AMENDMENT TO SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ~ I I AMENDMENT This Amendment is made this 2..0 of )V-L~, 1994, by and between the city of Clearwater, Florida ("city), anl1 John Dorsey & Associates ("Contractor") to the Agreement between the two parties dated March 17, 1994, for systems development services for the Clearwater Police Department. PRIOR UNDERSTANDING The parties previously agreed that the Comprehensive Police Department-wide Systems selection and implementation (CAD), for a fee of $114,270. Contractor will provide: (1) computer planning; and (2) for Computer Aided Dispatch NEW UNDERSTANDING The parties agree that the scope of the Consultant's work will include: (1) All work contemplated under the prior Agreement; and (2) System selection and implementation management for Police Records and Mobile Computers. The presently contemplated schedule of application systems, which may contract or expand based upon additional requirements analysis activities, are those designated for near-term implementation on Exhibit A. The additional work shall be performed in accordance with the attached schedule of work hours and charges designated as Exhibit B. The city shall pay the Contractor $64,395 for the additionaL~work. All other Terms and Conditions of the present Agreement will remain in effect. CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA Rita Garvey Mayor-Commissioner By: ~k.~ - EliytbethM. - Deptula City ~.fanager Approved as to form and correctness: Attest: ". ~ ~ ~ f!h-~ .0- Cy hia E. Goudeau City Clerk /--" ,.--::. BY~~~ Jo :5lJ)e1 .' ~JJ Attest: .. .,- /.. (If.& /o/i b~~ /J7'/ ..., PublIc. QIIItIIIIj CcudJ. .. .., o.-4Iaiaft &piM "8epl 25.. tt97 ~i) , / John Dorsey & Associates C8;~ J~ , / '" .^- 2, Action R ulred: 1 See/phone Me - AI: Attached I 1 For Your COmments and SuggeStions I 1 Prepare Reply tor SIgnature I I Note and Retum I 1 COrrect and Retum I 1 Send Me Intormation Required to Answer I 1 Attend to Trace Date: 4, PLEASE I 1 Does Attached Meet with Your Approval? liAs Requested liAs Per conversatiOn I 1 for Your signature. " You ApproVe. I 1 Per Injructlon fb M for Your Information Y- l' ) For Your RevieW I 1 Note and forward to Ales I 1 Initial and Forward Comments: . . I I CLEARWATER POLICE DEPARTMENT RECORDS APPLICATION ALTERNATIVES EXHIBIT A :::::;.;:::::::::::;::::::.;.;:::;.::::;.::;:;:;.::;:;: . . , , , , . . .. . ...,.. ....,.. . - ...................................................... ............................ ,.......................... ........................". :""ifSAiP':':':::'::':'" :::!:~:Z!!:!:!:::::!:::!:!:!:!:!:!:, ... . , , .......... ... ,. .......... ,'::IIIII:II!'!:I':::'I:I!! :rrtDits':'::t:: .........................h :.:.:.;.;.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.;.: ........................... ........................................,............. ~I~ i~jj~j~~~ ~~1 ~ ~~1~~~~ j ~ jj ~~~1 i ~ ~ ~ ~~ i ~j ~j jj ~mI ........................... :;:;:;=::::::;:;:;:;:;=;:::;:;:;:::;:;:;:;:::;:;:::::; '..............................................,...... ........................... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; ~:~: ~~:~:~:~: ~: ~:~:~:~:~: ~:~ :~:j: ~:~ :~:~:~:~:~:~ :~: ~. ............................ ........................,.. ..................................,.................... .........................., ........,.................. v' . Records Management Syst em v' . I nc ident Report ing v' . Un i f OrIn Cr ime Rep ort ing v' . Cr ime Ana ly s i s / P in Mapp i ng v' . Ad Ho c I nqu i ry : v' 0 Ma s t er Name I ndex ( MN I ) v' 0 Ma s t er Lo cat i on I ndex ( MLI ) v' . Prop erty Aud i t Tr a i I v' . Ca s e Man agement v' 0 I nve s t iga t i on s v' 0 Na r c ot i c s v' 0 I nt erna I Af f a ir s v' . Tra f f i c & C i tat i on v' . I nte I I i g ence Report i ng v' . D iv i s i on S tat i s t i ca 1 Report i ng v' . P er s onne I Manag ement v' . P er s onne I Rec ord s v' . S chedu 1 i ng v' . Da i ly Act iv i ty Rep ort i ng v' . C a r e er D eve I opme nt Page 2 ~ . '. . I I !:ili.~il~lil:l!i::11 . . - :rm~{{;{j:::: .......,."................ ....................................................... ::!:li:i:~:lllili::l:l:!:il:i:i:!:!i:i:!i:l:::: ~l1~~~~~t{~~~~~~~f~11~~~~~tJI1~ ~~~~~~~1t~j~~~j~t~~1~~~@ll~f1f ". . ....... .......... v . D i s c ip I in e V . Mob i I e Comput er Term i na I s V . C ity Databa s e I nqu i ry V . F i nanc e V . ut i I i t i e s V . Ll c en s e s V . C a s e Co st Re covery V . I ntegrated Ima g i ng S erv i c e s V . P ap er I e s s 0 f f en s e Report i ng V . Other Pr e s ent / M i s c . Sy st ems : V . Ac c i de nt Rep ort i ng V . Al arms V . D i g i ta I Mug Shots V . S e i z ur e Lot Program V . N I BRS Upgr ad e ab i I i ty V . I n sp e ct i 0 na I S erv i c e s V . P awn T i ck et s V . PC Rom i n Car V . Network Management Page 3 r, H ~ o H E-t HtQ CIl'I CH ~E-t lMH t> HH ~E-t ZO H~ t.!JE-t HO ~1l'I 0", ,0 ~ E-tP4 ZE-t Il'IZ ::f:1l'I E-t::f: ~P4 P40 Il'IH CIl'I t> s;a::l1l'I oC HtQ H::f: Os;a::l P4E-t ~tQ 1l'I>t E-tt/1 ~ ~ Il'I ..:I o :::::::::::::;::::::::::: ~tt~~I~I~~Irj)I)~j~~it)I~{ ~ ':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':': ~i. r.::l 111I _w~4' I. M"'....'.......' ..... 1.0 Rlli .. 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