SIDEWALK AGREEMENT (69) . " , '1 9.ft, 3476 PAGE 581' ~~ ;6~ \~. L.~ Aq;~kz >;~ ./ ;''d /J/AJ ~~fff: pt/--P6~ . . . As to. O"mer presents to..h'c,,"'\\ .~ ~\:;,; ti u;" > , \. ".. . II" ~ ~ . t /.f., f ~ ... ~ ~ A,l ./.) I ..1 T-E" FLOrr'T]jAi ". \;)...,v . . . . IN l-JITNESS HIIEREOf, the parties hereto have caused these executed the day and year last above written. '. : Cit<;r 'J-l<:mager ..,),'. Witnesses: Ownif-'r ::~- :- ~ 10- ~ ~., I:.tf/._' I' r. , ~ -; .( i,.":,'" ~/Cl .,','''' 'Ii) ~ '.... - ,i' '.~ I. c":<~.? STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF I'INELLAS) 197/ I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this J ~__day of ~) A.D. ~, before me personally appeared I.Jerrett R. Stierhcirn, 1('rt l'1. l\~\~n, R.G. \{bitehcad and n. .Everett Houf.,cn, respectively City l'lanagcr, City Attorney, City Clerk and Hayor.. Commissioner of the City of Clean"ater, a municipal corpor.a.tion existing under the laws of the State of ~lorida, to me known to be ~he individuals and officers described in Gnu ',lhoexecutcd tbe forcgo5,ng Agreement anel severally ac.l\no\vlcdgc(~ the execution thereof to be tbeir fr(~c act and deed ClG such officers thereunto duly. iluthoJ:izccl; and that the official senl of said municipal corpor::ltion is duly affi.xed thereto,. and the said i)gre('m~~nt is the act and deed of said corpora tion. .. ,J-i.tHi'N~SS... 1ny'.. ", s.~... g;na t\l1~ c , . .' ,', flJ, q.rlct State o f},F10 1',.-1 dA"; the ... . ,'. :. ': ...... ). ....... ' ,'" ' "'If'! 't . ,:t, f,,<'>,~,fi and official seal at Cleaniater in the County of Pinellas day and year last above H)'itten. :' ,(\i. ..:. ~~.~~ Notary Public .,: .. ,\ ,.,j'-," ,.''''~~'' I ..~~y.'j, '.... :c. o. nlD.lis.:sfb.....n....-;:t.xl\i.rct'a: ~"l'Y' P;;'JEr., S~~~'f rlcr':::a d rge ~! (.o';.;;.."'........"._..."f:::.,.;'rs O~L :2, 074 .",y ;j..~n~"J.'" j;....t;~_.- ,",: '" ,~..~_.d,~Il~ KVA '....... Pre &. Ca,~hy Co~ . STATEDFELORI nA_). COUNTY OF PINELLAS) y ~ , 'I p-R. 3476 PAGE 581 , IN loJITNESS HIIEREOF, the pnrties hereto have caused these executed the day nnd year last above written. presents to.~b'C,~\., \. ,'~\: :;; tf I;:' , , I , \ '\ " . It t '''' t IV 1./, ! i ~ ... \. '/ ,,/) 1 ..1 FL'OR't.FAi ~~~~ 7~_ c. ~ A~OCi:Y ? .. . triYfA/- >~~ ./ ?k/!/4tb6~ As to. O..;rner ". \>'\.-.,~ . . ' . ' . Witnesses: p., " ~.~ / : 'it ,~, i _ ''; ":" ]:,:,;:;. I "., ~,.' I if::" , itt ,~'.... ~ i: " ~ '- .:)J'.~ , .' STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS) 1'1 7/ I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this '/f ~__day of ~, A. D. ~, before me personally appeared Herrett R. Stierhcim, Jert: H. B~i~n, R.G.hThiteheacl and H. .Everett Hougen, respectivel~ City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk and Mayor- COlilll1issioner of the City of Clcar\\later, a municipal corporation existing under the laws of the State of ~lorida, to me known to be the individuals and officers described in and ',;]10 e)~ecuted tbe forego5.ng Agreement anel severally acknOlvlcdge<:l the execution ther,",of to be their fr2c act and ueed a~ sllch officers thereunto duly. <lutJ,1OJ_-izcd; and that the official seal of said municipal corporation is duly affixed there.to; ancl the said (lgrecm~nt is,the act and deed of said corporation. ," \ WiEll'NEi.i,s1l1Y signature ~(t. State o f.-,g10 r'-idq>; the ...... ,I. ....... -. ,'" ,j ..l'"", ~ .. ~1? ! :":S and official seal at Clean:Jater in the County of Pinellas day and year last above written. K . . iIV"- " .~~ ~-, \',\ , ~ ...:. . ''',~~' "~}y",'j.,>,,, IC" o,n~:Jlis,:sfo"n" .::Expirer: ttOiaIY' Ji;,:':!k S~~~1 flnr:~a d :arge ,u' C~-m^"";'-, ~:.;"., "'~y";rr$ OJ. 22, 1174 IV'Y u;l ~~Uv...-.~. .t.-t~. ~ ",'::, . ,~~_.d,;kit' II('. r~"'''''' r.:ir& & u.1~lty Co~ ~~~~ Notary Public STATEDEELORTDA } COUNTY OF PINELLAS) Before me personally appeared Harlan D. Mp.rhigp VP Tmppri~l Home~ Corporation to me \-lell 1;,nO'l-1I1 nnd knmm to J:lC to be the inclivic1uO-ls described in and uho c>:c~ct1ted the foregoing agreement and acknowledged before me that they executed the same for the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and oHic,ial seal ~~L.,t.lUH14I":11 1 ....\\ .;;za..~ ~ ("rod f J t n..~"~...~~>"')'.:~y '0 - , anuary ~ ~"V:,. ~~.;;;"",/~ ~ f~~'" g ~ ~~ >~~rDi'7;' .' I , 'g ~ : 1- -- . <::t'~ ~ \. ." '. v ",:, < .{.. It N, .. ,:jJ;~- \ \.".... -;;,. ~ "- , /u /," Nota _y Pubhc ""#'j' , .~'- . " '\: "" ..... "", -"'~ ',~....., ~ \'...." ".,' I J. 1,. \: S ' "" "l'jlll~II,.",\i'\'.' A.D. 1971l. By COllullr~,siol1f Et'ii~~WfaTge Notary Public, State 0 f 0 My Commission Expires Oct. 28, 1973 ~...AllI'ld By American 'F!re & CasuallY Co.