NATURAL GAS AGREEMENT (C1 NORTH GATE) , ff I I jJ/) C I T Y 0 F C LEA R W ATE R Interdepartment Correspondence Sheet TO: Cyndie Goudeau, City Clerk Diceoco, ~ FROM: Cecil M. Henderson, Jr., Utilities COPIES: SUBJECT: Agreement Between City of Clearwater and Houston Texas Gas and Oil Corporation DATE: June 30, 1988 Attached is the above-mentioned Agreement. Please place this in your files. CMH:deb 'if " 'j) ...r 'J-' ,.,,,- *"'" ',.. .~' " ........ ~;'~ ,,",,: .~ .'-'~ '" '9U~ 1 1968 L"'nTr CITY C r:.1H'" ,~~-~ .~'-. ',,- c........ .. r' ;r ~ ,. Ie 71~r " t'\ ;, - 1 A01IIIU.lI DU ....-..rn;. .... ... ...... tatiO Ild. i~ '" of a · 1t5f. by ... -..... .. un . .....ftD. ..u. to .. ''ClMna..... ... "t. ...... 1WI All OIL ClCUt:&AT1C11. · ..1__ OolJlOract-. 1In.....,.... ...,..... to.. .....CO". 1fl'-A'h, 'l'lUT. - .... Cl........ to ... ...... .f ...hi. ....."l7 wicJaU. 'lulla. 0..t1. ,1ft1... <II" , U1, ...t..-... tit .. .t._tel' ....tIt Gate ItatlOR. ... ~".lIOutea IlN 0 ...tntt 1dtlt .,..if_..... ,.. eM .d. of Datur.1 ... to ClaUWlla.. fOl' . peftM, of ~ (II) ,... fna Ue '.t. of Unt ..lh.", ., .._at ... CO .1tilFlkl_, .,.tu,. ..11..,. 0' ... b,. ......... to tlAaw_ 1d11.. ..... at Cl........ ....tIt OU. ...U.... ..........CU....... to 1..... .... ...... ~.....1q .. 0HriI1q 'tatiOll a. the ClMJrwcar IIol'f:II o.tII ........ _1""111._" .1.......tel'i -. ~. 11l....U..u.a of OM "U. (fl.OO) ... otbar val"'1. .........ttau ... tile keeps.,.f tIla ......... ... 4lO.U_C11 Mr.lD. ..tat.... it to ..... .. followl Claarwatft .... ....." &I'M" "-saiII .....U te "'tea all .a_c. toptllar Vitia 1aane. aM ...... t"'to. to ...tnot. operata. .at.tat_. ftplaaa. npa1r ... _WI lta ....It ......... .. Monet... ...UOII for hhlv1q Datili'd ... fna...... ot .. IoU-.. ............ ,.........1 'I.'ha ...t 11' ..., of .... ..... ... '\feR a' "- louth 110 fMt of die lat: 1J81" feat' of .. 1ft .f Ue . of ....... 11, ....u, "'DMlI. ..... U-I..c. ....,t the "t 5O..c ~''''f ..U..... .. ....., ,~._ ......... CO *'- Cll7 .... nallt of ...... ,.... ........"... to eM VUt 40 ,.., of .at. ..., ... ... '...... to 1a1 ........,. .1,.11_ ...... ... ..... "'utW propert1. TO IUVI AD TO IOI.D .at. ..._. foao a periN .. '-l7 (10) ,..... fl'Clla 'b.t '.UYUy .f la. b,. lautu to C1e-rwa_ Ol' .0 1cIq tJleftafCllr 81 th... ..-.at .." be 0.... 011 l18'U the pol.1: .,: deU.,.,. of utunl a.. by Routax to Cleanata1: h all.......... .....eIInH' fint fthh. - .' - -------------.--------.. "<\/'"-1 .' ,. ill II C.c' -()'"j"/ - :.--/ '~- ",-', / "--- - *,," "')It- -;' .. te JlData a_a to ...._t at lw ...t ... .. _ ..... pdor to ClOJlaU'UuOJl of :Lta cheok 8lJU1Iri1lll .... MoI':Ld.. ltatl_. a Clha1n UIIk f._e, alK (6) f..t hiah. wf.th . .. (1) 'Ht .....V....... .t. forty-fh. (4S) cl.an-angl.. to .nd08. the ....... arance4 Bout_ COSatbar wf.th aUllh gate. .. lleut.. ..y 4ft. ...,t..bl.. ,t1tJ .at4t1 are to have loeb:, aM apedfi8fl uplo,... ... to be funi.W ..,. a. thet die)' 1M,. .l. In m .....eae'. Boath: fvrthel' -.ne. to i..._fly.. at aU tu.a aev. Cl_ana_ f1:M. olear ... ~. f..- aU loll. ceU aM ....... . (1_1ud~ outla,. fer .uon.,.' a "'a aM .~ C08ta of 1Ukf,.. "feu.) . " . of ... f... .U del.. ... ,--.... WtMr ..UAI ... IPUIlil.... .... by an, tllir4 '...lly/.... ...:L..t ClHPatn'. beo.... of ..,. or ia COIlUet101l wUk ..,. .u lI1I' OIII1.aiOJl (..CUl QJ'elu...l) of _ta, ita aseatB. r.p....ent.UYC.. Dlpl.,.... _l:1'aCltel'. 01' ............ .dl1l1& 1n an, wI)' fr_ or :La ClGIIIlM1l101l with the at1upace4 aOllltructlClll. operation, .uatnaae. np1__to. .....h.. I'_al. :1._1"'111&, wf.tIIout UlI1t.t1OJl of Iba .....I'.Ut,.. ....be.oa... ,of a.aU...... or f~lt,. ..tabl 01' woftunahi" the.a far lieu by .11f' ,........ ...:Ln.c Cl._tar 01' :I. tII property baaau..of l.~. Hn... ..tar1l1l or en,. 0_1' IlIbj..t of lba hnhM41 a..ta:. .. .... _y n..OJl of f.11.. of Bouta to abile b)' ..., aU .U ..1U appU..b1e law., Stae. tit 'HUal, orl'..lal4ltlou of ._.: nul ..tIIaodt1n thenllDhr. . BOlIta: .... unll)' .P" to i.... fly alii .eva 1Iuma1... Cl..n.t.... ita effi........ ....ta _ IIIpl.,... qa1ut ..,. .lala 01' UabU1t)' fl'OII 01' b.... en the v1.1aUoll by a...... it. ......, ..,10,.... n,r..aat.tb.., COIlt\"..tor. ft' uaipll" of 11II)' '.....11 orBtIltl ~. toe.l by-1_. <<mU.-.... reaul.t:L_. 01' IUCh .... ... .. Ill!lI.. .. Diu .t p~"ent and tlIo.. wtu.e. .., De ....e.. 1.___., 01' bolIl.. OIl' I:IrilMaall haviD& jUJ:bdiUloa over tn. lIIIt.kipacecl ___u-. opet'4t1oa. u1ne.uae.. rep1ac_t, "pair 01' UIIOval. BO\I,to fUl'tba~ aan.. to c_UUCt, apa~.e., .untaln, rep 1l1Cle , r.p.1~ or ~_. the .t1'uctur.. 111 all effld..t _ _..urat. with 8 t8114.~4. in the a.tUJ:a} .ea il:lllulWy. - 2 - . j I f' --, " cr .. ,. IkIutes 8gr.es t. pay all ad v81~ t..... personal preperty taxes or any other typ. of t.... .cllniDi by ru._ of the construction. operation and ~int.nanll. of in.tallationa on tke foregaiag tract by Boutex, IT IS AGIIBBD AJID UIlDIRSTOOD that Koutex sball IUtt have the right to 8a.ign any right. hareunder without the written can.ent of Clearwater. Executed this 8th day of .IDa:bber . 1959, Approved as to form and correctness: ,A j). ~ .J...r,~ . ~t'i orne'}", _ ' ~~.I'e#/ tJfiy Clerk " CITY OF CLlARWATBR 11. ~ ~ f.? ~.# ~~ Manager Coun gned;.- B7. I1t Asat. S.cretary _I.,..~~ """'~~ ~ '1l rt.,L- - 3 - - .--- v i , I,; ,\ ~ "I, , /itl"-'- f"W'l - -. .e STA'fI OJ' rLOll... ) ) sa. comrry OF l'1DI.LU ) I here1l7 oertU7 tut OR tbb "., "fen ... .. officer du17 aut:borl..d la t:IM at.t. &tonul4 ... 1. the".-7, afor"a1d .to tak. .tbCArla""'U p.r.....lg........ to. ~>~^-i ... r ~ '":)J; , "_1,.....J . te.. It.... ad Ita... to IN the pen... de.od1le4 1. ael trlao _0lIhd tile '......,.. l..t~.t .. ill 7L 'red..nt... ~, .........i7. i-."..Un17. of tile olH'p- or.tiOll ...... therel.. .DCl ....ra11., .......Ie.... qf.. .. tUt tltey .D01Iteel tn .... .. ...11 offiMn 1. tU .... ... OIl lteIaa1f of .dd corporattoa. wmua ., IIoDCl ... ofltolal a..lla tile o.-t7 a. Stat. afore- ..14 tbb X ~ "7 of 9 ~/ . 1959. My ee..taaloa "'11'..1 Notary PubRc, Slate af Flarida at large, tA'1 Commi..ian Expire. Mard119, 1963. STAn or rLOaBl COllIn or rtDu.u ) ) 88. ) I heN'>' "rUfy Cut .. n." "7 ltdOl/O _. .. offic.r "1y .utllorb.. 1. tu .c.t. elor..ald ... 1. tIl. 0......,. .f......ld to take .ck_1......ta. '.I'.....11y appun4 Alex D. Fin9h. James R. Stewart .ad ., R. G. Whitehead . to.. Itun ... Ialen to be tbe p.ra... deaorilta. 1. ... who .UC1Ited tIl. f.",l.. 1ll8c~at .. 11:. Mavor. Citv Manaqer "'Citv Clerlall '"' _ J. r.....Un17. of tbe aunld,.Uq ..... turela. ad ....nI17 ".10'" ltef.. .. that th.y ...cuto. tll. .- .. noJI oUt..ro t. tlaa .... aM .. lIou1f .f .dd _ld,.11t7. WIDJ~ laaad aDd ofU.ial ..&11. ,be COUlIty ... .,11) da7 of ~~ber . 19". ltat. .fore- .aid tllb 'Ii)' CO-bdon bpll'..1 _. / Nota;" ~?Mbli6. State of Florid~,~t large :'My ComtttfssJon Exoires Dec. Lit 1961 8on:J'~d; by AmericJn Surety Co. of N. Y. , -4- DRAWINGS IN FILE