BOATING INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT PROGRAM - CLEARWATER DOWNTOWN BOAT SLIPS 2006 TIER II-,¢'�.�tir� na,n �c �M� �`` c� � �� . . � � �� � , r z ' "N',�d.��i�""�r� o NF '�"u,��?'y y �„ � ,�6;�,r , .t� ��>roti co�'. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Comrnission Commissioi�ers Rodney Barreto Cliair +vs;a„,� KAthy B�rco vice-c!,:�:r Jacksnnvllle Ronald M.6ergvran Fnrt Laud�rcl�1F Rlchard A. Cvrbvtt Tamp� September 2, 2009 Mr. William D. Momis Marine and Aviation Director City af Clearwater 25 Causeway Blvd. Clearwater, FL 33767 H�ae�o��aa����s ���i�c� SEP �- 3 2009 ctTY o� �r.F��uu,�r�� RE: Boating Infrashvcture Grant Pmgram (BIGP) Agreement FWC Contract Na. 09096 — Cleazwater powntown Boat Slips Dear Bill: Dwlght Stephenson Enclosed is an original of the fully eacecuted BIGP Grant Agrement, FWC Cantract No. °�f'`'y ��'�`�' 09096 for Tier II funding of the Clearwater powntawn Boat Slips in the axnount of Itenneth W. Wrl�ht w;r�sEr ��,�-i� $1,236,U97. A faxed copy ofthe the Grant Award has been appended to Attachment A-1 Brian S. Yohlonaki to expedite transmittal of the grant agreement. I will email a scanned co�y of the letter �ra�+an<��sec �� Special Condition when it is received so that the copy can be replaced. Executi�e St�ff 1(ennekh o, Haddad Exer.urvP pirecta: NEck wuey Assistant Exe�utiv� nirector Itaren Ventlmlglla Uepu:y CI'ii�( ol Sla�� Division of Law Enforcement Colonel Julle Jonas Director ($50) 48&B251 (850) 921-B453 FAX n�ranaging tish and wr'idl;fc rrsources fr,r their lon�• rerrn w�1!-�eir7� dnd the ber7e/i10l ��epple. 620 Soutli Mericfiai7 Street. 7dllahassee•;. FIpr�Cla 32399.1600 Vnice: ($50) �l$$ 467� Hearing/snPer.h i;r,p3ired' (8001955-8771 �Tl 18D0) 9.ri5-8770 iV} MyF WC,com Please note the Reportng Reqvirements in Attachment A that are to be submitt�d an a quarterly basis. This areport can be submitted to me via email. If you have questions or need further information, pleas� da nat hesitate to contact me at 850-41 p-ObS6 Ext. 17122 ar patricia.harrell(a7myfwc.com. Since y, � � Patricia Hazrell Boating Access Coardinator Baating and Waterways, MS 1 M /ph Enclosures FWC Contract No. D D� FLORIDA FISH AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION COMMISSION BOATING INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT PROGRAM GRANT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into by and between the FLORIDA FISH AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION COMMISSION, whose address is 620 South Meridian Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399- 1600 hereafter "COMMISSION," and the City of Clearwater, whose address is 25 Causeway Boulevard, Clearwater, Flarida 337b7, hereafter "GRANTEE," to conduct a project entitled City of Clearw�ter Downtown Soat Slips, hereinafter referred to as the "Project," under the Boating Infrastructure Grant Pragram, hereinafter referred to as the "Program." NOW THEREFORE, the COMMISSION and the GRANTEE, for the considerations hereafter set forth, agree as follows: PRO ECT DESCRIPTION It is understaod and agreed the GRANTEE shall complete the Project, as described in Attachment A-1, Boating Infrastructure Grant Program Application for Clearwater powntown Boat Slips 2006 Tier II, attached hereto and made a part hereof. Also during Phase I, the COMMISSTON shall reimburse the GRANTEE for the costs of construction upon satisfactory completion and approval of the Project by the COMMISSION as provided herein. All activities must be cornpleted during the time span provided herein for that partion of the Agreement. The parties shall cooperate in the ongoing and continuous management of the Project under the terms and conditions provided herein DUTIES OF THE GRANTEE 2. The GRAN'TEE shall perform the services and specific responsibilities as set forth in Attachment A, entitled Scope of Services attached hereto and made a part hereof. The GRANTEE shall perform the services in a proper and satisfactory manner as determined by the COMMISSION. Any and all such equipment, products or materials necessary to perform these services, or requirements as further stated herein, shall be supplied by the GRANTEE. The GRANTEE shall perform as an independent GRANTEE and not as an agent, re�resentative or employee of the COMMISSION. 4. The GRANTEE shall commence work on the Project within six (6) months of execution af this Agreement. Failure by the GRANTEE to begin work shall constitute a breach of the Agreement and result in termination of the Agreement by the COMMISSION. The GRANTEE agrees to construct, operate and maintain the "P�oject" accarding to all provisions of Attachment B, Boating Infrastructure Grant Program Final Rule, 50 CFR Part 86, attached and made part of this Agreement as Attachment B. 6. PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: GRANTEE agrees to follow and abide by all requirements of permits for this project. SITE DEDICATIUN AND CONVERSION: Grantee shall ensure thaC facilities built pursuant to this Agreement must be substantial structures lasting at least 20 years and operated and maintained for their intended purpose during that period. The GRANI'EE agrees that Land owned Page 1 of 11 by the GRANTEE that is developed with Pragram funds shall be dedicated for a minimum of twenty (20) years as a site for the use and benefit of the public. The dedication shall be recorded in public property records by the GRANTEE. Land under control other than by ownership by the GRANTEE (i.e. lease, management agreement, caoperative agreement, inter-local agreement or other similar instrument) and developed with Program Funds shall be managed by the GRANTEE for a minimum p�riod of twenty (20) years from the completion date set forth in the Project Certification of Completion. Title to all improvernents shall be retained by the GRANTEE upon final payment by the COMMISSION. 8. Should the GRANTEE, within the 20-year pexiod set farth above, convert all or any part of the Project to other than COMMISSIDN approved uses, the GRANTEE shall replace the area, facilities, resource or site at its own expense with a Projecc acceptable to the COMMISSION of comparable scope and quality. In the event the Project is converted to use for other purposes during this period and not replaced with a like Project acceptable to the COMMISSION, the GRANTEE agrees to return to the COMMISSION all funds tend�red for the original Project. 9. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The GRANTEE, at its expense, shall purchase, erect and maintain a permanent sign, not less than 4 feet by 8 feet rn size, displaying the COMMISSION's official logo and, approved by the COMMISSION, identifying the COMMTSSION as a funding source for the Praject. Also, the Sport Fish Restoration Fund logo and the Soating Infrastructure Grant Prograrn must be included in such acknawledgement. This acknowledgement shall be maintained far a period of 20 years �r the duration of the Agreement. Failure by the GRANTEE to maintain such acknowledgement shall be considered a breach of this Agreement. 10. SIGNAGE: The GRANTEE, at its expense, shall purchase, erect and maintain directional signs, approved by the COMMISSI�N, on main public highways to direct public users to each boating facility funded through the Program. The GRANTEE agrees to provide and maintain such signs at its expense for a period of 20 years or the duration of the Agreement. Failure by the GRANTEE to erect and maintain such signs shall be considered a breach of this Agreement. 11. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE: For Phase II of the Agreernent, which shall include the entire term of the Agreement, the GRANTEE shall provide and be responsible for any and all costs assaciated with ordinary and routine operations and maintenance of the Project, including any and all personnel, equipment or service and supplies costs beyand the casts approved for reirnbursement in Phase I of this Agreement. 12. The GRANTEE shall assume responsibility for provisian of any and all ongoing maintenance and operation activities necessary to protect, preserve and provide quality boating facilities constructed through the use of Program funds for use and enjoyment by the public. Any significant events (vandalism, flood, fire, or closures) that require corrective actians shall be promptly reported to the COMMISSION. 1.3. THIRD PARTY AGREEMENTS: Grantee agrees that facilities operated or maintained by third partie5 rnust be covered by a written agreemenC [50 CFR 80.20]. The agreement must include a provision that revenues from user fees must be used to offset operation and maintenance cosCs and a stipulation prohibiting uses of the facility Chat may conflict with its intended purposes [50 CFR 80.14(b) (2) ; 80.14(c)]. 14. COMMISSION ACCESS: The GRANTEE shall allow unencumbered access to the Project site to the COMMISSION, its employees or agents for the duration of the Agreement for the purpose of site visit ar inspection to verify the facility is being maintained, in operation and is open and Page 2 of 11 available to the public. As part of the inspection, the COMMISSION may request maintenance and use information fram the GRANTEE to validate the condition af the facility. 15. COST OVERRUNS: The GRANTEE shall make every effort to avoid cost averruns on Phase I of the Project. If the total cast of Phase I of the Project exceeds the grant amount and any matching funds, the GRANTEE shall assume liability for all additional costs. GRANTEE ELIGIBILITY 16. The GRANTEE shall be licensed as necessary to perform under this Agreement as may be required by law, rule, or regulation, and shall pravide evidence of such compliance to the COMMISSION upon request. 17. By acceptance of this Agreement, the GRANTEE warrants that it has the capability in all respects to fully perform the Agreement requirements and the integrity and reliability that will assure good-faith performance as a responsible recipienC. 18. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING: All engineering must be completed by a professional engineer or architect registered in the State of Florida. All work must meet or exceed minimum design standards and guidelines established by all applicable local, state and federal laws. DUTIES OF THE COMMISSION 19. The COMMISSION shall, within budgetary constraints inspect the Project site prior to and during the construction of the Project. The GRANTEE shall notify the COMMISSION when the Project has reached substantial completion so that inspection may occur in a time frame allowing For the timely submission and processing of the final invoice. The COMMI55ION shall inspect the work accornplished on the Project and, if deemed camplete and in compliance with the terms of the Agreement, approve the request for payment. TERM �F AGREEMENT 20. This Agreement shall begin upon execution by both parties and end 20 years after the Phase I completion date, inclusive. However, the GRANTEE shall complete �11 Phase I project services on or before March 31, 2011. Under Phase I, the GRANTEE'S final invoice must be received by the COMMISSION no later than 30 days after the Phase I completion date. Failure by the GRANTEE to execute this Agreem�ent within 120 days of formal COMMISSION approval sh�ll render the award of Program funds null and void, and shall result in terminatiun of this Agreement. COMPENSATION 21. As consideration for the services rendered by the GRANTEE under the terms of this Agreement, the C�MMISSION shall compensate the GRANTEE an a cost reimbursement basis in an amaunt not to exceed $1,236,097. Page 3 of 11 PAYMENTS 22. The total approved estimated project cost for Phase I of the Tier II project Clearw�ter Downtown Boat Slips is $4,956,6b4. The COMMISSION agrees to reimburse the GRANTEE for an aroount not to exceed $1,236,097 for satisfactory completion by the GRANTEE of Phase T of this project as indicated on the attached Grant agreement between the COMIVIISSION and the US Fish and Wildlife Service. The GRANTEE agrees Co provide a minimum of $3,720,567 toward cornpletion of Phase I of the project, and shall be responsible far any additional costs Chat exceed the total approved estimated project cast for Phase I. The COMMISSION shall provide funds to the GRANTEE on a cost reirnbursement basis in the form of a single payment made within 30 days of receipt and approval of a properly certified invoice. The GRANTEE understands and agrees that there shall be no reimbursement of funds for expenses incurred prior to the execution of this Agreement unless a retroactive waiver for Project work has been approved by the COMMISSION. 23. Program funds shall be disbursed to the GRANTEE only after pre-approved phase oc final completion of Phase I of the Project occurs and work is verified by COMMISSION staff. Payment will be made only for docnmented and veri�ed costs. The COMMISSXON will not pce-approve or disburse any Program funds in advance. Failure to camplete the Project and make final payment request to the COMMISSION within the stipulated period shall result in terminatian of this Agreement. Any funds not disbursed or expended by the end of the stipulated period �re subject to the provisions of Chapter 216.301, Florida Statutes. 24. No travel ex[�enses are authorized under the terms of this Agreement. 25. The GRANTEE shall be reimbursed on a cost reimbursement basis in accordance with Camptroller Contract Payment Requirements as shown in the Department of Financial Services, Bureau of Accounting and Auditing, Vaucher Processing Handbook, Chapter 4., C., I., attached hereto and made a part hereof as Attachment C. 26. For AgreemenCs whose term extends beyond the State fiscal year in whick► encumbered funds were appropriated, the State of Florida's performance and obligation to pay is contingent upon an annual apprapriation by the Legislature. 27. Invoices, including backup docurnentation, shall be subrnitted to: Boating Infrastructure Grant Program Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Division af Law Enforcement 620 South Meridian Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-1600 DEFICIENCIES 28. Any Phase I Project deficiencies, as noted in the final Project inspection, shall be corrected by the GRANTEE prior to final Project acceptance and payment by the COMMISSION. The COMMISSION rnay restrict any ar all payment of Program funds pending correction of such deficiencies. Page 4 of 11 TERMINATION 29. This Agreement shall terminate immediately upon the COMMISSION giving written notice to the GRANTEE in the event of fraud, willful misconduct, or breach of this Agreement. 30. The COMMISSION may terminate this Agreernent at any time with or without cause by a written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, from the COMMTSSION to the GRANTEE. Upon receipt of such notice, the GRANTEE shall, unless the notice directs otherwise, irnmediately discontinue all work and services. 31. Upon t�rmination of this Agreement, the GRANTEE shall prornptly render to the COMMISSION all property belonging to the COMMISSION. For the purposes of this section, property belonging to the COMMISSION shall include, but shall not be limited to, all books and records kept on behalf of the COMMISSI�N. TAXES 32. The GRANTEE recognizes thaC the State of Florida, by virtue af its sovereignty, is nat required to pay any taxes on the services or goods purchased under the terms of this Agreement. NOTICE 33. Unless a notice of change of addr�ss is given, any and all notices shall be delivered to the parties at the following addresses: GRANTEE William D. Morris, Marine & AviaCion Director City of Clearwater 25 Causeway Blvd. Clearwater, Florida 33767 Phone: (727) 462-6954 x22 Fax: (727) 462-6957 Email: William.morris@myclearwater.com AMENDMENT OR MODIFICATION COMMISSION Patricia Harrell, Program Administrator Boating Infrastructure Grant Program Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Division of Law Enforcem�nt 620 South Meridian SCreet Tallahassee, FL 32399-1600 Phone: ($50) 488-Sb40 Fax: (850) 48$-9284 Email: BigPC�Mvk'WC.com 34. No waiver or modificatian of this Agreement or of any covenant, condition, or limitatipn herein conCained shall be valid unless in writing and lawfully executed by the parties. 35. The COMMISSION may at any time, by written order designated to be a Modification, make any change in the work within the general scope of this Agreement (e.g., specifications, schedules, method or manner of performance, requirements, etc.). However, all Modifications are subjecC to the mutual agreement of both parties as evidenced in writing. Any Modification that causes an increase or decrease in the GRANTEE's cost or the term of the Agreement shall require a formal arnendment. Page 5 af 11 RELATIONSHIP OF THE PARTIES 36. The GRANTEE shall perform as an independent agent and not as an agent, representative, or employee af the COMMISSION. 37. The GRANTEE covenants that it presently has no interest and shall not acquire any interest which would conflict in any rnanner ar degree with the performance of services required. 38. The parties agree that there is no conflict of interest or any other prohibited relationship between the GRANTEE and the COMMISSION. INSURANCE RE UIREMENTS 39. The GRANTEE warrants and represents that it is self-funded for liability insurance, appropriate and allowable under Florida law, and that such self-insurance offers protection applicable to the GRANTEE's officers, employees, servants and agents while acting within the scope of their employment with the GRANTEE. 40. To the exCent required by law, the GRANTEE will either be self-insured far Worker's Compensation claims, or will secure and maintain during the life of this Agreement, Warkers' Campensation Insurance for all of its employees connected with the work of Chis project. If any work is subcontracted, the GRANTEE shall require the subcontractor similarly to provide Workers' Cotnpensatian Insurance for all of the latter's employees unless such employees are covered by the protection afforded by the GRANTEE. Such self-insurance program or insurance caverage shall comply fully with the Florida Warkers' Compensation law. In case any class of employees engaged in hazardous work under this Agreement is noC protect�d under Workers' Compensation statutes, the GRANTEE shall provide, and cause each subcontractor to provide, adequate insurance satisfactory to the COMMISSION, for the pratection of his employees not otherwise protected. 41. Employers who have employees who are engaged in work in Florida must use Florida rates, rules, and classifications for those employees. In the construction industry, only corporate officers of a corporation or any group of affiliated cotporations may elect to be exempt from warkers' compensation coverage requirements. Such exemptions are limited to a maxirnum of three per corporation and each exemptian holder rnust own at least 10% of Che corporation. Independent contractors, sole proprietors and partners in the construction industry cannot elect to be exempt and must maintain warkers' compensation insurance. CANCELLATION UNDER CHAPTER 119 FLORIDA STATUTES 42. This Agreement may be unilaterally canceled by the COMMISSION for refusal by the GRANTEE to allow public access to all documents, papers, letters, or other material subject to the provisions af Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and made or received by the GRANTEE in canjunction with this Agreement. RECORD KEEPING RE UIREMENTS 43. The GRANTEE shall maintain accurate baoks, records, documents and other evidence Chat sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs of any nature expended in the Page 6 of 11 performance of this Agreement, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The GRANTEE shall allow the COMMISSION, the State, or other authorized representatives, access to periodically inspect, review or audit such documents as books, vouchers, records, reports, canceled checks and any and all similar material. Such audit may include examination and review of the source and application of all funds whether from the state, local or federal government, private sources or otherwise. These records shall be rnaintained for five (5) years Following the close of this Agreement. In the event any work is subcontracted, the GRANTEE shall require each subcontractor to similarly maintain and allow access to such records for audit purposes. LIABILITY 44. Each party hereto agrees that it shall be solely responsible for the negligent or wrongful acts of iCs emplayees and agents. However, nothing contained herein shall constitute a waiver by either party of its savereign immunity or the provisions of Section 768.28, Florida Statutes. NON-DISCRIMINATION 45. No person, on the grounds of race, creed, color, national origin, age, sex, or disability, shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the proceeds or benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discriminatian in performance of this Agreement. PROHISITION OF DISCRIMINATORY VENDORS 4b. In accordance with Section 287.134, Florida Statutes, an entity or affiliate who has been placed on the discrirninatory vendor list may not submit a bid, proposal, ar reply on a conCract to provide any goods or services to a public entity; may nat submit a bid, proposal or reply on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair vf a public building or public work; may not submit bids, proposals, ar replies on leases of real property to a public enCity; may not be awarded or perform wark as a contracCor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity; and rnay not transact business with any public entity. N�N-ASSIGNMENT 47. This is an exclusive Agreement with Che GRANTEE and may not be as5igned in whole or in part withaut the written approval of the COMMISSION. PERFORMANCE AND REMEDIES 48. It is understood by the parties that remedies for damages or any ather remedies provided for herein shall be construed to be cumulative and not exclusive df any other remedy otherwise available under law. SEVERABILITY AND CHOICE OF VENUE 49. This Agreement has been delivered in the State of Florida. and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Florida. Wherever possible, each provision of this Agreement shall be interpreted in such manner as to be effective and valid under applicable law, but if any provision of this Agreement shall be prohibited or invalid under applicable law, such provision shall be Page 7 of 11 ineffective to the exCent of such prohibition or invalidity, without invalidating the remainder of such provision or the remaining pravisions of this Agreement. Any action in connection herewith, in law or equity, shall be brought in Leon County, Florida. NO THIRD PARTY RIGHTS 50. The parties hereto da not intend nor shall this Agreement be construed to grant any rights, privileges or interest to any third party. URY TRIAL WAIVER 51. As consideration of this Agreement, the parties hereby proceeding brought by any party against any other party arising out of or in any way connected with this Agreement PROPERTY/E UIPMENT waive trial by jury in any action or pertaining to any matter whatsoever 52. The GRANTEE is not authorized to use funds provided herein for the purchase oF any non-expendable equipment or personal property valued at $1,000 or more for performance under this Agreement. FEDERALlFLORIDA SINGL,E AUDYT ACTS RE UIREMENTS S3. The Florida Single Audit Act requires all non-State organizations who are recipients af State financial assistance to comply witt� the audiC requirements of the Act, pursuant to Section 215.97, F'lorida Statutes. In addition, recipients and sub-recipients of federal financial assistance must comply with the Federal Single Audit Act requirements of OMB Circular A-133. Therefore, the GRANrEE Shall be required to comply with the audit requirements outlined in Attachment D, titled Requirements of the Federal and Florida Single Audit Acts, aCtached hereto and made a part of the Agreement, as applicable. 54. In accordance with Section 21b.347, Florida Statutes, the GRANTEE is hereby prahibited from using funds provided by this Agreement for the purpose of lobbying the Legislature, the judicial branch or a state agency. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION S5. The GRANTEE will be required ta complete the Certification of Completian Statement form when all work has been completed and accepted. This form must be subrnitted to the Commissian's Program Administrator with the GRANTEE's invoice for payment ta be authorized. The Commission's Program Administrator shall submit the executed form with the invoice to Accounting Services. FEDERAL FUNDS 56. This Agreement is funded in whole or in part by a grant from the Department of the Tnterior, Fish and Wildlife Service, CFDA #15.622. Therefore, the GRANTEE shall be responsible for complying with all federal grant requirements as provided in the grant, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Attachment A-l. It is understood and agreed that the Page 8 of 11 GRANTEE is not authorized to expend any federal funds under this Agreement to a federal agency or employee without the prior written approval of the Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. 57. The GRANTEE acknowledges that by entering into this Agreement and accepting the benefits and duties imposed hereunder, it occupies the status of a sub-grantee or sub-recipient of Federal Aid Funds, and is therefore obligated, and hereby agrees to camply with all Acts of Congress and applicable regulations pertaining thereto. 58. By acceptance of this Agreement, th� GRANTEE agrees to cornply with the requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, the 199Q American Disabilities Act, and further agrees to cooperate with the COMMI$SION in all aspects of compliance with all laws relating to use of Program funds. S9. In the event of a penalty being itnposed by the Department of Interior due to GRANTEE'S non- compliance with applicable Federal Aid regulations, GRANTEE agrees to indemnify the COMMISSION for any such penalties. If the GRANTEE does not comply with Federal Aid rules and the Boating Infrastructure Grant Program Final Rule, 50 CFR, Part 86, (Attachment B) the GRANTEE agrees to reimburse the entire grant amount of $1,236,097 ior the boating facilities improvements. DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION 60. Tn accardance with Executive Order 12549, Debarment and Suspension, the GRANTEE shall agree and certify that neither it, nor its principals, is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transactian by any Federal department or agency; and, that the GRANTEE shall not knowingly enter into any lawer tier contract, or other covered transaction, with a persan who is similarly debarred or suspended from participating in this covered transacrion, unless autharized in writing to the COMMISSION by the federal agency issuing the grant award. 61. Upon execution of this Agreernent by the GRANTEE, the GRANTEE shall complete, sign and return a coqv of the form entitled "Certification Regarding Debarments, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion - Lower Tier Federally Funded Transactians", attached hereto and made a part hereof as Attachment E. 62. As required by paragraphs 61 and 62 above, the GRANTEE shall include the language of this section, and Attachment E in all subcontracts or lower tier agreements executed to support the GRANTEE's work under this Agreement. PROHIBITION AGAINST LOSBYING 63. The GRANTEE certifies that no Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, on ar after December 22, 1989, by or on behalf of the GRANTEE, to any person for influencing or attempting ta influence an officer or employee af an agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress, in connection with the awarding, renewal, amending or modifying of any Federal cantract, grant, or cooperative agreernent. If any non-Federal funds are used for lobbying activities as described above in connection with this Agreement, the GRANTEE shall submit Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Repart Lobbying", and shall file quarterly updaCes of any material changes. The Page 9 of 11 GRANTEE shall require the language of this certification to be included in all subcontracts, and all subcontractors shall certify and disclose accordingly. 64. Pursuant to the Labbying Disclosure Act of 1995, the GRANTEE agrees to refrain from entering into any subcontracts under this Agreement with any organization described in Sectio❑ 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code ai 1986, unless such organization warrants that it does not, and will not, engage in lobbying activities prahibited by the Act as a special condition of the subcontract. SOLICITATION bS. The GRANTEE warrants that it has not employed or retained any cornpany or persan, other than a bona fide employee working solely far the GRAN'TEE to solicit ar secure this Agreement and that it has noC paid or agreed to pay any person, company, corporation, individual, or firnt, other than a bona fide employee warking solely for the GRANTEE any fee, COMMISSION, percentage, gift or other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. ENTIRE AGREEMENT 66. This Agreernent with all incorporated attachments and exhibits represents the entire agreement of the parties. Any alterations, variations, changes, modifications ar waivers of provisions of this Agreement shall only be valid when they have been reduced to writing, and duly signed by each of the parties hereto, unless otherwise prov.ided herein. REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Page 10 of 11 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the paRies hereto have caus�d this Agreement to be executed through their duly authorized signaCories on the day and year last written belaw. CITY OF CLEARWATER G%�L_1 �er, desi ng�ee* ���r Faw.�l.4vr.4-E�... D l�e.�4�er/ �+. fe�i�.et•�..�r Date: 8�/ z d q � 5' w��� Address � �� � City, 5tate and Zip Code *Provide documentation of designee authority Federal Emplayer ldentification Number: 59-600289 List of attachments included as part of this Agreement: FLORIDA FISH AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION COMMISSION Executive,Director, or designee Date: � Attachment A: Scope of Services Attachment A-1: Boating Infrastructure Grant Program Grant Application Attachment B: Boating Infrastructure Grant Program Final Rule Attachment C: Comptroller Contract Payment Requirements Attachment D: Requirements of the Federal and Florida Single Audit Acts Exhibit 1: Federal Resources Awarded to the Grantee Pursuant to this Agreement Attachment E: Certification Regarding Debarments, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusian - Lower Tier Federally Funded Transactians Attachment F: Certificate af Completion Statement Form Page 11 of 11 RESOLUTION NO. p6-36 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE MARINE & AVIATION DEPARTMENT AS PROJECT MANAGER TO APPLY FOR AND ADMINISTER THE FLORIDA FISH AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION COMMISSION (FWC) BOATING INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT PROGRAM ON BEHAL.F OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, THE GOVERNING BODY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, a requirement of the FWC to apply for their Boating Infrastructure Grant Program includes the City of Clearwater as the Governing Body, adopting a resolution authorizing the Project Manager to apply far and administer the grant on their behalf, and is willing ta enter in#o a 20-year agreement for the maintenance and operation of the project at such time as the grant is awarded; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL �4F THE CITY �F CLEARWATER, F4.ORIDA: Section 1. The City Council hereby accepts and approves authorizing the Marine & Aviation Project Manager to apply for and administer the FWC Boating Infrastructure Grant Program an behalf of the City of Clearwater, the Governing Body, and enter into a 20-year agreement for the maintenance and operation af the project at such time as the grant is awarded. Section 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of August , 2ppg. Approved as to form: ,, � rr ....� � ia Carlos F. Col Assistant City Attarney , .� ,� k Hibbard Mayor Attest: 1 hcnet� anii�r thae ch1� is x aue �nd oor�+cct copy ot`tha arig'�nal aa it appea�s in the Nee af thc C�ty af Clean�a� Witnea hand and o8icial �cal af 1he � �F6 ..�.. fV�. /y�d ia E: Goudeau lerk �t���� � /,������� � � � � � � � � � � � ���r � �� � FWC Contract No. O�' O�T �_ ATTACHMENT A Scope of Services Soating Infrastructure Grant Program (SIGP) Project — City of Clearwater Downtown Baat $lips INTRODUCTION The City of Clearwater is develaping a nevv recreational baat slip facility to expand boat access and provide a facility located downtawn adjacent to businesses and Coachman Park with direct access frorn the Intracoastal Waterway. The Project will provide dack space far transient vessels, attract boaters to the area, accommodate larger vessels, provide safe harborage, and provide amenities to serve transient boaters. TASK - The GRANTEE shall be responsible for completing the following tasks: Pro'ect Elements Install 2600' of linear docking with an integrated wave attenuation systern Upgrade the existing restroom facilities in the Drew Street Dock building and provide modern showers and coin-operated laundry facilities Provide a Dock master office/Welcome Center to serve as the information center for transient boaters �roject Mana e�ment It is the GRANTEE'S responsibility to contract, manage and inspect all aspects of the Project. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Activity Re�orts The GRANTEE shall submit ta the COMMISSION quarterly activity reparts outlining the progress of Phase I of the Project, identifying any prablems that may have arisen, and actions taken to correct such problems. Reports shall also include comparison of actual costs incurred with the Project Costs as submitted in the Grant Application (Attachment A-1). Such reports shall be due by the 15`� of the month for each quarter to the COMMISSION'S Program Administrator until the Certification nf Completion form (Attachment F) is submitted. Photo ra hs During Phase I, the GRANTEE shall provide pragress and iinal photographs of any construction project documenting satisfactory progress and completion prior to requesting payment from the COMMISSTON. Final photographs shall be submitted with the Certification of Completinn form. Page 1 of 2 � Certificate of Cam letion Attachment F The GRANTEE will be required to complete the Certification of Completion Statement Form when all work has been completed and accepCed. This form musC be subrnitted to the Commission's Program Administrator with the GRANTEE's invoice for payment to be authorized. INVOICES AND PAYMENTS For satisfactory completion of the above services, the FWC agrees to pay the GRANTEE on a cost reimbursement basis an amaunt not to exceed $1,236,097. Re uest for Pa ment For satisfactory p�rformance under Phase I of this Agreement, the GRANTEE shall be paid upon submission of praperly certified invoice(s) to the COMMISSION. The request for payment shall consist of an original invoice on the GRANTEE'S official letterhead, clearly marked as invoice, supported by an iternized list, by category, as reflected in Attachment A-1, Grant Application, of all expenditures claimed. Invoices shall contain detail sufficient far a proper pre-audit �nd post-audit thereof and shall contain the Agreement number and the GRANTEE'S Feder�l Emplover ldenti�cat�on number. An original and three 3 eo ies of the invoice shall be submitted. The COMMISSION shall ❑ot provide advance payment. Upon a desk audit review of the payment request, acceptance of the Project and receipt of all Proj�ct closeout documentation, the COMMISSION shall process the final payment. Bud et Re ort Along with the requesC for payment, the GRANTEE shall submit a Final budget report showing all expenditures by category as listed in Attachment A-1, Boating Infrastructure Grant Program, City af Clearwater powntown Boat Slips. Page 2 of 2 FWC Contract No. t7 4 � 4 6 ATTACHMENT A-1 Boating Infrastr�ucture Grant Program Tier II Project City of Clearwater powntown Boat Slips SEP-0?—?��9 12�15 w o� � �Jnz�ed S�a�es �epa�tmenfi of the Ynteriox � � FT5H �1ND WILDLIFE SERV�CE y, , ` Fq 1875 Century Boulevard ' Atlantn, Cieor�ia 30345 mr RFp�Y r��.rr:rt �� QU� �$ 2009 1�vS/R41MS-1'i1 - IV1r. Kenneth 1•laclt�:scl, Executi��e Direetor Flarida �'ish and �'�'ildlife Consc:n�atic�n Commission 620 S4uCh Mcridian 5treet �'allahassee, ��lorida �2399-1600 D�ar Mr. �Tadct<<ci: P.01i01 The �'rojcct I'i•r�l�osc�l 2'or Y-14-ll, "(':fcarwatcr Dawntpwn Boat Slips," arld the Grant Award for i $c�ment 1 hav� o�cn appruvcd c!'fcetivc August 1, Z009. The original signed copie5 of the i approved dor.urr�cnts h�vc been i'o���v;,rdcd to your �ant coord�inator. The Grant Award is approved far �h� ;�e�ioci from �'�u�i.st 1, 2009 io March 31, 2011 in the amount of $4,956,664 of which thc Fccic,:�l 5hare is �1,23G.(197. , The "S�7CCia� (,�±�nci:TIDt15" �re attach�d to �he Grant Award and will be forwarded ta your grant coordinator. Terms pf Acec� ��,Lr;��c� Per htt�;!/�.�N�,�v.dcai,�nv/pam�'ermsa,�dConditions�,htrnl, acceptance of a Fedcral Finznci;:l �i�vard fram thc Ucpartment of the Interior (DOn carries vc�ith it the � responsibility �c� l�,_. .iware: uf ar.d cc>mply with the terms and conditions of the awaxd. Aeceptanee is de;�ined as tt:c. ��:xt of work, dr��winc down funds, ar accepting the a�vard .via c]ectronic means. Awards aru h��sE��+ an �he :�pplicai,i�>>i subntittzd to, and as appraved by D�T and are subje.ct to the terms and conrition; incur��orat�c� r:ither direcdy or by reference to program legisiation�regula�ion, spcCial terms ����d <<;ynciitiUns and ille C;eidc af Federal RegulationslRegulatary Rtquirements, as applicable. Please cont,:ic:t ��i�� ::r (��04) G79-�t 15a or Mr, Sco�t White at (Q04) 579-7113, if you have any questions. Enclosurrs Sincnrrly yours, � � Y� � Michacl L. iccirilli Chicf-Federal A.ssistance OpTIONAL FOqFd 99 (7-90) FAX TRANSMITTAL yo�aaQes• 7o I Fro / T ✓V ri �C �n/`� ~ DeptiAganey Pnone a r�Y � I F9X A rv�N ihe0_Dl_$17_7369 5pgg_101 GENEqA1 $EqVICES ApMINISTRATION . � � �'l��� ����� � ' � I !�i ����.��,f� �.1r� i � � TCITAL P. Q1 APF�LICATION FOR Version 7/03 F;�DERAL ASSISTANCE 2. DATE $UBMITTED 10/27/2QQ6 Applicant Identifler FL8�0916�347C 1. TYPE OF SUBMISSION: S. DATE RECEIVED BY Sl'ATE State Application Idenlifier Application Pre-appAcation ❑ Construcdon ❑ Construction 4. DATE RECEIVED BY FEDERAL AGENCY Federal ldentifler ❑ Non-Construction u i n 5. APPLICANT INFORMATION l.egal Name: State of Flofid� QrganFiatlonal Unit: Deparlment: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservattqn Commission �r�anizational DUNS: g38103893 � Division: Law Enforoement, Boating and Waterways Address: Nama and balephone number of person to b� contacted on matters SVeet: involvin this application (give area code) 620 S Meridian St., 1 M Pretuc: MS First Name� patricia �'�`� Tallahassee Middle Name � County: ���n Last Plame HatT�ll State: F� Zip Code 32399 5�: country: �"'a'�� patricia.Harrell�MyFWC.com 6. EMPLOYER IDENI7FICATIQN NUMBER (EIN): Phpne Numher (giv� area wde) Fax Number (give area cade) Q Q.- � Q Q� � Q � ($50) 410-0656 (850) 488-9284 8. TYPE OF APPLICATION: 7. TYPE QF APPLICANT: (See back of form for Application Types) � New ❑ Continuation ❑ Revisian A. $tate If Revision, enter appropriate letter(s) in box(es) See back of fortn fir description of letters.) r(specify) Othgr (SpeGfy) 9. NAME OF FED�iiAl. AGENCY: U.S. []epartment of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service 10. CATALOG OF FEDERAL DOMESTIC ASSISTANC� NUMBER: 11. IJ�SCRIPTNE TITLE OF. APPLICAN7'S PROJECT: 0�_C7s [�z Q Clearwater powntown Bpat Slips TITLE (Name af Program): Boa6ng IM�astructure Grant Pragram 12. AREAS AFFECTED BY PRW�C�' (Cities, CounHes States, ela.): Clearwater, Pinellas, Florida 13. PROPQSED PROJECT 14. CONGRES510NAL DISTRICTS OF: Start Date: .� 1/01 /2Q06 Ending Date: 12/31 /2007 a. Applicant � � b. Project 10 15. ESTINAATED FUNDING: 16. IS APPLICATION $UBJEC7 Tp R�I16W BY STATE EXECU"f'IVE RDER 12372 PROCESS? a. Federal 1,236,097.00 a. Yes. 0 7HIS PREAPPLICATION/APPLICATION WAS MADE AVAILABLE TO TWE S1'A1'E EXLCUTIVE ORDER 12372 b. Applicant 3,570,567.00 PROCESS FOR R�VIEW ON c. 5tate DATE: 10/27/2006 d. Lacal b. No_ ❑ PRaGRAM 1$ NQT COVERED BY E. O. 12372 e. Olher 150,000.00 ❑ a� PRQGFiP`M HAS NOT BEEN S�LECTED BY S7ATE FOR REVIEW f. Pragram Income 17. IS 7HE ApPLICANT DELINQUENT ON ANY FEQERAL DEBTY g. TQTAL 4,956,664.00 ❑ Yes If "Yes" attach an e�lanation. � No 18. TO THE BEST OF MY KN�WLEDGH AND BELIEF, ALL DAtA IN THiS APPLICATIOWPREAPPLICA710N ARE TRUE AND CORRECT, tHE QCUMENT HAS BEEN DULY AUTHORIZED BY THE GOVERNING BOpY QF THE APPUCAN7 AND THE APPLICANT WILL COMPLY WITH THE TTACMED ASSURANCES IF THE ASSISTANCE IS AWARDFA. a. Authorized Re resentative Prefix �t C�� Frst Name JameS iddle Name Last Name �rpW� uffiX ��ae Secti Leader, Boatin and Waterwa a11d FIBId SeNICGS • Telephvne Number (give area code) 9 YS $50 488-5800 . Signature of uth ' ep nTabve . Date Signed ��� /+ b Previous Editlbn Usa Sha ard Fortn 424 (R�v.9-2UO3) Authorized for Local raduciion Presc7ibed bv OMB Circular A-102 Saating lnfrastructure Grant Prograrrs [BigP} Ci#y of Ctearwater Budget Downtawn Boat Slips Tier - Proposed Costs Actual Casts - Reporied Mocs#hly Cost C1ass�cation b. Applicant C. d. C. d. a. To#a! Cost Share �tierlPartner c. BIGP Share Preliminary a. Total Cos# b. City Share Otherl�artner a. BIGP Share Preliminary h r Share 9. Admrrristrafrve & legel expenses AdminlstraLlve 6 lega! expensas tota! �0.00 54.� SD.00 50.80 �D.00 50.� 54.00 SO.OD E0.00 �O.Q6 2. Larrd, str�ctures, right-of-weys, appraisels, atc. Lartd velue $2,914,125.OD $2,914,125.00 RestroomsrShowers/Dock Master Oific�e $40,443.U0 $4fl,443A0 Lsnd, structures, rl�ht of-ways, appralsala, etc. to�l $Z,964,668.t10 �2,954,586.00 50.00 $OAO �0.00 S4A0 50•00 #REFf �O.OD �0.00 3. Relocetiort expenses & payments Relocetlon expenses 8 paymeeb �oral So.00 So.oa So.oa so.00 So.oa So.00 So,oa 50.00 50.0� Eo.00 a. a,�nirect�rar a errgineeri►�g rees AnChltectur818 en�lneBrlR� feas tora� so.oa so.00 so.ao sa.oa so.oa So.00 �o.oa saoa so.00 so.00 5. Other ar�hitecfure! and enginearing iees { We,fiminary Cosfs J Permit Modficarion Applrestion Fees Wade-frim prepsrirrg� cost estimetes $54,514,00 $54,514.00 Applied Technology B Menagemenf techrtice! Feasibrlity study $7,640,D0 $7,6A0.00 Wade-Trim desrgn arrd psrnarttiRg cosfs /or Prorrrenede $23,645.60 $23,645.(}0 Folwer Rssocreiies Rrchitecis preparrrrg workin� drawir►Qs� etc. far remode�ing 8 expansion of restroams, ahowers8�dockmaster building $3,064.00 $3,064A0 WadeTrimRxeparation of Design Criteria Pacicege8Elesign SelaGion $5,fi43.04 $4,232.00 $1 411.OQ oa� a,�rc�r� a ��r��,rn�r �S tora►{crrypornonl ��a,sos.oa �a.ao Sa.ao $a,zaz.00 ;so,2ra.00 So.00 ;o.aa 50.00 ;o.00 So.00 6. ProJecf Ir�spectia� Fees Project �nsioec�on �ees to�er go.00 Lo.00 So.00 3a.oa 30.0o So.00 $a.oa �o.oa $o.00 �a.00 Page 1 af 2 S424C Boating infrastructure Grant Program [BigP} city ot C�earwater Budget Downtown $oaf Slips Tier - Proposed Costs Actual Costs - Reported Montt�ly Cost Classification �, Applicant �' d• C. d. a. Total Cost S�e� OtherfPartner c. BIG� Share Pre3iminary a. Total Cost b. Gity Share OthedPartner c. BIGP Share Preliminary ha Sha 7. Site Work Parkrng Lot Improverr�ents $12,6U3.00 $12,803.Da Pavement, Sidewalks, Landscaping Slbe Wa►k fota! $72,848.OD S12,B03.04 �0.00 $0,00 SO.QO 50,00 a0.0a 50.fl0 $O.OD 50.00 Renovatiort Derrioll�lon, etc lataf $3,812.00 30.04 $0.00 �3,812.00 50.00 30.00 30,06 58.40 SO.OQ 50.00 9. Consir�ctron Doek System installetron 5823,7$4.00 $46,493.OQ $150,400.00 $627,2$7.00 Piling and Pils Dr+vrng $3Bfi,642.00 $96,861.00 $288,98�.00 Plumbing System $81,198.0� $20,3D0.00 $BQ,898.OQ Ekectrical System a184,644.04 $41,t6Q.OQ $123,480.00 Security Syatem $11,286.Ot} $2,822.00 $8,4fi4.00 Rip Rap Existin� SeswaEl $53 6� 1.00 $13 4Q3.00 $40 208.00 Co►ts�ctloR fotal �1,521,167.OQ ;220,839.00 5760,600.00 �1,t64,818.00 �O.QO �0,00 SO.OQ SOAO SO.OD SO.OD io. MisceAarraous Utilities Efactrice! $75,618.04 $18,905.04 $56,7t4.00 Wster, Sewer, Fir�s $28,428.00 $7,007.00 $21,021.OD PerForrnanoe Bond $31 339.00 $3� 339.00 �a.oa $4.00 $O.QO $O.OD $0.00 �a.oa M1acQl�aneous total �134,986.00 567,251.D0 S0,00 ;7T,73S.00 ;0.04 a0.00 �0.00 50.00 50.00 $0.00 11. SUBTOTAL �4,T21,632.00 E3,246,281.00 E150,000.00 �1,238,097.00 �9�,274.OQ �.OQ 54.06 $O.OQ $0.00 12, Contingencies $235,432.04 $235,032.04 $O.DO $0.00 $0.04 $0.00 13. SUBTOTAL �4,958,fi84.00 �3,480,293.04 St60,000.00 �4,238,097.00 590,274.0� $0.00 $O.OQ $0.00 $0.00 14. Project income $O.DO E0.00 $0.00 $Q.04 $O.UO $0.00 $0.� $0.00 15. TOTAL PRQJECT COSTS 54,866,$fi4,D0 $3,480,293.00 750,006.00 a1,238,09T.OQ �90,274.00 SO.flO �Q.00 a0.00 �0.00 77 °/0 3°/a 25°% 2°/0 Page 2 of 2 S424C MARiNE S� AVG+,TION DEPARTMENT October 6, 2006 �rT� o� �L����A�r�� CLEARWATER MUNICIPAL MARINA, 2S CAUSEWAY BOULEVAAD, C[.EARWATER, FLORIDA 33%G% TELEPHONE �%2%� 4�2-G�S4 Fnx (727) 462-6957 Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Division of Law Enforcement/Boating and Waterways Section Boating Infrastructure Grant Program (Big P) Ms. Patricia Harrell, Program Administrator 620 South Meridian Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1600 Dear Ms. Harrell: In 20�5, the CiCy commissioned consultants to undertake a study to determine the preliminary feasibility of expanding the recreational boat slips at the existing Municipal Marina. The study revealed a potential increase of 64 slips, compared with a 2003 study that projected a possible 138 slips proposed far a location less than 2 miles away from the existing marina. (The 2003 proposal did not pass referendum due to combining upland property usage with the praposed downtown recreational docking facility. Our citizens were not appased to the recreational boat storage facility, but the use proposed far some of the upland praperty.) The City then de�ided to pursue development of the locarion that provided the greater number af boat slips. Our consultants were concerned about the number of slips combined at both sites because the State �onsidered the dawntown site an extension of the existing marina. This woul.d subject the City to the Development Review Investigarion (DRI) process outlined in Flarida Statutes Chapter 3$0.06. The State has since eliminated the enviranmental impact review for expanding marinas. The City can safely view the dawntown facility as an extension of the amenities offered at the Muni�ipal Marina, including gas and cliesel fuel sales, oil and additive products, a pump out vessel, etc. without feeling the cost and time delay constraint imposed by the State due to combining the total number of slips at both facilities be�ause of their proximity to one another. Our Municipal Marina has minimal transient slips (1Q%), and no public access areas. The City of Clearwater wish�s to provide 2,60� linear feet of safe temporary docking for non-trailerable transient vessels, �6' and larger, and 12 fixed slips at the proposed downtown location, in addition to the FRANK HIB[iARD, MAYOR �II.I.,JONSON, V1C� .VLIYOR JOtIN �OHr1,`l, COUNCI4�IEMHER HOYT H,M1fl,1'ON, COl1NClLMEMBF.R � Cn�.�N A. P�.�rEr�sr•.�, COU�CII.MF..hIHFR "EQU,U. FMPf.OYMIiN"r ANb AFFIRM �TIVI: A(:7'IOV �M['LUYCft" slips already offered at the Municipal site. The facility is to be beautifully situated adjacent to Coachman Park at the foot of the bluff overlooking Cleaxwater Harbor and the Gulf of Mexico on the western end of dawntown alang the Intracaastal Waterway. The building containing the restroams at the site will be renovated, made handicapped accessible, inc�ude shower facilities for transient boaters, and have an ofiice for a dock master. The target completian date is 2009. The do�ks will branch off the new Promenade being built on the footprint of the old Memorial Causeway Bridge and a joining sidewalk. Floating �ancrete wave attenuators will provide an acceptable level of safety and protection during the upper limits of extreme weather conditions. (See Appendix 6, "Anatomy of a Wave Attenuator" - Bellingham Marine) The existing Drew Street Dock fishing pier will be extended with an attenuator to diminish the impact of the 5.8 miles northern fetch and connect with the Promenade, creating 898 feet af free side tie-ups during special events for visitors and residents to enjoy the downtown ameruties. There are currently no tie-ups foar boater's downtawn. In the 2003 Clearwater Bayfront Marina Feasibility Study, the estimated design, permitting, and construction cost for the proposed recreational boat slip facility for annual rental, and transient moorings, was $ 5 million. Our consultants have updated their study and estimate the construction costs closer to $11 mi.11ion. The transient portion of the project is estimated to be abaut $4,956,664, of which $88,863 are preliminary costs associated with dock construction cost estimates and financial feasibility studies, design and permitting costs for the Promenade, and architectural plans for the shower facilities and dock master remodel/expansion. We understand these preliminary costs may be included/completed before signing a grant agreement. We respectfully request and appreciate the Fish and Wildlife Conservat.ion Commission's consideration in assisting us with Big P funds for the 2,60Q linear feet of #loating �oncrete do�k, plus 12 fixed slips for non-trailerable transient vessels, 26' and larger. The City of Clearwater will provide $3,720,567 (�5%) of the construction cost, and we ask that the FWC provide $1,236,097 (25%), or whatever funding possible. Th�re will be only one grant request subriutted. Sincerely, ��/`U William D. Morris Project Nlanager CITY �F CLEARWATER DOWNTOWN BOAT SLIPS - BIG P TIER II FY 06-07 Project narrarive according to Federal Aid Grant Proposal Guidelines I. Pro'ect Need Stat�ment � In 2005, the City of Clearwater comtxussioned Engineers of Record WadeTrim to undertake a feasibility study to see if the number af recreational boat slips could be increased at the existing municipal marina to replace some of those lost due to condo development. This loss of baat slips is a similar story echoed thraughout Florida ac�ording to Frank Herhold, executive director of the Marine Industries Associatian of 5outh Florida (MIASF). 1 Based on the findings af that study, it was determined funds wauld be better invested by developing a new recrearional boat slip facility, with twice as many slips (1Z9 boat slips compared with 64), at an alternate site downtown within two miles of Che existing marina. The City began actively pursuing this optian. A.lang with the loss of permanent storage for recreational boaters, there are insufficienC transient boat sli s. Most public boat storage facilities and boat yards giving way to conda development provide few if any public day slips. "Water, water everywhere, and not a place to dock; that's a refrain e�haed by many Clearwater baaters faced not only with a declining number af permanent boat storage facilities, but also dearth of destinations an the water," to quote a local writer for the Clearwater Gazette. z "There is clearly a demand far more wet storage slips in Clearwater as evidenced by the 1$-month waiting list at the Municipal Marina. But Sill Marris, Clearwater's Harbormaster, said that there is also a need for ublic tie-u s that wauld allow residents to make a day trip ta the beach by boat, rather than by car." 3 The City is laoking into partnering with a developer to provide a number of public use day rie-up slips within the scope of their condo project. The Municipal Marina boat slips aren't big enou�h to accommodate the lar er boating communi�. This trend toward an increase in the size of the average boat is canfirmed in the AssociaCion of Marina Industries and the Recreational Marina Research Center's first national marina econamic impact Study. � There was a 45.10% increase in registered baat owners of vessel Class 4(65'- 109'll" long) between 2001 and 2005 in Hillsbarough, Pasco, Pinellas, and Palk Counties according to DownCawn Soat Slips Feasibility Study done by consultants Applied Technology & Management (AT"�i). ' 1 Nlarine Business Journal article on Disappearing Marinas, 7uly 2006 z Clearwater Gazette article "Docks Open at Island Way Grill," �pril 1�, 2005 ' Clearwater Gazette article, "Council to Cansider pocks and Bonus Pool Units for Sea Peaxl Resort," January 20, 200� � Marina & Baatyards Market Data Book Z006 article ' ATM's study, June 2006 pg. 6 Gran[s folder, Downtown Boat Slips FWC SIG P FY OG-07 1 CITY QF CLEARWATER DOWNTOWN BOAT SLIPS -- BIG P TTER II FY �6-Oi Clearwater Beach is one af the direct routes boaters take crossin the Gulf of Mexico stapping for fuel and provisions, as well as an opportunity to enjoy Clearwater Bea�h, �ertified as a"Blue Wave" healthy shoreline, which offers miles of soft white sand and beautiful clear water. � Transient slips represent 10% of the total slips at the Municipal Marina but provide 25% of the total income. It is unfortunate boaters are turned away be�ause they �annat be accommodated during the busy season, an holiday weekends, during special events, because of the size oi their vessels, and limi.ted transient slips. The ro osed boat sli facili� downtown is located immediatel a'acent to the Gulf Intracoastal Waterwav. "It is likely that there will be some demand for slip space from transient boaters," according to constants ATM 5�1 "Due to lo�ation on this reco nized boatin route the otential for transient boater demand at �he proposed facility is good." 5�z The Intracoastal Waterway is also adjacent to Coachmen Park, the lacation of year-round concerts in�luding the nationally ac�laimed Clearwater Jazz Holiday - 4 days and 4 nights of free live jazz - that attracts laCals and visitars fxom around the cauntry. ' Dozens af boaters anchor offshore to hear the wonder�ul performances, creating major s�fety concerns for those trying to transverse the navigation channel around them. Our plans for the new downtawn faCility in�lude Z,600 linear ieet of safe, temparary tie-ups. There is still ample anchorage space on the oppasite side of the ICW. To recap the need for the City's BIGP Tier II proposal to expand the existing marina at the Downtown location are: • Insufficient number of transient slips at existing facility • Lack of public tie-ups • Inability to ac�ommodate larger vessels • Destination of boaters crassing the Gulf and those who Cransverse the Intxacoastal • Safety concerns of those boaters who anchor out along the Intracoastal during concerts 6"Blue Wave" Beaches web page '�r ATM study pg. 3 '�Z ATM study pg. 13 ' Tkie Baltimore Tiznes, November 11-17, 2005 article and the Jazz Holiday web page Grants folder, Downtown BoaT Slips FWC BIG P El�' 06-07 2 CITY OF CLEARWATER DOWNTOWN BOAT SLIPS - BIG P TIER II FY 06-07 A. Objective Based on the findings of cansultants ATM, Pinellas Caunty clearly boasts a higher percentage o� registered boaters to its population then its surrounding counties and the State of Florida as a whole; 79% compared with the State at 52%. S�� ATM also forecasts the potential increase in the number of boats registered in the project area in the coming years is substantial, 44% of the population with vessels 26 foot and larger is projected. '�� "Adding to the potential for a new boat slip facility in Clearwater is the documented lass of public baaC slips in Puaellas County. A documented loss of 1300 wet slips/dry stack storage spaces fram 1996-2005 was reported by Pinellas Boating Access Task Force. Slips that are losC or converted to private use must be offset by the development ar opening af new public slips to maintain public assess to the water, espe�ially as more resident and boaters are coming to the water ix� the area." 5.5 Sased on these trends, our g„oal is to provide space for as many vessels in the ro'e�t area as assible. The number originally planned for the site was 138 slips, 12 being reserved for transient boaters, as well as 1702 linear feet of side tie-ups for overnight transient guests, and an adclitional 898 linear feet of day tie-ups. The total was recently decreased to 129 slips aiter meetings with Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) spokespersons who determuned the need for bridge ofFset considerations. Sy offering 2600 total linear feet of txansient tie-ups for vessels 45' an average, building the transient dacks creates 5 7.78 potentiaJ. tie-ups. Providing this many do�k spaces will address our goal to create as many spaces possible and directly meet the need of transient boaters by: • Increasin� vur capacit to provide dock space for transient baaters during busy seasons, on holiday weekends and during special events. • Providin a destination ior boaters ta enjoy the amenities planned far downtown. • Accornmodating the larger vessel �ommunitv side tie-ups at floating concrete wave attenuator dack systems. • Providin sto -off harbora e for baaters who transverse the Intracoastal Waterway route, those crossing the Gulf of Mexica, and those seeking shelter in storms. • Supplvin� safe tie_ups far boaters anchoring in the Intracoastal to hear concerts at Coachman Park. '�3 ATM study, pages S ' � +'�' ATM study, pages 14 Grants folder, Downtown Boat 51ips FWC S[G P FY OG•Oi 3 CITY OF CLEARWATER DOWNTOWN BOAT SLIPS - BIG P TIER II FY �6-07 Addressing the basic service needs of transient boaters, our abjective will be to provide: Restrooms showers and laundr facilities. The former Drew Str�et dock ferry building will be renovated and made ADA accessibly. The 1,100 square foot building will be reconstructed to have showers and laundry facilities. Dock master's office elcome Center. The building will alsa serve as the information center to better meet the needs of transient boaters. A Pramenade fram which to view the site or catch a ferry to the beach. Note: It should be noted that the City is only saliciting FWC BIG P funding for that portion of the entue proje�t cost that is appli�able to the transient portion oi the project only. Ten percent of the fixed slips, and all side tie maorings will be available for transient use. 8 Comptroller Bill Kleinsorge's justification far the total traxlsient slips construction cost at 16.43% can be seen under the Detailed Praject Cost Estimate tab. " Financial Feasibility Study prepaxed by City of Clearwater Finance Dixector �Iargaret Simmons, pg. 2 Grants folder, Downtown Soat 5lips FWC SIG P FY OG-07 � CITY OF CLEARWATER DOWNTOWN BOAT SLIPS - BIG P TIER II FY 06-07 B. Results or Benefits ected The expected results ar benefits of the complerion of the Tier II engineering and construction plans for the project are as follows: 1. New "Transient Vessel" Docki.n S stem. Installation af the 2,600 linear feet of wave attenuation system will provide several benefits. • The new docki_ng system will increase our ability to accammodaCe �arger vessels without those constraints of fixed docks. • Provide safe tie-ups close to the Intracoastal Waterway and Coachman Park will decrease the percentage of transient boaters that anchor in the Intracoastal creating patential safety hazards to those boaters who transverse the route. • Increase the number of transient slips available to locals and transient crossing the Gulf, seeking safe shelter in storms, and a destination to enjoy downtown amenities. • Sy increasing transient traffic by an adclitional 2,75 S vessels per year, it is reasanable to assume that Chis community cauld realize an additional economic impact aver $ 2.6 million. g It is important to note that for a struggling downtown area, these dollars will have a signifi�ant impact on Clearwater. This estimate does not take into �onsideration the additional 898 linear feet of day tie-up access the City plans to provide boaters withaut cast and the potential revenue to merchants these boaters will bring do.wntown. �. Restro�ms showers and laundr buildin renavation construction (in�luding ADA accessibility). Upgrading the existing restroom fa�ilities in the Drew Street Do�k building, and providing modern showers and coin operated laundry facilities will directly benefit transient boaters. 3. Dock master's affi�e elcome Center. The building will also serve as the information Center to meet the needs of our transient guests. � Figures provided by Finance ComptroAer Bill Kleinsorge i.n memo to Director Graztts fplder, Downrown Boat Slips FWC 6IG P FY 06•07 5 CITY OF CLEA.RWATER DOWNT�WN BOAT SLIPS - BIG P TIER II FY 06-07 4. Pravi.de visitors a Promenade. The City proposes to develop a pedestrian Promenade that will provide publi� gathering space and ac�ess for transpart ferries to the beach. Some af the major complaints we hear from our citizens and their guests, is the lack af adequate parking on the beach. The proposed dawntown iacility will provide more than the required parking spaces per boat slip to meet the parking code and supply our annual recreational baaters, as well as transienC boaters and their guests. 5. Ac�ommodate handica accessibilit to the water. The City currently has a program at the Clearwater Community Sailing Center that provides an opportunity for physically challenged citizen's ac�ess to the water via hoists from Che floating docks at the �enter onto specially manufaCtured boats that will not capsize. This program is offered by the 501 (c) 3 Sailability af Greater Tampa Bay program. In addition ta monthly sailing programs, this not-for-profit organization holds annual events that bring spe�ial needs persons from as fax away as Australia to compete in races fram the Sailing Center, also lacated on the Intracoastal south of the Clearwater Pass Sridge. 10 The City would like to provide a lifC on a portion of the floating docks at the dawntown boaC slips for these special needs guests to our City. 10 5ailability of Greater Tampa Bay web pages Grants folder, Downtown Boat Slips FWC BIG P FY 06-07 6 CITY OF CLEARWATER DOWNTOWN BOAT SLIPS - BIG P TIER II FY 06-07 C. Approach The City af Clearwater is a City in transition. The renaissance �omes from a vision we have to �reate a destinatian, both on the beach and downtown that is even more apnealing to those wha come to Clearwater. To that end, the City has begun to implement the Seach by Design program, and aur downtawn pedestrian friendly streetscape, with strategies for revitalization and recognition of the need to find a balance between residents and tourists. '� In Januaxy 2006, the City af Clearwater began construction on Seach Walk, its major beach beauCification praject. 1z At the same time, private developers are building several new praperties on Clearwater Beach, as well as throughout the downtown area, with plans for a museum and a movi.e theater. During the enhan�ement, the beach itself and related activities for visitors remain open and un�hanged. The findings of the 2005 Clearwater Municipal (Seach) Marina Expansion 5tudy revealed we could bu�ld twice as many boat slips downtown than if we expanded Che existing fa�ility at pri�es comparable at that time. The City commissioned WadeTrim to revisit their 2003 Clearwater powntown Boat Slips Study at today's costs. The g�al of the stud is to secure the final en ineerin construction lans constructian cost estimate and the financial feasibilit anal sis for the new proposed 1Z9 recreational Downtown Soat 5lips project. Realizing any praposed developmenC downtown would have to be adopted by Charter Amendment; City officials began re arin to brin our citizens a referendum on the ballot €or November 20�6. The amendment was ta permit constru�tion aperation and maintenance of City awned boat slips, docks, moarings, a promenade and boardwalk, together with restrooms, a doCk master office, and associated surface parking on certain City owned property on the downtown waterfront. This has since been postponed until March 2007. "City officials said they wanted more time to meet with the public to cliscuss the proposed �10.9 million waterfront project..." 13 In the interim, Applied Technology & Management_�ATM� has prepared a market stud and the financial feasibilit anal sis to determine if a bond issuance can be used to fund the construction cost, based on figures supplied by WadeTrim. (5ee ATM Study, #5) The stud re a.red b WadeTrim is too large to en�lose, as it includes wind and wave sCudies, submerged lands ownership and site conditians, but their construction cost estimate can be viewed under the Detailed Cost Estimate tab. The entire study is available upon request. " Beach by Design: A Preliminary Design for Clearwater Beach '� Cleaxwater web page for Public Works - Engineering Beach Walk " St. Pete Times article, "City delays vote on boat slips," aug. 20, Z006 Grants folder, Down[own Soat Slips FWC BIG P FY 06•07 7 CITY �F CLEARWATER DOW�I'TO�NN SOAT SLIPS - BIG P TI�R II FY 06-�7 These studies are con�idere�, P�;ase i of �h.,� pxoject and were �xpected to be done in time �or the oz��a}, November 2006 x��erendum � at a cast of $378,2996.��. The final co�,��uc'tian dravwix�gs will not be ready by the d�adline submission for �his applica���an,1�u� xhe baa� li la out confi ation has been �inali�ed and enclosed, as �v'ell �s th@ preli�x�inaxy drawing by two reputable manufacturers of fihe typ� of' co�,cret�e float�n.g docks propased �or the praject. (See the Plans tab) The cv�,tractors awarded durir�g the biddi�g stage o� the construction will submi.t the �';�.ai�des�,gn/build drawings. TMe DEP an.d Axm Co �„�:� ' eers ermi.ts h ve bee: consu�.tant Delta 5even is v�r�k'�� �',n the request ior additi Submission oi all otl�er p,i���s will be pxoc�ssed aiter referenduxn. (See Pern�its taka�, mitted and informafiion. March Z007 The City has contracted for �a,�t��,,�,�3 �i�n. and permittin.g�plans t� construct the Promenade over the stanc���.�, on t�e �o�iprua.t oi the fo�rmper bridge as a separate par�.on of the o�u�a�..,;pr�vj�ect at, a cost of $143,9]��.95. Thxs will provxde the basic structure f�r ��e slips north of the bridge. I� is �ntended ta cause no disruption to s�� ��s beds by utiliziu�g this #1�otprint,`� The Prom�nade will also �erve ta �par���t' the �898 linear f�et of wav� attenuator for day tie-ups to �.e extend�d: �,��� �treet Dcacl� fishing pier. Th� City does nat need a referendum to cans��uet ��,s tie-up iaali.ty, and it utiliz�s an otherwise unusable space adjacent to ��� g��s� beds axon�g th� sea wall. The City has hired The timeline origin�lly s�.�t�t���. by W�.deTz�im fcrr the permitting have bee�. n�c�+ '��d �,�ue to the pv��ponement until March 20�7. A t��t�d:;l���a�do�at rime line can. be Prelirnin.ary Design/En.gine�r�,,�;�a;�� tala. co struction and of �,e referend»m vie, ed under the I z � ��s 4 YEARS START , A breakdown of City Enginc�,i��ng $oat Slips Project Overview dat�d 9/29/06 can also be viewed under th�e Fr���.ary D�si.gn/Eagineering P1ans t�b. '� Prnmenade agenda item and Scq�e of �VVarl� Grants folder, Downtown Boat Slfps FWC SIG' P FY' 06-Q7 8 CITY OF CLEARWATER DOWNTOWN BOAT SLIPS - SIG P D. Geo rap,hi.c Location f; r � y -'l �. ��r„� � +,,.; !i � v« �� �r?� . . E. Ke Personnel TIER TI FY 06-07 Clearwater is an �entral Florida's w�stern coast, in Pinellas County. The City covers a large part of the W'estern barder of the Pinellas Peninsula, and is nestl�cl between the GuIF of �ie?�co on the � est and Tampa Bay on the east. Clearwater is located at latitude 27.:i7 N. and longitude 82.�8 W. City Council City of Clearwater Mayor and Council Members. Responsible for general project oversight and all legislative actians related to the grant. William Horne City Manager, City of Clearwater. Respansible far general project oversight and intergovernmental �oordination. Bill Morris Marine & Aviation Directar, City oi Clearwater Marine & Aviation Department. Responsible for marina operatian, averall proje�t management and budgeting for the marina. Bev Suysse Marine & Aviation Assistant Directar, City of Clearwater. Respansible for assisting director with all marina operations and management. Catherine Yellin Sr. Staff Assistant/Grants Co�rdinator, City of Clear�vater Marine & Aviation Department. Respansible for project grant administration. Dave Gildersleeve Executive Vice President, WadeTrim. City of Clearwater Engineer of Re�ord respansible for final Clearwater Downtown $oat 51ips Study reports, Constru�tion plans & permitting. Grants falder, Do�vnrow� Boai Slips FWC BIG P FY OG-07 9 CITY OF CLEARWATER DOWNTOWN BOAT SLIPS -� BIG P TIER II FY 06-07 F. Relationshi between this ro'�ct and other work lanned antici ated or underwaY under Federal assistance. Clearwater Municipal Marina - awarded FWC FBIP grant funding for feasibility study completed and under cansideration for development after 2�09. High & Dry Niulti-site Feasibility Study - awarded contract far grant funding under FWC - FBIP program, currently underway. Downtown Soat Slips - Final Constru�Cion Plans, Construction Cost Estimate & Financial Feasibility Analysis - applied to FWC for grant funding under FBIP but nat awarded. GranCS folder, Downtown Boat Slips FWC BIG P FY OG-07 10 CITY OF CLEARWATER D�WNTOWN BOAT SLIPS - PIG P TIER II FY 06-07 II. SUMMARY OF BiGP R.ANKING CRITERIA 1. Provide for public/private and public/public artnershi efforts to develo , renovate, and maintain tie-up facilities. These partners must be other than USFWS and State agency. Clearwater Communi Sailin Association (CC5A) - The City is working with the CCSA, 501 (c) 3 lease tenants at the Clearwater Community 5ailing Center, a division of the Clearwater Marine & AviaCion Department, to develop a pragram where students can learn to sail via access to the water from the temporary tie-ups at the downtown boat slips. 5ailabilit of Tam a Ba - The City will have an ADA handicapped hoist lift installed at the downtown boat slips to enable handi�apped sailors access to the water by lifting them onto Cheir boats from the downtown locarion on the Intracoastal Waterway. The Sailability 501 (c) 3 program is currently underway at the Clearwater Community Sailing Center. Fundin� ta construct two docks made ADA handicapped a�cessible with hoist lifts at the Sailing Center was made possible with funds from the State Department of Environmental Protection. ualit Soats of Clearwater - boasts they are the only gulf side marina in Clearwater, where you'll find major service and repair iar most any make or size boat. They are commercial business awners and tenants of the Clearwater Municipal Marina at our Island Estates location. Island Wa Grill - The owners of the Island Way Grill have partnered with the City in the past, providing nine (9) public docks at their restaurant on Island Estates, the community between the mainland and the bea�h. These docks can be used by patrons of their restaurant or anyone wanting temporary day tie-up access to the shops on Island Estates, a destination of many transient boaters for groceries. The Clearwater Community Sailing Association, Sailability of Tampa Say, Q.uality Boats of Clearwater and the Island Way Grill have comrnitted to be funding partners for the construction of transient slips at the downtown facility. Copies of their letters can be viewed in Appendix 3. Both the Regional and Beach Chambers of Commerce have communicated their willingness to partner with us in non-financial letters of support attached in Appendix 3 as well. Grants folder, Downtown Boat Slips F4VC BIG P FY OG•07 11 CITY OF CLEARWATER DOWNTOWN BOAT SLIPS - BIG P TIER II FY 06-07 2. Use innovative techniques to increase the availability of tie-up facilities for transient non-trailerable re�reational vessels (in�ludes education/information). The City proposes to develop a pedestrian Promenade that will provide public gathering space and access for transport ferries to the beach buildin on the existin foot rint of the former Memorial Causewa Brid�e. Utilizing select piles of the old bridge will provide as little disruption to the s�a grass beds and the envixonment as possible. With this in mind, the docks north of the bridge will be built off the Promenade constructed on the former bridge stanchi�ns. Floaring concrete wave attenuators, made with the most up-to-date technology, will be used as tie-up facilities for transienC boaters, as well as to provide an acceptable level of safety and pratection during the uppe�r limits of extreme weather conditions, while protecting sea grasses. The latest technology in wave attenuators includes �ut outs creating "legs to trap water inside the floating stru�ture, thus increasing the attenuator's mass and, in turn, its effecriveness." "Ultimately, the effe�tiveness of an aCtenuator is a product of its mass: The greater the mass, the greater the wave dissipation." It also provides a hollow space ior utility lines, which lessen their potential damage. 1� The existing Drew 5treet Do�k fishing pier will be extended with another attenuator and connected to the Promenade creating additional temporary day transient tie-ups for visitars to enjoy the amenities dawntown. � conneCting these two structures, an otherwise unusable space will be converted into 8981inear feet of da sicle tie-u docks. 3. In�lude private, l.ocal, or othex State funds in addition to the non-federal Z 5% match, described in Ser. 86.42 of the final rule of the Federal Register. Realizing the value of having boat slips downtown that will bring customers to lacal businesses, the Downtown Development Group (representing the mer�hants in downtown Clearwater) have pledged �50,000 a yeax for 10 years toward the project. This is a$500,000 contriburian of funding support. The agreement �an be found under Appendix 4. Taking our property value into consideration, the City matching funds is closer to 75 percent, compared with the required 25 percent. In addition, the Ciry has four funding partners who will cantribute a total of $1,250 in cash if the proj�ct is funded through this grant. `' Marina Dock Age, January/February 2004 article Grants folder, Downtown Boat 51ips F�VC B[G P FY OG-07 12 CITY OF CLEA.RWATER DOWNTOWN BOAT SLIPS - BIG P TIER II FY 06-07 4. Are cost eFficient? Proposals are cost efficient when the tie-up facility or access site's features add high value compared with the funds from the proposal. In their powntown Boat Slips Feasibility Study, consultants Applied Technology & Management (ATM) determined the �ost of the entire project, which includes the transient portian previously outlined, is cost efficient. They based their findings on a cost camparison of rates charged for boat slips thraughout the country. It was deternuned that Clearwater offers rates lower than anywhere else. 16 Offering lower rates will create greater demand. Greater demand will create a greater per�entage of occupancy, thereby increasing revenue generated. ATM backed their assumptions with statistics previously quoted that documented 1) dwindling short and long term boat slip avai.lability and 2) strong �urrent and fuiure demand. We can also consider the project cast efficient having ch�sen to build the downtown site rather than to expand the existing marina, because studies revealed we could get twi�e the boat slips for comparable Cost. This includes using trained personnel currently in place aperating at the Municipal Marina. The transient boat slips that wi.11 be located in downtown Clearwater can also be considered �ost efficient for the following reasans. a. They are being constructed along side permanent boat slips, so a number af the facility amenities will be used for both the permanent maoring boats and the transient boats. These items include but are not limited to the gangways, the restraams, the wave attenuators, the utilities, etc. b. The current Clearwater Marina's fuel dock, pump out boat, and facility will also be doing double duty by being utilized for the new transient boat slips. �. The transient boat slips will be located within an easy walk to the City's downtown. The downtown is undergoin� a major redevelopment effort and will make a wonderful spat for the transient boaters to go far the day. Lastly, by taking advantage of the deepest water in Clearwater we can accommodate larger vessels and have enough docks combined with the existing marina to start taking reservarion�. 1G ATM power point presentation pg. 7 Grants folder, Down[own Boat 51ips FWC BiG P FY OG•07 13 CITY OF CLEARWATER DOWNTOWN BOAT SLIPS - BIG P TIER II FY 06-07 5. Provide a significant link to prominent destination points such as those near metropolitan population �enters, cultural or natural axeas, or that provide safe harbors from storms. Caladesi Island State Fark and Ft. De Soto Park, 15 and 30 minutes away by boat are primary prominent destinations for their natural beauty. 17 Nearby St. Petersburg is a cultural metropolitan center with its museums, shopping, entertainment and d.ining, as is Ebar City in Tampa. The Clearwater Municipal Marina offers a significant link to educational and recreational activities, with the largest commercial fleet of charter boats on Florida's West Coast, as well as sightseeing trips to spoil islands for shelling, and trips with the Clearwater Marine Science Center to examine sea life in their natural habitat. Clearwater alsa offers safe harbor during storms, especially those crossing the Gulf of Mexica. The Church of Scientology, located in down�own Clearwater, also called Flag Service Organizatian (FSO) is a religious retreat, which serves as the spiritual headquarters for Scientolagists from all over the world. Their presence has a positive impacC on the lacal economy and has statistically shown to contribute to the decline in crime. 1� fi. Provide access to recreational, historic, cultural, natural, or scenic opportunit�ies of national, regional, or local signifi�ance. The histaric Tarpon Spring Sponge Docks are about a 20-minute ride north of Clearwater by car. This Greek community, known as the "sponge capital. of the world", offers natural sea sponges, authentic faod, clothing and gifts, unique Co the Greek culture. Persons looking for recreatian can find it at Clearwater Municipal Marina commercial fishing, sightseeing, sailing, renting jet skis or parasail vessels, swimming at Clearwater Beach, take a sailing, yoga or painting lesson at the Clearwater Community Sailing Center, ar playing tennis at the Sayfront courts. Concerts on the Bluff at Coachman Park, including the Jazz Holiday are major �ultural events. There are alsa libraries on the bluif next to Caachman Park, as well as one an Clearwater Bea�h. A developer downtown is also planning to house a museum in his condo/hotel project. 17Txailer Soats article on desti.nations in the Clearwater/5t. Pete area July 2fi, 2006 18 Flag 5ervice Organization web page Grants folder, 17ocvntown Boat Slips FWC BIG P FY 06-07 14 CITY OF CLEARWATER DOWNTOWN BOAT SLIPS - BIG P TIER II FY 06-07 Of local si nificance, Che Sunset at Pier 60 Festival is a nightly sunset celebratian that takes place in Pier fi0 Park on Clearwater Seach. The free family event features artisans, crafters, street performers and live musical entertainment. 1� Clearwater Beach, Caladesi and Honeymoon Islands, Coachman Park, Sand Key Park/Beach, and the Clearwater Community Sailing Center offer opportunities of natwral scenic beaut . 7, Provide significant positive economic i.mpacts to a community. The City of Cleaxwater hired Applied Technology & Management Inc. to da a"Downtawn Baat 51ips Feasibility Study". This study was facused on both the permanent and transient baaters that would utilize the praposed downtown baat slips and was completed in June 2006. The study estimated that there would be an additional �, 75 5 transient stays per year with the addition of these boat slips and the average transienC vessel would be 45 feet in length. The study also concluded that in Z009, transient boaters would generate approximately $496,Z15 in transient slip sales, and $356,8�.7 (137,767 gallons sold X$2.59 per gallon on �ct. 4, 200fi) in additional iuel sales. In the City of Fernandina Seach's memo dated June 1 Z, 20�3, from Donna Mallery, Finance Director to Coleman Langshaw, Marina Dire�tar, the City of Fernandina Seach assumed the average person spends approximately $ 70 per persan, per transient stay on meals at restaurants, groceries, sundries, tourist items, chandlery-related purchases etc and that each transient vessel has an average of 2.5 people on it Using these same assumptions would equate to a primary eCOnomiC impa�t to our area of over $1.3 million each year. ((2.5 X$70 X 2,755) +�496,215 +$356,817 = $1,335,157). Also in the same memorandum, Ms. Mallery refers to Professor Paul. Samuelson's (Institute Professor of Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT) theory of the multiplier effect (EC�NOMICS: an introductory analysis, seventh edition). Using the multiplier effect one can determine the se�ondary and tertiary impa�t based upan the Niarginal Propensiry to Consume (MPC). The memorandum states in part "If we axe to use a Conservative estimate oF %, then the multiplier would be times two". Using the same formula as the City of Fernandina Bea�h used, there wauld be an estixnated indire�t economic unpact of transients upon our local economy of over $ 2.6 million each year. ($1, 33 5,1. 5 7 X Z= $2,670,314). 19 5unsets at Pier 60 web page Grants folder, Downtow�n Boat 51ips FWC BIG P FY 06-07 1� CITY �F CLEARWATER DOWNTOWN BOAT' SLIPS - SIG P TIER II FY 46-07 It is important to note that downtawn Clearwater, where the transient boat slips will be lacated, is currently being redeveloped so these dollars will have a signiiicant impact. The City of Clearwater is providing $3,7Z0,567 to the project. The City's share represent a 75% funding match with the remaining 25% provided through the BIGP.20 8. Include multi-state efiorts that result in coordinating location of �.e-up facilities. The City af Clearwater has �ontacted several marinas in other states about joining a Gulf Coast Transient Marina Cooperative partnership for tie-up referrals. So far we have heard back from twa of those contacted. Dog River Marina and Watergate Yachting Center have responded positively about working in partnership with us. (See Appendix 5) 9. A detailed cost esti.mate. The City Engineer of Record, Consultant WadeTrim prepared a detailed feasibility study that included a Constru�tion cost estimate far the boat slips and another for the Promenade. Only page 5Q of that study is included in this application under the Cost Estimate tab. WadeTrim's figures were used by consultant Applied Technology, Finan�e Director Margaret Simmons and Comptroller Sill Kleinsorge for their anal.ysis and to determine the transient portion of the construction costs. City Finance Comptroller Sill Kleinsorge submitted a breakdown in which he estimaCes the transient portion of the proje�t to be 16.43% of the total construction Cost based on WadeTrim's and ATM's iigures. These do�uments can be found in the Cost Estimate tab. 10. Pxovide matching funds. The City is submitting the property value $2,914,125 as the major portion of our match. (See Appendix 1 for Pinellas County Property Appraiser value per parcel.) We are alsa covering the cost of cantingencies, and porfiions af the �onstruction costs. The total project cost is $4,956,664, of which the City will cover $3,720,567 (i5%) and we ask ior �1,236,097 (25%) from FBTG P projeCt funds. 20 Memo to Directar Sill �Iorris froxn Finance Coxnptroller Bill Kleinsorge and copy of Fixnanduia's memo referenced Grants folder, Down[own Boat Slips FWC BIG P FX 06-07 lfi CIT'Y OF CLEARWATER DOWNTOWN BOAT SLIPS - SIG P TIER II FY 06-07 Preliminary costs have been submitCed as paz't of our match for the transient portion of the Promenade design and permitting costs, Applied Technology's maxket and financial study, and Fowler Architect's plans for the shower and do�k master/welcome cenCer building. The City is also re�eiving $ 50 thousand a year for ten years, from the Dawntown Development Board toward the cost of the docks, and $1,250 from funding partners if we receive grant funding. 11. Priority ranking of multiple applications. The City has only submitted one grant applicatian. 12. Status of proje�t permitting. The consulting firm, Delta Seven, working with WadeTrim, has submitted permits to the DEP and ACOE. The DEP has �ontacted the consultant for additional information, which is �urrently being provided to them. Consultants will send applications to the other agencies after the March 2007 referendum. Grants folder, Downtown Boat 51ips FWC BIG P FY 06-07 17 PFiSH An�p h . q,•'� �,.. � C.".'�.��:�: O ' �'�, . � LL..;�.....`:�'� 'r ��L��'�� :: �,:�;:, y '�.* � � � • • � � � � " � � � a �:�. ���i;:�� ' e , , �'''`" � � • � . � � ■ �'�`?t:� �r � � , � � � �T�9N G�� GRANT APPLICATION Frdl in all sectiotts that appCy — leave all other sectiorts blank I - APPL�CANT INFORMATION Applicattt or Entity Name: City of Clearwater - Marine & Aviation Depariment FEID Number: 59-6000289 .� � � p Applicant Mailing Address: 25 Causeway Boulevard City: Clearwater, Florida Telephane: (727) 462-6954 ext. 22 E-rnail: willia�rz�. morris@myclearwater. com Project Manager: William D: Morris Zip Code: 33767 Fax: (727)462-6957 Title: Marine &. Aviation Director 1 Revised (08/06) III - PRO.TECT SUMMARY Type of Application: � New (never before considered) Grant Amount Requested: $ 1 236,097 _ Project Description: ❑ Reconsideration � Phased Continuation — Phase No.: II Total Project Cost: $ 4.95b,664 _ _ The City of Clearwater plans to construct a dawntown boat slip facility on City owned property that wzll include public docks, boardwalks, a Promenade, moorings and not more than 129 dedicated boat slips for recreational non- commercial vessels, together with public restrooms and dock znaster's office, which shall not exceed 110� square feet and associated surface parking. This facility is to be constructed, operated and maintained in and an that portian of Clearwater Harbor and abutting uplands generally located sauth of Drew Street, north of Smith's Finger, east of the Intracoastal Waterway Channel and west of the Bluff. Portable water, shore power and sewage pump out will be provided to the slips, docks and moorings. Tlie dockmaster's offica will include coin-operated washers, dryers and sale of ice. The parking for the facility shall be existing surface parking which shall be brought up to code and shall not result in any net loss of green space. The Proznenade shall be constructed on a pnrtion of the faotprint of the prior bridge. Included in the total are 12 fixed slips for transient non-trailerable vessels 26 feet and larger, 1702 linear feet of overnight transient side-tie moorings, and 898 linear feet of texnporary day side-tie moorings for a total of 2,600 linear �eet of transient side tie-ups. The target completian date is 2009. The City decided to pursue the new recreational boat slip facility after the iuiding of the 2005 Municipal Marina Expansion Feasibility 5tudy. It was determined at that time that the City cauld provide twice as many recreational boat slips for the cost, as well as increase the transient dock space, in the larger area under the new bridge only two miles from the current City marina. 2 Revised (08/06) VI -- PROJECT NEED Primary Need for Project: � 5afety ❑ Age-end of Useful Life � High Usec Demand � Lack of In-house Capability ❑ Recommended by FWC Staff Known Public Support (Name): Adjacent Land Owners: User Groups: Recreatianal boatin co�tununit Neighborhood Assn.: LocaUState/�'ederal Government: C.ity, merchants. boatingpublic.. �,egislature: Other: Downtown Develo ment �aard re resentin business awners downtown Known Public Oppositian (Name): Adjacent Land Owners: Pierce 100 condo owners would brefer nv baat docks south �f the bride, but ok north User Groups: Neighborhood Assn.: 5ave the Ba rou refer no boat docks north of the brid e but ok with south of brid e Local/State/Federal Government: Legislature: Other: Revised (OS/06) VII - PROJECT ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION Who is or will be cotnpleting project design/engineering? Level of connpletion at time of application: ❑ Applicant's 5taff ❑ None � Consulting Engineers ❑ Conceptual (Mastar Plan) ❑ Other: � Preliminary ❑ N/A (Materials/Equipment Purchase) ❑ Final (Ready to Bid) ❑ Bid Out Has a preliminary or final engineer's cost estimate been developed for this projact at time of application? Q� Yes � No If yes, please attach a copy of detailed engineer's cost estimate to application. VIII -� PROJECT ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION See Pracedure Guide for definitions. Check all that apply GOMkONENT REPLACEMENT EXPANSXON NEW ENGINEERING/ PLANNING Recreational Channel Marking ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Pumpout ❑ ❑ � � Dump Station ❑ ❑ � � Portable pumpout ❑ ❑ ❑ � Transient tie-up ❑ ❑ � � Ove�rnight moarage ❑ ❑ � ❑ Restroom � ❑ � � Access road ❑ ❑ � � Paved parking ❑ ❑ ❑ � Non-paved parking ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Curbs, signs, marking and lighting ❑ ❑ � ❑ Sewage hookup ❑ ❑ � � LiS� pump ❑ ❑ � � Debris deflection boom ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Piles ❑ ❑ � � Dredging ❑ ❑ � � Pumpout dock ❑ � ❑ ❑ Qther: dockrnaster of�ce, showers, � � � � laundry, ADA accessibility Revised (08/06) X- PROJECT COST - SEE ATTACHED Bud et Information — Construction Pro'ects Cost Classification a. To#al Cost b. Costs Not Allowable c. Total Allowable Costs for Participation Columns a-b) 1. Administrative & legal expenses $ � � 2. Land, structures, rights-of-way $ appraisals, etc. $ $ 3. Relocation expenses & payments $ • $ � 4. Architectural & engineering fees $ g g 5. Other architectural & engineering fees $ $ � 6. Project inspection fees $ g $ 7. Site work $ $ $ 8. Demolition 8� removal $ g $ 9. Construction $ $ � 10. Equipment $ � � 71. Miscellaneous $ $ � 12. SUBTOTAI. (Sum of 1-11) $ $ � 13. Contingencies $ $ $ 14. SUBTOTAI.. $ $ $ 15. Project (program) income $ g $ 16. ipTAL PROJECT COSTS (5ubtracf 15 fram 14) $ $ $ FEDERAL FUNpING 17. Federal assistance requested, calculate as follows: (Consult Federal agency for Federal percentage share.) $ $ $ Enter resulting Federal share Enter eligible costs fram line 16c Multiply X � % Revised (08/06) HARD (CASH) FUND5 Cost Item Applicant Other** BIG P Grant 70.7AL Property Acquisition $ 2,914,125.Q0 $ $ $ 2,914,125.00 Consultant Master Plan $ � $ � Consultant Engineering $ 90,274.00 $ $ 4,232.00 $ 94,506.00 Consultant Inspection $ $ � � Construction $ 331,136.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 1,231,865.00 $ 1,713,0�1.00 Qther: contingencies $ 235,032.00 $ $ 0.00 $ 235,032.00 �'OTAL HARD FUNDS: $ 3,570,567.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 1,236,097.00 $ 4,956,664.00 �� GRAND TOTAL �$ 3,570,567.00 �$ 150,O�O.pn �$ 1,236,097.00 �$ 4;956,664.00 I� XI — PROJECT PERMITTYNG Construction Projects Only Yes Apprraved Has an application been submitted to: No (submuit copy) (submit proof) Florida Deparhnent of Environmental Protection? ❑ � ❑ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers? ❑ � ❑ Loca1 and Others (If needed)? � ❑ � Revised (OS/06) Revised (OS/06) XIII - REQUTRED APPLICATION ATTACHMENTS AND DOCUMENTATIDN Please check all boxes that are applicable. An adopted resolution, by the Governing Body authorizing that a designated representative has the � authority to apply for and administer the grant on behalf of the applicant, and stating that the Governing Body is willing to enter into a 20-year agreement for the maintenance and aperation oFthe project. �►�� /1 /1 /1 ��� // /1 /�/ ��. �^�� :/ �1 Boundary map of the project area. The map must provide a description and sketch af the project area boundaries, displaying known easements, and be legally sufficient co identify the proje�t area. Site control documentation (e.g. deed, lease, title search, etc.) far the project site. Existing condition photographs sufficient to depict the physical characteristics of project site. Aerial photographs marked with approximate boundaries of project site. *An 8.5" X 11" photocopy (project site vzcinity only) of a current NOAA North Arnerican Datum 83 nautical chart (provide the NOAA chart name and number) indicating the precise location a'f project site. Photocopies of necessary project permits or applicatians Engineering Cost.Estimate (if completed) Preliminary Design/Engineering Plans (if completed) Application transmittal cover letter (Identify priority rank if multiple applications submitted) One (1) original application (original signature required) Three (3) copies of application (unbound, secured with binder clip in upper left-hand corner) Projective narrative according to Federal Aid Grant Proposal Guidelines APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND S�GNATURE Application is hereby made for the activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in the application, and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, this information is true, complete and accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority, including the necessary property interests, to undertake the proposed activities. I also certify that the Applicant's Governing Body is aware of and has authorized the person identified as the oFkicial represen[ative of the Applicant to act in connection with this application and subsequent project as well as to provide additional informatian as may be required. By signature below, the Applicant agrees to cvmply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws in conjunction with Chis proposal and resulting project so approved. . I�i� f' PrindType Name Applicant Signature STATE OF FLOR[DA, COUNTY O�" ( ) �.� i� I�' �� %� 1i 1 i��( L� � y�1 ��CTb � Ticle � .� Date .��y::PN�y_ CatherineYellin :.: *, MY COMMI5510N # p�25b710 EXPIRES ;;;, :o; September30, 20U7 Personally appeared before me this �� day oP `� '" , 200�, w'E$'cR,�a�'scribc�"���R��lR�t�R°'NCE iNG abave instrument in my presence, ,.-i i Notary Public Name: h My commission expires: '�C i:. Note: lnstruction nnd further information regarding this upplicntion and the Soating Infrastructure Crant Program rr+ny be found in the Bonting Infrastructure Grant Program Procedute Guide or contnct the Program Arfministrator, Florida Fish and Wilrflife Conservatdon Commission, 620 Snuth Merirlian Street, Ta![ahassee, FL 32349-1600, telephone: 850-488-5600. Revised (08/06) CITY OF CJ E,4RWATER DOWNT�WN BOATS. SLIP5 - SIG P A lication - Bud et Details COST CLASSIFICATION ].. Adzninistrative & legal e7rpenses Administrative Costs Legal Fxpense Administratfve & legal expenses total 2. Land, structures, right-ofways, appraisals, ekc. Land value " Restrooms/5howers/Dock Master Office Land, stiructures, right-of-ways, appraisale, etc. total 3. Relocation expenses & payments ltelocation expenses & payments tota] 4. Architectural & engineering fees Preparation of Design Criteria Package & Design 5election Permit Modification & Environmental Coordination Project Management Reimbursables Architectural & P� neer'vng fees total 5. Other architectural and engineering.fees �reliminary Costs) I Permit Modificaiton Applicarion Fees Wade-Trim preparing cost estimates Applied Technology & Management technical feasibility study Wade-Trim design and pexmitting casts for Promenade etc. for remodeling & expansion of restrooms, showers & Dock Master building Other architectural and engin.eering fees total 6. Project Inspection Fees Resident �ngineering (during construction) Construction / Niaterial Testing Construction Con[ract Admuustration Project inspection fees total 7. Site Work Parking Lot Improvements Pavement, Sidewalks, Landscaping Site Work' total 8. Demolition & removal Demoliaon & removal 9. Construction Dock System Installarion Piling and Pile Driving Plumbing System Electrical System Security System Rip Rap Existing Seawall Construction total Page 1 of 2 TIER II BY 06-07 Tier Two otal Cost City s axe Other SIGP Share 2,91�,125 2,914,125 40,443 40,443 ?,954,5fi8 2,954,568 5,643 1,411 54,514.00 54,514.00 7,fi40.00 7,640.00 23,645.00 23,645.00 3,064.00 3,D64.Q0 S$,863.00 88,863.00 12,603 12,603 L2,603 12,6U3 3,812 3,812 823,780 386,642 81,198 164,640 11,286 53,611 46,493 150,000 96,6.61 - 20,300 - 41,160 - 2,822 - 13,403 - 4,232 3,$12 6 27,'L 87 289,981 G0,$98 123,480 8,464 40,208 1,150,318 " 5ee Appendix 1 for 17roperty Value documentation EXPLANA7'ION OF PREL�IDVARY COSTS: See Engineering Cost Estimate tab for documents Cost appl �or S. Other architectural and en ' eerin fees p�relitninary Casts) Actual Cost trans. sli s Wade-Trim preparing cost estimates $331,796 $54,514 A,pplied Technology & Management technical feasihility study $46,500 �7,640 Wade-Trim design and permitting costs for Promenade $143,914 $23,645 etc. for remodeling & expansion of restrooms, showers & Dock Master building $18,65� $3,064 Uther architectural and engineering fees total $540,$60 $88,863 Paga 2 of 2 - - - - - =_ _ = __ --- =-__F�_-_ ,��.-�==-���--.; _� -•-� -_ — ' - ... - ° � _ - --- ="�=z�3= -=;�_- ��� "°'`}�„ _-_ - - - _- - -� — - — - - - - - - °_ —�`-��='��'�.�: _= � - � - - - -- _ � �_ -� - —z:� = - - - _ -' -- - - - _ - ° - = -- - - - - - - ��� - = .. _-_ .._.,: -.:: - - — - -- . - -- - - � • - ��.� �� ��;=�4''� �.� - - - _ �a�.q �� •a�. - - - -- - - _ - ��_ - - ` - - - - - -_ = -- � - - =�'--- - - . - - _ --- - - - -�� _��-� - - - � - -- _ - - - - - - �_�:.._ - -- -_ - - - - -- - �=�g-° - - ° _ - _:-� � - �_; �: ; -= _— - - _' - _ -_ - - - _- ---�==�--�- - _ _-- - - - �9 - - - - - - - - - _ - -_ -�-=�= - - -- - - - - �-'�,� - - - - - �- - - _ - :�._: �>°:, - - - - - �.� . _,� �LL-- - - = ��� � ��_° - _,, . . : _..«r , . � .--�: -.-.-..,s-- - - ::.. ; y : «` -,-. - - -_�., ,_ ._-i�, :_= < - -- - - ��- �.�,,. - � -: :: . - -- -- - � -- -_' - - - - - _. . . ,__ - � � - - - - - <:��� �: - - - � � ; � -= �_ -.�. _-. - - - - - - �-., �», �.� ,.�:, - � - - _ - - e��°;. � `�``��=_�.�� - - - - _z�4� �-- -� � �,,� - - - _ = - � =-- - - - _ - - � • -•.. - - - - - - .� ��.��.� .� - _ �- ° _=- -- - - = -= - - =��-_-- - __ .... _. . �� - _ _r�_ -- ; �' - - _ ... �. -._, -�-_ _._ - - - _- -- - - - - - _ `�=�:AS v�-��-�,�=��4: - - - - - - - �� , °_ - - - _ - - - _ - " -- - - - = - _ _ = -_ . _ _ _= = = = --_ - = _ _ _ _= _=-' _�_;_ _= °_ - ` :-- _-_. - `- -- =='��:::����u'� _. � :__ _ ,,. ; .. ° - �- - - -- - - - -- ° - • - - - - - - - ��� .. _: _ __ .-- = _" � � - - 1 . ��� �� _ - _ _ _ , _ �.�e � ____ =y�� ��� " _ f'- i � i - ' - -_f�. �-r _-� - - . � _. .� �' � ' i _ _ :, -� . � .+. _'�' _ _ � - �^.:�- �.' - _ ..t....�;..�.:,,..,t,.-...."' 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RESQLUTION NO. 06-36 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, �LORIDA AUTHORIZING THE MARINE & AVIATION DEPF►RTMENT AS PROJECT MANAGER TO APPLY FOR AND ADMINISTER THE FLORIDA FISH AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION COMMISSION (FWC) BOATING INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT PROGRAM ON BEHALF OF THE CITY �F CLEARWATER, THE G�VERNING BODY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, a requirement af the FWC to apply for their Boating Infrastructure Grant Program includes the City of Clearwater as the Gaverning Body, adopting a resolution authorizing the Project Manager to apply for and administer the grant on their behalf, and is willing to enter into a 20-year agreement for the maintenance and operation of the praject at such time as the grant is awarded; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CQUNCIL OF THE CITY O� CLEARWATER, FLORIDA: Section 1. The City Council hereby accepts and approves authori�ing the Marine & Aviation Praject Manager to apply for and administer the FWC Boating Infrastructure Grant Pragram on behalf of the City of Clearwater, the Governing Body, and enter in#a a 20-year agreement fvr the maintenance and operation of the project at such time as the grant is awarded. Section 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon adaption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of August , 2006. Approved as to form: � _�'...�; .��zs"� ::�� ---�'�a-- -'r:.; Carlos F. Col�n Assistant City Attorney �, � F�.�� �� k Hibbard Mayor Attest: Cy�ia E. Goudeau Cit lerk r ncreh� e�na� ehac ehia ta s eme a�a mrrect eopy o the ori�GiYrel aa il apprar� tn the files a[ the C►ry of Clearwaeer. wtnca� myChand Gd ptiicial �ql of the � F ear'"�ev. �p ��o ���� Reso � `_'�� � � = i � �� _ � a•,��y� • ��J � . �� ,� t. �� . ���� .. � Clearwater .��, 1 inch equals 3,000 feet � a'�, � 0 � � ; _ _.. __ __i ' Boundary Map � C/ea�d�e �\� � I[?'� _ �� A ' ` dss ��.. '� �'��� � , ,� � -��, ,; ; ,, ',;�' ,/ / � �; ." ; /, //f/� , /�//� /���'��� j` �"� ;' � `--� � i i�l:-~-=f�� � �� j�'��. Y_, �,'j� �, �i�l �: ��, I;�� ,�; �_ ��;�' � � . � � x = _ -��+: -. �: -- _-.. � � �:„,� ,�, �. ; ,� _ �' �' . �... '-.. �;..-_ ... �'�..� ,;�, , '� ' ! r 3 � � _ � . .. � . � �. . .. . , � � � � �'�,. '". .. .. e ' f � _ ..r„ ° � - - 1� �--- . d � .�� --.-.. � -•`,... tr ' �.r . . 7 - �: .. -- � � ,. - � -.�..... .; � !:�~ � . -,_ � �. � �� ` w= �_;.. �� r 1 � � �. � � :i. ._1:� �; �, _. -_.. . s =_ � � . .. 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IJ(7�I�; I� ��J , " ;"� �.,� �'�,.�-, ����,3���r'� 'r�� I� J i j r =-�� --• a :��-�'��i�l � I�II I � T_ , ���� , � ti, �. i;� i�; r � , -� ','� nII,� � � �� �� ' �-r-iLJ � I�I ���---- ._�i � U:I.�I L--.._.........J�U I� i J � I �� r ��e 3 _—�-�y�:�s.� ,��-�. ,-' '� nl�'i r. n n �� n��r--'�C ��i � � Clea ater w�,: �� Legend City Owned Property: _ CRA Ownad Improved Leaaehold Parks 8 RecreaGon Arae . . .. Vecent 1 inch equals 200 feet �� � �- 5a � q I I I � � � � � I I I . � I � �r r—� � — � � . r�u.� qe �J � o " a. a A � �' U � � 200 = TOi9tl J6.3 rna. • OREW a �'� � inn�si i ,.�„ �a / �, s _ ,s 4,.,6 r � . ,28 �� �±�'' -- � �_�' � � w .S e� , � coechm�n p�ik � � � � � Z y �' 45 ,00 � I � 'g a _ �� � � __._._ _ � � � Z r--� � -•-� �5a �R� ^ , � r ,. � � `� . � '.. - � ' 46FAAY 39 �c '� _ --- c _._._.. __. -°-----�` ----------°,----------_�-_c__-- . _..._�--�----------•------ ___.., ' '� � r� � ,-------�----------,- � �zs a ' d A.I � B I.r _ zse A d , s � � _ ___ u s � c � � ' � c �' �'' ' � j , ,�� � � � � � � � , HAR90RVIEW CEN7ER ; � � . ._.._,.----------- ' ----' - - .,• �3------------------�_ ---�..,.�-----••---------- _ � �00 � r ^^ � � I _ � � ; � � '� � r��s,� �---� ------------ a _ ... ------- �---------- - � , ----,�..----- s a ; � � � _� 4 �' �� ^ �— ;. � J 55 s 1 �' 1 � CLEV�LANO � r ; ,�z�5, :,6,s, � � � � ,, --._ , � �s .m � . "� ---........-----------._,.,.. � �anP --- � � � � � � i.sa a�r�� � z b � �isis� . _...,_�_.----- ----�--------- -.�.----------�- ..�- -- �ts� I�'1 � � � �a zo 51 m.� 3 ---- e Q y a. w r ---------------.....----------- � � ----,---...------ `�' � w _ �. - > > � � sz � r �. —,� , Q 4 _,...- -------�-------...�_____._ � � rrTn Z56 �� � Ni0` J / �� 8.84 ��i�l �`-.� s �rERC� STREET � 5$ =�u.e „ � ]]5 e5 �� � � ,�, ��., �yn� � �._� �- wu � 5 1.13 Ac '� � \ 'vao �s � �7u � a�e a�.n - O w r�� o- so z,o L — J u r., J cs Clearwater Bayfron[ Marina feasibility Repart �WBd�-T�Itl September 15, 2003 �igure 3 - Upland Land Ownership The main corridor (approximately 1,200 feet wide) was originally granted to Pinellas County by special act of Florida in 1925 (See Figure Z on previaus page). Since that time, control has passed to the City of Clearwater. The FDOT now controls the central portion of this corridor. The City of Clearwater holds title to three ather submerged parcels; two are nnrth af and adjacent to the Pierce 1 pQ Candominium and the third is the land beneath the Drew Street Dock. Overlying these granted and titled properties are various deeds from th� 1"rustees af the Interna/ Impravement Trust Fund and the Intracoastal WaCerway Corridor. The foundati�n of the control held by the FDOT is uncertain and may be a right-of-way deed or a maintenance agreement, however, the control remains. While several deed restrictions were identified �y legal caunsel regarding submerged and upland properties (See Figures 2 and 3), it appears that development of Che propo5ed marina will not be adv�rsely impacted by these restrictions or limitations. Again, this will be confirmed with the completion of actual surveys undertaken during the marina design phase of the project. The remaining unplatted parcel north of the land acquired in 1925 by special act, lying south and west of the Drew Street Parcel is apparently Sovereign State LandS. A part of this land is within the corridor of the averlying Intracoastal Waterway (ICW), but the affect is uncertain. 7a the east af the ICW boundary, the 5ubmerged lands do appear to be sdvereign and are within the Aquatic Preserve and subject to further verification. Na privately owned submerged land parcels were identified. The result of this inquiry is that the majority of the submerged lands are within the control of the City of Clearwater. The FDOT and Intracoastal Waterway corridors result in a need for caordination to maximize public safety. There is a small area of tIw2051.O1m\dpcs\gpvt s�cs\Clw marina rpt Page 4 � � K8�lC f-f�qfq• Sw �M a1C 7 ee �s -i[.• � _ _ �_ .•.• i .. _ _ - . -•" '__ � p� DREW ! ` , J c\ � -- r�� �" z'Calisn�� k�,,...[, '� . ...__ —_ -- _' �_ �.g „ ,� � c�. � .� �/ .�t�.a � .� ' unn — \ � � '��\ , TGST � C � �'',� �� ��� �.� o� n�r.t� tAlti H �2�4� �. �1 . e.�.■.r-n., !Z [10 • -- —'- - S � 't ' � . � , • �� 6 7�'.� � � caoac�Ma+�/ PARK � �'�b \\ � � � 1 �1's �.►s�1 �s.. . w G '•'' Sf q• . ' � r�s • � . ! � � � \ � �r \� A, 1 1 2 � �4-10 � s I ,, � ��' �.. IV� 4M C �'t Q • "" �i:� J�FUF� � SMOYERr o..a. �! ? o�. qr�- �rf � . ry nH s.ser _ � �• !1S f"rst r � � �.in� SUHSET �t na. touirr �� �+ f . � �� � t ' ' - -- �lad � Ii �.- : . � r�a•J i Q'iL � g o n�s {Q} �l 5 ri ; `�• . � � ppUR�`�LFT4 � � �• �. sn �R �� �• �� s��n K r L' � . � ��� jr�. - �� s d� ' �COACFf#AAN Z, � „ +.m s S s ��.�/ ; Vl� �.'� �' �;� a.�.,n a� rat .:•:r:„ j _ r� � o sH....... ' s�� � a�m.i� o�.�a•n�� t�� 'vF ' Q rI� • � ''n.,,� . � � 2 sn � — — fi� � — 0 i •�., � ASHIN'S ��' r -� D � �., Y. N 5 � � o J„s � ej � Q, 25� Verf. Gi�aronce • .\ @ � �� � , � �� � 90� Hons. Cka*anc � _ -- I i L' '' � Q� E ! �L� ��� � r . � y n 3 � � � \ ' �� �cr� ,r.:.,�,$rr' s e. �-as �_ � • � r�� . . , a ' • . i ., ,, • � , .R� ��..� .. I .a � � � � � � � ct-� t Ar�n, � s? i , � � • 1 � � �y � . . � � � .._ _ ^__.'_ � :i �a k„� ' r t .,, J ^r� (� � ��r� � �rr.��f m cnr� �ai�..v� 2 .�. i~'.. ". . .-•. , ' 7M+,���/i%� riRte �s.�n — -- � . � Q. , ',' , � s � I . J. R . � � '� � . ' iR I � .. `.. : � � raw n ��n.��� ; � �e' -'- � � { � \:l - �� `� � . � . � � c�r. a«�n a 1 �- — � r �Q nw� o r �nq:�H _ W I d � __ � W . � .� H�' Q7 � � v '�.�� — --- _ .-1- — . • . — ,,,�.: •. �;, . f � ,.� . . � �et I � r , �} ER �oa Q + g ' •, ��4 � �� � 9 — 98 z � . �. � ��scs r � '•�,�.;. .. ' . - .. T. . - - s� � ' . . _ . . . . .. . � MR �' .' • Ip : a: • s': i�' :1 ;•�.• �• �ti K •PSr.I' ' ��+ — ---t . � �- y • — ��.��,•-;�'�,a..•�: , . 0 r �� -i , ^ • - . -. . - : w _ _... ' - . - ' ' , . - � _, • . -.' . ' . � .. .. � . . . �•'. �' � � ' : • - . . � .. - .'.��� �, . ': � . _ , .' �•.' _ .... " .' .. . . . . �� . , fi�iPS OF FLU$ID�.. , . . . . 3775 ��_. to presden e ocenpanq; a� said builriin struet � r-�, - -land, or ta ceut ax�v �1 '.�' � °1''�, O1' c��a ii . egal acT, eondnct,�'bnsiness, or . nse in or abau eh premise�t. -.- . � . • - � �ec. 9. Coafi' �ik Diker La9na.�—Wbe�rever tbe regn= � ' - :•• . latians made un�er t�arity of this .Aat �equire s gr r �- :•� r ''. S�IC��1 DT $IZ8 0�,4A1Y�6� rt$y �' Q�P� OP� $p8 r�- . - ,'� _- . qnire $ lawer beight a� b ar le� �nmber sf�a�ies;'" . -.•.. �r reqnire a greater percea e o� lot ta be ] oeca.pied,' .. ' �a -�,: �•- a��apose other l�i�her �taada than ar� sir� m a't�y -� _ .-- other statn'te ar loeal ardiaaince � the pravisions � . - _ _ • af;tlie regalafi,ions xnade tiader a of tbis �►�r �.�n � - . : . goverb. W3�erev� tl�e pr�vi� qthe� btatrite :ar ' " • " . ' . .. rlocal ordinanee or regoIatia� aifie t�r widti�� or •' . . � siae o�f ar • Y� C�� � ar � 1� �$ a� '�qtur°' a . . . •� lo�rer height of �' es� �uumber sta�ies, or - - reqnire a greatex tage af ]ot ta be l�i xcnpied, ' or impos�e $igl�er � � �� � � � " . j ' ' .ulatiaan� msde der antha�ity ai t�is 1ct, "'the ' :a�s . ' - - �� �_ �� � nte or loeal ardinance•or reg�plstic�e II �O°�- r j. �� d. This gc� �{�ge �ect upoxt �ts p�age snd �" ' . • a a1 b�* tlie (�}aaera�. . �" �pProved Jnne �;19�5. • . � . 3 ' . . . � - ., � . . . ;'' . � `. ' . . • . • � • • • ' . . � - _ - ,- � CHAPTLR� 110a0--.(Na 1Q28). '. � � _ - : i . • � • . �` , e� �N �CT to Authoxize sad Enoourage''the Con�t af . . �. Pinellas iut tlee •$tate of Florida, to Ba1d �d �sintain . �'f . � a Free Bridge and Cavse�vap �ci�ss Clearnater Ba�► �n . .. - : - the City a� Qear�ater, $tate o� Floriaa, and to .G�ant ' �.. the. �r�ana 'xe�ay for such Pnr�,oses. � . � .. '- .� � , -. � : . , � .�x�eas� �p.ecisl .Raad and $ri � _ . ' � � . P�nellas CaIIa Flo�ri ��istrict N� B- af � , . , �9� Q d�, has i�sned �d sold bond� of . . . seid district far the erectian.ai a free hri , fram ihe �a.iulanad ia tbg.City a� Qe �er 1,o tLe 7�slaad' � • -- �G'FSt af eai� City, a aista�ce a�f abaa� � a�e aad thre�.qnar_ i . '. tC1S �P�� S3]d . . • . � ��].P.t.'CSgr• 'F�1C? •��Sll@$• pf $Al$ $�1CCjgj . ROSd S�(1 f Brid�e .District are pra�t.ieall� ident3cal �ith the bonn- - f. " daries o€ the Cit�r of Clear�ater, t1�e ssid citp beiag. em. . ` • braced �LaIIF :zcithin said distriet; axyd said bridge� and ' Y. cau�etra� being �rhall� tisitliiin said citv; and . • �. _ � . . � . � _ . � � - .- . � - . - . . . :. - - - � . - .. . . .. . - . . _.� - --- �- - - -__ - --��:._� �_ - . ' � ? i � �i � : � 0 . ��,- � • . . , .. . _ _ _. � . , . . _ ,� , . . ' .. - �, � . • _ - •*r • 4 • ' � ' • • � _ . � . • .r . , . - : �i i�� . . • � L11\�'S OF �`LOI{IDd. � � � � � . ,. ,_..� . . , . . -.. • . . -�_� r4Cbar. 31a:�0. 1�*herra�. tl►c property eir�braCecl in �the G�ity•of Clear; '"•� • '• 1�`-':i � ti�ater pa}� prt�ctically ninc-tPntl�s of tlie =taxe�s .of: said ,: � . �'�" � spccial road�and britlge rlistricta'and • _ • - . - - . � . . . � �Pl�erea�, full sutLoritp has . beea granted. �to" the Cauuaty . .., , - . . . . .. of 1'inellxR to ercct �esid free �rid�e an�l causeway fram � ... _ . - � the 1�"ar Dep�rtmcnt of the iTnited States; - ; .�- '. - ' � " � � � � � . � . . _ - � , . . . _ �. _ • . . , - - . ". • ..�� B� It T�sactcd b1. ihe Le�islaiure •oj� ih� $�ate_ ojF FEo�-eda: � . � s • ' � . � . .. . . - _� - � c•,,,�4aj.. � Section 1. -.That.ir� order ta secu.re, eacourage:ana�.pro--' ..� � :'` . . : mato� thc • ei�eC�ion: and� .maitmterianae. d� " _ : . ' . , _ � � -� . - aad .caa�eway i�Y .the. Ca�inty of Pinnellas � 0 ear�vs�r � •_ � - _ � - . . � - Bay; -�ixi". the Citp . of • Elea,t�vat�; = and County.:oi -Pine]]as, � • . • . - - ' . • � . a strip nf "t1�e �submarged 'ls�d:_belongiag, ta.the •State' af � - . . • . - Florida,i five hnntlre�l: #es�•�• widt�,'_lpixtg and';�gin� on � - ' : .. . . -tlie �aarth side �of tltie %]lawing:Xine��:to-wits�; _ •� �° . . . - .. .S_ , . • . . " . _ . • Cnuurie�ein� at a'point_`'60L'65-feet •wes� facam� ti�e in"ter- " • . . - ' - - : - ssectiori o� tlie c�nter line'of. Cledelantl Street and Qsee�la :'• `. `'. '� " . " : �venne, accdrding to the map � o� the Oity� of Cle�S�sva�er, - _ �_ � - � . - : - ".Floritla, "�s. 0# �isir. lst,. 192a;� thence west, 149.5 feet; . � - • .' tl�ence foila�iri� the. arc •o� an ei�ht .degree anrve -to the _,__ . �-"� �•i�ht 312.5 . feet; �tlienee north 6� degrees and •no minntes +:,'� . �re.at a94.fi %et to tlie poiat �- a curve thence follotv the ' � --� are -of 'a' one cle�ree curve to the ri�ht 14U� feet; t]�ence �. � ' _ nortli 31 de.�ree�: no minnte� es�est �0.6 feet to the point • � ;'; • _ � of a ew.�ve; tlience follo�v tue are of �a 5. degree and �Q .' �inute cnxve to the left 808.49 feet; thence sa�th $4 •de= �� - � �r�es and 3� minute� ��est 1�3$.6 �eet to high tide an Sand - �� - -� Keg.. r.aid lanci bein�, in Tonrnship_ �8' Sau�h Range�: la' �- '. -�. � . Esst; " . . - .. . , : . . - .� - . . - � • - - - . : - : - gnd alsa a strip of lanil se�eil �huprlrecl .feet in��vidtl� ly�s�g - = - _•: � ' - -- � . " � • ; - . . and bei.ng •ab tl�e �anth ��ide of said lirie, be ancl tag 'sa� :' � -- - - . is �er.eby ��rant,ed i�to thn �ount� of Pinella� �ior the pnr-;�, � - . ' . �ose of �rcctin�, bniIdin�r and maintaining said free bridge •.-' � , :.. •:.':, ; � . . - a�ad' cai�etirap. : •'rlie said "counts _ is� herebv. anthoriaed to � - - �,,-`, . � - "' ..:. . - entPr � n on • said lan . . -- . . . . . T� dR' ancl to excavate, dredge, $11. or . _ .: �'.�� - _ _ . , : otliern�s� improve the �ame in Rnch �iann�r •as �ma�►� be ' � • - " - '•. . necessarp for� the narnn�e of bu7ding and mai�taaning .. .. . - . �said bridge and canse�ay; �pt�ovided fi�at all dredgiag for. �' � S.� " said causec�`ap sliall be made an�l done aa and fr�m� the . . . - said land on the sonth side' of said li.ne; and provided � � - � � i`�rther, that this grant �hall not affect�the riparian rights �. .. . -�of the property, o�rners on the eastera snd wester�o� ter ' . • • mini of said strip .of Iancl; and prnvided fnrther, that - . . . y.. . ' \ � _ �. . . 0 . � .:� r,.. . _ _ ..... _...'. . " ' "" - _.. _ ' _ _ ' .. � . .. ..' •• � ' .' . . . . , . . " �' � �� � • .. ,' .- . • • .' " - • - . - . ' ' f,�111*3 OF '�'Y,OR�D�. . . -+ � . � . _- . _ ' . - . , 37?3 . .�' �'�. : parties pnrcLasing or.' o#Lemise acqniribg .tl�e state �otvned c�� a o. ,. land abutting said lend .an the ,x�orth and o�a ihe sontL. •• ].925 � . . -•�. shaIl'laave acr.ess to said bridce �snd ca�sewas, aad ta tbis �-- �... .� en8 sh8ll•.have the rigLt, nrider tbe •direction and co�ttol ". co � og the governub bo�ls •Lavin� juristTtctian a� said laad,-- '.. ' .-.' to • hm'ld tl�e n,ece�arY stresfs, roads, brid�es: fi1)s and ap-- . '- .. proaches npon and over• said land ; aad'tlie o�ners• (Pr.eser�t . ` ' and fntnr�) ' af �the' laad a�utt�iag •�aid �and a� the -narth, � ' . � . ` � . • the aitv �of ClearRater '� the (3onn�, of Pin��]l�s r��all' � ' ' ., , � . . • Lave �e righ# to �1 said�.]a�d-•]�ina porth o� said.line tn � . . • . - . a� � �t ' • arks •and lac�s.�re�reation___ o,��nl� - � - : ..' :. t]ie• same to�`be• �q,aix�tained :j�g� the •sai �ar�- or` eonntj . " . , : ... . �� batiL: .`Pro�vidcsd that �io c�rnma�'s or,a'hd�rs of; ans clia�' - � . . . - - . •� acter �1 be plac� � a17a�ed" upon �e ]arid l�inx nqrth - - ' :• , �. ; � a�-�l1ne;. � � vi��' �artLer th�t:ghmnld j�id� prap, - : -. � : . � _ er r: cease `n�sed for publ'� pa r� • anci .�►lace� oi . -= - _ .. �ear�ati� o�2y,,.samg�shall.revert �o. #he :Stat,�, . . - . "���. 2- ' �ea-said br{��and�_ �use�'a,r�sl�itll •�a've } � ..� .. : : . . eompleted,' .ar at aav time-prior :tl�erefo. tust tlio.•' .. Boar.d e� Conrnt�. C�mian�ioners o! YineUa� C.�ttintv m��- ' . .- , � � deternaine, "the . s�ic� l�oard sh�U�• b� _,ri�olntion, �urr'ender - - � � " " . , �� _ � to tl►� City o# Clear�ater; Flarit,l�, �nenrrent or racinsive •�� � ; •_ •--- . _ sn�errisie� • and jnrisdictia� . arer � and . yna.intenance of • � - "� . -� ` � said bridge and eausesea�' and ".#�►e. �r�ant �herein �made tn _- • - � - � _ ' - the Couaty of Pinellasy '$]iali reveri .to the (;it� of Clex r- . = , . =� - i. : � � . � ; , ' . �ater and the ProP@rt� I�erein deseri6ed atid �anted s]�all '. '- . ' . .. •� l�ecame the propertv of•the Cit��of C1earRater, •to be v�scti � - ` �' � • ed that �. bp•tlse sa.id Cit�v for pbblic purpa�s 1'ioQid . • . ',. if said.PreP.�Y sbauld� �ver`cease.to�be�used gor p�blie +��� � . . "._ � _ . � • - PPrP�, �the same: shall- x�'vert to the� Staie: � . - ' . � -.$ee. 3 " � Wark • an ;��ai� � brid�e a�d� Qaus�ay � �hall 1�� - - . ''S.• �started wit'hiri six�n tiis' $gt� • �his .a�t becomes a� l�av� _ • � � ' . ' �'. - . - . an camPre�d on� o ..b�ox�e'duly-fi.r'st` ,A, D. '19`�7 . • -= � �: ' � . . • - - Sec. 4:� : TLis �t $hall beeome effe�tive• �pon �its��;�a,s='. - . - : ' �ag'e'�.i►d sppioval by. #j�e (�.QVermo�.�: or :npo�: iLs-tie�o�i . - � . . a la�v �v;ttlxant auch appraral.� � • � : ��� - - � • ' .. - . � . . . �. • • gPp�ved �iay, �a', 7.9'?5. - - . � -' - . - �.y4 - - r :: _ - ''r . - , ' : . . . . - . . • .- ' _' _ _ _ � . '. � r �" - -. _ ,'' - �, �. . -.• ' �_ • � . • • � - �- � _ _.�.:- - - .- _ . .. , _ -- . . .' - - : � . . ,; ' • '. . - -:<. _ •• _ ' ' . • . _" � - -- _. -� .- _ - . � _ _' . - � ".. ' • "' • . - f% - • ' • .. . . .. . ' • • . - - ._ . .. -. • 4_. . � .. ' "" �:iz^S�i"_ � .... -_ - _ .'_- .�'``_�'°ti�_1+irri"�` �-�^.n-.-"-."..:' . •.:w_}'� . . • ' _ • ." . . ' ' _ - _ . . • "'...a� � ' �L+�:.r��z+rwr ° : '; ,s!!il'� ° �.�y ' L� •�' . � , �` , ♦ - .�..+'taa...:il►.'.`r.(Nti�n.-F�y�-•'� �:r���S.��..��a�.4• •! . , F����� �� �., . - M: , • r _ � • • • � . ' � �.. ... ._.._ -�- ' ' 3i?� , � � L.�«•� or �•�o�in�. .. � . � .� � - - .., cn�r. iu�;�,. \\rh��rrati, thc pra�►erty e�nhraeed i» the [�it}• of Cle�r:. '` r� � 1')?;i ��atcr parx prttetica�lly nin�-tcntl� af tlic �taxes .o£ saicl _: ' ' , . �pccial ro�c1 antl Urid�;e district.; and � - _ _ _ � ; � .. - . � �,_ . . ��'l�erexx, fttll authnrity h�s been grantecl to the Count� , o£ 1'inell�s: ta ercct saicl free �rid�e and csiuse�vay fram . � � _ � � - the �� ar Dep�rtment of the Unitecl States; � : _. . • ' "�. .. .. BC.Xt E�iactrsd LJ the I.�isEa�ltre of tJ�e $fafe af Flo�-ida: t • ��,,,,��,r.. �� Sectio�i 1. Thi�t in ordcr to secure, cnaourape and pro- � f �. rxoto tl�e erc�eticm �nd mainterianee. of sa�icl free bri�Qe . � ' � xnd eauxe«ay liy tltc Cannty of Pinnellas across Clear�ater -' Eay, iii the Citp�of Cleai�vater, and County of Pinellas� � . a st�1p of tlie subm�rged land beloneix►g to tl�e State of . Plori�la; ��i�� hunclred. feet'in� tvidth,' lying and bein� on -. . � -rl�e nortlt sicle of tl�e iolloti`ing.line, ta-Wit: _ - . Cnuun�i�cin� at a point. 6a1:6� �eet west from ths inter- � s�rctia�i of tlie center line of Cleveland Street anrl Usceola •. �� en�e, accordin� to the map of the City of Cleai�4ater, .- �� •' � Floricla. �s of �fa�� lsi, l�l�a"�; thence west. 1�9.5 feet; d u'�'�`� `�� .� G��� tltence follon i�i� the arc of an �i�ht dearee curve to the .-- � �'- � � ri,�lit S13.a feet; �I►ence north 6:i degre�s and ma rainutes . .--� � -- �--� --- 1�; � . trest ry9�- %et ta the point of�a onrve tlience Pollotv tlie •. arc b� one cle,gree cu�.we" to tlYe ri�ht�0 feet; tlaence � a�r�,,,�;y,,�, .,.. ,�� �'Z q�� nortli a1 de�reeti no mimttex �rest �� ��eet to tlie point �• of a e�u.�e; tltence follor� tl►e arc�a�learee and �U � $ , ,. . �� � � �� � uiinute curve to the left SOb.��,feet; thence sontli S� �cie- -3� � `�� � rees anci �� minute� «est� B feet to high tide on �and � � Iie;�•. said lantl'bcin� in To�vnKhi� �S' South Ran�e 1:� • East ; � ' � � � ,� �ntl also a strip oi lancl. seven ]umdrecl feet in tividtlt lvin; '� and bein� on tho soutli sicle �f xxid line. be and t'.ie Same �x�.�.I� �L�,.1�.�•��r,,� � ����,�� is he�eby �rantEd tu1to.#hr•Caunt� of Pinellas for tlie pur- ,. pose of ereeting, buildin� ancl m�intainwe saicl free bridge � � „ ,,, � „�. �� . , � 'and causesrap. �'�I�e Kaid 'cotint� i� �� herebv , authorized to �d ��c.���� +���- -' /� � � , `� � cnter - upon � said lands' and to e.YCar-ate, dreclge, fill or � �' othernis im rove thcs same in s�neh xnanner as may be •;• neces�a� for the � pnrpo�e of bnilding and. maintainin� . �� said bridge and� cause�•ay; �iravic7ed tbat aII dredging for # .� r�aid cau�es�ay shall bc made and done on and from: the . .� said land on the �onth side� of said line; and provided : further, that this �rant sl�all not affec't the rinarian ri�hts : - _ of� the, property_ n«-ner� on the castern ancl �re.stern ter- � t - �- rnini of said xtrip" .of -land; and provided further, th�t t: + . � � � - , ' . . - ' - ' ' . ! ` - t �` • �, ii/m � e � �srm �� _ � a �zla �a y 4 is/mi � a _ � s � tp/W � y IY/02 � NEMOIEIOtS ss � � r 20 �o �a n �s � 2 + � ra ' y � uwrt► Ss�ET i s r 2 R � e o �an z � `s a s � �� a i s e g a + $ t � � s nc�+�u {s�. so) � I � 6 0� ♦ 3� 1 � � ]S I t0 O � 72/OQ I 2 j � � I � � t _'4 � � T 9 ?t y J �F�._..__ 16 i1 AMk � , � . ,� ,0 9 IS IB � � 1� i0 � ' 7 S fa 17 s 74/61 � 15 16 + 6 6 �roacc sua� y � ���nt i� qrx¢ z+/ua ��Ia+ �. N � ----- 13�� �s/m � y , � u1w � ` � e � � 5 , n ----- �Q �sro4 , ��' r�ur�wes z�/os cs/os i.s/cz ao � x d s s t �Q � x s � ' � e e ----- � � . � _ _ �� CLURi �i 3S i4 � < --- Z F . 51 iT. 1 � Y ' � 1 = _ � 3 4 � 3 < 3 � � � +6 u r,vn�.tr sr „ �s/�x t� + e� ax � a � � si 2 ~e s � IS y Ryr iY b � � m � ia � '� � � � 'J1 a� .�' - CITY .,., CLEARWATER AIVD Yk�NiTY PINELLAS {:4., FLA. Lf GENO � \ � r 277A 2778 278A 285A 286B 287A 295A ?958 296A MATC�I SHEET l� t50 IW 79 0 100 !m r . mo� NE 1 /4 OF SECTiOhI 16 — 29 5— 15 E �RFR 1 � ' �. I�am 1 Ilurnl. lt'AHIMKI'1' f/1iF:O. �-�r `• .� � � .� � �� M � � ���' � r` :� :� I.r � .�tade thia �� ��y 0 Q° Q �� a � lst ):��;c•ra..: ��u,61r!..�sAcvs.41•da..JN �y !..-. 1oL� iY:i•_ Zo7 � . � . b � �� �� � � �� �� � � q day oj November ✓1. 7�. 1960 Between �ExSY R. R�GERS, a widaw, fo�crnerl�r BBTSY R. FULMER. r nf tice County vf Pinellas . and SLate of Florida part y vf the �rst part, and CI'X''Y OF CLE+�RWA'Y'Eii, Clearwa�er. Florida, a municipal edrporation, • - o/ Lhe L'au•nty of pinellas and $tate af Flarida part y of tlee seawed part, WitYiesseth, Waat Llae xadd atl y o thefi rat part, jor a�td'i�z co�r.s8dcrali•on af the sum oJ Ten Dollaars and atlser valuable cons�.deration to her in hand paHd, Clae receipt u�leereof is I�.ereby acX:�i.o:udec�ged, ha s 6ra�ated, bar�ained� sold a��.d tr�►es/8rre�, a�:d by tlr.ese pr�senta da es �Srant, bargain , seld a�zd transfer w�nto lhe said part Y oj Lhe seco�ad part and i�s successor ;� and assi}ns fprever, all tliaL certain parcel of Ear� Zyi�a� a�ad being in the Couit.ty of Pinellas , and Sldte of FLorida, mare partticularly describad. as foilnws: H Tha� part.of t'he Sauth 100 Peet of the Narth 1S0 Feet ot Section 16, Tawnsl'.ip 29 Sau�h, Range l5 East, lying West of Osceola Avenue, tagether with improve�nents situa�ed therean, and together with su�narged land and all ri.parian rights t.Y�ereunto belonging, or �n anyM►ise appertaining; ANn AI.SO TOGE7.`HER with any arid all_rights, titles or interests nf every nakure or kind of �2�e Gran�or �n and�to su�anerged lax�ds lying between the uplands and �he dhannel o� Clearwater Bay, and anY and all riparfan riqlzts thereunto helonging or in anywise app�rtaining, _ , ti .. �� �- S'7'A'f E pr� F= i_ d� I GA : S'j"A 1 E�� f= L D�t f D,� -� i AT E�F F L �� f t7,3► J� DOCUN�EN7'A " STAh7P TA): ppCU�1�N7 " S7At�1P TAY. : nOGUMEtdTA�y��TA�1P TAY. w � = NQV-1�60 g.j2.�y = _ ... � � � NOY-1'60 � �;��. � _ �� ��y�ti`-` 9 9 0 Q= ; No�-� 60" ��,�� e � � �:��- 9 9 D 0� 0. � � �_ � '1� � J D O� � COHr�TnOLLE�i '�^ • C07i�T:t7:.LEA d C�IM�:�:CL:ER : P.�_15012a ,����� '�--- � P.B.i�aiza ° ��.19C129 =�:'� r Togeiher with alE .t1ie te�ee�ne�tils, hercdiLanieie.ts nnd appurtrsrannces, iuit)s every pr�vidrye, ri�lzt, title, i�zt.erest ui+d es[ade, r�ower and ri�Tzt of dower, reversion, Irematnder a�id easenzen.0 L'Izereto beio�agi�:� or in• an�iuise appertai�zi��¢: Z'O T�ave ilil(1 t0 ��OI(� 11:e snn'ic irt /ee sF»iPle jorec�er. .3�:r1 the said parLY of Lhe first part do�s cnueieu».t u%dtla Lfie saad par� of the secu��c� �arL tl�at slie is luru/ush�sh�s °r � oad r alftra,id lurr jul «rc'L)eu rt� jree jra»b all iitcirn�.bru��r.es nncd thnt . ��i�, rs[ �nrt does )t.eteb� ju.11� wu•rru�i[ to seld Elie soi��e: a»rl �1�� g�id part y �/ � I� I Llae i�lle to suiri Zoir•t�, a�icd will dejc�ad (laa xu�rie adui�ast t.1:.e laioful clui»is a% all , l�er:a�ts IU�LD7)1SUE�UBt. I III �lll1(;5S `�I1Ci'COf� Lhe suirl /�arlY of t1�e firsL j�u•rt )evs lecretc�et-o set her lcaiad art.d sec�d the du� a»cl �ear nLore wri�tera. $ibned� S cd ui�d Dclir•crl:1l 111 Ul1r T�rl:Fl![ICCS �� { ^ � -�.:._� ' r � � L... - %�. � _ .....-. �tµ�L_ _. � � -.^'^'�.�."' ,`, � ,I - �� i �i� �� _� _ . I -----�-- r„ y. S I�,a 1 G �� (' L G� � �:� _"'"� - -- � µ � ; eocur�E��rA� �;sri.c••� va:: � ";� .- I -- _--- _��. - w � = i��r-r6o :r r::'4 � 3 Q �,��� I � ° ; �`l 4',e �''� Q � 1 � � C:.�•.� :..-•.L_'�r `r�.�-` . — . � ' Si�y - �r. _� °r...... �--- A r � � 5'7 ,,,r iy . 14191.A1!% •e. ��•sa r � •wr rr.ie Farb L� k7odda NARIIANTY �[��U• . • ' r/I/eLawWi.r�Fbe/isAais.FW�.+��Jl? .. �{ry"m G°rp°rweo.) � �, . •� � J � FncE 5 5'7 � , � u��u�� � El�.il , * � � • ������w � � �� � � �� 7 � - � � kaae thz� 37 "� �uy o/ rulv ai,�r,,rn,,�^�' CI.?�ARWATER CON��R�FAT0�1Y OF MUSIC � onnaTOf ltrmar ly ,CilOUL 0� l+lUSIC• AN� �, p, pp jV . aorp�ra dun. ax�atan l uA%ler�tlia'�! � �s i L/ � e� Coc c� t� o! rPinella s liaui�i� tta princlp��p ida f ��art� oj LJ�e jlraE �rart, a�tici StaCe v/ �lorida a n►unicipal anrpurs.tion crrx oF cr.Fnnw�'r�R, + . whase mailing address 1s: p.D.Eiox 13��� Clearwatc:r� st c o/ Floriaa d. y. i9 �r, CLEMWAr� n rc�I �,:�, _I 1; 3 o/ il�.e CaunG� o/ Plne].la-s a"�d a � • part y o/ tlze aecond part, �11111;98(%L�l� T'�14C C��B 9adl� P�T��✓ of the jlrst part, %t ar�d ir� 'oo��suler � lIa 8� tr�a sr�nz u/ other valuable consi�eratlon9 a�a T� ���e �ra�ctecl, var- Lo iL i�z )�a�cd padd, t1�e reoeipE wl�eraoj is Iterab�/ uokieowlecl¢ed, �aiie.ed, eoltE, adlemed, r��nlsed, redea�ed, cunve�/ecd aricd ao�e�jt,rnacci, a�e�d U� tleeae presenta [lot)z �ra�rt, Lar�ain, s�6L, alie�e, re�nise, reLea9e, co�evey aJsba�iraUa�d�assi�rr.s tji,� s«.!� parE y aJ tlae aeoo��d parE, and it9 successors jorever, aEE El6ut oertada �� SLate of Tltlrl �a,�� �tiUr� Pa �E°w�larl� � sorib � as foldows: pinellaa feet l.hrec and Tt�ree T�ths (93•3) That part of the South Lf.ghtY� " o� ttxo Narth Tn����Township 29�Sauth`�r��g�di5h�'�gti��wl ich`lies3) feet of Sectio r West of tho rigFiOTidaaYkno�nnhas�"Osae�laQA�enue�Te n the City of Clearwe.ter, � �o�ether with all land, suUmerged lancl a�nd riparian xights� which lio v�tWeen Westexly projeei;ions of tl�e North and Soutli bouc�claries o� said tract extended to inl�ersection with the claax�nel in Clearwa�ar Day . ' . The �rantH� herein aasumeg an<i agrees Ln p�y �hrx� cert�►in morl:gAga execut�d hy tih� gr+���ax tier�in in Favor of i�. Lana Coachman� as T,xecutox �nd Trustae under the Last Will and Testament of l4ae S. Coaclimnn, cleceasedf upon wliich there is presently due thA sum oe 9619,�'5��•75• '�'U��LXtCI' wdLli rvLl Lhc tenan�er�Cs, l�arerlitn»�ents c�i4rl apptertanccnoes, iuith ever�/ pr�a�lage, rdgl�t, �itle, irdCeresC a�zd estrt�m. �eueraion, rerr►.ai+ader a�ticl easeni6�6t tliereto beEon�i16� or i�c aiz]/w�98 �7�Pertui��in�: rl�U ��llY� iUil1 LU 1�U�l�rsEl` artx,datlrLC'vue�tiarzt witjprtl��rsa�� )�drt y o% .�nt� t)tie 9aid party of tl�.e J� 1° t1i al6 inoui i�Graiiee�� T6[� t at �itl l�.ast¢oo<d ri�l G aiti � l��uf il dt�tl a�rd��/1L�� aelL tlie °f d o Llce rst art does Ie.ereLJ IrFlt� warra�e.t tl�e titde 6o saicl sa��ie: a��d t)�e smid p rty f. 1� P a,��, a��d wi'.d defericl El�e sanae agai��dt ��68 dnrujui oLai�ns of a6l persa�as wh�iceever. Yil 'Wii.tl(:89 `��1(:i l:t►�, Ll�e aatd partU oj tlea J6r part Teas cn�cset� tliese presents to Le si�rtied i��. its r�anie vU it�'reside��t, u.�6ci ��s corporate saczl Cv be c6�jlye�� �tn ��e�yr�aLove writteru. _ ATTE3Ts 5eexetarY � i'• � ,,. �,. ! , ;. i � � I' I t - CL�Aft�:JA'PI:Et C�f�Sla VATO Y 0�� ��t�� • '��� lJ�/•L=-Q•=��._� - S�cretery l Vice-I'ra d �tit. Sealed nnd Uuli�crcd iu Uur 1`rca���ccs � � �.� t��' s /g'7 ? F , �-�� s � yq.1 �%� /� di� —7�,.�..�.�I,u.�a �.�G..UtJNra,w .. o..�..oe.. wwu��rtY oFto • _ 3�13UJ•1 �y w� l.s��•..�u•, /�•.�ae O�iYJ'3 IO�N 01 1lFV.) �'� � � �� � ��IP �i • �liis �larranty �eed Made ihe �2n- doy ol Octaber A. D. �9 65 Ly ALFRED P. MARSHALL and JESSIE G. MATLSHALL. hia wife, hereinajle� cu��bri Iha gronlor, lo � �Y�y OF CLEARWAT�R, X'1''OR�`°�• a Florida municipal carporation, I u,Lo�a'po�lo(Ilce addree' �+ PD So� 1348. Clearwater, �Pinellas Gaunty, Florida, hereinajter called t6a e�nlee: - W6cnwr uud herda �ua �eiuw "6nMur" �nd �ne�s��'.� ��he wcct+�.w: ►ed W� �NO/p����i�. ' � 6ein� lerd �epnwnu�ivo+ and aai�a� of i�Wfndu�. • �Olitnesseth� Ttiwl �ho 6f°'��Or• �°� °^d �n constcirra!!on o� Itie sum o� S 10. �0 un� oll�er ualuoble ransldewltnn�. reee�p� u+��areoj la I�ereLy wclenoWleNlyed, I�ereLy pranls, 6argo�ns, sells, wliene, re- misea. re�eases, con�ays and Con�irrru unla Ihe granlee, o�� I��al cerla7n �and slluule in Counly, Flartda o�s: ) I,,pt Four (4). lesa the West Fifteea (15 #eet thereof of TEFF�RDS AND SMOYER'5 FIRS'P ADDITiON ta the Town of � Cleaxwater, acc erdg gp��mc�Recorde tof Hillsba ough C unty. � Plat Book T. pag _� � Florida, oF whicb Pinellas ia� �Z�Y�YePf filed for ecord and� .;�,_ � accardin to tbe corrected p e�� Q£ �� public Recorda of recarde�in Plat Hook 4. Pag • � Pinellas Gounty, Flarida. A�O . N •_ �LB ��Aor p1aC, b��reof U�Eardpd�in Plat Book z 1�Npage 74 �ing • • �•+ to map �`.- �' Public Reeords ai Pinellas County , Florida• TOGETHER with " � all rightr title and interest in and to North Bay Avenue a8 it �� a6uts said Lote "A" and "B": tp�ether with any ar�d all tenements, hereditaments and appur�e �a nder and every privilege. right. titte. interest and estate, reversian, eamemant tl�ereYo belon ing ar in anywise a ertaiaing to and fn any and all of gn tha above deacribed reaZ pro�erty apecifica y including all righta conferred 6q the City oE Clearwater by vir ue of a Reeolution dated Octol�er 17, 19'�9. and recoxdsd in Deed Book 1334. page 60T af the•Public Recar�s of Pinellae County Florida, and any righta of• tihe .Grantars l�erein ta any and all streats and alleys adjaceat to the her63a de�cribad real prQpexty•.: , �R���xx�c►x�dk�t�cx���x�����������c���aciw�xr���acac��x �x��� $p ��V� ��[� �Q ����� I��a sume in �Qe simp�e fureuer, �(�� I��a pranlor %ereby couenunls wleh aald prunlaa I��al I��o drnnlar is �nuiju��y selze� aj su7r� �unr� !n �ee sirnp�a: Ihal .lha gronlao hus paod rrpl�l anc� �ow�u� oull�or7ly !o Da�� anc� convey aald �un�; Ih4f tl�a granlar i�era6y (u��y worrnn�a!Ihe 1il[r 1a sald �und nnd Wil! �leJend Ihe seme npuln�:l Il�a G�w(ul cluims oJ or( persons w6omsoeuor; andF�hal saiti lun� 1a free oj w�: eneumurance:, ercepl Inzcc occrutng suLseyuen! �o Decem6er 31, 1965. � SQe L� • F�_ �l6 � 3 P� •�1'Tfa • .. • (� ` •/. . ... � .. ; � `� 1 ,I ��l � • .� � �n �6ltkne :�dlite�eof� 1he sair� prunlor has signed anri sauled Ihuse preaenls Il�e duy un�( yanr jiral o6ova mr en. ' ^�, sr�•r�o� FLO]tuna 1 U COUNTY OF PYNELLAS � � � 1 1�ERBOY CERTIFY �ha� on �hia drY, Lefore me, an u(ficer duly autheri:ed in �he S�a�e a(ore+aid and io A�e W���I Rf"�emid �n �ake aeknowledgmen�s. perwnally a�p�a■ed Alfred P. Marahalk and Jeseie C. Maraliall, hie wife, u�ulr:u. • � c. nr.l';:,,, •••�+�P_� � Ihe penoae dneri6ed in and wha cxeeuleJ �be (oregoiag i�itarvment'�'�nd they acknowledged 1re(we uie d�at tl�ey •S I��td►ed; �h�lame_ f� rj ;��� WITNESS my hand aud olficial��eal ln �he Ceuo�r and ��� :': � S►au' las� afare�aid �hu •S d� day o( Ll i� ' v�v`•� �GtO T /,///A���. D. 19GS. ••f,.r��''' h` -�, ��� .................... �a� Publfe,�5lale pl �IOiidA a! L'arge � My� .nmm�«Inu fm�rr< f. �. n � •in S S/ACE �EIPW IOR �E[p�0E�5 YSE . � � E . I 'r_ � ____- � � r {,�w:;'rr�.,y�� � �� 4 c . - .�_ : �t: ': � '''� _ ' �� ��, i� �� �- / ;�,�' ' ��I � i y v(j l-��- rr� ti r,�,-�•�r�`�. P�ao =_ _� sa�'. �_ Lry� � 1 � . =� ,��-�^ - '�� � ��>. 7 �C��r-r-�I � TH�nrr u�-n.����id LIII ��'rr ��i�ii �] � O � r� = �o �- o h����.i P�c� I I - Lqci�ii:.�7,�ii•' iunr�e�ic.��1� c- ''``c�=.� . .r= ��:r - �`^`� 4=:T�n,r-. ,,`J;'��i `�f ,' ` �r� i� . � � 1 ; j, w�,l1t � • �'�:, _ ,�"' :,,� r±�';.{,I:'I •; �,. '- �`� ' I �. '��• � ,, '.�:.�': :, � .. !� :y.l' � � ��': ;'.;.._� ; ���.'_ ; 3"� �Y-�,�;��i. .l �i:��r..,,, •. ;��--1� �Y,�' ...- I r.��rr.usz.irr: �� iiiiiu%i�ii''�a;.i I i.�xruvci:;:tir�r. �I,[1pJ, };:;���!1(II; '�''��lfl�,�{������I � � .� N '~ � M . •+ .? � � 7+ d 1d � M A a ,n m � U % � s� o p" r. �ua� o .. M , �, H a�.� .y. I � �J n - a . . . -�. . . . . ....- r . .. . . .. STATE aF FLORIDA �. '. c� r STAT E�� F L� R I DA ._:- '' ��� pQ��NTA � TaMP TAK � � � � DOCUMENTA � TAMP TAY. � � I �� € �� = ocrarss � � o �ac rzrs� 9 9 0 0= � � � _ � s s a a= � � = �`� = . � — • � CGMIPIROLLER . Q COMPTi10LLER ' Pp.ieoiza �r� ; P�.190124 � ' - . ... . , .. _,? � �._ .. :.... ...... .-tl�:-.:_L�OYR�IDA,._�� ...;��r- STATE��FLORIDA,�� : �� r STATE pF 7AMP TAY i' � r DOCUMENTA " � � DUCUKEN7 ��1 • � � � = ocizrc5' �j n = � w � = OC�22'65' p '" >. "' � _ �'�C G � u 0� � C7 = ��7 O O; � Q` f7DMPTppLLEN � �' V c'oMPmoLLEN � Ps.190124 } , .. . w. . . - . •P.B.�ea�aa ° . � ....,.....�...,... ... .. ;:ti�. .��•: . �.ti,'...�..,..•......,,,.�. �' �i ...-.vl::.a�„w<.v.•N�.: •,,;. •• . - i . .... '� !�r STATE�FFL�]RIDA . 'v�r� STATEaFFLORIDA' ��' p�C�M�NTp � 7AMP TAX Q � 7AMP 7AK --� � � �- pOCUMENi _ � 2 Q � �OCTZ2'65~ � r� u' � OCY2t'65� 9 J Y Q� 0.. V = � G� � �= � '��' s CDMpTp01.LEp � ' d U COIAPTR04lEA � ' P�.1901E9 � � P.B.i9o�za ��� . .. . . ; ..........,•,.�•.... . -,..•..._,.............. ' .�" . ._. . -- -:�'�,.......,.. r � 'y � STATE�p� FLORIDA ' � � � oocuMENr � ran+P rar � � -----� � o _ ocrzrss = a �, _ ,� 6970- � ; � wMVrnourn _ : � � • P.&isoi24 n _ . ... . ._....�;.��s;• ��:: i � � • • • •-�..r�.....•1 � . v � o ��� � . � ' I� � � � ' i� � � ! � � ,. � �� 1. i, 'j _ . .�. . : �w .. � .��. eu�r_n��M ene ��.�.,,"���_�}'' ���r J / :� .�••: �� ti.. •.'�:;: .s ', . � " � _.... • !:'� C Y- �W �� CI7 � J� �W a� ei. � QY °a} ow W3 �a ��3 )�) ��3!L��Ii�O �7—/�� ii61 PAGE J47 � peEW'! Fa�M �, �. / M.•.Iearr.I .n�hr �eM 6� tM� N. i W. �. a�w C•��en� i..w�.�.m�. nvw. i ��.i �u��'�1�m �e�r E:eeu�ed �►.fs � day oJ � , A. D. t9 60 . 6r CORNELIA WEI.�.S (nee Cornelia Sptoyer widaw F George R. Sinoy�r, deceased), foined by her husband, W�LLIAM C. WELS.S, �ira! parly, io ��y pF �LEARWATER, a municip�l oorporation, arqaniaed and existing under the laws af the State oi Florida, wl�oae postojl+� �d��� � P.q.Sox" 1848, Clearwater, Flori.da . second parly: �,�. �a e�.�xe us� �"�� :pa ine ���,a" .°"�'�va ��° � �v��u'��u.� ���' � � .eo.eaenae.a. .od �u � �ain a� �cqWw.) �•' . ��Q�Q�� 7'kae l/�e said �hel parly, jor ae� in considera��on o� �6e arun oj S j0.00 in 6n�d pald 6y e/� satd aecond parlr. !/�e receipe v��iereaf �s /�ere6� nclenomledged, does here6y remise, ra- Iease and qnil�lafrr► un[v �he aaEd second pavly Ioraner, atI l�ie rig�il, !il(e. tnleresl, clalm and dernan� whte�i �ha iaid jfree parly hoa tn w,d to �I�e jollawing deadlbed �ol, pieca or puncel oJ [w�d, ativa�s. Iytne and 6etnp tR �hB Co...<<y o! Pinellae S�e. oJ F'laXida .�-wu: � Lot number one (1) af JEFPORDS AND S1�DYEQ'8 FIRST ADDITION 7'0 Ci,EA17N►AT'ER, as same appears af record in Plat-Boo� seven (7)� p$qe ninetee� {19) of the publia x-ecords of Hillshorough Countp, F`ldrida, of wliich Pinellas Countp was formerly a part. ' STATE��-LORIDA � � � pOCUME1d7A TAMP TAX w ' � pUG3 '6� _ � v � • ����� °' � .aoMPrnrn.�a = �i P.B.190120 — . �o �taue and to �.old the aame laget{�sr wilk atI ar►d ainpu�ar !he apparlenanceQ lTiereunlo be�onging vr in anywfae eppertainfng, ared a« t�e eslate, rig�il, lilte, inlerest. �Ien, aquity u►ud c�aint w�►at- soever o� l�ie aald firs! parly. eil�er in laur or equflq, to llie on�q proper use. 6ene�ft and be�oo� v% l�ie snid aecond parly jorever. ' • ► �n ��tness �herenf� 7'he •atd /irat pwty Iwa aigne�d and aeaied ll+ese preaenls !ke day and year (ira! a6ova wr[llen. Siartad. aealed and detiver,e� in p►eaencs o/: ^ ..._. C.r �� • --� ... _ • ••• •�o•_- el a Wells N � el -•---•---------- -- --- --- -• --� Wi].l.iam C. Wells ' STATS �F FLORIDA, 1 Go� oF pINELJ.AS � i H6REHY C6iltiFY that en ehu dar. belore me� an ef(ieer dul au�herise in e 8eaee afeeesaid a�d in the Counq at id ie ulca acknowledgments. nall� appFg Carnel�a Wel�s �nee Cornel�.a Smoyer widvw of George R. �Y�r, a ceased) joined by her husband, Will�.am C. Wells, b me knewn te be the peroon $lesrn'6ed 'uo snd who exeeuted the fmcgoieg instrument and t�iBj► aeknoNdedged beforc me er.ethey �x��d � +�G WITN my hand and afficial eeal ia ihe Coune� and State 1 eforesaid �h' ay ef .�..���s�i��, . �•_ _ � a a.n. �96Q�'�� •:.���''' .......... � ..._........... ` �� � . .�. � � ��%,��!. .�� ? � •'. a• �F+ =. Notery Publk. Slala of Florlda at Wrge = u � . • • ; ,,: : • My Commission �pires pee. 29, 1963 s�: '.7� :• v: Bondcd 6y American 5urely Co. of N. ri ���. ; '�� c• �t , � : .� ...,ti��t�y� � � �- i . .; . i � . • i :i I .j I � I � i �/� 1 i � , .•�' ,��ri�i '\}� '� � �. 1\�/��1 r ��� �.P+ �• w►I 93'73''r �_'.A WARRANTY DE�D w�. o. R.1'3��i F�rE 57� TFiYS INDENTUR� made this .3� day of March, A. D. 196Z, �,� Y � getween SALiNE HOFFPAUTR, an�►axried, of the Caunty af Pinellas and State ot Flarida, party of: the fi.rst parx. �� CITY OF CLEA.RWATER� FLORIDAr � � 4 ., �d 5a a c,s r ��' o �a �jC w" � z� 0.� ca . :� Wy P} L� O � wa C T �uni,cipal corparation. Whosa mailing addresa ia PO Box 1348, Clearwater, pinellas Gounty, Slorida. parxy ��6 S�GO�d Part. - ' ' WITNESSETH: �ax xhe said paxty of the first part, Eor and in considexaLzon pf the sum of One Dollar and ather 'valuable eonsideration. to her i,n hand paid, tise receipt whereof is l�ereby acl�owledged. has granted, bargained. sold, aliened,• remi.sed. released. enfeoffed, conveyed and confirmed and by tl�eae presanta does grarLt. bargain, sell, alien� remis�• release, enfeoff, convey a.nd canfirm unto the said paxt'Y?i the second pazt aa�d ita succe�sars and assigne forevex. al1 that certain parcel of la.nd lyir►g a�sd beinB ia tha County of Pinellas and State of J f ' �, ,.. :1�, _ _ .t�1r. �� �? i �_ ...,.... ...-�- .• ±•- , . PINELLAS � . C$k��17Y,. ' :�7 IIIIIIIII����J! . �� � : �--�I N a � 3n � 0 ` � � " �R� -i �°v t� ; [o n�1 d iUl : 11111�1111 .'��n ?•. .. . , .:�. � Florida. more particularly described as follows: ��� ; . ! . : Lot Two (Z), �.B$� the East Seventy-fiva (75) feet thereof. of Jeffords & Snnoyer�a First Additian to Clearwater. accordiang to Plat Hook 7, page 19 af the Pul�lie Recorda pf Hillsboxough County. Florida, af which Pfnalla� County was formexly a part, together with a11 riparian xights; a�d those certain submerged lands described as £allows: Seginnis�g at the Nortbwest cornex• of Lot 2, of Sunaet Gourt S.nbdi.�.►"sion-of Clearwatier. Florida, thence W �DO feat to the East edge of the chanr►el of Clearwater Bay, thence Southe�.sterly along the East edge of the chax�nel to a point 50U feet WesL of tl�e Sonth- weat c�rner of Lot Z, tl�ence East 500 feet to the high water ma.rk on khe East ahore of Clearwater Hay at the Southweet corner of Lot 2. tk�ence Northeasterly along g�,�,d hxpb water �ark'to the Northwest corner of said Lot 2, , the poiut of bgginning first abova descr�d bein conta.in3ng 1. 0 acre, more or le�s, and lying � � T��a�p x9 Sout1�, Range 15'East, Caunty of Pinellas, State of Florida, and being alsa described as faLl.aws: Tract 14. He�ixusing at the Northw.est corner of Lot 2 af ,ief#ord's and Smoyer's Subdivision of Clearwater. Florida� thencB Vliest S00 feat to the East edge of tlse channel of Glearwatar EaY: thence 5outhwesterly alang the East edp,e of said channel to a point 500 fae� West of the Soutiawest corner of Lot Z; thence East 500 feet to tiae high w�t�r mark an the East shore of Clearwatex Say at ti�e 5outhwest corner of Lot 2; thence North- eastexlq along said hig� water mark to the Na=g� abdve corner of eaid Lot 2, the point of 6eginninffi described; contai�ing 1. 0 acre, more or less. and lying and beirig in� ToWnshiP Z9 South, Range 15 East. County pf PineJlas, Skate of Florida. -1- 1 � � •r � ' r , _ . , � .. � � .a.R.139fi ParE576 TOGEIHER with all the tenem�anta, }aereditamBnte and appurten- ancas, with evexy privilege, right, i3tle, intereati and estate, dower and right _ � of dawer, reversioa,• rema.inder and easernent thereta belongittg or in anyw�ise . � . app ex taining. " TO HAVE AND TO H�LD th¢ same i.n fee sisxzple forever. And the said party of tha first part doea covenan.t with the said partp a� the aecoad part that she ia lawfully eeized af the said premi�es, that they are free of all in�umbrapce, and that ehe has good xight and Iawful sutisority to aell the same; aad that said party af the first part dqth hereby fully vvarrant the tiEle to said lan.d, and wi11 deiend the same against the lawfwl claims of all pe�sana whom- soever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said.pazty of the firstpart has hereunto set her hand and seal the day and year ahave wriLten. 5igned, Sealed and Delivered iu ou,r Presence: � ' / �� / � � . STATE OF FLORIDA ) - . ' COUNTY OF PIIVELLAS j I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on thia �d� day a£ March, A. D. 1962, be#ore me peraona7ly appeared 5aline Hoffpa�ur, unmarried� ta me knowa . to l�e the person described in and who executed the foregoing coaveyance to the Cityr of Cleaxwa.ter� Florida, a municipal corporation� and aevera.11y acknov�rledged the executio� thereof to ba her free act and deed fax the• uses and purpases there3n �sentioned. ! ;::q, • . ,; :. .L • 'i��f� . .=`;;....a:: !lr��;,' WITNESS my signature and official seal at Clearwa.ter ia the Caunty :��. `o£ Pine7.1�1y9�:.and State pf Florida, the day and year last afoxeeaid. ,-�ts :.:1�7-'�� - :_'�'�••��>fll�xp �,y� • •. ✓�'•'MY_..Cp#1���R'�4�sion Eycpiree• . o ry Public . f���! L4�+�C�'�*ate ni FlaeMa q4 La.ra • :•,p�i�!�lrtl �s�on Explres Fo3. 9. 1969 6os�ded dK Ameritan �urety !Cn. of N, Y. _ ; �.,.. .. Q� S1A�'E�o�FLORIDA - � W = pOCUMENr " 7AMP TAX ' z � = �PR-4'6E � = �� � � .�_, ssoo� �t,.�; rrr� � �R ` � . � ! i 1 � ;� w si-a��o� FL�GRID � . : � x �o�u �a � -raMa raz � . , � 2 � � O � APR-�3L �`_ . � v COMPTtiOLI� �� I � �/ O ; ' I?6.i�aixt — E.... __� _...-....� ��la � ��!?f r` � /� s � 761-�13 t � �y,�s � a r ti1� '� ' ia/m !�},pur' �il@ �� 2 '9 6 � �� 10 s �' 1 0 t�ro+� � f � � : � � sro� ,x�o, ? 4 � ' — -� Q ►�a � c L aer+on�ocs ry� s r xo ta ie 1° `g� � '� � 4 7� 15 S t ��'1 � L • L�11RA 51BEET ,��E # . � s = r � � e � fo u ��' � e i � � s 6 � u S t 3.' S 3 3 S 6 =- i � 0 a S . i aEUrY,wo IsR. fioi ° � s 1 1�I� I � � 6'i� �] p 1 � � Z 11 1 f0 4 �a i3 � �14 6 � 9 iS S � � ��__ � f0 � 71 PIULI( . m � _ � � fZ l9 _� � is �e . � s . �t �0 � ta i7 z e a 2i/p� S !S 16 � � PYRCt 87RClf � i1/Qj ' � ��pg . PlERCf Zt/O8 ��7 � 1 ISJ�B ' � ����� 1]/O1 Z 9 � ] � N�py �� . � ' ` s � 6 . ----- upo tis/w S . ��� �� aa�w »/os u/ot sv � � : , : � :O , � , S .� s� � s ----- � pq�T 4a• SS 10 ----- 2 � r-�--„ 2 1 �3 � a � uV+t � ` 4 � .� � �aair Ss ss t n a st .. � � Cl TY uF CLEARWATER AN6 VrCINITY PiNELLAS CO., FUI. �c�u / � ' . 277A 2778 278A 286A 2865 287A 295A 285B 29BA MATCli SHEET lm IQO 1� i0 9 1�0 � 1' . 200 NE 1/4 QF SECTIDN '` �6 - 2s s - ts�E f� . � � I • � �R�A� 04/25/95 I.D. 004� MEMORTAL PARK NORTH 16 29 �5 00000 210 Q10�.01 LOCATION -BUII,DING FUND SOU: —ACQ . D�ETH�D PURCHASE ---PURCH PRICE 0 -�-INSI]RED VAL 0 APPRAT$AL�- d ACREAGE— 0.61 SUHDiVIS. —JUST vALU�- LAND U$E ACQIIxRE PLAN 06/12/61 DECL 8URPLIIS- USE DR�W ST M & S 21/p1 7-23-93, CENTR.AL BCTSINESS DzSTRICT PASSiVE PARK SSSLD VAL- QSER DEPT PARKS 0 APPRAISED-- SURVEY 4.iYL' RA FILE � PAGE LESSEE 12-010-04 �86B Boak Type-Book/Page------- OR--12 05 / 410 O�PNER �'UND L�CAL� ZONTNG- 901 - GENERAL FIXED ASSET GRDUP OF ACCOUNTS 27Qp UC(B) � RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT— RESTRICTIONS/RSV�RTERS PARKS OR 4813, PG 476: RESOLUTIDN 79-7, SEE COMMENTS. OWNER OF RECORID CLEARWATER, CITY OF . P 0 BOX 4748 D7SPOSITI�N CLEARWATER, FL SELLER FRANCES M. HANCQCK & CLYDE HANCOCK -�---COMMENTB RESOLUT20N: SUNSET COURT AND VACATED SUNSET COURT ROW AND LOTS 2 AND 3 OF R�MPON'S AND BASKiN'S SUBDiVISION ARE HERESY DEDiCATED FOR PIISLTC PARK APTD OPEN SPACE USE F�R THE USE AND�BENEFxT �F THE CITIZENS aF THE CITY OF GLEARWATER. LEaAL FROM NE COR OF NE 1/4 RLTN W 2250 FT(S) T� W R/W OF DREW ST FOR POB TH SW'LY ALG W R/W 390 FT(S) TH W TO SEAWALL TH NE'LY 197FT (S) TH E 15FT(S) TH NE PAR TO SEAWALL 83FT TH E 185FT(S) TO POB LESS RD RW End of Report 04/25/95 I,D. xG 29 15 00000 210 0100.02 L�CATION -BtlILDING - -FUND �OU] 0.00 SUBDIVIS. VALUE- ---ACQ. METHO L�ND USE ACgUIRE PLAN 1]./13/59 . —PIIRCH PRTCE DECL StIRPLUB-- LT$y 0 --INBVRLD VA ASSESSED VAL-- USER DEPT 0 0 APPRAISAL APPRAISED-- SURVEY � 0 FILE # I PAGE LESSEE sook Type-sool�/page----- OR-751 /439 OWNER FUND L�CAL ZONTN(�-� RESPONSISLE DEPARTMENT-- RESTRICTrON6/REVERTERS O�PNER OF RECORD----�-- � DZSPO�,ITYON � 6ELLER HAYWARD C. MEYER & GWENDOLYN M. MEYER COMMLNTS LEGA SEG W �F OSCEOLA AVE AT A POINT ON SECTTON LINE SETWEEN SEC 9 AND 16 170�FT W OF NE COR, TH S 50FT ALONG W SIDE OF OSCEDLA AVE, TH W T� HTGHWATER MARK ON CLEARWATER.BAY, TH NELY ALQNG HTGHWATER MARK T� SECTION LINE, TH E TO POB End of Report �-- ��—_ 04/25/95 �.n. i6 z9 �5 0000a azo oiao.o� LOCATZON - -HUILDiNG SF ACREAGE-- o.00 susnzvzs. FIIND �OURCE JQST VALUE— LAND U3E —ACQ. METHO ACQUiRE PLAN 05/11/52 ----PURCH PRICE DECL SURPLUS-- USE 0 —�NSURED VAL ASBESSED VAL— USER DPPT 0 0 APPRAISAL APPRAISED— 9URVEY 0 CLERK ATLAS-�- FTLE � PAGE LESSEE Boak Type—Sook/Paqe �R-1�27/281 OtiPNLR FUND LOCALE SONIN�- RE�PONSIBLE DEPARTMENT--- RESTRICTIONS/RSVFRTERS ---�WNER OF R�CORL-- ���-�`� =I•�-f-� � �•� �l BELLER SALINE HOFFPAUIR COMMENTS LEt3AL BEG NW COR OF LOT 2 OF JEFFORD'S AND SMOYERS SUBDIViSiON, TH W 500FT TO E EDGE OF CHANNEL, TH SW ALOId'G E EDGE OF CHANNEL TO A POINT 500FT W OF SW C�RNER OF LOT 2, TH E 500FT TO H�GH WATER MARK f7N E SHORE QF CLEARWATER SAY AT SW C�RNER OF LOT 2, TH NELY ALONG HIGH WATER MARIi TO NW GORNER OF SAID LOT 2 End of Report 0 a4/25/95 I.D. 16 29 15 00000 21p Q100.04 LOCATION - -BUILDxNG SF ACREAGE— 0.00 SUBDIVIS. FUND SOURCE JUST VALUE-- LAND USE --ACQ. METHO ACt,�UIRED PLAN ---PIIRCH PR�CE DECL SURPLUS- USE 0 —TNSURED VA ASBESSED VAL-- UShR DEpT 0 p App���AL APPRATSED- �URVEY D 4LL;iL�A ATLAS- EILE # PAGE LEBSEE Book Type-Book/Paqe � OWI�TER FUND LOCALE ZONTNG- RE$PONSIBLE DEPARTMENT--- RESTRICTxONB/REVERTERS OWNER OF RECORD------- . DI$POSITTON SELLER �COMMENTS LEGAL TRACT OR LOT 2 OF ROMPON'S & BASKIN�S CORRECTED MAP OF CAUSEWAY BUSINESS DISTRTCT, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 57, PAGES 1- 2, T�GETHER W�TH ALL RIPARTAN, WATER & OTHER RIGHTS APPERTATNING THERETO. End of Repart ---- Q4/25/95 I.D. 16 29 15 q0000 2L0 0100.0� LDCATI4N - SUxLDING SF ACREAGE--- 0.00 50SDIV�S. FUND SOURCE JUST VALUE- LAND USE ACf,�. METHO ACt,�UIRE PLAN 10/22/55 ---FURCH PRICE DECL BURPL[i8� OSE 0 --ZNSURBD VAL ASSESSED VAL- QSER DEPT p 0 APPRAISAL APPRAISED-- SURVEY 0 �r zIriYI TIYfT 7�f2 .. _ __-__ FIL� # I PAGE LESSEE sook Tyge-Book/paqe--------- �R-2285/683 OWNER F'IIND LOCAL ZONiN� RESP�NSIBLE DEPARTM�NT— REISTRICTiONS/RLDLRTERS - �WNER OF RECORu - � DiSPO$ITION SELLER ALFRED P. & JESSIE C. MARSHALL COMMENTS LEGAL ANY AND ALL LANDS, WHETHER UPLANDS OR SU$MERGED LANDS, LYING AND EXTENDING WEST OF THE WEST SOUNDARY LINE OF LOT B OF SUNSET COURT SUSDTVTSION End of Report � i ,s � , �, �v Cz¢U�3�riA. '. �. �» �- w � o.�. 7��_1 Pnc� 4�� PRiNT: B► 1.AWTERB' TITI.E GUARANTI! FYN�. OHL i0, pLpq1DA e'�I^ �j U ~ Dicue� O�vm�e� S�dlerAcld l� Slnu�nlhie � � � �� ���� Aetorncr� nt La�s ��� � � 1'MPON 9PAl1VG9� k�.ORIDA �r y STATUTORY UII�I9 .�t1�pilhtrP, Made ehis ��� day oF November , A. D. 1959 , �Bt1UPPn HAYWARD C. NiEYER. joined hy hie wife, GWENDOLYN M. MEXER . of the county of Weetcheater , State of New York , part i�� of tl�e llrst part, and CiTY OF CLEARWATER, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Flarida - whoae pnst o�ce eddreas is Clearwater� Florida oF d�e County of Pinellae � lu k6e $tete oE Florida . part Y of the second part ��tpp888t�, That tbe sald pert iea of d�e 6rst part, Eor and in consideration of d�e sum of - - -T en - - - Dollars, and other goad and valuable oonsideratians to t��� in hand paid 6y sa[d part y oE d�e second part, d�a receipt whereaE is hereby acknawledged. ha�� granted, bargnined aad sold to the said part y of �e second part, heirs and assigna forever. ihe followtag descrlbed 1and� �tuat� lying aad being in the Coupty of Pinellae � ia the State af Plarida, tawlt: )- Begin at a point on the aection line betwaen Sectiane nine (9) and eixkeen (16), Tawnehip Twenty-»ine South (2qS) Range Fitteen East (L5E). on the weet aida �. oF Oaceola Ave.. eaid point 6eing 1708 feat �mare or leae weat of the Northeset carner (NE cor. j af eaid Sectian 16; run thence eouth along the wes.t side of Qeceola Ave, iifly (50j feet, thence weat to tbd hi�hwatex mark on Clearwater Hay; tiienca nartheaeterly along the highwater mark to the eection line; thence , eaet along eaid sctticn line ta Point af Beginning; together with aubmerged land and rigarian righte appurteaanteherato. as aiore particularly deecribed in' Deed No. 17502 �f the Trueteee af the Ynterual Imprqvement Fund of the State af Florida ' � , � � y �- S`IArE a�rLUFtIUA f .� ' •';i � �;� . � J� pDCUMENTA � TAMP 7AX z o iauvzasv p � � � �`0 PYRtlLLER � � v O^ ��_ ..: -.°' _ : - � P.�isoiaa � � ��� �.,u�r,�ro i a r,ari�- i nY � � '"i • • • .� Q = N�Y2G'S9 '� 4 � 4�99-- �-•� ':. . i ' a � ? �� 9 9 0 p= , ,�.-� • • � _ • . _ • , . ' � P.B.190129E� — '.� i and the said part ;iee :;vf the 6rst part do h�reby fullY wnrrant the tlde ta said land, and will deFend the same against tLe lawful claims of aU persons wl�omsoever. ,�lt �ItlIYBB �IjprPpP, The s�id part iee seal e the dny and yeac &st above mitten. Signed�ealed and deliverBd in e�r presencec --- �;! ��j/ , � . -r• .�.�z.:i_ �li: • 1 �az.oL�y.�. of the &st part ha�� hctreuota s�sttiheir l�anda and � _•-! � � / �� (Seal) .G , G � , f (Seal) � ' ( Sesl ) (5ea1) sr��� o� Iv�W y�aK COUNTX OF WE�7 �•HE 5��� I H�I{�BY CCIITIFY flwt ao tufs day before mc, au pAicer duly qunliGed to ts►ke aakpowledgments, • personally appeared HAYWARD C. MEYER and GWENDOLYN M. MEYER, hie wife to mp kno��n to Ue tha persons descrll�ecl in and who executed tlie faregaing instrument and the�y ,. neknowledged Uefore ma that t hey �ecuted the same. � '� •�'' •' '' W1TN�S$' my hand and olRcial seal In lhe ���n��y�pr��.5t�te,la�t aforesaid this /� ` day of ', ]jT v lie r -' D. 19 5�., . :. �Q� � : � ���% Nalniy I�ihIM, .!:d: •�t ilr•Y Yn�h �� ,, '• GC • (/Gi,.� ��4»a�►�c� �'"• "' �p"�'''p , �� �• '�' ..:..� ! �' —n--� d in A1 �,r ,roid �il§§idfn expires: /�'ti''� �4 3 0� � 9 � / , ' '._� � . l •--- ��^ NOtP Pulllio�n l �p��r� P.ti.trrU •�i, I.�ul �'flpcl'. � � � ;,::.. :.. I]cocl Duuk �' � : _.-,.��-_i. . .— -- �. _ :� � y��`. �� �, ��%;�a�,,.'iN� ,,�� ;;; X4.�ti _�fi �: ii�_ C '� u�I'=��.� ;=��ir��pij� _ _ __-_ - ' 4�_"- ock M., aod Recarded in �ty, Deputy Clerk �, �7'� / : i f� •.. � . ; Fam 110� Floriq. Qlll'[ C4A1►1 UCGP. ♦ � � � 84"1932:1• T�,��.�x�'��'� �'.:'�,Kl` 7 y/r l.ln Prmi. PF yhaircrs. AW/.xptp irc ���6 � � � �' . :1,�U� ..91� ,,�7 � � �t���t���� ,,� : � � � iY'y.iyMr I..N �..N�. 1�e Irrn �WV^ .M/f i�rl�r ia. ;rir.. �.w1.Mal r.ry.r.eninrin., d�py a�il ni y 1{e'mµKti.p. pHNa A.M.: .a. .n• �/ Ihr u.(4./y. wxmar �Yi.rlrJ. rM kl f a.I rA� plurnf rh •i.pY4•. ia, w. y..v s.•/r. .w..n 6rr6w. 4 p.dn.: ..d,,/�. u. N.w "iwn-.Aua,.Aml, un,e, w�rr. r..ir dn: Mrd rr+r�. iM� yr �iiade this ; �a TJl day a/ �,�^a,� , A. D. 19 61 , �Etae'F.��l FItdNCLS M. HANCOCK, also knosrn as FtIANCLS I�L1ltI.1 H�NCOC1(� joined by her husband, CI.YAIs' HANCpCK� , nj thes Cou�aty uj Okeechnbee and State o/ Florida � party oj the f/rxE �xar(, . and CITY QF CLE,Iiti✓aTBlt� a municipal carporation, . � o% Lhe Cau��ty a/ Pin�ellas arul State uj Florida pmrby of Wne Recunc� pu.rd, � �YO�A����Q'Q�Z !/r�6 iAe S(�iil )�ar(y af ihe flrBE /x���t, fu�� uietl. t�� cniihi[l.ciri/rnn uf I/,r s,ia,F nf ;ON� UaLLAR and other val.uable consfderatian---------�ul�rarr+r ' i�a h.«url pn�r! Li/ //re aai�i �xerf� of Ue� aecand �xarl, d/ae reccipf. �r•1�r.rPU/' ix Gerrhr/ reeRr�urrl- e�ly�r.rl., /ras :��r���.r•xr�l, i�elert�r[l anrl qeci/clvdnaerl., �enrl G� 1h�•,�� )�rcxr�i�tx rlurx �r�i�lx�•. i•rdrva�e « ia�l�ryu.ilcGRiu� ra�la 1/�n �rrirl /�art�/ of lhexrcn�rr� pru�l nll /he rr; /��, fillre. i�el�v�:sl cl.ui��a uu�l ��rv�ariud. �r.kie% f/�r xrer.[L ��rarl•�/ of N�e rlrxf prtr! /rnx iie �urd !n Iha jvllueriirj �Zas�eriGeel �u� ,��ieee or �ccrceL uf lr�•�crl, xiR��nlrs l�/crr.5 u��cl Gei�i-� iie f/ee Gui�ul�/ oj' Pit�ellas Sla.Ee af I�lorirLu., to wit: 1'ract 1�8. i3esfn at a point 50 faet South and 318 feet West �.'�he intersection oY the center line of llrew Street �b and tha i�est line ai Osceola StreeC� thence West 600 feet rn� to the°ISast ed�e of thc channel oP Clearwater Ray; thence K; South 9 dc�rees 3U� WesC� 193.4 feet; thence South 7° �y !Jest 1 feet; ehance East 600 fcet; thcnce North T° East �y'; 15 fce ; thence North 29° 30' East 193.4 feet co the point �_ _ ai be� nnin� first above dascribcd; cpntainin� 2.52 aeres, y� morc o less� and lying and being in Township 29 5outh, =w � Itan�e. 5�ast City of Clearw:.tar, County of Yinellas� �o S�tc '" f Flor�,da. ' '"� �� .. ,�. � . �, h � � � ��['O I'd• va aamiQB to Holal LJee sanie, ta;saW�er rudtla mll �.�er! sin.�sul��i• the a���r�rfenair •e.t fherr.ri�iEo balor:�r��r� a• i�a n��yu.iare a�y,erlreiiein�, ru�r! r�ll �/ep rhluic, r4ahl•, Eillr+, nlcrcx6 un�l c[rti��a ei�hre4uusvai� u/' �/rr. xrei�� )�ar•l�� �if //�n jIi•xl �u�i•f, r.if/rr•r rir da�u ur eye�� J, Eo l/t� ael� pruper �rae, Ga�ae/l6 uier4 Gahuuf �/ l/�e xuicl /�ce►dJ u/' Uen xccu�ir/ ��ur6. X!7 ��19Il4'.�t3 tl��14i'L'A�� dIL6 Slli/L ]XLY�f� Pf �ILB �!/'SL �J[dl'� IlLlY I!!'/'G/!/f.IU KCL IlZN /�r�iecl and s al Elic clrsr/ ancl �erar/ZrsrG uGuuc ccriileie. $i�ncd: S�ul�d t�nd Lelivcrul in Yrcxcnec uf; --��------ �C� ����.— ..��..a.,� m 1/a� ��an es FI: tlancock o��� � r � � 0 -,ti � ,°_' �;�, - : !: F � •! �: ;�: �,aN,;.. , N]'�. � ,. : ,.� ,' . I I rl 1 1' 'y i{' ' .) ; � ._�. - li 3; � I :' I ;�. �', i h } h I " i�:.ii - '.I •. ,= `.�I�; �.'�'a'� k�:,,`: �...f.` . s��• � :'_ ,!� c•p', . f:f�,'. i�`" ;: � '1� , -�.� :�;:..„,, M � �i �; � �,• :,�. s �+ c•:' • �i : ��• � �.�'`�• . ��. ; �_. �. S 9 G � �� m ��w + �'75J.1 4 �'� 'i= N �� � _jrC ° �� �` ° �} a � e � �a �ye.w a�4we�.a.� µ..,�. ,.�� ���s�sa " �. �.1415 � � `" TRUST�;iiS OF THE INTER�AL IMPRUVF;I�;�;NT F'Ut3D - OF THE STA� OF FLORIDA D�;�D NO-. 175oo-a-SUPPLEr+�NTAL KNOW A%L N�N BY TF�S� PRES�NTS: Tha:t the undersigned, the Trustees of the Inte�naL impravemenL I�nd af the $tate of Florida., under authority of law, Por and in oon�ideration af the aum.o� Ten and 00/100 Aollars, ($10.0a), and q�her goad and valuable conaiderations, have granted, bar$a.ined and sold, and d� by th�ae present$ gra.n�, bargain, sell and canvey, unto the CITY OF CL�ARWAT$R, a municipal corpora.tion undes the lawa of the $taCe oP Florida, and its successors and a�signs, the t'ollow= ing described land$, bo-pit: � From the 1� carner of $ection 16 Tr�wrish�.p 29 South, Range 15 Sast; ruri thence south �B° 58' 40" West a.long the Nor�h line o! �aid S�eet7.pn 16, 2,03�.36 teet, m�re or less; to the oorner of.am exiating �eatral].; thenae South 00° 16� 17�� Sss� a].ong said exiating seaMall a, dietance of 50 le�t Por p. q� B�; thence 5outh 88° 58� 4p" We�t, a dist:a,�ice� of 504.00 P�et; tihence 3outh 29° 30� We�ti, 1g3.4 lee.t; tihence Sauth 7° westi, 15 t'eeti; �hence Narth 88° 5$� �up" ga,st, 64$ feet, more or less, to a point on the. mean high water mark of Clearwater Hay; thenae Nor�her7.y a].ong eaid mean hlgh water ioark �o the t�.O,B. , Lyi,rig and • l�e�.ng in Seation 16, Township 89 Sa�it�,,: Range 15 Sast, P3rtellaa County, Floriaa.. TQ HAVS AND Tp HOLD the above gra,nt.ed and deseribed premisee forever. This deed ia made for the purpase of inaludiqg the eectipn rnanber phich was omitted in Deed No. 17500, dated January 20, 1g26 in Pavor o� L. H. and M. 3. Coachman and to include a stri,p between preaent water line and tl�e landward bounda,ry �� the deeded pa,rcel. SAVING AND RESERVING unto the said �'rustees of the Cnternal Improvement Fund oP the State nP Florida, and their �ucaeesors, title to an undivided three-Pourthe ot' all phospha.te, �i.xierals and metal$, and title to an undi.vided one-half oT all �etxolewa that may be in, qq or under the above de�cribed land, j -1- A 1 ! o.R. �:�i5 r���23� with the privilege ta mine and deve].op'the same. IN T�3TIMONY WHEREOF, the said Trustee8 have hereun to subscribed their names and a�fi.xed �heir seal and have caused tt sea7, of THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OF THE STATE OF FLQRIDA tc be hereunto affixed, at the Capitol, in the City oP 7'allahassee, on this the 12th day of A�ril, A. D. 1962. • •, : :. � ( 5EA _. '' �+ -���'^ ' overnor . '��. �'� �p�e�'jZ: i. F1xnd �� � !J SEA -. . . .' . omp ro er ., _� • J . .~ • L �� '� `.�' ,.._, , � r surer , � . , . • ( sFa • �.• orney nera �•� ��� ��ft;.,eP Agriculture �(3EA: . .%'�:� � " ' . omm � aner o _ gr cu ure /� r �O • i ' F Lr - i ' i t� !.� . �. ' � . t�� %� ,_; , '` • :r .�' . • ti ' ;��.;.��y�' f^ � . NOT�: As and Composing the Trustees of the Internal Laprovement F'und of the Stiate di Flqrida. (''I•�• . ��•�� -.( r � �,., The attaahed inatrument is executed it� tpie patne of the Truetees of the Internai xmprovemen� gund, by a majority 'of ita roembere. Signaiure oP all membera could not be seoured by reaeon of abaence #'rom the �lnited Sta�ea of the member ovhose signature �.g no� �n�cx�ibed. RePerence ia made tq "p7 go. 2nd S24", Watson vs. Caldwell in �rhioh bhe Supreme Court held that a ma,�ority oF the Trustees may 1ega11y act i'or the entlre Board. ���,�`7 � ,�"`-�.r.r-_, ....�. ..,,,� nz�cmo� � xruatees z. I. Fund �� 7, j . -- - �� � � QY �� W W vv C�.1 u _ '4' � N P � �N C N �i� N y� .t � n , � �� � Y- � rC.iw � yc r . '. I �.��. �f J "�%L� QUIT GLAIM DEED � Q. R. ��� / PAGE G�� THLS INDENTURE made this � �� day of ��y , A. D. 1962, � ! between SA.LINE HOFFPAUIR, uarnarried, af the Govnty of Piaellas a.nd • � Y State of Florida, party af th¢ #irst part� a.nd CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, a z�unicipal corporatian, whpse maili.ng address is PO Sox 1348, Cleaxwator. Pinel],aa County, Flarida, party of the second part. WITNESSETH:. T}xaf the sa.id pazty of the first•part, for and in consideration of the sum af Qne Do11ar a.n.d other valuable consideration, in hand paid by the said gart}r of the secoad past. the receipt whare�of is hereby ackn.ow- ledged,.�.+`isas remised, released aad quitclairrled� and by khese psesents does xemise, release and quitclaim unto the said party of the second part all the right. title, interest claim and demand whi�h tbe said parky of the tirat part has iaa aud to the #ollowuxg descsibed parcel of la.nii, situate 1Jring and being in the County af Pi.n.ellae, State af Flarida, to wit: Begi�*+�*+g ati tlre NW cornar of Lot Z o£ Jeffnrd's aad Smoyer's Subdivision of Clearwatar, Florida; tl�ence Weat 500 feet to the East edge of tbe c�annel a£ Glearwater Bay; thence 5ou�hweaterly alang t�e East edge of said channel to a point 500 #eet West o£ the Sauthwest Corner of Lat Z; tbence East 50Q feet to the high rvater mark on the East shore of Clearwater Bay at the Southwest Cormer of �Lat 2; thence Northeasterly along said high water mazk to tlie Northweat corner of safd Lot Z, the point of l�eginning first above described. Containing l. 0 acre� more ar leas. and lying and beimg in Section lb. � Townahip 29 South, Range 15 East. Pinellas Gounty, 5tate of Florida. The purpo�e a.nd intent of this conveyance is to clarify a.nd correct the descript-ion of certain sub- merged lands iacluded in the descriptioa of the property previously conveyed by the Crantnr to the City of Clearwater, Fl�xida. by Warranty Deed dated Ntarch 30, 1962, which was �recprded ora .. April 4, 196Z, in OR Baok 1396. page 375 oE the Public Records of Finellas County. Flarida. ... ._...♦ .....�..-.......�.lira.�r. ♦........-. • i °4 � -a T�NT F�LORiD� . '� � °_ " so wri�cea � 0 2 0= - i RB.i�a�za � �� � 9 s �' r f o.R.14�7 PncE28� This canveyance shall not affect the lien or validity af that certain Mortgage frotn the City of Clearwatex, Flaxida, as Martgagor to $aline Hoffpauir, ae Mortgagee, dated March 10, 1962, and recarded in the Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida, which Mortgage encumbere the above descrihed prapexty tngethex with cartain additional described , p�operty. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the sam�, together with all and singular the appurteaancea tl�ereunta belon�iag or i.n anywise appertaixiing, and all the estate, right, title, intexest and claim whatsoever of the said party of the first part, either i.n l.aw or equity, to the only proper use. beneiit and bahoof o£ the said party af the second part. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the firat part has here- unto sat her hand a.nd seal tha day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in, our presence: � �'1'r,�.�•rP STATE �F FLORIDA ) - � G�UNTY OF PINELLAS ) . � l � �� .�r/� - . // I HEREBY CERTIFY. •that on this day personally appeared befoxe me� an officex duly authorized to adsninister oat]ss and •take acknnwledgxnents. SALINE HOFFPAUIR, unxnarried� tD TX14 W�11 �bWA tb }J�: the pexso� described in a.nd wha executed the foregoing instrument and she acknowledged before me that she executed the same freely and voluntarily fnr the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and o:F#icial seal at Clearwa.ter. Count}r af Pine]las. and 5tate of Flarida, this // � day of %j'Z �, A. D_ 196�. No ry Public • -• My Commissian Expires; ', _:.��_.�; d No1«ry Puqlte, State of Flnrl�n �t i.4r; a ._: `�ti���'f�i cammisston Exp;res F2b. 9. 15G3 ".�,``,��\l n ��, v � �l'O..G:W.X� '.. ,,�,rG'�����' �,: . � � � • ;,..: �.. -ti-r � : t•�$`p'CAh�•'s : ti �r—• • � .qSr,V ��1GvY'_ '•-����' .. '��i � r ,` p�.' '' � .y`� f �����Fh i�ii��•`'••. -�- � � P t . � , , . . [ .� � , . . , � -r' �� . . . /,a'' , , r..� � � 4 N � � ° � � �,� y� �w .�� i ; �C :� .a ,::-- =.�: e� r�w usy �a 9c1b23'7A O.R. ��15 P11L:f 2�76 TRUSTSES OF THS INTERNAL iMPROVEMENT FUND OF THE STA�E OF FL�RIDA . r IDEED NO. 17�9�-A-sUpPLEN�NTAL KNOW AI,L 1�N H7� TiiSSE PRESENTS: Tha� the undersigned, the Truatieea a� the Internal Lnpravement F�nd of the State af Florida, upder autihority o� law, f�r and in conslderation o� the �um af Ten and OQ/].00 Dollars, ($10.00), and other good and valuable considerationQ; have granted, bargained and sold, and da by these presents g�'ant, bar�in, sell arrd convey', unto �ALINE HOFFPAUIR, of �he County of Pinellaa, State of Florida, and her heirs a.nd assi.gns, the following described lande, �o-wit: Heginning ati the NW corner of Lot 2 a�' Jef`Pard's and•Smoyer�s Subdiviaion of C].earwatier, Rlurida; thence west 50p feet �o the East edge o� the channel of Clearwater Hay; thence 3outhwesterly along the F.a.at edge oP said aha.nne7. �o •a paint 500 fee� Wes� of tihe 3buthwest Carner oP�Lat 2; thence Ea.et 5�0 i'eet to the high water �ma�3c on tihe Eas� ahore of C1Earwater Bay at the $outhwest Corner cf Lo� 2; thenoe Northeasterly alang said hi,gh wat�r ma�^k to• the Nnrthweati aorne� of said Lot 2, , the po7.nti, oP beginning first' above �e-- scribed. Containing 1.0 acre, more ar.lesa, and lying and bei.ng,in Sectiion 16, Tawnship 29 $auth, Range'],5 East, Pinellas County, State oP Floric9a . TO HAV� AND �0 HOLD the abovs granted and descxibed p7cemi�e� forever. Thia�deed is made Por tihe purpase o� c�.axifying de- acription in Deed No. 17496 dated January 20, 1g26 in favor of Mre. E. 4ale J'efPord$. SAVING AND RESERVING unto the said Trustees of the Internal Lnprovement 1�'und of �he State of Florida, and thei� ' f succesaora, ti�le tio an undlvlded three-Pourths o#' all phasnhate, minerala and metale, and t1t1e to an undivided' or�e-half at' all petroleum tha.t ma.y be in, on or under �he above described land, . ...,,...JI,..:, w.....�.�ww..;�........:..� '.... . :�� �;A. 1 / '� r STATE�ELORIDA►�..'; � : � � ' �OCUMENTI� `r TAMP TAY. • '; � p � APR70'6i -- _ ' � � COMPTROLLE0. ~ � � �� ; ' P.9.i9oixe � �s � (I , f� � �,-IJ • , r a. R.1415 PACE �3�' with the privllege ta mine and develop the same. IN TESTIMONY WIiE1�OF, tihe said Trusteea have hereunto subscrlbed their na.mes and aP�ixed thelr �eal and have caused the � seal of tha DEPARTMENT OF AGAiCULTURE OF THE S't'A'1'� �l� FLORIDA bo be hereunto a�fixed, at tihe Capltol, 1n the City of Tallahassee, on this the 12th day af Aprll, A. D. 19��. ' • ' ,w�...,�;�� :i4��r. . .ti .....t.ti,�y �ii�i�. �.�i�Y+� ' � ., ' � � �' . � `'r �' �' `" .'-, _ �, • f�� �,,• avernor ,�:� ._^ �. •••.�,_fi,���;... �`und � l�Q.P.�� �$EAL) • 'Yr��� ,���eas•:� � •I. - � q omp ro er �i1,,: �J'�.�II�,,;frG��'����.; '' •- ;'a.: � '!: r ° � 'a . • ��I?��+-z.t� ( SEAL ) y :' lr iJ; J ti'� 1: :'''!- %:"" y� r- ''`�� �asurer ; ,:�•. --'�a -�'�^;� `� ':,;..• � /,,: �". �':WOK�., • �L _ • ' � ; � � �,; �' • •t •�,� :� G° = • c r�'1� ( SEP1L ) � • ���``� ,..:;= ••�``�;.= A orney nera , , , `" �� ,; `.: . •;'.r� .�S�AG�::��:,:. ' (SEAL) , �,.�,:, ,��-;spo�::.Agriculture i. • • ' omm s aner. o Agr au ure 4�,r.�' �p��.�'. / r ., -; �"�' ��•,� °.�>. �::a:��•'r'•�; As and Composing the Truateea of • i, ••;r•:.� . � Mj ..- �::.�"�;�.�o;.F•�► �he Internal Lnprovementi Fund of ''�� the State oi Florida. � .., I .�G,� ;4:'.: ..••;�,c.; G ;4'^�t' . ;� ''' - �"% � _;•�T ". !.: . , • '+ r� � ,t \ �� , � �,ra+? r.',.. �~�.. � '` �•.Y .n ..� r \ ' �' � 0 y'�5-b P -� .... ........ ..._..-- � -...... .___._...-�--- -. , ' IdOTE : � Tne attached instrumen'� is executed in the name oF tihe Truste2s of the xnternal Imprnvement Fund, by 3 majorlty af its members. Signature oF a11 members cpuld nOt be secured by reason of absence from the United 3L'ates of t"!e ne�ber whose signature is not insc'ribed. Referenae ia mea.e ta "27.So. 2nd 524", Watson v. Ca].dwe11 in whieh thP Supreme Caurt held that a majority of the Truetees . may legally act .for the entire Aoard. - �.�. ���%-�---y �^-'° ^�-�� 1 DIRECTOR Trustees I. I. Fund � b + r ' �;�'� ,,,K'fl 15 � zs �ui I"`� - ^ � HF:.I•....:?. _... .. �li i '720943 � �.C,IN�E�IMG DIVI�Ia3J OFFICE COPY, , u.R. 8�? rncE. 9 TfQB TNU�..,�,'VTUR.E, made this 13th day oa June, 1950, between MAAS BROT�, xNC., a corporation organi.zed and existiing undar the laws oP the State of Florlda, wlth its affiae and prineipal place of bueine�s at Tampa, Hillaborough County, Florida, par�y of the fi.rst par'�, and the CITY OB CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, a muni�ip81 corporatlon or�anized and exlsting under the laws oP the 3tate o� Florida, oY Pinellas Counby, Florida, partyr vf the aecond part, ' WITN&�iBETFL: That �he said party of ihe i'irst part, for and in consideration o� the aum oP $lO.OQ and other good and valuable consldera�ion to it ln hand paid by bha �aid party of tihe aecond part, the recelpt whereof ls hereby acl�owledged� has granted, bargained, sold and transt'erred � to said party oP �he second part, lts successors and a�signs forev�r, tha� certa.in real estate situate in Pinellae County, Florida, more particularly descriQed as P611ows: Tract or Lot No. Two (2) oP ROI�IPON'S & BASKIN'S CORRLCT�D MAP OF CAUSEWAY BUSTNi�SS pI3TRZC'1', r�corded in Pl�t Sook Si , pagel Fs 2, of the Public Records oF PinelTaa County, '�E�'orida; Together with a7.1 riparian, water and otrher right� apper'�alning thQretio; LLSS and �CEpT a portion thereof descrlbed as � follows: Beginr�ing at a point on the Soutih boundary oP said plat 137.16 �eet 1•lest oP the '�fest boundary oP Trac� or Lo� No. 1-A oF said plat; '�hence run N. 4 4g �• 4$° �r1, to the 5outhern boundary of Tract or Lot No. 3 aP sald plat; tih�nce x�un Wesb along tihe Southern baundary of sa.id Lot or T�act Ma. 3 exxended, 32 Teet; thenae run South approxlmately 218 i'eet to a point an the South boundary oF Lat No. 2 of said p1St 169.16 Peet West oF•the l�est boundary oP said . Lot No. 1-A; thence East 32 �ee� to the point o� bep;iruiing; which ea3d parcel; as excluded from thi$ aonveyance, sha,ll be used by said grantor 'as a rlght of way Por ro2d purposes to aFford ingress ar.d agress, by padestrlan and notcr vehicle tra�fie, to Said Trac� No. 3 of said � plat. v� } 5..(.q.(, � o: (-� L Ci rl I U,�► � � DqCUM�NT y raMP rax z � � ,A1i115'37 t �! � .y a U = 0 �•l° =O2Oi i � 90 24�� � F ��y��� , � :��� . _ R �. , ,, ' P '�,f. �. l � O.R. 7iG7 PdGE �Q TO FWVE AND TO�HOLD the a#'or�sald real esta�e herehy conveyed in Eee simple forever. This oonveyance is mada specifically condiiioned on and 'subject �o �ha restrictlon against the use of the afore- said desaribed property by the City of Clear�•rater, Florida, its suecessors or asaigns, For any purpose whatsoever except � mator vehie].e parkl.ng, right of• way, or park purposes, 1n , perpe�uiby. 3hould '�he sa3d property or ariy part thereof at any bimE hereafter be usad �or any purpose other th2n a.s expressly stiated above, or shauld the said prop�rty cease to be used for either motor vehicle parkino, =i.�ht oi tray, vr paxk purposes, or all of such p,�.�oses, then the fuXl fea slmple title ta the aParesai.d praparty shall automa�icallq rever� tio and vest in the grantor, its successors ar assigns, freed and di.scharged From a11 rights, privileoes and uses aonveyed hereby. By the acceptance nereof, the gran�ee, ior i.tself and its successors and assigns, hereby covenants �vith the grantior, its successors and assigns, that it �vill noz make sa].e of any propexty presently awned or herea�ter acquired by the grantee lyi.ng contiguous to and lJest of the property herei.nbefore deecribed, nor wi7.]. i� permit any develapmen� of any ldnd or �he erectian of any buildings on said land or any paxt �heraoP, in perpetiu�.ty, wi.thout the orior written consent of the grantor, its succes�ors or assigns; i.t being intended hereby to prevent the extension of the t�lestern boundary line oF sald prapertY, by fill or otherwise, so as tv prevent, in perpetul.ty, �h2 arection of any buildings o� �he conduct oP any busS.ness activity of any charac�2r beyond -2 - �,, _ a. •, . ,,.; . F.: •� , :� .F ' 7. � �• �.; .. y�• I" "�' ;: ,. � 0 � � ; o.�. J�7 PA� the present �ite oP �he eeaw�ll which is the Westex�ti boundary 7.ine of the property hereby conveyed. The sai.d grantee, Por it�elt and i�s sucoeseors and .l assigns, by �h� acaep�ance her�oP, daes herebY t'ux�ther coven- an� wi1�h bhe gran�or, i�s succegscrs and as�iBr�a, tiha� bhe Br'antee �ri.11 no� make a,qy sala nar perm�� a,n,y use oP the . P�Perty herein .conveyed to th,e grentee excep� tihe u�ea epec�.Pically au'thoriaed herein, and in �he event there ls a breaceh ar violatlon of �a�.d eovenan�, the ti�le to sai.d l�nd shall a.u'bomatiaally reverb to ti►e gran�or, its succe�- svrs ar ass1S�, as hereinbe�ore prov�.ded. IIV WITNF�S �pg, tihe said party oP the Pirs� pax►� has oaused �.tis name ta be_ signed and �.ts corporate seal tio be hereun'�o at'fi,xed by its preper officers thereun�o authori,.�ed, the d8y a,nd year above written. Signed, sealed ar�d delivered �q,p,s $�pg in the p�esence of: � 8y.�_� - est: . �, INC . .: .: . .��l�.'. ._" - � fj��s�.aens • ; •� - • ec, • �axy � � - . �°: --.. 3TATE OF FIARIDA � . . . � . . COUNTy pk' F�y�BpROUGH 3 . I HF�EBY GZEiTIi�Y tha� on �his 13eh da oP Ju � �9�0, b�fax�e a�e, the undersigned auth�ri y�'; p�r�onally p- peared M. S. STSIN and K. D. RZPPEY, ovho are fe�own to me to , be respectively the Pre$iden� and �he Secretaxy o� MAqg BRpTHRRC, �C., 8 corporat�on, and the peraons whp eaecuted tihe Poregoing instrument �s such of#'icers, and aclmawledged �� me tha.� they executed the same as such offlcers as and Por the �c� arid deed oi' said, corpor2tian by au�hority duly ve�ted in the�n for the uses and purpdses �t�erein expressed. And the said K. D. Ftippey; �he Secretary op said co Purther acta�owled�ed �hat the sea�, a.f�#'ixed to sa�d instr�unent �,,,. is the genuine seal o� said corparation and was thereunto af- ,r�'�_`'• �';:,?�x�a by hiat by due authority. � ^ �-.�:::.'r•i•. 4lITN'�'..SS � hand and off�cial seal the date a.foresaid. . , ±, 4 • ,>', ..;:7�: . �:� .� - �r$r"o�ni.ssi,on Expires; • �` . � : ^, � }, t�' � C� • , � ��j-� , � 3 �: �� Sta�e oP Florida at Large . � ' • ., :s��� . - ' ::���. . _�_ . � � ::,� :; � .. ; . , ��r �'' . �.. .i. . :� i � . ;� . • -.- � . � i :�� , : 'i � . � ♦ � O,R G�So PdGEb�� ���� ,��������� ,.. �,--.o.,,r ,� �,� w �... �-..�.�, .�,,..,..,��..,, q7w�rw� r�rd M.:w. Ne w� Ne �i.(..Isr w�uMv . �YCO��MY P�In M�i/N ai ��i�liN P�w �e�0: K AaY iwlluM W P�w"Md Na 1�! w rtwfuWr; IN u�� � a y/r�Jr� /A�aN drLW� n4 /eed..r: ud. J�. w w•�• • e.' �Aeu r.e/..d. ae� rAr ..ra nenw dr�e.(a.d Y� .. �... ; Jlfac�e Lltfs �� �` day aJ �ctober .1. D. 1.9 65 Bet�+��en ALk'RE� P• �+�KALL and 7ESSIE C. MARSHALL, his wite, , o the C�unty a/ Pinellas and State oj Florida , P2r� �f t� ��t p�' and GITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, a Florida municipal corporation, • -� . , oj the Cour+.ty nf Pinellas arul SEate o� - Florida party of t7r.s secpnd part, �TYtixl���th� �t � ydya pdrGy'pf ihe fErst pdrt, for and in consid�ratian of t,h.e Sum. of One and n�/100-------------------^---__.__----------- -DoZlars, . in hand paid by the saad parEy of the seco�.d par'i, �h.e recetp� wh.ereof is lzereby acknow� �d�ed, ha�a rem•ased, relea.sac� and quiEcla.irnad, atnd by L1LESe presents does remise, r�Leasa and quitc7,cci�n unEo �h.e said pa.rty of the second part aZl the rtight, tiEle, in�erest el,dim dnd de�na�ad which �iae s�uG pa.rty nf' the flrat pa.rd laaa in and to the following d,�scribed Zot , pLece or parc�L of Zaasd, siEuate lyin� and bsing in �� Count,y of Pinellas St�f,e of Florid�, to tuit: Any and all lands, Whethex uplands or submerged lands, lying and extending West vf the Wast bovndary line ui Lot "B" a� SUNSET CDURT SUBDIVY510I�T, aeeording to .map oz plat tBereaf. recorded in Plat Book 21, page 74, Public Ztecords af Pinellas Couiity. Florida. K A H � "'7 x �w °v"'-7� Gq� rvn x b .-"7 �',r O rP� r.r?t• ' -STATE�FFLORIDA . � "-" I�� pOCUMENTAa" S�A�1P TA>: � R`, � p ; NOY�1'SS = � • . a �, = �".� �030= . CO.�?�C4LEp � ' P.6.�9o�ze . �o �ave ��a to� xo�a � swm.e, iog�th�eT with all wnd . sin�ul�r t.h.e �yppurf�n�n.ces t.h.ereunta belon�'ing or is+. an��e appertaining, �nd cilZ t•h.e eatate, right, ti�ls, in•teresL �nd ��i� wlr�tsosver of the accid pdrdy of t7aP f�rst pa.rt, ei.ther in Zaw or equity, to tlze onl�/ praper use, beneftt. a.nd behoof of the said paa'ttJ pf � seeond part. � dPitness �'hereof� tiie a�id P�� of � 1�"st Pd� ��reunta set his Ir,dnd and seal t.he d,a.y a.nd year fLrst abwe wrciten. Sipn �Seale sad elivered in Our Preeence: �• ' r';�1 �� �� ��� ) �L� u A fred P. Marshall�j • � �,�� /V al•' � Jessie C. Marshall S#.�te of Floxida, � Gounty o!. PINELLP.S I HEiZ�BY CETiTIFY, That an this day personally appeared before me, an of�t.cer duly authorized to ad�nr.riister oaths and take acknowled�m.err.ts, A�fred'�'. Marshall and Jessie G. Marshall, his wife, .! known to b� the person.s described in and w)�.a executed the /are¢oin.g t and they ackn.awled;ed�b%re me that they Ttie sam.e fr�cly and vol.untar�.l.y jor the purposes therein ezpressed. ;SS »'+�I/ hand and a�'LciaZ scaZ at Clearwatex �� : Pinellas , an,d Sta•te of Florida, tluis .7� tober .q. D. 1965 . � �� .'1'ot(ir� ��•l�ZtiC o�ar.y� �°pb�ie. 51a1e al Flar�da al lar .1� C.Um,tn.icei3O» ���►�[�FiBn°.�...��e�9. 19n y P.n^.(1�•t� P•• hm�ricdn Su��lv Gn 01 N. :=;;•_ execuL�d : �•, : � � :�. QRITj� ' : Courr.Gy :� .r�•� ;day.•aj.:� . �'r � j ,: �. ���•�S � � .^ � ,• � � � • •a m 0 �� �7 � � � ���� � �� �a ',,�' � � �"�7 � I �������� e �; � .�, - ���5. � �� • �� � �� W � � � ��� ������� � _'� 1�����e��� ����� .� .�" � ° �`�� v .� � : � ,o .� �� �,�5� � � ��e� � ���� � : =�v� �� e�� � ����� � � � �� � w u M�roncr sx � sa : b � Y � . , •� l , Cf TY OF • CLEARWATER arao ►na�irr PINEllpS CO., FLA. LEGEHO .� ■J 2nn 2ne z�an 286A 2868 287A Z9SA 2958 298A MATCFI SHEEi am bo im w o m mo ti' • iow ME 1 /4 OF SECTiON 1&-295-15 E � nnr►n G4/25/95 16 29 15 OpOpO 120 09p0.00 •HUILDINQ S 3p0 FUND SOURC ---ACQ . METHOD PURCHASE —PURCH� PRICL 0 ---INSIIRED YAL� 0 APPRAI SAL-- ���� 1.$4 VALUE- I.D. 0051 BAY FRONT TENNxS CRTS & PARK�NG LOT #1 LOCATION 3Q7 CLEVELAND ST SUBDIVIB. M & S 12/p9 LAND USS 7-23-93, CENTRAL SUSINESS DISTRICT PLAN 04/18/32� DECL SURPLIIS- QSL FSSED VAL-- O�$R DEPT - 0 APPRAISED-- SIIRVEY PASSIVE FARK, METERED PARKTNG, TENNIS PARKS, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING ---CLERK ATLAS- FiLL # � PAGE LESSEh 12-019-00 2$6S 800k Type-Sook/Page----- DE-668 /4p9 ' OWNSR FQND LQCAL ZON�NG-- 9Q1 - GENERAL FIXED ASSET GROUP OF ACCOUNTS 2720 RS8 RESPONSIBLE DEPA�ZTMENT�--- RESTRICTiONB/REVLRTI�RS pARKS SEE COMMENTS. OWNER OF RECOR�-- CLEARWATER, CITY OF P O BOX 4748 DTSPOSTTION CLEARWATER, FL SLLLER THE HANIi OF GLEA_RWATFR CODi�lENTS RESOLUTION 79-5, RECORDED IN OR 4813, PG 475: THAT AREA LYING BETWEEN PTERCE SOULEVARD AND THE SEAWALL AND NORTH QF PIERCE 1U0 CONDOMZNIUM, ALSO ICNOWN AS "SMTTH'S FINGER," AND METES AND S�UNDS TRACT �45-2, BEING THE N 20FT OF THE EAST 225FT OF SAID SMITH'S FINGER LEGAL FRQM T1dT OF S R/W OF CLEVELAND ST & W R/W OF OSCEOLA AVE RUN W 320FT (S) FOR POB TH S 50FT(Sy TH W 1U0 FT(S) TH SW'LY 125 FT(S) TH W 46p FT(S) TO SEAWALL TH N ALG SEAWALL 10b FT(S) TH NW'LY 15U FT(S) TH NE'LY 40 FT (S) TO RD R/W TH SE'LY 14Q FT(S) TH E 530 FT(S) TO POH LESS 60 FT R/W FOR RD CONT 1.84 AC (C) End of Report 04/25/95 � I.D. 16 29 15 OOOQO 12p 0900.02 LOCATION � -BUILDxNG SF ACREAGE---- 0.00 BUHDIVxS. FUND SOURCE JUST VALIIE- LAND USE ----ACQ. METHO ACQUIRE PLAN ---PURCH PR�CE DECL STJRPL[JS- IISE 0 ---INSURED VAL ASSESSED VAL- IIFER DEPT 0 p ApPRATSAL APPRAISED- SURVEY 0 FTLE # I PAGE LESSEL 800k Type-Book/Page - / O�I�TER FUND LOCALE ZQNINC� RESP�NSIBLE DEPARTMENT-- RESTRICTYONS/REVERTERS OWNER �F REL'OR� DISPOl3ITIOIJ SELLER COMMENTS DEED NO. 22686-A, IS A CORRECTIVE DEED FROM THE TRUSTEES OF THE INTERNAL iMPROVEMENT FUND 4F THE�STATE �F THE FLORIDA TO TH� CITY OF CLEARWATER C�RRECTING A LEGAL DESCRTPTIQN ERROR FOUND IN DB 1399, PG 619. -LEGAL - End o� Report � tnoM CORMONAl1YH . • : __ � � y--, �-� -... .�'cr.,r:s_,:::-c-.; . �- --..- .:-n�..pvson:l'a:_; �:•.••.w .a..c�a.-r•.�.���-'r+_-.=:rc_ ,�.' i �� � ; � I . � �i . . � I J' ' i `, L \ , ! , . . .�a4:4.•l o �o �s� PA�Eno�3� �'Gi� 7�iibe�ituce, .A/arla Ghls_._.__ 18th.--•-�--.•--.rZnU o�_.---APri._1__ _.....- -•--•- --•• �7. !7, YA.�2._, U1.2'IN'Ii1:X xh0__BpT1k_ Of ClOax•w4�9Y`. _.., ri ourpnraLfnrt. e.eiartind tcneler the lasva af Eha SEak aj.._._F1o]eid�i..--------.__--------------- l���u��i� iEa prEsbci.��a1 plaee u� Lusireass irn Lha Cot�r�tv af----. ��..i1fi11E�.A4.----------------°•u�eed Siala uf.-•---•--•��-QI_ [jt1-•------------------� �4�-e� of i��e /�re� �.re, n•wL_�'h6�...Si�y---�f_Sr].aetra�at.�]r.---s.._�in�i� .t1c------•._.__•------• ivl�naa (�cr•r��ancuE.arldress ia ��.����.�3'v-----------•---• ---__..• ....�--------�.r __._.. •--�-----•------ y af the L'aecn6� of pinolld 9___.__�. anrl Studa nf---�lorida :---w _.._....._._---------� pai•E...Y.. of dho secaul parE, �{ICI1C"��CC�� 1"haE W�a aaitl prar6J ef tJae Jir•s6 par6, f r an�l u� raue�ir7er- atiwe o} �Ae a�e.»b of_Ts�sll111ars�..sxlci...axha:e..g�od__Eind---Y.slu�bla--- anald:e2z�t4,i�olns 6u iG tn hnna )�ui�E, 6lea rcoeip6 wharu�j ia /+araLJ ncA:ieaeaLa.l�r�d, /iris �r.uelrrl, Grer;*ui �ul, Kul�L, nlic.vr�L, remise�l, �•�dcasad, conuayetb a�ud eari/tr•���ad. aiud L� U�eae r�rasu►fa du[/d �r.wi6, Lecr�e in, asLl. aLien., re- ' � � � � _ f � � i s 911CC999 r misa, relaase, earave and ean rm ie.ntD W� auicE Qa•6 a 6ha seaaerl �r6 and--- _....-•..-•..-....._--4w� L¢'d'eC an�L ass�jiies farevar, ald 6ha6 cer6alre p.a+cel uf �ra�ud LyIa� u�ul Leing ia 61�a Gorer�GW u� Pj.A�17.�5_.._,-----_..�..,.��iu�L SEcaLa n! �'].orida _._.-•---- ---., no�ro ��artiatcLrsr•Z� ._.---•-- --�-•..--._._._�..�..- ----•- rtasa�•iLect us faldvew: BaEinnir�__�t _a_ppint whera the �.'oa� fe�aa ].lna (or anid llno ext�nd�d Southorly) oP 1:he old retaining��senwall�iii� r�ectis��2xe So •iaa�� � ' ��.. �� � • I � � i ! � i i ; � � � � lin�---op-'tti��C�-1��ry'��il���--�hvrc:z•-praparl:yr---in•-£1e�x�wntc�t*--- �ar�. n;--•run � thanca__.Na�L'harly...�rx.���o.--�1e�'I�°�aicular_ta, the__con�er liie oi' C1ev�land ' Stroet in anid Ci�y 178 Paet more or lo�s to tlia ��outh if e�of �saiii��Clave� lend�"3trv'a't; -tlrenco-i''esbe�ly'-a-long--�a�id--3outh--llno-of••��a•i -G�,�vo�And..Str�� 493_.9..fe4ti�nora__or_,l.ese _to__a �oint_ W11era s�id 3ou�h_lina P' 9aic] Glevalan� str6eb intQreaaba t�'►e �Sag�% �'�ao �inQ ot ��tio nevr nenvitill"-e� "LericToB'"No'"r1ih, • thsnco..9anBhax'iy-�e3:�olt�--attfd•-]3as4-r--�e86 13ne•-of--snl�l-•nuw.-.�a r��.�..a.-1'7�9.�Z- ieei mora, ar lass'ta tha South line of bhe praper�y aP aaid Ch roh, thanco �as+ erly'alaiig--sei����� proparG'q�lina "o3"""aaitl—Ctiurcii"448-'�'� "t'Siia`H�""iS]�"'I'e�o i . Fo�.n�--•of•..begl�i•r+�r-r--ea� je•c�t��l�a_--xight�.._of...�ho ._Cityraf-.G c�a��zat�sx �_Ltyr t] t►'e:�i: p�rtion th�reoP_ as set forth�Pully in .thn� corL'eiri ontrect batwaen snld Cii:y ur��sa�.d CY►urc"�'d'a�ed"1Vovambo'r 'lg----IQ3o4r�Piinat ieral:flcc�i_.cr�L•rial 29.-°If�30---- nd-•x�oaord4d••-in-nec�d-•Recond--�t41�,---•P�8 . r A Clvrk, a_C tha Circ�itt Coiirl: in e�ncl .L'or Pine].ln� Co�in�y. Fl r.t�la (Tha ! ..... ..,._--------�---•------�.. ..-- - ----- pro�nls�a haraby convt+yo� az e�iound�ii'"ori""�iie �ilorL'fi"'t5y "Cle`� '1ari rbf, I . ° nn�--on--5��-3ottGtr--b�--�he-.-C�•t�-1'-�xsk.-�-----_••-----•-----------••--•_-•-------------- -------------_.... � t�0�8[�C[ Tuidlr adE Ll�a Lci�einaials, 1►erneli.6a.merads an�1 ap/•���•��+�+�cav, iui�7r. an��• priuila�a, rd�/+E. Lie6a, inLe+•es6 rsrwE eslute, rouerasian, rci�e[�Ender ��ae<d cnsa►ue�i6 tha•e[o Lelu�a�ln6 6r• n l�n�/�aiqr. nNprsi� C ' Lui..�i�er: �LO ]�i111C t11111 t0 I�pIU 4ha eram.e dn /oa eG�eyle fu�euer. . ..a • � .�Lrecl 6hc ani.�l YarEy nj W►a �irs6 pard•duElr caue�aa.��6 �ni.11� [)�e sairl ��rerE_y._ o/ lf e rer.a�uZ �arE 6ht�6 I td !s bseuf�ally er.{xes a/ tha raid praweisra; 61uaL We,aJ are fr•ca oj nl6 i>en�einGin.nr.r .�enrl 61�nE iE h�i� � , �*urui rt�hE and lara/u6 aullwrlEU to celi tlFe sai��a; mn�l fi7�a sulrt purLq uj !hc /irsE prarE dnar harelry I fra6Ly iu�arrant dl�e Lilda Eo aatd Lnnd, ai�eb wil6 rl�%aul tJie ea'u�e a�ui�earE 6Ha ln�ufal 14lms of ad6 per� srrme tah.umeoeuer. ✓l[Lr.R�: � �n �diftnes¢ �Gcrcof� L/�o 8ail� J4X�l�111�Y1�•� �kl� /1(10 uLUr1uT ' 6leeare preea�at�r Ln Ga si�ne�l i�+ i/.x n.e�.rg {y eG� �gx�cr:nE, a�ecl ita . w�pararn sea.l lo La rr/J1.rr.rl, rctl�:v/���7'�U i��.•- -�Cu�l'a1.e37�!--•-•-- - d . dlea duJ nnrd•,year nlwra �w•tElan•. ,� _ � � . � �' - : . ; . (Co,pora6e , "= _ i � '• : ' i �: � ; 1 J . • i � � scdt� - ° � ...._ T�- i3A1�6. q�. : c. �ry ;� ,, '�_ � • ., n��L�t.�.._..----�------- -•---------- • • ca i'o'r-� ---� -- " e[.._-- -- � �- �� ��;�� ...:. ,,�:_. ,. ! e����6,c:. _-. � ,- -- �--.: )'� �� /t�� _ C?xuc�i4lv� Vi q- . Prx.vi�la+E. Slar���E, Sraadr.cE icni6 %!r(evu'erE L�r Or�r lh•r�ranca: -•--•..... �_ 4 . --. ._...-•__---- --- ` _.._.... c�i�� --••---•...__...•--.__....----•- i 1 ' � k•r.:s:,rr�-.=*mcvr.^r• rc�-s�xae���c��F...¢rc��=..m.,^,--.,'�.�¢•••^:xa-�:..r•-_T=�-.,-,_-_:.-. -� -- ... -I_ ,*�r9_�a-�e�•.'--�:�:'`. � _ �. i " l� I I • i , ; Ii j i � + . � . • •. i-. . � ,' ; � � �. ' �' � ` '. : � � , i� .� I i i a � ;� . 'i . II ' � i 1 i �� , � � '1 � f � , � ' ;�: � o��u Ei6B PAG �j.� �L 1:��'�= ' j.� �.-p� �`1 i i � � � . ..._. :_ ..... ... ....... .�.. . _._.._._�-���.1 ---.. . ..---.._....._._....__ _ _ �.�.���.�,���-.������:_��..-� - - � . .. . . .--- .. 1I � , DA ! � � TZORT ---•----------• __� - ! � ; �t��te ot---•-----..--- • . .. ............------------------.....__ i rzNC�r�As i i �:o�uitp ni.--- - w..-------�-- �2 _ -•------�----- �-- iI Apri)._;..---. R. D. 19_-----•� ; � I�,�eceG�r v�ert(fZ�, 1'hn6 o,�-t/�ia__.._18th ___--dr�� of•---------------- - • . -•---- . . � I � H�vlr a ' U /1 � W --°-•-�---.11.1aG1_ •--• .---°A.AS.....___..--------- y ."���...—���. I � Lafuru»icperuu all re�icru•crl--...•�•---..x----- L�x9c.tt�3.Vd ��rQe . 1 . � � ------•� �'c:�NacLiue y NrosidonE anrl.---_..�� ��----- , � � xwx __...._--_••. --......--•-•-----••-•---------•-------------_..- � _7'.i1e._�aTl� _5��.'_ �ca..�H:d`-°--!`—�----•------•---•--••-°------�"..-----•-• a ca��o�•atlorv u�uler t7w lawa • ; ��� _�Q •d _ . ! _ . � �,/ il�o Srr,eu a/_ ..I�1ox:i�iu._�______________., Eu nro 1e��u�e��d lu La ELe ��a�•aure� dcae+•iLeel tre. anrx �ul�o e.�e- : : � . Tha Cit o� Cla�r�•raL•dr, a muniai�ality----_•--- ;* aulr�! N�n jurr(��tn� rr�iuhypcnra lo-•-°-°----.. •-°-ii••• ._...•- -••--.•-•-•-"-••• -- ----"•°.-•--•----•-' I i �in,f urrr.�/h� u•kn..u•Ir�l.�, il N�r. r.reculi�m lhrrr.��/ �i� br- Nu•ir frra urG nnd �lrr�l 1�a yur+h u//i�r�•e, �,�r Rha � ,� ��.+: ��r�ul pr�Y/,r. .a [hrrrin nuvilio�+a�l; rind f./u�E !/ieJ n/)Lrr�i Lhci•aLu Lha rr/ffcit+L deaE u/ enirE ew•pw•e�- :�; •�er,n� a�r�,/le�..r 'Sl irias[rran�enE in Ehe aa6 a�erL deed oj BaLel c�r��oraliun. i . : _. • -. � C1 nrw�rLor , .• - `� �LIICIIE� »c// aiyittttnro wntl o�jtaZal a�cnL aE_w..--------t?.°------•--- �-----�°-•°-------•----�--�--------------- ; . � . -. . ti T�`loriQa • � � I iid�/I�e. fJuhi�iJ j.�_ 1.' �,llze.11H �..�-•--___.....__....__.antd Slcc[a oP---- •---------•-•---•---•--------•-------•------�-- ; � !ka dnJ mnrl pe ar Iusi ra/aresui�L. � . li \ � � 1 ' . . � � I� Im � � � �^ "n �r � � ^' � �- ^� :1 m r•i C7 v I �2 �, �1' f " �T'� �,o � '+1 � ; . � =.1 � �;; ti ,, I . ;; � ,�•. ' � ; (�'' ���j �S .: � .,�= �� . �� "t {; i.l r. � Ci� -`i , � � � � -� u - �,��' � ��I ��� S- ( � � -� ;. ►� � � � r� . '{,) �: r.: . � � •• I - • i ~U"' �^ 1 ' P '� +r �1 1 �r • � r • � �; - C- � - �y _ I _.- '�' 1 • i• / ' 1:] l `-1 . , � Y1I 1 l.1_� - n !'��� i� .' '.:.' :ill 1' ::1 C� a� d �; � c- � � "' x L: j / 'ti [] �y Y 1i � � . . C'� � ' � �, �' ' �l G i �' ; • . . I. � � � � � ✓" � r � � � I � � � � , f. . .. . . .... �Si--��-']3' ..-_.:iv'i5ac�'�"IaKS�'=..��SSii-.�= �I�!:�i�:'�Jwa`�l: �------�-`�:-� � _�_.1'_l� �.- •- -�srat� 'i: � .. . . .i � -' 1 � 1.:� . . . �. . . - -. , .. . � I �� p � � � � �n :ro '9 � � H ! � � �. I y �� I � ._ � � 1 d �� . � C ; G� N � � .: ;� 1 ~I � O � I i � Ij ,_� _ I.__. �.'. I 1 � � i i I� i i`• ' 1 � � i � � .. �1' . 1 I � . ' � . . I��f . � �� • � � � � I` �i, �' � I � � �° ;:ti ' � i" '� � � �I� _•'��ya !� "� I s n� 'x . .' 1�. . �-1 Ic � 'L : o � a ') ,�n.� ui ' a• � `' F'� ' "' A • ' I � , :n a � n g�.� jx . . ;W � i � � •"� � .. { fl I{ r�1 9 1`�' I �n • r: 7ry 1 d x�/ �wW .. � 1 1 i+ � ■ . �w jc� � II . - � . � ;�: � m �, � . _ {�� ►i ^ � � .� I ', �)` i ' , ' � , � . �� � � . -. . .� � . � .. . . ^i; `�usCa�� : °: i-�+r.l"�- �3�lTG�i:�a.''•�...` ::3:t�1 ! L'J � l :. ; � ' � . I i �, . f , ... � I`�� � n ° �:a � i. � � - � �.- . �- <<�� �r�tu����r��s oz� mt�r z�v`l'1?RNAl.� 7:MPlZOVL'�1T.�:N2� rvran oz� �rru: s�r�����: ar�� I'LOt{IllA � � ' n��:,n rro. 22G�6-A COIt[tEOTIVE . KNUW ALL MEN SX `r}�L5� PRE3k.NT5: That; tihe underslaned, 1;he 'rru�l;eea of th� rnterna]. xniproven�ent C�.ind of the Stiate a� I�loxidti� unde� authori.ty of lavi, Tor and 1n cunsideratlon of tlae alnn of `P�m m�d Oq/100 Aollara, and other good and valuable conslderations, tihe amoun� to them �.n hand paid :fox� original Deed No. 22GE36, recelpt whereof is hereby acicnov�ledged, have �ranted, bar�ained and sold, and do by th��e preaents grant, bar�a.in, eell and oonvey, unto the CITY OI� CL��tWATF,R, a munici- pal corporation oP the State of Blorida, �nd� its suceesaors �.ncl e,'s�igna, the �ollowin� de�cribed lanci, to�wit; A p�.rcel or �ovez•eipn land naw �ill�cl i.n SenC�.on 16, moW��r�a.� 2� Sout:h, Ft�'�n�e 15 I'.as1:, Pi.nellaQ County, I�lorida, uioi�c: partt- cu7.ax 1y described as Soll.owa :'. , Co�iu���noe ab thQ 5outhe�st corn�r of Alock A o#' J, !;. Da.vey Subdivlsion, as recorcied in P].a1: Dook 1, �.� Page $'T; I'ubli.c iiecoi de of ]1i11nborou�h County, lalorida; th�nce run Wes� alang th� �aou�harly baunclary oi' ;s�.�d Dlack A, g3'j fe�L, morQ ar les�, to a po1.��t1; nn tihe conare�e 4eawa].z, which pa�.nt� �.s 2650,o f'e�t, more or ladg, WesC o.� ancl 7.510 PeQ4, more or less, 5outh o� 1:he Nor�heaat Corner o� :sa�.d Seotion �6; tihence North 3° 33' 1��s�, 17�•55 feet a:lor�6 said oeaw�ll fo7r tho P,Q.Ii.•; thence Narth 3° 33' �eC, 20•Q4 fee1;; thence West 22h.214 feEt; ther�oe S�uth 20.0 �'eet; 1:hence l:ast: 225.o fee� l:o Ch� Y. 0. B. ' Containing 0.1� �cres, morn or les�. . 2'hl.9 deed is •�SranL•ed �ubjeat ta the falloi�ing p�o- vialone mnd reeervations: ].. PIiOVTDEll, HOWCVSR, any thing herein to the conL-rary naL•w�.L•h- r�ta�ncl:l.n�, tlris d�ed is �iven and granl:ed upan the expresa oondit�.on subsequen� 1:ha�L th� (ixan�ee herei.n or iL-s succ�s�orFi and aa�igna 'slza.l]. never aell ox co���vey �r lcaae tihe at,ovc de- �or7.b�d land or ariy par� thereof to any private pex•�on, fix�� or, corparatl,on Por uny pr�.vate use ox• purposc, it beln� �h� lnl:entloii of this rentrlcCion that rh� sald land sha.11 he usF:r.� QoX�1y Tor publi.c purpo^�a. It i� coven�tnt;ed and tt�rr.nd l:h1L- �he above cond].tiona �ut�auqurnL- aliall run w1.th tihe l�tnd �.nd t+.ny viol�L•ion rhoranf ahall z�en�]cr Lh1a d�ed riull and vo�.d �1nd the al�ove dQperlbc�cl lancis•, :�ha7.1 � ir� �uch evEnt, x�evert � to L-he arr�ntox�u or th�ii• �uccesROra. l� �a19-r� � � "� , , . ' i - , � • • •• e ; , � . � . . � �,A e � • . � .• . . r . , � ?_. 'PIZe 'PrtitpL'.c:ea oi the Tnt�znq.l ]:mprovement I'und hercl�y a:•e,�ex•vc unl;o L-hen�:aE:lves and 1:hei.r aucces�or3 t:►.�;le to ar� undivided � tl'�x•ee-Poux�t;hs oi' a:ll �h�F�Z�haL-e, u�:Lrier��1� anci met;lls 1i�d L-ii:1= • ti� an tirulivlded one-ha'li' of a11 pet;rolcuni Chati may be ln, on ' ' , or under t;hp abave de3cx�ll�erl land w1Lh Lh� prlvilege ta !nlne and dovelo17 �he s�mc . '1'0 iIAV� AND `r0 HOLD z��:1d prem].se:s and the appurt;enance•• L'hea�eof, subjec� to Lho above meritJ.on�d piovisidna and resex�va- 1:i.ona, u�tiL'o Ch� said Cl2'Y OF' CLis'At2WAT�R, iL•r3 succe�EOrs and �.as��;nB, forevcr. _ Th�.r� deed carieat� and ¢upex�sedet+ a former deed numbez��d 226f3G betiwcen the Tx�u��:ecr� of the Intercyal Improveinent T'und as f5ran�org, and 1:he City of Clearwat•�r, a mun3.cipal corporatiion of tha SL-�.L-e of Florida, as g��.n�ee, wharein the d�scription An Aa,id d�ed inadver�tantly made reference to �tvo "points of be�].nning" . TN TESTYMONY WHLR�4F�, L'Ize said 7.'rusteea have hercun�o . • ' subscr9.bed their nantes a��d affxxed i:hc.ir s�a.l and have caus�d Lhe seal of Ti� ..•.; ''. ,•," �..' D�PAIiTMG?TT OI� A(�FtIGGLTUI�l: OF T11B SxA'1'L" ,.� ., s;'; �::� ;.:. .. .."�. . "�.;��:'�:�►' OIa T�L' ORrDA ta be hereun�o affixed ai: the ' � . ,� .ta\al� '1"'-i..'-•. � :;:;,�;' ���=; .�,; E�'•r ""', �; : Capil;ol, in t�he Cf.ty af Tallahassee, on > � �•. �, .�,•�f;.-.•� .: , r�:••�'�;� :,; �hi� I:he 9th day of M�.rch, A. D. 1g67.. ":,M � -- s `=��'' �F' �'�• . .;.: ''�.�.� '; E �. i "" �:: �'s . . +., � . • ► , r � ' . ':,:�.' �';U`�'.�1:5� :�� `� %•. � '� �'� - �.. � ��`� '•• �(.��n'�:��: ' ,,, _ � -; �': - '"'�,;'"a'• .x�x��u,Ccei�. F.Y:l�una� � ' _. ' ����`f� �.�' ;'„ .i cY Ln .�•:: . . . .. , `� ;:,:: �� � :'ti' . ' _�. i:.',;�,?';'s'�� `: , • 'i:'- :; :j:.� �xj''r �1;T�J;��"• •.. .f`�''�� .. :�.��q� :�. �� `';, :..t•',I; , ':. . • : . ':._ . : ...: : . ...� �����.- r�;, �, , .. ,� ca� ss'_. ,�;�'��:b?':•A�z'iculture �v• a�, �. • • ' ^�� „` ; � : . �... ;.�v��. ��:�: R' s' � � ° 1� � ti . f � � . .�. R• �a`.''' .�� , �..• :,�r��'�i' , �% � '. ... `nY �:i 1 4�� •��+ /.. . . . • .:;ka.�.� � � 0 � `,r'"- •. ;�t�.� �.�^}, ., ; •. • :� ... . � • i ' � ' � � ( s�:nr. ) . c�avernai �, . +� f.l'`'j� � --}��il�Cri� �---• (SI;AL) �ompi;rolx_pr � .... � Ao and Composin� bhe Trusi:�ea of • the Tnternal Tmpi•ov�nient l�und of � 1;h� St�.to of Florida. � ti�'i�:AL � (S�AL) (S�AL) 1 II �ie'• 'i � ' I � ' 4 ,l i :. t' � � s i +� . FORA1 8-GI � DCEO�i99 PAGf 6�9 . I 1 1 �Cxu�#�es v� ti�c �1nt�rxtttl �(xi��arv����re�t�� �iu�� n# #1�� �#�#e o# �IuriDtt � �,�...r-- . D�LD N0.__20Z.Q7_�__. IiNOW ALY. M�N I3Y THEHE PRESBNTB: "!'hat the under�igned, the Ttu�teea of the Internal Im- pravement Fund of the State oi �'lozida. under authority of law, for und in coneideration oY the aum of �,�e_a_ d 00 7UQ Do1.].are� _and atk�er �ood end valueb�e considerations� DOLLARS. to them !n hsnd paid by�HT..�Y� bF C�F•AAWATI�i� a muniClpa7. r.orporatlon 04 the Cauaty of_ pix�ell aa _. g}�},� oP,_ Fl.orid.e _------•_--• _, have granted, bargutned and eold. and do by these presents grant� bargain. aell snd convey, unto the said_.._.... _ _____�I��Y OF CLEARWATF.ft _____________..._and-lts eucCer�,��nd sasigna, the fallowing described lenda, to-wit: �� � iiY Lp12IbA �i +��. �� rRHq�; �} 1 �N'1 I ''� I G�, �'.V ._{.' ,u,� I �� �y � Be�].r� �t th� 5outhe�eb Corner ef B�ock A of J. R. Davey Sub. ee recordgd Sn Piat Book 1� Pe�e $7r H17.1gbarough Cau,_n�t Re-� cards, oF whiah P1ne].lae County wss fox�mer.ly a part� w�^ �henNortheset�t�r�er, af ZSec tiant16�67.'ownship829f South�utltange 1, sst, en run hen,ce Nes� al.ong the Southerly .line of said D�oak A 937 �'BE�. ��'� or .lese, �o• a poidt on the eoncrete aeawe�_1� thence North 3° 33' ��t along aaid wall 130.47 feet for Point oP Beginning� thence Norbh �° �3' E��e�'8�0 feeti; thenc�a blBat 5�0 reat; thenca South J° 33' fePt; thenae Raet 500 fe�t to the Point of Flaginnin�. Co�taining 0.92 scres� more or �ese, snd lying and being in 5oction 16� Totmshi� 29 sou�h� Range 15 ��t, p�nel..las Coun�y, Sbate af F].orids. � PROVIDED. NOW131/F.R� anythin�' here�n �o the cantrax•y notwith- atanding, thi� deed is given and g'rar►ted upon the express �►-' eonc7ltion sube�quent that tha �rantee herein or ita succeasors end aseigne.ehal.l. r�ever sel.�. or convey ar ryosse the abave de- scrihed 1end. or aryr part there�t' tio ar�y pri.vate person, firm or corporation for any privatg use or pur.pose� S.ti being �he 17ntflx�tloa af th2e raetriotion that -the s�id ?and sha'!i bR used eol.e].y for publ�.c pux�►oees. It ie covenented and agreed that the above aondibions eubsequent eha1� run with the �.anci ar�d. any vicia- tlan thereof eha7.� rendez� this deed nu11 and vold and tha abave described lands, eha?_'! un such event, reverttheirhsue�e�s°ors.Qr contt►iuing_-__ r�.�i�2 --__. _--.�_ ..,......acres, mare or lesg, and lying and being in the CounCy of pine7lc�a _� � in'said Stute of F'lorida. Tp }iAVL AND TD HOLb the sbove grunted and described premisea forever. $AVING AND IlESEItViNG unto the auid Truetees af the Interpul Improvement Fund of the Stnte a# I'lar[dn, nnd thelr aucceeaore. title to an u�divided tbree-fonrthe oi all phoaphate, minerals nnd metals, and title to nn undivided one-half oi all petroleum that maY 6e in, on or under t}►e ahove described land, with tha privilege to mine and develop the game. OTH�R ItESE�iVAT10NS: ( None ) IN TF,STIMONY WFI�ItEOF� the said Trusteea hnve hereunto suhscribed their namea apd aft(xed �;thetr'%aea! snd hava cnuead the seal of 7'HE �EPARTMENT 0�' AGRiCUI.TURPL OF 7'HE STA'f� OT' '` 24th -''�FLORIDA'to be hereunEa nffixed, at the Capitol, i�he City of Tallahassee, on thia the—_—_t__day af i. �;�n,_,_r �Octc�ber_�_� � A, D. Ninet�H hdr�ii�un _�ft�!' ___ —___: J .1'1 . /ir� ;�, �����rEf� ._ ��-�.-(���) ' '';•1::�!91i]i�' .•i• .. ... . Gav . , � � {'..�' , -------'� ���`:�..._._.....__�_..(SEAL) ($EAL) �TRUi9TEES I. Y. FUND ' !' '. . , j � i+ 'i n . (SL�'AL) '• ... DEPART&IENT� OY+' ACRYCCILTU1tL i. . ., + . � t . ' . ' �C�.e.�t��__4��_ Z�/. C ,r-�J�F-- � � ) -•-� ---- --- - �_____. SBAL A!lorneq Qeneral _ ._....._ . .. cs � Cojnmi�ner of �Agr�culture Aa and �a�posing the TStUSTLEB OF THE TNTERNAL IA VEM�Nx FUND OF TH� STAT� OF Fr.nRrn,4 , . . . . _ l�• _nl4 �.. • '�NGINEE�Iµ� oIVISION ✓d.a. �4 8� 3 PacE 4 7 5 . p�FICE COPY �9��p49 R E S O L U� I O N No. 79 - 6 A RESOLUTION OI' THE GITY COMMTSSION OF THE GITY aF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, DEDICATING CERTAIN GITY �WNED PROPERTY FOR PUBLIC PARK AND OPEN SPACE USE. a�o r.; M - F�-.�,-�':- :�: ; ���s'. � «; ,: ��a:r F% d � u _ Ci � � � '��. o a ' ,, G7 � �a JO�� :;Ri� � H � ' � 3' :J� . `n �. . �i WHEREAS, the City 4f Clearwater is presently the owner of certain propBrty lying abutting Glearwater Bay; and WHEREAS, it ia the desire of the City Comrr►isaion of the City of Clearwater to dedicate such land to public park and open space use; NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLYED BY THE CITY GpM1viISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, IN SESSION DULY AND REGULARLY AS5EMSLED. AS' FOI:.LOWS: 1� That the following deacribed proFe1tY ie hereby dedicated £or public park and open• space use for the use and benefiti aE the citizena oi the Gity of Clearwater, Florida: That area lying betw�en pierce Houlevard and the Seawall and North of Pierce 100 Condominium. also kncvvn as Smith's Fingex", amd metes and bounds Tract 45-Z, being tise North Z� feet of the East ZZ5 feet of said Smith's Finges• �, The City Clerk is herelay directed to record thie Resolution in khe public Records of Pinel3as Gd�tYr Florida. 3� This Resolution shall become eifective immediately upon its adopti.on. . pASSED AND ADOPTED this „ lat day of February, A.D. 1979. � h •"•.,, Mayor- om:niesioner . ;� •. . ;;jr, .; . .. . _ •; ,. Atte�r:� . c•` ��� � �� �yr Clerk • � ��� .ea,. ., • � . , ,. ;a'��%%j �"��'��. ''= `1 - �!',�� �. � ^1 �::�� CI � 0 �rC •�_... 1 :;l : ,�ur .—_ ✓ ,� .� i'� 1...�_......�RA y_1 ,� `r-' � ; � '"� ; � � �_ 6+� � ; :� ` • � N • " � �� � .� � �. � W 9 U� : � w - ': ,� r ,' :. . ' . �; .. . . .` -- ° - �.. � F � � ;� � ': . � � d _.._ .. _._..'. ' fi'o Ccrw��� , . .��•�e[�wis.nr,r3•e,•sne•s.F..rr�•�w p QEE0�418 PAGE 23 � � � 3 � °' � f �DQ ���g�9 � � �� . �� day of December " A. D. 1552 .MQde th�a 1 �Jtll � Bet3veen A. W��� ��TI� and EVA �. 3MITH, hn�band and Wife, of ihe County of Pinellas �� ��'+�$ �f Florida parties vf tha j6�st Aart, and CY:'!.' �3k� ��:�:�1+W'A;'l:l�y F''11TI.:,�� CC�::l�v FLORIA.'l, a ttuniafpal Corparation j i�� �`tdtd i� P'�.Gt��d� , �` "'�'�" ' ' ..�.�'�e��as�'���� ��.e �aifi�F iif f ��e�s t�a e1�e �et��Ey vi �iitiella� �d �� party of the aeaond part, W1tII['.88Bt� that the sa�d partie� of th� Jdrst past, fvr and iri considerativn of tice sum of Ten Dallars and other ,�avd and valuaQ��w� �ra��on-- to them in 1+.a�ed paid, ths receipt whereof is hereby f ranted, bar�sad�ed, sold, aliemed, r��sed, redeaaed, enf�ofi�. ovnveyed a�cd can- aEien, rem�se, reEsas�, firnred a�ed by these preae�ats do �ra�at, b���� ae°a�nc� art and dta auaaea- en�eoj% conve� �d canjdtm u�ato the sazd party f n p�d bei�.g sta the sora and aasi�ns forever. alZ �luat aetta.i�s P� S�ts �o�rida. t►bore partiauLarly County v� Pi�ellas deaeribed as follows: • He�in at the Southeast aorner of B�OC� �A~ @�����gi�lst�or���► gUBDxVi3xON as reaorde� fn P1aL Book 1, Pa� � a ar� Cot�nty Reaor�ds, oP wh3ah Pinellas County was ioe�uerly P , and �n thence ��n� o p��QtM�ddle o!'rconcrete�sea�walli��henae g37 Peet to a po North �°33'00" East along concrete sea-wall 130,47 feet or point oF beginnin�; thence Hartb 3°33'00" East 2D.l�ne�of� thence South 87�3Q�24" �ast 32.2 feet to �esterly Pierae Hvule�ard; thence alonSouthuX °27�1$°QEa�ttX9n128�g��, Westerly line, chot�l bearin� ��•� 19.13 feet and radius -�24.63 t'eet, thenae West_37.86 feet to point oi begi.nning. �� Tooether with and 3neluding all riparian r3.gh�s appe�taining thereto. • - ' ' . � m . o _ - k . . TO et.her w�t�. ait t�e ten�menta. ia�redatamenta and appur�enaiaeea, with sva p�'�zlBge, sd�ht, tdtE�, interest a�ad estate, dower and rl�ht of dower, revers�an. rem.�ainder �nd easem.ent Eh�reto belo�a�sim¢ or in anywia� appertabn�at�: To Have and to �[o�a� ats�rt ao e� co enant urich the sdid party vf Rnd tFae said p�rt�.eg of aei.aed oJ the said premiae�, Lhat the�/ are the second part that they are Zawlr�y ood ti ht and dawfui autleority jiee o/ all incumbrance. and t1�at they ha+►� $ � to aell Lhe same; usad tieat said part ies of t�� fitst part doth haTeby fu%d�/ tu�rra�at the Litle to said lan.d, and wiil dejend the same agadnst ihe dawf:cE ciaimar oj alL persona 7vhamaoever. , �n Witness «iereof� the said part ies oI �s irsE part i+ave hereunto aet thei.r hands and aea� the day and ysar above writt�n. 5i��, Sea:ed aud Delirered 'un Our Preeences .i � ,; = i • .�.f �6// � r-� / / ,. Z ,.-�- [� �,�w�,. - — �.��i � � _� � � I I i i , � �. � . ,: 'K r. ..�. ,- .. �'� 8 . -.9o-�r '-25-73 � � .._ — �• --�.,.-.__ .. - ,�'- ._.- ..r.•.�...�... .� . , .. :. -. ...., . . . ...._i...._.._i.:.r.s� � � � ` �4_ . \ . � CR/IDS—lGvZ � I—�2—�I � � �L 12-29'cb0 , �. � . Q� �o�Z-�2 __-- --- , � -------•-------� "�jeea' =�^�7_�f0-2�-52_ � ��—i 4 ; ; V�sGATEG 0� 99�7B4��C�U��A r . �+ YCITY aFCLCARYV'ATCR Q12 1104-P270 j?-14-61 - � ' ,` _- --- • � ., �O sh9/Tli� r 0���.?3 a::? 3-I� -Co! ..� � i - - - - �'- � pi2 �Yl-Z9✓ � 7-IS-� . . I. � E 1— _— ---- --- — -� . - .—. . , .� � I a to� 8n-ss4 o�e B7B �32 1►-r2-SZ � -3 � Dg /13G'SL5 3�1'S�CoI; ��' � � ��- �8 32 �; � e`.t' � � � ^ � � yt �S • � ` ~ GR IIa�'P26� 3-24-G� � � Q� ' �ti� 0�2 I139- P 17Q 4-17-b1 �� . A'� . ; - _ ,� � Yy — i� ' • — � � � , 'L . �� OR IIJ6•544. 3�fS Qr1: � — — — — — — — � , i � .. . � � l; � i � � �:r� r . ti 0 0 , . •.; . , . � . . . , . . .. ' '� ti . :^..�1e:��� �'S''.i^ir�.:��`4.�' �!RS:�:?�lc:�n�.Fa9c:.��Ts.�:'��MKx.aa'' s:•y a ,..��..�, , .ri � . . � . • , � . , . , r . � . i ' � • } I �.�L' F ;`� . I �G� . �r ....�►����� ������ ��� �T���� �� � . � !'��3 72l-.543 8- 9�37 -- � " r � � � D 105G -.359 r l � i � ��__ l � V• _i._.._ __�.______�___�— :, l418"�7! IZ 3:?'2 . j t •i ' ' • , 4 � i i _: . J-9-4� ��� ' � ..i . ' 't f ' S 1 LOCAT�R MAP: CORDES TRUST AND WAGI PROPERTTES I'� ,�z_ae T .�..-,� ur. nr� RES 91-J4 9�..1b �� 2 ( W ,,.� � BORVIEW CENTER I � RQ�Q�Ij�si � BL�� 7998--606 � 1 � � � 57—�. �A 5 4 3 . �6 � a._ I i ��—� �D � � a� N � PIERGE �� 1�0 �8"'9� 24/01 .F. eem n� ' � I _._._ — � � �. — ..� .,.._ . .F. D�D t73� 24\03 �T ���� �+es—. ._._ � —.. ( � � ,�� ' ��� —��� �.4ea � — � __i.__ .., ____ � � ^ � � �� ��� � L�(�iA $7REET d.EVE7.A(VD � �° SrR.80 BAYFR4NT TENNI i p � • :� � . ('r�MP��( 6 5� I 4 3 2 ,�/os � 1 z DAVEYs '° 2� ; CORDES TRUST & � 9 2z W�4GI PROPERTIES '" '° 21 � __� � � �a - � -� i 4 12 19 F � f Hi — 67 _ „: � �� �e f � � t4 17 : i � �3 `-- � --� � 15 16 q PI�RCE $ g S�itEET � � �3/os � �j° � �3/07 � ,� �°' �s/os � ia/a� � oAx covE cox�o. � . 102-92 J06 .'.� 13/10 � � 13/04 � ,s/tt � ,�/02 13 03 � �� � � w � � Z����z � �o^ � z , � � �°° � : o � ° �t � ��-ee, S7REET • 2 5 1� 5° �' r� sr � 2 1 W 2 1 2 � ' � �- KP�t[.�f:N } liF BLF!KF�, �'Li�f�'� �f�" r:������ _P; � pared by and return to: ►�'Ii�L.LF� �0l�lT'l� F!.�T�JA �7Vayne C. Eubanks American Acquisition Title, Inc. 5600 West Marin.er Street Ste. 1 U4 Tampa, FL 33609 Graatees taz ideatiScation number Property folio nnmba I fr29-15-00000-240-D290 Warranty D�eed 01-014A44 JAN-16-2001 3 :2d n p iNe�.�ps co �K i� is vllllll la�e III�II��N����� � 'lC1E���31 D1-1��-20�71 1����e�+�� ,.� �l DED-��TJr�rCITY C�.�� O�OOp�t;p lT.ite �� 7�17= *��j� �'.��h'Dl� t10� F'ACE� � �. ,���3 i0�'F�.: �?N�! CA��f A�#T, IEh�ERE�i; �7.i, ( � cw �r.�r!a���; �i�.� G�E� �z� .�: �Y __ _. AEFUTY CLER� � rna�n��, �.a� ��o� a�.y of November, z000 �tw�� M�v� $. coRnES, IND�VmU�.�.Y Al�m As TRUSrEE, �antor*, whose post office addr�ss is 1290 Court 5treet, Cl,eazWa.ter, FL 33756, �IIC1, C1TY QF GLEAR�i►ATER, A FLQRID�j MT7NXCrPAi, CQRPORATION, grantee�, whose post affice ad.dress is I00 So�h ifyr�2;, Av: �ue, Clesrwater, FX, 33756. *"�or" and "�antee" are used foar si�gular ar plurcal, as context requires Wrr�FSSETx: Tbat sa.id grantor, for aad in consideration of the swn of Tav a�+m No/100 Dol.t.aRS ($10.00) and other vatuable considerations ta said �ar in hand paid by sa.id grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknawledg�d, has granted, bargained and, suld, ta the said grantee, and. grantee's heirs at�. assigns forever, the foll�wing descn'bed ]an�d, sztuarte, iying and being in Pinellas Gounty, Florida, wit: SEE E�IIBTT "A" ATTACHED H�RETO AND MADE A PART HERE4F $UB7ECT "PD RFSTRiCTIONS, RESERVATIONS ANID LIMTfATTON OF RECQRD, IF ANY, AND T.4XES FOR THE YEAR 20O 1 AND S[JB,SEQLTENT YEARS. and said gcantor does hereby fully war�cant the title to said lamd, and w�il�, defend the sam� agaui,st the lawful claims ofall persans whomsoev�r. -- , IN WI'INESS WHEREOF, grantor has hereunto set granto�'s hand a.nd seal the day and yeaz first a.�]OV8 WrltteII. �.<< � ` Gi...,.. _�1 _ 6'J � / r= .'' _ - ����. �,i.arr� x. coxnES, Individually and as T�t� ���� By: � (Seal) e 'e H. Cordes ��� � AGCT iF ��-- � p,�tii �-- �� �� ��Y �t -----�"� F�S �--��- p�iTF ..�� P1C �� F _. y " p INELLFiS COUNTY FLA , OFF . REC . BK 11190 PG 1429 STATE OF FLORIDA CQUNTY OF PINELLAS The foregoing instrument was acknnwled�ed befvre me thas ZQth. day of November 20U0 by Melanie H. Cordes, Individually and as Trustee. She is personally known to ---------; � -� --�_�' as identification (Seal) .,,� ' 1` tiMAy yie��r+, Y �. �� Y � �: ' '°�': n,�A�lan�N� sct��FF�� � � �; ;� = cc s�n�g �"�: �a��,4Y t�QdA�IS'$lOh1 �1CPIRES _.,•, �`� ,�'�, ••-+�, . � r���Qllf1��� L"l�= �� � ' „� .. , Not Public `� p • ame_ IANNE SCH�4F�at Cammission Expires: PINELLAS COUN7Y FLR, OFF.REC,BK 11190 PG 1� 30 Exhibit "A" A parcel of land lying a.n Section 16, Township 29 South, Range 15 East, Pinellas County Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Co1�lENCE at the most easterly point of Pierce loo Candominium recorded in Candaminium Plat Book 19, page 96 vf the Public Records of Pinel].as County, Florida, said p�int lying on the wes�erl.y right af way line of Pierce Boulevard, lying S89°23'46"W, 92.86 feet from survEy center line station 50+79.88 of Pierce Boulevard per State Project Number 15220-2599, alsa being a paint on a curve cancave nartheasterly; thence alvng the arc of said curve ta the 7,e�t, havir.g a radius o� 224.63 feet, a central angle af 24°36 � ol", the chord for which bears S 57°40 � 51��.E, a chord di.stance of 95.71 feet, an arc distance of 96.45"f�et to the end vf saa.d curve and th� POxNT OF BEGZNNiNG, said point lying S 89°45'13"W, 39.3 O feet from survey center line station 50+21.15 of Pierce Bau].evard per State Project 1522U-2599; thence S00°14'47"E, along the westerly right of way ].ine vf Pi�rce Boulevard, 20. 00 �eet �o a paint lying S 89°45' 13" W, 48.61 feet from survey center line station 49+9g.7.0 of Pierce B�ulevard per Btate Project 1522q-Z599; thence departing said wester].y right of way li.ne S 89°45' 13" W, 126. 64 feet to a pvint on a curva cancave southeasterly; theince along the arc of said curve to the right, having a radius of 60.00 feet, a central angle of 27°0l'18'�, the chord for which bears N 6].°10' 22" E, a chdrd distance of 28. 04 feet, an arc distance of 28.30 �eet to a point of cvmpound curvature with a curve concave sautherly; thence a1Qng the arc of said curve ta the right, having a radius vf 55.33 �eet, a central angle of 33°46'0].��, the chord for which bears S 88°26' 03" E, a chord distance of 32. 14 feet, an arc distance of 32. 61 feet ta the end of said curve; thence N 74°41' 0]." E, 17. 75 feet; thence N 15°18' 59" W, 3. 10 feet t� a pQint lying � S 89°45' 13" W, 92 . 86 feet from survey center ].ine station 50+2]..15 of Pierce Bou7.evard per State Praject Number 7.5220--2599; thence N 89°45' 13" E, 53 . 56 feet to the POINT OF SEGINNiNG. Said lands contaa.na.ng 1970 square feet, mare or less. Page 1 of Z 0 PINELLAS COUNTY FLR, OFF , REC , BK 1 1 190 PI3 1431 - Exhibit "A" A parcel af land lying in Sec�ian ].6, Township 29 South, Range 15 East, Pinellas Caunty Flarida, being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCE at the most easterly point af Pierce 100 Condorninium recarded in Condominium P1at Book 19, page 98 of the Pub].i.c Records af Pinel�.as county, Flarida, sai.d point lying on the westerly ri.ght of way line af Pi.erce Soulevard, lying S 89°23' 46" W, 92.86 �eet f'�rom survey center line station 50+79.88 of Pierce Baulevard per State Praject Numher 15220-�2599, also being a poznt on a curve concave n�rt�:easterly; th�nce along �he arc a� said curve to the 1e�t, hava.ng a radi.us af 224.�3 feet, a centra]. angle o� 24°36'01", the chard far which bears 557°40'51" E, a chord da.stance of 95.7]. feet, an arc di.stance of 96.45 feet ta the end af said curve, sa'id point lying S 89°�5' ].3" W, 39. 3o feet fr�m survey center line statxon 50+27..15 of Pierce Sau].evard pex State Praject 15220-2599; thence S o0°14'47" E, al�ng the west�rly right of way line of Pierce Baulevard, 20.00 �eet to a paint lying 589°45'13" W, 48.61 feet from survey center line statio�� 49+99.10 af Pierce Boulevard per State Praject 1522p--2599; thence departing said westerly right of way ].ine S 89°45'13" W, 126.64 ��et to the P�TNT OF SEGTNNZNG; thence conta.nue S89°45'7.3"W, 20.13 �eet ta a point on a curve concave southeasterl.y; �hence along the arc af said curve to the right, having a radius of 75. p0 feet, a central angl.e a£ 22°�6' 10", the chord for which bears N 47°38' 19" E, a chord distance of 2g.82 feet, an arc distance a� 3a.02 fee� to tti� end of said curve; thence N 89°�5' 13" E, 77.. 09 £eet; thence S 15°18' 59" E, 3. 10 feet; thence S74°47.'O1" W, 17.75 feet ta th� beginning of a cuxve concave south�rly; �hence along the arc of said curve to the l�ft, having a radius of 55.33 feet, a central. angle of 33°46'01", the chozd far which bears N 88°26' 03" W, a chord distance of 32 . J.4 feet, an arc distance oF 32 . 61 feet, to a point of compaund curva�ure with a curve concave southeasterly; thence along the arc af said curve to the left, having a radius af 60.p0 feet, a centra]. angle d� 27°O1'18", the chord fQr which bears S 61°10' 22" W, a chard di.stance of 28. 04 feet, an arc d�.stance a� 28.30 feet to the end of said curve and the POINT OF BEGxNNING. Said lands containa.ng 774 squa�e feet, more or less. Page 2 of 2 � c � � � 4 � � 0 � � � w � � � � �� E � � � � d $' a � ro � � �S � U m � � 3 � � ri .. ,+. . �,��� . � . � ...,.,. . ". r., .;� �_�- , . POINT OF COMMENCEMENT MOST EASTfRLY POIN7 nF PIERCE 100 CON�OMINIUM RECORUED tN CQNDOMINI'JM PLAT BOOK 18, PAGE 98 PINELLAS COUNTY, FLORIpA 58973'46"Nf 50d�79.88 9288' �� ��� NETOF PIERCET-OF-WAY utLTA � Z9'ti1�19" s��1 '�.` 80ULEVARp L-36E5' ,a•, , R = 70.33' ,�.A, '•. PELT96 4� `{'v6'D1.• CEi - I�b9'.T.�F'37"E p � r 101 R 2Za r3' �C v 3�' =�l B01 �` ���'� � �3 _ jj7�a�������� ,� . � �13+ � -S - �.�� '� c. ].I : 1,ct_ � F;� �a��r.•,q•�7' ��—,CS7A `�{ F F�1, '�.1�_ �. F: - � fiO� r �s� � r � � �, �8 �}���..� `$ . �:i. _ �riF•�.�,.�_,.r �� ;�7'�� y ��' � f'�, -- 49 �7' �� h�t5'iS'5�"W � 9C�•- �JR�'4�:'I';"F ,, �.�'-"�•- :.• �� PJ$9'4`��13"E �?1 U9' �5' _ %�/�JA? F.Fi'%T��iP / 8�0 �'t��� 100 �gq•d;'I?,.yu � t�� CEIr , = 27'C�t'18•• � L — ��. ��� k � �O. fj[7" ra = �•Ipt'1i)'�?"E i'u = 28 �J4' �`7. }�1i 4�`��1 970 SOL I CEL7A = a3'3�'G1" 1 l = 3? E1' �— k = 55.33' GB = .5�38'26'0.;"E r_G = 32.1a' ���SEA� ; �r'��� ��,�_ c,;�� C1TY OF CLEARWATER, FIARIDA �r �� � PUBLIC WORKS AbId1NISTRATION '=.�"�res �,; �'� �NGINEERINC w.µiu G ���.f;' ��l L WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE� p1ERCE 60ULEVAf2b CURVE 6 P.I. STA. = 49+Q0.28 P,K. NAIL ANp DISK X = 39fi982.970 Y = 1320378.304 a = 22'50'S4"' LT. T = 175.22' L = 345.79' R = 867.12' P.C. STA. = 47+25.05 P.R.C. STA. = 50+7Q.64 pFF' ReC�Bk j DllNTY F�A 119p PQ 1�3. ��� P. R. C. ��� $G��� ���� � � ��� A � (��^ ��O�GZ J'��y sF,`"� �`�� /v��� O� ��<y � � �9 J "._a, i•A�. �;";q� � _ � . .. n n; .rj � :- .r.� �� `r ` � POIN'f OF r,_� 6, �• :' BEGINNING �' c. PARCEL 100 "r. =ti�,�7•:�r, f z":ti .�;: ��. .�.�_.._ :3+.:,�_�f'.� - - 0 CUR1/� 7 P.I. 57A. = 52+ 3Z, 80 CAP , IRON ROD WITH X W 39'6818.532 Y = 1320672.673 4 = 31'18'S1" RT. T = 161.96' L = 315.$2" R = 577.86' P.R,C. STA. = 50+70.$4 P.T. STA. = 53+86.66 ' �. �,,!iI'. .-��, .. { 'r POINT OF CPMMENCEMENT M057 EA57ERLY POIPl.T OF PIERCE 100 CONDOMINIUM RECORDED IN CONOOMINIUM PLAT 800K 19, PAGE 98, � P NELLAS COUNTY FLORIpA :`I:i � F�INELLAS COUNTY FLA, OFF,REC,BK 1119Q PG 1433 589'23'46'W 50t79.88 9286' I . . � f a. WE5TERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY GE�r?�� - ':1:_�:,`,:. �,..�� LINE OF PIERCE !:.;�:� `.. .. 'S ��'� a" I_ = 'v %;". BOULEVARD � ' � �,. .z \ _ _ :''].1��' � - �_' ��,z�,.t.r;;,\ _ _�F-�7i: � ie•z_' - „ v : :��.:' �:.F - .;��'. ..' _ ,.i�; _t�;' ' „ ..:_ .. N�sG' _ •i���L �_C� -•• �b.Z'' �a'�,� _ 7:j,� r�, � •� 101 _r...;i.`�'!-.�`L .:i` ... �(j.,.. ! ` - � �0� � �� ��� . .... - .. - � � �� ;;, � _ � �G\�� � �O � F� �� N W E a P.R.C. G�� ��� � �,�•`�".� `�j� m� -o � C�c� �pOQGy� ��� �a���� � �dn��,� _ 2 „�.L �:. -. •5:�'��i:'i:. � •-�'� ��`�, ��'� '�v 1� - � as � c^ � .�.: .A,y. I�' : ; r] I:1)� �; .,_ r.�4:'.�;���ry�:_ �_j :..- G`�i.F]L ' / / 8d0 �t�/ 10( //••�±I:� / c;R��'�4c.•� �,�`,L• POINT OF BEGINNING — PARCEL 800 1 �Il�iii// y �',�-1 `"EA��*p's �r� `' i' ��.� '" � �� )� , ,.�,� i`°� res, �,,n' �' �� �:i'� ' ; c,:?•� •r ,.:,: � _ -� `°s ����^ ..��—r���...ij����^ ,�}1'� ' f .:u:�•_I' : . �� :.I'_•`1}S��'ry�'E I.JJC}•� �.��.t�•�i�_ - �`,Y_ -- - - y� � —rr- ', .09 ..l ; ��- ^ �';;' �.,.i ..�+,7': � -=-r`--- � � 1 �. E •. � � "" �. ..�diti)?':F{ �'•_ �;'��;•'�'r'.'�jlj"� .yli�' ..� /F?� � � . r � ,`��.� j � � PARCEL 800 I -.;�;.,�";.�,.•,� 77� SOUARE FEET, MORE OR I.E5S__�.:....��_......�L,�--•-•-•-._.. �- . r' , ..��_—�__.w�_WESTERLY '��.��'� �`(� �l —_....._.....i. - +.'.': ^. / . _ Q 1 � l ic l_ �.=. .�!:' ':'' ��� RIGWT—OF—WAY LINEJ + � � .,};� ;,�' PIERCE BOULEVARD `-°--• 17 = .. ��� -� N��s'e��'�1�"u'r CURVE 6 ----- t::� � -.. :;2 i �' r'•_.i_''a = ,•�y,�,;.,.. L = yr ��.. f, ... r; r; :;,?. i::: .._ `;nt'iil''r.i"':v • .. �. r:.�. CITY OF C1.EARWATER, FLORIDA PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION ENGTNEERING P.I. STA_ = 49+00.28 P.K. NAIL AND D15K X = 396982.970 Y = 132037$.304 Q = 22'5D'54' LT. T = 175.22' L = 345.79' R = 66"7_ 12' P.C. S7A. = A7+25.05 P.R.C. STA. = 50+70.84 �G \� � CURVE 7 P.I. STA. = 52+32.60 5/8" IRON ROD WITH CAP X = 396818.532 Y = 13Z0672.673 o = 31'18'51" RT. T � 161.96' L = 315.82' R = 577.86' P.R.C. STA. = 50+70.64 P.T. STA. = 53+86.66 . ,' � r . � / ;-: > Prepared by and retwrn to �� Wayne C. Eu�anks American Acquisition Title, Inc. 5600 West Mariner Street Ste.104 Tampa, FL 33609 01-021408 JAN—r3-2001 3:44pM G�ntees tax ideatificarioa aumber p I NELLAS GO BK 1 1 19T PO 2D56 Propary folia dumber 16-29-I 5-00000-240-0190 I u� ������II ��u I�II I��I Warranty Deed �� �. fl� ��9 ���c a� �r��u� e�, ��o�rnA �582b0 01-23-2001 �5. �6:4� �. n�n-�rrti► � c�� d�0�000 I#: g�(; SPG: R�RDTNG �46 I'F�E5 1 IOT�L: P C}IEpL Apfi.TE�m�: �: � �PUTY �.ERK This Indenture, Mad.e this 23rd day of January, 2001 b�tween W.A.G.I. A D1`VISION OF wAGENVOORD ADVEgTf�TG GROUP, ING, A DISSOLVED FLORIDA CORPORATION, gI'aritOP*, whose post office address is 200 pierce Blvd., Cleazwater, FL 34616, and C�try oF CLEARWATER� A FiORIDA MUMCIPAL CORPpRAZ`.[UN, grautee*, whase post o$"ice addxess is 100 South Myrtl� Avenue, Cl�arwater, FL 3375Fi. *"grantor" and "�antee" ara t�sed fo� singulat a� plural, as context requires Wz'rtv�ssE'rK Tl�a.t sa.id grantor, �r and "m consideration of the sum of 'I�v �m No/100 Dor.�,�x5 ($10.00) and other val�a.ble considerations to said gre�ntar in b,a.nd paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledgai, has granted, bat�gained and soki, to the said grantee, and grazrtee's heirs and �ssigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and. beixzg in E F�,_ _..,(� ��1� County, Florida, wit: �y��i.��l�.� i71V �1n1 �_ •K.ne� --.�....� • -___-_�- �� ': 1S DR21� VT - �ES fTF "r`�' � SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERET� AND MAUE A PA.RT HEREOF SUBJECT 'PO RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATTONS AND LllVaTATION OF RECORD, IF ANy, AND TA7�S FOR TFIE YEAR 2QQ1 A1�ID gUBSE(2UENT yE,�RS, 'j'j-� PU�pOSE QF THIS WARRANTY DEED IS TO WIIJD-UP CORPORA'T.[ON AFFAIltS. tv �d said grantor does hereby fully warrant fhe title to said land, and will. d�fend the same against oTA� -�,� .�"`�. ..� .e lawful. clai.ms of a11 persons whomsoever. IN W��ss Wr�oF, grantor has hereunto set grantor's hand and seal the da,y and yeaz fust above written. W.A.G.I. A DIVISION OF WAGENVOORD ADVERTTSING GROUP; IlVC., a dissalved Florid.a. Corparation BY� (Sea.l) Wagenvaord President p�: p INEI.I.AS CQIJNTY FL.R , f�FF , REC , BK 1 1 197 PO 2�57 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY �F PINELLAS The foregoing instr�unent was acknowied�ed before me this tiu 2p01 by David Wagenvoord, President of W.A.G.I. Wagen rd Adv�ising Group, Inc., a dissolved Flarida Carporation, o corporation. He is personally known. to me o�ho has produced ��day of a Division of n behalf of th� as identificati�on. `" Public ' �� Naume: .� �� ____ _ -- (Sea1) � � �.•�,, My Commission Expires: �e C Epba,t� �+ + ��ded�1� 2 037 . y' `� +�1�lentie Hon �n a dit��,� InG !- P INELLR� COUNTY FLA . EXHIBIT A ��F , REC . BK 1 1 197 PG �058 A parcel o� land lying in Section 16, Townshi.p 29 South, Range 15 East, Pinel].as County Florida, bea.ng more par�icularly described as iollows: COMMENCE at �he mos� easterly poa.nt of Pierce 100 Condominfum recorded in Condomi.nium Plat Book 19, page 98 of the Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida, said point lying on the wes�erly right of way line of Pierce Boulevard, lying S 89°23'46"W, 92.$6 feet from survey center line sta�ion 5d+79.88 of Pierce Boulevard per State Project Numbex� 15224--2�99, also being a point on a curve concave northeasterly; thence along the arc o� said curve to the left, having a radius of �24.63 feet, a central. angle of 02°24'17", the chord for which bears S�6°34'59"E, a chord distance of 9.43 feet, an arc distance of 9.43 feet to the end of said curve, said poin� lying S 64°4�''14"W, 80.16 feet from survey center line station 51+09.93 of Pi.erce �oulevard per St�ate Project 1�5220--2599, said point also being the POiNT QF SEGiNNING and a point on a curve concave northeas�erly; thence along said c�rve to the left having a rada.us of 224.63 feet, a central ang�.e of 06°33'11", the chord �or which bears S 5 7°03.' 43" E, a chord dis�ance of 2S . 69 feet, an arc dis�ance of 25 . 69 �eet to the end of said curve; �hence departing aforesaid wes�erly right of way ].ine, S 15_°19' 02" E, 26. 99 feet; thence S 74°41 ' p1 " W, 7.12 feet; therice S 15°1$' 59" E, 0. 90 fee�; thence S 89°45' 13" W, 71 . 09 feet to a point on a curve concave southerly; thence a].ong.the arc o� said curve to the right, having a radius o� 75.00 feet, a central angle of 15°34'37", the chord for which bears N 66°53'42"E, a chord distance of 20.33 teet, an arc distance of 20.39 fee�, to a point o£ compound curvature with a curve cvncave southerly; thence al.ong the arc of said curve to the right, having a radius of 7Q.33 fee�, a central angle of 29°51'19", �he chord for which bears N 89°36' 37" E, a chor,�l di.s�ance of 36. 23 feet, an arc di.stance of 36.65 feet to the end of said curve; �hence N74°41'01"E, 5.62 feet; �henc� N15°19'01" W, 36.83 �eet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said lands containing 704� squa�'e feet, more or less. � PINELLR$ CDUNTY �LA, qFF.REC,BK 11197 P� 2059 ^ EXHIBYT A A parcel of land lying in Sec�ion 16, Township 29 South, Range 15 Eas�, Pinellas County Florida, being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCE at the mos� eas�erly point of Pierce 100 Condominium recorded in Condominium Plat Book 19, page 98 of the Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida, said point lying on the westerly righ� of way line of Pierce �oulevard, lying S 89°23'46"W, 92.86 feet from survey center line station 50+79.88 of Pierce Boulevard per State Projec� Number 15220-2599, a�so being a point on a curve concave northeaster�y; thence along the arc of said curv� to �he 1eft, having a radius o� 224.63 �eet, a central ang].e o� 0$°57' 28"� �he Chord fo� which bears S 49°51 ' 35" E� a chord distance of 35.08 feet, an arc dis�ance of 35.12 �eet to the end of said curve, sa�d poin� being the POINT O�' BEGINNING and a poin� 1ya.ng S62°38'23"W, 69.42 feet from surveg center line station 50+89.28 of Pierce Boulevard per State Project 15220--2599; thence continuing along said curve to �he left having a radi.us o� 224.63 feet, a central angle of 15°38' 33", �he chord for which bears S 62°09' 35" E, a chord distance of 61.14 £eet, an arc distance of 61.33 �e�t �o the end o� said curve, said point �.ying S$9°45' 13" W, 39.30 feet �rom survey center la.ne s�at�ion 5�+21.15 0£ Pierce Soulevard per S�a�e project Number 15220-2599; thence departing aforesaid w�sterly right o£ way line, S 89°45'13"W, 53.55 �eet; thenc� N 15°18' 59" W, 0. 90 fee�; thence N 74°41 ' 01 " E, 7.12 feet; thence N15°19'02"W, 26.99 feet to the�POINT OF SEGiNNTNG. Said lands containi.ng 593 square feet, more or l�ss. .. �4 • t �� r � � s• :�',. � � � w � � -�� � � � � ' � m � � Y3 .� � � � �- E o, G s � ��� ?c � This is n o t o su�vey POIN7 QF COMMENCEMENT M05i EASTERLY PQINT OF PIERCE 1D0 CONDOb11NIUA1 RECORDED IN CONDOMINIUM PLAT BOOK 19, PAGE 98 PINELLAS COUN7Y. FLORIDA `� DELTA = L�3S.� 801 �-.y� C9 =254 DELTA = 29'S1'19" '� CD = 35 1. = 36.65' ,y,ry� �� R a 70.33' W Co � ` CB = N89'36'37"E cj"�\ 101 CO = 36. 2 ' � 1 � � „�1 �t� DELTA = 38'30'47" �-�4'k��s6x� ��F � = so.a,• �_ ---�—�Y1 0,-� . R = 75.00' �— �f'7��a�, t2 CB = N55'25'37"E � � N15'1B'S9"W 0.9 ' �� CO = 49_47' ��.—_— . � N89'4513"E 71.10 ' 17.75 � �. 800 /f, 10D - �C C �� �.�q•41• E. � 2D. t 3' � 589'45' 13"W �. . __ . .—��..� 589'45'13"W ' p��.TA = 33'46'p1" � � L = 32.61' DELTA = Z7'01'18' R � 55.33' L = 28.30' CB - 588'26'03"E R = 60.OQ' CD = 32.14' CB = N61'10'22"E ca = 2a.oa' �,,,""b^,� ,�1 SEAa�C�3i � r� i i `� � � ��� CITY pF CLEARIIATER. F'IARIDA PUBLIC WORKS AbM1NIS7RATI0N �'+Tra ` ���' G1V41J4C.4' KIIVIi rniN�d 50�79.88 3'S7'28" • 6°� �1'35" ��'S �ti� PQIMT OF BECINNINC PARCEL 101 PIN�LLA� COUN7Y FLA. pFF' . REC . 9K 1 1 197 PO 20BQ C7G�\ � � �g:y� -� P.R,C. J, gOPARCEL 101 �[� ��p��� 593 5QUARE FEET, i�` �'i^E``�'�' r MORE OR LE55 ��� � iA i� � O�� I ft GH7EROF-WAY ��n `r,�,,,�'�,<"�r"� LINE OF PIERCE (n� o� ���p�y BOUIEvAi�p � DELTA = 15'38'3�" �`A`o L = 61.33' � `p R = 224,63' �'` CD 66 j 49�35"E �53.Sfi'�'�589�45'13"W 39.30' CG► G� ��,,. � � 50+21.15 7�4 N15'18'59"W 3.1D' j o ¢ �" ' � � /� � N � 126.64' / i � �°n 589'45"13"W 48.61' wESTERLY RIGMT-OF-WAY LINE PIERCE BOUI.EVARp CURVE 6 P.I. STA. = 49+�Q.28 P.K. NAIL AND OISK X = 396982.970 Y = 1320378.304 o = 22'SO'S4" LT. T = 175.Z2' L = 345.79' R = $67.12' P.C. S7A. = 47+25.05 P.R.C. STA. = 50�+70.84 49+99,10 � � CURVE 7 P.I. STA. = 52+32.$0 CAP r �RON RQD WITH X = 396818.532 Y = 1320672.673 o = 31'18'S1" R�. T = 161.96' L = 315.82' R = 577.86' F,R.C. STA. = 50+70.8a P.T. STA. = 53+86.66 This is n o f o survey POINT OF COMMENCEMENT M05T EASTERLY POINT OF PIERCE 100 CpND�MINIUM RECOROED IN CONDOMINILIM PLAT BOOK 19, PAGE 98 - PINELLAS COUNTY, FLORfDA :� .� .�e� � PINELLqS COUNTY FLA, �FF,REC,BK 11197 PG �061 r • �� �� , �� : ��.-�.� DELTA = 02'24'17" � � � L= 9.43' S69'23 4� W 50+79.88 92.88 R= 224.63' � DELTA = D6'33'11' �4 P.R.C. J, CB = 546'34'S9"E!�' L= 25.69' � J,'O G Cp = 9.43' R= 224.63' � yG y�7�� POIN7 OF BEGINNING�` C8 = 551ro3'43"E [7 ,�.�C�c�`� PARCEL $01 � � j�CD = 25.69' Cn ��, DELTA � 15'34'37" CURVAT� REaMPpUN u`�`o''i/ GHT� OF-WAY t1�� ��p�g�Z �� 20.�9' DELTA = 2s-5�'i9" f w� � BOulEv,aRDa� �F �aa��`���'F' ,� l'o� a = �5.ao• . o �� CB � N66'53'42"E �� jp �3• � L 101 N'. DELTA = 15'38'33" �j. c, �p�2 CD = 2U.33' CB = iV89'36'37"E 801 �1 j � m 61.33' cs`� �" Cb = 36.23' E. �D. - R= 224.63' , J.p �ELTA = 22'56'10" N�q•A����� / a�o C9 = 56Z'09 35"E L= 30.Q2' P.C.C. � p5'6Z /� w= .._� CD = 61.14' C8 =7N47'38'19"E � ��i �5�4.�, 1,1'l � ' - CD = 29.82' �- �� �515'18'59"E 0.9({ _ _ N84'45'13"E 53.56' - -�_ _ _ _ 39,30; _ r_i i_cs-c-- � S89'45'13"W 71.09' T5 - - - 92.86'- - - - , w SQ+21.15 � g�0�/� � 17' p1"� N15"18'59"W 3.10' '° v / 100 � P.C.C. pARCEL 801��A•4,• �Nr 1,041 SQUARE FEET, �� � d� 20_13' _�_� MORE OR IESS 589'45'13"W 126.64' /' vai S89"45'13"W -- -------------�-----_______-___--------- 589'45'13"W WESTERLY / � 49+99.1D� DELTA = 33'46'41" RIGHT-OF-WAY I,INEJ Q � � L = 32.61' PIERCE 60ULEVARp DELTA � 27'01'16" R= 55.33' �u�VE 6 CURVE 7 L � 28.30' CB � SB8'26'p3"E R 2 60.00' CD = 32.14' P.I. STA. - 49T00.28 P.I. 57A. = 52+32.80 CB = Ns�'�0'22"E P,K. NAIL AN� DISK 5/8" IRON ROD WITH CD = 28.04' X= 396982.970 CAP Y = 1320378.304 � = 22'SD'S4" LT. T � 175.22' L = 345.79' R = 86 7.12' P.C. S7A. = 47+25.D5 P.R_C. S7A. = 5D+70_84 48.61 �G \� � 6� �/II/I 11 5�� r 1,, � � � ��� ''1g'�rER `��i�'��` �..,..�� C1TY OF C1,EARWATER, FGORiDA AUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION ENCINE�RINC X = 396818.532 Y = 1320672.673 � = 31'18'51" RT. T = 161.96' L = 315.82' R = 577.86' P.R.C. STA, = 50+70.84 F,T, STA. = 53*86.66 . � � ..e"V --�� �!�� '" ' Preparsd'�!y and Retum to: Jwnl[er Pitruxzetio l�r�� i��f�► Ql:l �S'.iMSRS TITLE COMPAN'Y �?3 _,,,,,___ 1Z90 COI/RT S1'RFs—� �� rs- CLEAILWATBIi,FL33756 F��� � ..�- �a� �ai.ioas P�. (72� 4�-1359 f�t �,tT� __._ / Ii1C1��I EO (118 icm�se� OFe N[Ip lilell[911CG pOIiC): ��% / F17E NWII�: Q3�IeC � �,7s1� Pe,+�� m #: i�a9nsrooaooianavoioo Gran6ee(s) s5 p: iCiTiA '�� � � f�; �.� - Cit t3AL r�i[� A+I:T WARRANTY DEED (CORPORA,TE) Pi�k1.LAS CC�J�i;Y� "rl.it�'If� f:].Q30q.10 6��-07�-x�:i lb;.:k,:7_�: 5i ]fED-�i('iI 010771 '�g� I�:��� �:K.w'1 �J:�f�l E.�� ���� � � � BTA� - �19 3 �?.t{ 1DTf�.: :� ,.pl .�� �',11 ClM�V�: �` �lllY (�RI( This WARRAI�TI'Y D�. datcd Felxumy Z8, 2003 by; W.A.G.L, a Dlvlsion of Wageavoard Advecqsing Gronp, Inc. ' . arj�pge ppgt of�Ce ed�e� �g: 03-091677 MAR— 7-20Q3 2: 34� P INELLfi9 CO 9K 12584 PG 22B4 ����������� �ein��t%r called the GRANT�R, to Qity of Q�rw�, �, A Mnpicips! Corporation who�e past offiae edd� is: Atts: Esr! B�rreq, EngiueerYug P.U. Sa: �748� Glearwa�, Florida , 33758-4948 lureinafi� called the GRANTE�: (Whe�c+eva used heneia the terms "f3ranto�' end "(3ranbee" include a11 parties w d�is insaument aad the heirs, legal �P'���4ives and sesi�ns of individuals, and the succ�ssors a� assiges of corparatia�s.) WTI1VE33ETH: That the QRA►NTOR, for and in consideraaon of the sum of � 10.00 and vther valuable considerations, r�t whee+eof is hereby aclmawledged, hetebY granti,. bar�i�, aells, alicos, nemiaes, rel w►Eo the GRANi'8E, all tbat cer�,ia lamd situata in Pinell�s Co�m � 0°nwya and canSrms tY, Fia�ide, vi� A parcel o�land lyfw� wit�in SecGon 16y Township Z9 Soath, Range lS Last, Pinellas County, Florida, Being �ore Particularly deserlbed ss follows: For s Po�t of B�egiqniag, Comm� ��e ��.�, �t of Plerce 100 Condomtnium a� recorded in Ca�domi�iam Plat Boog 19, Page 9� ei the Pa61i� �COrds of Piue� Caunty, Fbrlda, said point tying on t1�e Westerly Right [lf-Wgy Iine of Pf�ree Bpul�'d, also heing a palot on s carve, concave Northeaster�y; thence slomg the src of sapd carve iv the leti havG�ug x radips of ZZ4.p fee� a Central Angle of 02 deg. 24� 17", the Chord ai wh�ch bears S. 46 deg. 34' S9" E., a Chord Distance ot 9.83 Pee� on an qsc Di�tsnce of 9.43 teeq thence departing said Westerly Ri�ht-0f-Way liee af Pierce Soulevard S. 15 de� 19' Ol" E., a d�tance of 36.83 feet; theace & 74 deg. 41' 01" W., a dfiapwce o[ 5.6Z feet to a pofint of eurvatnre; the�ce along t6e arc of said carve to t4e'left 1�aviag a liadlas of'f033 te�, s Ceptral qngle of 29 de� 51' 19", the Chord of wWch bears S. 89 deg. 36r 37" W., a Chord Disf�nae of 36.?3, as Are l�lstauce of 36.65 fe� to a pont o� compound cqrvatnre; t4euce along' t6e arc of sald eampooad curve to the left, haviag a��os o�F 75.00 feet, a Cenml Ang� of 38 deg. 3U' 47", the Chord of wLich bears S/ SS deg. �5' 37" W., a C�ord Distsnce of 49A7 feet, an qrc Distaace oP 50.41 feet to tye end nf sald componad cnrve; t4ence 8. S9 deg. R5' 13" W., a distsnce oi 42.60 feet �o a cros� cat at the �ootl�eastetn mast point of sald Flerce 100 Condaminfum; theoce N. 02 deg. 49' 46" E,, a distance of a5.&L feet; the°ce H• S9 deg• Z3' 4G" E., a distsrice oi 63.4p feet; tl�ence N 00 deg. 36' 14" W„ a diatance of 45.D4 feet to a found 3" :3" eoscrete mo�ament; theace N, gg deg. �3, 46" E., a distance of 443Z feet to the �oi�t of Re�nmiug, � . J SU]3�G"C TQ covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, limitations, easements and agreements of record, if any; tayces and essessments for the year 2D03 and subsequent years; and to all applicable zaning ordinances and/or restr�icdons and prohibiticas imposed by governmenl�l authorities, if �ny. TOGETHER with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the same in fee simple forever. PINELLF$ COWNTY FLF. �FF .I�EC . BK 12�84 PG 2265 AND TH� GRANI'OR hereby covenants with said QR.A1VTEfi that except as ahove noted, the GRANTOR is lawfuliy saized of said land in fee simple; that the GRANI'�R has goad right and lawful authority to seli and convey said land; that the GRAN'I'OR h�eby fully warrants the title to said land and will dBfcnd the sarne against thc lawi'ul claims of all persons whomsoever. ]N W1T'NE55 WFTEREOF, GRANT�R hes signed and sealed these �sresents the date set forth above. SIGNED IN Tf� PRF3SSNCB OF THB FOLLOWING W1TNE38E3: Signa 4 ' � Print 1v yl,� , n� �c /77 0� rr� j;,�l 9� 3ignature• • Pr�t Name: � r • �qp�P1E SCHAFFER S�te of Flari�a County af Pil�ellas W.A.G.L, a Di�vision of Wageavaard AdvertL�ng Gronp, Ync. �y: . Da agenvoord, Presideat THE FOTtEGOING 1NSTRLiMSNT was sovorn and aclmowledged hefare me on Februarv 28. 2003 by: Dave WagBnvoord, Presldeat of � W.A.G.L, a Divl�ian of Wa�envoord Advert7sing Groap, Ync. an behalf of the corporation. FidShe is personally known to me ar who has produced dd er " a�,identification. f � • Notary 5eal Sigiatwe: �' , _ n nnAatANIV� SCWIFFER Print N �"� rvom�y Pu�nQ s►are or �arwa .. MAWANNE SCHAFPER My commtssicn 6�p��812n4/Os � � Commisaion No. # DD088427 Memoria! Cnuseway Bridge overlooking the Intracoastal �ll/aterway looking southeast � - wi ��Z, .� a:�'�4,,�'� `�� 3 ;a�a. + 1 ` '� . :°i"� fir« . � sv;w tr;��a ` , ; � c� a. � ��.� � #3z" :��-' #i� " a. � � ,. , � E , k � r+',. `,a�� f.. w`G = �' : _�..r" r�. zs.^+° ., .. , r . .w �,� „�w, �;'C# e a .a.. � w.w.+�&r,,,� .r � ;'•i � c� �. � t ; :�a �, "=.:, .�. .-;.y-_'," . r. ,,.�� +►.yc�,�=:r`w�' c» - : �„ .. ^ a��: �� 'Ua�.n �ls�'4 � ��. ,. °�p r" z µc . ar .&�a,..,.�^� �. �,' _ <. »a,*�.� . °.f:>� � '. °*�°�yt���.. �:� °� +�r�F;�. ��"�t",���}� .,�,�,*R� -�.�!ar". x .. 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Y � e - :�- h : , ft � � ��: :A� � �,_. :_�,=:.: P. ;�� " h �� �xYC! 3��yj�r' .. �£ '�� � t' f�E _� /..°'�". sf� ` � �.� Sa �.¢ s, �� t �e I � ` � �`� � �y � �'�' �� a�i';s 8. ' "� �' 'Y ;is•.� �. � Pi�- _ _ _ _� .�.�.-.c i i o�>�m. �+. .:a^.�s�. d . ---. -.. :. ..: - SOUN- - . - ..._ . ....� _. .__. _.. . _. _ - - DINGS IN FEET MEAN LOWER LOW WATER North American Datum of 1983 (World Geodetic SysCem of 1984) HEIGHTS Heights in feet ahove Mean High Water. AUTHORI71E5 Hydrography end topography by the National Ocean Service, Coast Survey, with additional data from the Gorps of Engineers, Geological Survey, and tJ.S. Coast Guard. HQRIZONTAL �ATUM Tha horizontal reference datum of this chart is North American Datum of 1983 (NAn 83), which for charting purposes is conaldered equivalent to the World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS 84). Geographic positions referred to the North American �atum of 192i do not requira conversion to NA� 83 for plotting on this chart. CAUTION This chart has been corrected from the Notica to Mariners (MM) published weakly by the National Geospatial-Intelllgence Agency and the Local Notice to Mariners (LNM) issued periodically by each U.S. Coast Guard district to ihe dates shown in the lower lett hand cornar. AIp5 70 NAVIGATION Consult U.S. Coast Guard Light List for supplemen[al informaYion concerning alds Yo navlgation. RAl7AR REFLECTORS Radar reflectors have been placed on many Floating aids to navigation. Individusl radar reflector ldentiflcation on these aids has been omltted from this chart. For Symbols and Abbreviations see Chart No. 1 COLREGS: Internationaf Regulations for Preventing Colllsians at Sea, 19�2. Demercation lines are shown thus� ---- Additlonal informstlon can be obtalned at nauticalcharts.noaa.gov. NAU7ICAL CHART DIAGRAM r 0 �� �Q; � � _. C � r Q C�'] � � x ti r � � �' 2 �� U �� � w �Z � �� � ') j 4� 1 15th Ed., Sep./04; Corrected through NM 5ep. 18/04, LNM Sep. 7/04 � _._: '�r�'^�� < <-� ��j ! , � '`� �a ` � ` + : r' I�'_ "� S _ �. ' 1 , -,4 ;s �r,r : �.n. � , �.� ,� , .✓G""�'_�� � �C�.4*�", _� 4 • � � q. " �-. : r_�� � :T '� ' � / y �l l � cn r�¢" �as� H ��l� �'c�C��'}�� . �>'` �+ �' � ° i �.,, f 1° °�"" � C-.. .�...�`.�'�...,.��� r� r• , .�YI .� � �, � � �'- f�i �t�� t� �� ��# `.� , �',. .. ' �.,� � �,/�= � _...t;. i.. _ , ,) R� ��,. _ - �Q .. .,k� #, .. 1/ � � � ��j/,� � � �,, : � �,. ;, ;� � . > �, , � ;� :�, � . %' � � � ; J' _ _ ,� ,� `° 4 �,�..,, ' :; � ,�� ��� s- Jo� n ° �� � f. ��� ��; n � ' �.'�[Y �i�f��'r` `"` , �'l , r� % ,, . . � '� ( /7�-� �. v .q � V� �_;Y ! �__ `�I� . �, y � r� ^, � �.. +. f - ! : if ti' �, � 1 � � � � . . �, „,r , -, q . J , `,' `' _ . 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' `� : � � '� - � J _ 9 T � v � � �� { �ry ~ � ' -. ��'b ���i . . 1 • p � � �� � u, '1 _ . �. �• _ � _ ' ,`�y �� e�� ,� ,� � �' S �r . , United States Department of the Interior U. S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE � 7915 BAYMEADOyj7S WAY, SLT�'TE 200 JACKSC)NVILLE, FL,ORTDA 32756-7517 W REPLY REPBR TD: �vs Lo� rro�5: ai9lao�-i-oiss April 14, 2009 Colonel Paul L. Crrosskkruger District Engineer U.S. Arnny Corps of Engitzeers 10117 Princess Palm Avenue, Suite 120 Tampa, Florida 33610 Attn: Tracy Hurst Dear Colonel Grosskruger: '_�� ; �� APR 2 0 2009 TAMPA FtEG. oF�oc� Our of�ce has zeviewed the information provided by the Corps for subject application and your request for formal consultation on the endanger�d West Indian (Florida:) manatee, (Trichechus manatus latirostrzs). Our review also included the revised Florida Manatee Recovery Plan (USFWS 2001), data supplied by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Comrnission (FWC), the Florida Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI), data from our Apri�, 2007 Five-year Sta.tus Review for th� Marnatee and version 1.1 of the August 2008 Corps af Engirieers and State of Florida Effect Determination Key far the Manatee in Florida (manatee key). We provide the following cornrnents in accordance with section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, (ESA) as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 etseq.) and the Marine Mamma,l Protection Act of 1972, (MMFA) as amended (16 U.S.C_ 1461 et seq.). A coznplete administrativE recard of this consultation is o:n file at the Jacksonville Field Office's sub- oi�ice in St. Petersburg. Tk�e Corps used the manatee key to determine that the proposed pxoject may affect, is likely to adversely affect the manatee. Consultafion Hi.sto The Service received a public notice and letter from the Corps on February 4, 2(309 requesting concurrence on a"may affect" determination %r the �manatee and initiation of %rmal consulta.tion for a proposed public nnarina in the Clearwater Harbor in Clearwater, Pinellas County, Florida (see table below). On February 19, 2009, we requested additionaJ, information (R.AI). On March 12, 2009, we received frozn the Corps a partial response to our R.AI. On Apri� 6, 2009, we received the remaining requested inforniation frorn the project consultazrt. Pro osed Proiect The applican.t proposes to construct 126 wet slips for permanent lease and 40+ or — temporary or transient slips that could include commercial vessels such as. fishing charters, dinner boats, or watex taxis. The temporary slips �will not have docking piers, but �c�vill provide dacking parallel ta a floaf.ing dock platform or on attexmators. No dredging is proposed. Although seagrass occurs in the project area between the proposed docks an.d existing seawall, seagrass is n�ot expected to be directly impacted from construction of the project. Signs will be placed on the east side ofDock D where seagrass is located that will state matorized vessels are not allowed and another sign will indicate "shallow-seagrass area". The remaining areas of seagrass will be inaccessible to motarized vessels due to the pzoposed floating dock platform near docks E and F. CORPS # OF NEW SLIPS APPLICANT APPLICATION # FWS LOG # (slip to shoreline ratio City of Clearwater. SAJ20Q7-4S53 (IP- 09-Y-0185 32 to existing 8(1 TE sli /40 feet Detertnination of actian azea relates only to the action pzoposed and is taken ixxto consideration in our azxalyses for jeopardy and incidental take of the species underr consideration. The Service determines the action area for a proposed project by considering not only the direct ef%cts of the action such as construct�on activity and project footprint, but the indirect effects of the action. The indirect effect of constnxction of these slips is addi�ional vessel traf�c in the waterways near the pmposed facility. We consider the action area for this praject to be a distanc� of approximately five miles from the proposed new slips. This includes the entire Clearwater Harbor, narth and south of the project, amd Clearvvater Pass. Pro_iect Effects to the Manatee We consider both the direct and indirect effects af the proposed action on the manatee and its critical habitat. Critical habitat for the Florida mana.tee was designated in 1976 (50 CFR 17.95); however, the proposed project is not within desi�nated critical habitat. Project effects on the manatee and its habitat �will be added to the environmental baseline, which includes the past aud pzesent irnpacts of a11 Federal, State or private actaons and other hu�man activities. New watercraft access projects may have a number of direct and indirect effects on mana.tees and mana.tee habitat. Direct effects include potential harm or harassment of manatees during canstruction and dredging activities and are generally addressed th.rough the applicatior� of the Standard Manatee Conditiorrs for In-Water Work (2005 revision). Direct habitax e�'fects could also include destruction and/or adverse znodification of the physical, chemical, or ecologica.l components of mana.tee habitat, includiug submerged aquatic vegetatian (SAV). The pzoposed praject is not expected to directly innpact SAV. Indirect effects include the effects boats using the proposed structu.re may have on manatee movements and trav�l patterns. Manatees use watezs wittun the action area as a trav�l carridor and as a resting, feeding, and caiving azea.. Since manatees use waters within the action area, we recommend the Corps condition any permit issued for this project with the Standard Manatee EducationaUAwareness Sign Conditions (2005 revision). This should include information on the potential threat ta manatees from boat operation and a warning to avoid feeding or spraying manatees with freshwater and to othenvise avoid attracting rnanatees to the area. The type of signage and pracedure for installation can be obtained from the FWC Imperiled Species Mana.gement Section and from the Soating and Waterway Safety Division of FWC. Tndirect effects to SAV will be addressed by seve:ral measures proposed by the applicant and described in the Proposed Project section above. All signage should be required by the Corps to be in place prior to the new slips being occupied. Abundance and Distribution . Manatee presence has been documented irt the action area through telemetry studies and a carcass salvage pragram. The propased praject is within the southwest mana.gement unit for the m.anatee. The estaxnated population gro�rth rate for this management unit is negative (-1.1 percent per year). The margin of erxor in making this estimate is larger (95% CI) for the southwest rnanagement unit tl�an the other three Florida mana.gement units which are rising slightly or holding steady. However, 70% of model simulations show decline i.n this unit. Watexcraft-related moztality is the leadang single cause af death in adults in that unit. Sased an the available data, it appears tha.t if the Southwest�Region rnanagement unit is to stabilize ar indeed increase in size, projects should not be permitted that are reasonably certain to further increase mortality. W�tercraft-Related Mort�litv and Sneed Zones Pinellas County had an avera.�e of �.0 wa.tercraft-related manatee mortalities per year from 200�4 through 2008; 45 par cent of these occurred within the waters of the southwestern portion of the County, south of the action area. In the action area, watercra.ft-related deaths have a five-year average of 0.2. In tha previous five-year period (fram 1999 to 2003), the average was 0.4. These av�rages in the action area are well below the average of one veratercraft-related manatee death pez year that the Service views as a threshold for concern. In 2005, Pinellas County had 56,695 registezed vessels, second ozily to Miami-Date County ixi hi�hest nuinber of vessels far the state of k'lorida. There aze severa.l slow speed zones in Clearwater Harbor, iz�cluding one in the imnaediate vicinity of the proposed project and in Clearvvater Pass. The Intercoastal Waterway that runs north and south through the action azea is a maximum 3Q mph zone. Summarv To reduce dizecf, construction-related effects to the manatee, the Coxps will incoxporate the Standard Manatee Conditions for In-Water �or�k (2pQ5 revision) as a condition of any permit issued for the proposed project. We recommend inclucling the Standard Manatee Educatioraal/Awareness Sagn Conditions (July 2005 revision) as part oi any permit issued for this project_ This sign and all additional educational or cautian signs proposed should be installed prior to leasing any of the new slips. This requirerx�ent should be included as part of the permit conditian. Based on the preceding analysis, we have concluded that the proposed project, canditioned as previously recommended, will not result in take of manat�es. Should the Corps agree �+ith this camclusion, amend its "effects" determination to "not likely to adversely affect the naana.tee," and include our recomumended conditions in any issued pexmi.t, this correspondence may be used as our concurrence with the amended findiug for the project. That finding and fhis cancurrence will ternvr►ate your request for formal consultation and, unless we hear from you to the contrary, fitlfill section 7 requirements of the ESA, and no further actaon is required. In addition, because no incidental take of znanatees is anticipated, no such authorization under the MMPA is needed. If modifications aze made to th� project; if the applicant fails to comply with the Standard Manatee Condztions for In-Water Wor�1� Stand�d Manatee Educational/Awareness Szgn Conditians; if additional infozmation involving pot�ntial effects to listed species becomes available; or if unauthorized take of manatees qccurs during construction or from operation of tbis facility over time, consultation will b� reinitiated. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Linda Smith at 7915 Baymeadows Way, Suite 200, Jacksonville, Florida 32256-7517, or by calling (904)$68-4044. Sincerely, w � �� .�r�r.� %� ���' j ' / . •- � CC: FWC - Carol Knox, Anne Richards �� � '', I 'I Gity of Clearwater Downtown Boat S I i ps PERMITS - � �•h rrs ■ �+�Mf Ol �y, a� � ,q`� � �� D �7J1►fS O4 Mr. Chazles Schnepel Jacksonville Distzict Cozps of Engineers 10117 Princess Pa1m Avenue, Suit� 120 Tampa, FL 33610 Re: SA7-2�07-4553 (IP-TEH) Dear Mr. Schnepel: UNITED BTATES C�EPARTMBNT OF CDMM�RCE N�ianal Or.aanic and Atmaspheric Adminigtrexion NATIpNAL MARINE FISHERIE6 SEFIVICE Southeast Regional. (7ffice 263 13`h Avenue South St. Petersburg, FL 33701-SSQS (727) 824-5312, FAX 824-5309 http://sero.nmfs.noaa.gov MAY 6 �109 F/SER31: KR This responds to your letter dated February 2, 2009, requesting National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS} concurrence with your detemzinations pursuan�t to section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) for the Army Corps of Engineers (COE) Jacksonville District's construction permit application by the City of Clearwater. You stated the pr4ject may affect but is not likely to adversely affect smalltooth sawfish and swimming sea turtles. NMFS' determinations regazding the effects af the propased action are based on the description of the actipn in this informal consultation. You are reminded tkaat any changes to the proposed action may negate the ftndings of the present consultation and may require reinitiation of cansultation with NMFS. The project is located within Clearwater Harbor, adjacent to the Intracoastal Waterway, on both the north and south sides of the Memorial Causeway, just west of 210 Drew Street, Clearwater, Pinellas County, Florida, at latitude 27.966378°N, long,itude 82.804286°W (NAD83). The applicant proposes to construct a 126-slip public m�arina capable of mooring vessels from 20 to 100 feet rn length and configured to avoid shading impacts to any seagrasses. Riprap will be installed at the base of the existing seawall. Substrates in the area are comprised of silty sands, very silty sands, clayey sands, and very sandy clays. No dredging is proposed: Construction will be conducted from a barge and the uplands. No mangroves are present in the project area. The applicant is required to use turbidity controls and comply with NMFS' Sea Turtle and Smalltooth Sawfish Construction Conditions dated March 23, 2006. 'The pzoject is expected to take up 6 nnanths to complete. � Five species of sea turtles (loggerhead, green, hawksbill, Kemp's ridley, and leatherback) and smalltooth sawfish protected by the ESA can be found in ar near the action area and nnay be affected by the proj ect. NMFS has identified the following potential effects to listed species and concluded that smalltooth sawfish and sea turtles are not likely to be adversely affected by the praposed action. Effects on sea turtles and sawfish include the risk of injury from construction activities. Dtie to the species' mobility and the implementation of NMFS' Sea Turtle and Smalltooth Sawfish Construction Conditions, the risk af injury will be discountable. Based on a recent analysis af �� �� � � � �� � � potential effects an sea turtles resulting from increased vessel traffic associated with dock and marina construction in Florida, NMFS believes that vessel traific effects assaciated with the proposed proje.�t are likely to be discountable.' Sea. turtles and smalltooth sawfish may alsa be affected by being temporarily unable tv use the site due ta potenrial avoidance of construction activities and related noise, and physical exclusion from azeas contained by iurbidity curtains, but these effects will be insigni.ficax�t. Disturbance from construction activities and related noise will be intermittent and only occur duri.ng the day for part of the constxuction period. Turbidity curtains will only enclase a small area at any one time in the project area, will be removed upon project completion, and will not appreciably interfere with use of the area by listed species. This concludes your consultation responsibilities under the ESA for species under NIVg'S' purview. Consultaction r�nust be reinitiated if a take occurs or new information reveals effects of the action nat previously considered, or the identified action is subseqtiently modified in a manr►er that causes an ef�ect to the listed species or cnitical habitat in a mam�er or to an extent not previously considered, or if a new species is listed or critical habitat designated that may be affected by the identified action. We have enclosed additional infomaation on ather statutory requirements that rnay apply to this action, and un NMFS' Public Consultation Tracking Systexxa to allow you to track the sta,tus of ESA consultations. If you have any questions, please contact Karla Reece at (727) 824-5312 ar by e-mail at Karla.Reece@naaa.gov. Thank you for your cantinued caoperation in the conservation of listed species. Sincerely, ��� Roy E_ Crabtree, Ph.D. Regional Administrator Encloswre File: 1 S 14-22.f.1.FL Ref: USER/2009/00377 \�s1s��R\prdata�SECTION7�INFORMAL�Defense�Army\COE\COE-JAX�2,009\Construcrion\00377- ClearwaterMarina.doc 1 Bamette, M. NMF5 rnemorandum dated lanuary l2, 2009, Threats and Eff'ects Analysis for Protected Resourses on Vessel Traffic Assaciated with Dock and Marina Construceon. ' �� PCTS Access and Addition�sl Considerat�ons far ESA Section 7 Consultations (Revised 5-13-2008) Public Consultation Trackin S tem CTS Guidance: PCTS is an online query system at https://pcts.nmfs.noaa.gov/ that allows f�deral agencies and U, S. Army Corps of Engineers' (C�E) permit applicants and their consultants to ascertain the status of NMFS' Enda�ngered Species Act (ESA) and Essential �ish Habitat (EFH) consultativns, conducted pursuant to ESA section 7, and Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act's (MSA) sections 305(b)2 and 305(b)(4), respectively. Federal agencies aze required to enter an agency-specific username and password to query the Federal Agency Site. The COE "Permit Site" (no password needed) allows COE permit applicants and consultants to check on the cuzxent status of Clean Wa�er Act section 404 germit actions for which NMFS has conducted; or is in the process of conducting, an ESA or EFH consultatian with the COE. For COE-permitted projects, click on "Enter Corps Permit Site." From the "Choase Agency Subdivision (Required)'.' list, pick the appropriate COE district. At "Enter Agency Permit Nunnbe�' type in the C�E district identifier, hyphen, year, hyphen, number. The C�E is in the processing of converting its permit application database to PCTS-compatible "ORM." An example permit nurnber is: SAT-2005-Q00001234-IPS-1. For the Jacksonville District, which has a.l,ready converted to ORM, permit application numbers should be entered as SAJ (hyphen), followed by 4-digit year (hyphen), followed by pennit application numeric identifier with no preceding zeros. For example: SAJ-2005-123; SAJ-2005-1234; SAJ-2Q05-12345. For inquiries regazding applications processed by COE districts that have not yet made the conversion to ORM (e.g., Mobile District), enter the 9-�digit numeric identi�ier, or convert the existing COE-assigned application number to 9 numeric digits by deleting all letters, hyphens, and comrnas; converting the year to 4-digit format (�.g., -Q4 to 2004); and adding additional zeros in front of the nurneric identifier to make a total of 9 numeric digits. For exaxx�ple: ALOS- 982-F converts to 2005�0982; MSOS-Q4401-A converts to 2005Q4401. PCTS questions should be directed to Eric Hawk at Eric.Hawk@noaa.gov. Requests for username and password shpuld be directed to PCTS.Usersupport(a�}►oaa.gov. EFH Recommendations: In addition to its protected species/critical habitat consultation requirements with NMFS' Prot�cted Resources Division pursuant t� section 7 of the ESA, prior ta prnceeding with the prop�sed action the action� agency must also cansult with NMFS' Habita.t Conservation Division (HCD) pursuant to the MSA requizements for EFH cvnsultaiion (16 i1.S.C. 1855 (b)(2) and 50 CFR 60(1.905-.930, subpart K). The action agency should also ensur� that the applicant understands the ESA and EFH processes; that ESA and EFH consultations are separate, distinct, a�d guided by dit�erent statutes, goals, and time lines for responding to the action agency; and that the action agency will (and the applicant rnay) receive separate consultation correspondence an NMFS letterhead from HCD re�arding their concerns and/or finalizing EFH consultation. Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA, Recomrnendations: The ESA section 7 pmcess does not authorize incidental talces o£ listed or non-listed rnarine mamzxaals. If such takes may occur an incidental take authorization wnder NIlVlPA section 101 (a)(5) is necessary. Contact Ku� Hollingshead ofou.r N1V�'S Headyuarters' Protected Resources staff at (301) 713-2323 for more information on MNiPA permitting procedures. `•�'..; . ���fi-�',°,, �``.. �±�1•.r_-- --- �_'r-: r;_�p'�,-:; �'..�'; r:'.,e-- - _, _;;�` �_�!� - FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Kurt S. Srawning Secretary of State DIVISION OF HISTORICAL, R�SOURCES Ms. Patricia Harrell Boating Access Coordinator Florida Fish & Wildlife Canservation Commission Division of Law Enforcement Boating and Waterways Section, MS 1M 620 South Mexidian Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Re: US Fish & Wildlife Servi�e Boating Infrastru�ture Grant City af Clearwater - Downtown Soat Slips, et�. Pinellas County / DHR Project File No. 2009-3949 Dear Ms. Harrell July 2p, 2009 Our office received and reviewed the above referenced project in a�cordance with Sectian 106 of the Nationr�l Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as arnended and 36 CfR Part 800: Proteciion of Historic Properties, and with this agen�y's respansibilities under Section 267.061, Florida Statutes. The State Histori� Preservation Officer is to advise Federal and 5tate agen�ies as they identify histori� properties (listed pr eligible for listing, in the National ��egister of Historic Places), assess effects upon them, and consider alternatives to avoid or minimize adverse effects. A review of the Florida Master Site Fi1e indicates that no significant archaeological or historical sites arE re�orded for or considered likely to be present within the project area. Furthermore, because of the proje�t location and/or nature, it is considered unlikely that historic properties will be affe�ted. Therefore, it is the opinian of this offi�e that the praposed project wi11 have no effe�t on historic properties listed, ar eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places, _.or..�.ther�ise..of histo.ical ar-arcl�aec��o�ical--�hlue: - -- ----_ __, - - -- --- -------- - If you have any questions concerning our comments, please do not hesitate to contaCt Susan Harp at (850) 245-6333. Thank you for your interest in protecting Florida's historic resaurces. Since�rely, /C� . /�� z Laura A. Karnmerer Deputy State Historic Preservatian Officer Fox Review and Compliance '"� ^-�-� �.�,..�,,.,.�.�.�,�,� � ��, . � 1� ^ � � ��`� : �\I D ���.:;";.er...;� '��r� ��' � ,1 i� l. ,�' =� �009 500 S. Bronough Street . Tallahassee, FL 32399-Q250 • http://www.11�r���t�itQ�/,!=r=':-� ,�4 ❑ Director's Office O Archaeolo ical Aesearch ✓ �r1�� `��� ' �y � ' � �'+%-` li�' IVi��V�! g� H�s on scrVa b�i� (850) 245-6300 • FAX: 245-G436 (850) 245-6444 • FAX: 245-6452 (A.50) 245-6333 • FAX; 245-6437 Harrell, Pa#ricia From: Millig�n, Lauren [L.auren.MilliganQdep.state.fl.us] Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2Q09 3:49 PM To: Harrell, Patricia Subject: RE: Clearinghouse Review for Boating Infrastructure Grant Program Dear Pat: AE: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Baating Tnfrastructure Grant Pragram - City of Clearwater, Dawritown Boat Slips Prvject - Clearwater, Pinellas �ounty, Florida. SAI # FI.2p0907164854C Plarida State Clearinghouse sta#f has revie�wed the referenced grant application ux�der the following autharities: Presidential Executive Order 12372; Section �03.061(4�), Florida Statutes; the Coastal Zane Managernent Act,16 U.S.C. �§ 1451-1464, as amended; and the National Environxnental Pdlicy Act, 42 U.S.C. �§ 4321, 4331-4335, 4341�347, as amended. Based on the informatian �ontained in the submittal and issuance of a Notice af Intent to Tssue an Environrnental Resource Permit (ERP File No. 52-0265938-�0�) by the Flarida Department of Enviranmental Protectian, the state has no objectivns ta the allacation of federal funds £ar the referenced praJeCt and, th�refare, the fundang award its �onsistent with the Florida Coastal Mana�ernent P�ogxam. Please continue to �nnsult with the Deparkmextis Southwest District Offi�e ut Temple Terrace to ensure cornpliance with the conditions of the pending ERP. The state's final concurrence of the prajec�s consistency with the FCMP will be determined upan issuance of the ERP. If yau have any questions regarding this rnessage or the state i�rttergovernmental revie�c.v process, please dori t hesitate to contact rne at (850) 245-21�q or Lauren.Milli�;an@.dep.state.fl.us. Thank yau. Yours sincerely, Lauren P. MilXigan Lauren P. Millig;an, Enviranrr►ental Manager �lorida State Clearinghouse Flarida Department of Environxnental Protection 3900 Cammonwealth Blvd, M.S. 47 Tallahassee, �'L 32399-30p0 ph. (850) 2�-2170 fax (850) 245-2190 The Department of Environmental Protection values yaur feedback as a custamer. DEP Secr�etary Michael W. Sole is committed to continunusly assessing and improving the le►re! and quality of services provided to you. Please take a few minutes fo comment on the quality of service you received. Simply click on this link to the DEP Customer Survev. ihank yau in advance for completing fhe survey. �� From• Harrell Patricia [mailto: Patrkia.Harrell@ _ . . ._._. --- -- -. _ -------. _. _. _._ _ - ---... _.. ------._. . . - - - . , MyFWC.mm] Sent: Wednesday, ]uly 15, 2009 3:4i PM To: Milligan, l.�uren Subject: Clearinghouse Review for Boating Infrastructure Grant Program Good aftemoon Laura — I hope you have having a gaod summer!!! Attached is a package for a Boating {nfrastructure Grant (BIG) Program that was awarded in 2Q06 to the City of Clearwater far the Clearwater powntown Boat Slips. Included in the packag� are: Award letter, SF A24, budget summary, Project Narrative, 5ection 7 form wi#h concurrence I�tter from the US Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, DEP Notice of Intent to Issue (File Na. 52-0265938-002 dated 6/2�L/09), and the AC�E Notice of Intent to Issue dated 6/18/09. All of the drawings were submitted to DEP �n 12-22-OS as noted on the Draft Permit, Page 9 or 15. I am submitting a review for the State Historic Preservation Officer. If you need addi#ional information, please let me know. i�ai�-i.�-,i.c�• �'-f arreLL Boating Access Coordinator Florida FiSh and Wildlife Canservation Commissian Division of Law Enfarcement Boating and Waterways Section, MS 1M 62D S. Meridian Street 7allahassee, F� 32399 Telephone: 850-410-0656 Ext. 171x2 Cell Phone: 850-528-9107 DC: 195*106*841 Email: patritia.harrell�mvfwc.com Visit us at: www.m�,Fwc.com Patrol, Protect, Preserve ,PAOiECiI�fV �, �; � � _ , .r � . � ��:�R _. . A � -- � Flarida Department o� Environment�l Prote�tion 5,�uLhivc.� U ,Iri..' t�lfi�.c. i;���i �„��;, r�:�'�_-_„�,, ��:,��,,�,.�, r��„����� r.��,�.. ri,,�,,�;, ,��,; •..r��f, � ,,il�_ ._ ,I , ��..,� �� , .. CCDNSQLIDA�'EI) IiES�li1tCL PERM.IT AlYll �OVFRFIGN SC1Bi1�i'CRGF:I) L:�1�iDS .A��TFl(�RiZATI()N PFRIVIIT'tE.E/A[iTNORiZED E[YT[TY': William l�lorris ! larbor Niaster Citv ofC'Ic:arwatzr �� Causowav Blyd. Cl�czr�vat�r, FC. �3767 AG FNT: .I�son [7. Evert Dial C�rdv �5c Assuci�tes. Inc. �90 (7sceola Av�. _fzcksonville [�eaeti. FL 3?'�(1 f'ermiti�uth��rization Number: ��'-0?6a93 8-00 � Date ul�I�sue: ��� � `7 iy E�piration Date nf C'onstruction Phase: �u� z � 20�4� C'ounty: Pinellas Pr�ject: Tn consiruc:t a new public m:u�ina with �0,4y( square feet �l floating docks, fi�r a I:c�tal oF I?6 permanent slips and �0 lransient sid4-ti� mourin� areas. This project requirz; :�� Ii�dividual Permil. -i-hC Department has the auth��rity to issue lhis perniit per tt�e lull��wiiT; refer�nceti: Part IV of C'hapter 3�3, Flor►da Statules (F.S.1 �hapeer 62-33D and 6?-id3, C'lurida Admi.nistrative Code (F.A.C.1 Oper�iting ,�greements with the �vater manag�ment districts in Chapter 6?- I 13. L�..�.C. This permit also c�nstirirtes a Iindin�; oFconsisiency with Florida's Coastal /one Mana�,entent Program, a.s requir�d by 5ection 307 of tlte C'c�astal Mana�emeut Act. This permit alsc� c��niiitutes certitication ofeompliance w-ith w-ater qualilti �t�n�lards under S�ccinn -�U1. oFlhe Clean Water Ac1. 3-� I!.S.C. 13� I. This activity also reyuir�s a pr�7prict�try aut.h�rization, as the a�tivity is la:aicd on so��erei�n submerged lands n�ti'ned b_�� the Board ofTrustecs ot the Internal Improvement T'rust f und. pursuant ta nrticle �, Section I l of �he Florida Constitutiun, �rt�l Sectiuns'S3.Q0? and ?�3.77, �.5. The activity is nat exem�t From tl.ie need to obtain u proprietarv authoriz_ation. The Departm�nt has the res�nsibility tc� review and take final acti��n un this request ti�r proprieta.ry auihc�rization i.n accordanee with Section I S-? 1.OQ� 1. F'.:�.C., �nd the operaiing uSrezntents eY�:cut�d behveen ch� Department and the waier mana�emertt district5, as rel'erencc�! in Cha��ter b�- ': l3. r'.A.C, l:n addition to the ahove, this propriet.try� authorir,ati��n Itas been revie�ved in acGC�rdance with (.�hapter �$3 and (,'hapter �58, F.S., Cliapter I8-�'Q. C'hapter 1$-? 1, and S�ctian 6�'-3�4_3.07�_ F.A.C., xnd tli4 poli� ies of the E3��ard c�f Trustees. l, � �.�., r�� staff �� d�e Lioar�l oF Tnastees, th� Departn���it has re��ie«�ed th� activity� described bel��w, �uid has �ietzrmined the activit� r�qui.res a lease tc�r the usz of thosc lands, pursuant to (:.hapcer '�3. � 7. F.S. �l�e Department intznds to issue �he l�ase, subject t.o the required f�es and conditiott�_ Th� kinal �locu.m�nta requi.rzd io �xzcute Glt� lease will be yeiit t�.± d.l� Divisi��n of State Lands. Tlt� Department u�tends to issue the lzase, upan satisfactory zxecution of those �i��unaents. 1'ou mHV not beain construction of this acdvi on state-owned soverei�n submeraed lands until the lease has been esecuted to the satisfaction af tl�e D�ment. 'l'hi5 pernlic :jnd authorizauon t�, use soverei�n ,ubmerged lands is suhi�cc t�� thz Liinits, conditioils, au�l 1���:ations of work sh�����n i.n t.h� attached drativin��s. a�id is also suriect t� thz attacl�za 3� �eneral conditions a��d =1Q specifia cunciitions, which are a bu�ding part of tLus pern�it and autlwrizacii�n. Y��u c�rc. ad�ised to r�ad and und�rstanci these drawin�s a►id condrtinna prior to a,m.mencin�� th� autliorize�l activities, vid to ensure the tivork is �onducted in eonforn�aucc; �vith all the tern�,, �andicions. :u1d drawings. Tf vnu �re uti.lizing a conr.ractnr, the contraccor al�o should read aud �uiderstand these drawcn�,s ancl cc�nciitinns prior to cc�mn�encing thz autliariz�ci activities. Failure to comply �viih all drawin�� �uil 4 ;:oncliti��ns sl�all 4onstituke �routids For revocatioc� ol'the p�rmit and appropriat� �.nlorcemant acCi�:�n. C)peration c�f the fac.ility is not autltorized except when dctern�in��l to be in �o�l.foi�nance with all applicable rules aiid th� general and specit►c :.anditions �?f �his pernut and int�nt to �rant state l�nil.� autharizacion. �s specifically �lescribed belaw. I"ou are hereby advised that auchorizations also may be required by otlter fc;dzral, ic�7t�. �tnd lc�c�l e.ntitizs. Tl�is auchorization d��es nut relieve yC�u [�om the rec�uirements ro obtain all orl�i:r required periuits and aud�orizations. SPGP RE��W — �UT APPRO�"El� ?� co�y of this autltorizatian ltas also been s��tl to th� U.S. Am�y CorpS ��f En�in�ez'S ('ll'S;�C OE) for r�view. Tl�v USACt]�'. Lua}' require a separate permit. Failure ta abtain this authprizatiou prior t� e��u5tniction could subj�ct you to entorcement action by tliat agenny. :�CTT�rI'TY DESCRIPTION: �1'he prc>pi�sed project is to �onstruct a new �0,496-square-foot �ockin� facility with L'G ��rtuaneut I�oat slips, 3� te�aiparary side-ti� m�oriii�w areas witli moaruig lintited to I 1') �lays, and 16 t�mporary� side-tie uioarina areas wi[h no o�'�rnight inouring, fur public use withiu Clear���ater Ha.ri�or, a cr�s5 m (:)utstaixdin� Florida VVaterUod,v, and part. �at: thz Puiellas Count�� Aqultic Presen�e, t'urrently tt�er� �s ��i e�cisiin� �slung pi�r aud �� small dock willt ane slip l��eated wittvn tlte prciject .u��a. The ntarina i� t�wnc:d by- die C icy of Cle;�rwate�aald will bc: l0U'? o �pc:n to t�ie public on a 17rst coule tirst serr-cd ba�is_ �'he f�YCility �vill noc allow livzaUoa�-ds. Horv�v�r. cw�� sani�ary purnp-outs �vill 6z provid�d. �1�� tuc.lin� ��I che facility i� propos�d at ilus tiuze. �pproxi�.nztely b0(') linear feet of riprap ��'ill be placzd alon�� p�irt ot die sza��'1ll_ -Chi: w�►te:nvard il��c.ks n�iLl also hav� �cave atteuuators atta�lted t�� tlie fl��atiu� itack. Tlle �vat�nvard mosi p��rci��n ��t� the tiiarina �ti ill bz a i.iu.n.unum ot' �� f�et landward ot'the edge of the inh•acoa�tal watez��ay. a portion �?f th� project is lo�at�d within an Outstanding Florid;7 �V;►t�rbody an�l ptu-t ot the Pinellas l_oi►nty .4qua�ic Preser��. 1�lie a���tni4�icin ot�that porti��n ot d1e facility arid tlie lzasin� ot��tac� o�vc�.e�l Pc.rzniitcc: Ci�� ��I'Llean�atrr ��rlitit �n; 5"?_0?(i�7;R-�lll"? I�.��e _' a1 1 � lanJs rnust be � I.c�uly ui die public i�it�r�st. Th� pubLic uar.erest pa-aposal is t�� plac� rl�re� i.nli�rniacic7nal ki��tiks :�t the propo;�a maruia. 'T11e kiosk� tivill includ� infoln�atiun an Uoater ;aFel? _��a�rass �rotzcti�in, aind nt�iatzt iuf�7nuation. :>.iso. the plac�nient ��f (ii)0 linesr k4et c�f riprap alon�, th� z�istinU ���►ti� 111 evill ira� � a net p���ici�-� �n�'ixon.mztital iinpact l�y dampenirtf7 ��'a�'� acri��n and crz�tin�� habi[at t��r aquatic �re��rusrn;. :�CTT�TT�" LOCATIOh: rhz �rc,lzct is L��C7ILiI L7�j0��" I}l� �'CZ[1111C1'3I �'311a2�ti-3�' �ill lll� Zast �ide �,1; �'lzar�i-�a�:uc� Harb�,r. Cle�u��'atzr, Sectioii 1 i,, r����t��hip '_�l South. [tan�e l� E.ast, Piurll�s C'ounl� . CENERA.L CONDITIO�I5: :�.11 acti�-it.ic:s sltall bz implem�nc�d as s�t to�tli in the pl�ui�. sp��ih�ations aud pc;rFormancz �rit�ri� as �tp�rovzd by' this permit. ,�ny" i.l���l�flt?Il trOIll TIl� []CII1l1iCCC� 3C11.\'1T1-' :1aC� C�1� ���lll'�[Cli,?Il� for tuidert�liO.[1L t17.�1 3Cf1�'it}� SIl3IL CDllSilTil[� 3 �'Iq�3llOri nr iI715 �errtv.e. This �zrtuit or a ci�py tt.izreot: �omplete with all �:��nditions, attachmznt�, ��tubits, and ►i�oditi�atiui�s, �ktall be kept at the w•or� �itz of thz permittz�l activity TtIZ COIl1FfIZtZ �]ZfI11Ll shall b� available tc�r re��ew at thz work site upon request by D�pariment ataff. Tlie pernuttez ,ha.11 require th,4 contractor t�7 r���i�w the co�i�pletz permit prior to com�uenceui�nr of th� acciviry- autharized by tlus pvrnut. Activitius appro�.�ed by [hi: pertnit shall be condu�cea in a a7anuer wluck� does noc cause violations o'k titate water quality atandarcts. The p�rnYittee shall iuuplcm�nt best inanagement practices I'or erosiuxl and a polluCiotl �vi�trol to prevent vi��L�tiou ot stat� w'�tl'er i�u�lity �tand�rds. -C'emporary erosion contxol �hall be implem�ntc.d prior to and J.uriu�� conseruction and p�mvaxi�nt ���ntrol mea�tu'es shal] �ie compl�t�d ���itlu.n sev�n days af any i:o�istructi��n activity. Turbi�lity b�uriers shall be installed and mairitainzd at all locations wl.iere the possibility oti trausterring suspended 5oli.ds ixltti th� re�eivit�� wacerbu�ir' exists due tu cl�� p4rnutted wc7rk. Turbidily barriers shall remain i.n place at all lacations untii constn�ction is complete�� 1nd soils are �tabilized and vegztation has been �stablished. i'hereafter th� permicCee shall be responsible for th� r�moval of thz barriers. The pennitt�e shall correct any ernsic�n i�r sli��aling that causes �idvers� impacts to kL1e �vlter resources. �. �4'a[cr quaLity data for thz �vater discharsted L�om tk�e perniitt�e's praperty �>r uito the. ;urtace wa�ers of th� �tat� �hall be submitt�cl t�� th� Department as r4quirecl by the penn.it. .4ualys�s shall be pzrf�,rm�d accordin� to pro�zdures outlined iu th� curr�nt ��liti��n of SCandard l�iethods ror the. E..r•aminatinn of b�'ater an�l �Vaste�vater bv t}�e ?Lmerican Puhlic F[4alth ��ssociation or N[ethod; for Ch�iuical .analyses of V6�ater and ti�'astes by the L.!.S. Cnvironmznfal Prot��lion ?.�euc}�. If �ti-aeer qualit}� data are re�1uir�d, thz pzru�.ittez shnll pro�rid� aa�a a� r�qu.ired an vol�unzs oEtivatzr �lischarged, iucluduig rotal volum4 dischar�ed diu-in� the days of sampling an�l tocal monthly ��olum� dise.l�arged tmm �he property or into surtace w�at�r� ��t'tli� titatz. Departrrtenc staff mu�t b� n��liiizd i.n advance of �uiy proposed construction d��valeri_n��_ lf fl�z de�yateri.ng acri��itti� is lik�ly to resul� in oEfsie� discharee or �ediment tran�p�rt ia.�t� ���etland� ��r �ti�rfac� ��aters, a ��'ritteii d�t��atering plari must eitl�er ha��� bcen �UI�lIllI[Clj .3IlCj �3r1I1�C1V�CI \l'I�ll II.lZ periuit applicati��n or submittzci to tk�e Dzpartment a� a peruut priur lo the :l��r�atcrin� cvcnC as a �ennit modificati�i.i. The p�;rnultez is ad� ised that the rules ot the South�vest Floriila ��'at.cr Pem�icrzc: C';ty �,fl lean�a�rr ['eniti� �1v: ;?.fr�(,;��a.ti_�i��' Pae� 3 ��f l� I�1�u1a+�c:mcnr District sta[� tliat a �vatcr ���� P�rn�it n�a} L�� rzc�uu��i prior to an;� u5� �..rcc4din�r ch� �l�r�slz.,l�l_; in Chapter- ��D-'. F.A.C.. h. 5�aliilizai:��n meas�lres �hall be ituliatecl t��r zrosi��n anJ il:L�1I11�;I1I c:ontrol oi1 eiisc.u.rbzil area� as s�ou a� pra�ticable in p��rtion� ��t the �it� �� lacr� ,:o�i,r,tucti�7n �icti��itiz� ha�:�e tzrnporaril�� or p�nnailen[ly �ea:eci, l�ut in no cas� morc than a�� �n days after th� .:c�n�U-u4tii�ti activity i�l that port.ion ot' �he sit� has temp�?rarily or pezivanautl}� �eas�d. _ �=1ft sit� �lis�har�e� dtu'iu�� �oristru�tion �lll(� ljc:�'ZIO�111�I1t il1�l�I ��� I1111�� ��nl} tlui�u��i tl�� ta�ili�ics authorized by thia ��rniit. W'at�r discharged tram tLie projcct sl��.11 be [�ll'011�l1 SiIl1CTl11'l:5 Ilcl� lll!? 8 ni�uh��ni�LU suilable f��r r�gulatin� upsfre�n sta��es. Sta��es i1taE b� ;ul?jzci t�� ��per�ati<�n ych�dul�s s itisfa.:torv t�, th4 Dep��rtn�cnt. i_ Thc p�nnittze s11a11 complet:� coi�stniction oi �ill aspzcts ot' �}.ie sui-tace ���at�r mana�i:nzzut �ystc:iv, includin�`r w4tlan�l comper�aciun (4�radin� uzulch.in�. plantin�l. �v�icer quality creatinenc features, and dischar��c �ontr��l tacilities prior to beneficial occup�uicy or u�e ��f the develc}pm�ilt L��in� szrved I?�- this svstz�n. � �=�. l�lxc: .toll�����in« shall b� pr��perly aUanacmed and`��r rzrn��ved ili ac��rda�i�� ���ilh tl.ic applic�ibl� rc'�'111i1[lC)ri5: a. _�ny existina we11s in tl�e pat11 ot'c��nstruction �hall bc �ri�p�rly plu�+�eil a.�i� ab�c�aoned 1,v � lirense��. «�e11 c��ntr�ct�?s_ b. auy �xistiu� ��pti� l'anks an six� slial] L,z abandoneJ at tl�e l,c�umiit�� of �anstrucriau. c_ ��ny eustiu�� furl �tora�c tanks and tuel pum}�s sliall b� r�mc�v�rl al thi: he�ri.n.ni��� oi' Cl�[1SiCUC[1017. 1 �7_ ��ll s�u-rac� w�ater m�na�r�nicnt ,yst4nis ;hal1 bz ��perat�d tc� 4�ins�r� e���ater in ardzr to maiucain envirrnimental quality ;uYCi re5ource protection; to increa�e tliz cfticizncy ot' tra�isport. applic�tion �tnil usz; to decrease ���aste; tn nlinimize unvatural runott tro�n the propert�,� and t�� uti�u�uize dewatzrin� ��f offsitz Pra�erty. 1 l. .at least �S hours prior tc� commenczinent of actiti�ity autli��rizi.�l by this perm.it, thv Perriuttce shall subuut co th� D�partmezit a writ�en nutiticatiou ��t commzncemc:nt usiu�* ai1 �`En��irnnmental Reso��c�uz P�rnut C:��castruction Conunencetnznt" notice (F��rni N�?. f�?-3� �.900( i l. F. �.C. I indicatin� th4 actucil start date and the expected compl�tion date. 1_'. Each phase ��r iridepenac.ut poRi��n �f t�iz p�nitittc:a �yslen� ntust bz �ompl�t�� in accordance ��•irh �h� permitteJ plaus �ui� peruut �ondi[i�ms prior to thc occupation oi The site or op�rati�zi of siC� utira��ructw-z located �vitfvn t�ie area ser��ecl bv that portion ��r phase ��f th� syst�rn. Each rl�ase ��r ind�pendcni portian c�i thz syst�m must h�: contplete�l in accord:ul�e 1V1T}1 IIlZ �]ef111LCLc'(� �1;3115 811L1 �>�i'llll[ �i�IlC�1L1011� �)I1��P Ll� If�llStcl- �7t C�:tij.1pI15lUl�l(.�' LOT ��Eli',PRII[�il i117Cj iilallll.ZI1�L1C� UI f111C �111c'lSZ lli' portion �f the sy-stem [n a l��cal g:>�'enutienl or ��ther responsible zutit��. 1±. �'4�ithin 311 days aft�r cumplzti�n ��k �onstrui:ti��n ��t�th� P�ri.nittc�l acti�ztv, the pernutt�� �hall subcvit a tvritti;n st:�tzment ��f �:��mpl�tiun ana czrtificati��u bv a. r��istered professi.onal etl�inc�r or c7thzr sppropriate iniii�zdual as authariaed by la�v, utilizui� the requireil "Ln�'ironmental Resourc� F�i111llC _�3-Bllljl C'zrtitication by a R.z��i�cerz�l Prot�ssion.il" (F��nn ti�,. 6�-�-1;.9p�)( j)_ F,:1.C.1, Pcrnlirtea Cit� of Cle�u-�.�ter 1'emv� y,�: ;?_(1�(;;�);`_Ilil� Pa�� � nf I � an�l '`R4quzst fi�r Transfi;r of'�nvirorunrntal R�s�7urcz Pernut C'.��iistru�r.ion Pha�e to c=)peration PV�as�" (Fornl �"-=�3_9rIU("}. F'._1.C.). .\dditioually. if�de� iacions I'rnm tile appro��:cl �lrawin�s :�rc J.i;co�-ered duru��� tli:. c�rtiticatio�i process che .ertific�lll��l1 [11UiC 27C �li:l:i?I11�3111Zi� �7�,' :1 �O�lti t?F thc :t�prc,�•�d p�rmit dr;�t� ings �vitll d�viatiot� noced. i�. "C1us peni�iE i� v�ll.i;l ��nly for the �pecitic proc�ss�s, �7p�ration� :ui�l desi��, i.ndi�atec� ��n tt�,� appro�-�d dra�vings c�r 4�lubits �ubnutttd in �upport ot�[he pei�xlit application. :��y' �ubsta��tial de�-ia�inn Erom th� a��?roveci ii.rawin�s, exluhits, �pe�iticatians or permi,� �;��n�liti��ns, includui�� cou.�truc�ic,n �ti�i�hiu th� total lancl area but ��utsidc the .�ppro�,�ed prn.jzcc arzal�l. may constihue �ounds For r�v�icatic�n ar 4i�rarc�ment action by the Department. urilc�s �� nloditi�ation has heen applied i��r and appr��ved. Exampl�s of �ubstantial aeviations iriclucle excai'ati��n ot p��z�ds. ditches or sump areas Jucper thaii shown c�n the a�?pra�.�c:d plan5. I 7. The opzration phase of tlus p�rnlit shall nat become �ffeccivz until rh� p�rnuttee lzas aomplie�l ���id1 the re�luiremzt�ts ��t the c�nditi��ns h�r�i.n, the D�partn�c�lt det�rnluies ihe sy-sten� <<� bz �n ::QT11�1111I1CZ lI-LIII (..�.1.� �.lZt'I1llitZll �]lans, and Ih.e �ntity appruv�cl by tlie Departm�nt ac:.zpti responsiUility l��r ��peration and maintenanc� of tk�e �yscem. Tl1e permit rnay not bc: transfen•eil to thc op�ration and ivauitenance entiry approvcd bv the Deparqt��►it u�til th� op�raCie�n phase �Fthe perniit vecames ettective. Following inspecti�n and approval of tL�� p�nnitt�d sti�stzm by the Dep<Yrtitlent, the pzniutte� shall request transFer oF the p�rmit to thz resprnlsible operation and mai�it�nance atltiCy approved by th� D�partme�u, i F ditferent &nm tlz� p�rmittee. Until a tra�,ter is :�pproL-ed by the Depanmetit pursuant to Section b2-3�};.1 l Ol � 1(.d 1. F..-�.C._ the pernuttee shall b4 liahle f�r coinpliau::e witU tlie tenns i�t the permit_ l n. Sl�auld any othi:r re�ilatory a�ency require chwges to the perntiCted s�'st�tti, the Department s.liall ti� n��tiii��l ofthe. changes prior en ianplementation so that a ttet�rnunation eau be cnade wl�ethcr a pemlif mudilicatic�n is requir�d. l?. This ��rmit does n��t elimivatv the necessity to obtain �u1v recluired fzderal. state, luGal aud special, distri.;t au[llorizati��ns iucluding a deternunation i�f the prop�sed acti��iti�;' 4uiupliance witt� the. appLicablc �ontpr�ltcnsi�c plau prior to thz �t��rt ot any aciivity� apprnved by tlus ��ei���.it. I. �. Thi� l��rnlit does not �onvey to tli� p�rniittee or creatz iu tl�e perrnitt�e a.ny propc.rt}' ri��ltt, or any' int�rest in real propert'y. nor does it authorize any- entrance u��an or ��tivitiza on propert�� wl7ich is not ���� ned or contr-olled l�y che pernuttee. or couvey an.� ►-is*lits ��r pii�il.,k�:s ��th�r tl�a.�1 th��s� �p�citi4d in the pet�nit 2nd Chapter =�11D-� or Chapt�r �c)D-�0, F..�.C. 1��_ �Th.e p�n�uct�e is I�erek�ti� advis�d that Szc:tion ?�3.i7. F.S., stat�s tliat a pei-soii may not �onuneuc� a.u�� ��uavati�n. �onstruction, otiter activity involr�•iu4� th�: usz of st�� �reign or oth�r lands ot' th� stat�, the title tc� wtucli is vested in lhe Board at Trustzes oF tl�e i►�.ternal ]zupro��ement Trust Fund without obtainin� tkie rec{uired l�ase, license, zaszment, �;�r c�thzr form ol eonsent authorirul� thz proposed us�. Th�retore. the penttitt�z iy respc�t�iblz tor ��btainiu�J �uiy- necessary� authorizatin►i; frotn tlie B��1rd of Trusters �rior to conut��ncin� activity- on 5o��r�i�nt�� lauds or oth�r �tate- �,wu�d lanils. �i.1. I7ie par�i�itte� al�all hold ai�d �a� e rlle D�partm�nt ham�less iiom an� and all damu��*�s. clain�s_ �,r r liabilitizs w-tuch ��iav 3ri:� by'reas��fl ol the actiti-iti�ti auth��rized by lh� peruiit i>r any- usc ol tLie [+�rn�itteil system. Pcr�nit[ee: (''ifv,�fC lc:u-�.vatCr P;rtnii�In� j?-n"�(iSN��-ilu� Pzee � of l � � l. _�11�' iiZIlllZ8�lC1L7 ��f t1t� etitent ��k a ���tla�id or ot�ier �urtac� �-ater ;ubulitt�d as part ��1� the p�rm,i.t applicacic,i�. uicludu�� plan; o.r othi:r �uppc,rti��� a<��u���z«t�«�,��. �1,�,�< <a��� vz ��,��5�dz►�z� ���.«a��� ut�le�s a sp�cit]e �otlditiot� .�1� [}115 pernut or a ti�nnal il�t4rniivation unciGi' �4ctioi� 3"3.�� 11 ? 1. F.S.. �.�r�,�zide�i�C}�rr�r�ise. _'�. The rcrttuttee sha[1 notih. the D�pc�riment in writin4r �vilhiu 3�1 �i�yc ,�t an��;ale, �onG'z���ne�:, or at11�r rrz7.iulzr of c����n�.rship or �oi�trol uf rhe penuitte�l sysr4m ��r thz real pr��p�rty at tivluch lhz l�zrtn.itted s�'stzm is l�icatacl. �11 tran�fer5 �if o�vn�rship or tra.r.��fers ��1' a pertnit sre :ul�ject t�� th� req�ur4tilc�it� ot s�cti�.�n ti?-3�3.130. F..�.C. I'he permitt�� tr�►nst��rrui� chc p�rn�i� sha11 remain 1iab1� t��r any �orrecti��� acticm� that may he requized as a r�sult i�t� av�� ��ermit �-iolation; ��rior t�,� such sale, cunveyance ��r ��th�r tr;ulsfer. '3. [.rpon reasonablz t�otice tc, the �erm.ittee. Departm�nt authuriz�d Sf�tt \V11I1 �11'l��"JZC ICj�L1L1t1LS�'LUlI shall ha��� pentussio�i to �ut�r. iuspzct, ;ample and test tkt�. ,vst�in t�� insure �onf 7r�ru�ti° «-itl.1 D�partm�nt rules. re��ul�ttians mId conditic�ns otthe pern�it�. ?-4. If lust�7ric�tl or ac�L�aeolc?�*ical :u-tit�icta care dia�uvered at any tiiz�z ��n tUz pri�ject site, th4 p��'n�itiez sl�all u�unediately iwtiPy the Departm�nt .�cid th� Florida Dep:u'��tiznt ��f Stalz. Divisii�n �at Historical Resc7urces. '�. Th�: penYiitt�:e shall uavaiediately- nc�tih� the Uepartmznt in writul� of an� pr�� iously ;ul?m.itt��l uifaral�iti��n that is later discovered to be inaccurate. SPECLF�C CONDITiONS: Subnutc�tls r�quire� herein shall be directed [��' Depac�tmzu[ c�:f En�zr«nmc:uC�il Prat.i;ctii,n Fnvironcn.ental Adr.ninistratnr Enviro�unental Resc?tuce Mana��nte��t Pro�ram S�iu.tlnvest Distriut 1 i0�1 Nui111 Telecom Parkw�ay T�mple Tenac.�. FL 33637-1)9'_'6 herelt��r referre�l to as "il�.e Department". Submirtals i�lelu�le, but arc nc�1. linute�l tc�, recor�l �lra�vin��. �r��gress r�ports, uiitigati��u monitarin�� repons and w�at�r qu�tlity uionit��rin� reports_ Subn�ttals s1�all inclucl� the p�nnittee's name and pernut nun�ber. T1ie pen��itte� �hall be a�var� of aud op�rate unac:r numbzr 1 rliri�u�sli � 7 �f tli� atc7renidntii�i�ed -•General Coiiditio��"_ Tlie G�ncr�+l C�►.iclitioi� arz hitidiu� up��u thc pc:n�utt�e <uid ziatoreeabl� pursuai�t cc+ Cl�ap[zr �i)3 of th� �'l��rida Sratutes. Th� pennittze i� hcr�bti cidvise�l that Fl�,ri�la law �ta�cs: "N�i pzrson sh:�ll �onutt�n�4 any etica�-zti��n. �onstru�tion. or other acti�itv invol�-in�; thz use of so�-erei��l ur athcr lan�l� �,t'tl�e state. [i�le ti� whicli i� �-es[z� in the Board ot�Trust��s ��f tlle uit�rnal i.mpr���e►ueut -Crti�st 1°un�l ��i- th� D�partmziit ��f Euviroimlentaf Profection undzr Cha�ter �� �. I'.5,, ltrilll yu�l� [�ers��u l�as ruc4i�'ed trom the Board ofTrust�e, ot tla.� rntzrnal imprc�vernent "rnist Fund tl�e rec�uirc:d lcasc, li�e��_ zasement, or i,ther f��nn ot� conscnt authorizin� ch� �r��po.cii u�c_" I'�usl�anl to Rul� 1�- 1�.Ull�(1 ). F. �\.C.. if �uch ��c�rk is don� without consent, c,r it� a person other���i�i; ilan�ake5 ,ratc P..srmitt�e: Cit� nt C�learn��tcr Percnic \��: i_'-Il'i„�l �Y-I.IU_' ['�ge �i n� �: l��n� ��r products of state lan�, th�.13��ard �7f Tsv�t��s Li�av lz�y aiin�.iniitrative tLnes ��F up cc� 'ti t U,OiI(.) per offcnsr.. �. 1IlZ t�IlTiS. ��l[l�l[IOR�, azi�l pr.o�•i�ions oi rh� r���uir�J 14a�� shaLl {�� �uct. Constniction i�f this �ictitiicy- shall nut c��tiu��c:zi4e on sovirei�r:i submerged land5, titlz �o ti�'}uch is held by the 13��ard .�t .1-rlistec:s of the Internal Impr��vement Tn�st 1=�uici. iultiL all r�c�uired 1_easr ��,�umcnts l�a.v� ueci� �x�cutc�l to th� �atisf��ct.ioit af the Depttrtment. ��. Th� :,u�irtur�: �r�ork au�hor.ized by �L1is �erni.it sliall n��t be plac��:`c�,n.lt�ctz�l ni,� any pr��p��-ty, ot.h�r tk���za rliat o1r-n��l by t.11e p�rnuttze, ��'ithout th� prior �vritt�n ap�rotial. o.t that. ��rop�►-t.r' own��. �i. Gi t�i� e•���nt tltz pern�attee tiles ior 1i�uil;ruprcy pritr t.� com�letic�n ul �v��rk pzrmitted an�l required by tlus pernzit, th� penuittee must notify the Departlnent u�itlun 30 a��ys ut tilin��. I�lie i���titiicatiun sha.11 idznti fy the hankruptcy courr au�i ca�� niunb�r anil,llall u�clud� �1 cop�� of tlie ��I]kl"LL�IuV �c'ililt,lll. PR�-C�I�TSTRUCTION CONDITI�tiS: Subsenuent t�� the selection ot� the contr�ctor t�i pertcarn� tli� au[horiz��l ��cti�•it�� �ld prinr tn the initiatian at work authorize�l by thi5 pe;ruut. lhe p�nt�itt4c. f��r sutl�orized a�entJ �nd the cctiutractor, shall attend a pre-constructi�n �onf�renrz �vich a representatiz-e ol'the Depar�menc's Subnler�ed Lands and Cnvixonmen�al Resources staff. Tlie p�rnutt�� sh�ll notify tlle D�partruenc i_�7. ���ritin; subsequeut �o contracter sel�etia,n co request s�he�lulin�* oti Nle subject conferc:n.cz. Prc��ress reports for the project siiall be ,ubnut«d to the llepartmc:nt be�uuung ClctoL�er 1. ?G�7�), and shall continue t�+ be suhuiitted bi;�uivally until constn�ction ��f the �a�rnutted pruject ancl �uitigatian creatian i� �ompleted. The cover page shall in�li�atz the pernut number, project name iLLli� [ill; �IZI"[1llfCZe [lillll�. PTL7�TG'S3 1'l':j]Ui't5 m�ist be stibmitted to t.he Dep�►ct�tiznt il''th4rc; i� nc� oneoing conscnicti��n. Eteports sliall include the curre��t project status and d�� coustruction sc�iedul� tox tlie fol[owing six ino�ltns. "Clie rc;port sl�all includz th� foll���ving info.rn�ation: a. Dat� perLUitteti ��ti� itr' wa5 la��uta: if �m�ork hus �ial bz�un ota-;itz, plza5e iudicate. b. Briet'descriptian and eKtent ot the work l.i.�., dock and riprap.:c�nsrructic�n) .:omp(ec�d since the �reviouy repurt or 5in�� the peruut «�as issued. Shotii� o�i �opic.s of thi: p�nnit dra�r'uigs flZi�s� areas where work has been compl�ted. c. Brief descriptinn and extent' at th� work ( i.e., cLock and riprap �onstnictionl ant.iaip�t��l in thz next si.r' ntonth�. Itidicate oli cupi�s �f the E?e►lnit drs�vin�s thc�tic; ��rca� wher4 it i� anti�ip�ataa thac work will bc don�_ d. Tltis rzp��rt shal,l include on the first pa4��. just bel��« thz title. the certifiration i?f tl�e follo�ving statetuent by �hz indi<<i�lual who yuPen ised przp<�ration of the report: "Tli.is rc:port repres�n[s a crue wd acew�ate description ot the activitiz; conducted durul� the si� montl� perioa ,:�,v�r�d b�' zhi; report." � P�rmit[�e: L iri P1�Clr:L'��'alrr 1'.rtnit'\�i): �_'-11�_'(�<yty_�Il1? P•iy� ' ��f t ; �xosto�r cor�r�zo�, co�nrr[oYS: 2(1. l!' r.l.�c p�niuttv� is ,rc�in�T ti, I7t iII'1�'lll� pilings usin� a 1.��1111171�1-. 1S ;iT�[Zd I7.1 l.11� CC�I15Irl1C[1C111 t��liiii�1ues, th�n itirhidit�� barrizrs «�ill ni�t be requir��l. Hi>�ve� er, ii tlie pi.lin�s will be jetted ihen �.izst mana�ai�:�nc pra�.�ic�s For rrosi�,u c�,ntrol sliall bz in�pler��e�a�zd �o pre�-ent �iltation an�l turhid discharees in �x:,e,s .�f rhe ambienc a�rbi:lity levels oT tLz� �urrriunc,iin�� �)utstaniiin�� Florida VG'at�rs. 'vl�tl���ds mnv include, buC are r.ol limitzd ro, di� use of staked hay' halzs, sc�k��l tiltzr �i��c�. ���aa��. ����i����7, �ta+_=�d co��stru::ci�n and tlti: installatioi� ��f turbi,�it�� s�r��n� 3�'1)llI1CI [Il� inuuediatc: pruj�ct >ite. 11. It .installzd. thz pernuttze 51ia11 bc� r�sponsible for ensua-in� �rasi��n .:o►Zlrc�l .izvi��5rpri�czdurzs are u15pc.CTed aixd maintain�d �laily durin� all phases of constructiou authnri2ed hy tllis peimit �mtil arzas disrurb4�( durin47 constructi��u �re �uLfici�ncLy ,tabilizeil t�� pr���ent �rntii�m, siltatioia, and twrbid disch.ir��s. COVSTRUC'110N COIYD.CT.IONS: l�_ Stocagz or stockpilin� c�f to��ls and materials ( i.e:._ lumbcr, pilin�,, il�liri,) w�ithi« w-ellai�ils, alotim the shoreline. withiu rhe littoral zone, or elsewhere wichin �vetl�i�s c�r uther slu-iac� watzrs is pro}ubited. I3. Durii�� c��nstructi�n, watercrafGconstru�tion bar!�es 51�1ll up�ratz ���itlun �vatzr� ��f;�rffici�nt d�pth t�.� prr�::lude b«t�om scourin�lprop dr��cl�in�. There s4�a11 hz a!lllllll?]�.11Il I?-!I]Ch c1L'�1'?l(4'4' between. 111� Jeepest �iratt of the vessel (�vith the motor in fhe down gc�5itionl ancl the top ok' ;ubm�r�zd resou.rceti at mean I��v �vater. I-4. :�ll stni�ru.ral suppoirt pilings ;�id moori�ig �ili.n�*s ;h.►11 bz nan-C'C'A l��ir.ltiri� �recycl4d plastic, concrete. ;r�znheart, i�r �vrapped w'ifh i.mpc;Yt7�e3b1� plastii oc PVC slee�es in such a mant�er as lu eliminite el�e leachin.g af del.et�rious suh�tances frum the pilin�s into [t�e «�ater calunui a�ad sedi.m�ntsl. Pile «rappin� shall �:rtettd to on�-foot b�lo��- t}�e �ubstrate and one-taot abor-e �he mean l�igh �vater line. Pi.lin�s w'liich have to be rep(ac�d ihu-in� tlte lit'� of the taciliry sllall meet the requirements of this cc?nditi��n. 1�. "No I�loorin�" si�ms shall be posted as sho�ti�n �in Shzet OO l of the attached prrinit dra�vin��. Nl��orui� of vessels is pr�hibitzd i� flxese areas at all tinie�. The si�is shall advise hoat�rs thzik Ill�ti�1T111'�r, 1S [)rOLil171tL'L� LIl L}1�7�C' clCt'clti aL �3I1 ILIIICS, 3L1� SI]�l� Il4 txiounted 'ui�uch "il ITl'clIlI1L'1' 8S I:O IJI: i:learlv ti-iaible by boaters approacliing the facility. Prior to b�net7cial use af rhe marina the [i�rmiCtee shall proti ii�e clear �hotU� aphic e��id�ncc that tL�c si��s were inst.all�d. 'I"hz pho[us sl�all be �ubrnittzd �vith thz request to tr�nsFer tc� the operation �ha,�. I�i. �"No ._\ccess" buoy shall b� installecl as �how-u on Sli�zt Uu I.�f the atcachud pern-ut drawi�l��s_ Pri��r c�� ben�lic:ial use ��t the marina tlie permitte�. shall pro�'iil� clev� ph�,�ographic e�'idence thnt tile bu��v �ti'as inst�llzd. "Che phot�.�s :hall Ue subuiiltc�i with tl�z re��uesi to trans.fcr tc, �h� o��eralion p.h�YSZ. I?_ The periititt�z �hall install tltree tilinl:in� «'ltitz li�rht� on clie duckinn �tru.:tu.re: as ,h��n-n o�� �tta�lunrnt �. Pri��r to b�n�ticial usz ol thc mari.na thz p�rnii�tze �liall prc��7d� cl�ax pl:ior���r�pLu� ez-id�uc� th.it rhe liuhts «'�rv installi:d. The phot��s shall be ;ubnurred ��ith th� r�yucst tcry tr�uister t�a I:he ��perali��n pl�ase. P�rniittee: L in ��t � le;�r�r �[er PCn71it �ii). `�-ll,fi�93,�-U1)'_ r��,� � �,r� � � Po�T �oNS'�Rt�CTI�N C�NDI�r�oNS: ��i_ The �?�ruutt�� shal.l subztait two copie5 of ;igne�l. d.�tc;c.i and ��alzd a;-built �trati�in�s to the Dzp1CC[lll'lli tC�� C4\rlc;W and apprnval within 30 days ot compl�ti��n of i:oristiu�[i�7ri_ The 3�-huilC d.r;��vit�as �h111 b� �a;ed on th� Departntznt pemutted �Qll�iTUi:11011 t�l"3��-1llC5. WI1lCIl sl�oulil he r�vi�ed t� refl�ct' ul�an�es inade during �oustruution. Both tl�e ori�:,inal Jzsi��u. eind �u��tructed ele�'ati��i1 i11Ua( �7c: clearly SL1vW11, T}1Z �)IdI15 I17L15f UZ cic;�trly labelcd a� "as-built" uc "record" clia��inas. Sun�eyed diw��ions an� �levation.� required shall h� veriti�J and si��led, dated and seale�l U�' �� Flarid�i rc:��istered sutveyor or �ngineer_ _�_y'-L�crilt; .,h�,Il t�� >ir(>iriittc��� tr,� rire pe:jict�'l�nairt �-��arc�less nf 1�'I1c!li4r nr' nnf clevicitrnns c�r� ��r�'si��t. I�� �tcl�Iirir�ir to tltt° :.:Ls-I�ttilf C�rr•tiji��arinn" 1;r��nt: tfrc pz►•iraitt�e .�{�cr!! .;►r1,n�rt rJie "Re�c7�u�sr.I�»' Tr:nasf�'j' �?t�6r�i.•i�-��irn��:rital R��snt�t'�4 Pt�17if!! C.'U7Lyfl'1ti;I10)t Pl.eas'�� t�� OPcPtlilUll Phir,�e� ./i��'a�a as .-��q!.trrc:el irr GG.t���'�.�1 [��.��zilif.ir_�!t �� �- �IlZ i'4�1��1\x`1]]L' II1tflfTllc"ill�lll Slla.�� i1C VL'Iltiv'l� llll L�le �5-f]lll�[ �1"�l\Vlil�i tr'Clltl TIl� vll}�r1I1tP.I1l1� arawin��a si�.nei1 anrl seal�d hy M. T��dd Stockb�r�er. P.E., #ii537. on.-l-�l-(l� and ti-1-�9: Pla.n �'iew; C'mss-Section Pl��n �-i�w Dr�wing Cros.-Sectional View Dra�-i�i�� Ri��r:�r p!�„ and ��r��ss-sectianal ��ie��� Drawi.n NumUcr Sh�et Qi11 $I1c:e;L U{)? Shz�t Oi►3 Tlie loll��wui� ulforttiatidn shall be v�ritied an tli� as-t�uilt drawii.����� lrom thz eneineerin,� drawi.nps �i�ed and sealed by Fi.rnanclo L. Pages_ P.�.. #6�3?�. on I'-�?-OS: Plu� �rie�a�C:ross-Section Pl�ui ��'i4w• Drawin� Plan Vi�w Drau�in,7 Pl�.r.� View Drawing Pl�i View Dra��iug Fl.�u V ietiv Dra�� in�T 1'l�u� Vie�v Drawing Plan V"i�w Dr�r���i�tt� Plan ti"i�w Drati��inu Plan Vizw Drawinu Pl1n Vie��� L7rawin� Pl:�l �'iu��' Dra��'ina Plan V ie�� Draw'in�� O�ER.�TIO�i CONDITIONS: � �D '1 Drawi�t Nuii�ber Slieet C-3 Sh4�t C-� S�iee� C-� Sheet C'-�i Sheet C'-' Sheet C-`� Sh�zt C-� Sl�zet C-10 Sheet C-I t Sh�et C'-L? Sli�:et C'-! 3 Sl�c�t C'-!� U� �nc��ard dis4h��r,�es �tif tr.isli, hwnrui ��r �1I111713I �ti'3Sle. Of ['L1C1 tiI1ZI I Rl�t �7�cur at tl�e rii:�•ir.is. T'I�e si�awz. li��Lits, and m�u'ker liui?ys rct�ereuc��1 in specili� �:oniiitini� 1 �i. 1', a.t�d 1_ � shall be n�aiauained tc?r the lif� af th� fa�ility. Fish cl��ului� scat.io� �hall not be allo��•ed ��n stn�ettu'�s c�� er tt►e �catel' unl4�� SllrtlC!el1T lllessure� :uc iu �lace 1 i.�_. si�na�e. .�i�il: �crzens, ���ast� rec�ptacl��, el�. i t�, uns�u�� th.�t nt�zrb��zu��l Prrrttiiteu: Cit� ��f C:Iranti:�tzr P�-rnil �J�>: j�-Il?h���?Z_fli)? Pa�!e �? ��t t ; �i>�h�r�c:; ��l trash �ind: or animal w.isf4 �10 nut occur at the di�cl.. The pennictee shall submic a pla.n far D4�?artm�nt rc� iew an�1 appru�'ul pric�r ;0 days prior t�� the in5tall:�ti��n ��F any ti,h ' cleanin� station�. ?�. tiVatercraft shall ��p4rate w ithin �r�Yter� nf�sul"f icient d�rth t�� preclude bnttnm scouriil��`�ar��p �ired�in��. Th�r� .5hail be a minimum l�-inch clearance bet�aeen the di:epest dratt uf the ��yszl I�+ ilh the nt��tor in thc J��«'ri pi�sition � and th� top ot� submer,�e� re5ource; at �tiean I���v «ater. 4'zssels monred �l ehe fiariliry sh��ll he �uhjzct t�� the tolln�4in�, limitationti an draf�: s. �'etisels in perm�u�eiil' slipy 1-�10 sh�ll be limited lc� a draFt c�l'no more khan 8 feet: h. Vess�ls in permanent �lip �1 uncl temporary slipti ?�--��) shall he limit�d to .i dratt o1 6 f� et; ,;. V�ssel� in t�mporary f l0 day� slip l-1 yhall b� limited to �r draFt ��f�n� r��or� than � r�er; J. Vcssels in perm��nent slips �?-7$ shall be limited t�� a Jratl �f no more than 8 i'cel; �. Vessels in p4rrnanent slips 79 -I?( �hall bc limit�el tu a drlft urnu mor4 �hvi -� I"eei_ ��, Si�le-tie moorin� area� numberti 1 t'Itrou�h'_�1 are restric[ecl to ��nly �7u�orine For I�1 consecuCive days or less. Side-tie mc�orin�; area, numbers 'S throu�h 4(1 are �ay use onl_v. Overni�ht m��arin��� in t:hese locati��ns is strictly prohibite��. '_�}. Holt. r��aair facili�ies and fueling faciliti�s ��n structures i��rer the writer are pr�hibited. ?;, "'Li�e-abi�eu-�ls" yhall uol b� tillowe�! tii �li,ck al t'ne m:�rina. �1 live-aboarci vessel sf].111 L7e �el'lileil ��s any Uo;.it with person ��r persons living aboar�l whieh is docke� in the rTiarin<t Ic�r f7v� I.ti I consecutive days ��r ai�y ten (10) days �tiithin any thirty (30) day pariod. ?6. [�uelin� l;�c.ilities shall nut be provided at lhe marina. 2?. [3oat maint�nance or r�pair activities requiring rem�>val ��f a vessel from the water, or remuvul �P major portie�ns oFihe vessel, inc:ludin� the en�ine. for purp�ises of routino repair c�r maintenance on site, shall bc: prohibited for thc lif� of the lacility, except where reatovctl is n�:aessitaked by e�uers��ncy cundi[ions wliich have resulted in or can result in the su�kin� of a vessel. Spccitical I� prohibited ahall. he hull clea.n.iitg, liull pautting, scrapin�, and discharges or release oi���ils or grea>es associateci with en�ine arad hy�rnulic repairs. and relared mctal-based hott��m paii�ts associated wi[h I�ull �:raping, cleaning, and paintin�. 'S. S�wa,e pump-��ut facilities shall b� installcd at the Iocations shown un the attached perrTiil dra��ings prior to nr simt�ltane.nush- with cornplction ot'conslructi��n acti��itizs. The p�rmiit�e shall ensure marina personnvl who l�ave been trained [o operate dle sewa�e pump-out fuc.ilitieti a.re �v�ilable L« trssist b�7aters in operating thc Facilities during standard business h�iurs (at a minimum) for the life ofthe facility. The sewx�e pump-c�ut taciliCy shall be in wi�rking orcler prinr to �ny slip occupancy �u�d be maintained in aecorclanee w ith the requvemunts of t:his conditiun 1��r ih� lite ��f lh� tacilih. P�nnittet: �'i[� �}Clle:u«aler P�rniil tio: �'_dl_'h�`13R-UIP, f';:I�e I���rl'I� �i_�N:�TEE CO'_VDITIO�IS: ?c�. _1]1 per;�nnel as;ociatu�l t�ith [}�c pr�ry.je�t sht�ll be insu-uctz�l ab��ut rhz pres�ne� c�t rti�tuatee, su�i n'ianat�i; sp�e�l z�7nes, anc] fhe ne�cl to a�oid �OL11�Ii)Ili �ViIIl alli:I lI1�LLi'Y t�l II78[laic�5. I I12 1)�.'.I'i,11.iTi�Z �h�ll ad�, i,e all ���nstructi��n �?�rs��nnzl �iat dierz �re ci� il �ui�l �rirnit�al pznal[i�s 1''or hariuin�x, harassin�, or killi���� ma��at��s ���h.ich are protzc[ed undzr rh� Rlaririe !�dailut��l Prot�rtion �lct, ti2.z �.nda�i4=zrrd S�ecie� a�t. ancl the Florida �.[anat�� Saitctu�u-y .�cr_ :U. :all vzssels �ssociat�d with th� c�instru�tion pri�ject �hall crp�rate a[ "Idle Sp�ed:'No Wake" at all [iulc:s w�hilc: iu the inwicdiaiz are�t c�rid �ti'�iilz i.n w�ter �vh�r� thz draft ul th� ve;;�l pr���7des l�;s [han a rt,ur-fe?ot clear:uice t�orn the botti�m. .�ll �,�zss�la �� il! ki,ll���v routr:s �,t' dcep water «�hene� �r nossiblz. 3l . Silta�ion �r turbidit�,� barri�rs shall he rnade of ma�erial in ��'hich mrulatee; �:an��i�[. be�oul� ei�tan��led. shall be properly secured, anJ sh�ll be re�,Tularly ►notut��red t�� av��i�i rnanatee entan�lement or entrapnient. E3ai-ri�rs must not icitP�d� m��natcc iuov�m�nc. ��. :�]] ur.i-site projzct persoz�n4.1 are resp<�aisibl� ti�r obsen�inR watzr-related acti�'iti�s t��r �tie presenae ot�man�tte�fs). :\ll iu-�vater operatio�, includinc vzsstis_ must be shul'd��wn ifa manatee(s1 curues ���itliui �p f�et of th� uperation. :�ctiti ities �r'ill n�i� r4sumc un�il tlle cu��uatee(,) ltas miived beyonci th� �0-foot radius ut the pr�ject opzration. ��r ucztil 30 ntinutes elapses ik'tltc zz�auat�::(�1 l.as not reapp�ared "�it}�n a� Fcet nf tlie operation. :lnimals i:iu�t ne�t I�e herded aw�t�� ��r }�ara5scd i�ato Ic.��in�, 3:;_ :1ny a��llision �'ir11 or injury to a u�uiate:e shall be reported inuuediat4ly ti� tl�z F'WC .Elotl.ine at 1- 3SS-�3�-t-F�'�'CC. Collision �tridi��r iitijury sh�iulil alsn b� report�d co t11e L�.S. E'ish and Wildlit'� Scr�-ic� in JackSOn'�-ille (1-90�4-? i�-?580) for north Fl��rida or V�ro Beach (1-�61-�b�'-3�)1)9) for sou[�i Flortda. y�. Temporary si ms c.onaernuig u-�anate�s sh�tll l?e postzd prii�r c�� anci durin, �ill in-water project activiti�s. rlLl si�s ar� to be removed by the percnitt�z upon completion of the prnject. f.��vareness �i��ns that L�ave alreadr• been appro���d fc�r this us� l�y the Florida Fialz and W'.ildlife Co�aservation C'�.�nunission (FWC') must be uszd. (7ne �i�,Tn measurin� at least 3£t. hy � ft. �vhii;l� rtads Cat�ri��n: ,�Ict�i�r���e .�recr must be posted. ..a szc�,n�i si�ni measurin� at le�t5t 41 '�" E�y I L" expltiniug thc requ.iremexits for "Idl� SpeedNo Wake" und tr�c shutdi��vn ot'in-wat�r oPerations �nu;t be pasted 'ui a li�catian pronlinently visible to all persnniiel Gu�aaz�l in �e�atzr-�'elated acti� itizs. ±�. The pern�itteeilessee shsll de��l��p and 'unpl�ment a Florida FiSh an�i �`-ildlifz C��ziscr�'atiun Cc�mm.is�i��n IF��CI-approved nlarina �ducati��naL prngrain I�vlu�l� in�luiles, at a mininluzn, pennancnt nta�la[�e educational si�is, specd zouc bookl�ts. an�l manatee cducario�ial b.m�hures 1 n�� later th�n 3U il�ys ait�r issuance ot�dus permit, and must b� maintain�d fo�� clie lif'� ot th� fa�.ility. ["h� I�zCt111tt��,lzs�ze �tiill be respunyible r��r thc Cost of lflz cdu�a[iotl;�l macerial. Tlie j�erniitt�er''les;�e shall de.elop ttus �ducatiunal prc�,�ram �vith the �ssistanc� c7fFti�C. CWC shall a:p�rav� tltis ��iu�atiou FL�u� pri�r tc� its iinplzrn��it:ttioit. ��Iaruia edlication pro�:ram �ii:l�lin�s 7re availablc..tt the ti,llu�►�in� L'u�: t�ttp:.'!m��fi�•;:.com�u�anatzeisi�ns�Eilucalic?npl_�n.piit. ��r::ari l�e ubtained irnm �'�VC. �'onta�c the Florida Fish sv�l Wildli.te C��nsen ��tior.� Cunur�iy�ion, Itiiperil�d Species tifana.��i:meut Sc�rion �t: (�i:) S��ut}� \-l�ri�lian Street. 6_\, I�illali:i�;ee, Floriilci ??399-lUQi) (.� jl)-92_'--�� 311 i. F';-m�ittee: C'ir� ot l-Ic�r•�accr Prrmit i�u �?_i1?h;;)_ \-1)11_' P:�,�r '. I aC I � PUBLIC ItiTEREST: _��. Ripra� shall bz installed alon� the toe �7t eL�c s�awal.l a; :h���ri ih� Slleet u�.-i� oi'tLie atta�hcci r4��u� �,-����•;n�;_ -r'he riprap r��ctment shc�l.l b� 4or�tru�t�ci ��-ithin �0 day. ot'c��m�lztion of ttie dockuiry facilitv. Prior to ben�ki�ial use ut the mari��7 thz p�rntittez �h�tll prt?��i�ie clear �hoto�raphic e��idanc� tha[ rh� riprap was installzd. Th� phocos sliall lie sul�n�it��d ���ith ih� requ4�t t�� tr�ister t�� the o�ierati�7n pf�as�. :?. "Riprap" shall co�l;isc ot auconsalid�ted boulder:�, rocks, or �1can c��ncr�te n�bbl� wich ni� 4xp��sed reint�,rcing rods ��r simil<u' protitii�i��ns. 1'hc riprap shall lae Lrze of sediii��nt, debris a.ncl tn:�i.t�s or i��hzn�i�e delet�riou� subscances. Ri�arap .hall Lia�'4 �i �iiainzter ofat l�ast l�` ii��h�s t'�� 3 kc:�t. 3�_ The �lop� ��f �Li� riprap shall b� no s��eper than 3:1 1 Horixcantal � erticall anJ llie I.�c�rizantal distan4� i�t the riprap trom th� �ea�valL'rev�tmeti�rbulkheaa shall b� n�� mur� Chcui yi� I:ol feet. 3�). Three zducationni kiosl:s slaall b� uistallaci as shown the Sheet r��il of tlt4 atta�lie�i permit drawin�s. �The l:ios.ks slaal] be co�istructed wLCLllll ?O C��a �r complet.ic�tt af the docki�ig tacility. Pri��r to be.neticial use �f th� n�ari.na the pernvttc:e shall gruvid� clear pha�o�raphic e�'idenci: that the l�ios� were installcd. Tlle pllc�tos sl�all be submittzd wid� the requ�SC C�? transter to rh� operalii>n phase. �0. �l'h� ki��sl� �LZall include the educational infomiation an buater sat�ty. �ea���ss pratection, and nlanat.�C infonnation, as sl�awn ui att�tchntent l. END O�' SPECIFIC Cn'�fDTI'IONS RIGHTS ()F AFFEC'"TED PARI'iI.S T1ua pi:mut int�nt to ;rant � l�use is hereby granted. 'I'lus actic7n is tii�l and ctfcctiv� ��n tlie iiate hLed wich thz Clerk o1 the l7epart�nent u.nless a sui'ticiznt petiti��n for an admitusu'ati�e heaiing is timely til�d uniler secTiu�1� 1^_0.7G9 anc] 1?U.�7 of tlie Florida Stacut�s as pro��iaed bel��w. Lf � sufficie.nt petition for an adn�i�vytrat.i�e� l�e�u-iuu 1S C1II1f:.�V til�C�. IlllS action autocnati��jlly b�comes ��nt� propnsecl a��ncy ��ction on t.he appLi�a�ic�n, suliject to the result ot t]ie administracive re�zew proce:ss. Therefi�re, on tlle tilin� c�t �� iimely anil suitici.eut p�titio�l, tLus action w'ill not be hnal an�l zftective until ii�.rther ord�r ot tlie. Departsnent. "Che actual tenns ot�thz I�ase will be ri�ni2ally �xecuted at �j ���.�� aatz �na .a�1�II 111C�U1�� pro� isions for rents and su�.h oihzr pro�isiorLti as n�rn�ally ,iTZ ltlC�ll��i1 l[l iLl�Il �ZciSe. F3��1llSt' �111 a�iuiuisirative hearin� mar� result in tlte r�v�rsal or �1ib�taiiti�l modificati�7n ot tlus a�tici��, CLi� applicant i� advis�d not to c��mm�nce.:onstructiun ��r other activ.itizs unt.il the de�tdlin4s t�ot�d b�lo�v For h.liiag a petition for azt a�nirustrative heari.ng or request fur an e�tension oF rim� h�rv�. �tpir�d and uutil the leasz l�as been e.tecut�d and deli�'zred. �teJiation is uoc a�'ailc;ble. 1 pertion whi�,e ;u��c�►<<<►� �_„czre5t� �rz �rr���za n� �i,z nz��n�zn�'; �l�ll��ll [il��" i]Z[l[lU[1 t��.l' 3[]. adrninistracive proce�eiiu,r 1.lizarin��1 under s��tions 1?0.�69 �id 1'0.�? �7i'tl�� Fl��rida Stanues. T'h� Pzdtionmu�t: cant�lin the infi�rn�ation set forth b�l��� ;a�1d niust L�e tiled Ire:cei�-ad hy [he �lerk) in tLi� P�m�it�� C'irr ��f C'lean� a�er P4rniif'ti�.r ;?_�)?i�;a;;_i'i�), Pa�c 13 cd� I � ��f[i�:e ot C'r�n�ral Couns�l i�t tlt� Depal�ttr��nt at �9Ui1 C�?ITlllli,!]llVi:�lI111 B�?U��v�ird. !�lail �tati��n _i�. T�illal��iss��. �li,ri�ia ��39�>_3�')�;�U. Undzr nuc Ci�-11�i.1D6(�41 of the Pl��rii�a :��itninistrati�� C'c,��. a pers�,n titi11��s� sub�tan�ial intzrz.tif� are atPc.:tc:il h_�' tl�� L��partm�n�'� �icri��r► ma}' al��� r,:c�ue�t .zn ��t.:n:ioia ��l ti�:vz t'�� I:I.LC c� �]c'�l[11717 iC1f ��n ��diiun.isrrari� L]iearirrg. The Department ma��. for �o��ll ��tUS4 ��ll�\5 C1, ���anl. tk�4 ►-equesi fc�r an ��t�n�ion �?T ciui�. R�c�uest.:; tor �icension ot� tialc mu�t he tilzd witl� the C1�i�� ot �r�n�ra1 Co�u�.s�l 1�f i.hz Dal�v-nilznt �tt ;9r)!� i:anui�on��'ea[�1� B��ulzvaril. �-tail St�tion ?�. Tallahassee. ["lnrida ���3��9-3fi�.l(,i. h�lor� 1iz .�ppli�able d�adl.ii-�e:. .� tini4l} r�q�i4st f��r ext�nsiun ot tim� ahall tull thi: i-�uiuul� oF tlzi; cicn� peri��d ti�r tilial�, a p�titi��n until th� r�c�u�si is actzci upou_ If a reyuest .i� hled late, the I]ep�u-tment may sti.11 �n'ant. i� upon a ruotion b} tl�e requesti�� part,v s�ii7wui� that thz tailur� t�i lil� a r�qu��� liir �7.n estensinn ��t ti.me betore the ci�ad.lin� «•as th4 rusult �,f ���usable n�al�ct. ]f a timel� aild sufticient petition fi�r an adn�inistr:tti�'e heari.n� is I'�lzcl, aihei- perticros w-hose �ub�t�lllll�l int4rests �� ill be a f1'ectzci by the out.come of th� a�luiinistrativz proc�ss have rlie ri��Jit t�7 p�titiun ti� iutervene in th� pr���erdin�. Litervention �vill l�e pe�tuitt'ed �nly at tLie discretii�al c�E the pr�sidin�� officer r,pon th� filici�� ot �_� cnoti��n in compliance with nile ?�i-106.'+)5 ��f tt�u Florida _�dininistrativ4 C'�d�. Cn acc�irdan�.e � itl� rui�: G�'-11!).1(?6l3), PLori�la Ailntiiustr�,���c c,,a�. r���tx����s ior aiY adnti�i.�trative �ieRi.rin� by tlie applicant musC be filad �vittvn 1�1 days of r�caipt ��f kl�is written not'ice. Petitions tiled hy an� persons olher tl��w t1�� appli�ant, and ather than thosz entitl�d to �vrittEn n��l'i�� �utd�r section 1�0.60(31 ot� tL�e Plorida Statutes inust be tiled within 1=4 days ol�pul�l,i4atici.n ��t tl�.e n�,iti�e or �vitl�.i.n l.� i��'vi �)i i�i:�1�7t Gi i11� 'rvillrti:Ii IICfjI.:e. ���hicl�e�;,r ��c:;urs first. Lndzr s�c.tiaia .l �U.�]���.� ) �l� LI1C i�jvill��i Sta�ut�s. lio�vever. any person who has ask�cl the Dep�-tunent tur i�otic� caf a��ne� aetion may filz a petition «'itlun 1� days c?f re�eipt of such iiotic4. regardless ot tlie d�t� of puhlicaticiu. Th� petition�r �liall ���ail a�opy ot fli� p�tition t�� tlir applieant at thc addr�ss i.i.idivated abo�-e at the iin�e nf tilin�. The fa.iltiz of:�n�� person to tilz a p�titi��n for an adnuiv�l.rati�-e hearin� ti� irl�in die apprn�aria�e ri�ue period shall �onstitute a wai�er ot that persc�n's right to renuetit an acinlin.istratiti�e d�tentuna�i��n I;hearin�> undzr sections 1?11.�69 and I30.57 �ifthe Florid�� St�icuce5. _� p4tition that clisput�s thz matarial facts on which thc Depaclin�nt`s actic�n is bas�a ml�.�c cantain tL�e. k��ll�����ing inti�r�nation: (�i) nc� nam� �tn�i a�l�ires5 a1.' �ach a�enc�- aftected .u�d each au�ncy"s tile ��r id�ntiti�ation uumber, if knnwn; � 1 b 1 Tlic: L1i1I11�, ad�l.ress, a�zcl t�lapl���u� number ol� th� p�titioner: the n�une, address, a►1�1 t�lephuue i�uml�er of the prtiti��uer�� rzpr�5�ncati� 4. il.'any, �� hic}i stlall be th� a�lciress ic�r sen-ice purp�,ses durin�� the c�,urse ot tlie pro�ec:di��; :aud sn 4��ilaiiati��n ���t l�i,�v tl�e petitioner'; �uUstar�tial interests arz or will l�e altzcted li�• tlie �l'„�.c'll�� d�t�n�uuaci��il; I,c ) � ST�IZ111�T1[ �lt \` IIZI] �1I7C{ }lOW' 1f12 �.l�tIl10I1L'C C��Z11 C� Il�lil�i: ��I lLlt tl��ency de�ision: (, d 1 :L stateinent ��f all dispuizd i35uzs of material fact. Ct there 3ii. I]OI1C, t�lc: [J�LltlOfl (11USi .5� � llli{1�3iZ; i�) �1 c��ncise st�tzment ��f thz ultinz�lL2 lill'[i 3�14��1j. 111CIUlAl11`� LL14 spzc:ti� t'_icts that tlac pztition�r �out�nds �i �ura�it r�� ersal or iu.o�iti�atiun c�l �h� .���ucy'; pr�.�pc:�sccl tI.CI:f��ll; � tl :� �tat�ment or thc �peciti.c rules or �ta[utes that tlle pztitii�n�r �oizteiiiis ret�uirz ret zr,nl C'T [1101j1t7CiliLQI1 Of i11� �i�en�y�� �ror��sed <�.:tion: an�l e�,1 :� stat�m�nl uf the relizC �our�ht bv th� petitiimzr, statin�� pr�ciszlti the ncti��t� tl���� tlt� pctition�r �� iah�s the a�,�n�y to takz ���ith respe�:t t�� the a�+en�y'; ��r�,p��s�d action. ��tf7lllt[lt: l 1LV uL � ��::17',t'�lt'1' ��':(1Slit ��n: ?�'-i}�r�S�l:\_(111� �:12� � ? ',�f � ^ _� petiti��n that ili�es n�c dis�?ut�- tl�e matarial Eacts on ���lui:h the Dcpart:rnetit's acCi.on is based �hall sta�z that n�� such facts are in dispute �nd oth�r�vis� sliail i;onrain the sa_m� i.�formaticm a:, ,e[ lorch ab�ve, �s ru�luir�d bti rulz �w-lOh.3t)1. Un.di.r �zction.� 1'U.�o�)1 �1 (c.'1 and (dl of the Florieia Statutas. a pccieiun lor aci�iaii'�istrati4'z hev-iag must be �lisinisse�� by �t�z a,�ency lI rfl� pZC1IlOI1 i�O�ti !10( ;iibstanti��ll� .:��mp15' �� itlt tJte t�bciv� r�c7uirements +�r �s �_uxt;���zl�� rilz�. Tlus permit cons�ituces an ��rdzr ot ch4 Dt�anm�nt. Subiz�t �� ti�e rr��� iaion, ,,f"p;�•agrapl� 1�0.6�(%>(:�) �7t� tli� ['lori�ia Siatutes. wlurll may reyuirc a remancl for ��n <1[�I111.I11ilTativ� ltiza.riil;. thz appli�ant l�a� the. ri�l�t ti? �e�k judi�ial revie�v of the order uudzr sectio�i 131:1.6.� of the Florid�l SL�CL1f.�5, L��' f.}lZ 1lllll� ��t � naticc of apr_�al under tul� 9.l lil �,f tJie Florida Rules oi .4ppella�� Proce�lut-z �vith rhe Clerk oti th� bepannlent in thz Otiiic� nt�Genzral C�uns�l. 3yU�) Commomti-ealtl� Bouli;��u-d. [�.fail 5tali��n ��. �Callaha;see. Fl�rida. ��3`�9-31I�1Q: and by tilin� a cnpy of tl�� noliuz of appcal ac�.or.npazti�d t�y t�ie appli�able tiling f��s witli �hc appropriat� district court ol appcal_ 'Th� notice ��f �l�peal ntus� bz lilecl �vitl�ii� 30 dc�ys trnm rt�e ciac� wk�rn tht or�l�r is tilzd �� iih thr � 14rk ot th� D�p��tnent. T"lie applic�uit, or �uiy �+arty within the rt�eavin: c�f secti�n 3��. I 1-4j l)(.a1 or 3�' �.�? �5 of thr Florida Sca�utzs, c�ay also seek appellate re�-iew ot the ��rder hefore the Lancl and Water Adjudicator�- C�mmiSsiun undc.r s�ction 373.11 �F( l)��.r 3?3.-�?'� of t.h� Cloriila Stat:ut�s. Requests f�r review Uefore t1�� L�ncl and Vl�`ater Aiijudicatory Canuni,sion must be Fil�d with 1:he Szcretary" ot ti�e Canunission ana se�1 ed �in the Department ��ithin �0 days L'rom the date �-hen the order iy tiled with the Clerk �f th� De�anrnznt. �xecuted 'u1 '-Cemple Terrace. Florida. STATE OF FL.OR]I]:� UEFART1�iCNT OF �N�'IRc7IV�iENT.�L PRl')T�CTIUtif t.�.�-»� BL�F�' �borah A. lietzoft Di�trict Dirc.ctc�r South�vzst Dislrict 17�G«jn i'opies hu-�ushzd to: [,�.5. .�rLU� �.�rps ot E��gui�ers DEP, Sure��u of B�a�hzs & Coastal Svst�ms F��-C. in�peril�d Sp�cic:s Manas�c;ment Scctic�n Piu�ll��s C'ouvty Fil� Ja��on H. Botiti-mait x: Charl���tz tilarl��Gv Brigha�i� _\-toore. LJ�P I'��) 1O?„`'_���enueNirrtl�, Suit� 1�.]U St..Petersbur�T. FL �371b P�nni«<e: i_ i�� �,i C'lcar�.�::��rr ��ermi: Vo. �_-U_'67��].Y-i.11Y� P;t,� l� af 1 � � CRTIFII.':a CL: OL= SER�TIC� T'fi� un.l�r;i�ne�l dul_� �iesi�rr'iatzd il�pury Ll,;rk her�by �e:-�iti�5 t�i�it thi� �?erm.ii ana intznt to �rant auti�i�ri���iou t�, use soti er�i�;m subuier,ed la�tcLs. includ'uz+, all �;onie�_ �vi:re ��iail..d belor� th�. �l<,�;� ��t husirle„ ��n p�. to the abo�:: listed persons. FILIVV _a�'�I] ��Ci�]�u��lLDG,tii�U"1 FTLED, uTi t.lus ilat�, under I?I). �'_f' I nf ih� Fl��ric�a Scal'utc;s, ti+�lth 11YL ilzsia�laTed D�p�ut�ue[li C'l�rk, reczipt nf «-hi�h i; lier�b}� .�c�no��led��ed. r �►�Ck D��c � � o � ��race�3�n��: Prc?ject Drawin�s, �4? pagel�) Project Location Nlzp .�erial Phot.o _attacluucul I ancJ '. 7 ����:e(;l Coustiu�t:ic�t1 Conunenceme•n[ Nati,�el(�?-3�3.�)l1�)( � I. 1 p��e :�uiu,Yl Status Rcport'6?-3�3.91)U(=L1. l pa�� :,-s-built. C�riitic�[i��nr'(i?-3�3.y01)1:�), l p��e li�spcctio« CertiticatioLU`6'-3-�3.900(6). 1 pag4 Rc:yuest for Transfer to Uperati��n Pliase,�6�-3-13.90U( � 1, L�a�e _\��plicatioi� t�,r Transtzr ot an Ci�vu-orun�nt�l Res��urcz I'ernut.'6?-3-�;.9Q�(S1. 1 pa�� P�n�.�itt�c: Cir` ��t' i`lrurn;�ter P�nni� ���: ;_'_��'n;y3�_nr�� Pa�� I � of 1 � � CLE�IRW�ATE�i, D49�E�1NJ, I�LA[dD EST. ,,,__, _ =ni+c,e �� = p 4 �: , r- � � rs �:a;c�=i_•r.; - - �� ^��,.... _ ,�;- �:r.�''r;�;,,, ,. �(1 AR7E�: �i ei�ik�_� �- �,� =1�_i,I:.F .�� �. _ _. :'�,��: � �IfY�� GIR."1 ' 'IP:^ ■ 'Ir.';:":]'�•' _ ■ - rr-, � �;:I - �s �'+' - ,'4feltlh2 t. �)I�IDd'�.,,� w;;,""r_'__ T =.��� ' ::_,.c''4 - . -" �. _ j aFlU�: .,.rE�':� ^E^.��� .',9�� � _ � �i. rp� � �if,r.'-- SC TS 0 "�L�I • � `r'�F`' ` -1C:.,� �"I-_�_� ?-'::`E�i_'_,�_E�•%�'�;,'I�'l{r(�I.1'� -w':�!i.�� Moonsh,irie. �. , ,, � ':� : ,ai r �}.� � w. .�; : '�r=i.. - _ �_,.i �� i �.i_k:; _ : �_r�-.� _---- �F...�:,�_ .�k, � . s �{ ^ y� _- tr] _'C,�ryn,;�r-.��ry�;'�-.��r�� •�•�u 1 JIN��Q �'� - � ' � � �s�arid ,.y,, :,i:' �;�. , �_.;.` , -�� ----- � ' E�'�'''"r,�=-�. uf�' � - :. -, _r�ce 1 ,3�'��.:} N h- .. . _ _ �"' W7 _T" 7 i1P `� -�;� _ -:I' �_P `- ���:. � C�earwater ��, ..x � , :�,��� 19 �._ ,:� :. , � ;.a�,�:aF.� � � ; _ . _ -_ = - -- �' - ` - - :H�^,rr�,"�rj;;� _ ,� �u�:.,,�, i"+�"`- �,` - �:�-.�i � �,5 _ _ I'I t .. - . � q ifR3i� `��t'�-�.l:-_ _ _ . _ ��n � i,ua7un� ` ry�fr4e ; F -_ - _ -e�s-�- .:� � �H �, a7� - -.�_- -•!'!.!^g - -_ - � - ?,.-�• '��.;,;_,- _:s��e�,'. .-�-� � ' �� _ti� � _. - c-.-o:i =li j ^ �`G • - W �� _� � - - -- S'_ � �^ L ; l kLL . � s s, ` - p '=_ �:•� -"'_-..��.�.�:_ .: - - - �-� " - - u �u. . ..� �"_ `: _ Y���, � . �., _ - .:r. t � , - _ �;���--�.. � � ;,r•�; _ _ � � _ .-�', � �`, ,•�;� 60 , � _ _ - _ . - .7.- ._ __pr'x..-,L' .,� fi•I_oV i.: . . � _.FI�"iri yrv -S� �� ' :!EF�J.I�'.,i.�7� : i_ �� :L _�L-1;��^ . }s y - a __,�, � _ . �r; � T --.riFl;i "_ _ - - ?� ... �(a= �-' -' , - . ^ _-- _ --�' S a,� ;-LL��n"�G_• _ _ :, _ _ _ ..a - - arbo Harbar ;H�,��,;��;T;���:'. _ -, =-=1;.=-�.::: _ , _.>.- -��F:-.�..�_.�-.;� __ 5 iH � � t1,i '• .:�i-�e°� -.�:r� '.:'�!,:_'- �r'���.'4 �.`Vm.`i ='.� _ - ' c.. . • �.�r �_T.=;:; '��` �'._�, I; , � a - �l ;.�_ - - _.� ? _�35` �� _. _ � -,�::,; __� - qi �SJt1f7l� !dEOi�SflAaHEAN'!I!_�1Gei:-15� � r.l�'. _ _ _.�,. . �� ,.3�1_--���,�_`:,ti . �_�. ;�,• _ 'I.al:4 G;,;.. `s. �='�- � �: - ,a �s-- v� I��t�;o- y - O�il f.'.C�I'.".:f ` :_aP� � • i :;c1.�_^�.. 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' ' a �'' j ,1'�,,'�kr ��{ �y• .,.�' d �� �f ±� � ...a��� �.�+�, (J ( �I��..l�f '�� �. �� . �:K_,Ili �r� .��c•,_ �.i� a�tN�.,, a.. �t!� , . . ,:�,{I'' . �+�•��;�� '�k! � ; � "ti,�4 "�k�h �, },1' � ���1 � ...� .� s . a. . �� . ,_�:Ja�..,.. �Rtti.r.ti_�^�r�..���R.. ��.�i: •w.N. � . A'..�r '��. � ���[i����.i.r�1.�.+E':�_.....�w�i�':�. Statement of Public Interest for City of Clearwater powntown Boat Slips Joint ERP Application 52-0265938-nq2 Prepared by Dial Cordy and Associates Inc. 490 �sceola Avenue Jacksonville Beach, Flprida For Florida bepartment of Environmental Protectian Southwest District 13051 North Telecom Parkway Temple Terrace, Florida 8 June 2009 .�ttachment 1 ... - ', L:. � S 1 �`..���^�......� � � � � � � 1 r C�i. ; , _' . ---� '.=--��� �ublic Interest Prop_osal: Elements Related to Re�ulatory Concerns Only approximately ?'; (0.08 acr�l �f the applicant�s proposed structures exist over sovereign submerged lands. It is our understanding that due to this Factur. the applicant must demonstrata Chat the project is clearly in !he public int�rest ��vith regard io any foreseeable or unforeseeable enviranmental impacts, thau�h the project has no dirart impacts to regulated resources. The applicant's regufatory public interest proposal has six �lements. the details af whirh are Faund �elo�N. The eiernents include 1. Environn7ental sducation ?. Habitat creatiGn 3. 5eagrass �rotaction 4. Water qualiry prot�ction 5. Manatee protection 6. Particip�tioi7 in Clean Nlarina program 1. Gnvironmental educatipn Three (not two as was previously repvRedj signage locatipns for mariner ai�d environmental education programs are shown in the attached. revised planview drawi� by Halcrow, Inc. jsee "information kiosk/signboard" labels). Photographs and maps will be added to the kiask/bvard displays during final formatting, as space allows, and at the discretion of the applicant. Tapics to be covered include the importance af seagrasses and their protection: manatee ecology. awareness, �nd conservation suppart: and the Clean Marina program. Language that will be pro�ided on infarmational signage or kiosks will include the text below, ar the like: The Importance of Seaarasses Seagrasses are submerged flowering plants found in shallow marine waters, such as bays and lagoons and afong the continental shelf in the Culf of Nlexico. A vital part of the marine ecosystem due tq their productivity level, seagrasses provide food, habitat, and nursery areas for numerqus vertebrate and invertebrate species. The vast biodiversity and sensitivity ta changes in water quallty inherent in seagrass communitiss makes seagrasses an important species to help determine the overall health of coastal ecpsystems. Seagrasses perform numerous functions: ` Stabilizing the sea bvttam ' Providing food and habitat For other marin� orgaoiisms ' Maintaining water qualiYy ' Suppnrting local economies Source= http:llresearch.myfwc.comlfeatureslview_article.asp?id=20720 5eaqra5s Protection The easiest way to protect seagrasses is by preventing damage in the first place. The tips that follow on how to protect seagrasses are taken directly From the institute's publication, Florida's Seagrass Meadnws. ' Be Aware: If you live near the coasi or along a river. be careful when applying fertilizers and pesticides to your lawn. Use vnly the amount of „_ .�__ -.�� -- - fertilizer required, and consider using a slow-release fertilizer. Gutters �nd� - _=- storm drains transport excess lawn chemicals to the water. _ =�__ :._�_',�� _�___. .r.... ---� � � ,� I � P�ge Y �f 18 l— -•--- _ ° - ,I'='s ; .'L . i'�-� � �� ' ' Read the Waters: Wear polarized sunglasses when boating to reduce the surface glare to help you see shallow areas and seagrass beds. Paiarized sunglasses can also help you see and avoid manatees and underwaterhazards. ' Know Your Boating 8igns and Markers: Operate your boat in marked channels to prevent running aground and damaging your boat and seagrass beds. Know the correct side to stay on when approaching channel markers. Learn :he shapes and markings of signs warning boaters of dangerpus shallows and areas where bpats are prohibited by law. " Knpw Your pepth and DraFt: When in daubt at�out the depth, slow down and idle. If you are leaving a muddy trail hehind your boat, you are probably cutting seagrass. Tilt or stop yaur engine if necessary. If you run aground, pole ar walk your boat to deeper water. Never try to motor your way out. This will cause extensive damage to seagrass and may harm your motor, Know the times for your low and high tides_ " Be On the Lookout: Docks, bpathuuses, and even boata can binck �unlight from reaching the seagrass below. When building ar repairing a dock, consider building the dock five feet above the water and using grating rather than planks. Extend the dock to deeper water so your boat does ndt shade seagrass. ' Study Your Charts: Use navigational charts, Fshing maps, or iocal boating guides to hecome familiar with waterways. These nautical charts alert you to shallow areas so you don't run agraund and damage seagrass. Knew befpre you go. Source: http:/IresearcM.myfwc.comlfeaturas/viaw_article.asp?id=22777 5eas�ra;ses Near this Marina [5pace permltting, map to shuw seagrass boundaries around marina] Ma'or Sea rass Beds in Clearwater 8a [Space p�rmitting, map to show seagrass beds in the bay] Manatees: Frequ�ntly Asked t�uestions Do manatees need fresh water to survive7 It is unknown whether fresh water is essenkial for manatees' survival, but they do Ifke it. Manatees �an be found in rivers and springs as well as congregating at fresh wat�r drainage pipes. Some people attract manatees ta their docks by letting them drink water from ordinary garden hoses. This is illegal and endangers the mammals because it brings them to areas of high baat trafflc. How big are manatees? The average Florida manatee is a6out 10 feet long and weighs close to 1,2p0 pounds. Manatees can reach up to 13 feet in length and weigh 3,500 paunds. Female manatees tend to be larger than the males. Their calves weigh arpund fi6 paunds and are 4 feet long. How long do manatees live7 Manatees in captivity have been known to live for mor _„ „�,___ years. Distinctly scarred individuals have been known to live for least 39` years. Dead animals are aged from microscopic examination f groj ��h_:_ _�_�_„4, ___ �„',,, layar group5 �annual layers. similar ta the growth rings in trees) i their!ear bones. E 3 Page 5 �f I 3 � �. I`�'J �.. How many manatees are in Florida waters7 As of 2D01, the highest number af manatees counted in a: tatewide survey was 3,276. Mowever, this is only the highest count of tha number af manatees in Fforida and is not a true estimate pf the population. How often do Female manatees give birth? ARer reaching sexual maturity at 4-7 years, fernale manatees give birth to an average af one ealf every two or three years. The calf stays wiCh its mother far up to 2', i years. How Fast are manatees? Tracking studies have shown that manatees can travel up t4 50 miles or 80 km in a day. Manatees generally swim slowly but have heen clocked at speeds up fo 15 mph (25 km/hr) For short bursts. How long can manatees stay underwater without breafhing? While time varies with the animals' level of activity, manatees surface to breathe about every four minutes. When resting, thay can stay undervvater up to 20 minutes befnre surfacing for air. How much do manatees eat? Manatees, feeding between 6 and 8 hours daily, cansume about 4 to 9% of their body weight in wet vegetation such as seagrass and other aquatic plants. Sourca: http:llresearch.myfwt.comisupporflview_�aqs.asp7id=17 What Threatens Manatee Survival? ' Habitat Loss: Coastal development and pollution can seripusly harm manatee habitats by affecting their main food svurce, seagrass. " Watercraft: Collisions with boat hulls and propellers have caused approximately one quarter of all manatee deaths since 1974 (when record keeping began). Manatees feed on seagrass heds in shallow water where there is little time or roam ko dive to the bottom to avoid oncoming bvats. Death may result from propeller waunds, impact, crushing, or any cambination oF the three. "�ntanglement: I]iscarded crab traps and fishing gear cause problems fvr many marine species, including manatees. Manatees can also ingest ha�mful debris. * Canal Locks and Flaod Gates: M�natees are sometimes crushed in gates or killed by asphyxiatiqn. ' Poaching: Historically, manatees have been hunted Fnr their meat, hide, bones and fat by Native Americans and European settlers. Manatees were in high demand In the late 1800s. Hunting is now rarely a pra6lem. ` Natural Causes: Manatee deaths can result From things like sudden freezes, non-infectious diseases, 6irth complications, natural accidents, red tide (such as ihe one in March and April af 1996). and other natural catastrvphes. 3ource' http://research.myfwc.comisupporUview_faqs.aep�?iet=rT Paye n oF 13 I �r� __ -_ r,,,�� SunnoR Manatee Conservation F1.aRIDA -- �-- � �r--- �y, '�j"�l,; `" S�V9 tho Manalae �",,` y The manatee license plate was craated to raise funds fpr manatee research and protectian. Qriginally sponsored 6y the 5ave the Manatee Club, responsibility far the plate was shifted to the Florida Fish and Wildl(fe Conservation Commission (FWC) and the plate was enacted on March 6, 199U. To date, over 559,000 manatee license plates have been issued and nearly $34,OOO,Q00 has been collected. Revenue from sales of the manatee license plate are depasited inco the Save the Manatee Trust Fund, which Is managed hy the FWG. 7ha t�ust fund is the primary funding source for the 5tate's manatee-related research and conservation management activities. Source: http:llresearch.myfinrc.comlfeatures/view_article.asp7id429968 AflanateeiVViidlife Alert Line If you find a daad or inJured manatee, please report it hy calling 1-888-404-FWCC (7-888-4Q4-3922). C�Ilular phone customers can dial *F'WC ar #FWC Please be prepared to answer the following questions: ' What is the exact location of the animal7 ' Is the manatea alive ar dead7 ' How long have you been observing the manatee7 * What is th� approximate size of the manatee? ' What is the location of the public haat ramp closest to the manatee? '` Can yau provide a contact number whare you can be reach�d for further infqrmation? The ahove information is the most Important you can pravide. However, any additional information will be helpful. Sources: hKp://research.myfwc.comisupportiview_faqs.asp?id�+17 and http://research. myhnrc.com/featureslvi aw_art{cie. as p 7 id=7596 _.._ -'-r i�_��,. c- --- - _ , Page 7 vf 18 � r� �`� .._ .. . _. _ . : _ .. _ ..: _ .. r"�..�.'r'1 .� The Clean Marina Pragram The Florida Clean Marina Program is a voluntary designaEion program with a proactive approach to envlronmantal stewardship. Participants receive assistance in implementing @est Management Practices through on-site and distance technical assistance, mentoring by other Clean Marinas and continuing edueatian. To become designated as a Clean Marina, facilities must lmplement a s�R of environmental rneasures designed to protect Florida's watsrways. These measures address critical envirpnmental issues such as sensltive habitat, waste management, stormwater control, spill prevention and emergency preparedness. �esignated facilities and those facilities saeking designativn receive ongoing technical support from the Florlda Clean Marina Program and the Clean Boating Partnership. "Clean water 9s vltal to Florida's environment and economy. Clean Marinas, Clean Boatyards and Glean Marine Retailers lead the way in protecting this precious rasource." —Michael 5ole, Secretary. Florida DEP 2. Habitat creation Svurce: http://www.floridadep.org/cleanmarina/ahout.htm Racky intertidal habitats are imporCant fior cauntless species of macroinvertebrates (including isapods, bivalves, crabs, shrimps, ete.) and small fishes, as well as macraalgae. The hard surfaces provide space for attachment, while the interstices (space between rocks) provide refugia. Such areas are considered Essential Fish Habitat {EFH) by the National Marine Fisheries Service as they pravide nursery areas for numeraus fish species. Also, such areas are excellent foraging areas for larger fishes, shorebirds. and certain reptiles. 7he applicant will install 66p lin�ar feet of boulder/rock in the intertidal zone along #he mainland bulkhead (position noted �n attached planview drawn by Halcrow, Inc., see "revetment toe" label). The first photagraph below shows the typical shoreline in its current condition, while the second and third �hatographs below show representative photos of anticipated post-construction of the rocky habitat. The racks will also function to protect the shoreline from boat wakes fram vessels passing in the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway and from wind-g�nerated waves. - __ ��; �. ._.. . ...�:. ___ _ .._.. ._.._._ Page 8 of 18 � a F' ' _ i - -• i i�l�.l Proposed na�igation fighting plan for USCG cansideration Clearwater municipal marina at causeway II .' % 1h�hite light blinkin�; at �.5 s inten�al Wh�ite light blinkin� at 5-6 5 interval 1�F'E'F±�aVtL? STl1'Fr OF FU.!r��'� ,�ii � . Q�I'AhiTA�i'� i'd T V �_ �t�NIf�ONf��EfJT��L �'F�,��� �,�'t:Y',:��''� � , �. ''��F �� �,,;'� . •� •r- 4 ., ,'i'. .:I;., !^,�'�' . G �~ ^ � Sketch by Halcrow/pial Cordy & Assoc 8 January 2009 'l� � , �, �7�,".��A. � ,� S" .�r-�,�� �'� .F� � Existing lighted pier y� ;'�,:°�;i iiyr. - . � u � '1.^�'�'�� 1 �II' � Y ���1'r � � �'�� �� �, I '�•. .N '4' • :''R!� ";"V. � ;� ,� ��� ,M "-�. '� � �✓� ''.E� ._ �, k;. +' I'�� �- . .i�. , . � ^� n�l• . . '.'E�:. t l l;' ; , � q.:�`::�;� . ,::;-1: "''�-- . _. _. . ..i �1', h1'c,' ;'�.•.,. 4� ` •'.4, .� �.�. .��' � er• �t► � � �—~ ProJ�.ct Forin �rn'- �a�.9fu1�; i F:1C �nnn'I"i[le: �onstructi[�nCommrnc�m�nl voticc LtFecti�•e f)ate: Ocwh�r 3. I`��?� ENti�IR4NNIENTAL RESOURCE PERII�SIT Construction Commenc�m�nt Notice t�li�,�: I herz6�' r�or.ity tbc !)ep:3rmi;;nt ��f En��ir.�runeutal Prot�� ti��n [har Thz ���ustnicti� �n �?k the �«rlac� ��'ar�r �t�:uiag�mc:nc systzni �uthc�r�cd liv En�ironrtien�al Reti�,ur�c 1�'zruuc ��un�ber lla� �,r�mmen�ed ' i� expc:cc�d co couwience ,,ii :u1d «•ill require a duratic�n of approvm�►c�l�� m��n[hti �c�ccl:s d�t.v: to ci�mplete_ [t i� undenta�.�cl tl�at �l���u1�i tlie �O11S[i114'[l0I] CCC711 e�tend beyorail cn� y�ar. 1 ant �?nli�ac�d t�� .ubmil the A�tnual 5tatus Repon ii�r :urfacz Watar Mana�ement 5ystem C'<m:tritc tio�. t'[..�:.4SL- NC7�T.'E: It�thz a�tual c_�i�,tructii�n ���mmzn4zn�en? dat� i� n��f kri�:>w�n. Pz�a.rttzizt�t �taff �h.�uld be ;c, ai+citied in �j�ri�ing in urder to satisfr• pemtit ��andiuons. Pzrn�it�ze ur Audioriz�d .�tenc �'itle �tnd C.,tUpa��y Dacz Phonz �7,__ i,�,l. �'n i� 1� � i rt-l_inc pocumcr.n FornlutWd l' Ol "? kaa _�ddress Fonn :•?li'-3-�; �r)Oi.)i n i rAC. i�i�rni f'iile: lnrpe�ii��n CcrtiGca�ion Lffect�c�• Datz: OcioL,c�r ?.1��c1; ENVIR�NIVIENTAL R�S�URCE PEI�tNIIT CNSPEC'TIQN CERT[FIC':-ITIcJN I'zrmi[ Number: Projecl N'uiul��r: Lu�pccLi.�il i7ate(sj: in�p�cliac� result,: i�licck onz� ❑T hercbti• c�rtitv dist I�ir my clesignee uniler iu�• direct su�en-isi��u ha�'� iospect�d t11e �yst�ni at �he above i-ef�renc�d proj�ct vid dlat [ktr ,�siam appcars c,, hz tuncii;�niue in a�corda.nc.e �.��itl� Jie r�quir�ments .?f t��e permit and Chapter 3?3 F.S. I,as appli��ible). ❑'Clae 1��ll��wi�ie nc;cess��� II711C1[�11aL7C2 �4'�ti c.oudu�tz�d: ❑1 I�ereby �.ercih� il�at [�7r my 3�signze mider m} ai.r�i;t �up�r�•i;iuYi has in,pe�ted ehz system at ih� ab��v� referenced �ro_jecc and rha� rlie ;r•stem duzs nnt appear to bc tunctiani.n� in accordance �vith the rcc�uiremzntc pt the p�.rm.ic and CliaptGr 373 F,S. ja� applicabl�). [ ha�-� uile�rttied the operation aud maincenancr �ntiry of che foLlowing: (a) thac the �ystem does n��t appear tc� be funcci�ning properly. (b) that maint::nance i�. r�qLired to ��rin� the syst�rn int�� complian�,:e_ and (�_ ) if m�aintc.nanc� r�easures art u��t ad�quat� to bring tL�e syst�m int�7 compliance, di� ,yctent may hav� �o b� replsczd �ir aa alt�rr�ative design :onsm�cted subsequcnt to Depa�tnient apprnv:,l. I�(�une Cornpauy tiaine C��mpany _addrz�s C'icu. 5�aiz. Zip C���le T,l�ph��n� �lumbc:r 5.ienature ot Pratessi��ual rn�irieer flarida R�gistracion Ni.imher L�at� iarti� s�ali �� ithin ii� day.• �,f.:omplztic�n ��P�� in:pe�li��n. ,ubmit h�•,, ���pit, ��l�thr form tc� die lvll�n�m� Dep�uhnznt Uffice: � d? -_i-13 . )I !i:4 n � �]n-lin� Oucumcnt F?m�ancd I'.U� 9" I�, Funn ;�: h'-3 �� .`?Ili 1� 7 �F..4.C". Fomt Title; Rryue�t lur Transier ti� Opentian P�as� •L'•ff�etiwrlla[r: 5� [etnG�er^_i, L997 Request for Transfer of Environmental Resource Permit Construction Phase to �peration Phase +T,� b� :.c�mpl�ced anii ,ul�raic�ai b�• thz �,pzratin� �nii�y) I'lorid.� Denartnlenc of Environmental ['r;�tection [t is cequested iliat Departinent Pzrulit �lu�n�er authorizuu�z the c��u.�tru�f.i��n and op�ration ,�f a :urfac:� water managem�i�t sysrem far die belo�a m��tion pr��j�ct he rxanstzrre�i from t.lie �on,truction plia�� p�nui�re� ta die ��peratiun pk�ase �aperating �ntity. P�tirj�CL' r'tqIl1,: �BIIIL: :�Jd�@S8: � C;rr: Scace: zip: C`n: �fame: �ddre:,s: C:ity: Stal�: Zip' "f he surtacz ���ater mana��men[ tacil.ilies arc^ h�r�br• accepte�l f��r opzration and nt.iin�en;v�ce in 3ccorda�ice w�ith die engine�rs 4zrcilication ancl as autliue�l iu the rerfrictive c��ti'enants anci articles of inc��rporati��n tar t.Lte ��p�rating en�.ity'. �nclosed is a c�py of the documen� lratisterring title of tlte ��peratiug zntity for th� ���mna��n :�reas on wl�i.:h the surfacz waeer ma�iageu�eut syytzm is locatcd. No[c [hat it�di� op�ratin� e.ntity l� n��c been previ�uslr• appru�'e�i, tltz appl.icant sllould cantact the Departm�ut. Staff prit�r ct� tiline tor a pemiit cran,,fe.r. The und�rsigned her�Liy sgrees fhat all cerm.5 and �and.i�ion� ��f diz pemiit and sub:equent cuuditicatians, it� anv, have baen re�'iewzd, are und�rstooJ and arz her�by accepted. 4n}- propo�ed muclitications shall be lpplied tor and obt:iiu�d prior tn ,u�t� moilih�atinn_ �=)pzratin� Eutity: rirle: �I miie Telepk�an�: Fnclos�ue ❑ ���p�� ��t re�orded cran.fer ot titic surfac� �c•aczr managemen� �y:cem � �,,v of plu��� I ❑ Co�y ot re�ordcd r�stn��i�'� C�1V�11iiT1L�, 37[l�l�� ��t incorp��r:ition. and �ertiti,:atc J� lll�!?IF�rC�tIQII. ii�-.':�= �)(11.11 "i � fn-Liiac Document � F: imiareeil l_ v) t�' ka� [r�m� » n?�;J3 Qoqidl Furm Titl�: :annua] Status lt�+�,�t Lff�ctiv� C�atc: ��ctobrr3, 1��9; Environmental Resource Permit ��nnual 5tatus Report Ftorida De arrnient of'Enrironmental Pratectia[� PERI�LIr NZf�IBER: PCtOJECT N_�bd.: C'Oi �tiT�" PH..�SE: Th� lollo�viu� :�ctivity h�ti ���curred at �L�e abnve referen�ed por<�j�ct during �e p:3.,t year. bet�vezn ,fune I Perniit C�nclitrnnl:�cti��ir IUsz _�Jditi��na151�c°ts a,, N�czssanl '�� af C'nm lelion [3enchntark brs�ription (anc per majur ��mtrol stru�turzl: Print Na��tr P�rnut[ze'� �_�r �urthnrized .��eql's SiUnature D•ate o'f Anuc�pltr�l Con�'� Phi�ne I' itlz an.i � ��mpa��� and l�tav 3�1, Datz Datc' ��f Com�lttion Tli.iti rornt sl�al) bz sutimi��zd io the 3L�C1�-�. CZfZCZIII'Cl� I)��3C[I11�L7C ��fEll'� l{UClll� IUIlZ �-�t eacl� �'c'rii' Ci�C lC[1\ Lil�a 5Vi1JjZ i�lli'3tlOf1 Of 4oa,Ln�cti�,n z�.eeas �?nz �-rar_ �� `-;-�3.�1� i� r� �l � �)n-Lin� D��cuntrnt Purnx,:ttc�l l'_:i?L�)'' I.�s 1= �!t^: L+_' • 1-L}.4; )11 ; �� I :l�pl�ca�ion a�r I�rn�;ler 7r;=,[:I' i'e1�1r !-fin,v��e f:��tc: 'L-i-t-+r: �!'PL.IC �1.'ION FUR TR.-1.'v5F'ER C7F E.N�� IRUN�iE�IT_aL 12I:SOURCE PERlIIT _�Nl� NQTIF[C_�'l'T�"�T` OF S-�LE nF _a r:�CILI7Y OR SL�RF:�C�� w:�T�T� tif.��;:�G�l�i��lT y7"ST�!�I Permit �o. Qatz Cs�ucd �)ate L:xpires E�ROti1 rlTaiu� o£Curren� P�rau� H��lder� Rlailin4 �ddrt�� Cirv 5tat� Zip (�'�:�d� Talcph��nc: r i C�izntiti.:a�ion or Name ��f Facilitv��ur[a�a Wutar Iv.[anagzment Sv,trm= Phase,�f I'a�ilit}�:Surfac� Vv'atec .bi;uiabam�nt Sy,�zm ('iT appLi;:ahlz�: Tl�z un�lzrsigned herela� notiTie� the 17epartmzrn of the salz ��r legal �an�ter ti�i dii:; ta�ility. ��r aurfac4-�va�zr mana��m�nt ;ystem, and fwther a�r�zs t�� �r.:i�t all rights an�l ��hli�,ati�ns as penxutt�r tc� d�e applic�x�c in �11� e��ent the Departn�,ent agre�s ro �� �ansfer ��k p�rmir. Signari�re af tlie current �enuinee: Title l if any�: TO (N�nc ��f Prapos�d Yennit "Transfereel: ��tailin� =\d�re�s: Dacz: Citv_ 5tate. Zi�� C�de: Tzleph��ne: f j T�he widi:r�igncd hzrzt�y uolitics �lte Departrnent i>f ua�ing acyuued thz udz �u Ihi; faciliry, ��r iurface-water niwagement ;y.tem. Tlic: underyi�ed al.o stat�s h� or �hz has i�atTlirled thz application and �iocum4nis aubruitted by the �urrent penuittee, rh� basis of wlu�li thz pertuic w�as issued by �he Deparui�enc, and titate� cl.tzy a�curately and �nmpl�tely describe thz pzrmitt�d sctivih� or pr��jzct. The undzc�i�ned fur[h�r atteats to heing lamiliar with the peruuc. a�raes ta comply n�ith it. terais aizJ wizh it; cunditions. and agree� to �ssuine �h� ri�hts and liabilitizs cc�ntained in the permit. Thz underciguecl alsn agrees to promptly �i�ti.�° tlte Departtnent of an` Future ei�aq�as in o�t�nership oi, �v r�spc?nsibilit.�° for, die penvitted aecivity or project. 5i�nature ��i thc appli�:�ut i Transtzrez): Tillz I it �w�'1: Prc;ject F..n�inecr �(ame iifappli�ablzi I�Iailin�_ .�i1Jr�tis: T'�l�ph��ne: � 1 Date: Fnrru cr;'.3�1.�.�nli�;�, F.:�.C. F�orm fiUc: :�-T3uih Ceniii�auon by a R�gis�ered ProYessiunal Effcc ti�:° Da[e: Octohsr 3.. t)9i EivZ�IR�NI�I�NT.�L RESO[.RCE PER\�I[T �S-BL.r[LT CERTIFIC.�Ti�N f3�' :\ CtEGiSTEkZED PR�FESS[ON?.L Pennit Nwnber: Prn)e�t '�:un�: i h�rzbr cercify chat all :.otnpnnents oT this surtace ��ater a�auaazmznt 5ystzili 1�av� bzen buil[ tiuList�n[ially iu accordance widi th4 apprn�•ed pl� and �ptc:ificatic�u; and sre ready tior inapzction. .any sub�tantial dzt•ia�ions (nc�t�d belor��l �t«m the appro�ed plans aud �peciticati��t�a ��ill noc pre`�ent tl�e,yst�ui frum iun�uonink a� deszsuecl when prop�rly niaincained anJ operat�d. Th�se dztermu�ations are b�rsed upun ��n- SIiZ ��bsel� �tion �f th� tiySCem ConduCttd by me ��r by Ct7y d�5l�I1C� und�r my �J_ir�cc ;upzrvision undor my� r��•i��ti ��f as-built pl:3n� ezrtitizd h) a r��iatered profe»iunal �r Land Sun,e��>r li��zised in the Statc c�f Florida. Namz (please prin�:l �i�na�ure ot f'rofetisionaL �'ompan-y N�e Floricia l���i�tranc�n Nl�rt�bir C:ompan�- ,�ddre,s Datz C.it�, State, Zip Cude T�lzphonz I�+umber 5ubtitanu.al �eviat.iuns .from the appro��ed plans an� ��citi�ation�: i _lt�i� Se311 il���t�: attach rn•c� .:upi�s uf as-built planti �vh�n ihzrz are .ubstaniisl de� iation:i �,` ithin �0 aa}s of wmplzti��u �.�:F che svstem. :ubn�rt n��o �opics c�f die tonn <<�: 53-= �3.r�uc 1� ; , On-Linc Lh�cum�n� Fonnaa_Kl ', �,'� � ���� k��, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT Permittee: CITY OF CLEARWATER 25 CAUSEWAX 'BQULEVARD CLEARWATER, FLORIDA 33767 Fermit No: SAJ-2007-04553 (IP-TEH) issuin Office: U.S. En ineer District Jacksonville NOTE: The term "you" and its deriva�ives, as used in this permit, means �he permi�tee or any future transferee. The term "this office" refers to the appropriate district or division office of the Corps of Engineers having jurisdiction over the permitted activity or the appropriate official of tha� office acting under the authority of the commanding officer. Xou are authorized to perform work i.n accordance with the terms and canditions specified below. Pro'ect Descri tian: The project, known as "Clearwater powntown Boat Slips", includes the construction of a public marina. The praject is designed to accommodate 126 dedicated boat slips varying in size from 30-55 feet in length, suitable for boats greater than 26 feet in length. Th� City of Clearwater will lease slips to th� public. Also, approximately 40 side-tie moorings will be provided on the waterward sides oi Docks A and E and along the floating dock/walkway in the northern basin. Due to potential seagrass impacts, vessels will nat be permitt�d to dock on the eastern side of Dock D in the southern basin nor on the eastern side of the flaating dack in the northern basin. Riprap will be installed at the bas� of the existing seawall. No dredging is proposed. The project will n�t affect nearby seagrass beds. The work described above is to be completed in accordance with the 7 attachments affixed at the end of this permit instrument. Pro'ect Location: `Z'he proj�ct is located within Clearwater Harbor, adjacent �.o the Intracoastal Waterway, an both the nor�h and south sides of Memorial Causeway in the City of Clearwater, Pinellas County, Florida, in Section 16 of Township 29 South, Range 15 East. PERMIT NUMBER: SAJ-2007-04553 (IP-TEH) PERMIxT�E: CITY OF CLEARWATER PAGE 2 of 11 Directions to site: From the intersection af US Highway 19 and Gulf ta Bay Boulevard, proceed west on Gulf �o Say Baulevard �or 2% miles, then veer left onto Court Stree�. Pro.ceed approximately 1� mil�s on Court Street to th� Clearwater Memorial Causeway. Latitude � Longitud�: Latitude: 27.966378 North Longitude: 82.804286 West Perma.t Conditions Genr�ral Conditions: 1. The time limit for completing the work authorized ends on Auqus t 3�, 2014. If you find that you need more time to complete the authorized activity, submit your request for a time extension to this office for consideration a�. least one month before the above date is reached. 2. You must maintain the activity authorized by this permit in good condition and in conformance with the terms and conditions of this permit. You are not relieved af �.his requirement if you abandon the permitted activity, although you may make a good faith transfer to a third par�y in compliance with General Condition 4 belaw. Should you wish to cease to maintain the authorized activity or should you desire ta abandon it without a good faith transfer, you must obtain a modification af this permit from this office, which may require restoration af the area. 3. If you discover any previously unknawn historic or archeological remains while accomplishing the activity authorized by this permit, you must immediately notify this office of what you have found. We will initiate the Federal and State coordination required to determine if the remains warrant a recovery effort or if the site is eli.gible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. 4. If you sell the property associated with this permit, you must obtain the signature and the mailing address of the new owner in the space provided and forward a copy of the permit to this office to validate the transfer of this authorization. PERMIT NUMBER: SAJ-2007-04553 (IP-TEH) PERMITTEE: CITY OF CLEARWATER FAGE 3 of 11 5. If a conditioned water quality certification has been issued for your project, you must comply with the conditions specified in the certificatian as special conditions to this permit. For your convenience, a copy of the certification is attached if it contains such conditions. 6. You must allow representatives from this office to inspect the authorized activity at any time d�emed necessary to ensure that it is being or has been accomplish�d in accordance with the �erms and canditions of your permit. Special Canditions: 1. Reporting Address: All reports, documentation and correspondence required by the conditions of this permit shall be submitted to the following address: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Divisian, En�orcement Section, 10117 Princess Falm Avenue, Suite 120, Tampa, FZ 33610. The Permittee shall reference this permit number, SAJ-2007-04553 (IP-TEH), on all submittals. 2. Commencement Notification: Within 10 days from the date of initiating �he authorized work, the Permittee shall pravide to the Corps a written notificatian of the date of commencement af work au�horized by this permit. 3. Turbidity Barriers: Prior to the initiation �f any of the work authorized by this permit the Permittee shall install floating turbidity barriers with weighted skirts that extend to within 1 foot �f the bottom around all work areas that are in, ar adjacen� to, surface wat�rs. The turbidity barriers shall remain in place and be maintained until the authorized work has been completed and all erodible materials have been stabilized. 4. Manatee Conditions: The P�rmittee shall comply with the "Standard Manatee Conditions for In-Water Work - July 2009" provided in Attachment 3 of this permit. PERMIT NUMBER: SAJ-2007-04553 (IP-TEH) PERMITTEE: CITY OF CLEARWATER PAGE 4 of 11 5. Manatee Educatian Conditions: The Permittee shall comply with the "Standard Manatee Educational/Awareness Sign Conditions - 2005" provided in Attachmen� 4 of this permit. Signage shall be in place prior to any use of the authorized work by motariz�d watercraft. 6. Sea Turtle and Smalltaoth Sa�fish Conditions: The Permittee shall comply with National Marine Fish�ries Service's "Sea Turtle and Smalltooth Sawfish Construction Conditions" dated March 23, 2006 and provided in Attachment 5 of �his permit. 7. Seagrass Signage: The Fermittee agrees ta place pilings, spaced no more than $-feet apart, from the southern end of Dock D�o the adjacent seawall, �a preclude large vessel access sh�reward of this point. Signage shall be placed on these pilings that complies with the attached guidelines (Attachment 6). The Permittee also agrees to place a sign at the southern end of Dock D indica�ing that access is not allowed for motorized vessels shoreward of the pilings. All pilings and signage shall be installed priar to any use of docks by motorized watercraft. 8. As-Suilt with X-Y Caardinates: Within 60 days af completion of the authorized work or at the expiration of the cons�ruction window of this permit, whichever occurs first, the Permitt�e sha11 submit as-built drawings af the authorized work and a completed As-Buil� Certificatian Form (Attachment 7) to �he Corps. The drawings shall be signed and sealed by a Florida registered professional engineer ar a professional land surveyar registered in the state of Florida and include the fol�owing: a. A plan view drawing of the locatian af the authorized work footprint (as shown on the permit drawings) with an overlay of the work as constructed in the same scale as the attached pErmit drawings (8�-inch by 11-inch). The drawings shall include �he X& X State P1ane coordinat�on points af the mos� waterward point of the structure and a paint at the mean high water line (MHWL) or the face af the bulkhead/seawall, if present. The drawings shall include: (1) The dim�nsions o� the structure, (2) depth of water (at mean low water) at the waterward end o� the structure, and (3) the distance from the waterward end of the structure to the near bottom edge of the channel. PERMIT NUMBER: SA�-2007-04553 (IP-TEH) PERMITTEE: CITX OF CLEARWATER PAGE 5 of 11 b. List any deviations between the work authorized by this permit and the work as constructed. In the event that the comple�ed work deviates, in any manner, from the authorized work, describe on the As-Built Certification Form the deviations between the work authorized by this permit and the work as constructed. Clearly indicate on the as-buil� drawings any deviations that have been listed. Please note that the depiction and/or description of any deviations on the drawings and/or As-Built Certification Form does not constitute approval ot any deviations by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. c. The Departm�nt of the Army Permit number. d. Include pre- and post-construction aerial photographs of the project site, if availabl�. 9. Assurance of Navigation and Maintenance: The Permittee understands and agrees that, if future operations by the United States require the remova�, relocation, or other alteration, of the structures or work herein authorized, or if in the opinion of the Secretary of the Army or his authorized representative, said struc�ure or work shall cause unreasonable obstruction to the free navigation of the navigable waters, the Permi�tee will be required, upon due notice from the Corps of Engineers, to remove, relocate, or alter the structural work or obstructions caused thereby, without expense to the United States. No claim shall be made against the United States on account of any such removal or alteration. 10. Fill Material: The Permittee shall use only clean fill material for this project. The fill material shall b� fr�e from items such as trash, debris, automo�ive par�s, asphalt, construction materials, c�ncrete bl�ck with exposed reinforcement ba�s, and sails cantaminated with any toxic substance, in toxic amoun�s in accordance with Section 307 of the Clean Water Act. 11. Regulatory Agency Chanqes: Should any other regulatory agency require changes to the work authorized or obligated by this p�rmit, th� Permittee is advised that a modification to PERMIT NUMBER: SAJ-2007-04553 (IP-TEH) PERMITTEE: CITY OF CLEARWATER PAGE 6 of 11 this permit instrument is required prior to initiation of those changes. It is the Permittee's responsibility to request a modificatian o£ this permit from �he Tampa Regulatory Office. Further Information: 1. Congressional Au�.horities: You have been autharized to undertake the activity described above pursuant to: (X) Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403�. (X) Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). () Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (33 U.S.C. 1413). 2. Limits of this authorization. a. This permit does not obviate the need to obtain other Federal, State, or local authorizations required by law. b. This permit does not grant any praperty rights or exclusive privileges. c. This permit daes not au�horize any injury to the property or rights of others. d. This permit does not authorize interference with any existing or proposed Federal p�ojects. 3. Limits of Federal Liability. In issuing this permit, the Federal Government does not assume any liability for the following: a. Damages to the permitted proj�ct ar uses thereof as a result af �ther permitted or unpermitted activities 4r from natural causes. b. Damages to the permitted project or uses thereof as a result of current or future activities undertaken by or on behalf of the United Sta�es in the public interest. PERMIT NUMBER: SAJ-2007-04553 (IP-TEH) PERMIT�EE: CITY OF CLEARWATER PAGE 7 of 11 c. Damages to pexsons, prop�rty, or to other permitted or unpermitted activities or s�ructures caused by �he activity authorized by this permit. d. Design or construction deficiencies associated with the permitted work. e. Damage claims assaciated with any future modification, suspensian, or revocation of this permit. 4. Reliance on Applicant's Data: The determination of this affice that issuance of this permit is not contrary to �h� public interest was made in reliance on the information you provided. 5. Reevaluation of Permit Decision: This affice may reevaluate its decision on �his permit at any time the circumstances warrant. Circumstances that could require a reevalua�ion include, but are not limited to, th� following: a. You fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit. b. The infarmation provided by you in support of your permit applicatidn prov�s to have been false, incomplete, or �naccura�e (s�e 4 above). c. Significant n�w information surfaces which this office did not consider in reaching th� original public interest decision. Such a reevaluation may result in a determinatian that it is appropriate to use the suspension, modification, and revocation procedures contained in 33 CFR 325.7 or enforcement procedures such as those contained in 33 CFR 326.4 and 326.5. The refer�nc�d enfarcement pracedures provide for the issuance of an administrative order requiring you comply wi�h �he terms and conditions af your permit and for the initiation of legal action where appropriate. You will be required to pay far any corrective measures ordered by this office, and if you fail to comply with such directive, this office may in certain PERMIT NUMBER: SAJ-2007-04553 (IP-TEHj PERMITTEE: CiTY OF CLEARWATER PAGE 8 of 11 situations (such as those sp�cified in 33 CFR 209.170) accomplish the corrective measures by contract or otherwise and bill you for the cdst. 6. Extensions: Gene�al Condition 1 establishes a time limit for the campletion of the activity authorized by this permit. Unless there are circumstances requiring either a prompt completian of the authoriz�d activity or a reevaluation of the public interest decision, the Corps will normally give favorable considera�ion ta a request for an extension of this time limit. PERMIT NUMBER: SAJ-2007-04553 (IP-TEH) PERMITTEE: CITY OF CLEARWATER PAGE 9 of 11 Your signature below, as permittee, indicates that you accept and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit. (PERMITTEE) (PERMTTTEE NAME-PRINTED) (DATE) This permit becomes effective when the Fed�ral of�icial, designated to act £or the Secretary of the Army, has signed belaw. (DISTRICT ENGINEER) (DATE) Alfred A. Pantano, Jr. Colanel, U.S. Army District Commander PERMIT NUMBER: SAJ-2007-04553 (IP-TEH) PERMITTEE: CITX OF CLEARWATER PAG� 10 of 11 When th� structures or waxk autharized by this permit are still in exist�nce at the time the prap�rty is transferred, the terms and canditions of this permit will continue to be bindinq on the new owner(s) of the property. To validate the transfer of this permit and the associated liabilities associated with compliance with its �erms and conditions, have the transferee sign and date below. (TRANSFEREE-SIGNATURE) (NAME-PRINTED) (ADDRESS) (CITY, STATE, AND ZIP CODE) (DATE) P�RMIT NUMBER: SAJ-20�7-04553 (IP-TEH) PERMITTEE: CITX OF CLEARWATER PAGE 11 of 11 Attachments to Department of the Army Permit Numbe= SAJ-2007-09553 (IP-TEH) 1. PERMIT DRAWINGS: 4$ pages. 2. WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION: Specific Conditions of the water quality permit/certification in accordance with General Condition number 5 on page 2 of this DA permit. 30 pages. 3. STANDARD MANATEE CONDITIQNS FOR IN-WA`T�R WORK: 3 pages, dated July 2009. 4. STANDARD MANATEE EDUCATIONAL/AWARENESS SIGN CONDITIONS: 4 pages, dated July 2005. 5. SEA TURTLE AND SMALLTOOTH SAWFISH CONSTRUCTION CONDITIpNS: 1 page, dated March 23, 2006. 6. GUIDELINES FOR SEAGRASS SIGNS: 1 page. 7. A5-BUILT FORM: 1 page. FWC Contract No. O Y o 4� ATTACHMENT B Boating Infrastructure Grant Program Final Rule ��'�PNp���CORO� MoNEi a o� Q � � � � � o�� 19 85 a��y �� � � � �� �� ..J � � rr.� � r� � .� � •--, � � � �� � , �/ � Thursday, January 18, 2001 Part VII Department of the Interior Fish and �ildlife Service 5Q CFR Part 86 Baating Infirastructure Grant Prograsn3 Fina1 Rule 5282 Federal Register / Vol. 66, No. 1� / Thursday, January 18, 2001 / Rules and Regulations DEPARTMENT OF 7HE INTERIOR Fish and Wildlife Service 50 CFR Part 86 RIN 1018—AF38 Boating Infrastructure Grant Program AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Inferior. ACTI�N: Final rule. SUMMARY: This regulation provides for the uniform administration of the nativnal Boating Infrastructure Grant Prograrn and survey authorized by Sect'ron 7404 pf the Sportfishing and Boating SaFety Act vf 1998. Through this program, tho U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will provide funds to States to install or upgrade tie-up facilities for transient recreational boats 26 feet or more in length. DATE5: This rule is effective on February 20, 2001. ADpRESSES: The administrative record for this rule, including copies of comments received, is available for viewing Monday through Friday, 8 am to 4 pm, in the Division of Federal Aid, 4401 North Fairlax Drive, Room 140, Arlington, VA 22203. FOR FURTHEFi INFORMATION CONTACT: Steve Farrell, Project Officer, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Federal Aid, 4401 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 140, Arlington, Virginia 22203; telephone (703) 358-2156; fax (�03) 358—].705; email �steve_farrell@fws. go v�. 5UPPLEMENTARYINFORMATION: Background Economic Status of Soating in the United States Histarically, coastal and inland waterways were the first highways along our shores and into the interior of the continen�. Americans used boats almost exclusively for transportation oF people and goods. Today we use more than 12 million recreational boats to cruise and fish. Recreational boating is now a signi£icant economic activity in many areas of the country and in many respects exceeds that of water6orne comrnerce. Given the present demographic Forces, we expect this rule to h�ve a positive economic i�npact by adding facilities to accommodate larger cruising boats. Purpose af the Boating Infc'astructure Grant Program Recreational boats 26 feet or more in len�th, called "nontrailerable" boats, represent about 4 percent, or more than ��,�`� � 600,000, af the recrealional boats in the United States. Although we have approximately 12,oU0 marinas in the United 5tates, Congress recognized that insufficient tie-up facilities exist for transient, nontrailerable boats for reasonable and canvenient access from our navigable waters. These boaters are unable to enjvy many recreational, cultural, historic, scenic, and natural resources of the United States. We also have an insufficient quantity of marinas or commercial tie-up facilities along extended stretches of our coastlines and rivers that henefit transient, nontrailerable boats. In many parts of the country, the number of places to tie- up, moor, or anchor a cruising boat, especially during a storm, is limited. Basic features, such as tie-ups, fuel, utilities, and restrooms, are often nanexistent. As a result, Congress passed the Sport Fishing and Boating SaFety Act of 1998 (16 U.S.C. 777g). Under the Act, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service conducts the Boating Infrastructure GranL (BIG) Pragram. The BIG Pra�ram will provide $32 million to States and Territaries over 4 years to construct, renovate, or maintain tie-up facilities for recreational boats 'l6 feet or mare in longth. This program will: (a) Create dockage for transien� recreational hoats 26 feet or more in length for recreational opportunities a.nd safe harbors; (b) Provide navigational aids lor boaters to usE these facilities; (c) Enhance access to recreational, historic, cultural, natural, and scenic resources; (d) Strengthen local ties to the boating community and its economic benefits; (e) Promote public/private partnerships and entrepreneurial apportunities; (� Provide continuity af public a[:cess to tho shore; and (g) Promote awareness of transient boating oppartunities. The Act also directs us to: (a) Develop a national frKmework or methodology ta conduct a boat access needs assessment or survey to determine the adequacy af Facilities for recreational6oats of all sizes; (b) Encourage States ta complete the boat access needs survey; and (c) Complete a comprehensive national assessment of boat access needs and facilities (the assessment will be a compilation of information from the States' surveys into a national report ol boat access needs). Analysis of Public Comments and Changes Made to the Proposed Rule On January 20, 200Q, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) published a proposed rule in the Federal Register (65 FR 3331) and requested comments on the proposed rule and information collectian for the natipnal BIG Program. The Service received 13 written responses }�y the close of the comment period on March 20, Zq00. The responses came From nongovernmental organizations, a private individual, and Federal and State employees and agencies. We received a total o£ 17U comments frozn the 13 written responses c:avering the following areas: survey (74), criteria for selection (11), State plans (8), clarifications (3), suspected typographical errors (3), and comments of a general nature (71). We may npt reflect these actual numbers in the list below due to combining similar commants ar questions. We have adclressed all of the comments in this section of the preamble and made any necessary changes to the proposed rule. As a result, some sections of the proposed rule were cambined or eliminated. Commen�s pertaining to the proposed inFormation collection are addressed under Substantive Comments, Issues 1 through 9. The following is clarification or analysis and reporting of any substantia.l changes to tho rule that the Service made in response to these comrnents. The 5ervice also corrected other minor errors in the proposed rule, as descrihed 6elow. Minor Changes In § 86.12(n), in response to a comment asking us to define "transient," we are adding the following definition, "Passing through or by a place, scaying 10 days or less." In § 86.13(d), we changed "seasonal" to "transient" to avoid confiising wording. In § 86.13(t], in response to a suggestion, we added "dacks" after the word "#laating" to clarffy. In § 86.13, in response �o suggestions, we added at paragraphs (o), (p), and (q), "dockside" to clarif� where utilities are placed. In § 8fi.13, in response to a suggestion, we added "(r) Debris deflection boams." In § 86.13, in response to suggestions, we added "(s) Marine fueling stations." In § 86.20(a)(1), in respanse to a suggestion, we added a second sentence as follo�vs: "You must design new construction and renovati�ns [o last at least 20 years." In § 86.20(e)(1), in response to a suggestion, we deleted from Federal Register / Vol. 65, No. 12 / Thursday, January 18, 2U01 / Rules and Regulations 5283 subparagraph (vii) to end, as the activities listed in the proposed rule are not appropriate preconstruction activities. In § 86.20, in response to a suggestion, we added a new icem, "(fl Prvduce information and education materials such as charts, cruising guides, and brochures." In § 86.21(d), in response to a suggestivn, we changed the sentence ta read: "Gonstruct or renavate principal st.ructures not expecLed to last at least '20 years." In § 86.44(b), in response to a suggestipn, we replaced "" '` * we will" wich "* ** The State must * ,� �„ In § 86.54(�(1)(i) in the proposed rule (now § 8fi.53(d)(1)(i)), in response to several camments, we changed the section to clarify that no State Tier One proposal may exceed $100,000 in any given fiscal year. Substantive Changes Issue 1. Questions and comments on the survey included issues of respondent hurden (how long to complete a seclion), unclear questions, issues of confidentiality, site-specific questions, and the value of answers to speci£ic questions in determining national need. Response: In respanse to all of the comments received on the technical aspects of the prqposed survey, we completod significant revisions to the survey instrum�nt. We considered all commen�s and redesigned the survey, improaed guidance and questions, and decreased the time burden for completivn. T'he revised survey began its apprpval process when it was published in the Federal Register (65 FR fi3606) on October 24, 2000 £or a 60- day public comment period. The survey will be ready for use during the FY 2001 grant cycle, and the Service will notify eligible applicants upon receiving OMB approval. Issue 2. Haw can States pay For the survey? Response: States can pay khe costs for conducting the survey using �ederal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration program funds, and credit expenditures tvward the 15% minimum used £ar motor boat access (16 U.S.C. 777g (g)(4)). Issrie 3. Is the survey required? Response: The 5ervice does not reqwire States ta conduct surveys to receive funding under the natinnal BIG program. However, the Service must produc� a comprehensive national assessment of recreational baat access needs and facilities. The States, 6y conducting and forwarding their survey results to the 5ervice, are ensuring that ��(9571� �� their needs are known (16 U.S.C. 777g (g)(2)). States may use existing, recent survey results, approved 6y the appropriate Service Regional Office, to determine boating tinfrastructure needs (§ 86.113). Issue 4. States completing a survey should receive ranking points. Response: No "points" are assigned in the criteria for completing a survey; the only available poin�s are outlined in § 86.60. States must use the survey results to develop a State plan for hoating i�nfrastructure. The plan (any plan certified by the 5ervice Regional Office) is then eligible for 15 ranking points. Issue 5. C:an States add questions ta the survey? Response: States cannot add any questions to the survey. If OMB apprvves the final survey as written, we will reimhurse States only far administering it as approved. Issue 6. T'ypographical errors occur in the survey tables. Response: We fixed typographical errprs in both tahles describin� the type of participant in survey parts. Issue 7. States should submit survey results electronically. 1'iesponse: The Service wants the results transmitted to the Service Regional Offices in a cammon electranic Format, such as Microsaft Word, Ward Perfoct, Excel or Quattxo Pro. We added a requirement regarding electronic transmission of results to § 86.111. Issue 8. C1ariFy "hoat service providers" as the term relates to public: access. Response: We changed § 8fi.1U2(b)(2)(i) and ('ri) to include a phrase that specifies boat service providers "who allow public access." Issue 9. What are the survey response rate requirements? Response: We changed § 8fi.115 to read "plus or minus 10 percent." We also replaced the language that suggests a 70 percent response rate with language that says the State is responsiblo for selocting a statistically valid sample size. Issue 10. In § 86.60, the points do not add up ta 100, or no points are allowed for completing surveys. Response: This section needed severa] minor editorial changes to make it clear and concise. Among these, we changed the point total to 1�5. The issue regarding awarding points for completing surveys is addressed in Issue 4. Issue 1 i. According to § Sfi.54, why are proposals that are awarded less than 60 pnints when held to the criteria in § $8.60 automatically moved to Tier Two? fiesponse: We removed this "60 point" break when we revised the Tier One/Two break. Cssue 12. By awarding 15 points for a State plan, the Service is making Stat� plans mandatory, penalizing all nonplan proposals. Response: State plans are desirable under the Act (16 U.S.C. 777g (g)). They help set priorities and describe how a State will fulfill recreational boaters' needs. We can also use plans to help see national priorities in the comprehensive national assessment of recreational boat access needs and facilities described in the Act. The plan nonetheless is optional. The Act states, "A State may develop a plan for," and in the proposed rule, § 86.131 states "Plans aro voluntary." However, the Service will award 15 criteria paints to any acceptahle plan, already existing and current, or a newly developed plan based on the DMB-approved survey or othar recenc approved survey results. Tho reason for the 15 criteria points is that projects coming from an accepted plan will establish priorities based on a formal needs assessment. Issue 13. Add a statement to identi£y priorities in the State plan in § 86.60(b)(1). Response: We added to § 86.fi0(b)(1), after the word "following" "priorilies identified in" your State's program plan. We also agreed with the secand thought presented in this comment and changed "construct and renovate" to "construct, renqvate, and maintain." Issue 14. Change the point values assigned to certain criteria. l�esponse: We are not making a change to the final rule as a result of this comment. We believe that we did a tharough joh of stakeholder invvlvement when we assigned khese point values. Issue .15. A possible conflicf exists in § 86.fi4(b)(4) about match fiznds. Response: We have changed § 86.60(b)(4) tv read "Include private, local, or other State funds in addition to the non-f�ederal match described i,n § 86.42." Issue 16. Because of typographical errors in § s6.60(b)(4)(i), the percentage range was left out. Response: In § 86.60(b)(4), we changed paragraph (i) to read "Twenty- six percent to khirty-five percent-5 points," paragraph ('ri) to remove Ihe word "ahave" at the end, and paragraph (iii) to inserc the word "and" so it reads "Fifty percent and above--15 points." (ssue 17. Add the word "proposed" before "tie-up" tq the second sencence in § 86.60(b)(5), and delete the word "access" from the sarne sentence. Response: We do not believe lhis suggestion adds to the clarity of Ehe 52$4 Federal Register / Vol. 66, No. 12 / Thursday, January 18, 2001 / Rules and Regulations sentence. We are making no changes to the proposed rule as a result of this comment. Issue 18. In § 86.fiD(b)(6), change the wording o£ khe sentence to restrict the sites to those near population centers and raise the value of the points assigned. Response: We believe this change would unnecessarily restric� State proposals. We believe the sentence is clear and the points are appropriate. The sentence remains unchanged. Issue 19. In § 86.60(b)(7), substitute "enhanced opportunities" for "access." Response: �Ne are not changing this paragraph as a result of this com.ment because we believe the sentence is clear as written. issue 20. In § 86.fi0(b)(8), add "adjacenY' before the word "community," and add "as the result aF construction, renovation, or increased use," at the end of the first sentence. Response: We believe this change would unnecessarily restrict the pro$ram criteria. The proposed sencence stands unchanged. Issue 21. Allow Tier One dollars to Finance 5tate plans because not to do so creates an unfunded Federal mandate. Response: The Act staCes that "* *% a State may develop and submit ta the Secretary a plan For'` '` *," not "must" (lfi U.S.C. 777g-1 (c)). A mandate does not exist. However, States may do planning under other Sport Fish hestoration Act grant programs For purposes eligible under thpse programs and apply the resulting plan to the BIG Program. Issue 22. Will the Service accapt existing plans'? Response: The Service will accepl any plan certified by the appropriate Service Regional Office that ensures that public baat access is and will be adequate to meet the needs of recreational boaters on your State's waters (§ 86.134). Issue 23. Wltat are the products of the National Assessment? Response: The products of the Compreh�nsive National Assessment are listed in § 86.124. Issue 24. Complying with the National Environmental Policy Act and the Endan�ered Species Act could cause up to 2 years of delay. Response: All grantees must agree to and certify compliance with all applicak�le Federal laws. We use a certified "Assurances" statement. We are making no changes to the proposed rule as a result of this comment. Issue 25. Can States use consultant Fees, design, permitting, and construction administration costs as match For Tier One projects? Response: Allowable matching and cost-sharing regulations are in 43 CFR ���� 1'1.64; speciflc questions should be directed to the appropriate Service Regional Office. Issue 26. Reduce match to where lacal governments or small marinas can campete for funds. Response: In accordance with the Act, only States are eligible For funding under this grant program. Issue 27. Are pre-award costs allowable? Response: Only as descri6ed under § 86.20. Issue 28. Who assumes the administrative burden after the program expires in 3 years? Response: We discuss maintenance of approved projects in 50 CFR 8Q.17. Issue 29. How much money can we charge the public to tie-up? Response: The going rate in the locality determines the amount for the facility. We are making no change to the proposed rule as a result of this comment. Issue 30. For projects in Tier Two that exceed available funding in Tier 1'wo, what is the methodology for awarding funds other than what States request? Response: There is none. We cannot exceed established spending levels. If a 5tate requires funds from two or more different programs to obtain Full funding, the 5tate is responsible for securing the funds. Issue. 31. In § 86.20(a)(3), substitute "deep enough" for "6 feet oF depth at the lowest tide * * * Respanse: We researched these depths before znaking this specification, and we are not making the recommended change. Issue 32. In § 86.20(a)(5)(iii), delete the reference to "this program," so that the sentence reads: "You may use funds from the Clean Vessel Act Program." Response: We encourage the construction of pumpout stations with either sec of funds. We are making no chan�es to the proposed rule as a resulr vf khis comment. Issue 33. In § 86.20(e)(1), add "conkract documents." Response: No contract should be prepared and awarded until after we sign a grant; therefore, contract documents are nvt allowed as a pre- agreement cost. We are making no changes to the proposed rule as a result of this comment. Issue 34. In § Sfi.21(e) and (g), add note on one-time dredging to (e) and add dinghy docks to (g). Response: We address one-time dredging in § 86.20, and dinghy docks are not for transient vessels more than 26 feet in length. We are making no changes to the proposed rule as a result of khis comment. Issue 35. In § 88.21, make the State plan eligible fpr funding under BIG. Response: State plans are eligible activities under the Spprt Nish Restoration Act (1fi U.S.C. 777). Issue 36. In accordance with § 86.30, must I allow the public �o use grant- funded facilities? fiesponse: Yes, § 86.30 specifies that reasonable access must be allowed and explains what that means. Issue 37. In regard to § 86.54, one responder commented that the criterion referenced in § 86.60 was developed for competitive Tier Two prajects and was not meant for Tier Une projects. Tier One project funding was developed for States meeting the requirements in §§ 86.13 and 86.Z0. Response: We agree and will change § 86.54(fl(1)(ii) (now § 86.53(d)(1)(ii) in the final rule) to read "* ** using the eligibility requirements in §§ 86.14 and 86.20." (Section Sfi.13 from the prvpased rule has become § 86.14 in the tinal rule.) Issue 38. In regard to § 86.55(fl, why are two sets of $100,OOU proposals required'? Why not require one �200,ODU proposal? Response: Tier One proposals in the first grant cycle will be funded by 2 different fiscal years. To provide additional clarity, we replaced the secand sentence in § 86.55(l� (now § 86.54(�) with wording similar to the followin�, "We will fund one proposal for each fiscal year provided that each proposal meets the eligibility requirements in §§ 86.13 (now 86.14) and 86.20." Issue 39. Sections Sfi.20 and 86.21 conElict in useful life of sorne outputs. Response: W� do not agree. Principal structures expected to last 20 years or more are different from navigational aids which may have a shorter lifespan. Only principal structures must be designed to last at leasC 'l0 years, therelore a conklict does not exist. Issue 40. In regard to § 86.56, alter the Service awards funds for a project, i£ it is found not to meet compliance requiremenLs, whera will these fiinds go? Respons�: If a State cannot bring the projer.t into compliance according to § 86.5fi (now § 86.55), Che funds may revert as required by the Act (16 U.S.C. ���c). Issue 41. Regarding § Bfi.fiU(b), a respondent. recommended considering construction in remote areas in the scoring priority and adding a statement to the Regulatory Flexibili�y Act section to give criteria points for remote sites. Response: Sectivn 8s.60(b)(6) and (7) considers remote areas as they relate to signiFicant links to prorninent Fede�al Register / Vol. 66, No. 12 / Thursday, January 18, 2D01 / Rules and Regulations 5285 destinations, way-points, and national, regional, and local significant areas. TherQfore, we do not see the need to alter the present guidance. Issue 42. In § 86.fio(b)(8), how will we assess "significant positive econvmic impact?" Response: States should assess the econom,ic impact of projects using a cost/benefit analysis as described in the example in § Sfi.60(b)(8). States should address this issue, along with all the other criteria, in the $rant proposal. Issue 43. In § 86.82(b), replace the ward "slippage" with "deviation." Response: "Slippage" is the term used in 43 CFR 12.8o(b)(2)(ii), which prpvides reporting requirements for assistance prvgrams. We are making no changes to the proposed rule as a result of this comment. Issue 44. In § 86.80, remove the requirement for quarterly reports. Response: We are removing the requirement for quarterly reporting fpr Tier []ne prvjects only, according to 43 CFR 12.80, Monitoring and 'Reporting Program 1'erformanc�;. Issue 45. In § 86.91, make Sfates give credit to the Sport Fish Restoration Program for BTGgr an�s. Response: Credit to the Sport Fish Resloration Program remains optianal. We have nothing on which to base making this issue mandatory. We are changing "may" in the last sontence ta "* * * are encouraged ta ' " ""'• Issue 46. Could priority for services at tie-up Facilities be given to transient boats over 26 feet in length? If so, how would States enforce the priority? Response: No. While we intend the program to benefit transient, nontrailerable boats, 5tates must give oqual public access to all boaters. Gonsequently, enforcement is unnecess�ry. Issue 47. The Service Director should convene a nongovernmental advisory committee to provide expertise on "recreational hoating Facilities needs." f�esponse: Under the FedQral Advisory Committee Act ( Pub. L. 92— 463, 5 U.S.C. App.1), requirements far creating an advisory commitlee would significantly delay the distrihution of the first cycle grant funds. However, opportunities may exist for the nongovernmental community to participate in the grant selectian process, and the Service will investigate such opportuni�ies. Issue 48. Are mainLenance and operation costs in remote areas eligible under § 86.20(4)? Response: We cover maintenance under § 86.20(a); we speciiically exclude operation and janitorial costs under § 86.21. ���� Issue 49. Provide sufficient time to rank and award proposals. Response: We changed the application period for the first �rant cycle tv allow applicants 90 days to submit grant propasals to the appropriate Service Regianal Office. This change occurs in § 86.50. Regulatory Planning and Review (E.O. 12866) Tn accordance with the criteria in Executive Order 1286fi, this rule is a significant regulatory action according to the following: (a) This rule will not have an annual economic effect of $100 million or adversely aFfect an econamic sector, productivity, jobs, the environment, or other units of government. Program funds total $8 million per year for 4 years, for a total of $3"L million. Program funds ior surveys total $1,05U,000. States must match these amounts with 25 percent or $2 million per year. State match totals $8 million over 4 years. The program will nvt negatively affect an econornic sector, productivity, johs, and other units af governmen�. The program will have a positive effect on these factors. (h) This rule will not create inconsistencies with other agencies' actions. We will require the necessary Federal, State, and local reviews and permits hefore allowing construction of all facilities approved under the program. These reviews will ensure tha� this rule will not create inconsiscencies with other agencies' actions. (c) Th'rs rule will materially aFfect entitlements, grants, user fees, loan pra�rams, ar the rights and obligations of their recipients. This rule establishes a new grant program using Qxisting funds that are atherwise available to State natural resource agencies under the Sport Fish Rastoration Act (1fi U.S.C. 777-777m)• Recipients will voluntarily accept all stipulations prior to the Service awarding fixnds for facility construction. The program only obligates the recipient to maintain the facility. User fees are not mandatory and the program allows only enough charges to maintain the Facility established by the grant. (d) This rule will not raise novel legal �r policy issues. This program will award funds to States to install facilities For transient nontrailera6le boats. We will review all actions for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act. 'This grant program is similar ta past Federal Aid grant programs for construction oi facilities. Regulatory Flexibility Act The Department certifies that this document will not have a significant economic effect on a substantial number of small entities under the Regulatory F'lexihility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.). Eight million dollars will be available annually for a 4-year period. The eEfects of these regulatians occur to agencies in the States, Puerco Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, the District of Columbia, and the Northern Mariana Islands. These are not small entities under the Regulatory Flexibility Act. 5ame small entities, mainly marina operators, may receive granc funds. "rhe program will place facilities where none exist now, in remote areas where no competition exist.s, and in populated areas where mar,inas have not previously installed them. Employm.ent, investment, productivity, and innavation should all increase because the program will construct facilities to attrac� transient boaters. The result will be a net transfer oF expenditures in the area. U.S.-based enterprises' abilily to compete with foreign-based enterprises should not be aFfected by this rule. Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act (SSREFA) This regulation is not a major ru,le under 5 U.S.C. 804(2), the Small Business Regulatpry En£orcemenk Fairness Act, as discussed in the Regulatory Planning and Review and Regulatory Flexibility Act sections above. Unfunded Mandates Refornn Act This regulatipn does not impase an unfunded mandate on State, local, or tribal governments or the private sector of more than $10D million per year. '�'his regulation does not have a significant or un'rque effect on State, local, tribal governinents, or the private sector. The rule establishes a grant program that States may participate in valuntarily. A statement containing the informatipn required by the [Jnfunded Mandates Reform Act (2 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) is nat necessary. Takings (E.O. 12630) In compliance with Executive Order 12630, this re�ulativn does not have significant takings implications. The rule providos standardized procedures for administoring a Federal discrecionary grant program. Federalism Assessment (�.0. 13132) In compliance with Executive Urder 13132, this regulation daes not have suFficiene Federalism implicatians to warrant the preparation of a Federalism Assessment. Through this regulataon, 528fi Federal Register / Vol. 66, I�io. 12 / Thursday, January 18, 2001 / Rules and Regulatians eligible States will receivQ grants for construction, renovation, maintanance of boating iacilities, and public informatian and education programs. Therefore, the rule is consistent with Executive Order 13132. Civil Justice Refarm (E.O. 12988) In compliance with Executive Order 12988, the Office of the 5olicitor has determined that this regulation does not unduly.burden the judicial system and meets the requirements of §§ 3(a) and 3(b)(2) o£ the Order. Paperwork Reduction Act The in£ormation collection requirexnents contained in this regulativn are only those necessary to fulfill applicahle grant application requirements of 43 CFR Part 1'l; see 43 CFR 12.4 for iniormation cvncerning OMB approval of those requirements. We have submitted the collections of information contained in this rule to the Qffice of Management and Budget for approval as required under 44 U.S.G. 3501 et seq. The Service will not collect this information until CJMB has granted us approval. Additionally, no person raay be required to respond to a collection of informatian unless it displays a currently valid OMB number. The information collection requirement related to the surveys has a cu'rrent OMB Approval Numher 1018- 010fi under the provision5 of 44 U.S.C. 35U1 et seq. In response to the cvmments received on the technical aspects of the propased survey, we revised the survey improving the guidance, questions, and a lower time hurden for campletion. What Intergovernmental Review Procedures Must I as a State follow? Executive Order 12372, "Intergovernrnental Review of Federal Programs," and 43 CFR Part 9, "Intergovernmental Review qf Department of the Interior Programs and Activities," applies to the national BIG Prograrn. Under the Order, you may design your own processes to review and comment on proposed Federal assistance under covered prograrns. Whac Is My Responsibility as a State if I Participate in the Executive Order Process Having Single Paints af ContaCt? You should alert yaur Single Yoints of Contact (SPOC) to the prospective applications and receive any necessary instructions to provide material the SPOC requires. You must submit all required materials, iF any, to the SPOC and show the date of this submittal (or the date of contact if the SPOC does nat ���� requzre submittal) on the nacrative. If yau are from a State that chooses to exempt the grants, you need tako no action regarding E.O. 12372. Author 'The principal author of this rule is Steve Farrell, Yroject Ufiicer, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division oF Federal Aid, 4401 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 140, Arlington, Virginia 22203. Regulation Promulgation Accordingly, the Service hereby establishes part 86, subchapter F of Chapter I, Title 50 Code of Federal Regulations, as set farth below: List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 86 Administrative practice and procedure, Boats and boating, Grant pragrams-recreation, Natural resources, Recreation and recreation areas, Reporting and record keeping requirements. Far the reasons set out in the preamble, rve amend Subchapter F of Chapter I, Title 50 of the Cade of Federal Regulations, by adding a new part 8B to read as Follows. PART 86--BOATING INFRAS7RUCTURE GRANT (BIG) PROGRAM Subpart A�eneral Information Abaut the Qrant Program Sec. 86.10 What does this regulation do? 86.11 What does the national B[G Prograzn do? 86.12 Definitions of Terms Used in Part 86 8Fi.13 What is boating infrasri�ucture? 86.14 Who may apply for these grants'? 85.15 How does the grant process work? 86.16 What are the information collection requirements? Subpart B--Funding State Orant Proposals 8fi.2n What activities are eligible for funding? 86.21 What activities are ineligible for funding? Subpart C�ubllc Use of the Facility 86.3U Mu�t I allow the public tn use the grant-funded facilities? 86.31 How much money may I charge the public to use tie-up facilities? Subpart D--Funding Availablliry 86.40 How much money is available for grants? SE.41 How lpng will the money be availabla? 86.4'l What are the match requirements? 86.43 May someone alse supply the matc:h? 86.44 What are my allowable costs? 86.45 When will I receive the funds? SubpaR E-How States Apply for Grants SB.so When must I apply? 86.51 To whom must I apply? 86.52 What infarxnation must I include in my grant proposals? 86.53 What are Funding tiers? 86.54 FIow must I submit proposals? 86.55 What are my compliance requirements with Federa.l laws, regulations, and policies? Subpart F-Hpw the Service Selects Projects 7o Receive Grants B6.F�0 What are thQ criteria used to seler,t projects for grants? 86.61 What pro�ess does the Sorvice use to select projects for grants"? 86.62 What must I do aRer my project has 6een selected? 86.63 May I appeal if my project is not selected? Subpart G-How Stetes Manage Grants 86.70 What are my requirements to acc�uire, install, operate, and maintain real and pe[sonal propetty? 86.71 How will I be reim6ursed? 86.72 Do any other Federal requirements apply to this program? 86.73 What if I do not spend all the money? 86.74 What if I need more money? Su6part H-Reporting Requirements for the States 86.8D What are my reporting requirements for this grant pragram? 86,8t When are Y.he reports dua? 86.82 What must be in the reports? Subpart I-State Use of Signs and Sport Fish Restoratipn Symbols 86.90 What are my rasponsibilities for informatian signs? 86.91 What are my program crediting responsihilities? 86.92 Who can use the SFR lc'�ga? 86.9a Where should T use the SFA logo? 8fi.94 Whnt. r.rediting language should I use? Subpart J�ervice Completion of the National Framework 86.100 What is the National Eramework? 86,]01 What is the Service schedule to adopt the National Fraznework? Bfi.102 Elow did the 5ervi[:a design the National Framework? Subpart K-How States Will Complete a Boat Access Needs Surv�y (Survey) 8G.110 What does the survey do? 85.111 Must I do a survey? 86.112 What are the advantages of doing a survey? 86.�.1a What if I have recently completed a survey? 86.114 Do I need to conduct a survey if I already have a plau for installing tie-up facilities? 8fi.115 How should I administer the survey? 86.116 May I change the questions in the survey? 86.117 [Reservedl SG.118 What does this survey inr.lude? Subpart L-Completing the Comprehensive National Assessment 86.120 What is the Comprehensive National Assessment? 86.121 What does the Gomprehensive Natianal Assessment do? Federal Register / Vol. 66, No. 12 / Thursday, January 18, 2001 / Rules and Regulations 52$7 86.122 Who completes Yhe Gamprehensive National Assessment? 86.A23 ComprehensiveNatianal Assessment schedule. 86.124 What are the Comprehensive National Assessment products? SubpaR M--How States WIII Complete the State Program Plans 86.13o What dnes thQ 5tate program plan do? 86.131 Must I do a plan? 86.132 What are the advantages to doing a plan? 86.133 What are the plan standards? 86.134 What if I am already carrying out a plan? 86.135 [ReserVed] 86.136 What must 6e in the plan? 86.137 What variables should I consider? Authority: 16 U.S.G. 777g, 777g-1. Subpart A—General Information About the Grant Program § 86.10 What dces this regulaHon do? In Fhis part, the terms "I," "you," "my," and "your" refer to the State agency seeking. parcicipation in the natipnal Boating Infrastructure Grant (BTG) Program. "We" and "us" reFers to the Fish and WildliFe Service. '1'his part establishes your requirements under the Sportfishing and Boating Safety Act of 1998 Co: (a) I'articipate in the national BIG Prograin, (h) Complete your boat access survey, and (c) Develop State plans to install tie- up facilities £vr transient nontrailerable recreational vessels. § 86.11 What do�s the national BIG Program do? This program provides funds for States to construct, renovate, and maintain tie-up facilities with features for transient boaters in vessels 26 feet or more in length, and to praduce and distribute information and educational materials about the program. § 86.12 Deflnitions of terms used in part 86. For the purposes of this part, the following terms are defined: Construct means engaging in activities that produce new capital improvements and increase the value or usefulness of existing property. These activities include buildin$ new tie-up facilities or replacing or expanding existing tie-up facilities. Grant means financial assistance the Federal Government awards to an eligible applican[. Grant agreement mea.ns a contractual agreement used to obligate Federal Aid Funds for carrying out work covered hy an approved grant peopasal. ���,.� Maintain means engaging in activities that allow the facility to continue co funetion, such as repairing docks. These activities exclude routine janitorial activities. Navigable waCers means waters connected to or part vf the jurisdictional waters of the United States that transient nontrailerable recreational vessels currently use or can use. Nontrailerable recreational vessels mean motorized boats 26 feet or more in len�th manufactured for and operated primarily for pleasure, including vessels leased, ronted, or chartered to another person for his or her pleasure. Project means a speciffc plan or design. Proposal means a description of one or more projects for which a State requests grant funds. Recreational waters means navigable waters that vessels use for recreational purposes. Renovate rneans to rehabilitate or repair a tie-up facility to restore it to its original intended purpose, or to expand its purpose to allow transient nontrailerable recreational vessels. 5tates means individual States within the United 5tates, the District oF Galumbia, the Cammonwealth of Puerto Rica, Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth oF the Nvrthern Mariana Islands. Survey instrument means a tool developed by the 5ervice and approved by OMB to assess the need for boating facilities. Tie-up facilities mean facilities that transiQnt nontrailerable recreational vessels occupy temporarily, not to exceed 1q consecutive days; for example, temporary shelter from a storm; a way statian en route ta a destination; a mooring faature for fishing; or a dock to visit a recreational, historic, cultural, natural, or scenic site. Transient means passing through or by a place, staying 10 days or less. Water-body means the lake, section of river, or speci�c area of the coast, such as a harbor or cove, where tie-up facilities or boat access sites are located. § 86.13 What is 6oating Infrastructure? Boating infrastructure refers to Features that provide stopaver places £vr transient nontrailerable recreational vessels to tie up. These features include, but are nat limited to: (a) Mooring buoys (permanently anchored floats designed to tie up nontrailerable recreational vessels); (b) Day-docks (tie-up facilities that do not allow overnight use); (c) Navigational aids (e.g., channel markers, huoys, and directional informatian); (d) Transient slips (slips lhat boaters with nontrailerable recreational vessels occupy for no more than 10 consecutive days); (e) Safe harhors (facilities protected from waves, wind, tides, ice, currents, etc., that provide a eemporary safe anchorage paint or harbvr of refuge during storms); (t] Floating docks and fixed piers; (g) Floating and fixed hreakwaters; (h) Dinghy docks (floating or fixed platforrns that boaters with nontraile�rable recreational vessels use for a temporary tie-up of their small boats to reach the shore); (i) Restroams; (j) Refaining walls; (k) Bulkheads; (1) �ockside utilities; (m) Pu►npout stations; (n) Recycling and trash receptacles; (o) Dockside electric service; (p) Dockside water suppkies; (q) Dockside pay telephones; (r) Debris deflection booms; and (s) Marine fueling stations. § 86.14 Who may apply for these grants7 You, with aixthority from your State Government. You must identiiy one key contact only and submit proposals through this person. § 86.15 How does the grant process work? To ensure that grants address khe highest national priorities idenliFied in the Act, we make funds available on a competitive basis. You must submit ypur proposals by the appropriace date as specified in §$6.50. You must address certain questions and criteria (listed in § 86.52) to be eligible and competitive. We will conduct a panel review of all proposals, and the Service Director will make che final grant awards. You may hegin work on your project vnly after you receive a fully executed grant agreement. § 86.16 What are the information collection requirements? This part contains both routine information collection and survey requiremenrs, as follows: (a) The routine information colleccion requirements for grants applicatians and associated record keeping contained in this part are only those necessary to fulFill applicable requirements of 43 CFR part 12. These requiremen�s include recard keeping and reporting requirements. See �13 GFR 1'l.4 for information concerning OMB approval of those requirements. (b) The revised information collection requirements related to the surveys will be submitted to OMB for approval as changed. They will not be imposed until 5288 Federal Register / Vol. 66, No. 12 / Thursday, January 18, 2001 / Rules and Regulations we receive QMB approval under the provisions oF 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. The surveys are voluntary and are for States to determine the adequacy, number, location, and quality of facilities that pravide public access for all sizes of Type af information Boatowners: Part A .................................................................................................................... Boatowners: Part B .................................................................................................................... Boat5ervice Providers: Part C ................................................................................................... Boat Service F'roviders: Part D ................................................................................................... recreational boats. The public's burden estimate for the survey is as Eollows: Average time Number of required per Annual burden respondents' response haurs (minutes� 11,zoo 12 2,zao 28,000 12 5,fi00 8,400 20 2,800 4,000 20 1,333 "These numbers are not additive since some boaters will fill out both Parts A and B, and most of the providers will fill out both Parts C and D. (c) 5end comments regarding this collection of inFormation to the Service Information Collection Clearance Officer, MS--222 ARLSQ, Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, DC 20240, and the Office of Management and Budget, Department af Interior, Desk Officer, 1849 G Street, NW., Washinp,ton, DC Z0503. An Agency may ❑at conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond ta, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB cantrol number. OMB has up to 60 days to approve or disapprove the information colleclion hut m�y respond aRer 30 days. Therefore, to ensure maximum consideration, you must send your comments tv OMB by the above referenced date. Subpart B�unding State Grant Proposals § 96.20 What activlties are eligl6le for funding? Your project is �ligible for funding if you propose to: (a) Construct, renovate, and maintain either publicly or privately owned 6oating infrastructure tie-up facilities. To be eligihle you must: (1) Build these tie-up Facilities on navigable waters, available to the public. You must design new construction and renovations to last at least 20 years; (2) Design khese tie-up facilities for temporary use for transient nontrailerable recreacional vessels; (3) Build these tie-up facilities in water deep enough for nontrailerable recreational vessels to navigate (a minimum af 6 feet of depth at the lowest tide or other measure of lowest tluctuatian); (4) Provide security, saFety, and service for these boats; and, (5) Install a pumpout station, if you construct a facility for overnight stays: (i) If there is already a pumpout within a reasonable distance (generally within 2 rniles) of the facility, you may not need one; ��� (ii) For facilities intended as day staps, we encourage you to install a pum out; and, (ii� You may use funds fxom the BI� program, or the Clean Vessel Act pumpout grant program also administered by us, to pay for a pumpout station. (b) Dv ane-time dredging only, to give transient vessels safe channel depths between the tie-up facility and maintained channels or apen water. (c) Install navigational aids, limited to giving transient vessels sa£e passage between the tie-up facility and maintained channels or open water. (d) Apply funds to grant administration. (e) Fund preliminary costs: (1) Preliminary costs may in�lude any of the following activities completed before signing a grant agreement: (i) Conducting appraisals; (ii) Adnninistering environmental reviews and permitting; (iii) Conducting technical feasibility studies, for example, studies about environmental, economic, and cvnstruction engineering concerns; (iv) Carrying out site surveys and engaging in site planning; [v) Preparing cost estimates; and (vi) Preparin� working drawings, construction plans, and specifications. (2) We will fund preliminary costs only if we approve the project. (3) If the project is approved, the appropriate Service Regional Director must still apprave preliminary costs. (fl Produce information and education materials such as charts, cruising guides, and brochures. § 86.21 What acGvitles are ineliglble for funding? Your project is ineligible for funding if ynu propose ta: (a) Complete a projec� that does not provide public benefits, far instance, a project that is not open to tho puhlic For use; (b) Involve law enforcement activities; (c) 5ignificantly degrade or destroy valuable natural resources or alter the cultural or historic nature oF the area; (d) Gonstruct or renovate principal structures not �xpected to last at least 20 yaars; (e) Do maintenance dredging; (t] Fund operations or rvutine, cus�odial, and janitorial maintenance of the facility; (g) Canstruct, renovate, or maintain hoating infrastructure tie-up facilities For nontrailerable vessels, for example the following: (1) Tie-up slips available for occupancy for more than 10 consecutive days by a single party; (2) Dryland storage; (3) Haul-out features; and (4) Boatinp, Features far trailerable or "car-top" 6oats (boats less than 26 feet in length), such as launch ramps and carry-down walkways. (h) 1]evelop a State program plan to construct, renavate, and maintain boating infrastructure tie-up facilities; and (i) Conduct �urveys to determine boating access needs. (1) You may conduct the survey with funds allocated to motorboat access to recreational waters under su6section (b)(i) of section 8 of the Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restorativn Act of 1�5�, as amended (16 U.S.G. 777). (2) You may combine surveys under ane contractar where feasihle if you can realize a cast or other savings. Subpart C—Public Use of the Facility §86.30 Must I allow the publlc to use the grant-funded facilities? (a) Xou must allow reasonable access to all recreational vessels for the useful life of the tie-up facilities. Accessible to the public means located where the public can reasonably reach the facility and where all boats typical to that facility can easily use it, charging equitable Fees, and being open for reasonable periods. You must allow public access to the shore and basic features such as fuel and restraoms in facilikies that have Ihem. You must specify precise details of the public access in �he contract with the facility Federal Register / Val. 66, No. 12 / Thursday, January 18, 2001 / Rules and Regulatians 52$9 manager. We do not require public accesa to the remainder of a park or marina where the facility is fpund. Nor do we require any restrictions in that park or marina. (b) You must comply with Americans with L7isahilities Act requirements when you construct or renovate all tie-up facilities under this grant. §86.31 How much money may I charge the public to use tle-up faCilities? Xou may charge the public only a reasonable fee, based on the prevailing rate in the area. You must determine a fee that does not pose an unreasonable, coxzxpetitive amount, based on other publicly and privately owned tie-up facilities in the area. You must approve any proposed changes in fee structure by a sub-grantee. 5ubpart D—Funding Availalaility $ 86.40 How much money is available for grants7 There is $32 million available for grants under the BIG program ($8 million per year for fiscal years 20U0- 2003). § 86.41 How long wlll the mon�y be available? Under the Act, funding for the BIG program is provided for �'Y 2000-2003. Action We announce the beginning of the grant cycle. You submit your grant proposal by Regions submit the proposals to Washington by. We rank the proposals by .............. The Director approves proposals by. Regions finalize their grant agree- ments 6y. ���� Each year's funds remain available for obligation fqr a total of three fiscal years (e.g. F"Y 2000 funds will remain available throu�h FY 2002) (16 U.S.C. 777c(b)(3)(B)). §86.42 What are the match requirements? The Act authorizes the 5ecretary of the Interior (through the Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service)) to award grants to States to pay up to 75 percent of th.e cost to canstruct, renovate, ar maintain tie-up facilities for transient nontrailerable recreational vessels. You or a partner must pay the remaining project cost—at least a 25 percent match is required. Title 43 CFR 12.64 applies to cost sharing or matching requirements for Federal grants. § 86.43 May someone else supply the match? 'I'hird-party contribution, including pcoperty and in-kind services, is allowable, bu� must be necessary and reasonable to accomplish grant objectives. Tn-kind contxibutions mus� also represent the curren� market value of noncash contributions that t.he third party furnishes as part of the grant. § 86.44 What are my allowable costs? (a) The 5tate may spend grant funds to pay only costs that are necessary and FY 2000-20p1 I �F��:�Ya reasonable lo accomplish the apprvved gr�nt objectives. Grant costs cnust meet the applicable Federal cost principles in 43 CFR 12.6'l. You may purchase infvrmational and program signs as allowable costs. (b) If you include purposes other than those eligible under the Act, you must prorate the costs equitably according to Federal cost principles in 43 CFR 12.62 and 50 CFR SU.15. §86.45 When will I receive the funds? Dnce you sign the grant agreement, we will make the funds available. Subpart E—How States Apply for Grants §86.50 When must I apply? (a) We will accept proposals between February 20, 2001, and May 18, 2007, for the first grant Gycle; between July 1, 2001, and 5eptember 30, 20Q1, For the second gran� cycle; and between July 1, 2002, and 5eptember 30, 2002, for the third grant cycle. This program starts fisr.al year 2000 and ends fiscal year 2UO3. We will have $1fi million to award the first grant cycle, and �8 million each cycle after that. (b) The annual schedule £ollows: FY 2Q03 Fe6ruary 20, 2001 ........................ July 1, 2001 .................................. July 1, 2002. May 18, 2001 ................................ Septem6er 30, 2001 ..................... September 3�, 2002. June 18, 2001 ............................... October 31, 20D1 .......................... October 31, 2002, July 17, 2001 ................................ November 30, 2001 .......,.............. November 30, 2002, August i6, 2001 ........................... December 31, 2001 _..................... December 31, 2002. October 15. 2001 .......................... February 28, 2002 ........................ February 28, 2003. § 86.51 To whom must I apply? You must submit your proposals to the appropriate regional of£ice of the Region 1 .................... 2 .................... 3 .................... 4 .................... State U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. See the chart below fvr the address you will need. Galifornia, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, American Samoa, Com- monwealth of the Northem Mariana Is- lands, and Guam. Arizpna, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. Illinois, Indiana, Ipwa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Ala6ama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Ken- tucky, Lpuisiana, Mississippi, North Caro- lina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. Address Division of Federal Aid, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Eastside Federal Complex, 911 NE 11th Avenue, Portland, OR 97232- 4181. Division of Federal Aid, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, P.O. Box 1306, 625 Silver, SW, 5uite 325, Albuquerque, NM 87102. Division of Federal Aid, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Bishop Henry Whipple Federal Building, 1 Federal Drive, Fort Snelling, MN 55111--4056. Divisfon of Federal Aid, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, 1875 Century Boulevard, Suite 324, Atlanta, Georgia 30345. Telephone 503-231�128, Fax: 503�231�996 505-248-7450,Fax:505-248r7471 612-i13-5130, Fax: 612-713-5290 404-679-4159,Fax:404-679-4160 5290 Federal Aegister / Vol. 66, No. 12 / Thursday, January 18, 2001 / Rules and Regulations Region State 5 .................... Connecticut, Delaware, District of Colum- bia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vertnont, Virginia, and West Virginia. 6 .................... Golorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming. 7 .................... Alaska ......_................................,.................. §86.52 What information must I include in my grant proposals? i`ou must submit the following standard forzns and narrative for all projocts (Tier One and Tier Two) (see § 86.53): (a) Standard Form 424 series as prescribed by the O£fice of Management and Budget. The SF 424 series consisCs of the Applications for Federal Assistance (SF 4'l4), Budget Informati on—Non-Construction Programs (SF 424A), Assurances--Nan- Construction Programs (SF 424B), Budget Information�anstruction Programs (SF 424G), and Assurances— Construction Pragrams (SF 424D). Subm'rt forms appropriate for either construction or nonconstruction projects. Forms are availahle from your appropriate 5ervice Regional OfFice. (b) Infprmation requested under OMB Circular A-1U2 (Application Booklet for Federal Aid Grants—pending approval under the Paperwork Reduction Act). § 86.53 What are funding tiers? (a) This grant program will consist of two tiers of funding. (i) You may apply for ono or bath tiers. (ii) The �wo tiers will allow all States some certainty of base level Funding. (b) Tier �ne funding will ensure broad geograph'rcal distributipn to meet the needs of transient nontrailerable recreational vessels. (c) Tier Two funding will allpw States with large projects to compete with other States with large projects basod on individual project merits. (d) We describe the two tiers as follows: (1) Tier One Projects. (i) You may submit a proposal with an unlimited number nf projects within this tier. Hawever, your total request cannot exceed $100,000 of Federal funds fpr any given fiscal year. ���� Address Telephone pivision of Federal Aid, U.S. Fish 8 Wildlife 413-253-8200, Fax: a13--253-8487 Service, 300 Westgate Center prive, Hadley, MA 0103�9589. Division of Federal Aid, U.S. Fish & Wildlife 303-236-7392, Fax: 303-236-8192 Service, Denver Federal Genter, P.O. Box 25486, Lake Plaza North Building, 134 Union Boulevard, 4th Floor, Denver, Colorado 80225. Division of Federal Aid, U.S. Fish & Wildlife 907-786�-�3435, Fax: 907-78Fr3575 Service, 1011 East Tudor Road, Anchor- age, Alaska 99503. (ii) Tier One projects must meet the eligibility requirements in §§ Sfi.14 and 86.20. (2) Tier Two Projects. (i) While we expect available Funds %r Tier Two prapasals to be between $3 million and �4 million per grant cycle, we have no dollar limit for Tier Two proposals. You may submit any number of projects, which we will score and rank separately according to the criteria in § 86.fi�. (ii) Each project will compote nationally against every other project in Tier Two. (iii) Tiear Two projects must also meet the eligibility requirements in §§ 86.14 and 86.20. § 86.54 How must I submit proposals? (a) You may apply for either Tier Qne funding or Tier Two funding or both. (b) You znay submit more than one project proposal within Tier Qne and Tier Two. (c) You may submit ane proposal that includes Tier One and Tier Two projects. (d) I£ yaur proposal includes Tier One and Tier Two projects, you must descri6e Tier One projects separately from Tier Two projects. (e) You must describe each project in Tier Twq separately, so that the 5ervice can rank and score each project in Tier Two separatQly. (t� For the first grant cycle, which includes fiscal years 20�0 and 2001, a State may submit one Tier Qne proposal not to exceed $100,OOU per fiscal year. States should submit proposals between February 2Q, 2001, and May 18, 2001. We will fund one Tier One proposal per State for each fiscal year providod that each proposal meets the eligibility requirements in §§ 86.14 and 86.20. Fiscal year 20DU funds are available only for Tier Ono proposals. Tier One proposals need not meet khe criteria in § 8fi.60. We will Fund Tier Two proposal5 received between February 20, 20U1, and May 18, 2001, that meet the criteria in §§ 86.14, 86.20, and 86.60 with fiscal year 2001 Funds and the remaindcr of fiscal year 2000 fun.ds. (g) Fvr the remaining grant cycles, you may submit only one prpposal of Tier One projects per fiscal year. (h) When we approvo projects, the appropriate Service Regional Ofiice will determine how many grant agreements are necessary. §86.55 What are my compliance requirements with Federal laws, regulations, and pallcies? (a) 'I'o receive Federal funds, you must agree to and certify compliance with all applicable Federal 1aws, regulations, and policies. You must suhmit an Assurance Statemenl, as described in 43 CFR part 12.51(c), that describes how you comply with F"ederal grant requirements; and (b) You may have tv provide additional documentation to connply with environmental and other laws, as defined in Fish and Wildlife Service Manual 523 FW 1(available on the internet at http://www.fws.gov/ directives/523fw1.htm1). The Servi,ce Regional Office Grant Administrator may request preliminary evidence at the grant prvposal stage that the proposed prajec� will meet these cornpliance requirements, (,onsult with the appropriate Service Regional Office for spacific applicability. Subpart F—How the Service Selects Projects To Receive Grants §86.60 What are the criteria used to select projects for grants? (a) We will rank all Tier "1'wo proposals according to the criteria in paragraph (b) of this section and the attached chart, which sets forth points we will ascribe for various Faccors. (b) We will cansider proposals that: Federal Register / Vol. 66, No. 12 / Thursday, January 18, 2001 / Rules and Regulations 5291 (i) Plan to construct, renovate, and maintain tie-up facilities far transient nontrailerable rer,reational vessels following prior- ities identified in your State's program plan (see Subpart M for State program plan information) that the 5ecretary of the Interior has approvQd under section 7404(c) of the Sportfishing and Baating Safety Act. (2) Provide for public/private and public/public pattnership ef£orts to develop, renovate, and maintain tie-up facilities. These partriers must be other than the Service and lead State agency: [i) One partner ............................................................................................................................................................................... (ii) Two partners ............................................................................................................................................................................ (iii) Three or more partners ........................................................................................................................................................... (3) Use innovative techniques to increasa the availahility of tie-up facilities fpr transient nontrailera6le recreational vessols (includes education/information). (4) Include private, local, or other State funds in addition to the non-Federal match, described in § 86.42: (i) Twenty-six percent to thirty-fivo percent ................................................................................................................................ (ii) Between thirty-six and forty-nine percent ............................................................................................................................. (... ixx) FiRy percent an a ove .......................................................................................................................................................... (5) Are cost efficient. Proposals are cost efficient when the tie-up facility or access site's features add a high value compared with the funds from the proposal, for oxample, where you construct a small feature suc:h as a transient mooring dock within an existing harbor that adds high value and opportunity to existing features (restrooms, utilities, etc.). A proposal tk�at requires installing all of tha above featur�s would add less value far the cost. (6) Provide a significant link to prominent desrination way points such as those near metrapolitan population centers, cul- tural or natural areas, or that provide safe harbors from storms. (7) Provide aceHSS to recreational, historic, cultural, natural, or scenic opportunities of nati.onal, rogional, ar local signifi- cance. Projects that provide access to opportunities of national, regional, or loca] significance recoive 5 point�: for each, for a maximum o£ 15 points (8) Provide significant positive eeonomic impacts to a community. For example, a project that costs $100,000 and attracts a num�er of boaters who altagether spend $1 million a year in the community. (9) Include multi-5tate ef%rts that result in coordinating location of tie-up facilities .................................................................... (10) Total possible points ..................................................................................................................................................................... Criteria l Points (1) Construct Tie-up Facilities (2) Provide Partnership Efforts (3) Use Innovative Techniques (4) Include Other Funding Sources ..... ..................... (5) Are Cost Efficient .............. (6) Provide Way Point Linkage (7) Provide Access To �ppor- tunities ................................. (8) Provide Significant Eco- nomic Impacts ..................... (9) Include Multi-State Efforts (10) Total Possible Points ...... 15 �15 0-15 5-15 0-10 10 5-15 1-5 5 105 §86.61 What process does the Service use to select projects for grants? The Service's Division of Federal Aid convenes a panel oF professivnal staff to review, rank, and recommend funding to the Service Director. This panel will include representatives from the Service's Washington, DC,, and Regional Offices. The Director may convene an advisory panel of nongovernmenral organizations to advise and make recommendatians to the Federal panel. The Service D'uector will select projects far grants hy August 16, 2001, August 10, 2oU1, and August 10, 2002, for the th.ree grant cycles. § 86.62 What must I do after my project has been selected? After we apprave your award, we will notify yvu co work with the appropriate Service Regional Office to fulfill the grant documentation requirements and finalize the grant agreement. ���� § 86.63 May 1 appeal if my pro]ect is not selecked? IF you have a difference of opinian over the eligibility of proposed activities pr differences arising over the condu[:� oF work, you may appeal to the Director. Final determination rests with the Secretary o£ the Interior (50 CFR 80.7). Subpart G-�-How States Manage G rants § 86.70 What are my requlrements to aaquire, insfall, operate, and maintain real and personal property7 (a) Yau will find applicable regulations for this subject in 43 CFR 12.71 and 12.72. IF you have questions about applicability, contact the appropriate Service Re gional Office. (b) You must ensure that the design and installation of tie-up Facilities provide For substantial str�uctures that will have a signiFicant longevity, at least 2� years. (c) You must ensure that you operate, maintain, and use the tie-up facilities and features for the stated grant purpose. You must obtain prior written approval From the appropriate Service Regional Diroctor hefore you can convert these tie-up facilities to other uses. § 86,71 Hpw will I be reim6ursed? For details on how we will pay you, refer to 43 GFR 12.61. § 86.72 Do any other Federal requirements apply to this program? For adminisCrative requirements not covered under these specific guidelfnes, check 43 CFR 12, which generally applies to all Federal grant programs. 15 points. 5 points. 10 pnints. 15 points_ 0-15 points. 5 paints. 10 points. 15 points. 0-10 points. 10 points. 1-5 points. 5 points. 105 points. § 86.73 What if I do not spend all the money? Fi�nds not obligated or expended aftex 3 fiscal years froin the date of the award revert to the Secretary of Transportation for use in State rer.reational boating safety programs. (16 U.S.C. 777c(b)(3)(B), 16 U.S.C. 777c(b)(4)) §86.74 What i41 need more money? Funds Eor grants are available anly on a competitive basis. 'Therefore, if you need more maney, you must compete in the next grant cycle. Subpart H—Reporting Requirements fpr the States § 86.80 What are my reporting requlrements tor this grant program? (a) For all projects, you must submit to the apprvpriate Service Regional OFfice an annual repart and a final performance report and otherwise comply with 43 CFR 12.80. (b) Far Tier Two projects, you must suhmit quarterly roparts according to 43 CFR 12.80. §86.81 When are the reports due? Reports are due as £ollows: (a) Annual reports are due 90 days after the grant year ends; (U) The final performance report is due 90 days aher the expiration or termination of grant suppart; (c) Tier "Two quarterly reports are due Jamzary 31, April 30, July 31, and C7ctober 31 unless specified otherwise in the grant agreement; and (d) 'The State must report certified percentage of completion data and other significant developments in accordance 5292 Federal Aegister / Vol. 6fi, No. 12 / Thursday, January 18, 2001 / Rules and Regulations with the grant agreement or 43 CFR 12.80. §86.82 What must be in the reports? The reports must include the fpllowing: (a) You must identify the actual accomplishments compared to the ohjectives established %r the period; (h) You must identiFy the reasons for any slippage if established ohjectives were not met; and (c) You must identify any additional pertinent information including, whe❑ appropriate, analysis and ezplanation of cast overruns or high unit costs. Subpart I--State Use of Signs and Spart Fish Restoration Symbols § 86.90 What are my responsibilities for information signs? Yau should inscall appropriate information signs at boating infrastzucture tie-up facilities. You should ensure that this information is clearly visible, directing boaters ta the facility. ,Information should shaw fees, restrictians, hours aF operation, a contact narne, and telephone number to report an inoperable facility. § 86.91 What are my program crediting responsibllities? You should give public credit to the Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration (SFR) program as the source of funding for the I3IG Program. You should recognize this program by using the SFR logo. Xou are encouraged to use the crediting logo identified in § 80.26 of this chapter to identify national BIG Program projeccs. § 86.92 Who can use the SFR logo? The 5tates may use the SFR logo and should encourage others to display it. Dther peaple or organizations may use the logo For purposes related to the national BIG Program as authorized in § 80.26 of this chapter. § 86.93 Where shauld I use the SFR logo? You should display the logo on tie-up facilities that you construct, acquire, develop, or maintain under these grants. You should also use the logo on printed material or other visual representations that relate to project accomplishments or education/information. ReFer to § 85.47 of this chapter for logo colors. §86.94 What crediting language should I use? Sup,gested examples of language to use when crediting the national BIG Program follow: (a) Example 1: 'The Federal Aid iz► Sport Fish Resforation Program funded this Facility thanks to your purchase aF fishin� equipment and motorboat fuels. ��',�� �Y� (b) Example 2: The Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Program is funding this constructiqn thanks t.o your purchase of fishing equipment and motorboat fizels. And, (c) Example 3: The Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Program funded this (pamphlot) thanks to your purchase of fishing equipment and motorboat fuels. Subpart J—Service Completion of tha Natianal Framework §8G.100 What is the National Framework'i The National Frarnework is the survey, required by the Act, you must use ta determine boating access needs in your State. Thrvugh a 5tate survey, you must conduct a 6oating access needs assessment ar data collection to determine the adequacy, number, location, and quality of tie-up facilities and hoat access sites providing access to recreational waters for all sizes of recreational boats. §86.101 Whet is the Service schedule to adopt the Natlonal Framework? T'he Secretary of the Interior adopled the National Framewark on September 28, 2000 via a notice in the Federal Register (VolumQ 65, Numher 189, Page 58284). § 86.102 Mow did the Service design the National Framework? The Framework divides the survey into two components: boater survey, and boat access provider survey. (a) The purpose of the boater survey component is to identify boat user preferences and concerns for existing and needed access available to the public. (1) 'T'he nontrailerable boat data set will fulfill informational needs for you to develop your State program plans as called for in the Act. (2) The boater survey will survey registered boat awners in your State for two types of boats: (i) Part A—for nontrailerable recreational vessels. (ii) Part B—for trailerable and "car- tvp" boats (less than 26 feet long). (b) The purpose of the boat access provider component is to identify boat access prpviders' ideas about current and needed facility and site locations and perceptions of boat usar preferences and concerns regarding access. We developed these questions to guide interviews of boat access facility and site managers. (1) The nontrailerable boat data set will fulfill the infarmational needs for you ta develop your State plans as called for in the Act. (Z) The boat access prvvider survey will survey facility providers in yaur State For two types of baaes: (i) Part C—a survey to all providers in your State whp allow puhlic access, including State agency and non-5tate entities (Federal and local government entiti�s, corporate and priva.te/ commercial providers), and operate tie- up facilities for nontrailerable recreational vessels. (ii) Part D—a survey to all providers in your State who allow public access and operate boat access sites fpr boats less than 26 feet long. Subpart K—How States Will Complete Access Needs Surveys § 86.110 What does the State survey do? The State survey determines the status of boating access facilicies for all recreational boats in yvur State and your futuro boa�er access needs. §86.111 Must I do a survey? The Act does not require surveys. They are voluntary. However, if you do a survey, you must complete it following the National Framework to receive funds. Xau must transrnit the results to the Service Regional Offices in a common electronic format, such as Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, Excel or Qu�Ltro Pro. §86.112 What are the advantages of daing a survey? Surveys provide lhe informatian necessary to fully understand the needs of boaters in your State. Surveys allow you to develop a meaningful plan to provide better access to hoaters. Use surveys to complete the plan. §86.113 What if I have recantly completed a boat access survey? If lhe recent survey substantially answers the provisivns in § 86.118, Lhe appropriate Service Regional Of£ice will determine if it is suFficient tv meet tho needs of the program. If the Regional Offi[:e determines that the survey is not sufficient, you must r:oiriplete that portion(s) or an entire new survey to receive credit For completing a recent survey. § 86.114 Do I need to Conduct a survey if 1 already have a plan for installing tie-up facilities? You need not conduct the survey if the appropriate Secretary of the Interior certifies that you have developed and are carrying out a State program plan, as described in SubparL M of this chapter, that ensures that public boat access exists and is adequate to meet the needs oF recreational boaters on your waters. Federal Register / Vol. 66, No. 1Z / Thursday, January 18, `L001 / Rules and Regulations 5293 § 86.115 How should I administe� the survey? Use a consultant or university specializing in administration of such surveys. Use sarnple sizes large enough to achieve statistical accuracy so the estimate is within plus or minus 10 percent of the true number. (a) You may use a telephone, mail, or pther type of survey for a sample population of boaters within the State. Costs for telephane and mail surveys are roughly similar. However, response rates for mail surveys are generally lower. (b) For boat access providers, we prefer that you survey all State agency and non-State providers, but you may survey a sample population. (c) You may develop yvur own methodology to collect data, which may include telephone, mail, fax, or okher inventory means. We do not expect you to use automated, electronic, mechanical, or similar means of infvrmation collection. (d) Data collected are unique to each respondent. Data collection shauld use standard survey mechod criteria to gather iniormation From each respondent. § 86.116 May I change the questions in the survey? Yau must not change the questions because we need informaeion that is comparahle na�ionwide. We have developed a survey instrument for completin� the surveys. We are seeking approval from OMB on the survey questions and the OMB approval does not extend co additional questi�ns. § 86.117 Reserved for survey approval schedule. § 8fi.118 What dces this survey instrument Include? (a) We divided this survey into four parts. Part A being for transient nontrailerable boat owners. Part B is for trailerable or "car-top" boat owners. �'art C is for 5tate agency and non-State providers of facilities for nontrailerable recreational vessels in the State. Part D is for State and non-State prvviders of access sites for trailerable or "car-top" boats. (b) Follow these instructions to complete Part A—BOAT UWNER SURVEY FC7R TIE-UP FACILITIES NOR NONTRAILEIZABLE R�CREATIONAL VESSELS: (1) If the boater owns a nontrailerable recreational vessel, ask the hoater to f.ill out Part A; (2) I£ the boater awns more than one boat 26 feet or more in length, ask the boater to provide information for the boat he or she uses most oRen; �� (3) If the boater owns at least one bvat more than and at least one boat less chan 26 feet in length, ask the boater to fill out bokh Parts A and B; and, (4) You should use a sample size large enaugh to achieve statistical accuracy so the estimata is within 10 percent of the true number. (c) Follpw these instructians to complete Part B--BOAT OWNGR SURVEY FOR TRAILERAF3LE OR "CAR-TOP" E30AT ACCESS SI'IES: (1) Ii the boater awns a boat less than 26 feet long, ask the boater to Fill out. Part B; (2) I£ khe boater owns more than one boat less than 26 feet long, ask the boater to pravide information far the hvat he or she uses mast; (3) If the boater owns at least one boat. more than and at least one boat less than 26 feet in length, ask the boater to complete both Parts A and B; and, (4) You should usa a sample size large enough ta achieve statistical accuracy so the estimate is within 10 percent of the true nunnber. (d) Parts C and D are surveys for providers of tie-up Facilities and boat access sites. Part C is for 5tate agency and non-State praviders of facilities for nontrailera6le recreational vessels in the State. Part D is for State and non-State providers of boat access sites £ar 6oats less than 26 feet in length. (e) Fvllow these instructions to complete Part C—STATE AGENCY AND NON-STATE PRUViDER SURVEY FOR TIE-UP FACIL['T'IES: (1) Ask State agency and non-State providers of tie-up facilikies for nontrailerable recreational vessels to fill put Part G. (2) I£ more than one 5tate agency manages these iacilities, send this survey to all of those agencies. (3) If the State agency or non-State provider awards grants to others who provide facilities, ask these grantees to respond for khese facilities instead of the State agency or non-State provider. (4) If a State agency or non-State prqvider operates facili[ies and sites for 6oth nontrailerable and trailerable boats, ask the provider to Fill out both Parts C and D. (5) Ask State agoncy and non-State providers to identify all tie-up facilities. (6) For all questions, if you need additional space, make copies o£ the ap rapriate pa�e. �t� Follow these instructions to camplete Part D—STATE AGENCY AND NON-S"I'AT� PROVIDER SURVEY FOR TRAILETtABLE BQAT ACGESS SITES: (1) Ask State agency and non-State providers oF access sites for boats less than 26 feet long to fill out Parf D. (2) Non-State providers include the Federal Government, local government, corporations, private owners, and qthers. (3) I£ more than ane State agency cnanages theso sites, send this survey to all of them. (4) If the State agency or non-5�ate provider awards grants to others who provide sites, ask these gran�ees to respond for these sites instead of the S[ate ag�ncy or non-State provider. (5) If a State agency or non-S[ate provider operates facilities and sites For both nontrailerable and trailerable hoacs, ask the provider to fill out both Parts C and D. (6) We prefer that the State agency or non-State provider identify all boat access sites and water-bodics, but if he or she has many sites and water-bodies, the provider may group the inFormation togecher rather than identify each sile individually. (7) For all questions, if you need additional space, make copies of the apprapriate page. Subpart L—Completing the Comprehensive National Assessment §86.120 What is the Comprehensive Natipnal Assessment? The Comprehensive National Assessment is a national report integrating the results of State boat. access needs and facilicq surveys. §86.121 What does the Comprehensive National Assessment do? The Comprehensive National Assessment determines nationwide the adequacy, number, location, and quality of public tio-up lacilities and boat access sites for all sizes af recreational boats. §86.122 Who completes the Comprehensive National Assessment? The Service campletes the Assessment. We will develop standards in consultation with the States. § 86.123 Comprehensive Natlonal Assessment schedule. LTsing the results from the State surveys, the 5ervice will compile the results and produce the Comprehensive National Assessment by September 30, 2003. § 86.124 What are the Comprehensive Natipnal Assessment products7 'lhe Comprehensive National Assessmen� products are: (a) A single report, including the following informatian: (1) A national summary o£ all the information gathered in the 5tafe surveys. 5294 Federal Aegister / Vol. 66, No. 12 / Thursday, January 18, 2001 / Rules and Regulations (2) A table of States showing the results of the informativn �athered. (3) One-page individual State summaries o£ the inFormation. (4) Appendices that include the survey questrons, and names, addresses, and telephpne numbers of State contacts. (5) An introduction, background, methodology, results, and findin�s. (6) Information on the fpllowing: (i) Boater trends, such as what types of boats they awn, where they boat, and how often they boat. (ii) 'Boater needs, such as where facilities and sites are now found, where boaters need new facilities and boat access sites, and what changes of features laoaters need at these facilities and sites. And (iii) Condition af facilities. (b) Summary report abstraclin� important information from the Final national report. And (c) A key Findings fact sheet suitable for widespread distribution. Subparc M—Haw States Will Complete the State Program Plans § 86.131 Must I do a plan? The Act does not require plans. Plans are voluntary. However, if you do a plan, yau must complete it following these regulations. §86.132 What are th� advantages to doing a plan? Plans provide the infarmation necessary to fully understand the needs of boaters operating nontrailerahle recreational vessels in your State. "1'he plan will make you more competitive when you submit grants under this program. We will give you 15 points for having an approved plan. § 86.1$3 What are the plan standards? You must 6ase 5tate program plans on a recent, completed survey following the Natianal Framewark. §86.134 What if I am already carrying out a plan? You need not develop a program plan if we certify that you have davelaped and are carrying out a plan that ensures public boat access is and will be adequate to meet the needs of recreational boaters on your waters. § 66.130 What does the State program plan § 86.135 Resarved far plan approval do7 sch�:dule. The 5tate program plan identifies the construction, renovation, and maintenance of tie-up Facilities needed to meet nontrailerable recreational vessel user needs in the State. ��,�� §86.136 What must be in the plan? The plan must: (a) Identify current boat use and patterns of use. (b) Identify current tie-up facilities and features open to the public and their cand'rtion. (r.) Tdentify boat access user needs and preferences and their desire'd locatians. Include repair, replacement, and expansion needs and new tie-up facilities and fea�ures needed. (d) Identify Factors that inhibit boating in speci�c areas, such as lack of facilities, or conditians attached that inhibit full uso o£ facilities. Identif'y strategies to overcome these problems. (e) Include information about the longevity oF current tie-up facilities. §86.137 What varla6les should I consider? You should consider the following variables: (a) Location of population centers, (b) Boat-based recreation demand, (c) Cast of development, (d) Local suppvrt and commitment to mainCenance, (e) Water-body size, (t] Nacure of the fishery and other resaurces, (g) Geographic distrihution of existing tie-up facilities, (h) How to balance the need For new tie-up facilities with the cast co maintain and improve existing facilities. Dated: December 8, 2000. Kenneth L. Smith, Actin� Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks. (FR Doc. 01-951 Filed 1-17-01; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4370-55�-P FWC Contract No. O �f O q� ATTACHMENT C Comptroller Gontract Payment Requirements ATTACHMENT C Comptraller Ca�ntract Payment Requir�ments D�partment of Fina;�eial5ervices, Bureau of Accaunting and Auditing Voucher Proc�ssing Handbook (10/07/97) Cost Reimhr�rsenr�nt Co�tracts Xnvoices for cost reimbursement cantracts must be supportcd by an itemixed listing af exp�nditures by cakegary (salary, travel, expenses, etc.) Supporting documentation rnust be provided for each amaunt fpr which reimbursement is being claimed indicating that the item has been paid. Check nurnbers may be provided in lieu of capies of actual checks. Each piece af dacumentation should clearly reflect the dates of service. Only t�xpenditures for categories in the approved contract budget should be reimbursed. Listed belaw are examples of types of documentation representing the minimum requirements: (1) Salaries: A paymll register or similar documentation should be submitted. The payroll register should show gross salary charges, fringe bene�ts, other deductions and net pay. If an individual for r�vhom reim�bursement is being claimed is paid by the hour, a document reflecting the hours worked times the rate of pay vvill be acceptable, (2) Fringe Bene�ts: Fringe Senefits should be supported by invoices showing the amount paid on behalf of th� emplayee (e.g., insurance premiums paid). If the contract specifically sta,tes that frin�e benefts will be based on a specified percentage rather than the actual cost of fringe benefits, then the calculation for the fringe benefits amount must be shown_ Exception: Governmental entities are not required ta provide check numbers or copies of checks for fringe benefits. (3) Travel: Reimbursement for travel must be in aceordance w.ith Section 112.061, Florida Statutes, which includes submission of the claim on the approved State trav�.l voucher or electronic rneans. (4) Other direct costs: Reimbursetanent will be made based on paid invoices/receipts. If nonexpendable property is purchased using State funds, the contract should include a provision for the transf�r of the property to the State when services are terminated. Documentation must be provided to show compliance with Deparpnent o� Management Services Rule 60A- 1.U17, Florida Administrative Code, regarding the requir�rnents for contracts which include services and that pmvide for the contractot ta purchase tangible personal property as de�ned in Section 273 A2, Flvrida Statutes, for subsequent transf�r ta the State. (5) In-house chatges: Ch�rges which may be of an internal nature (c.g., postage, copies, etc.) may be reimbursed on a usage log which shows the units tirnes the rate being c�arged. The rates must be reasonable. (6) Indirect casts: If the contract specifies that indirect costs will be paid based on a specified rate, then the calculatian should be shown. Pa�e 1 af 1 FlNC Contract Na. O�C O Q 6 ATTACHMENT D Requirements of the Federal and Florida Single Audit Act 8/3/09 ATI`ACHMENT D R�QUIREMENTS OF THE FLORIDA AND F�DERAL SINGL� AUDIT ACTS The administration of resources awarded by the Florida Fish and Wildtife Cons�rvation Cammission (Commission) to the Contractor/Grantee (recipient) may be subject to audits and/or monitoring by the Commission as described in this section. Manitorin$ In addition to reviews of audits conducted in accordance with OMB Circular A-133 and Section 215.97, F.S., as r�vis�d (s�e "AUDITS" below), monitoring procedures may include, but nat be limited to, on-site visits by Commissinn staff, limited scope audits as defined by OMB Circular A-133, as revised, and/or other procedures. By entering into this agreement, the recipient agrees to comply and cooperate with any monitoring procedures/processes de�med appropriate by the Commission. In the event the Commission determines that a limited scope audit �f the recipient is appropriate, the recipient agrees to comply with any additional instructions pravided by the Commissi�n staff to the recipient regarding such audit. The recipient further agrees to comply and cooperate with any inspections, reviews, investigations, or audits deemed necessary by the Comptroller or Auditor Gen�ral. AUDITS PART I: F�DERALLY FUNDED This part is applicable if the recipient is a State ar local government or a non-profit organization as defined in OM� Circufar A-133, as revised. In the event that the recipient expends $500,000 or more in Federal awards in its fiscal year, the recipient must have a single or program-specific audit conducted in acc�ordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A-133, as revised. EXHIBIT 1 to this agreement indicates Federal resaurces awarded through the Commissipn by this agreement. In determining the F'ederal awards expended in its flscal year, the recipient shall consider all saurces of Federal awards, including Federal resourr.�s received from Commission. The determination of amounts of Federal awards expended should be in accordance with the guidelines established by OMB Circular A-133, as revisad. An audit of the recipient conducted by the Auditor General in accordance with the provisions �MB Circular A-1$3, as revised, will meet the requirements of this part. In connection with the audit requirements addressed in Part I, paragraph 1., the recipient shall fulfill the requirements relative to auditee responsibilities as provided in Subpart C of OMB Circular A-133, as revisrrd. If the recipient expends less than $50p,Q00 in Federal awards in its fiscal year, an audit conducted in accprdance with the provisions of OMB Circular A 133, as revised, is not required. In the event that #he recipient expends less than $5b0,00Q in Federal awards in its fiscal year and elects to have an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A-133, as revised, the cost of the audit must be paid from non-Federal resources (i.e., the cost of such an audit must be paid from recipient resources obtained from other than Federal entities). (NOTE.- The State awarding agency should address other miscallaneous matters aliecting Part 1 audits, such as Web sites where infvrmation that would help facilitate the r�cipienYs compliance car► be obtained. DELETE TNIS NOTE) PART 11: STATE FUND�D This part is applicable if the recipient is a non-state entity as defin�d by SeGfian 215.97(2)(I), �larida Statutes. In the event that the recipi�nt expends a total amount of state financial assistance equal to or in excess of $50p,�00 in any fiscal y�ar af such recipient, the recipient must have a State single or project-specific audit for such fiscal year in accordance with Section 215.97, Florida Statutes; applicable rules of the Executive Office of the Goverr�or and the Comptroller, and Chapters 10.550 (Ivcal govemmental entities) or 10.650 (nonprofit and for- prafrt organizatians), Rules of the Auditor General. EXHIBIT 1 ta thiS agreement indicates state financial assistance awarded through the Commission by this agreement. tn determining the state financial assistance expended in its fiscal y�er, the recipient shall cpnsider all sources of state financial assistance, inGluding state 8/3/09 financial assistance received from the Commission other state agencies, and ather non-state entities. State finanCial assistance daes not include Federal direct or pa�s-through awards and resaurces received by a non- state �ntity for Federal program matching requirements. In connection with the audit requirements addressed in Part II, paragraph 1, the recipi�nt shall ensure that the audit camplies with the requirements af Section 215.97(7), Florida Statutes. This includes submission af a financial reporting package as defined by 5ection 215.97(2)(d), Florida Statutes, and Ch�pters 10.550 (local gavemmental enfities) or 10.650 (nonprofit and far-profit organizations), Rules of the Auditor General. If the recipient expends less than $500,000 in state finanaal assistance in its fiscal year, an �udit conducted in accordance with the provisions af Section 215.97, Flprida Statutes, is not required. In the event that the recipient expends less than $50Q,000 in state flnancial assistance in its fiscal year and elects to have an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of Section 215.97, Florida Statutes, the cost of the audit must be paid from the non-state entity's resources (i.e., the cost of such an audit must be paid from the recipierrt's resources abtained from other than State entities). (NOTE: 1`he State awarrling agency should address other miscellaneous matters affecting Part ll audits, such as Web sites where infvrmation that would help facilitate the r�cipient's compliar+ce can be obtained. DEI.ET� THIS NOTE) PART III: OTHER Al1DIT REQUIREM�NTS (N�TE: This part would be used to specify any additional audit repuir�ements impased by the State awarding entity that are solely a m�tter of that State awarding entitys policy (i.a., the audir Is not r�quired by Fealeral or State laws and is not in conflict with other Feder�l or Sfate audit requirements). Pursuant to Secfion 215.97(7)(m), Florrda Sfatutes, State agencies may canduct or arrange for audifs of state frnancial assistanc� that ar� in addition to �udits conducted in accorclance with Section 215.97; F/arida Statutes. In such an eveni, the State awarrling agency must arrange for funding the full cpst of such additional audits. DELETE THtS NOTE.) PART N: REPORT SUBMISSION Copies of reporting packages for audita conducted in accordance with OMB Circular A-133, as revised, and required by PART I of this agreement shall be submitted, when required by Section .320 (d), OMB Circular A-933, 8s revised, by or on behalf of the recipient directly to each of the following: The Commission at the following address: Audit Director Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Bryant Building, Room 170 620 S. Meridian St. Tallahassee, FL 32399-16�0 The Federal Audit Clearinghause designated in OMB Circular A-133, as revised (the number of copies required by Sections .320 (d)(1) and {2), OM� Circular A-133, as revised, should be submitted to the Federal Audit Clearinghouse), at the following address: F�deral Audit Clearinghouse Bureau of the Census 1201 East 10th Street Jetfersonville,lN 47132 Other �ederal agencies and pass-through entities in accardance with Sections .3Z0 (e) and (�, OMB Circular A- 133, as revised. Pursuant to Section .32Q (t�, OMB Circular A-133, as revised, the recfpient shall submit a copy af the reporting package described in Section .320 (c), OMB Circular A-133, as revised, and any management letters issued by the auditor, to ths Commission at the following address: 8/3/09 Audit Dir�ctor Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commi�sion Bryant Building, Room 170 620 S. Meridian St. Tallahassee, FL 32399-1600 Copies of financial reporting packages required by PART II of this agreement shall be submitted by or on behalf af the recipient dir tl to each of the follawing: The Commission at the following address: Audit Director l�lorida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Cammission Bryant Building, Room 170 82p S. Meridian St. Tall�hassee, FL 32399-16pQ Th� Auditar General's Offioe at the following address: Auditor General's Office G74 Claude Pepper Building 111 West Madison Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-145p Copies of reports or the management letter required by PART III of this agreement shall be submitted by or on behalf of the recipient d� to: The Commission the following address: Audit Director Flarida Fish and Wildlifoe Conservation Commission Bryant Building, Room 170 620 S. Meridi�n St. Tallahass�, FL 32399-1600 Any reports, management letter, pr other information required to be submitted to the Commission pursuant to this agreement shall be submitted timely in accordance with OMB Circular A-133, Florida Statutes, and Chapters 10.550 (local govemmental entikies) or 10.650 (nonprofrt and for-profi# organizations), Rules of the Auditor General, as applicable. Recipients, when submitting financial reporting packages to the Commission fpr audits done in accordance with OMB Circular A-133 or Chapters 1Q.55Q (Iocal govemmental entities) or 10.650 (nonprofit and for-profit organizations), Rules of the Auditor General, should indicate the date that the reporting package was delivEred to the recipient in correspondence accompanying the reporting package. Contact the Commission's Audit Director by phone at (850) 4$8-6068. PAR'fi V: RECORD RETENTIDN The recipient shall retain sufficient records demonatrating its cpmpliance with the terms of this Agreement for a period �f fve (5) years from the daCe the audit report is issu�d, and shall allow the Commission or its designee, Comptroller, or Auditor General access ta such rec:ords upon request. The r�cipient sh�ll ensure that audit working papers are made available to the Commission or its designee, Camptroller, ar Auditor General upon request for a period of five {5) years from the date the audit report is issued, unless extended in writing by th� Commission. 8/3/09 EXHIBIT -1 FEDERAl. RESOURC�S AWARDED TO THE RECIPIENT PURSUANT TO THIS A(iREEM�NT CQNSIST OF TH� F�LLC�WING: (NOTE: !f the resour+ces awar�ded to the r+ecipierrt rieprasent more than one Federa/ program, provide the same infarmatlon shown 4e/ow for �ach Federal program and show total Federal resaurces awarded. N' na Federal fwnds are used, just show "None." �ELETE THIS NOT�) State Agency: Flarida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission �ederal Ayency: US Fish and Wildlife Service Federal Program: Baating Infrastructure Grant Program CFDA No.: 15.6220 Recipi�nt: City of Clearwater Am��nt: $1,236,097 COM1'LtANCE REQUIREMENTS APPLICABL� TO THE FEDERAL RESOURCES AWARD�D PURSUANT i0 THIS AGREEM�NT ARE AS FOLl.OW3: �ederal Program: 1. Recipient must comply with all provisions af the Boating Infrastructure Grant Program Final Ruls, 50 CFR Part 86 S7ATE RESOURCES AW ED THE RECIP E UR3UANT TO THIS G EEMENT CONSIST OF THE �QLLOWING: MAtCHING RESOURCES F�R FED�RAL PRQGRAMS: None SUBJECT TO SECTI�N 215.97, FLORIDA STATUTES: None COMPLIANC� REQUIREMENTS APPL.ICABLE T� STATE RESOURCES AWARDED pUR3UANT TO THIS AGREEMENT AR� AS FOLLOWS: See Attachment C N�TE: Section .4b0(d) of OMB Circular A-133, as revised, and Section 215.97����a)� Fbrida Statutes, require that the infoRnati�n about Federal Programs and State Projects included in Exhibit 1 be provided to the recipi�nt. FWC Contract No. c� 0 � ATTACHMENT E Cerkification Regarding Debarments, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion -- Lower Tier Federally Funded Transactions ATTACHMENT E CERTIFICATION REGARDING DEBARMENTS, SUSPENSION, INELIGIBILITY AND VOLUNTARY EXCLUSION-LOWER TIER FEDERALLY FUNDED TRANSACTIONS Required for all contractors and subcontractors on procurement (vendor) contracts of $100,000 or more, and for all contracts and grants with sub-recipients regardless of amount, when funded by a federal grant. The undersigned hereby certifies that neither it nor its principals is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any Federal department or agency. The undersigned also certiiies that it and its principals: (a) Have not within a three-year period preceding this response been convicted of or had a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (�'ederal, State or local) tt'ansaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of Federal or State anti-trust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsiiication or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property. (b) Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a gavernmental entity (Federal, State or local) with comtnission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph 2.(a) of this Certi�cation; and (c) Have not within a three-year period preceding this certiiication had ane or more public transactions (Federal, State or local) terminated for cause or default. 3. Where the undersigned is unable tn certify to any of the statements in this certification, an explanation shall be attached to this certiiication. Dated this f a�day of , 20�. sy: Authorized Signature/Contractor / 5ub-Recipient William D. Morris/Marine & Aviation Aixector Typed Name/I'itle City of Clearwater Contx'actor/ Sub-Recipient Organization Name 25 Causeway Boulevard Street Address Building, Suite Number Clearwater, FL 33767 ___ City/State/Lip Code 727-462-6954 Area Code/Telephone Number Page 1 of 2 INSTRUCTIONS FOR CERTIFICATION REGARDING DEBARMENT, SUSPENSION, INELIGIBILITY AND VOI.UNTARY EXCLUSION- LOWER TIER F�DERALLY FUNDED TRANSACTIONS 1. Sy signing and submitting this form, the certifying party is providing the certification set out below. 2. The certification in this clause is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was entered into. If it is later determined that the certi'tying party knowingly rendered an erroneous certification, in addition to other remedies available to the Federal Govemment, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) or agencies with which this transaction originated may pursue available remedies, induding suspension and/or debarment. 3. The certifying party shall provide immediate written notice to the person ta which this contract is submitted if at any time the certifying party learns that its certiiication was erroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances. 4. The terms covered iransaction, debarred, suspended, ineligible, lpwer tier covered transaction, participant, person, primary covered transacCion, principal, proposal, and voluntarily excluded, as used in this clause, have the meanings set out in the Definitions and Coverage sections of rules implementing Executive Order 12549. You may contact the person to which this contract is submitted for assistance in obtaining a copy of those regulations. 5. The certifying party agrees by submitting this contract that, should the proposed covered transaction be entered into, it shall not knowingly enter into any lower tier contract, or other covered transactxon with a person who is debarred, suspended, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this cavered transaction, unless authorized by the FWC ar agency with which this transaction originated. 6. The certifying party further agrees by executing this contract that it will include this clause titled "Certiiication Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion=Lower Tier Covered Transaction," without modification, in all contracts or lower tier covered transactions and in all solicitations for lower tier covered iransactions. 7. A participant in a covered transaction may rely upon a certification of a prospective participant in a lower tier covered transaction that it is not debarred, suspended, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from the cavered transaction, unless it knows that the certification is erroneous. A participanC may decide khe method and frequency by which it determines the eligibility of its principals. Each participant may, but is not required to, check the Nonprocurement List (Telephone Na. (202) 501-4740 or (202) 501-4873.) Nothing contained in the foregoing shall be construed to require establishment of a system of records in order to render in good faith the certification required by this clause. 'I'he knowledge and information of a participant is not required to exceed that which is normally possessed by a prudent person in the ordinary couxse of business dealings. 9. Except for transactians authorized under paragraph 5 of these instructions, if a participant in a covered transaction knowingly enters into a lower tier covered transaction with a person who is suspended, debarred, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction, in addition to other remedies available to the Federal Government, the FWC or agency with which this transaction originated may pursue available remedies, including suspension and/or debarment. Page 2 of 2 FWG Contract Nv, � a D 4 6 ATTACHMENT F Certificate of Completion Statement �orm �.�SYi A�VL � �c'��'i 'J;G *�--,�� .: , � �� � � ` `' � :,�rr�►: � �� , C�eD s�riori �o I, representing ATTACNMENT F FLORIDA FISH AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION CO�ISSION BOATING INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT PROGRAM CERTIFICATION OF COMPLETION STATEMENT (Print Name and Title) (GRANTEE) do hereby certify that the Boating Infrastnicture Grant Program project funded by FWC Cantract No. has been completed in compliance with all terms and conditions of said Agreement; that all amounts payable for materials, labor and other charges against the project have been paid; and that no liens have been attached against the project. (Signature) (Date) WARNING: "Whoever knowingly makes a false statement in writing with the intent to mislead a publ,ic servant in the perforznance of his or her of�cial duty shall be guilty of a tnisdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083." § 837.06, Florida Statutes. CERTIFICATE BY COMMISSION I certify: That, to the best oi my knawledge and belief, the work on the above-named project has been satisfactorily completed under the terms of the Agreement. Division: S y: Name: Title: Date: