APP2009-00001 - Petitions One ofour1C~!;~~~:ili~Cle~arerforce ~~~! ~~.::~,o/ basketball court citing the "loss of their quality of life" due to its existence. Over the last few years the basketball court has been used for student's recess activities and church and community pickup games. The church has always been gracious in allowing our neighborhood children to play ball in their open fields, ride skateboards in their parking lots, and shoot basketball on their hoops. With the center point of the basketball court being 200 feet from the nearest neighbor's property, we feel that the court is an addition to the quality of life in our neighborhood and not a loss. As a homeowner living next to the church, I feel Countryside Christian Center should NOT be required to remove their basketball court. , , I Name ~ 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 C't' (', ,1,. 19 .... tJc;t- -+Orer-+- \), l,:) ~,...... Sore;{ D Y' 0 ~--\- cJ /(~ST D..It. /r:/ 2o~kt 21 Y"' I I OJr.U t ( 25 ( tfS ~ (OPJV~- -po ~, lo(Q4 Del . U) . 1L II.. ~rvl u'V~ ~ (ttJ/; ~f1t~Oq ~ OJ ~/#oo9-ooo0J f3 i ij \'-~jH.)Hi it- j::a)' l..iiih...i;i ii~ 1 CU.ii(:iil.lY l{VC (.-=-tL ji,jij ~3L ,-/fO.iX. iJii\iC, dll\;i,;tl)' UCliliiU tlH.": t...:liuli.,;ll. 1 fUii writinQ this letter to inform YOU ofthe distraction the larQe street IiQhts and basketball courts nose to int; iit:ignDOrij()(;u.. j ne gHlre ifOiij Ine iigriis i11UKeS ni}~ neigni);.}j- s n~ju.se iii)fiCU{ to n,l've a ndiO \vnen they are on and shine into mv house so briQhtlv that I must keen mv blinds closed du..rinQ this time. I - - WluCf5iilllG tile ilCC(i lor tllC CIIU{Cll t{) P{(iViGC ail afca lor Tile (:ilil(:i.fCll ii.nu i.i.(IUlts lei 'play~ LH.:tt. IO Place it where it interferes with neonle trvinQ to have a ouiet eveninQ is a bit too much. The nlav QfOund could ne iYi(iVeti to tne orner Siue or ti1t: rji\.jrjeri)~ una. ii ,\-V,)UiJ. (li5Iurn no one at nignt Siiice inere is a se-nCi(;i to buffer the liQhts and noise from my. (used to be ouiet) neighborhood. i liuiin.. i Uti, Emil .T. Schmitt f 5~ .=c P/~ I A I " / _/ c::A.. /V /[ VI t/ c.. LJ ~ I!... ,c... /1/ ~ / 11 7' 5 . 1 f ( M / 's /V?( {'if, pC!/' t/ / /~ 5.:? /I-" ~l f; /c t!' cf ( e. f/(/r. /11Y '. . etJd ~'P If ozoo ~ fr~P I ~ o?t:JCJI?. ()()CJt7 / /.3 @ One of our neighbors is requesting that the City of Clearwater force Countryside Christian Center to remove their basketball court citing the "loss of their quality of life" due to its existence. Over the last few years the basketball court has been used for student's recess activities and church and community pickup games. The church has always been gracious in allowing our neighborhood children to play ball in their open fields, ride skateboards in their parking lots, and shoot basketball on their hoops. With the center point of the basketball court being 200 feet from the nearest neighbor's property, we feel that the court is an addition to the quality oflife in our neighborhood and not a loss. As a homeowner living next to the church, I feel Countryside Christian Center should NOT be required to remove their basketball court. 12 ."',. ,"') .J........) t.: Name Address .{,-).I c S /. C' /<-(/ Y' /) /11 c" -p C(. ~( J F . ~ () ( I. . ) "./'.1 . ')l/;" f(/ :)./ . >/;. ,x';, '. t . ,>I.. ./".v\ .....,' s-r' c \((;CK ~(. CLv.1V -y- I t { t i / ,10 11 u./ ~3 -? 7:)'1\ I' '.' . . .' ~" ,( ?/)' ;'f,. /-1//:./ '/' / . L' > /;1/ .; -' / '/ '-"'/ .I': /- ',(' /~" (/ ("', , - .~~. '- cl <_./ I , f ,\ ':-1 J ,/\ / '-t-L i.- ...~ . )--1" . 13 ,,\ ,: . ,j ) .... I -.-._--/) t- ! ! 14 15 16 17 18 COUNTRYSIDE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY e~ ~t7 ~ 62a:J'?' ~,LJI #/&1M~/ @ Dear Countryside Christian Academy Parents, By signing this petition, you are in agreement to keep the basketball court. You are acknowledging the importance of the sports court; and protesting the removal of the court. ,.~~'"- Thank you, Ms Mascaro p~() @; --~----- John A. Lloyd, Senior Pastor 1850 N. McMullen Booth Road · Clearwater, FL 33759 · (727)799-1618 · FAX (727) 725-1787 www.CountrysideChristianCenter.org COUNTRYSIDE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY I € ~;tO€)I:S ~FarYIIIY ~~liA[/\j~ ~' John A. Lloyd, Senior Pastor 1850 N. McMullen Booth Road · Clearwater, FL 33759 · (727)799-1618 · FAX (727) 725-1787 www.CountrysideChristianCenter.org COUNTRYSIDE CHRISTIAN ACADIMY " Oml/ S1v If) I 1 John A. Lloyd, Senior Pastor 1850 N. McMullen Booth Road · Clearwater, FL 33759 · (727)799-1618 · FAX (727) 725-1787 www.CountrysideChristianCenter.org COUNTRYSIDE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY /~~~ John A. Lloyd, Senior Pastor 1850 N. McMullen Booth Road · Clearwater, FL 33759 · (727)799-1618 · FAX (727) 725-1787 www.CountrysideChristianCenter.org COUNTRYSIDE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY ~~fJud o~ G,tnlJJi: John A. Lloyd, Senior Pastor 1850 N. McMullen Booth Road · Clearwater, FL 33759 · (727)799-1618 · FAX (727) 725-1787 www.CountrysideChristianCenter.org etJ6 ~t1 /~ 62009 ~ /// ~~62b09-0000/ @ Countryside Christian Center Basketball Courts and Related Lighting To whom it may concern: We live directly behind the basketball court at 1807 Oak Forest Drive South and most definitely object to its location and the associated lighting. We can put up with the screaming, megaphone blaring, whistle blowing and lack of privacy during the day but come the nighttime we say enough is enough! I think you would too if you were in our shoes. At night the constant bouncing of the balls, running, shouting and gathering of all sorts of people right outside our family room and bedroom windows is more than we could stand. While you probably would like it to be used only by your students, there is no control over who uses it for basketball or just a gathering place for who knows what. There have been two instances where we found someone walking in our backyard late at night. It is a meeting place for illegal activity, scoping out the houses in the neighborhood and the lighting that is part of it shines directly in our bedroom through our vertical blinds after 11 :00 PM when we are trying to sleep. You are truIv takinl! advantal!e ofvour neil!hbors. We do not object to the school having a basketball court per se but we object to its location. Move it indoors like other schools or put it outside in the front of the buildings Along McMullen Booth Road where it wouldn't infringe on people's privacy. Gmail- Fwd: RE: Letter of Notification FLS2009-01002 eP t!; 1"I/ldI JtJ t5lfl;d9 (/ ~ ,t)/ Gr-1 i I Page 1 of 1 ~.:UJ09... 00 0.0 I jJ5 John Stalter <johnstalter@gmail.com> " -! Fwd: RE: Letter of Notification FLS2009-01002 1 message drwhite@tampabay.rr.com <drwhite@tampabay.rr.com> To: "johnstalter@gmail.com" <johnstalter@gmail.com> Dear Sirs: Tue, May 19, 2009 at 10:52 AM I originally sent the attached emailletter in response to your letter of notification referenced. It was my impression that the church was requesting a permit to add an additional, noisy, basketball facility. Since then I have learned that the existing one was built WITHOUT the proper approvals and permits and they are now asking for retroactive approval. I am vehemently and unaquivocably against this approval action. Had I been informed that the current basketball facility would have been built as close to residences as it has, I would have asked that it be located further away. With approximately 20 acres originally at the churches disposal, more consideration should have been given to locating this facility further away. For instance, why couldn't the basketball court be located in front, closer to McMullen Booth Road? Oh, I forget, that would not have been aesthetically pleasing for viewing the church from the road, would it? So, looking at all those cars parked out there everyday of the week is more aesthetically pleasing?? Give me a break. In fact, since the church or their contruction representative failed to follow proper permitting procedures, they should be required to move the basketball facility to the front and put parking in its place. That seems to be a reasonable compromise to all affected parties. Sincerely, David R. White 3017 St. Croix Drive Clearwater, FL 33759 ," 'I RE: Letter of Notification FLS2009-01002 u 2K http://mail.google.comlmail/?ui=2&ik=78682e9181 &view=pt&search=inbox&th= 121595... 5/19/2009 ~,J,6 fi'J~ /~ .:2DfF9 ;;E;:v L) I #0200 9... OOO(} I /lS Page 1 of 1 RE: Notice of filing of an application for flexible standard development approval at 1850 McMullen Booth Rd (FLS2009-01002) Dear Mr. Jackson, As a surrounding property owner within 500 feet of the aforereferenced property, I am taking this opportunity to express my OPPOSITION to granting any approval for the addition of a basketball court and two (2) 35 foot light poles on this property. I have no opposition to adding the 29 grass off-street parking spaces. My opposition to the basketball court and light poles is based on the following facts gained from the experience of living next to this property. This property already contains several basketball courts located in close proximity to the single family residences to the north, south and to a lesser extent to the west. These courts are already in use late into the night several nights a week and screams and yells of the players easily heard several blocks away. The bright lights on the current poles are a constant annoyance for anyone whose home backs up onto this property. Adding more courts and lights even closer to these residences is an even further unjust encroachment on those properties and owners who remember when this property was a farm and McMullen Booth Road was a two lane country road. We allowed the church, the parking and the courts to be built. We then allowed construction of the new gigantic cathedral building. And we contend with the huge volume of traffic on Sundays and Wednesday evenings. But enough is enough. David White 3017 S1. Croix Drive Clearwater, FL 33759 mhtml:http:/ /googlemail.com/attachment?ui=2&ik=78682e9181 &view=att&th= 121595cO... 5/19/2009 /r C,J:) 6 ~ ~ JZOO-Cf tAhr- LJr #.1lo09- 0000/ /?S Mr. John and Mrs. Karen Stalter 3016 Saint Croix Drive Clearwater, FL 33759 February 28,2009 Dear Mr. Jackson, My husband John and I are writing to you in response to your letter of 1 week ago. We have several arguments as to why we feel that the proposal of basketball courts and installation of additional parking encroaching onto a residential backyard are opposed. We are the homeowners and have lived here for 16 years. When I came to S1. Croix Drive there was a chicken wire fence in the yard and my pool could have been easily accessed by children, so I placed a privacy fence then for safety, having to JUSTIFY the removal of one oak tree by a certified arboris1. 1. Countryside Christian Center was not opposed by us to expand into the new addition, we researched the information that was provided on their website and felt it was in the best interest of their congregation to have such needed areas, as the new nursery, meeting rooms, and small chapel for funeral services, verses having the large sanctuary. These areas at that time were to be serviced on the McMullen Booth road entrance. They knew ahead of time that there would not be enough parking and do not need them backed up to our fence. 2. I did not receive notification that there were going to be PUBLICL Y accessed basketball courts next to my home. It has bright lights shining through our back windows and into our yard. It is impossible to sit outside and watch our small fire pit and talk. I saw them repaving the lot and had no idea that this was in the planning. Even after the installation of the basketball post we felt it was all right for the courts if it was for the school children for gym class. 3. Since the inception ofthe grade school now at Countryside Christian there is constant noise in the yard during recess and gym class hours. The children scream at the top of their lungs and never are told not to. In fact the coaches and teachers blow whistles and use a megaphone to YELL over them. I know it's supposed to be a "fun time" for the children, but seriously we can't even sit on our deck and eat lunch. I have to put a headphones on and can still hear them. 4. We feel that a church should be just that, a church a place to worship the Lord, to attend scripture study. Not a place to hang out in the parking lot, or let kids run screaming. We have seen several fights on the basketball court by neighborhood kids that do not belong to the church. The one basketball court they have now has no supervision after the school lets out, and has no way to regulate usage. We do not wish to have teenagers hanging out behind our house on the court till all hours, or competitive games with shouting late into the evening. There are several well-lit city parks and even the Long Center has indoor courts available should they like to form a league. 5. Should you need proof of the noise level we can easily provide a recording. Please keep us apprised of this situation. Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. John Stalter 727-725-0137 (h) 727-967-2173 @ aIJ6 p1~~ ~()9 c:&-- p:J / (/ ,4/ ,j2OcJ9~ ItItJo 0/ ;1.s PROBLEMS CREATED BY COUNTRYSIDE CHRISTIAN CENTER BASKETBALL COURT Kathy & Fred Cutting 1801 Oak Forest Drive South Clearwater FI 33759 Home Since 1972 Statement of Problem(s) · There is no way to control the noise or illegal activity created by the Basketball court. - Near constant yelling and playing until about midnight - Illegal drug sales where police can not get · The area of their property in question is bordered by the backyards of 21 homes averaging 1000ft off McMullen-Booth. 1 '- - --..... ...- ~~~1 - . Clearwater Planning Department Professional Opinion · The location of the basketball court creates noise and auxiliary problems that can not be controlled. - Personal note: HPYMCA resolved midnight basketball problem with six foot chain link fence encompassing their entire property · Further more these problems were created long after these homes were established 2 · CCC moved into neighborhood with a Special Exception to RDP-5 zoning per Pinellas County Comprehensive Land Use Plan in 1988 · In 1989, without a permit, CCC put up an additional nine forty foot light poles with 32 - 400 watt high intensity halogen luminaries hanging more than thirty five feet above the ground of our backyards. History of Problems Created by CCC Building without Permits con't · Six poles removed and replaced with five twelve foot poles with 70 watt sodium lights - 70 watt lights removed and replaced with 200 watt high intensity halogens within a year · Ignored Pinellas County Board of Adjustment decision on lighting for twenty years. (letter provided) 3 A" {: . ~ \.' I30.A.~D OF COUNTY COlVllVfISSIONE~9 PINELLAS COUNTY, FLORIDA .., 315 COURT STREET CLEARWATER. FLORIDA 34616 COMMISSlO~EAS BRuce TYNDALL. CHAIRMAN CHARLES E. RAINEY . VICE CHAIRMAN JOHN CHESNUT. JR. GEORGE GREER BARBARA SHEEN TODD June 12. 1989 Countryside Cbristian Center Inc. 1850 IIcllulien Booth load Clearwater. fL 33515 Ie: Board of Adjusment Case No. BA-18-9-87 Dear Applicant: Please be addsed tbat by action of tbe Pi1lellas County Board of Adjustae"nt on June 7. 1989. )'Our r8CJuest to perait a:. clarification of tbe site plaD to ~it li&btin& of tbe parkin& area for tbe prewiously approwed cburcb vas approwed witb tbe follovin& conditioDs: 1. Li&htin& be li.ited to tbe 15 (9 edstiD&and 6 additional as sbown OD plan) bir.b int~Dsity 18llp poles .aDd 5 low lewel. low inteBsity 70 watt sodiaa 18llps at tbe locations as sbown on tbe plans. . 2. Adjus~1It of all lir.bts. as currently focused witb leDses Dot wisible frOll neir.bborin& properties. not be cban&ed so as to cause direct illaainati01ls onto neir.bborin& properties. 3. All parkinr. lot lir.hts. except security lir.htin& near the buildin&s. are to be used only durinr. churcb functions (lir.hts. except for security near tbe buildin&s. shall be turned off after bours). 4. These conditions sball bec~ conditions of BA-18-9-87 and anI' dewiation frOll tbeta sball be cause for rewocation of the special exception. Tbe Applicant is berebynotified that all rir.bts and priwile&es r.ranted berein shall bec~ woid if and in the ewent said applicant fails to c~nce the project cont..,lated berein withtp one (1) 7ear fr_ the date of this decision. An extensioD of ODe (1) year -I' be r.raDted by the Board for r.o~ cause shown. in writin!.. b7 the applicant. An extension reguest. _st be filed approd_telJ' ODe (1) ~ntb prior to the expiration date to enable the rec)1lest to be heard bJ' the Board. I PLEASE ADDRESS REPLY TO: DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING PlNELLAS COUNTY IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EM~LOYER .~ ...-u I Tr I;... ."'" \) P"'! \.> BA-18-9-87 Pate 2 All yariances or special exceptions tranted by the,~oard of Adjustment shall be deemed to automatically expire in the eyent a structure or use of land which is the subject of the yariance has been yacated or abandoDed for a period of 90 consecutiye days. Please be adyised that any approyal or conditional approval does not eliminate the necessity of compliance with other local. State or Federal laws and retulations. If you have any questions. please don't hesitate to contact this office at 462-3403. Sincerely. ,.:/ ....",,__A ~ 1/ .. ~: , .// . I -- . ,~~, ? I J..!:!. ,-,," ~J c::-"~ -'" ~ IIary ~len Wilson '-'-. Chairman IIEW/JC/jm cc: Patrick Ra&uire. Esq. History of Problems Created by CCC Building without Permits con't · Built basketball court without permits - ( it worked before let us try it again) - Of nine originally installed only six removed · In 2007 reinstalled two of the six - forty foot poles removed in 1989. ( no permit) Summary · eee administration has a history of violating the rules - and with some success · The city professionals and lighting professionals had told this leader(s) that they do not need to violate their neighbors quality of life to attain their objectives. · We hope this Board will agree with the city professionals who's job it is to protect the citizens from other professionals who are being paid to minimize the consideration of the neighbors. 4