SIDEWALK WAIVER GRANTED (332) ~~"~~~:~~-~~~-\t~~ ~~~:~ If.\ m 3 113 fl\ '1t I t#129352,Jl I o 'J '(3. ~.' \~. 'Ii?" . '?-' c ' , \ O.R. .~747 PAGE 463 ,~ (P"/" !\GREEI.lI]JT TIllS AG}(r:Dll:NT, ma(~'.~ and entered into this 13T.h duy of Mp.,Q.c..1i ,197.::L l by and bet\o,'een the CI'l'Y or CLEMn'II','l'ER, FJ..01UD^, cJ. I'lun icipal corpc.1ri:1Ffc)ll, -- hex'cinafotel" referred to as "City"; and ~US.TI'" ~ .SftrJOs .~rJO rLoRerJC~,L. &NOS I hCl"cinafter rc~:f9rred to as "O\.Jnct'''; H=IS WI r2 \HTNESSETll-: the HHEREAS, t~he OHnCl" O:o]'ns .the follO\villl:': described real pl"opcrty situated l:' City of Clcal....'.,'ater., .Pinellas County, Florida: leIS n4-- /,5-,'lD. De-... C~O G~cve, S,-,%i)'~\Sfot0. Cf 01 H. 0 rJ Te-~e. 'f . f>r-.Jr:.. ) CL- ~R ~ p.....\i:::.R) <f' \..-..:o~\ t)f.t and \'JHEREAS, Ordinance No. 1219 of the City.requires that all land that abut~ a public right of way, which is to have new construction on it, either for residential, comrnerci~l) industrial or other purposes, shall have sidcwalks constructed by the owntir on, across or adjac~nt tllereto; and WHEREAS, tllC Owner is erectini certain new construction on said property and )las l"equested the City at this time not olo rec!ui1"e the. immediateinstalle.- tion and construction of sidewalks in connection therewith; and Hl-IERE/\S s the O\-7ne1" has agreed that if in the future the City ~ ).n its sol; ,discretion s dete~:'m~ne? that it is advisable and neccessary to have sucil sidewalks installed, that the Owner will~, upon notification by the C1ty) have sidewalks immediately installed at his ex"pense, and if he should fail to db ~j( -then the Ci tv mav have sa.id instal1a.tion made a.nd impose a lien againf?t~~the descpibed real p;.:'operty fop the cost thereoL(.' . .._.u~. - NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of tllC foregoing premises a~dother goe and viluable consideration between the p~rties) receipt of which is hereby .. acknO\oJledged, the pal....ties hereto covenant and' agree' as. follO\'15: .1. The City will not at this time 0equire the installation and construction of ~idewalks as Dart of the e~ection of the building and impl'oyements by the OHncr ~ri the. above d.es'cribed real property. .- 2.. The City nay at any time in the futur.e notify the o\.mer', his heir~s s per~9n~1 representatives, successors or as~ighs that the City in its sole discretion has determined that it is advisable and neccessary to have sidewal ,installed in conn~ct:ion Hi th said described real property. 3. The Ownei or his heirs~ personal represenative~, successors or aSSl~ shall at his expense within ninety (90) davs from the notification by the Ci~ have.sidewalks installed for said described.real property In accordance with City specifications and standards as established. . q. If the Owner or his heirs, personal representatives, successors or assiens shall fail to have sidewalks installed for tIle described real prone~t in accordance with City soecifications and standards within nine tv (90) d~vs from the notific2.tlon by the City, then the City May have the sid~\'la.ll<:s . installed and ~ssessuand_impose a li~n against the described real p~operty fc the cost of the \-Jork. ---- ..' - . 6. This agreement is to be re~arde~ a.s a, covena.nt running with tlle lar~ r-egardless of ,.,'hether it is specifically J:-,entioncd in uny deeds or. conveva.nce subsequently executed, and this ar,recr:ient shallohe hinding on all parties) -c: heirs, personal representati~es, successors or assl~ns. . .' G. All notices pursuunt to this agreement sha.ll he furnisherl to the res'Pective parties at the follO\-:inrr acldressc;;, until r'eceipt of vlrittcn instr.uctions notifying t,he other party of a' different address: City: Owner: Hr. lkrrett R. S'ticrheim Cityl1aniJ f~cr P.O. Boy. '17118 Clcc1l"Hatcr, l'loric111 33!)lO~. .. -< . -_!--'!! ~o ?h~..~J&...~ /t) d ~ .. r..e..u; I /ltFroRN' TOi' C CITY CLERK P. O. BOX 4'l48 o. CLEARWATER, FLA. 3351!8 D7"Oc~L/--CD(lq) ~ .,-~~.....,- ~---- '- '. IH \-!:r.TlJJ;~~~; \.nJJ:JU:or, "Ih(~ !)']r't.iJ.!s hereto hc1ve c>:(tc\1t:cd.th~: d.l.Y and YCdplar;t llbove \.Jf.ittcn. to form & correctness:. pr'~[;cnt:~ to J..": rLOJU! p ~ ~ -.} ~ -) Witnesses: , . ~.,"~4/ ~~~C. ~~ As .0 Cl ty, . ~~~ '{&J u'f .. .~~ As to ow~ . STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY or PINELLAS) ." -cL.' I HEREB!, CERTIFY, that on this~day of"_1f...l&~?-~ , A.D. 197~, before me personally" appeared l~el""r'et"t H. St ierhe IT;1 ~ ller-bert !'1. BpO';'Jn, R.G. Hhiteheacl and H. Everett Hour:en, respectively'City l1anager, City Attor'ney, City Clerk c::.ncl Hayor-Commissioner" 'o.f the Cl"ty of Clear'\-!ater', a municipal corpoPCltion existing under the 'li:l'.'lS of the StClte of Flol?3j"~la;-.-to lne kn(Y~m to be the individuals and officer's' described in and \\'ho executed the "foregoing Agreement and severally aclmo"\'lledged the execution thereof to be their.free act and deed as such officer'S thereunto duly authorized; and that . the official seal of said municipal corpor~tion is. duly affixed ther'cto, and the said agreement is the act and deed. of said corpm:,ation. "\tJITNESS my signatul"'e and official seal at ClearHatcl:" in the County.of Pinellas and State of Florida, the day and year ~ast above written. ----. 4. --'-. . --- ,. My Commission Expires: Nofarv Public. Still" d rb,;;~;> ilt [;Ifill> My Co;nm:;~i()n ~Xp;T0S S:)~. 1~j"3 .Bonded By J\rnGri::Cln Fjl~. e.. Ca;;ua:ly Co. ~ , ":. Jt . . ". STATE OF FLORIDA )' COUNTY OF PINELLAS) ~ ,Before l~~_'E~rsona~ly ." :: appeare~~~.I<c~~ ",>(.LL-LJ to me well known and ~nown to me to be the 'individuals described in ~nd who executed the foregoin~ ~gree~ent and a~knowlcdrcd )lcfore me that they e~e,~~~~~~:.;j/r; ~arne for the p~rpose s tl:ere in cxp~"'c s sc~. ~ < WI;rJ.l,~SS nf.y hand arid official seal this/.3- day of/)j::Mel..A. n. 197.2. . ,'.J \ ..: ' '" '. ~4 .. . _ : ' "'. \ u ::: j.;' U 8\< ~~('ft,~ I "artY IJublic .: -, "! -- n' .\~/ . . '':.:",' "). t.i' ~" ,.', . I1Y'.C~lnf;lifi,sipfi J:xpircs: "i.,- ',. , lIe" Notary Publ'ic'" 'Siilie of Florida at Large My Commission lxpires Mar.. 16, 1975 This instrument was prepared by! HER.BERT M. BROWN, (;ity Attorney City of Clearwater, P. O. Box 4748 Clearwater, Florida 33518