AGREEMENT , ): -~ - \ ., I AGREE}ffiNT BET\{EEN THE CITY OF CLEARHATER AND THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS F3L-CIL, LOCAL NO. 1158 FISCAL YEAR 1975 - 1976 "- CL/I.d.?' L! (,) 2 - ~.\ .. , 'I TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE NUHBER TITLE PAGE PREAMBLE 1 RECOGNITION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 2 CITY'S ~~NAGE~mNT RIGHTS.. .... ......... ..... 2 3 NO. STRIKE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 4 GRIEVANCE AND ARBITRATION.. ...... ... ........ 5 5 BULLETIN BOARDS.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9 6 REPRESENTATIVES OF PARTIES.... ... .... ....... 10 7 NO DISCRIMINATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . 11 8 WAGES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12 9 HOLIDAYS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 13 1 Q. VACATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . '.' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 11 CIVIL SERVICE...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . .. 16 12 CHECK-OFF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 13 STE~vARDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 14 _ POSTING OF AGREEMENT........................ 19 15 WORK SCHEDULES... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20 16 WORK: RULES. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 24 17 SENIORITY AND LAY-OFFS..... ... ...... ... ..... 25 18 PARAMEDICS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 19 LINE OF DUTY INJURY PAY. .............. ...... 29 20 . LEAVES OF ABSENCE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 21 MISCELLAi'lEOUS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 33 22 PHYSICAL EXAMINATION.... .... ... ....... ...... 35 23 AMEND~1ENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 36 24 SEVERABILITY AND HAIVER. ....... ..... ... ..... 37 CONTP~CT CONSTITUTES EtITIRE AGREEMENT 25 OF THE PARTIES.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 38 26 DURATION, MODIFICATION AND TERMINATION. ..... 39 SIGNATURE PAGE.............................. 40 .-- I -,I PREAHBLE This-Agreemeht is entered into by the City of Clearwater, Flo.:.-ida, hereinafter referred to as the "City" and Local 1158 of The International Association of Fire Fighters AFL-CIO, hereinafter referred to as the "Union", fo~ the purpose of promoting harmonious relations between the City and the Union, to establish an orderly and peaceful procedure to settle differences which mighe~arise, and to set forth the basic and full agreement betHeen the parties concerning wages, rates of pay, and all other terms and conditions of employment. ,\' ,.. I ~ I fu~TICLE 1 RECOGNITION Section 1. The City recognizes the Union as the exclu- sive bargaining representative in accordance with Chapter 447, Florida Statutes, as amended, effect,ive January 1, 1975, for the following agreed upon bargaining unit: FIREFIGHTERS All Firefighters, Fire Li~utenants, Fire Inspectors~ but shall exclude all persons holding the rank of Fire Chief, Assistant Fire Chief, Fire Captain, Fire Narshall and such other managel::ial employees as may be employed by the City, and shall additionally exclude all Fire Alarm Dispatchers and Fire Apparatus and Equipment Nechanics, clerical employees and professional employees. 'Section 2~ Should the City establish new job classifica-. tions HiLlrin the Fire Department t;.;hich are not of a managerial nature, the' City shall, not less than thirty (30) days prlor to staffing such classification, provide notice to the Union of the establishment of such classification and, if requested, bargain \-lith the Union concerning \.;age rates and hours of employment for such clas:~ification. J '.1 ARTICLE 2 CITY I S HAl.':AGENENT RIGHTS Section 1. Except as expressly limited by any provision of this Agreement, the City reserves and retains exclusively all of its normal and inherent rights with respect to the management of its operations, \vhether exercised or not, including, but not limited to, its rights to determine, and from time to time redetermine, .... the n'_:.2.:lber, locati.on and type of its various operations, functions and services; the methods, procedures and policies to be employed; to discon- tinue the conduct of any operation, function or services, in \vhole or in part; to transfer its operations, functions or services from or to either in \vhole or in part to any of its dep3.=tments or other divisions; to select- and direct the, \.mrking force in accordance 1;o1ith requirements determined by the C~ty;~to create, modify or discontinue job classifi- cations; to. establish and change \-lOrking rules and regulations; to establish and change work schedules and assignments; to transfer, promote or demote employees; to lay-off, furlough, terminate or otherw'ise relieve employees from \vork for lack of \vork, lack of funds, or other legitimate reason; to suspend, discharge or othervlise discipline employees for proper cause; to alter or vary past practices and otherwise to take such measures as the City may determine to be neces- sary to the orderly and efficient operation of its various operations, functions and services. If in the sole discretion of the City Section 2. Hanager it lS determined that civil emergency conditions"' exist, including, but not limited to, riots, civil disorders,. - 2 I - I hurricane conditions, or similar catastrophies pr disorders, the provisions of this Agreement may be suspended by the City Manager during the time of the declared emergency,' provided that wage rates and other direct monetary payments shall not be suspended. ~ w ~ ~ - 3 - ARTICLE 3 I t:C} ST(:I:-::S - I S E;CTI(j~-.; 1. The U:1.l0r1 -:>::-':";><'5 ....r.,:>t' CAU. ___ v...._v duririf; tr18 tem of.: this 10 "'-":'10 _..~~.2- 4o.,... r.&~ :::"CL..-:;.,.lJ ll.o s :-~all ~ot D-uthcr-ize, ; n - L. -; ~ ""'l .J.,. C. ......1 :;:':""'~6r:..:J-, , co r:o. 0 :12 ,. eXCL:.::;,e) r-'.....: .:'-- C. \....:...i. ).) or Sl..<.p::or-t an~/ ~.... rl" 1,,,, 0v h<:", s lo',:-do',:n) - sit-dc."l:~ ~ \.;ark S~O"8-" , 4 ., .:;J-:-.> 0--- :)"'-'}" O"'h~- ::)c~ Of'" 1":1...~ 0"'" c1'" "":'",-;1-:"1""'" n~~1.;.:'\ 11.1.-~ly to 1"'Y':- ;;:._~>..... '- CidJ vL:C.L Go l.. _ -'-.J..f,.'_ .L v_ 1.,-,-__<.A.l. "_",-,-_ ~ - h___ .... t~r- ...:':) l....):.L.\") th- C'\.c-_-'l"c.;-c."r\-L OpCl"'-',L.-~O'" 0'" ....; ;:'21 c ...,~ "L. ~.C: ~J.. J.. ,......::OLe" . _ <..> l.~ L' .... -r1-,- C';t.,,..t~ ~.c-'" .. C"'" ~ ""':....2. ...... -) .;,.) c;...t.J. ilJ..r...) 8..:.-. g2.[;ed in or: s t~D;::.ort.cd by .. - r~emb8r"5 of tr..2 Ur-l'i r,'r) ;."'r1/0""'" c.,....pl o~'nC". C" .. _v.... ~~......... ... _ ",';'.1. __ J _'-v r"'""" -:~e ~O~l'+- :-"\Q' ~~... .:;)_ _v_ by the Union or other agents or repre5en~~~ive~ of the Union. SECTIO:.; 2, Sho~ld the Union or a ~~jorit.y of the Union .. ero1ployees covered. here..mder '',-lithin the CityT s Fire D2p3.r~u..~n.t ,breach this article, the City ffi.~y then proceed agD-inst the Union as co\"ered in F.S..S.. 74-100 Sect.ion 1;.47.019" and su.ch sect.ions of State and Federal lcl\v that nt:J,y apply. ~-- ..- - 4 - '''~;:'''''-''-i'...." , , I ARTICLE 4 GRII~\' i\~'.:CE ?~.0CI::DL?,"S Section I, I, c,,,-'i''''-v'ancp ~'h""'ll b"" o.1.'">;'l.'~=-rl ~,. .. oJ- __C ''":_'" _ ,;;:-,.__....... _ _ _J. ...."-'-J. Co.';> Clny diffc~- Cl1ce ~ U';C-"'l-e 0':- 1_".:)lJ~L. - cO:-;1. l~;.t . f"7~"""'r~~';-"\rp t-}t~ -"nr---:-- .-"..- ........)'--- --.?_~_n r(\,_,C.L~"I.--0 ,-_.t.: ll__'_.L.P.L.C~.<'_L,Lon 0::: 1 - ... -c Cl~) f) ~ lC aL J_C>:l 0 J... t") ...-" 1- ~~-T-l -. -~' f- 't.., .; ,~ ........- ~ !":\-:-~ D-""l-- ,(_~ _ _.l.. L~_~ OJ... L-L:.._!...S :-61.. '-.:.l,......J.._!.~t... S2ct:ion 2. All gr ieVCl.LlC2S filed s11211 refer to' the -.r=- .. c ....,. t. ' a- " -"Y L. SpcCJ...t:lC s2ctJ..on o:.c Lil1.S ~\,grec:m2r:.~ upon 't.;nl.cn. tne grievance. 1.S based 22d shall contain a concise state22nt of the f~cts alleged to suppo:::tthe grievance. Grle\i2.L!.C2S shall be ~. processed in accorda~ce with the fol;o~ing p~ocedure and shall'be determined by applicatio~of the teras of this Agree:w.ent~ the la\-l$, af the Unitcd States~ the. State .of Florida. 2...:..'""lq.. the Char tcr and O:::din2.nces of the City of . CleaTI';2.te::- _ "-Ste~ I. The a.ggriev~cl e"ftplayee shall present orally or In T.,......... . . ner 1-. ~ S ;::::~_' -levc.:.:'I~_J"t:C\_ ....LD h'~s C;:~p''-l.al.- n . w.... :-::::. I:.;> E;" :::...... -~ .J.... ~ 't"ithin five (5) c2.1cndar dflYS of the occur- rence .of the matte-c g:i;ving rise tathe griev- anc:e_, The aggrieved. ectp10yee ma,y request that a Union rep'.::-cserrtative be pr(:sent. "_ D - 11" - C 1 ~ ~.. iscuss:Lons 'Hl~ 02 lP...LO:C'C.2._ Ior Lac purpose of settling diff2.re~C2S in the S; T''''n.l "" c. r- _L....t..j: . __....._ and most direct m2nne~. The Capt2.in shall rC2.c:h a decision and co:~st.!.rtic2. te " It orally or 111. 'uri t ing to the [~gi:~>: i.evccl e2~)lOjr(~e ,,!:i.. thin th'CC2 (3)ca1.cn(i('~.c d2.Ys fro:~1 th~ date the grl.evz~ncc: '\'72.S pl:c:;C';::~c:cl to hl.L~"_ , s .s..'::}~. ? . I,.f t11E:_~ 0-[~l.C"f,}"2.:'l::-:C' ~.:; 1:1()t settl_0cl :1.'11 tTl(:~ :[:i_.!..-:~;t :.: ~~ c,~'} :_ (~ :~ ~~ i;, ,~~ ..:- 5. :.--: ~/ ~ . .=: ~-: -~~ =J ] (~~~~ -::.:: ~ "':.,-::~. :.: l'~ 't_ :-1 t l-!.'c e (; i' ":. ' \. .' ) CC:tlC;'L"'!.cl.:=-:.c (1 '. - r (" ~::.~) ... n'- _ ..L of L::-: (: c.t:: t ~ tl:~ c.~ ~~~; \~-.J e T: :U1 - 5 - .~ .~ ". SteD 3. - - ~ , ~ ~= :~~ ~-} I - r 0 ... ~ , //' J 0.1 the first step, sh211 rcJcce the grJ.evance to ,.,..,....; ....l...,...,~r \/.l- -"- L..O' S l. ('''1 -i" . 0" ,0, L. 2nd presenc-it to the AssLst- ant Chi~f or his C1 ~) t::"'; ',....n ~ :':). t._.... -0'-.--. Th~ !~ssis Lc..Llt Chief or his designee shall obtain the facts concer"ll'.i_llg tl1D ~llna~~ O~i2v~~c-e ~n~ s'n~l' -......... ~ C.i.._-~c..:..-' o..r... -... c_J._,-~ J.::'- ....L~ \.rithin three , C;O?"'! ~';'lc1:->r dcl"<Ts of . ...-.-.-- --- -J.- (3) rec2iu.....L of c - the 'tor.citten gricv2nce. B2e t \-7ith th~ aggrieved. employee. h - ~--..; ....,.-T~...:f Tl..e d.o_~.1-..r...t::: -'.. '-~ ... enployee may. be ~ccompanied at this seeting by 2 Union rep~e- sentativ~. The Ass i.s.t2.n t Chi=f 0:;: his desigu.ce . 0 shall notify the aggrieved employee of his , decision not 12.ter than thre= (3) calendar days ,. following the meeting date. o , If the grievance lS not settled at the secoQd step', tbe 2.ggrieved CYj'"!'p1o-:-'(:)0.. -......... .- .J -- ,. 't-lithin three (3)- calendar d2.Ys of the date of notifica.tion from the 'Assistant C~ief or his designe2 shall, present the ;'Tr~ttel1. 2;rievanc2. to the Fire Chief. The Fire.Chief shell obt2.inthe facts concernlng the alleged grievance. and shall> \,]ithln thre= (3) c2.12Cld2.2::' clays follo-:;:- lUg receipt of the 'I;-n:-itten gri2V2.nc~. meet: 't.rith aggrieved ""'.l~l- ...,rr---l- _.,_...._1 1._;":: cc c..:SJ... :.:: \/ L.: .....:.. .A-no L_,",_ e~:1.?loyee. . employ~e may be acco2p2nied at: this E!22 t:i['_~~ bv - Unl'O""" ~~-)-C0~~-...,~i\.e -' C!. __ -l, J... t.:-l J.. -_..jo...:-~_~-:...L__' _ J.'he rire C~lieE sh;]_l,~l -n.Ot'l-'[JV t't,r> -":'~'''"""l.'r,v"c~ e""'01nv2'-" of his _ .. _ L~ lL- (....~).:.:)L.. (,.. _.. l~_~ -'-..... J ...- decision not later than three (3) ca12~da~ 1 '\T'C 11 ('7. ; '1(' t}-." ca.}s .LO ,_._1....(, ..h. T::.~c:t'i.rl~; cl~:.::2_ :[ r S L ~L ~L 1. lt7-t r- (~S (/ J '.:" ..-'~ ~~ ~,-~~,:l __"l ""! C~ L "" t 1 ~ :.: 5~. --:- ~L ~: >.:. .:~: ~ -'::: ::: c-:: tl .: ,-! -.'1. 1 } ~ :-.', res I) () 0.. ~~ ~ ~~ -- '" - -- .....- t l~ (.~ C i. t:);" s 1_: ~~)~:::L t t E-~ (~ tc> r o -'- "" . . I I - I )" "" ::,~.' c.....,.. 1. _~______.::> ~_ 0:::- his (1:. - -l '="""' (:. "" -~::.-C>c_~- , \.:i thin , tnree (3) cal~n.:.la:;:- days, th~ Cj.t)' H<:~L12.'?2r ~;h2I,l nO'-1 f'r . ~ - ~--J th~ cz:,ployee. J n T ~r 1.' ,,- i n .~ . L "Il. L. _ C 'b , or his dcc:is:i.o:-!._ S2ction 3, In the event that the grlcvance is unresoLved - , the El2.t:tcr shall be sllb:7!itted to final 2nd binding arbit:cat:ioD. in the maffi1er provided herein, Section fr_ Arbitration. A_ Hithin five (5) 42..}"s fro:TI. th.e receipt of ..... Lcte: decisio::l of the City Hanager> the party requesting to a:cbi- trate tae' cO:::ltroversy shall give ,\-;ritteLl notice to 'the othe-.c and shall at the sam~ time request a list of five (5) arbi- .' " trators frocn. the Federal Nediatian. ... Conciliation .Service, Cc B~~. . Uithin forty-eight (48) hours after receipt: of the list: of arbitrators, the Union and the- City shall . meet an,d each strike t'\-:o (2). names therefroill., the relJlC!ini:1.g ncme shaLT~c=signcLe the arbitrator. C_ As pro~ptly as can be arr~rrg2d> the .,. - +- . arO:LL.r2.- t~on hearing shall beheld and within fifteen (15) days thereafter> the arbitrator shall render his decision. Tile arbitrator, 12. rendering his decision, shall cO:lfirr2: 'hi.;:; deci.sion to the contrO(lersy In qu.~stion and. he sh2.1l rro1: have the au.thority to add to, take a-:..;2.Y fro:It,. alter or '2...~;:end any provision of this Agreern?nt. . D. . . The decision of the arbitrator> insofar as it is -.~ ..1-:"1.. confC:CS2c!C€"~ - , , C \'ilta par2>'raDil .. ~"".a. 11erein;-tbo-'I2,. shElll be fin2.1 2.:i.d hL:clinz OLl b0th p:.!.rtie.s. E. "-'1;'("'\, '".-- :::> ocr.. o.f7 t~~ ~'l-"D.~ t..,.-~ :-0-"- I..:......... t.._I...pc:Tt..>....... .. ~ lLC c__ _ _GL..._ _0 ~~~~C:t~L}. be bo~nc r, "'[11-.. - - l...... -.. .. .....-\-. -...... (',-_'-_c"~'_~-l,"_' LI.'[-l:'"',L.~' -:' 1'.' .~~-.:,.'L-'l--."""_"-'.-' .~~,__-I_,,:7..:.._.. (1,=_'_~..-___,,~;__..:: L: (i .~ i. ~.- -._ __ j' u j' l):"J ~ E ! 1-) ~ ~ :.. L i i..~.:) , . _ ,. _ .. '- ~ ~ . _ - ~) _ ~_ - d" ___ Z-'. -":-~~Lt:;_4i>:-~ c)" ...... :-"',_t.:~1l ~'.-!,._(1.:\, ~~ -_-: ;':. ':-'.:~ '_.l..- ~~ ~~:~: _ _ __ _ - - ~: I ~:: :L L) ~~ ~: 'C t ['l :.:_~ ~ c; ~-: 't ~3 t-I~~~-2.~ f _ - 7 - '. I -. I F. ~. 1..:1."2 tiC.2 li~;~- CO~:-'~';I'.~-i ~;:-,""";:.':~ i;\.," ~DC> _~__~~ ~___~___c;.,- ,___~.L__ L.__j _ .e'.-_':.....l..'-~-,~,.r~._-(~,I b~~ t:.~_p_ -_;...:_~~_~l__-''''.L. 'l'...-r-\......_-'-~;--, co-.~--. 0 -.-, p-J'" '~.S _ :::._.."---_ p". _r _..r-~ :::;.' - ~~s~~~t f. t:1.~ I ~L..t;_c..:. . Secti0:l 5. r~ ~n-i'':""''\O' ..0 - ..-1.'0 cora..ta-in2d hQl-ein S0.2..11 p::-ohibit the es.?lOj'cC:5 fro2 ~ti 1izing the civil S2l-vlceZL-ie-,r2:-1cc T:"l~chin- cry, exc.::pt that once an employee p!'-oceeds a'c:co:cc.lir:.,:;to the steps ~n this Agree~2at he shall not thereafter have access to civil service for the iesolution of the grievance involved_ . . "'- .. r SeCL.lO:1 o. Grievances arlslng out of the disch2rge. de~otionj SU.5pensio:! or uri tt2n repri1I!and. shall be cOillfr.e:Qced ,.:i thin five (5) days of the ~ ~; G ~. -.. cr .. ~ o.J- tn::> 2_\..._0:1. o_Vlno rlS~ LO...~ .'-_ C'n"'iC'T;;l"'1. r-p 2711. d 0-- ... -.... ...-- -... shall be cOffi8.ancecl in step three (3) of the grievance procedu.~e unless the employee elects to utilize ~he civil selvice grievz~ce machinery. -. -:-:=~....:....- - 8 - - I I ARTICLE 5 BUL LET I ~.I 3iJ.:\ RD S The City agrees to provide space on bulletin boards at each Fire Scationfor p05tingby the Union of no~ices of meetingi or c c . . 1 1" . r'. . l' , l . t C" ~ oth2r OJ,..l..lCl2.!. UDlon In:CO'.C'Dat::Lon; provluE~Cl, tne .\..5 S lS . an t nl.eI: or l' , 1"' ~. . , . 1 'ff 1 his Geslgnee sna_l.. rlrst reVlCW sucn postlng, ana l oune to be oc.:.~side or the scope of this Article, 'such posting shall be Eiodi- fied to the mutual agieement of the parties. ./ - ".- ARTICLE 6 'O--"I"~,...,,.-~. ""''''''''-'s' r.'" p \ )~-,.,~ , l.u,. ~ =---=-- J S (; ~:;..!. .!.. V S U::.J.. i F~ 1 .l:::.:::> Section 1_ The City agrees that during the term of this ,. ......,&.... ~-"11 c.l.....~l o~''f- ,"l-I"'"'l -h~' :1..~tt~;",y"t--;7D" r~Y'"'-eC'e-""""':::l""'.l"-:';::l.r", L,..gre~r::.~'~t-. iL \o,,':__.L '~c.t. ,:,~j~:; ...-;-'L:.I, l-_..._ au l..v_...J...._,_\.J.. -'-r-'.J... ~ LlL...~~ ...._..:-. .. of the Union in matters requiring the mutual CO~s2nt or othe= official action c~lled for by ....'-,rl; s f. P -L' C> <'"' TT' "'''Tl :- - - "'0 10...-"-_.__'" -. ~.. U . . . ~ Ine nlO~ agrees to notlLY the City of the nace or such authorized representatives as of th2 execution of -L.h'i S A(rY-r~!'...;::~.....";")-,- .. -- 0- - ------- and replacement therefor during ~he term of this Agreement. Section 2. The Union likeuise agrees that during the te-rm of this A are""''''''., =-n -'- thco --0- <;::; --~- - Unior). and tne em-a 1 o-.''''"es covered hereunder .&. -- J- shall deal only \.,ith th2 City N,anager or his represe2tative in mat- ters reqtJ.iring mutual consent or other'official acti.on eluring the term of this Agree8.ent a;:-~cl specifically the Uni::m agrees that neitlier .the Union no::- the einployees hereunder shall seek to involve the City's elect~d officials in the administration of this Agreement or other~ wise in the op~=ation of the City's Fire Depart8ent; provided that not.hing co::.t:2:ined herein shall res.trict an employee's' oppo:;:-tunity to present n'on-e::.ployoent .re.lated El.atters to such elected offici2.1s_ -..:.- : I I ARTICLE 7 NO DISCRIHINATIO)l The City and the Union specifically agree that the provisions of this Agreement shall ~e equally applicable to all employees covered herein 'vi thout regard to race, color, religion, creed, sex, national origin, membership or non- membership in labor orglli"1ization or age, as provided by law. I ARTICLE 8 R\G'2S I S2C tim"!. 1. r, "I -, r' "1' - -.- r::'_ ~L.~~::": foY'_ :":I.'::>~L.- \'..c.~oe .c.! ':.;..-.1 .- the te~c of this Agree22nt shall be as follo~s, stated on 2 bi-~22kly ba3is: Fire Fire Prevcel- tioI'"!. Inspector.....; . Stev3 --"--- F. - '"' ,C . ~ h '- ^ ~ _.ll t..:l.lr;.. Lt,;:.'- Lieutenant-::- 1 2 '3 ,4 5 6 7 .8 9 361.10 379.50 "397.90 L~18. 60 l~39 .30 L;.84.15 1;.84.15 509.';.5 509.L;.5 534,.75 534.75 548.55 548.55 . 563.50 563.50 .576.15 '576.15 461.15 472.65 484.15 l1-97.95 Sectio~ 2. In addition to the rates above, the additional . ~ . factors for c03pensatio::l as provided in the P2)' plan. shall prevail. . . I '1 ARTICLE 9 HOLIDAYS Section 1. The following holidays shall be observed: Ne,'7 Year t s Day Hemorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Veteran I S Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day The, above lis ted holidays 'tvill be paid according to the current practice. Section 2. In addition to the holidays listed in Section 1, each employee may receive t'HO addf'tional "float- - ing'l _holidays. For such floating holidays the employee shall rec~ive his regular rate of pay for such day if he does not work that day, but shall not receive additional compensation. . Neither the holidays listed in Section 1, nor any day for which an employee is not scheduled to work, may be designated as a floating holiday. Section 3. The selection of floating holidays shall fol101:v a minimum of one \'leek I s notice of the employee's request and with the premission of the Department, which permission shall not be arbitrarily withheld. The Union agrees to supply the Department a list, not later than Februa:cv 1. sho'\olin2: the des ired dates for fl OR. tin<;:r ho 1 idavs ..: i I 'I than one employee on such list requests a particular day and the Department deternines that both may not be off on that particular day, the senior employee shall be given prefer- ence. Section 4. If the employee chooses not to take a floating holiday he shall receive 11.2 hours of pay in lieu thereof payable prior to December 31, 1976.. I - '1 ARTICLE 10 " VACATIONS Section 1. Employees on the 56-hour schedule shall. accrue paid vacation as follows: 1 - 3 years: 6 duty days 4 - 6 years: 7 duty days 7 - 14 years: 8 duty days 15 - 17 years: 9 duty days 18 - 19 years: 10 duty days 20 - over years: 11 duty days, Section 2. If a holiday occurs during a vacation period, the employee shall receive holiday pay at the current rate. Section 3. The scheduling of vacation shall be in accorda::ce \vith seniority and \vith the consent of the Depart- ment. Sectipn 4. Employees becoming sick or having a death in the family \.,hile on vacation may use sick time or death leave for such period of illness or death providing the employee calls the City to notify such change of time. This period or time shall be added to his vacation. If the employee desires to use sick time, his illness must be verified by a physician. SectionS. Any employee who is separated from service shall be compensated by check for all unused vacation time accumulated at the regular rate of pay at the time of separa- I -I ARTICLE 11 CIVIL SERVICE Except ~vhere expressly modified by any provision of this Agreement, the provisions of the CivilServiceoAct and the rules and regulations thereunder shall govern the rela- tionship bet~veen the City, the Union and the employees covered hereunder. I ARTICLE 12 'I C..- ~-. ("\-'~ h:':,.:,,-v': i: Secti<J:1 1. _ Th2 City 5112.11 d~clllC t , au~s 2nd uniform assess~~e~t3 O~';2(~ by the: e~?JoYC:2 to th2 Un-Lo,,: i,L~ an 2.C~Clt certified to b2 ... "- -I" ....h~ U-l- 0""" co r..- ::- ~ C L: L.J) L. " _ '- - ~,~ ~ c S"'~c--:"L'~'rH-~l'~''''''':--'''-'''-- 07"' 2. 'D1 _T,-c.-.l.-l y b,aC:'l' ~. L...... .L_ c......; ....'_,_v~.......t.:._l..:..L _ .,,_---.:~~_ -"::> ~ provided, tnat prior to such ded~ction the Union has provided the C~r'l" T,";f-C) --J ...~--- .... s 'j r,-n "" _1 C" '-.... tn~.-:>'~l~ c_ _C,',:"L_U v L.:.~ ~~!.!.._~ L ~ , rr02 e2.C:L1 cmploy"ee 't.;hc)s~ clues clre -to b2 deducted that such deductioa is authorized; provided. further that such authorization is in a form satisfactory to the City_ Sectio71 2. 1;; .....-.....11, ...."'~li)O' ~-'...hin- h""~-"'.; ,t t'l~ ,OL\'J:LL .Sl.<::.l.C._t.o ao~..i:'" """L-b _ ~...,---,-n 0 L...... v . contr2.ry. "" 2.::1Y authorization for dues deductio:l may be canceled by the ,ec:?loyee upon thirty (30) days' written notice to th~\ --'-- City and the Union. Sectio:2 3. The Union shall indemnify and. hold ha:cmless the City fro8 ~~y and allclains or desands and e~perrses in connection thereO;'lith o2.seod upon the Ci -&-.1'.1 C - L.J '" participation in dues deduction. Sectio:.:. 4. Nothing.cont2.ined herein sh2.11-require the City to deduct fr0~ a salary or be oth2~iise involved in the collect~on of Union fi~es penalties C~ special asseSS2ents. I-I ARTICLE 13 STEHAPJ)S Section 1. There shall be one steward for each shift. The Union shall provide written notice to the City of the appointment and/or replacement or ste~-;ards. Section 2. An employee having a grievance shall have the right to take the matter' up \.7ith his Shift Ste"\vard or other Union Officer during \vod~ing time, provided that n~ither the employee nor the Shift Steward may leave their assigned Fire Station W'ithout prior permission of the Assistant Chief or his relief to do so, and; provided, further, that the employee and the Shift Stel;vard shall not interfe=e with the normal operations of the Department. I ~I ARTICLE'- : 14 POSTING OF AGREE~lliNT The City and the Union agree that this Agreement shall be posted by the City in a conspicuous place at each Fire Station. Further, the Union agrees, within thirty (30) days after the execution of this Agreement, to supply individual copies of this Agreement to each member of the bargaining unit. , ',I , i ARTICLE 15 HORK SCH2DULES S~ction 1. COHBAT DIVISIO);: Shifts to St- :::1--""- _<::_.L. L "".- ,,",'; M~ (0) cl.L CJ...g!.l.L. U A.l-J,. and end at eight (8) A.H. the following morning_ Total: l'i:verity-four (2L~) hours. Combat Division to cO:.1sist of three (3) s, hifts: "A". "B" and He" who I.-till \'lOrk in~' ..... 11 . _ ~ne ro oWlng . . rotation (see sample. monthly \'lOrk schedule belo:.;) _ .' Sunday HOi:1.day Tl1.2Sday H:::dnesday Thursday' Friday Saturday- ,:-:- 1 '.Jerk 2 O.c.c 3 Hork 4 0........ 5 Hork 6 Off 7 Off ..I..L ..c.c 8 Off 9 Off 10 Uork 11 O.....c 12 Hork 13 0........ 14 Hork rL i:I . 15 Orf 1 r Off 17 Off 18 OF.... 19 "lork - 20 Off 21 Work, ....0 _I 22 'Off 23 Ho~ck 2l;- Off 25 Off 26 Off 27 Off 2" Hark. e, 29 Off '30 1,Jork ~' etc. -' INSPECTION DIVISION: Shift to start a't eight (8) A.H. and end at five (5) P .E. the same day. Honclay ., ., ~ . d tnrougn. L'rl. ay. Total: Nine (9) hours of l;.,hich one (1) hour shall be given off as lu~ch period. ' Section 2. N -, 1 . 1 Ot'\'i1..ta.S tancnng any provision to the COQ- trary. the City retau1S the r'L- C"}1 ~ - 0- ~ to ~clj list HO:cl-::: schedules " 0:11y for the purpose of complying \-lith the Fair L2.DOr Stand- ards Act without providing additional compensation for regul2.rly scheduled hours _ Prior to making any slJc:h ch2.I1g[~ > I .',1 Section 3. The current practice of selecting individ~als required for OV2r- tU:'.2 -;.;ork sh211 be cO:1tinued CXC0.?t th~t a list shall be ffi2.int:2.iD.eJ. 'SO 25 to eo~aliz2 overtl22 . to tl1e e~te~t practicable. The current practices rL) ":7 ,"":lr,"'~ ~ -;: ":.- {;;....o-- '--........-0 overtime con~2nsation s 11201'1 be to~tinued for the duratio~ of this Agreement. ... ,~ .. , . . Sect:i,.on 4. I . <I E~?loye2s within th2Depart~2nt may exch2Dg2 on-duty time upon the follo~ing conditions: A. That the persor.. filling in be 2.ccept:a,blc to the O.c..c; c"'-'- ::l~d c'}~-L' L:~ cO........--;:')r'\ ":::l-- .-......- to cG:n?~ny .!...l..~ c..... C_~L ,h_.l.. L ,l,-::~...(j,_.:.. prlO.... t' , 1.12 Cf1CLtlge. B. That the persons desiring the exchn~ge notify the Y O-f-f.,cp-r of comp2.rt' _~.t.. _ _ the anticipated change not less than forty- eight (L;.S) hours prior :to the sta:ct of the anticip3.tcd change UJ.'"1.less such e:..:change. arises 'l'L..lder.. emergency si tuatioCls . C. ' '1', ~ :', , 1'" d .naL. no person may De a LO\.;e to exchange nore than sevent:y-t;;.;0(72) hours, per fiscal year .unless the shift: corr:.I:!2.:tcer in his descretion a11m.;s perso!".s to exceed such limitation. D. That the member 'Horking the time will be covered. by all applicable benefits in case of injury \<7hile filling ln, . but will not r~ceive pay for this period. " E. ' I.l...c ....L.he - pe.!...son agreel.ng to loan or fill in ..... . L1me lS sick or f,ails to appear for the e -,- ~ 1-1 ='.7" 0' e -_\....L.=~CLO ) his sick leave account , , - or pay \'li~l-:o"Z-, cr.a:cged. F. 7be person agreelng to fill ln for another me2ber is obligated to remain on duty lTI the absence of the persall 'I;-;ith 'Hho:rr the , e}:,cD.?nge 1S made. G. Notwithstanding any provision to the cO-;:1trarY,above~ the Cit:y sl~2.11 not be required to a1lm.] an exch2.:lge if doing so Hould impose upon the City liahility for any additional overtime c02pens~- ,tio:1 o'.'e.r uh2.t persons -e.?y o'theD'iis~ be entitled to_ Prior to dis- continuing the exchange 211o~ance for this reason the City shall notify the Union concerning the legal basis for the' decision to do so_ H. Time. eXCha'lg2 is subject to a one (1) hour mi_ni~1um 2nd at 0:12 (1) hO~lr increEl2fl t s . Section 5. , I I ~,r.'1eLl Cln c2ployee is called in prior to th2 start" of rtis r.-:.o-"i ~","1 '" -0-..l-'---_~ schedu12d tour of duty or held over on time otn2r tnan his rc,Tul2.-- (;> ~ -. duty ho,-lrs ~ he shall re,ce:L VQ a ninim;.lLn O .r: ~ o' , - (I,) 'h .," ur C'" p ~ - ..... ~ ' ,.L J... LL':" -r- .L~"...J.,;;;, 'C.!..j 2L.. LflC 2.pplic2.o1e rate. ~rn2n an c2ployee is call2d, In more than four (4) houts prlor to th~ start of his regularly scheduled tour of duty or held over on time other than his regular duty.nours. he shall recelve a rnlnlmU2 of four (4) hours pay at the applicable rate. '.. .- I I ARTICLE 16 HOR..'Z RULES Section 1. It is understood and agreed by both parties that the duties performed by members of the bargaining unit cannot ahvays be covered by job descriptions and, therefore, members of the bargaining unit may be required to perform' duties in addition to all those listed \vithin the current job descriptions '\vhich are, in... the judgment of the City, ~ related to the purposes of the Fire Department, which judg- ment shall not be arbitrary, capricious or unreasonable. Section 2. Any Fire D,epartment Rule or Regulation in conflict'\-lith this Agreement shall be of no, force and effect. Section 3. Prior to implementing any change in Fire Department Rules or Regulations, the Union sh~llbe provided ten (10) days' notice and an opportunity to discuss such change. The issue of whether such proposed change conflicts with this Agreement shall be subject to the grievance proce- dure contained herein. ." I I ART ICLE 17 SENIORITY ~-JD LAY -OFFS Section 1. Seniority shall prevail In cases of lay-off provided ability is relatively equal. Section 2. If reduction in force requires the lay-off of a lieutenant, the affected lieutenant may, at his option, revert to the position he held prior to his promotion to lieutenant. If this movement ~eq~ires a further reduction in force, the same shall be accosplished in accordance with Section I above and the proces s be continued dO'NIl through the ranks. Section 3. No new employee shall be hired until the employee on lay-off has been given an opportunity to return to 'Hork at his original seniority date and position; provided, that af~er one year of lay-off the employee shall cease to accrue sen-iority and that such :::-e-emploj-ment rights shall cease after" five (5) years fro~ the date of lay-off. Section 4. Civil service shall govern the effects of lay-off on employment benefits. Section 5. The City shall prepare a current seniority list and post same on all bulletin boards and update suc.h list as needed. Section 6. Unless othenvise agreed to herein, seniority, as posted, shall con~rol emploY::Jent decisions to the same extent as or the execution of this Agree~ent. '.-.:'.' , ) ARTICLE 18 P MU,r.1EDTCS SEC1IC~'~ 1. A Paro.;;:cdic 1.c; -"1 eC1 ,..,1 o~~"" ~ \.:i 7", '.n. '..I..: -:--1 t},=- C'i "'-, ~ c:- - ~ 10- :- - J "- ...., -- - ... ... t._ - \" J ..;,) f;";....c D~p2.rtcent 1,';"'0 is asc-ic;'nod tv th=- I>""'~~-:-:""'",,,,,,,t. to ~~~rf'^,,,,~,,,"! ...._J-......... _ ...... .......:.>..v...- J ...- .-1;,_. .....v...__... 1-- ~-..J^.~.. e'-'D ~~'='"~n"'v r-; 6~':: ,...;> 1 ~c.rvl." PS l' '1' ......-.... 0- -,., J..:.______ -~..... .. _ _ J. a ""t'.o --;-~ T'" '-"O:j....:.: -.....J, c. n e,."~.1. bc.;nCj J.",_,-__,_c.4.~ servicesp:::--o- grarc. anc: \.;~o has successfully comoleted and D2ssed a Para~edic ~ - tr;"ll- n-; -:--r'~ - - .......-....;::> ~-~ -~- rerogn2.~e~ :......1, vg.:-c..;a _ _ _ _ \.J. - by the Depart'22n~ and c:pprov.cd, by - t.h0 localn~dical COEli":li.ln;i.ty as p!~oviding ad-.;~nced tr2:inin6 in the . .... ... .. ":..~ ... . r.'D 0""'1 P-'~"'r1'~G'ic/:;"1 '1"','..1. T'co"U',-c-':-H ~;'-:'oC-";e".:>r1 at-, The S'r-_ P~tp.rc:- .- '..... c.:....:.-c.......-;; ...I....Ja.l.._ _ ..:." "-::-" _" ~ ....J_ <:;_J."0.",4 ..:.....1.. ~ _~ _ ~ ...., __ __ _ _ . -. .' .. . ". "." burg Ju..:.'1.io:-. College) and't':ho has r:1et. su. c11 ot-her qualiEi c2.t.i o~s ' as r:!.ay be es't.ablished by the Sta.te of Florida to be a' rrparam~dict1 ,. !!E.I.:. T.IP~ or.such other name as is' attached to p~rson.nel per- .:- _-;- - ....."h~:O-., .- _ J.O.... [,.lDC; .~l~_ ..I..l1nct,,1.on~ ....' 1 ~ 'b . h ..... convemp a~ca y ~.C F~r~les hereto~ -, SECT':L c~~r . 2. Th9 title of f'Pa;-2.i::2dic rr is nat 2. separ2.te j c,b , ' .' Cl""'sC'-i-~J..-c~"";o~ --lOth;>"' tn::- Flre __<:.i.. .;>_~ ::.;.-~.L ,'t . _L~ :~C: '". Departr.1e~lt and those eiU.,ployeas -~C'".;r-;"-::u.~. ~- P:lY'"'-"1"~ ~"r",c 1,..,~11 c l"....~,. ,....,.::\ c:.......-o'.-'- c.:..~ _ c.. c:....._c..l.~.:.> SL;-c.:. O_.,",ln,-,~ iIJ. the rc~n~: .. One." ,,- ~ J hold 't.;hile beir:g assi~ned as tlpara.r:iedic $11 .. S~r.-- "'-- 3 - 'j'., I .," .J....J J _ ._ v... , ~ No e,:lployee assigned as a Parar::~dic shall be held l...,pl;~;....l~ l,----6_v~~ to _...........1-. .. ,..J,.. .... p-=u vl elp"" u E: 21, --- r'\ ....1 .....; ". - 1 (:)0 ... - - r-"", -i ...... ;:l '- .. n "" ... 01 .,. p:.. V"..O'-'_O~.,;.;,_ ~.I_";"\.-.~-~J..O_..;.) n~_a in the Gi t.y t s Fir~ DepartDent nor sh 2.11 ser-,."ice as a Para;~,edi c' . oth8:;:-~'iise disqtlalify an eE'~plo)'ee frar:l pror::o~ior!... S?:CCI'IC?; t.. 'A.s it is desirable lor th2 CIE':a.!.I';ater F:i..re 'C'-i::'-',,:-.<:".-:---- p~~~;":'''''~;cs ....0 ~t-:::\.. .L_c.>4&.V__ ~.L__:.,._"'\...i...... v.:>v.......J ~'orO--'"':lC"-L o~ the 1'"'...."'"'C'~ en~').,....i-"~......'~ c.;. t:.:c...........l. .J..; _ c..L._vl..,.. '....J__l_L.,;-.~-_"'.l...v. . ~ " ....... ('~:""'l";' ." - ,~r( r-C~dl. _. l.o~~.L~__q......e ~ <3...,-< pro~..... ~res, 't.. C- , -, tr~e lty agrees to s~osc:;:-loe7 on,<-~~ - .... n "!""'<o "I ~ '1' b ~ ....... -: C'" .- th - C. -:-:- ~ t '" n - .,.. ~ C\ .... ~ ~"..,~l:.......:.. c.'::>''.--'J \,,0 . os:.:: ,;:),,~\ .lO..::. ,",\l_.IL; Par2r:~~di. cs ~--- c.:..~c - <"" <-1- 'C~ .' (1 c.l':":>..J. bi:..~ l..} -+...... -l... '- __ _ _ _ . _ ':._ ~ _~ _ _ ..1- _- _ _ _ _ _ ..., _ '"- ~ .. "lI , I I I . . Svr'r;"'lr:~; 5 ",_,v.l ......'....1:4 7 '.', n. 8 Il C1 Far"2r:-:~(li.c is r~q""li !-ed b:/ t.he. DeDv.r t.rt.~rl 'r-.., . - to c!L. tcr'.d cl<.:.sses 2.r;.':1/or se",in-::.!"s in l"nrtb;~rar.cc-o.f' 2. Par2r~~dic T s co",f--i r.u.; ....r.- eC~ll("";;>-:-':; Cli"' l" n t"nc-- 0.':-- ll' \~c.P,r of' c-..r"!o.~.c.-':':-,c'r r.>:O'r1J.." c::>l ._v......,_.. _..lO ...- --... -- ........ v.._"__ ......---. ....... J '""'" \~_.... o-....~ J ~~Io_\..A. - se:...-- VlC~S) such classroom tin:8 sh.~ll be included in the hours \.;orked of the "'.:-rID', 1 o'r.:::.p. o;;:,..._a,J."- J ......-.. 3"='(':r>7 C.~i f.., . .1.,,,,,,,,,,:,_ ,..' ~,-. Should the City-l.s Fire D~p2.rtr.,2n~ cease to oper- w ... "" "",,,,,,~,,,,,o~'r ~,~." a' sp'~' ~ - t" "~'. th ~ a,,:.. . e.;.._.1. 6-:';c; In".L.:.lC...:.. ~rv J..~e~ t:=c:..lc,S, tLOS~ e~ployees ass~gried as - Par2.inedics shall continue to be er::ployed by the "Cit.y. on the same " basis as any other employee In the ba-rgaining ll.:."1it. SECTIC~.; 7. . , .....n t""--- I ,. ~ l'~O e c'.I.f. nc~n.....ives: A. Employees assiEned as Paremedics shall re~ , , cei ve > 1.n adcliti 0:1. to .their base rat.e oi" pa~- 1c:,t:',1 1.' nc-"-'+-; '-c. D;;'V >.;1".i_l'" so i>s('~-;'C"1""l<:>G.1 :t 1 //? .. -==.l.....~_ 'i - ... -.I .. _1....... - - .....0...- . BO' Employees of the Departrcent. \'1ho currently --' Sc . " t-; -r"" 4' ',' '1'" receive 10 lIh.en _'ic ......1'1. . I P~-- -,n..-J >'ho ~:j c'" .-............ )',_ are not. a S c.:; :::-1'"''::> r1 . .....-0.--'-'- as Pa:r2.r;-~edi c s shall COr1- tinue to receive such pay. c. As to employees becoming certified as E.M.T.lfs) only those' employees assig~ed as E~M~T. Its to ~n e~.::>~~e~cy r~~,..J;cal se~- ___ _ ..:",._ b JJ, U._CIo_ ",. ,.I- vices team ~lall recei7e 5% E.M.T. I incan- -ti ve pay.. D. The ~2r.:ber of a ParC:l:!edic team as~i~ned to ......, ~ ~-"r '\.... _,,-7-j ,.,..ir-.--c:.....~ uC''''':! ;n r..a_n\..~l.l ulO,~::.::u_C e~~t.!.._:"'_a~....;t:;':'- - Pc~r2.-- medic services sh2.11rec~ive. 21/2% of his SEC:l'j C:~.; c;. ..;....r.. -, ~~ - r;-'...., ~_ ...;...- c0::t:::.irl~cl'" !-2':~ r€~irl . . l :-: .: ~ ~~ ~~ ~ -'.,. :-=~ c ',-) -. -t -: ;:)....C-._._ be: P 2. j'- I - I -,... .. - , - r-. -) 1 ,~:' , ..... ,.. :,>;' -, ,... ,~ r, ~ (," n:c ~. ("\ ,~. {. '- c_ _ _ _ _ _... ..." -_ _ c...:. '..... ...... v _ _...... 1 ,-., L, ....,. v . l ~ r::~ trl o::l s Sf.!..;~C C'''~ .........:.. - rp.~~.1"~ l's~ci to c~::lcl.tlate F;_l.~..r-tl'. I p;>,; -.......-J t.....r.. ... -..1 . I~SC-;S-1....-.....~-~ 2rU2 ~~~.~;:0~.,'2.]. 2.S P2.r.z~:.-~~:cic: ~_....._.....l:J ! ml .,., '" - - co -; -- ~ 'n r. "" .. O.~ e""" D 1 0', ,'" ~~ ". -. C' D ... r:; f'" '" rl-; C c- ~. ':'-";" c! :;......:O...O.;...~l_:...:..:......... ..l. H_; -- J '-\.,;.,,:) c.t.~ .r c.;. c... ...':....u_l... .:J shall be C:~t the disc;-etio:1 of th~ n~part.r:-l2Ilt~' B. l'n~ :r"~';:-:o"i-zll of t.h8 a~.sigr;!-::2J!.t. as r;lr.c.lr:::~d~ic sh21l not. De suc.ject t.o the cont!"2Cl:uc:1l grievance procedure or civil ser~ic~ griev- ancc pro cE::c"...:.re" \'1hen the r?~;,o::al is based upon the 0-Ldg:.:ent of' the m2dical com,nunit.)" ,\.1it.h 1,';~oa P2.ramedi cs 'i-iOl'k. c. The re!:";ov2.1 of the as'sigrLT:.ent as-P'2.rClr,iecli c " D.. E. shall not be subject to the contractu~l grievance or civil service griev~ D:-occdure ... ance proceduy'e 1,'lh,~n the r er::o'fal is based. ,upon the judg:.:ent of the Departr;::~nt that the' removed Para~edic was not performing to the st2~dards desired. by the Depart82nt or the r.>nd-i c....1 C,...,.-...,p,.-, -l ty ~t.:._ _ CJ._ _ u.:.....,_i",..UJ._ ~ The re;:;:)~:al of the assigi1.i:':ent. as Par2.8edic shall be subject to the contractual gr1~v- ance procedure "or the civil service grley- ance proced.ure anI, -.f ~l1 ('" 11 . - j': ~ ---- rerl10val is based o'n a c.et.e:n::inat.ion by the DeDart~enC ttla.~ the . . e-,......l O"~=>C> 1,..10'-..1-- J -- is ~u-; l.......r OT ~ 6 . -'- ~ l.. .J ..... (4 br22.Cr.. o~. ,-11' eCl"pl';""-,:> --- 44 ..:.. '-"' ... _lV.... Neither the Arbitrator nor .....' lonE.; Civil Se:r'vice Board Sh2,ll have the pm'72rto substitute his (their) judgment for that' of the De- Partc.2l!. t 0'_,- ""no 1-'''' 1'- 1 . ~"' , L - 1,;':"C. J.C2.~ COIl-:ll.lrll. LY U.L tCl Hi1.0::~ I I ARTICLE 19 LINE OF DUTY INJURY PAY Section 1. The City hereby agrees to pay the following compensation to any employee injured in the line of duty in accordance with the following definitions, terms and condi- tions: A. Compensation shall be payable under this Section only with respect to d~sability as the result of injury to an employee ~lhere such injury is incurred in the line of duty. B. An injury shall be deemed to have been incur- red in the line of duty if and only if such injury is compen- sable lli~der the Florida Workmen's Compensation Law. C. The amount of compensation paid shall be the amou~t required to supplement funds received from the Florida Horkmen I s-'Compensation LmV' and any other disability or other income pl2.r1,provided by the City, either by law or by agree~ ment, to the point wFtere the sum of the supplement herein provided and all other payments herein described equal the employee t s \.]eekly \Vage at the time of the injury. D. No compensation under this Section shall be allowed for the first severt (7) days of disability; provided, however, that if the injury results in disability of more than fourteen (14) days t compensation shall be paid from the, commencement of the disability. ~ 7'ha ~.a""T'n ~;C':l1"",,;';t--r7''''''''' ,~r--r'\.....:I...,.,....." 4-l---";", c__.......:__ .' I I F. It is the intent of this Section to provide supplemental compensation for line of duty injuries only, and this Section shall not be construed to provide compensa- tion in the event of death or injury incurred In any manner other than in the line of duty. In the event of any dispute or disagreement concerning the interpretation of the terms of this Section, then the decisions concerning definition of those terms issued under the F-lorida Horkmen's Compensation Law shall control. G. The maximum period for "lhich payment may be made under this Section shall be ninety (90) days from the date of injury for each injury, including rec.urrenc,es thereof. No payment made by the City during said period shall be charged against any sick leave 'Hhich the emph}yee may have accrued. SectJgn 2. It is the intention of the parties that nothing in. this Agreement shall interfere with the normal procedures under the Horkmen' s Compensation Lmvs or the requirements of the City's workmen's compensation insurance coverage. Subject to such intended limitations: A. An employee \vho is injured in the line of duty and '\olhose condition requires hospitalization shall have the right to select his m.m hospital and his Q';-ffi physician. .' The choice shall be made by the inj~red person or if the condition prevents him from making such choice, by his f " arrn.l. y . The Firefighter shall at all times have the right I - I B. In other cases involving injuries in the line of duty '<;-Thich do not require hospitalization, the injured employee shall have the right to be treated by a physician of his o\~ choice. Section 3. If an employee is killed in the line of duty, the City shall pay to the widow or heirs of such decea.sed employee his accumulated severance pay. Hithin forty-eight (48) hours of the "death of the employee, the City shall deliver to the spouse or surviving children or the employee's dependent beneficiary a check for the sum of one month's current salary of the eillployee. Section 4. Upon return from \-lorking a fire, the employee may request a physical examination by the City physician to ensure the employee is stable and capable of-returning to work. This right may be rescinded on an individual basis if repeated~~ abused. I " I ARTICLE 20 LEAVES OF ABSENCE Section 1. Sick Leave for Family Illness. Sick leave will be accrued in the same manner that is is presently earned. An employee may utilize his accumu- lated sick time due to an illness in his immediate family (as that tem is defined in Section 2 belOH) up to a maximum of 56 hours in each fiscal yea~; provided that so much of the 56 hours that is not used in one year may be carried over and used in the next succeeding year. Section 2. Funeral Leave. The current practice of allowing employees time off with pay because oJ the death of family members shall be continu~d, except that the time off shall no~be charged against the employee's accumulated sick leave for absences follmvin~the death of the employee's spouse, children, brother, si$ter or parents. Additional time may be granted by the Fire Chief. Section 3. Right to Contribute Hork. In the event that an employee's illness or physical incapacity should continue beyond the point where his accumu- lated sick leave, if any, has been e~<:haus ted, he may elect to have other qualified employees of the Department perform his regular duties; provided that such substitution \vould not require overtime compensation for the substitute. I , I , . ARTICLE 21 HISCELLANEOUS nTn~o~~~n~ T.T~~~ 1~~~~_~~___ _~ __ I I is covered for such claims and not including punitive damages. Section 9. To the extent that employees are presently allowed to play handball, such allowance shall continue for the duration of this Agreement. Section 10. During the term of this Agreement, the City shall make an effort to have legislation enacted to remove the waiting period for eligibility for the pension plan. Section 11. The current practice of paying accrued rights and benefits to the designated beneficiary or next-of-kin upon the death of an employee shall continue. Section 12. The current practice of college tuition reim- bursements shall continue. Section 13. The Department shall counsel with any employee who is passed over by another candidate on the list of promotions. Section 14. Safety Equipment - The City agrees to continue the issue of all safety equipment presently issued to the members of the unit on the same basis as currently issued. Section 15. Payment of Time Slips - The Department shall submit all required time slips and pay requests to insure prompt payment of all provisions of this Agreement and that of the City Pay Plan. ' Section 16. The City shall pay for cleaning uniform trousers, uniform jackets and bed blankets . . ' ./... ,. "'. ..',;_"'n. .'. ,"~"..'.'_.._,..--,..,~":":'.' ~,., ',',"- ''"'"''~''''''' __.!~...,'.'-'","'..;,~.,.. " . I ARTICLE 22 PHYS Ie.;;.!.. EX.:L.a~;ATION .Section 1. The City shall provide for every member covered by this Agreement a co~plete ~nd cosprehensive annual physic~lex- '. t' C . t ' 2~~nat~on at ne l Y s expense. The results of these tests shall be made 2vailable to the IT22ber. Section 2. The City agrees to pay all expenses for innoculation or iIIS'!llnization shots for eoployees 2nd mernbers of an employee's family residing in his household when such becorn:=s necess2ry 2sa result of said employee's exp03u~e to contagious diseases vihere said employee had been exposed to said disease in the line of duty; pro- vided that the employee first oakes al~. reasonable efforts to have . this service performed at no cost by the County Health DepartG1ent: _ - ..:.-- " - - '. .6 I . I , . ARTICLE 23 AMENDHENTS This Agreement may be amended at any time by the mutual consent of the parties, but no such attempted amendment shall be of any force or effect until placed in writing and executed by each party hereto. .' I I .. ,\ .. ARTICLE 24 SEVE~\3ILITY t~1D WAIVeR Section 1. Each and every clause of this Agre~illenL shall be deemed separable fro:n each and every other clause of this Agree3ent to the end that in the event that any clause or clauses shall be finally determined to be in violation of any 1 a;;., ~ then and in such event such clause or clauses only, to the extent only that any may be so in violation, shall be deemed of no force and effect and ~len~ forceable '\-7itc.out impairing the vali.dity and enforceability of the rest of the contract including any and all provisions in the remainder of any clause, sentence or paragraph in which the offending language may appear. Section 2. This exercise or non-exercis_e by the City or the Union 'of the rights covered by this Agreement shall not be deemed to waive~any such right or the right to exercise them in some other T,-lay in the future. Sectio~ 3. In ,the event of invalidation of any article or section, both the City and the Union agree to meet within, thirty (30) days of such determination for the purpose of: arriving at a mutually satisfactory replacement for such articles or sections. \'. _.:' ~ . .. .... I I . '\., ~. ARTICLE 25 CONTRACT CONSTITUTES ENTIRE AGREEi'iE~:T OF THE PARTIES The parties acknowledge and agree that, during the negotiations Hhich resulted in this Agreement, each had the unlimited right and opportunity to make demand& and proposals with respect to any subject or matter included by law within the area of collective bargaining and that all the under- .... standings and agreements arrived at by the parties after the exercise of that right and opportunity are set forth in this Agreement. Therefore, the City and the Union, for the life .' of this Agreement, each voluntarily and unqualifiedly 1;vaives the right to require further collective bargaining, and each agrees that the other shall not be obligated to bargain collectively with respect to any matter or subject not specifically referred to or covered by this Agreement, \vhether or not such matters have been discussed, even though such subjects or matters may not have been within the kno\vl~ edge or contemplation of either or both parties at the time that they negotiated or signed this Agreement. This Agree- ment contains the entire contract, understanding, undertaking, and agreement of the parties he~eto and finally determines and settles all matters of collective bargaining for and during its term, except as may be othenvise specifically provided herein. I I ~ . . \- .,:; ARTICLE 26 DURAl'IO::-Z. NODIFIC;'.'lIO?-; A:,m TE~2':HTATIOX This 1~0~e~~L'o~~ shall b~ =~.l..F01..-~i'..rQ c:~~ -o~ ""-"--....."- - - -- '- -- .._- - -- of the 1st day of October~ 1975~ 2nd shall con~Ln~~ In full force and effect cntil Sep~ewb2r 30, 1976: If either party desires ~o modify~ . :'I amenCi.2 - ',.. , 1 11 or termlnatc tillS ,h.gJ~~22::nt ~ suer.. p2.rty s la. provide '. \.rritten notice of such desire not later tn2.u liarch 30 > i 19 ]'6 .i , 1 In the absence of such notice.. ~this Agree2ent shall ba 2uto-c.,atically extendecl until S .... ' , 2P :...e20e:-c \ . 30 ~ 1977..\ and from . Ypar t,o' V,""'a~_. thc._r_e,a-f.....l..f>...-_. "...1=.<=:.-::: s'-,.., no ,,..~ "s pro:r"dod _ J = - - .......~ =....- ..:......~- ...- t':..:.=. .:. ' v.:' - - .." ...... '"- Follm'11-::.g tae sending 2nd. receipt of the notice des- ' ':, ... . crihecl above, the parties sh.all fo11o~'7 the procedures con- '. . tC!.ined in th~ Public E8ployee Relations Act tm'lard. the' , consum~atio~ of 2 n~,.~ _w 2.greeU1.ent. . . ---: I .. . ~ .. I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunder their hands and seals this ,tW day of ~~ Clerk " Signed, sealed and delivered in the resence of: Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: &~ set ~J' 19~ CITY OF CLEARW,ATER BYCit~n~:~~ Mayor - Commissi CLEARWATER FIRE FIGHTERS LOCAL 1158, A. F. F. I NonCE OF CANCElJ,ATION , LIENHOLDER OR MORTGAGEE COpy "~ POLICY NUMBER 75- 11? ?O?1 '=q?9 DATE OF NOTICE 12:01 A.JL 4-21 76 Name of Insured r Clearwater Fire Fightera AAaoe1ation Local 1158 I.A.F.F. 525 Slq Harbor Dri 'Ye Cleervater s norida 33519 -, Cow To: C1 ty o~ Cl.earva"ter 1t Clearwater. Florida 33516 L .J ~ ~(t. f. I ; ~ ....... 1,'1-'"" ,': ,) You are hereby notified that in accordance with the terms 'BIld conditions of your policy your insur- ance will cease 10 days from date of this notice. .... '. . . . ~...._~ MUTUAL IBSlJRAlfCE AGDCY N1 C~ me. \ ~ . (, " ' ,~~\\~.", 'r " , AGENCY FORM 1844 (4...; AUTO-OWNERS INSURANCE CO. Lansing, Michigan 48903 J t