INCOME STATEMENT FOR OCTOBER 2002 r JOLLEY TROLLEY INCOME ST~TEMENT Mon~h of: nrTnRRR RECEIVED DEe 1 92002' CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE 2002-2003 REVISED: December 13, 2002 REVENUE PLAN ACTUAL Operations Grant Vehicle Maint. Grant Donated Facilities Fares Advertising Interest Income Charters other Revenue Total Revenue 20,414 4,166 975 8,015 4,077 249 5,352 382 43,630 20,424 4,166 975 6,021 4,844 171 7,399 111 44,111 Expense Wages, Drivers Wages, Clerical Wages, Vehicle Maint. Wages, Administration Payroll Taxes Workers' Compo Ins. Maint.,Parts & Repair Insurance Fuel Office -Expense Personnel Costs utilities Rentals Professional Fees Other Taxes & Fees Total Expense 14,347 1,912 2,789 5,074 1 ,887 1,629 4,640 3,075 4,696 1,528 153 370 1,625 5,380 -0- 14,498 1,916 3,232 5,968 2,117 890 6,142 4,000 ...,0,- 427 852 363 1,810 -0- 277 42,492 49,105 Net Change In Assets (5,475) 1,619 VARIANCE Fav/(Adv) 10 -0- -0- (1,994) 767 (78) 2,047 (271) 481 (151 ) ( 4 ) (443) (894) (230) 739 . (1,502) (925) 4,696 1,101 (699) 7 (185) 5,380 (277) 6,613 7,094 ..~ EXPLANATION OF VARIANCES :t5% MONTH of OCTOBER, 2002 CORRECTED ITEM PLAN ACTUAL VARIANCE Fav/(adv) FUEL 4,696 3,826 870 Corrected 4,696 -0- 4,696 Explanation: No invoice was rendered to us by the city in October. $3,826 was an estimate of anticipate fuel cost for the month. Our limited expertise in accouhting practices has force us to account for our expenses on a cash basis. What we leave behind in one month will adjust in a following month. JOLLEY TROLLEY INCOME. STATEMENT Month of: NOVEMBER 2002-2003 REVENUE Operations Grant Vehicle Maint. Grant Donated Facilities Fares Advertising Interest Income Charters Other Revenue Total Revenue Expense Wages, Drivers Wages, Clerical Wages, Vehicle Maint. Wages, Administration Payroll Taxes Workers' Compo Ins. Maint.,Parts & Repair Insurance Fuel Office Expense Personnel Costs utilities Rentals Professional Fees Other Taxes & Fees Total Expense Net Change In Assets PLAN 20,414 4,166 975 7,354 4,077 250 5,702 357 43,295 13,611 1,789 2,612 5,074 1,808 1 ,547 3,405 3,075 4,391 1,430 380 347 1,625 -0- 105 41,199 2,096 ACTUAL 20,390 4,166 975 5,480 4,147 110 4,770 25 40,063 12,949 1 ,966 2,192 4,370 1,719 649 3,14~ 4,000 3,084 735 1,211 273 1,666 -0- -0- 37,958 2,105 VARIANCE Fav/(Adv) (24) -0- -0- (1,874) 70 (140) (932) (332) (3,232) 662 (177) 420 704 89 898 262 (925) 1 ,307 695 (831 ) 74 ( 41 ) -0- 105 3,241 9 ITEM Fares Charters Workers' Comp Insurance Fuel Office Expense Personnel Costs EXPLANATION OF VARIANCES :!: 5% Month of NOVEMBER 2002-2003 VARIANCE (1,874) (932) 898 (925) 1 ,307 695 (831) EXPLANATION Lack of riders as tourists are scarce Hard to control this account. We strive to take all charters that are requested Plan used actual cost versus accounting accrual Same as above Over-estimate of use and less charter business Cut back in office needs Major over-run attributed to Publix Thanksgiving gifts :~I- ,::::, ::::! I::::, ,::::1 1::::1 ::::i ::::i ::::! I:::: 1::::1 ::::i 1::::: I ;gj:8 ~.i 1"1.' 1<t.1 ;<t.: 1<t.1 I <to: ~ol 1'<1'.'1 '<1'.1 l<t.l 1'<1'., 1"1.: I :>-IO! (1)1 ID! ID -fcID! ID ID! ID, 1<0, <O~ <01 lID ID! I : if-: r""'"i I~t '-1 L."-j +=: "'-t 1--; C- l,-t I"'" ,""1 ! J -'i~f~T I~I 1~161 j6rtr, lOr ,0,--'forti-IO-I,"1"jofl,orTTr :~[r-! 1<01 l<Or ! U~--~.J-L.! I UJ I-lJ ~--Lt--~lJ Q> ~ I~I I:!!! ISI is! ISI I$! !sllSi ra1 is! tSI :SI I I ~ .< iE Ill'll 1("); ,0, 10j 101 0: :01 ,0' ,01 ,0: ,0, '0, : : <t ~ ~: 1tR-! l~r i~! I"'j .""! !t;!tl 'fI't! '!~l !t1ti ItIt! it1t; ; - - :t:iii!;> 19jn~D~Tl~~T, Tl--:-TT-;--r. fTl---;- ir-; -~- $11 iii , Q> (') I If""-I : I 'I I ' I I I. 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