SIDEWALK WAIVER APPLICATION AND DENIAL LETTER ~ "",III"l....'............__ If ~\J I{I"I",-__:.- /~/~,.0.\. ~ r':- /. ", ....0::-.\ <> '" \:......,..,., /JTt;r...... .... s ~C""':l. :.~..- '..'-~ , ': .--.', ~~ ~~, ....... t:::I~ 't'. - \ ,.._-:- ~~ ':.~' ... ~\\ -~, .. ,"'.. ....~JY~ T l\ x'/ ._ "i E t'. ,I' <,~"""" I I C I T Y o F CLEAR\\'i\.TER POST OFFICE BOX 4748 CLEARWATER, FLORIDA 3351S City Manager May 13, 1988 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Hugh Grant Realty & Builders, Inc. 1891 Main Street Dunedin, FL 34698 Reference: 2302 Stag Run Boulevard 2310 Stag Run Boulevard 2314 Stag Run Boulevard Gentlemen: In accordance with Section 138.09 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Clearwater, I have reviewed your request for temporary sidewalk installation waivers for the above-referenced properties. The above-referenced properties do not meet the requirements as set forth in the aforementioned Code, paragraph (e). Since the sidewalk for 2302 Stag Run Boulevard will butt up to the required sidewalk along Farrier Trail and the sidewalks for 2310 and 2314 Stag Run Boulevard will be within 200 feet of 2302 Stag Run Boulevard and since there are no physical conditions which prevent installation, I cannot grant a temporary waiver of the sidewalk installation requirement on the above-referenced properties. Therefore, your requests are .den; ed. Very truly yours, ~J8nu:,. ('1.( Ron H. Rabun {j City Manager Elizabeth S. Haeseker, Assistant City Manager Vic Chodora, Interim Building Director Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineering Director Cynthia Goudeau, City Cler~ RECEIVED MAY 19 1988 CITY CLEEK "Equal Employment and Affirmative Action Employer" i 01 03 'J. cxt..~) I C I T Y ~: F C LEA R W ATE R Interdepartment Correspondence Sheet TO: Elizabeth Haeseker, Asst. City Manager FROM: Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineering Director Vic Chodora, Acting Building Director tliHv". " .,'" ~ : i : .;: '"-~' COPIES: SUBJECT: Sidewalk Waiver Request: 2302 Stag Run Blvd. DATE: May 9, 1988 This property is a corner lot with Stag Run Boulevard, Farrier Trail, and Old Coachman Road bordering the front, side, and rear of the lot respectively. We reviewed the sidewalk waiver request and found that the adjoining property at 2306 Stag Run Boulevard has sidewalk along Stag Run Boulevard, but not along Old Coachman Road, and that the property was developed prior to annexation into Clearwater. The applicant is requesting a sidewalk waiver for the rear side only along Old Coachman Road. Since the sidewalk will butt up to the required sidewalk along Farrier Trail and can be physically installed, the requirements for a waiver are not met. It is my recommendation that a waiver not be granted. ~ Attachment (Original) I CITY, OF CLEARWATER I APPLICATION FOR SIDEWALK WAIVER Fee - $ Date Paid Receipt No. ADDRESS (Sidewalk Location) e:23lJ:2 $'/#0.,,(Z v~ ,6C ~2:> C' ~u,7e- LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Sidewalk Location) (Lot, Block, Subdivision)' ?oT /78 LJF co~Cq'/H4"~ A 1015 t< ,T/2A-C/ ..4-L/ OWNER'S NAME //{;/6/~ O'44~T~/rY-l&t:::./J/2~/A~ PHONE 7"3 6.:2.s-.s-~- ADDRESS /8'0// J?1;f-/A-- 5"/ .DHk~O//f.,- 7/..4 :?S/'69P , REPRESENTATIVE (If any) ADDRESS REASON FOR REQUEST /hn1~ r~/l---,r5 ~/U :5 S7/2-tc~T 5 -AltC4/Z of dv~C<- /~4-c#S Up 70 ~o4-f#dl4A..1 Ad ~2JPA/~A6'< 2)/ TC /Y 4.?oA/Cr C'b74-C#m44..i ~/2-0/I/I.5/Ts /k5 7<?/-~""T/p/V ~/- 5/ ,2)/ U/4--L-/-<. - Cu~ t/r/2-T ~p~~L> //--rv~ /0 /.9,4 /4//4 ~4o#V'~t'-' - ~/V z> La 75 p /'- F / ~ c...- /=:"' /".4!- 5/ L:);1" ~~,.c.../.J- r c~~H'1~".t-../ coA-7A~t:.~/~ ~y C<""/7' //da elF dc;h?~, Section~8.09 of the Code of Ordinances of the City requires that all land that abuts a public right-of-way, which is to have new construction on it, either for residential, commercial, industrial or other purposes, shall have sidewalks constructed by the Owner on, across or adjacent thereto. The Owner understands and agrees that if the waiver is granted, the City may install si at a future date and assess the owner for the full cost of 3~~dy / Date o or Owner1sRepresentati e ~tf/l' b~If''''T R//; f()/J~.L>~~ /A c::. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ~~day of 4/1f ~ c 7/_ , 19 e.9 W&1'KP' 0 '. . ,~ Notary ~liC My Commission Expires: NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORlp" MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MAR, 2i,~ BONDED THRU NOTARY PUBLIC UND"",., '->II:; ( 1910-62 Rev.6/83 ~ , 1 S. LAGOON 0 .;t CIRCLE .. ~ ~ ! 152151~ COACHM N 253 RIDGE 252 n 207 ~ t'-- If) I\l s 011- 9/6 Iv~ - / 0 69;> {;J1y O{;J * ~~. AGREEMENT ~y ., O.R.5211-165 * MaB 2 1-03 ~. I I CITY OF CLEARWATER, Interdepartment Correspondence Sheet ;; ~ .: ." "..j; .; TO: FROM: Elizabeth Haeseker, Asst. City Manager Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineering Director Vie Chodora, Acting Building Director COPIES: SUBJEC~ Sidewalk Waiver Request: 2310 Stag Run Blvd. DATE: May 9, 1988 This property is located next to 2306 Stag Run Boulevard, which was developed prior to annexation into Clearwater (sidewalk along Stag Run, but not along Old Coachman). The applicant is requesting a sidewalk waiver for the rear side only along Old Coachman Road. Since proposed sidewalk for 2302 Stag Run Boulevard will be within 200 feet of this lot and a sidewalk can be physically installed, the requirements for a waiver are not met. It is my recommendation that a waiver not be granted. Kh KC/MG/sh Attachment (Original) I CITY OF CLEARWATER I APPLICATION FOR SIDEWALK WAIVER ,'ee:' $~() Date. Paid ~ Recelpt No. .' . ) ADDRESS (Sidewalk Location) p 3 /C) >7.4-6 ~~~ ~L-P~L~a.-7~ , LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Sidewalk Location~ (Lot, Block, Subdivision)' LoT./ 76 6~//m"~ /2/L>~~ 7h/-c7#- ~ - OWNER'S NAME /1 ADDRESS / ~ 0/ I b L4- P1/ !;zLTY -J./jL ~ / ~P;ioNE 7 5 6' 2-S-.s-..s-- 1jf4-/A 'Sr rO#A-~/:)/A- rL/I 7~6yl? REPRESENTATIVE (If any) ADDRESS REASON FOR REQUESTJ tC AIL 57/ZtCr:- T 3(~/l-.2) M/YI r- /4-.5 lJ#I'A.4-6(C p/Tc tS/ #A.-.o C:~Sr-~r.vt// cvA ?~~CC'--L) '/3'( . C\/TY /" ~UL tye/Lr~t:J~c..,b //~{/~ 70 'A>;<- / A/.5 /4 L C c=- 2) /?-.A-- 2J ~ qC ~ rrcL- p~ T /' A/ Zr=-;r=-o..le:tc- . U/,f-Ctc( /trlqL-O Bt'- /A S?#-L-c.tcb / Pf(j}tl?~7/A 6- pC) r- .,.~ /f4-{//- 70 jv%1< 1Lo~'6- CcJ/fC//M4,u AoA-/) CJ F ~QA1tL ~~//A/' ./~ ~'<4'~ SectionL38.09 of the Code of Ordinances of the City requires that all land that abuts a public right-of-way, which is to have new construction on it, either for residential, commercial, industrial or other purposes, shall have sidewalks constructed by the Owner on, across or adjacent thereto. The Owner u erstands an grees that if the waiver is granted, the City may ure date and assess the owner for the full cost of o n r. or Owner I s K~resentat:ive //<<64 C/L4-,v7 /X ~rY -I-/lL~.L-5"/A C Subscribed and sworn to before me thi~ay 5/:2.5~~ I Da te of JI!~/LLI/' 19~2? , - f6a~~o ~- Notary . lic. My Commission Expires: .NOTARY PUBLIC. STATE OF FLORIDA 'MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MAR. 23. t 9," . BONDED THRU NOTARY PUBLIC UNDf;:a'wVR:-rr-r's 1910-62 Rev.6/S3 I CITY ~F CLEARWATER Interdepartment Correspondence Sheet TO: Elizabeth Haeseker, Asst. City Manager Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineering Director Vic Chodora, Acting Building Director FROM: COPIES: SUBJECT: Sidewalk Waiver Request: 2314 Stag Run Blvd. DATE: May 9, 1988 This property is located next to 2310 Stag Run Boulevard and the same applicant has requested a sidewalk waiver for the rear side of both lots along Old Coachman Road. Since proposed sidewalk for 2310 Stag Run Boulevard will butt up to this lot and a sidewalk can be physically installed, the requirements for a waiver are not met. It is my recommendation that a waiver not be granted. tfk Attachment (Original) \ I CITY OF CLEARWATER I APPLICATION FOR SIDEWALK WAIVER Fee - $ ~ ,rOO Date. Paid ~~ Recelpt No. V ADDRESS (Sidewalk LocatiOn);:23/f 574-6 /{~P'L ~L-t/~cL~747 LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Sidewalk Lo'cation) (Lot, Block, Subdivision), ?o T / .7.s-' &~ Co~cda?4"u' ~/~6 t<- 5d~ 7a--rc- T 4-~ OWNER'S NAME PHONE -;7 56 .:L rs s--' 2?v,/UC'O/~ FC~ ..?Y69K ADDRESS REPRESENTATIVE (If any) ADDRESS REASON FOR REQUEST.d..Lil#- 5r-(j?/l.2) d~~ /~c>a.Tr/L6 C04-t"or41~,z/ /(0.4-0 /S LoG-C/ /fA./D ~-?L-A &/od~-2> 60 /[/~wd/~t=- L//f/L. ~.s:- S- 4 /1/2- /L:>6,L C-v~5 .,Rvr'cT ~4-0S r C4~'C=-/<.. Section~8.09 of the Code of Ordinances of the City requires that all land that abuts a public right-of-way, which is to have new construction on it, either for residential, commercial, industrial or other purposes, shall have sidewalks constructed by the Owner on, across or adjacent thereto. The Owner understands and a that if the waiver is granted, the City may e da e and assess the owner for the full cost of 3 ~ ::2~29 Date Subscribed and sworn to before me this ~ay of I!ItfJLC~ 19~9 'f6Ct~ a~~~ Notary Pu ic My Commission Expires: NOTARY PUBLIC. STATE OF FLORIDA MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MAR. 2::;, DJ1. .~ I:I....I'...~.... '1....1::1 1J6TAFt. PId8b..1- Wtl8,E t-',,.~ . Rev.6j83 1910-62