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'K...,s nib".: srR.,, :i.: '.Y'. ?s.. siq ,r ,s' f _ "1Ali - •. °i ?',. h..,e ?}?",?t' .i', .ii ^:'!•YM s:3+t' .,'Y .? ??wr.....:riwvwsr:w.+w.•.r.`,?..:=?:u?wn..r...Ln.'•'.•+:.;r»:?Ya.`..•.:.?.:.J° , e Yst'? ' ir'??s???i[i?rsJC+sf -y. i?•?E ._.u... c.,,.r,.:?:3:.s.s.:.r.:i'.:?,."'?':.'i:i t._? :r:?i`:.b.P•,.?w °rir?'.x! ?.? ,s.r.o !•?,.... ., ..,..:-«..•r.•....,.+. tt:.E r,c? .#. -ate-, ,rr•r?r'rg-,:?:. "' ? :? 3=:??r•if.i ?°atS /14 ??J'a'r sicV 1 %. f •?l'?F . H C is ??,SULUTI:U£I 60 - 54 WhE"AS, it is necessary and appropriate that the CITY OF CLEARWATER enter into a Construction Trust Fund Agreement with a National dank in the City of Clearwater, Florida, having trust powers in order to accomplish the payment in the proper manner of expenses of construction of improvements according to the provisions of Urdinance No. 819 of said City; and WHEREAS, the CITY OF CLEAHWA'tER has sold *630,000,00 of Utility Revenue Certificates, Series of 1959, and the proceeds are available for placing with a Trustee to accomplish the foregoing purpose. NUM, THEREVURE, 13E IT HESOLVEUt by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, in session duly and reg- ularly assemhled as follows: (1) THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CLEARV4A'rEH, Clearwater, Florida, a banking corporation organized and existing under the laws of the United States of America, and having trust powers is hereby designated as the `trustee for the purposes set out in Ordinance No. 819 and in the Construction Trust Fund Agreement dated October 21, 1959. (2) That said Construction Fund Agreement is approved and ratified and the City hereby binds itself to the provi- sions thereof, and the Mayor, City Manager, City Clerk, City 'treasurer and City Attorney be and they are hereby authorized to execute same for the City. (3) That the officials authorized to execute requisitions according to Section 3 (A) of said Construction Trust Fund Agreement are as follows: MAYUR - ALEX D. FINCH CITY MANAGER - JAMES R. STEWART CITY TREASURER - FRANK ABEHNATHY and said officials are the only persons authorized to execute said requisitions until further resolution of'this Commission, eso.`60-54 -1- 6-27-60 jai: ?'`t ?•V• ? Y i?:Mni? fY., 1.,,'..w'Y'7•K.nrv-M .. ?fx t., .esq... ....' p. r.,•,i.4F4i?';1!'a4). ??"???? y_?????."°?".?'i?aM•1?e'?•?,'1??ylif?"!alncd??,+?rsS?,:s1'..ikltL'}E,?•+yF.}.:+.F'r?•.h? i„w,a,?t•j`ws{;,ni I ?, ..Y?- -.-r.. ?.?},, z•?; •r ,. ,y,-:R, .. ^'.`., ;y.,^'w...?; :.t.z. .s...?.?. ,f'•wS.. hrsvt> ..?,•s.1.T•r!' s:}.«:ar,,^ ,,l< ,;:?..+r. ,,El •js. - s?4,. r' i ""i ^?•.?•' `J t.?-i?f•'.'`, 5.• •7s z•, ihn•?,' ..?.? 'r?•' '.•s,}.. 5.:. ,.F',: o:'i `cr -t,: ?? w AM ,?' ???•?'k? Wr ' ;r '?ixl}, AID •}}.,?'` .sl +l:$'' J.'», lje ?'?(.'a .f ,' YV' .'!.'¢ A"e.i tv?e7, ? ?? ltd ..y-. `.1. .?° ?`,!• :.i. :r:'? ?'-:.., fr. .4. - ? .? ..4 yfi ??. ?.L ?.4 -. ?a°g:.L? : r t,. .> '? ' '.a<s.: ;5`' a " ?1? S,% ' ii'? . k'„'.: ,y, . i4i. b; <F.i •f l +w." : 4..-.sk"...i 'i ! ? s?S7 ,l c ?.ts. '.y?„? ,?,}?hSi .:?s?'"it.si sFl.?=+, nf; ?;?? .• •:.•'. ' ?' '? }'.;? s . .tA. s, -,Ar.? t,i'e?w!7?' s •"?• ?a t' `? ?'w 5 ,r- ?»I.4 a, . ..k• A ?' f'-.° 7- i ]:.: I.J'y ".C ?a((l .-r?1 ' rya., .zl :f,s4 a': ?-i'; P:! ..•i: ? •• K' ° .k " F'6,? ::f't.: ? ):s=.. t F».. r w1 i^i }' ,'S ?,r .•, ? .y??'?.[ti5 •MX- ,r <'•`..*1 1.. .:? i.l:.;;.., ,•ff'./`< ?" ? ??ta?:}?'`S yl1 ;?`s.?•?? ykF.Y.?' ?FsC. i?T,t ''lYi.t.?Y.9 ?.ii?" ?S^ _,,.??;rA<;: •t.l ': r.d?`' '.i, v;Y i.9's,'«. ?•"r"1''?iizy{': .'i,? •,y.3.i ,g-:?3; r' ?y?jr? 7:Y????•+`1L ? * 'P A r.?? .?ir+,n. , ?'`/' s `f:.: ".j'? ' sip' '-•.;x i;;-' ,?,5; .+!-.;z?is 3-a'?r ?':' .p.p w. ! ?. _?s'..a,.?w+?sl? l; t^??'.+?7 '>' c?. Ayr .?Iy`:? ?'t? .': :t: '. ,?s?;..t,.;.b L' .dY,.. :?r}'+? 1 Pr 1f'f''?? Sxi> ?!`L:v?•'.`,.'/n"? ;? t??'? _... ._. I,.PCir,.;?: x...?x°-:,ii.._?..1?' Y .. , f.J ., ., "f.•°.I. ?.'r. :s_'".. _. .1. ax•^?4ar•.-.>.'',a,.sr•:??i{1... $x??.S'<.3'n.?= t5i,.. .1i?,?'?^:L•''.?. J'+. .? .r.,,sr?.f ,5'-.- w,, 1' v .;? -,-r•t ,c.ps?P.:4! s' 7-'- v7..•:'t c4S: '?? ? ,;'.P' F5' 'r ?`'r --- ,?';,?., S.. ...F•.-F" 7' rr"I R•k: a r ' xt: g.?'S;w`?t1.:`?+?,•• •°1'• r'3'+'''; o'• C. ?'?r y" 's ;;.f*.* ri,;,. ?' ,:-•Y y f 'C??? •i LY :3 ? 4[ ??`A?,t ;s ., ?. ,y " ?? .. ..•t .''``.i_^a:' . ;.. ?•:.1 ?'. L• ',?' C...sl'. sp .y ?. a?tFy''•'L ? :yl .;r?,.s; .?q?'r~„y? :;'o_•' a,i`,; °' v.. .yr.. .?? h c;?•? a,' ? ?' "? r' a•3 r ':r " ?s?.,"; px. '? 'y ,; ±'.rt : a : } IZ' ,A a £.t1y ?5 ?'' ?i" S• •5???.. +: .?'v,?T,d',, i•? r.'?,?'i ?t?r;:F''q'?-? 0 3??:?7?°S ' I''r."y • : 's..;°,•r? :;. t.}' ir'..'.:?e ' ', '''..,.•$' ;'?"f ?t` `?"s x::? sVawf'r `.?y y}?? •c,'w: h. ?1??!• YN7y, •af 5:,y„iy +.c r{ 1 5.'r•fy. '?a 1.;. ..FS z ??. "' •i "rs? ::?.F? -. i:"i?;,?:..y(..:?YV,.1,...,,,?.y?r r.,;?:!'F'Sk}i?C ne.a`:v. rr`•x 1?7 t .f iry ...r. f• 1 is S;g? :.-c.' _(r,,` ':'<r''!; f.? bF cr .s Via: cY6.' u .P,i. >< .7rr?`f _ ^j' -?"'?F. 1 ?'-,',,'. ?S'. ? "-' „f' i fi `' +sci . a : 6?';.-? ..? °wY..r r r''rt ',3', "G: ri !.•,t•c ? ?w .f ?. :rv'r' :, =t,' • "-,. 'i' z: , 4.? f, `{..r. ?;' .. f..' a ?af'`ii. r _i. %.tr: ?' "s',a'i', °, i': i 4• i. .}•'.... r ?': ., i?'Fc:.K.°" r'+ 'StiY+•j ?' L• .}?. JI.Y? a' ,;y 7-,.i: :./s v 'r1, :l.;,? `Y 8....: '.?. ?n „r,qA X,. 1a ' +i A' - ..S ??j'- '4I1. ri e?i N?. 4• i}1C,S••:M ?.:`.7 ep'Fr.,'i.t,'': ?:4.. _?F ?., IiF ?-lW:`r ?',cf ?yer g:i!/.?;t• f{j•?'?:zC*; •1•y •i1r _ ; { ,'i,: :5-" - _I:'zr r9.:i. '•r`.',• i.??',:'.?J.y;•°' ;S.'-L..,e: .{.' i s"L? ?:,;3'i ?,}??' .L.-_.:?i.:?.s3rar'n3a??:aZ;.S'1.:'w",fr••w''S",."??:.?..:' i'C.c'?1?':sti:u'-t.?r?+,;r..:H+Avis,?d+c?+itiMiF?rAatawYftaYtt??irl''••, . ? f.?r r r .???'.aC4 'rci- • Y///i,,`••,• ?',?. ` and that each requisition snail not be valid until, signed by all three of the foregoing officials. (4) That the official of the City and the only official of said City authorized to make the request of the Trustee to invest or re-invest according to Section B of the Construction Trust Fund Agreement snail be the City Treasurer, FRANK fah, .: t•. .. :,;`, '.:'' ABNRNI THY, until further resolution of this Commission. t5) That the Consulting 1hgine ers of the City are BR1LEX, WILL) & ASSUC1ATES of Daytona beach, elorida, tue principals of which firm are: HARRYL. WILD ff b o 14. WILSUN the foregoing principals shall be the only persons authorized ?,?k Yr:.• ,'°. to execute requisitions and other papers on benalf of said Con- suiting Engineers. Y r ff'? '' (6) That the Trustee snail be compensated for its ser- vices as follows: X t t' !: Jr.'i..` r• ?.x• ,r base fee, *100.00 plus 1/10 of 1% of all funds j paid Out. Uut-of-packet expenses inal.uding but not limited ' .uf to registered mail, insurance charges, preparing rf `'~ copies of documents and the like, special state- Monts, lists, and duplicate requisitions. " Cost of advice and opinions of counsel. The, reasonable cost of additional unanticipated o.§'c'5 sit ,s,,,j?+?•;t^»V• services for reinvestment or unantioipate4 tunc- ?. tions required to be performed, said additional Compensation to be approved by the City Manager 'rv%r??a 7 and City Treasurer. PASSED AND AL)UNTgL) this 27th day of June, A.D. 1960. f r .rr F (SEAL) May - C mm ssione r R. G. Whitehead, City Clerk r{ li 1 s, ct ng ity Clerk ' Reso. 60-54 6..27-60 ; .;:4't [.•. t':.L:?S? 'eii?::7i„'siitti.'l ?•r?#•F.,r4.. • V.r ,9 f ???r Y 'Y ???'????R?r ????txi+..w?...d'k"dl?k? :`?.,?Sa??,:.? S? a?.'r?_ :??i?,?. `:......r-...?n...c?., .:$.. . a , ?" •r" ` .. c t " ?'F Yg,?,,'-' :`:..?v?