SIDEWALK AGREEMENT (117) ~ ,t; e- " ""' I tiOl16ti99 I O.R, 3440 PAGE668 A G R E E MEN T TIns AGREEHENT, made and entered into this 20 day of Nov. by and bctHccn the CITY OF CLEAR~oJATER, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, referred to as "City"; and GENERAL REALTY SERVICE -% Morris Prosser hereinafter referred to as "Oivl1er"; , 1970, hereinafter WITNESSETH: \-lHEREAS, the OI-mer O\vns the follm\'ing described real property situated, in the City of Clearwater, Pinellas County, Florida: Lot 16, Blk. A, Pinebrook Highlands .subdivIsion and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 1219 of the City requires that all land that abuts a public right of way, which is to have new construction on it, either for residential, commercial, industrial or other purposes, shall have sidevlalks constructed by the owner on, across Or adjacent thereto; ,and HH,EREAS, the Oimer is erecting certain ne\v construction on said property and has requested the City at this time not to require the illli11Cdiate installation and cons truc tion of sidc\valks in connec tion there\vi th; and :>, Q)OO ;:::"':t< H t- .E"':t< ;;~~~ ....olD :>, P=i C'<:l +" C'<:l ...00 cI1 P. . ."0 en ~.~ n~ .~ C\i ~.:-- 0 ~ () ~i~ NOH, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and other good and ~ i:~ ~ ~ valuable consideratior; between the parties, receipt of vJhich is hereby aclmo\vledged, S ~~ '~~ the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows: ~ '~--1 ~ ~ .-~' ~ t~ E'.~_ c..) ~ ~ ~..~, Q,) .~ ri.1 '6 G of Ul ~ ~ ' .~ p:<'-" on ~~G WHEREAS, the OiYner has agreed that if in the future the City, in its sole dis.. cretion, determines that it is advisable and necessary to have such sidewalks installed, that the Oi-mer will, upon notification by the City, have sicle\valks immediately installcd at his expense, and if he should fail to do so, then the City may have said installation made and impose a lien against the described real property for the cost thereof; 1. The City \'Jill not at this time require tIle installation and construction sideHalks as part of the erection of the building and improvements by the Owner the above described real propcrty, 2. 111e City Dlay at any time in the future notify the Owner, his heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns that the City in its sole discretion has determined that it is advisable and necessary to have sidewalks i'nstalled in connection with said aesciribed real property, 3. The Oivner or his heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns shall at 11is expense within ninety (90) days from the, notification by the City have side\valks installed for said described real property in accordance with City specifications and. standards as established, 4. If the ~vner or his heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns shall fail to have sidc\valks installed for the describe,d real property in accordance with City specifications and standards within ninety (90) days from the notification by the City, then the City may have the sidewalks installed and assess and impose a lien against the described real property for the cost of the work. 5. This agreement is to be regarded as a covcnant runningvlith the land, re~ardless of whether it is specifically mentioned in any deeds or conveyances subsequcntly executed, and this agrecment slla1l be binding on all parties, their heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns~ 6. All notices pursuant to this agreement SllUll be furnished to the respectiVe par tics at the following addresses, until receipt of writtcn instructions notifying the other party of a differcnt address: City: Hr. Herrett R. Stierheim City Hanagcr P.O. Box 4748 Clearwater, Florida 33518 , ,. Owner: GENERAL REALTY SERVICE % Morris Prosser 1417 Cleveland St. Clearwater, Fla. 33515 DEe ~ 4 0; PH t70 H [i> i::j;:.. . PINELLi'lS ::C,; :..;JRIOA HAROL.D HULlENulJile, :I.ER~ -1- ~7 -001-CfJ l;)..) I I O.R. 3440 PAGE669 IN lHTNESS WHEREOF, the parties here to have caused these presents to be executed the day and year last above written. Owner . Witnesses: ~J/~ /$ee/ / I<~C.~ _~Ciry ~~ . ~-~~ ? 2:Yz~.;t. Jl~~ As to, lCr ' . WITNESS my signature and official sea~ at Clearwater in the County of Pinellas and state of Florida, the day and year last above written. Mv CQ)nro.is~ion Exnj res' NOtary Public, ~tate of Aorltl,f at Lit" My Commission .Expires Od. 21, 1974 Bonded by Americaa Fire & c..""lty Co, >f~~~~ Notary Public STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS) Bef0l;,~ IDe per sonally appeared (. "w'. ';'/,'> ....;.', to me weIl:rJ~.ovrn and knoHn to me to be the individuals de,;cribecJ in nnd \vho executed thefor9gq~&~agreement and acknowledged before me that they executed the same [or the purpos,:c-s !i:herein expressed. ' ~' ",' <;) y... ". :' ~~; ,:~'i ~', ,,' ~J: WI1~h!~:~~' my hand and official seal this .",'~), . 10'",., Morris Prosser 20th day of November A. D. 1970. . ~ b-v'~ 6 Notary I'~e Hy Connnission Expires: AOTARY l"UDW'; STAlE Of fUllllOA AT LARGE .VlY COrviMlhSIOI\J EXPIRES MAY 12 1973 JIJI'UlEO rll~u U:W W. Uii:.:.IELHORSt ' 2 -