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NYY????fLfi??'i?.?IYL..i1Y`_1..._.__ _.,rr...N,I:1N!I.K'Sri+N,.AM_,w..n.. a....e_?..?.:.'.??•.w._...., 4 " i' a q3r :[jy?.s,?,E?l.?. ?rri ?3}.I'3w?11`r?`•?,ki`.F?;r Ft,? - ? ; { syy..,,h'°°Frof lr. . o ?i. jf °ca r r„39{1 V 41, r'j IFS' •Y^)1?. 5(, i'•'.3,?-l.:l¢,' '9: :... ,'s.e... •.'rF:C><. f7S.:tr",tins;,?3??;p,?`i'?ryK•t?e;;`.?'3?.(•.°?:•--?" . v I?i(`.:se jai,{,t?•?.oi1.;", ?. ?s•gT,..l,,;;; ?°: i ,,? ..•;• 7; yt •, ?s^ e11 ?n ,F?f??t ?•?I:y :'Ir.: ?::+a'S: ? T„ .1 }.{l'?hr.'{'1lZi. S??)L.i ?;?? '-.?rC?iil-???r,i ?,V ?e`.. :?. RON, ?.?• '•+,? i.':'t•'`?{: ?`'f? J', hJl,`. r'K •y /iFC' •a?•`i-r. _: ?E: .::.?.'\'i .._ ?i4:i•4s?? y,r,::tom ?: :3'•?"H :'i?E%`1 i:f??? =, it I'll S011 U1110I4 WHEREAS, the Board of Public Instruction of Pinellas County, Florida, hrins title to the following described land: 'T'ile East fifty (50) feet of the NE} of the S11olf, of Section 13, Towribhip 29S, Range 15E, lying within fifty (50) feat of the center line of the extension of County road '#34, and has offered by Resolution to convey to the City of Clerar- water, Florida, the above described land For' right--of-way purposes, and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, has carefully considered the offer to convey, and t Psi Sb^ i$•? "s q l I', Eta `...4? 1' 4 WHEREAS, it is the feeling of the City Commission of the City of Clearwater that the construction and paving of Grand. Avenue, which is the land embraced in the above offer, ' will be primarily for the use and benefit of people and f. traffic using the school facilities of the contemplated new r County High School in Clearwater, and that said street is not ' necessary as a City street, and WHEREAS, the City Commission has previously gone ! on record requesting the Pinellas Board of County Corwrissioriers to pave Grand Avenue from Druid Road north to Sunset Point Road, and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City-of Clear- water deems it appropriate, advisable and to the beat interest of the City to decline acceptance of title to the above des- cribed land. NOW1 THEREFORII, BE IT RESOLVE) by the. City Cn nriis- sion of the City of Clearwater in session duly regularly assembled as follows: f.. 1. That the above described land be conveyed by the Board of Public Instruction to the County of Pinellas i d r:`41 :c?": 1, .. ? F?:'. .. ., ? . . .. .. , •5' .-, a ,,;..r ;. e,: s,a.. x. .f.,E?y• s:-. p .f, ?r?„a,', ?t.. ;. J„sue n; AV -F, 11 < 't=31 .:.Z?' .c: t S F. ?:y ? ?'?:`:'•, }? r .,e,, 7- -ri. 7•' ?h _ t• l".!,_ 'f4?• a'ir':'. "i:''7 r7. s:':+i? Y q ?k• j ?#, Y,z•, ,j'+! . Yat` - .c'i'G" '{`'' t , t. :y '..t ie.,-.'?4 ,s .H' <}. - ?.E'• .ry. ?y:??, ?tv' ":it4`e 'S Z ` i , x ? tt Fes- ,r 't ??' i?r'' r<i• s 1? -ilk VJt i '?" ??` ':''•?.4'C',L""SCE ':: " '/?',f[7 i1•f?? S. ? r15?4??y' l.,kp-.f F,•i. ,» Att;es e City udit and Jerk }}?'???`(M 'F'NS }'ti`t': r3l .f•4St''i' may'./?;;;?.? m• :?:?`==?'w•.s r?`"1 +•?., -.?'. ??rr :i; •"r '+?'. j?. ? '';;t•; ,5 r' '4 `" • :.. .. ,: : , . ', _ .hk " ., r ry. :,;.w>F'?., *} {, ' ,:'' "r? ti;?".+, -,' f t `,,?T?' i?• ;: y- ? , n s,? „ -?.? '"';i?. Ca :•-.?.•..a7. •k?:"='-?.'.:w-'.[:!'t ,'!?, ,/`, ?,..y .?2'°,?. `$'°:::i;?E.`?, Y;F_n??..:, f?F"ti P"' ,;,r.`l?l.?'`•/?• k '?S7 i•'?.J', ?' •„y• ?- w.1 ;i. p9.a. ', ?s'° ? ;:. `"5 .F'', ??'4'.'?' ?a,°•'Y?-`• c •r: i a? ?„ h.' 'ti.. '" ?`+: °'. ?:s:?''i?• S ?' ? ;yam[.. ? .i ;q.: : ?:,, `''! ,.:; ?? .,r; r.'. .,: +."F,,,.},.,.,??r,i ,x t'}?.y •z;i'?f, ,mss. 3e?:?1? : '"t rra • j?i .i` i, 'L!?'z'r='..,-•yr: t; +dti e?ta;„af..kr'?,r - .lks?-, '??p?k.,? •.`7."i:`-It 4;.tex. 'F;° ?a.' •.I?i .?+- .F,^.tis•<t:x': r•r'4ai'.w.:a ''t ?F.. .r k.,l, a r:, 't . A• ,1 P"f r,• .h •'?: .. ¢ ,.'h' 'e.,,.<a . "•'i?ri" ?.? % [ 2'?J• {j CA . ?•;: , Yd ,fj.. ??. ? .}: Y, fa `".a? k?{4P ?.i ,'f r .s,1.? •??? ?,. , 5 `K ?J .. ? 1.,. Yl. ? tg? 7! l"Ca' E.l p y ".f9: °¢: r.- '; :' 1`: a:i;l.;.9=, f b " A a: , ?zJ'.if i'7g c?:..if ,s? • !a ?r .-;;'e. ,,i5, .J?' ?L.i.''?;i?.?jl'.?a `:3=;.'bW ` 'F..3?5'.f..'?,?,?, }` ,SS1!? , r???15SrJt . r. r??'?k;.f. ` h ^1?' 4. ;sue' ?rtiJ!'3q ?• mo't`%;t§r ?;° ;. ?'' '''?"?:s+'. ``i^ r`f.,'4sa •? ?"?:'.. •r, "'ia3f, Sr`?t `¢ a?'?.y.•r•,•+. ?'.shi`t? ik•'F???' ? 'i5 µ r"s s nr;.4:;? t:i., J a is`f€ r.l t? ?' yi Y t' a _t?..Ya_ , ? :9r,,,€:`ri°„ "s9't ' ?.'?' ?' '-`?.._': ,,+' ?'.?„ .• ;. ,.r„?}{4r?+S K„', •1?,r.•y?;.C,??rin'?" ???3?d#{?i;??tC !s k•?rl '?R'd. ".?'?,.:':a?.°:"lrr: „av. :?, i"'z 'r: r,{{• ??r; a"F',ia,s!'1'?'s,. 0'x`:.1 ?.E3?:;;.i 1(i `s a '?. ?4.. .'i t, jis`, ?t- ::4:_ ,. ??eJ"f? i?:""x4C.? -v.7. f? ??'.?c:e. `,?s•':-•? >?:3?y ?,,tt: r,:. .?t, ? _'} ry a ., °,; ?, %q:' .'} ,t. ?}•!':;.;";` ,= i:;., e'F •t.; ?t r.Pt?t. ?r'k`i'F p1'r, !'t•,a, .+k+y +'?. .' , u?. ., ?...`"?-,.y, .,:. s :F°.? ?. •. J. ?'..?:S ?r34 ?;i: .<ti ?'. :. ?•.rt???,: t,.. ? yt 4 ?7?i+rru-. ,:-....,.,..<,.+..:..?. ,.a•.;,e w.?'.x. '.'.Sb?s7trds3s?? rl.+z..s?i:.c?.»:a.i':,.`.?...t.•ratl?.ira:.s1,ai+ri:.«?i?'?JI['•lF?? •, for, right-oC-'way purposes, and that the Country of Finel.xas acting by and through its Honorable County Commisn3onerh'exton Grand Avenue from Druid Road to Sunset Point . (toad, paving .sdme.., 2. That the City of Dunedin is hereby requested to.paso a R6solution similar to this Re'nolution directed to`1 the Board of County Commissioners requesting action on the ' extension and paving of Grand Avenue. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 15th day of June A. D. r 1953. .y .?f: ..f.,a': ,...f ` .xo •.{f{" .;}... .a. ?drr ey. 'i.l?",1 . ? 1 f iti ?S?~ S w.ry? { % e7- - 'El -tit