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No 61
WHEREAS the City of Clearwater is now developing
a bridge across Little Pass Channel extending from Clearwa-
ter Beach Island to Sand Key, the north approach of which is
located on
^7??.r;; z :=.a..,•,; property awned by the Bayside Hotel Company, a
J!`=#'.;i`.:•`i'::t Florida corporation, under a description of title contained
i '"in Deed Number 20423 of the Trustees of the Internal Improve-
` meet Fund; and
WHEREAS it is essential to revise the remainder
of the bulkhead line of said property abutting and adjacent
`{;: '• ':':n';:•`` to said proposed bridgehead, the proposed bulkhead line being
more particularly described as follows:
Begin at the SF. Corner of Lot 19, Block "C"
;?.,.: >... of Bayside Subdivision No. 5 as recorded in
Plat Book
??,E'••?t?`°,'":j' 38, Pages 38 and 39 of the Public
Records of Pinellas County,, Florida and run
thence South 78052136" East 25.361; thence
. ? 4v,' ice' along a curve to the right chord bearing
fr )a ???ktarf'f South 68021119" East, 425.961, arc=428.36'
r,. I and radius=1166.351; thence along a curve to
the left, chord bearing South 67°43147 East,
197.021, arc=198.01 and radius=573.22
thence outh 77037132" East, 90.01; thence
along a curve to the right chord bearing
r4?"' South 70055122" East, 99.32', arc=99.541 and
radius-425.421; thence South 64°13'09" East,
171.851; thence along a curve to the left,
?w? s?V chord bearing North 83054103" East, 169.83',
arc=178.92 and radius 160.78 thence North
wt=' '"? 52°01'15" East, 820.0' to end of bulkhead
line; thence South 84048125" West, 1762.09'
to P.O.B;
?''•',?"" and to designate the area between said bulkhead line and the
Little Pass Channel as a dredging area in order that all accre-
tions extending beyond said bulkhead line be removed and placed
behind said bulkhead line; and
WHEREAS the City of Clearwater is committed to the
U.S. Corps of Engineers for designating one additional spoil
area to receive the fill removed and to be removed from Little
Pass Channel as heretofore designated and established by the
Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund and accepted by the
U.S. Corps of Engineers, generally referred to in the plans
for said Channel improvements as Spoil Area No. 5; and in or-
der to complete such designation In accordance with said plans,
it is necessary that the following transactions be consummated:
I (1) That the City of Clearwater convey to the Trustees
of the Internal Improvement Fund a tract of land
described as:
From the S4! Corner of Section 10, Town ship
29 South, Range 15 East; run thence North
89024116" West, along the westerly exten-
sion of the north line of said Section 101
5744,46 feet• thence South 0°35'44" West,
221,07 feet ?o Point of Beginning. Thence
North 50°45' West, 1160 feet; thence North
10100'West, 120 feet; thence West 185 feet;
thence South 00°30' West, 1490 feet; thence
t ;'i nl
?`?q.,.?L.'if1"?asc-f-•i','1.•Y. y^, ..[" 'Yk•?5-:"X'.es<. ..s. ,..,.J.? 'x a
.?...''?'; ,?..4 e 3• .E.t `?'??s -o,f ?_'?;? •.%',•?... c. v,' '. .i Y,d.`.'?'°'' h???-<.??.f? , '.. Zs L.I; •T, s?{§' 1 kn' '?,
E r F' •• mot. „ ?•?. ?,, ?, '.?.. .. 5....•_?ik?;..l'TT((h•l?kr- ak 9=7 .a.?v{?.i„'`?'.??
'6t,G ????¢¢ln:??f'Si 'Si ??4.? r' i?j ??t •; ?r,?ti:L'l;`{.?i-•S. i?,?... Vii; ?l°?'t.•sjj?: ?r, i??. r rt3''•.4".F r ?.^
?Y1'• ?"`.''1?-.x. ??K ..J. ry^.tt.::t ?f 3.S _ __. ., ?;-.. .,..^a?CY. ,4+,.r1 ?...,. C.i<<<:o :.. .?. ..•'?., c?.;??:1•. ',;'r:l.{/?_J:.vi
'X - -'kt{ lF i f'??: . <?' )Y> -?? ?ai??-}r ?. +H 4 ?•..• -.: , ..? .L:?:'-i d'e'%'.° 3 t^'a`a.',s"'1` ?"v"i. ?Y!A" +:
'?. ;1??R i i ? C ra /?'1'' •1. !k? .+Y' ? .t ,a :: .•M ;)[. 11 .. ?? sF?. >, Y. P° i "_Y `51 ?' ...
_ ? r ,? "r:€;.;;?. . ?" .' sir :i? ?. _ : ,. .. • - . •. j.;:. '. ' ., ; :,. •; • `I., ?,?: ;`?',>t. ??s?'Y=h)?,'q t?..?y
:,? ?4 '?...4 'l??.us.?+w???i?Sks.SIYF•?NN+.?W..'r?}?f3:??1??L7':?i ?r.?.,"?-,..??ri.?w
a °
5.z. t
s f?5,
East 1330 feet; thence North 14045' East,
530 feet; thence North 50045' 'lent, 325
feat to Point of Beginning,
Containing 34.53 acres, more or leas.
`f All lying and being in Sections 8, 9, 16
and 17, Township 29 South, Range 15 East,
Y-' County of Pinellas, State of Florida,
(2) In consideration of the above transactions, the
record owners shall convey to the Trustees of
the Internal Improvement Fund a tract of land
described as:
Begin at the NE Corner of Section 18, Town-
ship 29 South, Range 15 East, and run thence
North 89035127" East along the Section line,
3776.00 feet for Point 'of Beginning. Thence
North 10006119" East 54.20 feet; thence East
,.?,,,,;• y ,:` 1, 520.0 feet; thence South 5°11'40" West 552.27
feet; thence South 19047'5611 East, 265.71 feet;
thence South 35°0$'03" East, 660.30 feet; thence
West 930.0 feet, thence North 39022'10" East,
. F
1M 504.4B feet; thence North 41159'14II West, 672.68
6 feet; thence North 12032l33/! East, 508.78 feet
to Point of Beginning.
= f Containing 16.98 acres more or less.
(3) That in exchange for said deeds the Trustees of
the Inte
l Im
t F
d will d
d t
City of Clearwater a tract of land established
+ by the surrounding channels in Clearwater Har-
bor and described as:
. ?- Begin at a point which is 3,725.33 feet North,
. ? ?;•Y? and 3,861.80 feet East of the SW Corner of Sec-
'? tion 17, Township 29 South, Range 15 East; run
?• thence along the East right of way line of a
Channel as described-in a deed from the Trustees
of the Internal Improvement Fund of the State of
Florida, Number 22588, as recorded in O.R. 1028,
pages 92 through 97 inclusive of the Public Rec-
ords of Pinellas County, Florida; North 14°09'45"
r W, 131.76 feet; thence North 46°38'19" E, 1245.68
feet; thence North 02°51'45" W, 1890.76 feet;
thence South 49023'41" E, along the South right
1 of way line of Memorial Causeway, 2198.72 feet to
r' the P.C. of a curve to the left whose Chord is
South 56
E, 1542.76 feet, whose Arc is
1546.48 feet, whose Radius is 6429.58 feet and
whose central angle is 13148152"; thence South
63010'33" E, 343.47 feet; thence South 2803013$"
W, alone the West right of way line of the Intra-
coastal Waterway, 1963.21 feet; thence along the
North right of way line of above channel, I.T.F.
Deed No. 22586, South 73°30'38" W, 482.84 feet;
thence North 61°29122" We 3002.34 feet to the
point of beginning;
CONTAINING 189.47 acres more or less.
-2- 1
2 1-16=61
,:1. .'+• 'j- i l-" ••b. _l? .:.?" ,.. .. , . _.. .•.-_ . ...._ F• 'lY ?. y, ru? s''iBY..y'{".j:a?_):t ?.
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•4 2f: r V F.x?i ='?-ii1V'`.i_+ •.V:` ` r•J.: --1?: •S•: ?e.~ :'! Vr. !? ?'' ? ter" •
,???'°. •????'•`?d ?f.'vd a".i' ?
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a. :}':'ire vY ?fS?i':b,r??? ?4•. . ?Y?i?Crg•?• tt'3{?? :ir-. reP'rT. ... ? i ...a.. ®.. ?? - vi.l l'.. - ."Y. `. .. ?? •:?. v;i:.. r ?. -v 511 1'']l4b• i _ ...°
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rfcl?'?€tj_l';x .?j?kijr.t;,;a>:tiY Yr"':; _' ? "p "4 E :tR?°t,.!{' ?fw', ?r'.t4;?',,yys ?'1 ?.„?r't?x? ?,a• +C
''•y ? 'i. s-.'!. _ :"i-'' ' y!..?." '' iri,i' r;;`.? !. k'?;r'??: t1. 't^*?..• ? oti r ?? r
>:3!'y. ?,a?G' t l h°qq ie.<. i•: °_' 6th': J...; t k // 4 t
s. r[??f
.{ .'.6?.aa. 4Lw _?r `?l. ° %.': :#^' r. Al, :•J R' ??1r° SF.^
:b., r: •r FS,S's j, per. ?I'l'`?Ri i`k,• k.: t.a.:'.??a-...1' ,{' L ,t Goa"[ 9., s, °...?'.; irxS'k?d'°"•
,<. ,i U•))•`` r?i? t`. ,r •?`?. :s'i?.`,'. ? r : a: `n.` -{Si`t.7":a, i.-(. r'F r'?:?°, r';'`" s7i
__?,?-?+?..?.,.:[t4.r '.!?'? .• ii, '.9?, ',2,1 ..' .:b •:v `•.I hMh: ?'`'• ,rZ ?ai?' ,'4-' ,?'4 s.•i?ij` i'4
?w./?•1??.?it>.FM.w..>•.:..il?^sy a eu. -....?-.a,.Jraw?tJY:Mt4:af Mi..:d'.w _.>.-.........,v>-4`M•.?.:.,•..-..• ? .G-°.?a?... a....•..+'.?5.... !?.Mi.4.?+JM, =iwWn' y".wti,ry,
subject however to the usual reverter clause im-
posed by the Trustees of the Internal Improvement
Fund requiring exclusive public use of said prop-
erty and an agreement on the part of said City to
manage said properties for the general public; and
upon the execution of such deeds, the City of Clear-
water shall establish b
y perpetualeasement to the
d°: • '',':i'' United States of America the following described
Spoil Area No. 5:
That part of the following described land; From
' the SE Corner of Section 9, Township 29 South,
;` 'i':, .'...,
• Range 15 East; run thence North 89024'16" 1-lost,
along the Westerly extension of the South line
of said-Section 9, 5744.46 feet; thence South
00035'44" West, 221.07 feet to the point of be-
ginning; thence North 50°45' West, 1160 feet;
thence North 10°00" West, 120 feet; thence
West, 185 feet; thence South 00°30' West, 1490
: fact; thence East 1330 feet;
, thence North 14045'
,;. ••.°,
kr.? East, 530 feet; thence North 50045' West, 325 feet
??.•'?.. -. to the point of beginning. CONTAINING 34.53 acres
'r.•,b yY TI more or less; All lying and being in Clearwater
?.as? ?Rf#Y
' Harbor, Pinellas County, State of Florida;
Begin at a point which is 4,030.64 feet North,
and 5,084.44 feet East of the Sal corner of Sec-
tion 17, Township 29 South, Range 15 East; run
thence North 13027150" East, 1188.26 feet; thence
South 53054132" East, 1116.25 feet; thence South
28°30'38" West, 1000.00 feet; thence North 61129'22"
`lest, 800.00 feet to the point of beginning;
CONTAINING 23.26 acres more or less;
1. That the City of Clearwater request the Internal
Improvement Fund to establish the remainder of the bulkhead line
as herainabove set forth.
2. That the proper City officials be and they are
hereby authorized and directed to execute a deed of conveyance
to the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund for that cer-
tain tract of land described in Item (1) of the premises.
3. That predicated upon the establishment of said
bulkhead line between trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund,
the owners have bound themselves to convey to said Trustees the
lands described in Item 2 of the premises.
4. The. City of Clearwater hereby requests the said
Trustees to issue a correctional supplemental deed to the City
conveying the property described in Item 3 of the premises.
R . :p
5 t
$.. Y
7.1`.s`. c ,* Fq
?• r ??Gei
.. 3 ,. 1-16.61
r -
x 9 ' i - • ? '. , 4 _?'.r:. ?•'
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?t x ?,,,??.l.h ?•n.i ?.?•sv.a, :F,} •?,.. ..,.;? .:st.x.'.' ',[iY: ? .?4w'r!.: ?xv?a•M:?sw,'?L:•?R?jw,?tt???.??.•,t ? a>ti ?' .
tii5. `f' •?;-'?, .«',t'r .?-? i,.:i,:•?•: t'!?, ?„??' :t!;;1?<e•,?` R?i;,?,•:.°'j•• f!.s ,,. wg?'i'i•?
3, t. •°- ti. { +c?. •. °•s: .Si! >a i ye„''f 9' r zi ,j w??l ) ,fir,
?•a; ?s -.:??1:L'.t?.?`-4r??•31i...:sS:?r::'??,4::'4:.,'_'.`.r:, e.- .. _.?',;:-:?.e1.'?Y?,cc'.,.. ?',i.FL-., r.??;•?`_.Ya.... e?.-s'?'o-'?fe?`rk•?-ar.,- r''nr`i?F»['???`:1?"5
1• { ??iss?, t,l ?,4a.,?• ,..?., .?.. ;??j'?°? .•.'`,t ?i•'?i,:'•a:•
7r:. E f g ?' 4}` .1' :h PC?>i'°+!?:r =(•• 7. ? ' f?'y.', t:t5.:^ iv , {.,.. .,y' i?.°'.i."r'r 'a.° t??.: .?
'Alb;iirusli?i?Fwr,..1'.'.'.?..?..'sw:r?wrc?u.s.r?.wii4e'??.i..:.,rx::r%+=?••ri ?
5. That a certified copy of this recolutior, be for-
warded to the U.S. Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville, Plsrida,
immediately upon its adoption for the purpose of showing the
City's good faith in furnishing at the earliest possible oppor-
tunity the said perpetual easement in favor of the United States
of America for Spoil Area No. 5 of said Little Pass Channel plans,
,6. That a certified copy of this Resolution be for-
warded to the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund imme-
diately upon its adoption.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this l6th day of January, 1961.
a or- omm ss
4 '
Cb*k Clerk
fay' ? ••? :' ? '. :.• Yr, - ? ? ,.ii
t w :}", • Ro80 .' `'6 {? "} ;'_' - :??. - 1-16-61
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