nstruction
of rridewalks in c"",,:mection therewi.tb; and "
WHEREA:S" the Owner hac; :agreed that if in the future the City, in its sole discretic::
determines that fit is advisable and :aecessary to have such sidewalks installed, that the
Owner will, upon notification by iiili;e City, have sidcv.ralks inlmediately installed at his ex-
pense, and if he should fail to d(D ;~o then the City may have said installation made and inc.?c:;
a lien against the described reali property for the cost hereof;
. NOW, THEREFORE, h: consideration of the foregoing premises and other good a:'::c
valuable consideration between 1"1~t,e parties, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the
parties hereto covenant and agree <:as follows:
1. The City will not at t:'.I),i.!. tilne require the installation and construction of
sidewalks as part of the erection cl the building and improvements by the Owner on the
above described re;cJ property.
2. The Ci~L'l.may at any1fa:1n:(~ in the future notify the O,vner, his heirs, personal
representatives, SU.l:cessors or 2.s.s~gns that the City in its sole discretion has
that it is advisabl,~ and necessar~,~ te- have sidewalks installed in connection with said
described real propl:;~rty.
3. The Owner or his hei:::,s, personal representatives, successors or assigns s::c.l:
at hin expense within ninety (90) days from the notification by the City have sidewaH:s In-
stalle,d for said described real property in accordance vnth C~~y specifications and stanc::.:-:::=,
as es'~ablishcd.
4. If the Owner or his heirs, personal representative:::, successors or assigns s;:::;.~_
fail to have sid~walks installea for the described rcal propert-:l in accordance with City
speciD,cations and standards within ninety (90) days from ther.otification by the City,
then thc City may have' thc sidewalks installed and assess and impose a lien against the
descri~ed rcal propcrty for the C()st of the work.
5. This agreement is to be regarded as a covenant ru:;.ning with the land regardless
of whether it is specifically m,cntioned in any deeds or convey,,-nce subscquently exccutcc,
and this agreemcnt shall be binding on all parties, the heirs, personal representatives,
SUCCCfisors or assigns.
6. All notices pur:;uant to this agreemcnt shall be furr.ished to the respective r~:r~:c':
at thc following addresses, until rcceipt of written instructiom notifying the other party
~ a cliffl'xcpt (lcl(lress: :;!NEl~';<':~)"~: ,,;(v;;
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Ownc~ :
John S. & Jane R. McIntire
3215 San Mateo St.
Clearwater, Fl., 33519
( ?J.o )
QI_(}3~ Db
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_"'~. '11'1 w1'J :\l';S:, \' 1II':)~.:Ol', th.' lnrtil:' .JlI'Tl'tO 11.1V(' C~'Il~;l'd lhlu'.','_;~!.' L>1r9(':O:l"~:G'E<l 17\1214'"
-'l'.\C~Llltl'd 111(' (by :\1lrl }I';\I' 11:,( ;dJIlVl' wriltl'll I - 1\ 4 rI\
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Approved a::> to f HI &. correctness:
City Attorney ,
Witne sse::>:
I J~lElt'!S:BY CERTIF'W, tha~ on tb:lis .2 g , 19 7Y. ,
before n::c :;per:3)rally_ app'c'.~.:red -p~ IC C::r. ~
and H ~ I~ ' r'espectively City 1\ n ger, City Attorney, City Clerk
and lvfayor-.corrl1~issioller of th,e City of Clearwatcr, a municipal corporation existing m:ce:-
the la'\vs '-8 ~r}~t;' ~:::ate of Fl!i:dda, to Inc known to be the indivichl,als and officers described i::
and \vho excCt:tec1 the foregoing Agreement and severally ar:knowledged the execution the!'cc~
to be their free act and deed as, suc:h officers thereunto duly a\J.thorized; and that the offici=-~
seal of said m,unicipal corporatio'n is duly affixed th(~r eto, and the said Agreel~lent is the
act and deed of said corporation.
and State d J'lorida,
signature and official seal at Clearwater in the
the clay and year last above written.
Notal' Pub'ic
County of Pinellas
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My Cornmi~;sion Expires:
NotarY Public, &tat. ef FIorYa at La...
My Commission Expi,es Sept. 29. 1977
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Before me personally appearedJohn S. McIntire & Jane oR. McIntire, his wife,
to 111C well knov:n and known to me to be the individuals described in and who executed t1:c
foregoing agl'cen1cnt and acknowledged before Ine that they executed the same for the
purposes therein expressed. ,
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