SIDEWALK WAIVER (57) tI."rrl--'",__ /'~\~lOFTI!~_~ l~M~"\ ~=" I - <:> .. ~ c...i " \.._, I .... ~ ~~ '"-- ~~ ~~ ::::==- c:::;~ ':.~ --~ ~$ \~ ---=:==- ~-l ,~ TE\\~)1l -;'''''TII~ I I " ~ ,J C I T Y OF CLEARWATER POST OFFICE BOX 4748 C LEA R W ATE R, F LOR IDA 3 4 6 1 8 - 4 7 4 8 City Manager August 30, 1989 Mr. Jack Keller 1352 S. Betty Lane Clearwater, Florida 34616 Reference: 1352 S. Betty Lane CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Dear Mr. Keller: In accordance with Section 138.09 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Clearwater, I have reviewed your request for a temporary sidewalk installation waiver. Since the above-referenced property is not part of a sChoo,l walk route, there are no sidewalks within 200 feet of the property and the waiving of the sidewalk requirements will not create a pedestrian hazard, this location meets the requirements set forth in Section 138.09. Therefore, I am pleased to inform you that a temporary waiver of the sidewalk requirement is granted on the above- referenced property. Should it be determined that a sidewalk is required at this location in the future, it will be installed by the assessment process. Very truly yours, -ti.-:?/-t?lL- Ron H. Rabun City Manager cc: Charles A. Hunsicker, Assistant City Manager Victor Chodora, Building Official Keith Crawford, Assistant Public Works Director/Transportation C~nthia Goudeau, City Clerk REC'!lVED AllG SO 1989 crrl CLERK "Equal Employment and AIlI,mative Action Emptoye," _OlO(~ 0\ (~ TO: FROM: COPIES: SUBJECT: DATE: I I C I T Y- 0 F C LEA R W ATE R Interdepartment Correspondence Sheet Charles Hunsicker, Assistant City Manager/Operations &. '" . Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineer Vic Chodora, Building Department Sidewalk Waiver Request: 1352 S Betty Lane August 25,1989 i\m~@~Ow~Ji] i. ,I, ",' I L ',.- " -, i: ~ i J\\L AUG 2 81!!W i~ i.. CITY MANAGER . J We have reviewed the subject sidewalk waiver request and found that there are no sidewalks along Betty Lane in this area, it is not part of a school walk route, and the absence of a sidewalk does not create a pedestrian hazard. Since the requirements for a waiver are met, it is my recommendation that it be granted. ~ Attachment (Copy) ,.--{; ;,) i ~ /C' ' . -I ,/V /j 0 rf" .../J · rt.iJjMt/,J(, /1'--'[/(;'( () c-'1'( , CITY OF CLEARWATER APPLICATION FOR SIDEWALK WAIVER I Fee - S~..s-" Date paid ~- ~ S'~ Receipt No. 'ij'(/?' c:; c;- REPRESENTATIVE (If ADDRESS ~ ~ s. ~~C~~_ Block, -D ADDRESS (Sidewalk Location) \~ ~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION v;r OWNER'S PHONE~~3~"- \~q.7 ADDRESS REASON FOR REQUEST ~~~~ \'-. ~~ ~\ \!\-\~ Section~S.09 of the Code or Ordinances of the City requires that all land that abuts a pub~ic right-or-way, which is to have new construction on it, either for residential, comme~cia1,.industrial or other purposes, shall have sidewalks constructed by the Owner on, across or adjacent the~eto. The Owner understands and agrees that if the waive~ is granted, the City may future date and assess the owner for the full cost of ~(76 It - 7~? _7 -L/5-~ L/S-9 8 -d\\ - ~Cf Da te \ Subscribed and s~orn to berore me th~~;?Li day of I (:21/ (Yv?~ .. " 19 ef 1i~~ ~ ~ V/c...-t- -' ~ , Notary Pub _C My Co~~ission Ex?ires: twWy Pub~c. State of n.,nail My Cmomission Expires May Zt 1991 Bonded fOQl .Troy faiq; I,\Jorance Inc. Rev.6/83 1910-62 .. ," ' I ,- ~ ,1'-' j . ',,,"- '~.. "',: ~:.. ~ ~" .~ ;, ~: I Ii I,. i ~ \i , .! .f..;! ;>..)i.-'l '; ; \ i"-t i L.'~ l~. ,I! 'J L!_i.. i:J t :.i I" ., , ',:d',I"1 ,: 1'.,11, ,.ij\) I 1,1. '. f, 'i '!;.-J\: , '. J ~.::; ,': \ ; -1..... t:~ " t:" " t...! , ""'1 I. .: ~ ..:+ 1...T. !-:,.t~~(:.:V,.1(1 ; ~.. " ! f.' Li--i '."":':"'-'.1.," ,., ;...'t ;',:1\'" '; (. :... ,: ~:: :r j, j t ! ,). i ;'i,.I"':I;i . -' ,,'-i ! ; i .' ~. 1 !..i; t, t. ,. '..: , , (:\i',.,j i;" I-i. j ,l, 1. .!,.1 ~ ! 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