---.---, -------.
....101,.1 OOI"pOr&'UOD its the ltat. eI.J'14tr1da, ltere1a-
atter ftU.cfWOI'l'YW, and RAIIOHE IIIGIIPllUG CONPlNT, Pog
- -
Of 1'1... Box. No. 1169, JohaMft Gity, T......., herdutter
called IIQONTUO'l'OIe, 1fi!IUII'rH r
That City acr... vnlt Oontr...... .. tellcnnu
1. That oont;:-ct Dall loaeiet ot the tellOlf1q,
all or which are hereby .... a part bezo..t.
a IOtice ter Bid.
, ,
e Propotal -Pedal_
d Data tal!lulation -..t
· Inetructiona to lIi".._
t Gellval HD.dlt1...
'h ~ailed -.,eclttcatto..
2. _tneMr acree. to tudtib all 1IIlftl:of.e1. ...
to turniah. all labor to pron.4. Vt.,..laor all. BeU.r C01Iplete
with Controta tor the aa. "-nt, Hart Stl"eft, Clearwater,
'loricla, al ..t rerth in thl OOIlJll..oat p&I'1t.. ot the contract
hereinbefor. de.n.becl, to ,be ..UtltaoU.. .t Oity Or Ita
d. uly authorhed repre..ntath...
). City &p<eea to ,.y Ccmtl"ll'-or ter tlle tattht'ul
pertonaan 08 under thi. Contract at tbe rat.e and in the aaounta
pr"cribeli in Contractort. bid or prepoA1 .. attached hereto
and a part or '!lhh Centraot.
n VITN'lBa 111I11101, tho p&rtl..h.....1io baTe e.outed
thh Chtreet In duplicat., ..,It copy of which aba11 be dee.-
ed &Il ori!l;1nal eOfttract.
frL-vu ~A J'-t JJz~ ~
------- -- ----
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P' / ~e.,,,;;u;r--,
Wrtn esseS'
~ A(' zJakW
.. em or OLBAaWl.ftIl. J'l4UDA:
Sealed proposals will be received by G. B.Weimer, Purchasing Agent,
Clearwater, Florida, at the office of the Purchasing Agent, City Hall,
Clearwater, Florida, until 12:00 o'clock noon, ~ 2),19S7
and will be publicly opened and read aloud in the City Hall Auditorium.
Nt I'. 19S?
, at 1:30 P.M. for the following:
.......... ... "..,.. ....Ie.. .Ua. ..tlI'da
Detailed specifications, bid documents and other information concern-
ing bids may be. obtafned by application to the Purchasing Department,
City Hall, Clearwater, Florida.
The right to reject any or all proposals, or to waive any, if any,
informalities in any !propoSal is reserved by the City Manager.
Jack Tallent
City Manager
P.O. Box 1348
Clearwater, Florida
Bid documents attached hereto
Section B
Bl. The undersigned hereby proposes to furnish and deliver to the
City of Clearwater, Florida
Vap'orizer a~c1 ::'oiler co-""'')lete hTi th :::0::1':.~L'l01-s in D ccordance
w~th 2r3C~fic?~io~s 2~~-2
The undersigned agrees upon the acceptance of this proposal as to
any or all items herein, to enter into and execute a contract, of
which the Notice Inviting Proposals, this Proposal, Proposal
Schedule, and the Specifications shall be made a part for furnishing
and delivering the items embraced in the accepted Proposal, at the
prices named in the accompanying Proposal Schedule, and to execute a
bond conditioned upon the faithful performance of the contract.
The undersigned furt,hermore agrees that, in case of default in
execution of such contract, with necessary bond, the check or bond
accompanying this Proposal, and the money payable thereon, shall be
forfeited thereby to and remain the property of the City of Clear-
water, Flo:r;ida.
Section B
Spec. No. 24--2
Bidder shall fill in hereunder his bid prices and shall furnish other
information in accordance with intended proposal. For further details
concerning rendition of proposal, see Section Dl, IIpreparation of the
Proposal", in the attached "Instructions to Bidders".
Article ;.
Proposal is hereby made to furnish and
deliver to the City in accordance with
specifications no. 24--2 F;O.B. Gas
Plant, Hart st;, Clearw~ter, Florid0,
the following:
1. Vaporizer and controls, as per sections 2 and 3
of specifications for the price of
2. Boiler as per section 4-a of specifications for
the price of
3. Condensate return system, as per section 4b of
specifications for the price of
Delivery will begin not later than 45
$ 2303.50
Jt; 2805.00
$ 464.00
$ 5662.50
and completed within, 90
Terms: Net 30 days
days after award of contract
Se ction B
Snec. No. 2i+_2
. Guaranteed Characteristics:
Make of Vaporizer
Dayh Paracoil
Model of Vaporizer ~ L-",SE 'h__--'~~",.,.__..,._.~_...._..._._...___.
JvIamifacturerl s Nallle Daria Enc1n.eriag Qolllp&ny
I., . "'""---' , , , , ' _.,__u_~.__,_~_._._~_~.~
Address 1064 Ean Gl"&Dd Street
Elisabeth 4, Nw Jar..,.
Controls: list make and model for controls:
l-F1~er Governor 2ftFig.2500~249 L1..Level ControlFlgd
1- ft "2" Fig. 657 AR . I)~.p~!.I"'___~.!.!J~_!_~_,'V~~
1-" "1-1/2" Fig.4100Ui-6S7 St...Control Val.,.
- ._-~.._." '~---.- ..-.-- "~"-
1-" "Z. F1C.298TK-6!H P~pane. Vapor aeCUlator
1- .aeso'S-HiM .B1...1111TNo.ll)4'-GZ" -aeU.t-Vabe
Nake of Boiler Seller. .
'_"""'.4"'_~_.._._."...__._.. ",..>~.o...,,_,",.._,._
Model of Bci.iler.Model 46
Manufacturer's Name and Address Seller' EDli..tilrilll 0..,..1'
---. .. ~~__u".___.. _-'_""'~___._._~""'~A
4847 North Clark Street, Chicqo,40. Illinoia
Condensate control system: list make. a:ld.r:lo~lel equipEleclt
used in srstern: I-R.S. 100-30 Seller. open return ayatlll
"11-1/2 hp 'ph 220 Yo, electric !lOtiIN'
Bidder t S specifications are attached in accordance ,,,Uh D here:Ln.,
S.. alao attachld Dart.!, Drawilll ,..22UO-I tor,
No. 1206D fozo boiler, Del Seller. ulletiD No. l2l0A tor cORdenat.
return IY~-. It
Section C
Spec. No.
- ~._..
The Notice Inviting Proposals, Proposal, Proposal Schedule, Instruc-
tions to Bidders, General Conditions, Detailed Specifications and
Agreement shall constitute the contract. Said documents are compli-
mentary and intended to require a complete and finished piece of work,
Anything sho~m or required of the bidder, in anyone or more of said
documents, shall be as binding as if contained in all of said documents.
The contractor shall not be allowed to take advantage of any error,
discrepancy. or omis'sionin any document-, but sha.ll promptly report to
the City Manager, in writing, any such matter discovered, The City
Manager will then decide or correct the same and his decision shall be
Section D
Spec~ No.. >,,_
Dl. Preparation of the Proposal: Each bidder shall observe the
following in preparing a proposal:
1.1 Federal Excise Taxes: The prices quoted by the bidder shall be
exclusive of federal excise taxes pursuant to the exemption of
poli tical subdi visitms in the "Revenue Act of 1935" or other acts of
1.2 State Sales Tax: Prices quoted by the bidder in his proposal
shall not include any sales or use tax levied by the State of Florida"
1.3 Form of Proposal: The proposal shall be made on the attached
proposal schedule. :If the schedule is deemed inadequate, additiona:r.
descriptive matter may be submitted with the proposal by the attach.-
ment of catalogues, drawings, photographs, or a letter. Letters. re-
peating prices and details from City's specifications must be omitted,
1.4 1llQ..A.CJlld or Check: The proposal must be accompanied by a
certified check, payable to the order of the City of Clearwater, for
a sum not less than 10% of the aggregate sum of the proposal, or a
surety bond in such amount, unless bond is waived in Notice Inviting
1.5 Delivery of Proposal:
the envelope furnished by
water, Florida, Attention
All bids shall be
the City, addressed
of City Manager and
sealed and enclosed in
to the City of Clear-
Narked ~ l'Bids for
Section E
Spec. No.
El. Patents: The contractor shall fully indemnify the City against
any anda.Ir--liability vlhatsoever by reason of any alleged infringe-
ment of any patent on any article, process method or application used
by him in the construction of the work, or by reason of any use by
the City of any article or material furnished under this contract.
E2. Specified Materials or Equivalents: Whenever in the specifica-
tionsMy--particularmate-ri-i3.i--or-process is indicated,. or specified
by patent or proprietory name, or by name of manufacturer, such word-
ing shall be deemed to be used for the purpose of facilitating
description of the material or process desired, and shall be deemed
to be followed by the words "or equivalent". The bidder or con-
tractor may offer any material, or process, which shall be the equiva-
lent in every respect of that so indicated orspecifiedj provided
however, that if the ma~erial or process offered by the bidder or
contractor is not,. in the opinion of the City Manager, the equivalent
in every respect to that specified, then the corttrac~or shall furnish
the material or process specified, or one that9 in the opinion of the
City Manager, is the equivalent thereof.
E30 and W9rkman~hi~: All materials furnished, and all
work done, shall be in accordance with the specifications. All work
shall be done in a thorough workmanlike man~er, by mechanics skilled
in their various trades. Material or workmanship not definitely
specified, but incidental to and necessary for the work, shall con-
form to the best commercial practice for the type of work in question.
E4. Inspection:
E4.1 Jn~9tipn & ~ejectio~: All materials or equipment furnished
and delivered under the contract shall be subject to inspection by
the City. If any items or articles are found not to meet the re--
quirements of the sI1ecifications, the lot, or any faulc;y portion
thereof, may be rejected~ The fact that the materials or articles
have been successfully inspected, tested and accepted by the City
shall not relieve the contractor of responsibility in the case of
later development of flaws or defects.
E4,2 lp_sp.E3ction_at I.l~1.rt_ment 'i? Re~eiving P()in!: Unless otherwise
provided in Detailed Specifications, materials or equipment purchased
under the contract will be inspected at the City's specified receiv--
ing points and there accepted cr rejected.
Section E Cont.
E 5 " P.VS9.1}sV?€._:?r:g._-'F_~_-,~h-i -p1Ji!}g_J1a!lif"'-~~,_"J~.:iJ-ls o_f_L,ad~ng and.
In.Y.9J(C"~ng; A order, or orders, referencing the contract,
will be issued to the s~ccessful bidder. Invoices shall be made in
duplicate" Shipping manifests, bills of lading, and invoices shall
be forwarded to the Purchasing Agent, City of Clearwater, Florida.,
E60 .P..iU':D?,lt!i.: Payments uill be !;lade for the items f;1rnished and
delivered within approximately thirty days after the receipt thereof
by the City at the agreed Lo.b. po:Lnt, unless the attached Detailed
Specifications pro~ide for special terms of payments, The bidder,
where the City has not provided for special ter'l1s of payment, may
state conditions in his proposal as to the time of payment on which
discount will be allowed.
E7 - GeneS'll Gua..rante~: Dnle ss otherwise provided in the spe cifi Cil'-
tions, the contrilctor shall guarilntee for a period of one year after
final completion and acceptance of the entire contract work that all
equipment, materials and work~anship furnished under their specifi-
cations shall be free from defects. He shall repair or replace all
such defective equipment, materials or workmanShip, f.o.b_, Clear-
water, Florida.
E8, Delivery and Extension Thereof: Time shall be of the essence
of th8--c6nf~t. Pro~osal shall state maximum time for delivery as
a given n~mber of days from date of notification of acceptance of
bid by the City.
E9, N2-~td ITLay be wi~h~ra~ after scheduled closing time for re-
ceipt of bids for a:period of thirty (30) days,
E10. Ri~ht to Re~~qt Bids: The right to reject any or all bids or
to waive any, if any, informalities in any bid is reserved by the
City Ha:cJ.ager. It is distinctly understood and all bids aTe made
subject to this agreement, that the City reserves ths right to de-
cide "Thich bid be deemed lowest and best. No bid received after
closing time for reqeipt of bids will be considered.
Section F
Spe c. No. 24--2
1. Ge.J:1eral : These specifications cover the furnishing, delivery,
and desCribes the equipment for vaporizing propane or butane
necessary for the operation of the present 4-0 i1CF/hr reformer and
proposed reformer with 2500 MCF/day capacity.
This eqUipment is to be used with present vaporizer installed at.
Clearwater gas plantl but operate from a separate gas~fired boiler.
. ,
The equipment is to vaporize 1860 gals. per hour of liquid propane
at 50 to 70 psig.
2. Vaporizer: The vaporizer is to be a Davis Paracoil or equal,
size L-48E designed for a vaporizing capacity of 1725 gals/hr of
propane with steam at 5 psig.
3. Controls:
a. The present level control is to be used.
b. 1 - 2t" Fisher figure 657 AR or equal, diilphragm
control valve is to be furnished for controlling propane
liquid flow and operated from present level control.
c.1, - It" Fisher figure 4-100 UR-657 AR pilot con-
trolled steam valve, or equal, is to be furnished for
steam supply ilt 100 psig.
d. 1- 2" Fisher figure 298 TK-61H, or equill, gas
regulator is to. be furnished for controlling propane
vapor pressure from vaporizer.
e. 1 - 2" x 2t" 'Rego No. 3134- G or equal relie f valve
set for 250 psig starting pressure is to be furnished.
4-.. Boiler:
a.. 1- 30 hp Seller's Hodel 4-6, or equal, boiler is
to be furnished to supply steam at 100 psig. This
boiler is to be tactory assembled and wired for com-
plete package with controls. .
b. 1 - Condensate return system for 30 boiler hp at
100 psig complete with el"ctrie moten', control switch,
receiver, float control and valves is to Db ",,,~ol'"';"ned.
5. Installation: This specification covers furnishing only the
items enumerated. The installation labor, foundations, connections
to existing equipment, piping and wiring is to be furnished by the
Section F Cant.
6. Drawings: Successful bidder will furnish drawings showing the
dimensions and connections for items supplied. Successful bidder
will also furnish suggested layout drawing showing location of these
pieces of apparatus in connection with other equipment, if desired..
7. Purchaser's Work:
a. Purchaser is to furnish foundations of the area and load
bearing value specified by the seller.
b: Unloading - where practical, equipment will be delivered
to the purchaser I s site. by truck! otherwise by cm:lIDon .
carrier. Purchaser willj in an attempt toe:xpedite delivery
and installation, under the supervision of the successful
bidder, unload and place on foundation all major eqUipment;
however, purchaser assumes no liability in the perfOrl1'lnCe
of this \vork.
c. Painting - one prime shop coat is to be supplied by the
successful bidder.
d. Connections - Purchaser will provide all labor and
materials and make all necessary connections for fuel, gas,
water, drain, compressed air and electricity, including
conduits between thermocouples and pyrometers. Purchaser
will also provide trr test lines to Ranarex, thermeter and
test burners.
e. Electrical Work - Purchaser will furnish all material
and labor to mab~ all electrical conne ctions, in addition
to furnishing all lighting equipment and wiring required"
Vaporller Ud Miler oClllP1ete with ooatrola
pl.... ate tollow1nc ohaDce. in .,eciticatiOn. #24.-2:
nl'1'AIUD SPlCOIPIa4UOJlS. Sent.oa ,. OoBtro1a.
Delete 113.
Add: I-Fieber '!S. 2500R-24.9 Liquid Level
control 2501 If. P. with 2. runce<l
Change 'b to read "1-2" Fieber Fil. 657Ai or equal,
diaphrap coatrol _1 Ye to be tuJ;ni abed
tor .onVollln& propane liquid flow."
~. ',' ~
ADT)ENDl'I~ (!2
City of Clearwater, Florida, specificatio~ #24-2 for vapor-
izer and controls, boiler, etc.
Section Dlr4 Bid Bo.nd _ or check - delete this section.
Proposal - Section 3 - delete requirements of a performance
bond and bid bond.