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'$ " i' 17'C,?.` {i, "'.i $rR q', _'r: 1, 'r?' 1 ;?" 'tS, ,'t'?'•,s •r." t.. •e r=:,?;t,'? •.i k,,h k "x.` 1 1° " a - .' ry fi• n ? ? rd „ - ..f,^ n. C?Z•, :.sy-: yi?? ••„, y?,,,?•`a,.. •v???y',?y i`. ti hl ;:,},,: ?,«§?f "",?„?bx?>?ir ?':', .•.if2,:.1::°tyYlr?.z"irk kr'L'"+'?.'.?Siid:t. iY?fvl.'? r"'4 =y i;a` 591 PAGE261 573899A t?S??x'fpsr?.'6??,?. ?•??k7'•?,^I?¢i?i:`;"??(";1: : ,F'•I• ' . 'r? • .. , ' ? i ZI Ae` r ?r??`?(1y'? t?i5re".>'^ S-• 'i` R E S 0 L U T J O N ''f?§ •? 'rlPi:• .sib' "'i ,'•? '} ?•}';rte:.-?rfi~ _;4, ;• No. 59- 45 t•jl". ?,?aJ?cl°11?1?k•'tJ3!•ti(5?" )..'•; t',-.' , ? ?t; [-yr F+tarSi f ti r`§3`'rv'."?»' y 'w. ''. Rra?lT??7•'X:',r'x'!eF::.J'C.7?":"`F?.,.":SXT.'.'.ww t',I-SSS?f!??' (? a BFI •J?•`?•'.,,'e ,L:-. , WHEREAS the following portion of Crest Avenue was vacated by the County Commissioners of Pinellas r??"t,?w .;y:.'..;{;;:; ,'..' '• s.. County, Florida, .on November 20, 1956, as recorded l?'rsY4 z" a; in County aommassian Minute Book 41, Pages 197 and ?; _ ??'?'•„b::5,,.:?.': ' ,?, 1.98: Crest Avenue from he South line of Jasmine Way, as platted in Plat Book 15, Page 46, South, a distance of 103 feet to the North property line of Druid Grove, Replat as platted in Plat r?`tr}? ?•:Y?w: • ;;..! Rook 46, Page 1; and, 't ?-551/?-^}"i+?'11, 5`y''{:1'.t4. ;t?•iy' 4r x+ ?? _ . c ;;.;? ;?• : WHEREAS, thei.City. Commission has been requested to vacate said portion of Crest Avenun b resolution; .2, ?v? x ?.:.?.••;,,`.,I.1..., ? •?' and, WHEREAS, there is no person, firm or corporation hose ri hts will be adversely affected b the v cktion of the aforesaid portion of Crest Avenue; { N'"It14eY>l'..SSS? . f'rE t"reT7±i7 fi C L `y ' NOW, ?fi?REFOFE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMt.fISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER Ii! SESSION DULY AND REGULARLY ASSFMB ?<<?????u°,,' t=ED, AS FOLLOWS : - - - s k` f¢•: =.?JEx ;c?;., f•= ??? ?.,!;,r That the foll.orri ng portion of Crest Avenue be and the same is hereby vacated: ,(}).t y p?({ ., till t.''t?"• •tS Crest Avenue from the South line of Jas- mine VIaY, as platted in Plat Boot: 15, Page 46, South, a distance of 103 feet to the ?,,.•' °;= '' j'°''? '`'?. ".'i.' North property line of Druid Groves Eepl.at as platted in Plat Book •46, Page 1. t. s, d6ry t PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 20th clay of April, 1959. ??r§••;.4M r' .j{, Ch's' ?`? a'f ,-f t. Mayo Cb s6Zo er Atteat > •??k?nr ?? .i1, fx .t i• ['r P 'Z CO FL& If I , f •njr•y+f. ?t.??V? ?, f' is '.fJ Y ,'. r' ' ,???G?f??J.?.r. 1l '?S'vYY"?i•'"?iA*i'? <?cY?G.. S'fp'!+f!'R+ ,L`2 .C?t, i.!1Fi.MW?•,x..i.16?1a??YNS.SINSL'•.ILi