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;t=ufi' f'r ' R E S O L U T I O N
NO. 60 94
IFii-iEREAS the City of Clearwater has found it neces-
vary to install and maintain, for the purpose of a sanitary.
rat`,: 14 `` sewer, a line of 8-inch cast iron pipe across the right of way
`` ••'` ' ` and under the 'tracks of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Com-
pany in Hart Street, at a point 670 feet southwardly, measured
• •\r' - • -• along the center line of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Com-
4r'I''r• an s main track from mile post RE-8$1 i'' .?
P y' . in Clearwater, Pinel-y;
;i. 41P?. [ 1
las County, Florida; and
N• •`Str' c 1 ;?
WHEREAS, the Railroad has prepared an agreement to '
that effect for formal execution by its corporate officers, as
c-+. 1 well as the proper municipal officers of the City of Clearwater;
'W= and
'? -°g=`<• Fr`e WHEREAS the Railroad has requested a Resolution be
adopted by said City, formally approving said agreement and
3r;'. :f'='• authorizing the proper City officials to execute same;
That the Mayor, together with the other appropriate
municipal officers of the City of Clearwater, are hereby author-
ized and empoweredto execute a certain agreement with the Atlan-
tic Coast Line Railroad Company, bearing date of
December 5 , 1960, in connection with the installation
and maintenance, for the purpose of a sanitary sewer,a line of
8-inch cast iron pipe across the right of way and under the tracks
of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company in Hart Street at a
point 670 feet southwardly, measured along the center line of the
Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company's main track, from mile post
RE-881, in Clearwater, Pinellas County, Florida.
PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 5th dlyof December, A.D.,
1960. /
ay -
Attest: o ss ner
er ,,
Reso. 60-94. - 1 -
?°v!:.'?p!'.'{',#-4"^?'?P?'«.??'??., ?`. ?€tmrt?'"... _ ?"I?' , .:t'?1i' 'yi„?e?*+?.',i'•Y •S??rtn Arr...r,y:,u.' : <•';??.k°?rew,»?.,.« :p ?. "