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Sv1ti.Ri.AS? included within ntid contiguous to the boundaries
of the City of Clearwater, Pine;>_:Laa County, Florida thorn mt-o Sub-
`?.' merged loads which the `iriaatecs or tha Interaal Improvement Fund
.' ,'.• 'a1
of the State of Florida own or to which thojl claim 1 itlp; and
r t•?, °'_':;, .°F 1:1r;JIU1.5 the ownorahip of and use to which the'su lands are
brut is of L-reat importance to tho City of Clearwater and all of its
citizens; and
EItLAS the City of Clearwater desires to have notice of
'.t.?•R_ ,':1?-, ii'
any pending or future appliention for. tttle to or-use of any of said
r• t E: b the Git Corrmission of the
IdU1r? TI.z'tZEFUpli BE IT by y
City of Clearwater, I'•lorldn in session duly and regularly assembled;
1. That the Trustees of the .internal Improvement Fund of
• '' t
7????;;: rf'': •_:.::':. i. the 5tatc: of Florida ae respectfully te?:ue:3teckto .ite written notice
'l t- "1 rid' of all
'.y to thn Clt7 Manager, City c+f C1?arirnt ,r., G acarwa 4r, s ai ,
pending and future au-11cations to purchase submerged land or other
s?= I
; ... ' lands coming under the control of said 'T`rustees lying within or con-
..' t igucus to the boundaries of the City of Clearwater, Florida at the
same: time, or prior to the time notir,e of such application is pub-
•: ` lishea as requirau by law.
2. That said Trustees are also respectfully requested to
4.` give suc?! written notice or all pending or future applications to puxr-
r? ^- chase sand or muck frca~s said . u ;Tievged areas,-and of all applicraticns
to them- for permission to (ireuge In suit: submerged aroas.
That. a certified copy of thin Rnsoluticn be furnished ;
the -gccretary of the Trustocs of the Internal l.nprrov4:nent Fund of
, .r.
' e State of F'lor!ara at Tnllahucecc, Florida.
PASSED k.L ALOP'_`ib thss 5th duZ of January, A.D.,19530
Att es '
0t;q,7:. or
•-1,w: `r S?'•?,.. ,ji,,',^`G'y'_•.9.90:.*"?. r:. t,tyr _ ','.•, '•t .. 1
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1 -?' ??°rf ??'?"r}``?'??+??i""'.?i''?,?,`?.s?'?`?Li3'???? ? r?.i'?ytF`,i.?;tlv'?;A'r'r k?'K'+t??• : aXd%r`'.?u?-.14N?'•p5"1??r . "y?i"'.+i}