12/05/1955 (2)Rt, ?'ri"s !?',,,,s1??'€•i r`,..5` is i . .. '?. ?s `.'` 'r' 'ry rri; tk t ,sr ;:. r{j'iv1%t`..s?, ?.'"rt"'.?.?, ..,i„?"` ,. .i ="[' •'^????4t'r.<•s .Y,?utr 4^r,;F4 ?T,~?T °. r .?h• ss? J i y+r' it ?,t, .A?Lt'S ',?Yji ..i5. ` , , ?s' `' •%?'. i•,» ' t '.E.' ?.f?.J..>':•R ???:F?S# ?t ? i 9}i a :ir c 1 •? TS`r ` v j•'?r ' •f} a? sT° •\?1' X , "A310, `! ` rt r sr4: ?' ; 'j? r,' • ' t . fit..; •' , '-*j\:? Tr,??? 1 ,dm, z'' " ?.;; ??3.'''?l"'? ' ' •:i •S .It. r: -'"??t "i s. ?.`l•r, ,rs.',' >o?';+•.; k!'} i n E+`1"}q ?,;,.,rE. L,.t..t'i' ?i+' 'F. :')?„ .1;., t;tir.. ?e.F '••;?'' r?y r •L v-i? ..16 l???a '1.)i -1.'?i, .. M1•' 'C. 'S, }?'i ,/,+. 1• riir?,? Ii R ?•. LIk , "ts 1 ?i'r`?{4 y, i.w ?.f .(.i „y?.•? _ { ?.?i.,F3 ?. w;(?' .1?ar ?,. Sx. r.t> ,'%'? +.i? :'1,`. ~,? ,. .. .. , wZ'ii?,?. rr+? :1 ?},: ':L-y?+tf" ? •3 si ,k'?S ??\i.. .i?? r> ',l^e.F i. a's ,yw• ?tv,. +,s.vC-,11 5 ??.? . gS•.t. r s!?t a+; _4 . ..a:y. ..r • +? ] r.r.:Gi}x"??'v'.ir'R'fAS?' ,. ! #: [ ?,..i .+,?!- t?.e'' ^1"..,.r„!tY.ttitk:rtras,.?yVei+fr:rt.:.sl.s.a.u..,._.<.r.r..,...... «...?.e:t ....._.x?.5•.;t.' .:-t.•. .,....°..-...r,s..... ,,,..w =.S.a.:i.Ll?.......s_ .yw.z+' ,.T a ,s` 4:. ..(?3?' A r ,..? ? ?: ?:C;'?•'? ? 'i' `?: ? ?'? V.., ak'dM'sf+l't ;'? ?., .y?+".`?,, j'?.? :??,?' ? '??yl?M )F'f: it M`, ?. :.?'t4% ?f •J* . ..i .? '•E ?'.,vt'y?, `l? ,]Ia ? ??°'F4 y 1' ' i•r?ts , s ?R'?%I`r F. y f ?? ? ,'. .43 k +J ?`. -fi::.?, ' ? ''.slf TT 3: i°1' ?• ,? .,s1}'{1,ri ex,.'.tr ?.YAf.',}r(', ?};?',f"? I'. ! t ?, *,?. dal''` 1;3Q nf', yi 1.. 'C:y',', s, .1?``{' if"a••'?}.P1? yy?? i ,E, ' ? 4F i3? 1°. ,. ?:k+.ir Ct14Z? ?? •?f? V R E S 0 L U T I 0 N WHEREAS, Ross B Norton has recently retired from t; forty-one years of outstanding service to the Seaboard Air Line Railway Company, and WHEREAS, the said Ross B, Norton has for many years been ,,,;?=5•' ? r?,, .? ><3 ?; a citizen of the City of Clearwater, Pinellas County, Florida, and 't WHEREAS, the said Ross B. Norton has, through his unselfish -•`?4 r devotion and dedication to the civic welfare and improvement of the .vt ??. Fs?g,1y4•. $'s-.'.• City of Clearwater and its environs, distinguished himself and made ' outstanding contributions to the welfare of the inhabitants of the f? City of Clearwater, and WHEREAS, the said Ross B. Norton has rendered timely and k...4;? r°•°>, '"•:?'; t undaunted leadership in the acquisition of new facilities and im- ?r?y t ti :'Sx r'[+` `r''% w E ,f:E}•i'ti???:n`, k.,=;''` :.:;• :t'.":`"`'r` provements for the City of Clearwater and its inhabitants through- 7V _ Syr it"'"r'},}-?•?>''; - out his period of residence. NOVI, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of ' Mai k 'rTt"' r3 r.Jls••f sib: ?•??; :?, ji^t::;l ?r?'!? ',,..T-fir.,. . •e•L??.[:.:°•`'=; :'x•t.`?'G.:.'. r i4?.'" ??.,y,j?9???-, the City of Clearwater Florida in session duly and regularly 4'"'-Sj.' ::2'5,1"x`p.-;;x .'.•,::,?:;.:.. j;,, 1 / J ;}'?,•„{L ???$;a,r ?atr ?.'}? •"t,;;;p:..?d!:.?`+` r{' :.. ?'i „?'4i1.N,"ffkk'y? ?" assembled as follows: rkLi?° ;.r', .. 1r `r C,[r7w;:,ir?',! :. } '.. it. F"•?y.z? F That the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, i t °'; ,f=`?,>?,. ti°,;•. }'. >' for itself, for the persons participating in the government in the ??F•.i;..'' }y ?? Mfr? :a?,,.z r ? ,•i 4 , ....^; J?'??? ]Yt a ?" r$' r 'w ' %'? ,? ?•"r.'"." }la`i ril..\ ?:. ;', .: ••• fi?!Y•? t?.rY ?` ? :? <,•,??.:•y'r`?'"":?; ';?? City of Clearwater ?;°:,.;•?,.?y4 ?';. '??,; City of Clearwater, and for the citizens of the F extends official recognition and profound appreciation for the outstanding contributions which Rosa B. Norton has made to the " '.' t"' t3-:- ' 7" 'r ? ? .y.' r? sY City of Clearwater and for the inhabitants of the City of Clearwater e 1:• ?: •C i. 1 S C, ;?5;4' throughout his distinguished career as a citizen of the City of Clearwater. "$ "i?0 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of December, A. D. 1955• PROWN HERBERT MAYOR-.COr24I SIONER 4 `{ aiX S 1";M• al t . Mw._ N ??4a, • ATTE T: 0 1 lSc, 7 - 0 . # .? •' { CI AUDITOR AND CLERK ,... T, .. .?.. z r r.f y f. ,?_ i• ?,..:, r-.'. .??,?: .;..,?- .. 7 .+f?w.ror.'+.. ,. •??.;,,..?,. w ?^nriYfirbr;,t,?? C.?"'11F d; ?+"' {a??}' A i?! c? . cr ? +/r 9 r 1,, ,? '?1rsi'nS ?q r..[ .vy,!`. .?. ...., ,.• S ?`?"-?' tr?? t? r£?.+ ..,? ,' ,; f ?Y< '•'}-e ".. ??1 ;. 'l. • ,;•?? 4'C •:`b_'._?'' 4'"?J.i.,i?.y?t'.tjkQ•-tp'; h;•. *x'a.:`r.r.• ??S°N?f--«. p"'f'rf`•er+6•; ter, ,"LP. ;F .j.j,:.s.; vsi:' f ..r _..."4FS%.s ..?,.._r.. 1 -.4' ?.`'.....__ .. .. " _ _ ? !' ri . }!i•,"-,. ?^'4? w*ft ?'rr _ ., • !+'?'' ?s ?.- ,s l' Y'?y'_ _ ?w -.nth