SIDEWALK WAIVER GRANTED (326) ~ r ~-":J ~ :E .Q S :; g a... ~ ~("E . :ri 3Q~o' ;e . lilrnd ~HERE^S, Ordinance No. 1219 of the City requires that all land that abuts a :.,f "rig1rt:- o( \,'ay, ,.,h i oh is to have no'" con s teu c t ion on it, either (01: res i den ti a I, . co~ci. a I, indus tr i 01 or other pur po ses, sholl have sideHalks con s trueted by the O\olLlcr on) across or adjaccnt: tbereto; and :-. (t) +, ~ 2. 11,e CHy may at any tiJae in tlie (n tu>:e not Hy th e O,me>:, b is heirs, per sonal ",,"presentative., successors or assir-ns that the City in its sole di"aetion has .J.~tcrmilletl thClt it is nc1vis.1blc and necess~ry to have sidc\\'al1cs installed in 1: ~...~ i:;,conncction \....ith said ~1cscribcd renl property. E-' ;~ C) ~ ,,,.. -:. I .. {' t,. (3-31-//* ' I A G ItEI: 11 I: II T -",,'.R' 3524 ~!d.21 ~~8 ~Ai 111 IS ^GlmEflEll'J', made aud en tor cd in La th is 3/- day 0 (;f&,;;;Z -' 197 L, by and het",'en l he CITY OF CJ,I:AI(\IATEIt, I'LOIU IlA, 0 ,,,,,,,idp,,l cnrpor ati.on, I'"~ rei "afLcr referred to ,1S "Cily" i and Sttme~ TY7- Fef () oS 0 III ff/ /i hcrcina!:t(~r referred to <1S "0,.mer"; .,1041769 hi's U/.' "roe, WITNESSETH: \~HERE^S, the O,.mer o\ms the', [ollO\\'inp, de~;cribed real property situated, in the City of Clearwater, Pincllas County) Florida: r-- .. 3 :Z. tf c; 1-015 :::; /J rtJ 00~ 1Yl.ff .re 0 , . 60r : ~"./.- . ..::::> \. & I CJ VJe /- () tf'o' &l?tJi/ES " ./ . ' public \~nERE^S, the ~mer is ei:cctinz certain neH COllStl-uction on snid pl'opcrty and has reque,;ted the City at this time not fa require the ilmnedi.tc installation and construc tion of side"lalks in conncc tion there\.Ji lh; and, W11EREAS) tlw O;m('r has agreed that if in the future the City, in its solc~ dis~' eretion) determines tllat it is advis3ble and necessary to have such sidcHalks installed, that the O;-mer "lill) upon notificCltion by the City, llave sic1e\villks immediately installed at his c):pense, Clnd if he should fail to do so) then t11e City may hav" said ins tallati.on made and impose a lie" agains t the described real property for the cost thereof; . '-'(::) f. The side\.wl ks the above City will not at this time as part of the erection of dcscribed Leal properly. require tlw installation ;)l1d c'onstnlction the building ~ll1d improvclll.cnts \.Jy tlw O;,:ner ;..\ ^6f ~~~ ,on ..- . 3. "l'hc. O,mer or his heirs, pcrsonal rep1'esent.1tivC's) successors or assigns shall' at. his expense \oJithin ninety (90) days from the 'notification by the City have sidc\vaH;s installed for said de~;cribed 1'C.:11 property in 3cconlance \'lith City sp,cci.fications and. standards LiS estnblishcd. .' . 4. If the O..mcr or his heirs, personnl representatives, succcssors or assip,ns shall fail to have' side\0.'al1:s ins tallcd for the describC'.d' real proper ty in (lcconl<1l1ce \-lith City spccif:i,c::Jtions nnd stand;l1:ds \'litllin ninety (90) days from the notification by the City) then the City r.1DY 11C1ve the sidc',.'.111(s inst.111ed [lnd Llssess and impose n lienngainst t1}c describedre"nL pX9pe:-t:yfor the cast ot the \,'ork. 5. This agreement is to' \.Jc rC:1nrded ns a covcn(lnt running \'lith the land) regardless of \.'hether it is specifically mentioned in .1ny ,deedt' or convcynl1ces subsequently C):ccuted, and thi~; [lgree;.<ent sh:11l be hinclint; on all parties, their heirs, personal rcpre~entative~) ~ucccs~6r~ or a5!iign~. , 6. All noticcf, pursu(lnt to tbis ll~rC('I1;ent 511nl1 be furni.;,h(~(l to the rC'!;pecti.\'c parti('~ at the fo11owint; .1ddrcsSC!i, until receipt of 'vlritten instructions notifying the other party of a different addrc:ss: City: ". '. }1r. l-krrett R. Stierhei.m City l'lnnagl'r 1'.0. Hox 117118 Cl.cm:v:ltcr, Ftor ida , ' o.mcr: IJ? I CJ #/ d,e; flY 80x g-q b c Ie /Iii [,(/4 TeI1.) TL~< 33.FI7 ~q~ o~~-(jJ '. 33518 RECORbER'S MEMO. Legibility of Writing Typ'. or p . t' ,mg this rm mg unsatisfactory in dOCiu~ent w hezrkeived. -A. ...-'; I ,I I I O.R. 35?4 p,t~428 I IN \HTNESS HIIJ:1~EOF, the p:1r.ties hereto h;lVC caused the!;c presents to be executed the d.:lY ;md YC,ll' l<lst above vritten. B Approved as to form ~ c rectncss: q'~~ City Attorney Hitnesses: . - " ~m,~~ / S~~r~? i#~ x~ ;6J1/~' ':.<~C.~ ~~ " ..... 'tX ' AS to, Oi,lIler " STATE OF FLQR IDA ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS) ", I HEREBY CEllTIFY, that on this /6 ~ay of~../u L ' , A. D. 197L, 'before me personolly nppearc.d1.1er.rett R. Stierhcim, lIerl;dt 1.1: Brm;n) R.G.H11itel1ea6. and H. .Everett Hougen, respectively City Manager, City Attorney, City Clcrk and H~yor- Commissioner. of: the City of Clcor\vater, a munid,pal cm:-poration exi st.ing under the 1c:MS of t.hc St.ate 'of Florida, to me knmm to be 'thc indivi(lu<11s and officers described in and '....ho c);ecuted the foregoing Agreement and severally aclmO\vlcc1ge(,l, the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as SUC]l ()fficers tJwL'cunto c1uly.>huthorized; 2.nd that the offici31 seal of said municipal corporation is duly ',affixed thereto; and the said ar;reCHcnt is the act 'and deed of said corporati.on. WI'rNESS my signntl1re and official seal at Clcan:nlter. in the County of Pincllas and State of Florida, the day <lnd year last above 'oJritU~n. :Hy Commission Expires: Notary Public, State of Florida at Large ~ 'My Commission Expires Od, 22, 1974 hnded. b7 AlllliJ-.lleI1 Fire & CasualtY. !=~ RECORDER'S MEMO:' Legibility of Writing, Typing .: or .Printing unsatisfactory in this document when received~ S'fATEOF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS) Befor~ me personally ,WITNESS my hano Dnd offic.ial seal this' 3/Y-d<lY of .. ~ NOUll:y Hy, COllllld~jdol1 Ey.pir~R: