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O.R. .~747 PAGE 463
TIllS AG}(r:Dll:NT, ma(~'.~ and entered into this 13T.h duy of Mp.,Q.c..1i ,197.::L l
by and bet\o,'een the CI'l'Y or CLEMn'II','l'ER, FJ..01UD^, cJ. I'lun icipal corpc.1ri:1Ffc)ll, --
hex'cinafotel" referred to as "City"; and ~US.TI'" ~ .SftrJOs .~rJO rLoRerJC~,L. &NOS I
hCl"cinafter rc~:f9rred to as "O\.Jnct'''; H=IS WI r2
HHEREAS, t~he OHnCl" O:o]'ns .the follO\villl:': described real pl"opcrty situated l:'
City of Clcal....'.,'ater., .Pinellas County, Florida:
leIS n4-- /,5-,'lD. De-... C~O G~cve, S,-,%i)'~\Sfot0.
Cf 01 H. 0 rJ Te-~e. 'f . f>r-.Jr:.. ) CL- ~R ~ p.....\i:::.R) <f' \..-..:o~\ t)f.t
\'JHEREAS, Ordinance No. 1219 of the City.requires that all land that abut~
a public right of way, which is to have new construction on it, either for
residential, comrnerci~l) industrial or other purposes, shall have sidcwalks
constructed by the owntir on, across or adjac~nt tllereto; and
WHEREAS, tllC Owner is erectini certain new construction on said property
and )las l"equested the City at this time not olo rec!ui1"e the. immediateinstalle.-
tion and construction of sidewalks in connection therewith; and
Hl-IERE/\S s the O\-7ne1" has agreed that if in the future the City ~ ).n its sol;
,discretion s dete~:'m~ne? that it is advisable and neccessary to have sucil
sidewalks installed, that the Owner will~, upon notification by the C1ty) have
sidewalks immediately installed at his ex"pense, and if he should fail to db ~j(
-then the Ci tv mav have instal1a.tion made a.nd impose a lien againf?t~~the
descpibed real p;.:'operty fop the cost thereoL(.' . .._.u~. -
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of tllC foregoing premises a~dother goe
and viluable consideration between the p~rties) receipt of which is hereby
.. acknO\oJledged, the pal....ties hereto covenant and' agree' as. follO\'15:
.1. The City will not at this time 0equire the installation and
construction of ~idewalks as Dart of the e~ection of the building and
impl'oyements by the OHncr ~ri the. above'cribed real property. .-
2.. The City nay at any time in the futur.e notify the o\.mer', his heir~s s
per~9n~1 representatives, successors or as~ighs that the City in its sole
discretion has determined that it is advisable and neccessary to have sidewal
,installed in conn~ct:ion Hi th said described real property.
3. The Ownei or his heirs~ personal represenative~, successors or aSSl~
shall at his expense within ninety (90) davs from the notification by the Ci~
have.sidewalks installed for said described.real property In accordance with
City specifications and standards as established.
q. If the Owner or his heirs, personal representatives, successors or
assiens shall fail to have sidewalks installed for tIle described real prone~t
in accordance with City soecifications and standards within nine tv (90) d~vs
from the notific2.tlon by the City, then the City May have the sid~\'la.ll<:s .
installed and ~ssessuand_impose a li~n against the described real p~operty fc
the cost of the \-Jork. ---- ..' - .
6. This agreement is to be re~arde~ a.s a, covena.nt running with tlle lar~
r-egardless of ,.,'hether it is specifically J:-,entioncd in uny deeds or. conveva.nce
subsequently executed, and this ar,recr:ient shallohe hinding on all parties) -c:
heirs, personal representati~es, successors or assl~ns. .
G. All notices pursuunt to this agreement sha.ll he furnisherl to the
res'Pective parties at the follO\-:inrr acldressc;;, until r'eceipt of vlrittcn
instr.uctions notifying t,he other party of a' different address:
City: Owner:
Hr. lkrrett R. S'ticrheim
Cityl1aniJ f~cr
P.O. Boy. '17118
Clcc1l"Hatcr, l'loric111 33!)lO~.
-< .
/t) d ~
.. r..e..u; I
/ltFroRN' TOi'
P. O. BOX 4'l48 o.
D7"Oc~L/--CD(lq) ~
.,-~~.....,- ~---- '-
'. IH \-!:r.TlJJ;~~~; \.nJJ:JU:or, "Ih(~ !)']r't.iJ.!s hereto hc1ve
c>:(tc\ d.l.Y and YCdplar;t llbove \.Jf.ittcn.
to form & correctness:.
pr'~[;cnt:~ to J..":
. ~.,"~4/
~~~C. ~~
As .0 Cl ty, .
'{&J u'f .. .~~
As to ow~ .
." -cL.'
I HEREB!, CERTIFY, that on this~day of"_1f...l&~?-~ , A.D. 197~,
before me personally" appeared l~el""r'et"t H. St ierhe IT;1 ~ ller-bert !'1. BpO';'Jn,
R.G. Hhiteheacl and H. Everett Hour:en, respectively'City l1anager, City
Attor'ney, City Clerk c::.ncl Hayor-Commissioner" 'o.f the Cl"ty of Clear'\-!ater',
a municipal corpoPCltion existing under the 'li:l'.'lS of the StClte of Flol?3j"~la;-.-to
lne kn(Y~m to be the individuals and officer's' described in and \\'ho executed the
"foregoing Agreement and severally aclmo"\'lledged the execution thereof to be act and deed as such officer'S thereunto duly authorized; and that
. the official seal of said municipal corpor~tion is. duly affixed ther'cto, and
the said agreement is the act and deed. of said corpm:,ation.
"\tJITNESS my signatul"'e and official seal at ClearHatcl:" in the County.of
Pinellas and State of Florida, the day and year ~ast above written.
--'-. .
,. My Commission Expires:
Nofarv Public. Still" d rb,;;~;> ilt [;Ifill>
My Co;nm:;~i()n ~Xp;T0S S:)~. 1~j"3
.Bonded By J\rnGri::Cln Fjl~. e.. Ca;;ua:ly Co.
. .
~ ,Before l~~_'E~rsona~ly
." ::
appeare~~~.I<c~~ ",>(.LL-LJ
to me well known and ~nown to me to be the 'individuals described in ~nd who
executed the foregoin~ ~gree~ent and a~knowlcdrcd )lcfore me that they
e~e,~~~~~~:.;j/r; ~arne for the p~rpose s tl:ere in cxp~"'c s sc~. ~
< WI;rJ.l,~SS nf.y hand arid official seal this/.3- day of/)j::Mel..A. n. 197.2. .
,'.J \ ..: '
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I "artY IJublic .:
-- n'
.\~/ .
. '':.:",' "). t.i' ~" ,.',
. I1Y'.C~lnf;lifi,sipfi J:xpircs:
"i.,- ',. , lIe"
Notary Publ'ic'" 'Siilie of Florida at Large
My Commission lxpires Mar.. 16, 1975
This instrument was prepared by!
HER.BERT M. BROWN, (;ity Attorney
City of Clearwater, P. O. Box 4748
Clearwater, Florida 33518