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~!tO"4 B 213. '.f1I' ..~" ....)t;3.~ A5' 8 PO( 'i98.-v
~~ "_ A G It E E II E N 'J"_" lJ~ 't Me~ 'f '1,/</ _ ~.
\,;'J1lIS AGI\EEHEN'J', ","de and entered into thi:; /4f1!-'dny of ~_, 1971,
~ by nnt1 bC'l\h~en lilt' ClTY OF CLEAlk\jl\TER, FLOIUDA, ;\ lllllllicip"l corpol~':ll:'i.on, !1crL'iII':lf.tcr
rcfcn:cd to ..1S "Ci ty"; nnd '~...QMJL. .s~'t~ , '50 J_JL. (9 W N ~R...
hercinaf tc~r rc ferred to ns "0...ncl-II; lS/-U 61--1L) I'
rI .. .... At
the follO\\'inp, der.crihed real property situated, in the
County, Florida: 16-!) I ~~ ~ :'
M ~3).:~~ ~~L~
..,.. ')0'~
7 ~ ':
\~HERE^S, the O...'nel' 0\.,1115
City of Clearwater, Pinellas
HlIERE^S, Onlinance No. 1219 of the City requires tll.:1t all 13ncl that abots a public
right of \,'a)', \'lhic~h is to have neH construction on it, either for residcntiol,
~ormncrcial, indus trial or other purposes, "hall have sideHalb; cons true ted by the
Ol-lner on, across or adjacenc thereto; and
\mERE^S, the O.mer is ei.'cctin~ certain nCH constl"uction on s::lid property and
has requC'!;tcd the City at this time not to requirc the ilml1ediatc i.nstallati.on and
construc tion of sidc\'l::1lks in connec tioD therc\Vi th; and.
WllERE^S, the O.mer has agreed that if in the future the City, in i.ts sol(~ dis-:'
cretion, determines tllat it is advis3blc nnd necC'ssnry to have such sidewalks
installed, that the O..mer Hi 11, upon notificcl tion by the City, \l::1ve side,valles
immediately installed at his e):pense, nnd if he s\lould fail to do so, then the City
rn~y hClve said installatj,on JUade and impose a lien ag,ainst the dc',scribed real property
for the eost ~lercof;
NO\'!, T]]EftEFO}~t::, in c011sidcration of the for,egoing premises and other gooc12nd
valuable consideration be1:Hcen the pm:tics, recidpt of uhich is hereby ac1mo\llcc1gc:~d,
the parties hereto covenant and agree as follO\'Js:'
.,~oo of
~~ ,.-. ~
,.Q ;... t... on
.,'-8 ~
~~~~ '
z: .. ~ :;; 2. The City TIwy at any timc in the future notify the O;mer, his heirs, personal
f3;~, 0 ~cprcsentDtives, successors or; that the City in it.s sole discretion 11::15
~:<'., tdetermined tll<1t it is ac1visoblc and neccss~ll:y to \lave side\,'alks installed in
,; ."'J~onncc tion Hi th said ~lescribed reDl pJ:"oj)cr ty.
.~ ~i:.,
f. Thc
the clhove
City will not at this time
as part of thc erection of
described real property.
reC]tdTC the installation r.mc1 c'onstruction
the and improvements by the O,'ll1Cr
... .
''', .5 ~. 'll1e O,mer or his heirs, personal repn~scntDtiv(>s) successors or 3ssigns
,:: ,: d ~hal1 at his expense \....ithin ninety (90) days from the 'notification by the City have
,~,:_~ is 5.ide\.;'alks installed for said described re.:Jl propcrty in accordance \'lith City
.~ ~" .,.... .$pecific3tions and standards ns established.
~~ 0~, '
~'.'-; >, ,
~ ~...; ~
'f. If the O;-mer or his heirs, personal reprcse~tatives, successors or (lssi~ns
shall fail to ,have' sidc\'l.:Jl1~s installed for the describc.d rea.l property in ::Jcconlnnce
,.,ith City specifications ~lI1d sUmc!:l1~ds \'lithin ninety (90) d.:1)'s from the notifico.tion
by the City, then the City may h:1Ve the sidc.l.:11ks installed Dnd Llssess and impose a
licna~ainst t1.1ed(>scl~ibed rcal prope:::f.:yror1.:.bJ~,_r::.9-sJ oi':.J:hC\,'O.rr-L
5. This agreement is to' be re~ardcd ns a covenant r\lnnin~ \'lith the land,
regardless of v..hethcr it is specifically mentioned in .:lny ,deed~' or convey.:mccs
subscquently c;.;c'culed, and thi~; a.greci,';ent ~h::1J,1 be hinding on all parties, their
heirs) pCl~~oI1al l~(~I)rCt;c~t::ltive~, ~ucccs~6).~ or ~ls!;ign~.
6. All noticc!; pursu,1nt to tbis a~rcc'J1;cnt shall be furni::;hc'd to the rC'~;p('cti\'e
parti(~~ at the fo11o'.:/in[, .1ddresse~;) until r~ceipt of \olritten instructions notifying
the other par ty of a differell t nddrc: ss:
City: ~
Hr. Herrett R. Stierheim
City l'l:Jll.lf'.l'r
1'. O. Box 117/18
CJ.e:ln"ntc'r, Florida 33518
:~. ,
~ '~i'
"'1< CI~IJI'" tkMJIrT ~
0\110(;1': Jl..~ ~
3;S- ~iN~~~~~
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.'.. 5 3 2' PH '11
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o 1~ 003
i ')
.r ~
I ,
OJ,: 353!4 PACE,459
. ..
IN HITI~ESS HIIElU:OF, the pnrties hereto hnve caused ther;e presents to be
executed the day nnd year lnst above Hritten.
. . '.
>' AI ~". -"__ " '" r t
~:,q'i tY: }Jllnarrc r
.11 ,.
-~" ....
~._ n , tel, ~~OOI~/1
As to; \ I cr
I HEREBY CEl1.TIFY, that on this 3~day of ~_) A.D. 197L,
'before me personolly appeared l'lerrett R. St::i.crhe:i.m, Jlcr~Oi....n) R.G.hT1ntehcac
and n. ,Everett Hougen, respectively City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk and Hayor-
COimnissioner of the City of Clcor\....ater, a municj,pal cOJ~poration exi sting under the
Im....s of the State of Florida, to mc knmm to be the indivic1uals and officers described
in and ",ho executed tbe foregoing Agreement Cllld severally aclmO\v1.ec1gcc.l the execution
thereof to be their free ac t and deed as such c)fficcr,; tlw[cunto duly. allt]lOd.zcd; c,nd
that the offici31 seal of said municipal corporation is duly'p.ffi.xed thereto; and the
said agreement is the act .and deed of said C'orpornti.on.
WITNESS my signatl1re and official seal at ClearfHltcr in the County of Pincllas
an.d State of Florida) the day nnd ycar last above ,.;rri1:wn.
Notary Pu1)Hc
l-1y ConU11ission Expires:
Notary Public, Stiltl! of Ronda at large
'. My C;,m:::Lsri":1 E;(~;;,;s O=L 22, 1974
L_ct~d ~,. AJH~li'-'Gn rwe 6. \..asualfy l.:o~
Befor~ me personally appearcd
to me Hell l~no"'n and knO\m to 1:1C to be the inclivi.clu~l~ c1e:;cd.bcd in :lI1d Hllo C'xccl1ted
the foregoing <1(;l'C'cillcnt and ac:kno\-!ledged before mc tlwt they executed the SD.IlIC for
the P::::::: 1:,~e:::: :::"::::::'1 seal this ~ dat~~;":~ A. D. 1971
.... , " ~'~l.'..~~. " ..~ .,< -,
. . ...."j..,'-.:.. 'T..,.".'.. P
~_:~L. . t,-~. (~
'NQI~~l1;:Y j'{Jbl ic
Hye()lIlud:;doll Expircr.:
~'~rJt?('i ;_: r.";' ,', ~ r->i' '.-:~ 9'. I ",.:
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'J ~.: ;\...~ l;-L~__i...., ,.....l-' v~..)..