WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 2008 – 1:00 P.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Glenn Bailey, Norma Carlough, Frank Dame, Ron Delp,
Barbara Green, Elizabeth France, Bill Murray, Vonabell Sherman.
STAFF PRESENT: Rick Carnley, Scott Rice, Michael Delk, Gina Clayton, Catherine
Porter, Sandra Herman, Michael Reynolds, Priyanka Thatte, AdamTully.
Herman called the meeting to order l:10 p.m. and introduced Mr. Carnley as the City’s
Emergency Management Director. Clayton said that we hope the Committee will be
ready to move the document forward and went over the proposed adoption timetable.
She said that today we will be discussing some proposed changes and reasons for the
Herman went over the hand-out (memo attached to these notes): Additional
Change #1: Delp wanted to know the current level of service. Planning had asked Parks
to provide this and they were unable to do so. Gina said that the Parks Department had
confirmed that the LOS was based on “core systems”. They are currently doing a study
on whether or not to change the LOS and whether or not to change the basis of the LOS
to include “special facilities”. They do not want to change LOS until the study has been
completed and the basis for the LOS has been determined.
Change #2: No discussion.
Change #3: No discussion.
Change #4: Delp would like to keep the cameras in. Sherman does not. France agrees
with staff recommendation. Delp wants to add a clause “such as cameras or other
technologies as may develop.” Dame/ Sherman motion to support staff recommendation
to remove camera language. Passed 8:1.
Change #5: Dame wants to add a policy: “Where appropriate, incorporate elements of
City’s character and history into public art forms.” Carlough wants to remove “where
appropriate”. Dame/Carlough to add policy “Encourage the incorporation of historic and
current elements of Clearwater character into public art projects.” Passed unanimously.
Change #6: Discussion of palm tree ratio to shade trees as allowed in Community
Development Code.
Change #7: Changes in Housing Element were done in consultation with Economic and
Housing Department personnel. Barbara Green suggested adding Homeless Leadership
Network to Policy C.1.11.3. Consensus to do so. Land Use Element changes: no
discussion. Changes to Transportation Element: no discussion.
included as part of these notes): Dame/Green motion to incorporate these
recommendations. Passed unanimously.
Delk said he and Clayton have been meeting one-on-one with Council members. The
main concern the Council members have expressed is not going above statutory
requirements due to budget constraints. He said they were somewhat surprised that the
CAC was strongly in favor of annexing. Clayton said they are very interested in the
Hierarchy of Places/Citywide Design Structure.
Dame questioned
A.1.2. and A1.2.1 Does this mean we cannot give Development Orders?
Discussion of evacuation times, SLOSH model, new data being collected at this time,
TBRPC plan and density.
A.6.1.3. Does this include Island Estates? Clayton says it does not because it
refers only to the area covered by Beach by Design, but we can say, “excluding Island
Estates.” Consensus to do so.
A.6.8.3 what are we trying to encourage? Delk said good urban design such as
the newer townhouses on S. Ft. Harrison.
A.7.1.6. and A.7.2.1. Clayton said that this indicates that it needs to be discussed
to but that we don’t want to obligate the City. Dame/Green motion to change A.7.1.6 to
“Utilize opinion surveys when considering…. ” Passed unanimously.
Map A-3 Medium Density Residential on Island Estates needs to be checked.
E.1.3.6 should be also included in Mass Transit. Dame/France motion to add
“The City will encourage the development of water mass transit between the mainland
and beach destinations as B.3.2.3”. Passed unanimously.
B.4.2.4 Existing trolley service needs to be improved. Change to “A beach trolley
system is encouraged to operate in order to reduce automobile trips on Clearwater
Beach.” Consensus to do so.
Murray asked why A.1.1.2. was changed. Rice said to be consistent with the Wellhead
Protection Ordinance which reflects changes in State Statutes France/Murray motion to
recommend to City Council that we not reduce to 500 from 1,000 feet and change the
Ordinance back in order to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Passed 6-2.
Delp/Murray motion to recommend to go forward to the CDB with the EAR-based
amendments to the Comprehensive Plan with changes made today. Passed unanimously.
Delk thanked the committee for their help and input during this long process and
encouraged them to attend the public hearings. The meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.
Notes by Porter
To: Citizen Advisory Committee
From: Planning Department
Subject: EAR-Based Amendments - A
dditional Changes/Corrections
Date: July 30, 2008
The majority of your recommendations are included in the proposal. You will see that we have
added or changed a few of your recommendations due to internal administrative concerns
primarily regarding financial feasibility of extra requirements and other factors such as statutory
requirements and program specifications.
The changes identified here are the notable ones and other changes were primarily editorial in
nature or involving changes to the format of the documents.
The following are changes that have been made to the final drafts that are notably different than
the discussions and/or recommendations of the CAC. Reasons are provided for the changes.
Change #1 RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT: 4 bullet in needs summary
and Policy G.1.1.1. The notable change involved maintaining the 4.0 LOS rather
than increasing it to 4.5 as recommended by CAC, based primarily on the
following current statement in this needs summary bullet: “…it is found that a
current Level of Service (4.9) acres per one thousand (1,000) persons is
provided.” Parks and Recreation has found no source to support this statement.
Without further study that would justify a change in the LOS, and as the statutory
rules for concurrency require maintaining the adopted level of service standards
for parks and recreation, the current 4.0 LOS for parkland should be maintained
as recommended by the EAR. Also, the Budget Office was concerned about the
increase in LOS from a financial feasibility standpoint.
Change #2 Removed requirements to establish level of service standards for pedestrian and
bicycles on roads as there are no identified statutory requirements for these level
of service standards and there are currently no funding sources identified to make
these type of improvements in the city.
Change #3 In addition to eliminating pedestrian and bicycle road improvements, the City’s
Budget Office has recommended to make changes to the proposed language in a
few of the elements (including Transportation and Recreation / Open Space) that
required road or other such type of capital improvements to be made as they
present a concern of financial feasibility – this change involves using the words
“As funds become available” or “When applicable” or “As articulated in the
City’s budget document”. Other concerns were that requirements were made
from “approved” plans such as the City’s 2006 Shifting Gears: Bicycle and
Pedestrian Master Plan” that was not adopted. Examples are: RECREATION
AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT Objective G.7 and Policies G.7.1 through G.7.4
Change #4 Did not include the requirement in TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT Policy
B.1.2.3, to install cameras to track vehicles running red lights for enforcement
efforts to prevent traffic violations. The Transportation Manager states that it is
covered already in this policy, as the City will be utilizing appropriate remedies
dependent upon accident causes, so this additional wording is not necessary to
place in the Comprehensive Plan.
Change #5 The proposed objective and policies regarding the Art Program in the FUTURE
LAND USE ELEMENT have been revised as recommended by Parks and
Recreation Department in accordance with the City’s Public Art and Design
Program (refer to A.5.6 and Policies A.5.6.1 through A.5.6.5)
Change #6 Regarding the CAC’s discussion of limiting use of fertilizers and using “native”
landscaping, the proposal does now include new words to require “Florida
friendly” as recommended by the City’s Parks and Recreation and Planning
Departments in the CONSERVATION ELEMENT needs summary and in Policy
F.1.1.1. The previous word “native” is no longer recommended in this usage.
Public awareness and education programs for preserving the environment are
existing in the needs summary for the CONSERVATION ELEMENT and the
City has an extensive educational program that includes the Sunshine Lines
stuffer for utility bills, and the City’s web site (for example the Think Green
Guide) for guidelines on the use of fertilizers, xeriscaping, and water restrictions
to preserve the environment.
Change #7: Other changes include:
In Housing Element relating to homelessness, Policy C.1.5.6 the affordable housing, suitable for
rehabilitation and special needs housing definitions; the density bonus provision for affordable
housing added to the Future Land Use Element Policy A.2.2.7; changing the policy relating to
view corridors (Bayview and Magnolia Street) Policy A.5.3.9; the addition of objectives and
policies for the Courtney Campbell scenic highway designation in Transportation Element
Objective B.1.7 and policies B.1.7.1 through B.1.7.9; the addition of two golf courses to the
hierarchy of places map A-14; the issues relating to housing without plumbing in Housing Needs
Summary; the clarification of the objective regarding NAHAB in Housing Element C.1.8
Objective and policies C.1.8.1 through C.1.8.9.
We respectfully request that you consider the documents as proposed in your approvals today.
Clayton, Gina
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 12:09 PM
Porter, Catherine; Herman, Sandra
Delk, Michael
FW: Proposed FLUE Comments
These are the final comments from E.D. I think they are probably
good changes. Lets suggest to CAC today. Thanks.
-----Original Message-----
From: Vrana, Tammy
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2008 11:45 AM
To: Clayton, Gina
Cc: Lopez, Geraldine Campos
Subject: Proposed FLUE Comments
Good job AD Clayton. Of course, I must offer my 2 cents on LU/transportation
policies. I don't have strikethrough on my email so changes are indicated
by additions only (in red).
Thank you for the opportunity to comment. TV
A.5.2.8 Identify P.S.T.A. Routes: those corridors in the City of Clearwater
along which the PSTA (Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority) buses
operate. (EAR Part III, Issues of Local Concern: Changes in
Community Character and Livable Neighborhoods)
Consider rephrasing to use generic "transit service" instead of
A.6.8.1 Build active, attractive communities that are designed at a human
scale and encourage walking, cycling and use of mass transit. (EAR
Part V, changes to Florida Statutes and Administrative Rules and EAR
Part III, Issues of Local Concern: Changes in Redevelopment)
A.6.8.7 Create mixed-use, higher density, livable communities through
design, layout and walkability techniques within existing and
proposed transit corridors, including proposed TBARTA lines and
(EAR Part V, changes to Florida Statutes and
Administrative Rules and EAR Part III, Issues of Local
Concern: Changes in Redevelopment)
Consider extending the policy's emphasis to existing and proposed
transit corridors of all agencies, not just TBARTA. PMI is
rolling again and may beat TBARTA to the punch. Also, federal
transit funding is highly sensitive to whether local gov'ts have
transit-supportive land use policies in place at the time of
A.6.8.9 Promote a variety of transportation modes such as walking,
bicycling, ride sharing and mass transit to increase transportation
choices and decrease dependence on the single-occupancy
automobile. (EAR Part V, changes to Florida Statutes and
Administrative Rules and EAR Part III, Issues of Local Concern:
Changes in Redevelopment)
Community Development Coordinator
Tammy Vrana, AICP
Economic Development & Housing Department
City of Clearwater
112 South Osceola Avenue
P.O. Box 4748
Clearwater, Florida 33758-4748
PHONE: 727.562.4047 FAX: 727.562.4075 MOBILE: 727.415.1200