- Interdepartment Correspondence Shee;
City Manace.!'
.:lity Attorney
Purchasing Departllltlllt &: ~ty Clerk
Contbacts - Haeche Eng1neer1n,: Company
:'tta,cl.ed in duplicate cu'e separate contl'acts and Mparate
contract bonds with Haaohe lng1nRer~ a_peny ror f,.\l'ft18h-
ing equipment and. Mnicea two .ret'ars1nc gn equipaent and
providing vaporiMr and _tl.. M _be Gtla. ~.
I have approved ~ contract. and. 11' agreeable. IlUMeIlt
that they be app..oYecl by other 01ty off'ic1ala. ahfIlo which
they should be Mnt to the Ha8Qhe Co'<ipa.,y ld,ththe zoequest
that they return one executed copy of each contract. to-
gether with an execllted copy or the conti~act oond to.~ each
~t;en the contract bend hu;; beea retW'neCl~ ,1 will appron it
thereon aDd will then deliver it to the,. Clerk. ~'he
extra copy of tohe cont.zoaO't bard encloeed tor each cGIIltract
h! to be aelt the };asche Company tor ita rUea. It maybe
that Y>r. ,':iddletont who I Wlderst.and ..spresenta hallCha
Company. can expltd t. the delivery or these itefll& to the
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Sealed proposals will be received by G. B. Weimer, Purchasing Agent,
Clearwater, Florida, at the office of the Purchasing Agent, City Hall,
Clearwater, Florida, until 12:00 o'clock noon, July 23, 19.57
and will be publicly opened and read aloud in the City Hall Auditorium
Jul,. 23, ;1.9$7
; at 1:30 P.M. for the following:
Matoerla1.. equiJllllent and .,.e1tled ..rTlee. tor
equiJlm,nt for gal ~On"rIlliDn.
Detailed specifications, bid documents and other information concern-
ingbids may be obtained by application to the Purchasing Department,
Ci ty Hall, Cle arwate r,' Florid a.
The right to reject any or all proposals, or to waive any, if any,
informalities ih any proposal is reserved by the City Manager.
Jack Tallent
City Manager
P ,0. Box 1348
Clearwater, Florida
Bid documents attached hereto
~ ,-~
Section B
July 16
B1. Theundersigneo. hereby proposes to furnish and deliver to the
City of Clearwater, Florida
Ma\.1'1111, .qui~n~ and .,ecitied ..nic.. connectecl berewith
ror retor.ins .qui,..~ in acoordance with .,.citicationa
The undersigned agrees upon the acceptance .of this proposal a.s to
any or all items herein, to enter into and execute a contract, of
which the Notice Inviting Proposals, this Proposal, Proposal
Schedule, and the Specifications shall be mao.e a part for furnishing
and delivering the items embraced in the accepted Proposal, at the
prices named in the accompanying Proposal Schedule, and to execute a
bond conditioned upon the faithful performance of the contract.
The undersigned furthermore agrees that, in case of default in
execution of such contract, with necessary bond, the check or bond
accompanying this Proposal, and the money payable thereon, shall be
forfeited thereby to! and remain the property of the City of C1ear-
Bidder Huche Eng1neerina Company
By (a) il. L. Halcht. pre'1ttent
Address Box 669. JohDMn City. T.n......
Section B
3pe c. No" 24-3'
Bidder shall fill in hereunder his bid prices and shall furnish
other information in accordance with intended proposal. For further
details concerning rendition of proposal, see Section Dl,"Prepara-
tion of the Proposal", in the attached "Instructions to Bidders",
1- Hallcha Reformer with inatrument., scrubber and waJlhbox
aa detailed in Section F your Speoification No. 24-3
Price - F.O.B. ahipping points $45,49g.oo
Terms - Net 30dara
DeliYery - 12 to . 4. weeks from receipt of accepted and approved
It i8 agreed that the purchase price of the reforming unit in-
el wi.. "1d up royalties for use of the patented proe..' and
chaoker. of thb unit. . Thi. royalty to apply only to the unit
belq installed un/ler this agree.nt and not to further acldit1ona.
The title or all lIBterla1 1'urnhhed hereunder ehall remain in the
name of the Huche Endneerilll Company untU the ..e baab..n
tully paid for in casn.
Section B
Sp e c. No. 2.L...-03.......
Guaranteed Characteristics:
materials and equipment bid
All of the equipment and services as detailed in
List make, model and manufacturer of
Section F of attached ,Specification No. 24-) and in-
corporated herein as fully as if copied verbatim.
Charge for e~cess time of .supervisor beyond (Xl ntract
allovrance of 10 working days is to be ;';50.00 per day.
Section C
Spec, No.
The Notice Inviting Proposals, Proposal, Proposal Schedule, Instruc.-
tions to Biddersj General Conditions, Detailed Specifications and
Agreement shall constitute the contract. Said documents are compli-
mentary and iritended to require a complete and finished pi,ece of 'Nork,
Anything ShO\VD ot. required of the bidder; in anyone or more of said
documents, Shall be .as binding as if contained in all of said documents.
The contractor shall not be allowed to take advantage of any error,
discrepancy or omission in any document, but shall. promptiy report to
the City M~hager, in writing, any such matter discovered, The City
Manager will then decide or correct the same and his decision shall be
Section D
Spec, No.
Dl. Preparation of the Proposal: Each bidder shall observe the
following inprepering a proposal:
1.1 Fe_deral Excise Taxe~: The prices quoted by the bidder shall be
exclusive of federal excise taxes pursuant to the exemption of
political subdivisions in the "Revenue Act of 1935ll or" other acts of
1.2 State Sales Tax: Prices quoted by the bidder in hj_s proposal
shall- not include any sales or use tax levied by the State of Florida,
1.3 Form of ProPQsal: The proposal shall be made on the attached
proposal schedule. If the schedule is deemed inadequate, additional
descriptive matter may be submitted with the proposal by the attach-
ment of catalogues, drawings, photographs, or a lette:,"" I"etters .,.'e.-
peating prices and details from City's specifications must be o'nit'~ed"
l.1t Bid Bond or Chele~: The proposal must be accompanied by a
certified check, payable to the order of the City of Clearwater, for
a sum not less than 10% of the aggregate sum of the proposaL o:r ,:C
surety bond in such amount, unless bond is Ilaived in Notice Invitlng
1.5 Delivery of Droposal: All bids shall be sealed and enclor;:,d in
the envelopE;" furnished'by the City, addressed to the City of C:Loar-
1-rater, Florida, Attention of City j,lanager anc', Marked: "Bids i'or
Section E
Spec. No.
El. Patents: The contractor shall fully indemnify the City against
any and all liability whatsoever by reason of any alleged infringe-
ment of any patent on any article, process method or application used
by him in the construction of the work, or by reason of any use by
the City of any article or material furnished under this contract.
E2. Specified Materials or Equivalents: vmenever in the specifica-
tions any particular material or process is indicated, or specified
by patent or proprietory name, or by name of manufacturer, such word-
ing shall be deemed to be used for the purpose of facilitating
description of the material or process desired, and shall be deemed
to be followed by the, words "or equivalent". The bidder or con-
tractor may offer any'material, or process, which shall be the equiva-
lent in every respect of that so indicated or specified; provided
however, that if the material or process offered by the bidder or
contractor is not, in the opinion of the City Manager, the equivalent
in every respect to that specified, then the contractor shall furnish
the material or process specified, or one that, in the opinion of the
City Manager, is the equivalent thereof.
E3. Materials and Workmanship: All materials furnished, and all
work done, shall be in accordance with the specifications. All work
shall be done in a thorough workmanlike manner, by mechanics skilled
in their various trades. Material or workmanship not definitely
specified, but incidental to and necessary for the work, shall con-
form to the best commerciai practice for the type of work in question.
E4. Inspection:
E4.1 Inspection & Rejection: All materlals,or equipment furnished
and delivered under the contract shall be sUbject to inspection by
the City. If any items or articles are found not to meet the re~
quirements of the specificati?ns, the lot, or any faulty portion
thereof, may be rejected. The fact that the materials, or articles
have been succeSSfully inspected, tested aridaccept~d by the City
shall not relieve thecohtradtor of responsibility in the case of
later development of flaws or defects.
E4.2 Inspection at Department's Receiving Point: Unless otherwise
provided in Detailed Specifications, materials or equipment purchased
under the contract will be inspected at the City's specified receiv-
ing points and there accepted or rejected.
Section E Cont.
E 5. Purchase Orders. Ship'Jing Manife sts JiU.Lo)::~9.dillg a:q;:1
Invoicing: A purchase order, or orders, referencing the contract,
will be issued to the successful bidder. Invoices shall be made in
duplicate. Shipping manifests, bills of lading, and invoices shall
be forwarded to the Purchasing [1-gent, City of Clearwater, Florida,
E6. Payments: Payments will be made for the items furnished and
delivered within approximately thirty days after the receipt thereof
by the City at the agreed f.o.b. pointj unless the attached Detailed
Specifications provide for special terms of payments. The bidder,
where the City has not provided for special termS of payment, may
state conditions in his proposal as to the tirr.e of payment on which
discount will be allowed.
E7. General Guarantee: Unless otherwise provided in the specifica-
tions, the contractor shall guarantee for a period of one yeac after
final completion and acceptance of the entire contract work that all
equipment, materials and workmanship furnished under their specifi-
cations shall be free from defects. He shall repair or replace all
such defective equipment, materials or workmanship, f.o.b;, Clear~
water, Florida.
E8. Delivery and
of the contract.
a given number of
bid by the City.
Extension Thereof: Time shall be
Pro90sal shall state maximum time
days from date of notification of
of tr~e e ssel'ce
fo:::' delivery as
accelJtance of
E9. No bid may be withdrawn after scheduled closing time for re-
ceipt of bids for a period of thirty (30) days.
EIO. Right to Reject Bids: The right to reject any or all bids or
to waive any, if any, informalities in any bid is reserved by the
City Manager. It is distinctly understood and all bids are made
subject to this agreement, that the City reserves the right to de-
cide which bid be deemed lowest and best. No bid received after
closing time for receipt of bids will be consi~ered.
Section F
Spe c. No. .2.~-=3.
Section I - Introduction
This specification describes the equipment for the production of
2500 MCF/Day of Reformed Gas from a vaporized hydrocarbon feed of propane.
The equipment to be furnished will consist of 1 HASCHE Reformer with
controls and accessory equipment to produce a gas of 650 BTU and 0,90-0,92
Specific Gravity. The reformed gas is to interchange satisfactorily with
Present Mixed Gas. The gas will be delivered from the Reformer at
approximately 14 inqhes w.c.
1 - Scrubber for cooling and scrubbing gas with piping for connecting
Reformer is included.
The material is to be supplied F.O.B. shipping points and is to be un-
loaded and placed on foundations by Purchaser. A field erector will be
furnished for a maximum of 10 days to supervise assembly of reforming
unit and connections and starting up equipment. All skilled and common
labor is to be furnished by the Purchaser.
Purchaser is to furnish hydrocarbon vapor feed, water, drain, compresse(l
air, electricity and reformed gas connections at the equipment. Pur_
chaser is to furnish Thermeter and specific gravity recorder..
Section II - Design
Hydrocarbon feed is to be supplied as a vapor at a pressure of 40psig
and delivered to the inlet valve on the air injectors furnished wit:1 the
reformer. The reformer operates on a 2 minute reversing cycle pI'oducing
a continuous supply of reformed gas. The reformer is self-susta:!_u:Lng
after being placed in operation from initial preheating.
Section III - Equipment Furnished by Seller
(a) Steel Casing.
Steel casing for reforming units to be of U-shaped design of approxi-
mately 5-1/2 x 4-1/2 x 11. The steel casing will be of we~ded con-
struction reinforced by angle and channel irons and tested before ship-
ment for maximum pressure of 10 psig. Top will be of bolted construc--
tion for removal and placement of brick and tile. Two burner nozzles
will be prOVided of recent design, with cap, and cotter bar for easy
opening to be used in preheating. Two transition secttons vItl1 be pro~
vided at one end of the furnace for connection to the 4--way reverstng
valve. Three openings with packing glands \vill be provided for thermo-
couple connections.
Section F Cont,.
Spe c. No. .;:;!:t_-:J.
Section III Cont.
(b) Brick Iolork.
All brick work to consist of first quality fire
sulating brick and J.M. - 500 caulking material.
Tile will be shipped directly to the purchaser's
clay brick, #2300 in-
RASCh~ Brand Fluted
(c) Reversing Valves.'
A 12" 4-1tray reversing valve of improved patented design (Rasche-McConnell)
including Bellows air cylinder operator with lubricator, and solenoid
actuated by Eagle Signal Flexopulse electric timer. Tapped open:Lng will
be provided for 2" Safety Seal to Scrubber Seal Pot.
(d) Injectors and Manifold.
2 Eclipse air injectors (6" size) with check valves, air adjustment slides
and levers will be provided to inspirate the proper quantity of air and
supply the necessary pressure to maintain 14 inches or more gas pressure
at the outlet of reversing valve.
(e) Reformer Piping.
All piping and valves integral with Reformer between fuel vapor inlet
valve and outlet flange of reversing valve on reformer will be furnished"
(f) Outlet gas piping and stack.
12" piping and 8" stack to be furnished by Purchaser.
(g) Scrubber.
One - 48" dia. x 20' Scrubber with combination 4" tile and Raschig ring
packing will be furnished. Outlet gas thermometer and differential "un
gauge included.
(h) Gas Piping from Scrubber.
Not included
(j) Instruments and Controls. (To be shop mounted on casing unless
otherwise specified).
1 Bellows or equal air cylinder with integral solenoid for
operating reversing valve, complete with lubricator, filter and
pressure regulating valve.
1 Eagle Signal Company Flexopulse timer or equal, range 0-5
minute s .
1 Brown Indicating pyrometer with 4 point switch 0-2,0000 F,
3 Thermocouples Chromel-Alumel complete with 18" Inconel .Iells
and 75 feet of thermocouple wire.
1 Instrument panel board for timer Thermometer and switch,
Section F Cant I,
Spec. No. 211-_'1
Section III Cent.
( j) Cont.
I Indicating Weston Pyrometer for exit gas temperature 0-1,0000 F.
I Partlow Temperatune control bulb on exit gas line te operate
hydrocarbon vapor shut-off valve.
1 Maxon Safety shut-off hydrocarbon feed valve operated by con-
troller in event of high reformed gas temperature" Nanual reset
to open.
1 Differential pressure indicator for pressure drop across the
furnace 3011 Scale 1.00 sp. gr. oil.
I Single tube mercury manometer for pressure at outlet of roform-
ing unit calibrated in w.c. reading.
1 Differential V-gauge for pressure drop across the scrubber.
Sp. gr. 1.0 oil.
I Indicating type venturi flo\{ meter for air complete ,vi th liquid
seal bottles calibrated for flow in SCF/hour.
I Indicating type orifice flow meter for hydrocarbon vapor flow,
complete with liquid seal bottles. Calibrated for flow of pro-
pane in SCF/hour.
(k) Air Compressor.
Not included
(1) Specific Gravity Recorder.
Not included
(m) Thermeter Conversion.
Not included
(n) Other Accessories.'
1 - lt811 dia. x It,-O'' Wa:shbox with 1211 flanged gas connection, ItlT spray
nozzle complete with 80 gpm - 35' head electric driven circulating
water pump.
Section F Cont.
Spec. lITo. 24-i
Section.IV - Installation Labor
Seller will furnish supervisor for piadihg checkers, bricking top,
placing and assisting inm~king instrtiment connections from and to
control panel! lay-out of smail piping, etc, Supervisor's time not to
exceed 10 working days. Excess time beyond 10 working days or delays
occasio~by matters beyond seller's control to be billed at a fixed
rate per working day which is to include living expenses. If additional
work is required necessitating more than one trip, fee shall be that
enumerated above for additional working days plus actual air trans-
portation expense for travel time.
iSection V - Purchaser r s \ifork
(a) Purchaser is to furnish foundations of the area and load bearing
value specified by the Seller.
(b) Unloading.
Where practical, equipment will be delivered to the purchaser's site by
truck, otherwise by common carrier. Purchaser will, in an attempt to
expedite delivery and installation, under the supervision of the
successful bidder, unload and place on foundation all major equipment;
however, purchaser assumes no liability in the performance of this work.
(c) Painting.
One prime shop coat is to be applied by Seller. Finish coats by
Building Permits and Insurance.
Purchaser will furnish and pay for
any insurance approvals required.
all building permits and arrange
(e) Storage Space.
The Purchaser will supply necessary space for storage of equipment and
construction to materials.
(f) Connections.
Purchaser shall provid~ all labor and materials and make all necessary
connections for fuel, gas, water, drain, compressed air and electricity,
including conduits between thermocouples and pyrometer. Purchaser will
also provide 1/2" test lines to Ranarex, thermeter and test burners,
(g) Fire and Safety Equipment.
The Purchaser shall furnish all fire and safety equipment required for
this plant, including all fire prevention facilities.
!"" ..
Section F Cont.
Spec. No. .~IL::J.
Se 9,:t1--9..IL1 ConL
Ch) Electrical work.
Purchaser will furnish all material and labor to make all electircal
connections, in addition to furnishing all lighting equipm::mt and wi'"ing
required for plant.
Section VI - Drawings
Seller will furnish drawings showing the dimensions and connections for
reforming unit, scrubber and control room. Seller will also furnish
suggested layout drawing showing location of these pieces of appa:catus
in connection with your other equipment, ~f eesiFcd.
. ~
~, .., .
AMendo #1
Cityo! C1earwater,ne.r:lda, .,.c1ticatioft8 #24.) tor _ teriall,
e qui)'lllent and .,ecitied ....vlo.. t or reforming equipaent tor
. Eaa conver.ion.
lu""~ and ~l.1ated Motion. change all reterencn to fob
point to read1'Ob poInt of shipment .
PrOHII8~e. SectionJlI and the following propon1.
Inatruction. to Bidder., Saetlon D.1.4
B1lt ~nd or ch,clL . Delt.e thi. .ection and reference
liOnd and performance bond in propoll8l.
Perforllance bond not required.
to bid