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F;r y't,`:?1+' :? .5?;'T?s:',r zj? f ..?.s,,i e.• ?(?:?:i'' :e :,? <?S w., ,r_(' ,,,f'a k ?'iS v ;' ?? ? '-t. •± ; . ` `i, - °?)?E. h;, •.:'1 ?ti',Yr ?r: 'i+,t?._{:•' `?': 'a'" )c'?'.a' •a'•:t?Sce„*•- .4`,?'4 .??'?` ;a "i,; r. ;R_ ?`?`} :l ' `. F? '' _,'::,:: I:,v. Si.. .''a3ll!'e':.arv"?',?s?,lvkk"3="'?Y'?LT.?;k'?"v,rs'-??''.[??{{''±± 1 .I.?kt"'1: " I '1 "9 f •k. 4 .. Z .j Yt, v.•n• i:i I? Y:1:'i 5a'H ' .5f .t.xyi•t'?a(? t '`Y°r. ,{ ESY < li ! t. ?,..... .1. •'.`....',i..;?'•„::...?;i •,•,?•T.R:vt. ",.+Iwat-,+. •-) •1-?; ' s .r?`?"??'??? ?? .rFyyrr ?.?:"•• ,?s"'„1'?3.:. :;5'i t`':?'?j=•"ii '1?", 'FI" i',%j_?:; ;: .?,• .'?:3'r•'t., •:, ,i;?:. :J:?.ks?_'i?:.sly'?;Ja•,v`t.;`-.'tp., .P??;3???:?.:s {',:'? ,{ lit. S?5 ?. '? •t, (,.t tc .:'Ft. -n l r, k;i??' .tt< .t''i''`:?: ,, Y?. rie .i?. 6 kl'S'" k' 3?:i .+, ?`" ::s? ta"'?,?"ry `''mod' _'?' ?";?,.°'. '%-\;.?,;j.l '.y..e%t,, ?.:ro , ?:s " Nr:"'Pi •.r?, ? ;•F7,f?i ?.?t s:y"P#a kk.i „?' "•;?' .y., E?'~?:1??.^s. .t :i ,?,•?:]•.? I X ff'•yS???Dt;'t ? •, a' _ _ a1.:'?',sS,J... .k. 'l?k;, k... tlt.°: ?3? `A '• .?`:` ?•^f.:Ztr'rA+• kt3 h ?.? .w'J w. '` _ _ `ik .J.e ?• §? ?+. #,r',j ,y%'. 's-' ?.. ..+,:1., iantsy*aY»??.iS:a+w,.:+kkk,r?kr.. wa.,?"a:.?.i?.,:.w'?YAw?Y:cL.wFe?w.na? q.:+.?s.i::.'.:,.?..?.-.,r..--?.....?k?... RE30LUTI0N No- 50 WHEREAS the First National Bank of Clearwater Florida is Trustee under and by virtue of a Construction Tftat ''a :....... Fund Agreement dated June 10, 1957, which Construction .: Trust Fund is derived from proceeds of the sale of Utility ., Revenue Certificates, Series 1956; and, WHEREAS said Bank has submitted a bill in the amount of , $247.99 for its compensation, in accordance with the pro- .'?. w?l '"s :.ti . ..l?yi' r ., i visions of said Trust Fund Agreement, which said bill should ?'"'.3. ,?`'? f t ..,'"• : °.•. -.' =: ?;:;' be paid from said Trust Fund; :,;t3;'r•. t:?t<;::ztv: ?:.r',':.a`,!.';`. NOVO THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMSSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER FLORIDA IN SESSION DULY AND REGULARLY ASSEMBLED, AS. FOLLOWS: , . ' - - 1. That the sum of $217.99 be paid from the Con- struction Trust Fund dated June 10, 1957, by the First National Bank of Clearwater, Florida, Trustee thereof, to the First Nat- ional Bank of Clearwater, Florida, in payment of its bill dated December 10, 1957, for trustee's compensation as provided in said Agreement. 2. That a certified copy of this Resolution be de- livered forthwith to said Trustee, which certified copy shall constitute the direction of the City of Clearwater to said Trustee to pay said amount directly to itself. PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 6 -A day of January, 1958. C yor ommissioner Attest: I Cit erk F 1`.p '"':F•:i,"•`..efi t(...ki..«.•tikp'>--sin..,,". -.i+ .' ?.<- ,:4: ,.k'•.wrr•er?..a w}'"41?CfG".'C•E?ti',tiAti ?+i y* ?u. ?-'•?!?s.1"';"..3?°..,..J,'LT=?+,?nro*+Sae.•.;t?r..,a.,?' - r .. ..•. ?.r at 7aG. ? ?'w ^p`?4;? t •? ". i i. i °- ',?,.. ?.. . ? a. '•, w3 t". ?rt q'.? ..7y' ,sil. C' 't ''4,`'iS- _ r ` •r .,I''r ??";•e.5.h.,.s-R.••.,'; r, [. '.al Wr r r .; ir'e':.. •h ?? 7 ? ? "??3 ?f.: ':°E•,Y. ,.-+.: ?• e c, 1. ..{"?{1': 'o .?? .,info'i:J?'?.s{.i?'ir`ir.•r}.?",Ni y '•'? yr,^;?7F .;1,, .-r',d '{'. .,?r.i? ;•t„•,;.•i.,.5r>r a-; t •i' ??t ?, •Tp; kR. y ?. E .rj?e'. ,'+yti j '1 aFr 1y yy +i 4 _?r $ ?v• _.. _ fir. t4 } ' AU, "l'' ,4. . f' 'E • .1.15 Y5 F -l?'" .i o-' 7 r? 4- o?,..t{'w •557.. R.'?i ••°14' x r'" `.r; 't .?•, ;,tit ".7,s ?.:•'{, - a ? . 1-r +•t r'??c .rs '"r-t<^ r'v , i t°'.. .{'7 ].3r+ f ,? •,S •'L 'Y I+r n?l? ° ? r t , M °37 9- f. s s y,?) v: F'?^: ?o.'.?,:',?. ''>r:` ,1n . i ? 7` {E't t, :r... .1E . Sys t. 7'•i ?M r , .i^ ,.w, ri• .F tip' 3?' .?:" i;(r ..55 ,1 .il?,: >a r`G` fE Y:i• .+:`:.2 1y , ?•: S. Tr- - '»i ?? .eit? '.t' ''a ?x' - ?r .s::.}:''' .J• "'yf'v °'r?3 .?1 [+,r.P ,,r??., + .¢ ,f. .'1 a:• :•t• •'ti'i ??r..,a,? F: jr TY `4. r,Y C •b•. .2 Sf}' t"';` 5 1 ' S dr ,,Y ZS Y f• L :. ?'" ( ?` .5 5 r,?.,,,?. , ''?' '„L' :fit.. 1"r. 4:?„ ??•e?. "Y:,:3g4'kh?° ' q"E •. ?,j: ' < < .. .. . . - r:r` `? .'2`. `4! . :>}:?.•'L#lrt.- ''"1 ?a<4r: ,?:':?..?„ 'S .?t, - ? -t. ..r F•.1 S9 ?t•y'?@ 1. f7 My ?t?v ?' ?'y??_. q; rc ?j )y<'Y':",1. •CY' r??` ., ? ??''?•' :+?r 'a?'it°?7?? '"w:' •'` CITY OF CLEARWATER CONSTRUCTION FUND TRUST SERIFS 1956 6/18/57 Funds deposited in Trust 1,942J900•11 ;,°>,;.,,??:?? ;??w° ..•; ,. - : ?+f .. FB iirr_.. ..4. {;a.r;.:r,',.?"<?{'t. ??t:•il?^•p?..•M1?•r ?f?'?+:i'i?s;, ?,?:ygwi'?'? •? ??;.. ..??;42?_?y'r?-'??1? ?y S+,Y.• •??' :=f?..-'; ?' :' * ? Ft't'. r:.?ii. 3E. LL? 'l 1, ?.`? i(: i•?.'?y?j'TiT ,r `L;?;'S' c??!-E'' }(lyf.-,:'': •r.:°' ; ' J. 401 •.Iti: n ?'.''r' Paid out by Trustee on3 requisitions and resolutions ga_n'• z_ ." ,?, Jiffy. ?'.. 5<'. :' ..« ..•:> to 12/10/57 X47,992 36 ;;Fw;,r y';.-•°'3'r;; ;.;<;1'` = r'' Balance cash on hand 12/10/57 7,732-74 f ?"?: .,;°,?? • - ?; i:': •;,::.' ; `-' :x;:; `, o is t' ? ''i; ?'?? ?'^"'?. Assets on hand 12/10/57 as fOllOn ! ?.r} rv'} +z1 t';`n.aA,•+?'re• C^,,,t-'T•?g ir: `.i«,_M?',n-L:•a'C..:'.1,`. 1 `,?frl P 750,000 U.S.Treasuxy Bills AX maturing - 2/12/57 743,,220.00 }F ,? ?r " ii,l •:i-7: •`?'?t7: ??? F.` t?.r ?. .. .I !.;'. ?. -- J[^K'?q t?:i ! 1!000!000 U•$•r u T 988 t•ty?; F•• ;r i% '-•:t; ` h <- ;? ?^ , r •.`r?t_.,ar.l{ ; _.1 r.. . ' rYi ?d '4 _ i341? ' .,;: w,,; z ` •• _ , ' Certificate of xndebt6dnea8 L ,`;I, K; ,.•.:`•' :: {kra' @':1:: ; ` :_, ''} sty ?r, i I' Y,y ..?+,.. t:, -. r? '4 a'•` F 2/14/58' /5' p[ AIS ?. i'e,•a,,,r.?rr,i.t?, Ll12ing l.ol ?0oo. .4 :ti i?•r•aS,?i.3 .i„?4'..F.,i,:: ::••rr lii?t .. ? j';, .?3??{°?5:?'?s`.i. .r4 Accounted for 1 8 bi?,;? +` wr 1 7 Per>r TrlL4tiee B Fee calculated to 12/10I77 ;;?.A'••r;q'a}??a'tiD'???. K ,SL wE`,. ,:r' a•,: it' ,s . -s; @j4,M :.ils?:'t t#xE; *_' rf zn.., 1/10th of 1% of 147,992.36 147.99 Base-Fee 100 00 . Fee to 12/10/57 now due 247.99 .. 'i - •?ttSY1Y??r. Ear PJ•i.l? •'Y-? ?1 E •d`-??M F' _ _._'g ?.... ? . .I,.'Y , 't ,.. ? ?, E '?'°Y"' . 1 S. ' I F ?Fa.~,d a E '• ,." ..-•, M•f!::.. t a ??} „•?+•,..?. ..> rr'. ,r.r- 4 ??..-?•' >. '?. !^: ? . -s.??i •!'y?F ' ?' a:??yySv.A it "rr.^ f = 4r?,? f?.?!'.,r?,r Y.? ty ..,-? . r. .,... ;«r..?s'.. ...•.r•:,YI?,?'!"? .-ee? . •-,t ON ?ST"` ,"?''S ?.?- ??"Q`-?".' i.'"r`+['?a C a'al`??ptlr»:. 1 ??;fe..,f :7:??,E .t `i,;^ry.?c?,,,y.; ? P"'...-?!.' wr+.... WiiiW.?Fi,-rs +•^yt.. +tn ,? {. _?e,r idrq••',?°,'.